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贝莱德的全球配置基金大幅增持其旗下比特币ETF IBIT贝莱德的全球配置基金是一款投资产品,它投资于美国以及海外市场的股票、债券、货币市场证券等短期证券。这个基金的投资组合不是固定不变的,也会定期发生变化。 根据贝莱德提交给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的文件显示,截至10月31日,共持有430,770股IBIT股票。另据 X 用户MacroScope所表述,这一持股数量较7月31日的198,874股增长了117%。 此外,与第一季度相比,IBIT的持股数量增加了超过10倍,当时仅为43,000股。尽管 IBIT 对比特币产品的投资翻倍,然而这些股份仅占全球配置基金 165 亿美元总规模的 0.1%。 贝莱德目前持有的比特币现货ETF的股票IBIT价值超过1700万美元,而作为历史上推出的35只最大规模基金之一的贝莱德,其公司配置的基金衍生品也遍布全球。 IBIT:比特币现货ETF领域的佼佼者 ETF Store的首席执行官Nate Geraci最近提到,在众多基金中,IBIT以其资产管理规模位列35个最大ETF之一,这是一个值得瞩目的成就。他指出,IBIT的表现甚至超越了一些老牌ETF,如iShares MSCI EAFE ETF、iShares 20+年期国债ETF和Vanguard Total World Stock ETF,这样的成绩在不到一年的时间内达成,确实令人惊叹。 据 Farside Investors 提供的数据,也进一步证实了IBIT的强劲势头。自推出以来,IBIT在短短一年不到的时间里就累积了超过372亿美元的资金净流入,这一数字是排名第二的ETF(富达的比特币ETF FBTC)所累积资金的三倍多,后者为120亿美元。 IBIT的影响力不仅限于此,它还成为美国现货比特币ETF市场354亿美元流入的主要驱动力。据ETF追踪机构 heyapollo 的数据,IBIT 目前管理的资产达到了527,284 BTC,按照比特币当前的价格计算,价值已超过500亿美元。 IBIT的成功不仅体现在资金流入上,它还在美国交易的BTC投资工具中发挥着关键作用,助力其总管理资产超越了黄金ETF。这一成就标志着IBIT在ETF领域的重要地位,以及它在推动加密货币投资主流化方面的影响力。 结语: 贝莱德全球配置基金大幅增持比特币现货 ETF IBIT,既体现了该基金对加密货币领域的信心,也反映出 IBIT 在比特币现货 ETF 市场的领导地位。同时,IBIT 凭借资金流入和资产管理规模,有望成为推动加密货币投资进入主流市场的关键力量。 IBIT 作为美国交易的 BTC 投资基金其总资产管理规模不仅超越了黄金 ETF,也在 ETF 领域占据重要地位。由此可见,IBIT 在塑造未来加密货币市场格局方面将发挥更大的影响力,值得市场参与者和投资者高度关注。 #贝莱德 #比特币ETF #IBIT #机构投资

贝莱德的全球配置基金大幅增持其旗下比特币ETF IBIT

根据贝莱德提交给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的文件显示,截至10月31日,共持有430,770股IBIT股票。另据 X 用户MacroScope所表述,这一持股数量较7月31日的198,874股增长了117%。

此外,与第一季度相比,IBIT的持股数量增加了超过10倍,当时仅为43,000股。尽管 IBIT 对比特币产品的投资翻倍,然而这些股份仅占全球配置基金 165 亿美元总规模的 0.1%。

ETF Store的首席执行官Nate Geraci最近提到,在众多基金中,IBIT以其资产管理规模位列35个最大ETF之一,这是一个值得瞩目的成就。他指出,IBIT的表现甚至超越了一些老牌ETF,如iShares MSCI EAFE ETF、iShares 20+年期国债ETF和Vanguard Total World Stock ETF,这样的成绩在不到一年的时间内达成,确实令人惊叹。

据 Farside Investors 提供的数据,也进一步证实了IBIT的强劲势头。自推出以来,IBIT在短短一年不到的时间里就累积了超过372亿美元的资金净流入,这一数字是排名第二的ETF(富达的比特币ETF FBTC)所累积资金的三倍多,后者为120亿美元。

