CoinVoice has recently learned that, according to Tech Crunch, Telegram has released its first update for 2025, adding third-party supported account verification, NFT gift conversion, and the latest search filters. Accounts verified by third parties will display a unique badge, rather than the traditional blue checkmark, aimed at preventing scams, reducing misinformation, and enhancing the security of social platforms through decentralization.
Additionally, Telegram has launched a feature to convert gifts into NFTs with custom backgrounds and icons. Users can gift through Telegram Stars, which can be purchased through in-app purchases or by connecting a TON wallet, and NFTs can be traded on different platforms. To cover blockchain transaction fees, Telegram will charge a fee for upgrading gifts to NFTs.
The platform also provides creators with ways to monetize through cryptocurrency, which can be used for payments in games and applications. The update also includes emoji reaction features and new search filters, enhancing the user experience in private chats, group chats, and channels. [Original link]