Latest, take a look!! How these four major cryptocurrencies beat the NASDAQ Composite Index in 2024

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The U.S. stock market has seen gains over the past year that exceed historical levels. As of Christmas Day, the NASDAQ Composite Index is up 33% year-to-date. However, several crypto assets have grown at a pace far outstripping most stocks.

Moreover, even in a year where many stocks' historical average annual returns have doubled or tripled, the annual returns of leading cryptocurrencies have surpassed 100%.

After years of operation, a landmark victory was achieved against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in U.S. courts, and two of them even became Wall Street ETFs. The risk of the cryptocurrencies on this list to investors is lower than ever.

This does not mean that buying these digital assets comes without risk, just as buying stocks like Apple or Amazon carries risk. However, well-educated investors must scratch their heads at the astonishing reports of rising prices of these currencies, questioning whether it is true that such times are gone for good.

They are currently in a bull market phase of years of boom and bust cycles. This means their exchange rate against the dollar has been rising for several months in a row and may continue to rise until all market demand is exhausted. Then, prices may pull back again for the remainder of this market cycle.

Four Major Cryptocurrencies that Beat Wall Street

Here are each of the assets, along with an explanation of how they outperformed the tech stock returns in the NASDAQ Composite Index this year. For reference, as of Thursday, December 26, the NASDAQ index rose 33%, which is a broad benchmark for U.S. tech stock performance.

Meanwhile, the four cryptocurrencies introduced here have also risen accordingly:

Bitcoin: 126% Ethereum: 49%

Solana: 75% Ripple: 247%

Historically, it has taken the NASDAQ up to ten years or even longer to see such gains return to its stock market capitalization. These crypto assets have achieved this in just one year, and this is certainly not the first time they have performed so well within a year.

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