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Pode ser que ela suba bastante. Mas é se não??? Você compra mais e espera. Aqui é
montanha Russa demoníaca. Tem que ter estômago e paciência
quando vender $USUAL alguém por favor me oriente comprei a 1,24$ vai subir até 2$?
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My last Post in 2024. ☆ It's been a very profit year for most of us. For som, keep it up. 2025 will be amazing for you. How do I know? I just Cause never a sacrifice is in Vain. ☆ What i do expect for 2025? An year full of challenges and conquests. Above all, lots of changes. How to prepare yourself? Listen to the Community and study the projects. Many won't worth it, but a few will. ☆ I promise I will do my best. Thank you very much for trusting in what i say. I'll study hard and help you see what most people don't see... the details.... from that you will make your own choices... ☆ Never forget to spend time with your family. That's the most important thing. You won't take anything with you to the grave unless you are some Pharaoh lol. ☆ You can always count on me. Till next year.
☆ $USUAL está fazendo flexão de braço. Desce até o chão depois sobe. Crescendo os músculos. Se você não vendeu não tem o que se preocupar. ☆ Te aguardo no topo.
A Honest Question, ☆ Which coin gained 700% of value after Launching in the first day and BINANCE funded with the very small amount of 10 Million dollars? ✅️ ☆ Is that easy to launch a coin in the BINANCE portfolio? And after that, is that easy to get FUNDED Million dollars from BINANCE? Either the analysts are crazy, or BINANCE loves to waste money on shyt. I really dont believe in it lol ✅️ ☆ Think a little bit. Is it a real shity coin? Is that gonna take forever for you to see your profits? ☆ If you think just about the price you aren't seeing the BIG PICTURE. 📸 ☆ MANY people here are like 🪰, flying all the healthy parts of the body, touching only on the sick and harmed ones. 🤕. So don't listen to them. They will pass. ☆ If you sell $USUAL I won't judge you. If you keep and hold you won't regret. How do I know? I've seen this movie hundred times in this Crazy Market. lol. ☆Luck and Prosperity. 🖖
$XRP 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
☆ $USUAL whitepaper. What does it mean? ☆ Means it is special and will be a very rare coin. ☆ You can bet it is gonna Skyrocket ☆ Follow for more
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