Trading Opportunities: Wait or Seek?
1. Waiting is passive, seeking is active. Waiting for trading opportunities allows them to present themselves, and we merely wait passively; seeking trading opportunities means actively looking in the market.
2. Waiting is like casting a net to wait, seeking is like casting a net to catch. Therefore, waiting relies on 'objective' market analysis, using whatever net to catch whatever fish; seeking depends on 'subjective' market observation, seeing what fish is there and casting the appropriate net.
3. Waiting leads to few trades, seeking leads to many. When waiting for trading opportunities, if they don’t appear, it’s quiet, hence few occurrences; seeking means frequently casting nets, leading to more trades.
4. Waiting is more precise, seeking is somewhat blind. Waiting is 'no hare means no eagle', seeking is 'any movement in the grass means striking', precision differs, but waiting easily misses opportunities.
Both have their similarities and differences, and traders must choose their method based on having a 'net'.