IBIT的影响力不仅限于此,它还成为美国现货比特币ETF市场354亿美元流入的主要驱动力。据ETF追踪机构 heyapollo 的数据,IBIT 目前管理的资产达到了527,284 BTC,按照比特币当前的价格计算,价值已超过500亿美元。

贝莱德全球配置基金大幅增持比特币现货 ETF IBIT,既体现了该基金对加密货币领域的信心,也反映出 IBIT 在比特币现货 ETF 市场的领导地位。同时,IBIT 凭借资金流入和资产管理规模,有望成为推动加密货币投资进入主流市场的关键力量。
IBIT 作为美国交易的 BTC 投资基金其总资产管理规模不仅超越了黄金 ETF,也在 ETF 领域占据重要地位。由此可见,IBIT 在塑造未来加密货币市场格局方面将发挥更大的影响力,值得市场参与者和投资者高度关注。
#贝莱德 #比特币ETF #IBIT #机构投资
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"O IBIT da BlackRock está iluminando o pré-mercado, sinalizando um passo ousado em direção à adoção do Bitcoin pelo público em geral!" O iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT) da BlackRock vê uma atividade significativa de negociação no pré-mercado Desenvolvimentos empolgantes no mercado de criptomoedas! O iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT) da BlackRock está fazendo ondas com um aumento na atividade de negociação no pré-mercado, sinalizando um interesse maior dos investidores. Como um dos maiores gestores de ativos entrando no mercado de Bitcoin, o IBIT da BlackRock está pronto para promover investimentos em criptomoedas no público em geral. Esse aumento destaca a crescente confiança no Bitcoin como uma classe de ativos viável, especialmente porque os investidores institucionais continuam a adotar a moeda digital. Fique ligado para mais atualizações conforme o mercado evolui! 📈 Você está otimista com o Bitcoin? Compartilhe suas ideias! #bitcoin #BlackRock⁩ #Crypto #BİNANCE #IBIT
"O IBIT da BlackRock está iluminando o pré-mercado, sinalizando um passo ousado em direção à adoção do Bitcoin pelo público em geral!"

O iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT) da BlackRock vê uma atividade significativa de negociação no pré-mercado

Desenvolvimentos empolgantes no mercado de criptomoedas! O iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT) da BlackRock está fazendo ondas com um aumento na atividade de negociação no pré-mercado, sinalizando um interesse maior dos investidores. Como um dos maiores gestores de ativos entrando no mercado de Bitcoin, o IBIT da BlackRock está pronto para promover investimentos em criptomoedas no público em geral.

Esse aumento destaca a crescente confiança no Bitcoin como uma classe de ativos viável, especialmente porque os investidores institucionais continuam a adotar a moeda digital. Fique ligado para mais atualizações conforme o mercado evolui!

📈 Você está otimista com o Bitcoin? Compartilhe suas ideias!

#bitcoin #BlackRock⁩ #Crypto #BİNANCE #IBIT
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12月24日,比特币现货ETF资金总共流出 R$3.38亿。 贝莱德集团旗下 #IBIT 资金流出达到R$1.89亿。 大家都过圣诞节去了~~
12月24日,比特币现货ETF资金总共流出 R$3.38亿。
贝莱德集团旗下 #IBIT 资金流出达到R$1.89亿。
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Lista de desenvolvimentos importantes durante a noite de 24 de dezembro 21h00-7h00Palavras-chave: #USUAL , #ibit , #MicroStrategy , #XAI 1. A Usual concluiu US$ 10 milhões em financiamento da Série A; 2. O IRS disse em uma ação judicial que as promessas de criptografia deveriam ser tributadas; 3. BlackRock IBIT depositou 828 BTC na Coinbase há 1 hora; 4. xAI: a16z e BlackRock participaram do financiamento de US$ 6 bilhões da empresa; 5. A MicroStrategy adquiriu 5.262 BTC por aproximadamente US$ 561 milhões; 6. CEO da Robinhood: A empresa discutiu a construção interna de uma reserva de Bitcoin; 7. A MicroStrategy vendeu 1,3178 milhão de ações na semana passada, deixando ações no valor de US$ 7,08 bilhões disponíveis para emissão e venda.
Lista de desenvolvimentos importantes durante a noite de 24 de dezembro

