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$CVP Não tem fundo no próximo milhão de acessos, pode cair de 0,09 até de manhã, tem que ter cuidado
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$LUMIA what burn? we lost money we are burn can you say this 😔
$LUMIA any coin in binance not drop this for this scam comming we for binance i finish my accont on binance not trust
$LUMIA telefonu açmakla coine girmem arasında bile düşüyor binance böyle scam projelerle bizi yoluyor
$LUMIA ıs this scame what make binance we
Statement from the TON Community Following the recent news related to the Telegram’s founder Pavel Durov, we want to assure everyone that the TON community remains strong and fully operational. As a community committed to freedom of speech and decentralization, we stand firmly by Pavel during this challenging time. Pavel has been a dedicated advocate for these values, and we believe his efforts to promote an open and decentralized internet will continue to inspire millions. The TON community remains focused on our mission, and we will continue our work to uphold these principles globally. We encourage everyone to stay calm, united, and to keep building as we navigate this situation together. Thank you for your continued support. TON Community
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