【Silicon Valley tycoons are eager to join Musk's DOGE department, Musk: This job has many enemies and zero compensation】
According to AI Frontline reports, recently, Musk has officially taken on the role of co-director of the newly established government efficiency department DOGE (named after the cryptocurrency). Currently, a large number of tech executives are lining up to apply to join the government efficiency department led by Musk. Some tech leaders privately express that they find the opportunity to join the government extremely attractive and are even willing to resign from their jobs for it. However, some tech professionals are reluctant to take full-time positions to avoid being forced to divest assets or leave their companies. Many tech executives have recommended candidates to Musk, hoping to work in the government efficiency department led by Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy.
#puppies Coin: New force on the Ethereum chain MEME
#Marvin7055 This coin is backed by Musk's Mars Dog concept, with extraordinary potential and should not be underestimated. #Marvin #比特币打破感恩节魔咒 $BTC