21h00-7h00Palavras-chave: #USUAL , #ibit , #MicroStrategy , #XAI

1. A Usual concluiu US$ 10 milhões em financiamento da Série A;
2. O IRS disse em uma ação judicial que as promessas de criptografia deveriam ser tributadas;
3. BlackRock IBIT depositou 828 BTC na Coinbase há 1 hora;
4. xAI: a16z e BlackRock participaram do financiamento de US$ 6 bilhões da empresa;
5. A MicroStrategy adquiriu 5.262 BTC por aproximadamente US$ 561 milhões;
6. CEO da Robinhood: A empresa discutiu a construção interna de uma reserva de Bitcoin;
7. A MicroStrategy vendeu 1,3178 milhão de ações na semana passada, deixando ações no valor de US$ 7,08 bilhões disponíveis para emissão e venda.
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#ibit ainda é o principal no mercado, e é a ponte de circulação entre #美股 #mercado de ações e #mercado de moedas
#ibit ainda é o principal no mercado, e é a ponte de circulação entre #美股 #mercado de ações e #mercado de moedas
Binance News
BlackRock's IBIT pre-market trading volume reaches $52 million
According to ChainCatcher, monitored by Trader T, BlackRock's IBIT pre-market trading volume reached $52 million today, with 44% being active buy orders and 38% being active sell orders.
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BTC-ETF 数据显示: 12月18日,BTC-ETF资金继续流入,流入资金总额为 $2.72亿。 其中贝莱德公司旗下的 iShares Bitcoin Trust 的 #IBIT 资金依然流入最大,达到$3.57亿。 其余ETF机构资金在流出,短期获利资金开始流走。
BTC-ETF 数据显示:
12月18日,BTC-ETF资金继续流入,流入资金总额为 $2.72亿。
其中贝莱德公司旗下的 iShares Bitcoin Trust 的 #IBIT 资金依然流入最大,达到$3.57亿。
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Olá a todos, Está tudo bem. Posso ver alguns comentários desmotivando os detentores de posições longas. Por favor, não dêem ouvidos a essas informações nos comentários de nossas postagens. Lembre-se de que, se houver alguma mudança no mercado, fornecerei atualizações no momento correto. Portanto, não se preocupem e entrem em pânico. Estou aqui para ajudar a todos. O BTC já está mantendo um #BullishMomentum muito forte, então por que precisamos nos preocupar? O preço do BTC também está aumentando gradualmente. Após 1 hora, $BTC #ETF a negociação estará aberta. Portanto, pode-se esperar alta volatilidade. Suponha que alguém manipule o mercado de BTC enquanto negocia no Momentum de Alta; eles definitivamente perderão seus ativos. Portanto, não acredite em nenhum movimento falso contra o momentum do mercado. Se eu receber alguma confirmação, compartilharei com todos. #BTC atualmente negociando a 43400 acima Obrigado pelo seu apoio e amor ❤️. Autor: @KingofBTC2024 (Para todos) BXT #ibit
Olá a todos,

Está tudo bem. Posso ver alguns comentários desmotivando os detentores de posições longas. Por favor, não dêem ouvidos a essas informações nos comentários de nossas postagens. Lembre-se de que, se houver alguma mudança no mercado, fornecerei atualizações no momento correto. Portanto, não se preocupem e entrem em pânico. Estou aqui para ajudar a todos.

O BTC já está mantendo um #BullishMomentum muito forte, então por que precisamos nos preocupar? O preço do BTC também está aumentando gradualmente. Após 1 hora, $BTC #ETF a negociação estará aberta. Portanto, pode-se esperar alta volatilidade. Suponha que alguém manipule o mercado de BTC enquanto negocia no Momentum de Alta; eles definitivamente perderão seus ativos. Portanto, não acredite em nenhum movimento falso contra o momentum do mercado. Se eu receber alguma confirmação, compartilharei com todos.

