A guerra não se expandirá. Olhando para trás, para a guerra Rússia-Ucrânia:

- Em 2013, a Ucrânia assinou um acordo com a Universidade Dongda para desenvolver 300 hectares de terra.

- Zelensky chegou ao poder em 2019. Ucrânia assina lei fundiária 2020 permitindo que estrangeiros comprem terras

- A principal exigência da Rússia é que a Ucrânia não adira à NATO. A Rússia já invadiu a Crimeia e suportou a Guerra do Baixo, que durou 8 anos. Em Dezembro de 2021, a Rússia reuniu tropas na fronteira e emitiu um ultimato à NATO, exigindo que a NATO não continuasse a expandir-se para leste. Isto foi rejeitado pelos Estados Unidos e pela NATO. A Rússia invadiu a Ucrânia em fevereiro de 2022

- In 2022, it was reported that a U.S. consortium led by three major grain traders already held over 28% of Ukraine's arable land. Additionally, much of the U.S. aid to Ukraine is in the form of loans, and it is estimated that the collateral is also land.

The question arises, is NATO ready to fight a nuclear war with Russia? Clearly not. Otherwise, they wouldn't be preparing for negotiations now. If there was no intention to engage in nuclear war from the beginning, then why push Russia into the conflict?

If you set aside all the noise and focus only on the strategic resource of 'Ukrainian land', it seems that the East originally wanted to expand here, but was interrupted by the Russia-Ukraine war. Currently, Russia is forcefully taking a portion through military actions, while the United States has acquired some through purchases. Since the objective has been achieved, why risk nuclear war with Russia to continue fighting?

In short, I do not recommend thinking of the United States and NATO as fools.