PEPEFA🔺Trump Frog🔺

📈 Historical market value reached 10 million dollars, with a peak increase of over 60,000 times, the price will soon break ATH, all data will break ATH

📢 Current price: 0.046 $

📢 Opening price: 0.000003 $

📢 Opening time: December 11, 2024

📢 Current circulating market value: 2.32 million $

📢 Number of holders: 12,995 people

📢 Liquidity pool 'CRYPTO' quantity: 149,400 pieces

📢 Initial pool: 20,000 CRYPTO injected into the black hole

📢 PEPEFA has burned: 34,000 pieces, and will continue to burn continuously

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🌐 QQ group: 1016268935