#BTC atualmente negociando a 43400 acima

Obrigado pelo seu apoio e amor ❤️.

Autor: @KingofBTC2024 (Para todos) BXT

Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu
$BTC 15m Última atualização do gráfico:

👉 Hoje de manhã, eu estava esperando pela confirmação, mas já havia recebido a confirmação para o Momentum de Alta em 42515. No entanto, não verifiquei corretamente. Então esperei pela próxima confirmação para o Momentum de Alta, e agora ela chegou.

👉 De acordo com o gráfico de 15m, o BTC está enfrentando um forte momentum de alta, então o BTC subirá em breve acima de 43860-44300. Todos podem abrir uma posição longa agora. De acordo com o gráfico de 15m, o BTC atualmente tem resistência em 43185 e um nível de suporte em 42235. Então, o BTC quebrará o nível de resistência e levará a um aumento acima de 44000.

👉 Por favor, negocie com fundos suficientes e não faça nenhuma negociação de alto risco. Sempre mantenha seu preço de liquidação na faixa de preço de US$ 3000.

#BTC está sendo negociado atualmente a 43030.

Obrigado pelo seu apoio e amor ❤️.

Autor: @KingofBTC2024 (Para todos) BXT

#ibit #BullishMomentum
Good morning Everyone, 👉 In the last update, I mentioned that BTC entered bearish momentum on the 1H chart, but it has since changed the market momentum. 👉 As per the 1H chart, BTC is now in Bullish Momentum. We can expect BTC to rise above 40950-41350. Feel free to open long positions and set your profit targets based on our expected target. 👉 According to the 15m chart, BTC is currently facing resistance at 40346, and the support level is yet to be identified, but it will be created. In the 15m chart, BTC is also trading in bullish momentum, indicating a potential rise soon. 👉 Please trade with sufficient funds and manage risks properly. Always set your liquidation price with a 3000$ price range to avoid liquidating your position. 👉 Over the last two days, the market has been challenging with low volatility and frequent changes in momentum, requiring continuous adaptation. BTC is currently trading at 40150. Thanks for your support and love ❤️. Author : @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT #BTC #BullishMomentum #ibit
Good morning Everyone,

👉 In the last update, I mentioned that BTC entered bearish momentum on the 1H chart, but it has since changed the market momentum.

👉 As per the 1H chart, BTC is now in Bullish Momentum. We can expect BTC to rise above 40950-41350. Feel free to open long positions and set your profit targets based on our expected target.

👉 According to the 15m chart, BTC is currently facing resistance at 40346, and the support level is yet to be identified, but it will be created. In the 15m chart, BTC is also trading in bullish momentum, indicating a potential rise soon.

👉 Please trade with sufficient funds and manage risks properly. Always set your liquidation price with a 3000$ price range to avoid liquidating your position.

👉 Over the last two days, the market has been challenging with low volatility and frequent changes in momentum, requiring continuous adaptation.

BTC is currently trading at 40150.

Thanks for your support and love ❤️.

Author : @Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu (For All) BXT

#BTC #BullishMomentum #ibit
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Atualização de quebra do nível de resistência do gráfico de $ BTC 15 milhões: 👉 Na última atualização, mencionei que o BTC entrou em um momento de alta, indicando uma alta futura. Agora, começou a subir. 👉 De acordo com o gráfico de 15m, o BTC enfrenta resistência em 43443 e tem suporte em 42355. Ele quebrou com sucesso o nível de resistência, abrindo caminho para o BTC subir para 44370-44800 após esse rompimento. Todos, por favor, continuem mantendo suas posições longas. 👉 Fornecerei atualizações caso haja alguma mudança no mercado. Todos podem definir seu nível de lucro usando nossa meta esperada. Por favor, mantenha seu preço de liquidação dentro da faixa de US$ 3.000. #BTC está sendo negociado atualmente a 43500. Obrigado pelo seu apoio e amor ❤️. Autor: @KingofBTC2024 (para todos) BXT #ibit #BullishMomentum
Atualização de quebra do nível de resistência do gráfico de $ BTC 15 milhões:

👉 Na última atualização, mencionei que o BTC entrou em um momento de alta, indicando uma alta futura. Agora, começou a subir.

