ETH Price Analysis
Brothers, ETH has been performing a bit weak recently! On December 16, it fell back from the resistance level of $4094, indicating that the bears are defending fiercely and giving no face to the bulls.
Currently, the price has fallen below and closed under the 20-day moving average, and this wave of bulls is clearly weak. It is now approaching the descending trend line, and strong support from the bulls is expected to appear here.
What's next? The key depends on the 20-day moving average ($3750). If the price cannot break through and rebound strongly, the short-term market may continue to fluctuate. If it successfully stands above $4094, there is hope to challenge the significant level of $4500!
To summarize: The short-term key is to keep an eye on the 20-day moving average; whether the rebound can sustain is crucial, and opportunities are always reserved for those who are patient!