From the high point of 108400 yesterday to the current low point of 103100, it has dropped 5300 points in a straight line.
It looks terrifying, has the bull market ended? But considering the recent trend, a pullback of over 5000 points really isn't much.
There will definitely be a rebound below 104000, and it's highly likely that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates early Thursday morning. There's no need to panic about the drop before the rate cut.
Either the European and American markets will rebound, or there will be a rebound after the rate cut is finalized; in short, just be bold and go long below 104000.
Anyway, I will continue to hold the longs at this position, and if it continues to fall, I will add to my position. The target is initially set at 106000-107000.
The target for the long at 3820 remains unchanged at 3900!