👉 De acordo com o gráfico de 15m, o BTC enfrenta resistência em 43443 e tem suporte em 42355. Ele quebrou com sucesso o nível de resistência, abrindo caminho para o BTC subir para 44370-44800 após esse rompimento. Todos, por favor, continuem mantendo suas posições longas.

👉 Fornecerei atualizações caso haja alguma mudança no mercado. Todos podem definir seu nível de lucro usando nossa meta esperada. Por favor, mantenha seu preço de liquidação dentro da faixa de US$ 3.000.

#BTC está sendo negociado atualmente a 43500.

Obrigado pelo seu apoio e amor ❤️.

Autor: @KingofBTC2024 (para todos) BXT

#ibit #BullishMomentum
Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu
Última atualização do gráfico de $ BTC 15 milhões:

👉 De acordo com o gráfico de 15m, o BTC entrou em um momento de alta. Portanto, todos podem abrir uma posição longa ao preço atual de mercado. Após inúmeras dificuldades, o BTC entrou em um momento de alta, sugerindo um aumento potencial de mais de 2%.

👉 BTC pode subir acima de 44070-44500. No gráfico de 15m, o BTC atualmente enfrenta resistência em 43.443 e tem um nível de suporte em 42.355. Espera-se que essa resistência expire e uma nova surgirá em breve.

👉 Negocie com fundos suficientes e sempre mantenha seu preço de liquidação dentro da faixa de US$ 3.000. Utilize esta oportunidade para maximizar os lucros. Fornecerei atualizações se houver alguma mudança no mercado.

BTC está sendo negociado atualmente em 43200

Obrigado pelo seu apoio e amor ❤️.

Autor: @KingofBTC2024 (para todos) BXT

#ibit #BullishMomentum
$BTC 15m chart Latest Update: 👉 In this morning's post, I mentioned that BTC would drop below 42000 while trading at 43000. However, it has now dropped to a maximum of 42555. In the morning, I also noted that BTC would either break the old support level of 41906 or create a new support level. It has successfully established a new support level at 42616. 👉 This new support level has now been broken, indicating a potential drop below 41750-41350 due to this breakout. Hold your short position and set up your profit level using our expected target. BTC is currently trading at 42600. Thanks for your support and love ❤️. Author : @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT #BTC #ibit #bearishmomentum #TradeNTell
$BTC 15m chart Latest Update:

👉 In this morning's post, I mentioned that BTC would drop below 42000 while trading at 43000. However, it has now dropped to a maximum of 42555. In the morning, I also noted that BTC would either break the old support level of 41906 or create a new support level. It has successfully established a new support level at 42616.

👉 This new support level has now been broken, indicating a potential drop below 41750-41350 due to this breakout. Hold your short position and set up your profit level using our expected target.

BTC is currently trading at 42600.

Thanks for your support and love ❤️.

Author : @Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu (For All) BXT

#BTC #ibit #bearishmomentum #TradeNTell
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Eu já esperava #ibit (iShare Bitcoin). Agora caiu 3% acima 😂. Acho que dentro de alguns minutos o BTC quebrará o nível de suporte 41906. Vamos ver o que vai acontecer. A expectativa (42150) é esperada, #BTC max caiu 42050. Obrigado pelo seu apoio e amor ❤️. Autor: @KingofBTC2024 (para todos) BX #bearishmomentum
Eu já esperava #ibit (iShare Bitcoin).

Agora caiu 3% acima 😂.

Acho que dentro de alguns minutos o BTC quebrará o nível de suporte 41906. Vamos ver o que vai acontecer.

A expectativa (42150) é esperada, #BTC max caiu 42050.

