CoinVoice 最新获悉,国际资本市场协会(ICMA)发布了一份基于 DLT 的数字债务参考指南。该文件是 ICMA 的 DLT 债券工作组的成果,该工作组由 Union Investment 的 Christoph Hock 担任主席。

“Token economy, especially DLT-based bonds, has become increasingly important in recent months,” Hock mentioned, referring to the recent wholesale DLT settlement experiment conducted by the European Central Bank in central bank money, which has helped increase activity. He continued, “Currently, we see the entire value chain being highly fragmented, and we look forward to strengthening collaboration and standardization, which will play a key role in further building the tokenized world. With its DLT bond reference guide, ICMA and all parties involved have taken a significant step in this direction.”

作为一家资产管理公司,Union Investment 一直是数字债券领域最活跃的投资者之一,从 2021 年 4 月欧洲投资银行(EIB)发行首只债券开始。EIB 现已发行了六只数字债券,其中包括 11 月作为 ECB DLT 结算试验的一部分发行的两只。[原文链接]