Don't pursue perfection in trading; striving for perfection is a form of greed and even an extreme mindset.

Because of the pursuit of perfection, it becomes difficult to accept flaws, making it impossible to endure even very small pullbacks. Attempting to capture all fluctuations and not missing out on any market movements can lead to obsession, even with altcoins; your altcoins are simply too much for everyone else to understand.

You say that 100,000 for Bitcoin is too expensive; I think it's perfectly normal. Good things are always expensive. The woman you like must be beautiful. If you had a bit of the courage of a devoted admirer, holding onto Bitcoin for a few years without selling wouldn't leave you feeling so anxious.

Abandon the idea of getting rich quickly through altcoin contracts; getting rich is like gambling. With too much gambling mentality, it leads to high-frequency attention, resulting in excessive emotional fluctuations, making it impossible to patiently wait for returns.

In investing, you must have a high-level perspective to steadily walk through each step in the cycle, which also increases your chances of reaping more rewards. Do not lose sight of the fundamentals by seeking shortcuts and end up losing yourself.

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