Obrigado pelo seu apoio e amor ❤️.

Autor: @Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu (para todos) BX

Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu
Atualização mais recente do gráfico BTC 15m:

👉 De acordo com o gráfico de 15m, atualmente enfrenta resistência em 43205 e suporte em 41906. Agora, o BTC não pode quebrar o nível de resistência, então os vendedores assumirão o controle do mercado e ele cairá em breve – talvez uma queda de 1-2%. Portanto, a qualquer momento o BTC cairá abaixo de 42.150. Não mantenha sua posição comprada.

👉 Todos podem abrir uma posição curta com fundos suficientes. Suponha que o BTC rompa o nível de resistência; Fornecerei atualizações para que, nesse momento, todos possam abrir uma posição comprada.

O BTC está sendo negociado atualmente a 43.000.

Obrigado pelo seu apoio e amor ❤️.

Autor: @Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu (para todos) BXT

#BTC #ibit #bearishmomentum
Hello everyone, Don't believe any fake pumps. After Wall Street trading opens, somebody manipulates the market. Currently, BTC ETF is already listed on a US Exchange. Bitcoin's market always faces high volatility after the opening of trading on Wall Street. They manipulate and take profits, then leave the market. So, my suggestion is not to believe any fake movements against the market momentum. In the coming days, the BTC market will be affected by the US stock market. As per IST timeframe, BTC will not face high volatility from 2:30 AM - 8:00 PM. In this timeframe, BTC and all the markets face high volatility, so nowadays, BTC will act in abnormal conditions. Always trade with enough funds and proper risk. The US SEC played the game well and approved the BTC ETF. So more members will face losses when opening trading on Wall Street. Everyone can watch the BTC movements, sudden raises, and dumps. I always suggest following TA; don't enter into emotion when useless whales manipulate the market. About BTC: BTC currently faces a fake pump, so hold your short position until our expected target or until you receive the bullish update. Thanks for your support and love ❤️. Author : @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT #BTC #ibit #bearishmomentum #TradeNTell
Hello everyone,

Don't believe any fake pumps. After Wall Street trading opens, somebody manipulates the market. Currently, BTC ETF is already listed on a US Exchange. Bitcoin's market always faces high volatility after the opening of trading on Wall Street. They manipulate and take profits, then leave the market.

So, my suggestion is not to believe any fake movements against the market momentum. In the coming days, the BTC market will be affected by the US stock market. As per IST timeframe, BTC will not face high volatility from 2:30 AM - 8:00 PM. In this timeframe, BTC and all the markets face high volatility, so nowadays, BTC will act in abnormal conditions. Always trade with enough funds and proper risk.

The US SEC played the game well and approved the BTC ETF. So more members will face losses when opening trading on Wall Street. Everyone can watch the BTC movements, sudden raises, and dumps.

I always suggest following TA; don't enter into emotion when useless whales manipulate the market.

About BTC:

BTC currently faces a fake pump, so hold your short position until our expected target or until you receive the bullish update.

Thanks for your support and love ❤️.

Author : @Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu (For All) BXT

#BTC #ibit #bearishmomentum #TradeNTell
Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu
$BTC 15m chart Latest Update:

👉 In this morning's post, I mentioned that BTC would drop below 42000 while trading at 43000. However, it has now dropped to a maximum of 42555. In the morning, I also noted that BTC would either break the old support level of 41906 or create a new support level. It has successfully established a new support level at 42616.

👉 This new support level has now been broken, indicating a potential drop below 41750-41350 due to this breakout. Hold your short position and set up your profit level using our expected target.

BTC is currently trading at 42600.

Thanks for your support and love ❤️.

