Try a different flavor and check out NFT

The Ethereum mainnet NFT project BitmapPunks has completed its MINT, burning 1149 ETH, approximately 3.93 million USD.

Just now, the Ethereum mainnet token conversion project BitmapPunks @bitmappunksnft has finished, with a total of 2.1 million NFTs, and after minting the NFTs, airdrop tokens of the same name will occur.

This project features a super large total Mint + deflationary mechanism, where trading tokens will burn NFTs, meaning the number of NFTs will continuously decrease.

In the current boom of AI Agents, it's a "Renaissance" for the ancient gameplay of NFTs.

Looking at the data, the market cap of the tokens is currently about 8 million, with liquidity at 80K and a trading volume of 783K. For NFT data, magiceden shows a trading volume of about 16 ETH.

How should I put it, the market is not buying it; compared to AI Agents, it still has a wealth effect.