Author : @Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu (For All) BXT

#BTC #ibit #bearishmomentum #TradeNTell
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Última atualização do BTC: Atualmente, não consigo analisar no gráfico de 5m e 15m, então escolhi o gráfico de 45m para os próximos movimentos. De acordo com o gráfico de 45m, o BTC tem um nível de suporte em 44.720, e também quebrou há apenas 5 minutos. Então, o BTC possivelmente atingirá 43.650-43.450 dentro de 2-4 horas se essa volatilidade continuar. Posso observar algum alto momentum de pressão de venda, então uma queda repentina pode acontecer para atingir nossa meta esperada ou ficar abaixo de 43k. Negocie com fundos suficientes e por sua conta e risco. Se houver alguma alteração, fornecerei atualizações. Estou ativo pelas próximas 3 horas; depois disso, vou dormir. O BTC está sendo negociado atualmente a 44.550. Obrigado pelo seu apoio e amor ❤️. Autor: @KingofBTC2024 (Para todos) BXT #BTC #ibit #bearishmomentum
Última atualização do BTC:

Atualmente, não consigo analisar no gráfico de 5m e 15m, então escolhi o gráfico de 45m para os próximos movimentos. De acordo com o gráfico de 45m, o BTC tem um nível de suporte em 44.720, e também quebrou há apenas 5 minutos.

Então, o BTC possivelmente atingirá 43.650-43.450 dentro de 2-4 horas se essa volatilidade continuar. Posso observar algum alto momentum de pressão de venda, então uma queda repentina pode acontecer para atingir nossa meta esperada ou ficar abaixo de 43k. Negocie com fundos suficientes e por sua conta e risco.

Se houver alguma alteração, fornecerei atualizações. Estou ativo pelas próximas 3 horas; depois disso, vou dormir.

O BTC está sendo negociado atualmente a 44.550.

Obrigado pelo seu apoio e amor ❤️.

Autor: @Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu (Para todos) BXT

#BTC #ibit #bearishmomentum
Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu
BTC 15m Chart Support Level Breakout Update:

👉 A few minutes ago, I provided a BTC 5m & 15m chart update. Now, the BTC 15m chart support level at 46,111 has successfully broken. Therefore, BTC will be ready to drop below 45,000-44,520. Everyone can set up profit levels using our expected target.

👉 Please trade with enough funds and avoid any types of losses and liquidation.

BTC currently trading at 46,000

Thanks for your support and love ❤️.

Author : @Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu (For All) BXT

#BTC #bearishmomentum
BTC 15m chart Latest Update: 👉 As per the 15-minute chart, BTC faces resistance at 43333 and a support level at 41906. I can see now BTC can't break this resistance, so we can expect BTC falling below 42350-42000. Everyone can open a short position. 👉 Nowadays, BTC can't break the resistance strongly, so only a little bit of raising and more drops happen. I think today will break the old support level or create a new support level. Let's see the upcoming market movements. 👉 I have already shared 5m chart analysis, which has support level breakouts, and the 15m chart can't break the new resistance level, so BTC may fall more anytime. BTC is currently trading at 43000. Thanks for your support and love ❤️. Author : @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT #BTC #ibit #bearishmomentum
BTC 15m chart Latest Update:

👉 As per the 15-minute chart, BTC faces resistance at 43333 and a support level at 41906. I can see now BTC can't break this resistance, so we can expect BTC falling below 42350-42000. Everyone can open a short position.

👉 Nowadays, BTC can't break the resistance strongly, so only a little bit of raising and more drops happen. I think today will break the old support level or create a new support level. Let's see the upcoming market movements.

👉 I have already shared 5m chart analysis, which has support level breakouts, and the 15m chart can't break the new resistance level, so BTC may fall more anytime.

BTC is currently trading at 43000.

Thanks for your support and love ❤️.

Author : @Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu (For All) BXT

#BTC #ibit #bearishmomentum
Hello everyone 👉 Our last update currently gained 2% above . I hope everyone recovered previous update losses . Everyone can hold your long position until get bearish update . $BTC trying to enter bearish momentum but more rejection happen in today morning to now . 👉 I think #BTC will surpass 47,000 before BTC ETF trading open . Let's see , if any changes in market i will provide updates . 👉 If our information is useful to everyone, you can show your support by giving likes to this post and sending tips of at least $1 or more. With more support, everyone will receive more accurate analysis. BTC ETF Pre Session Trade : +2.92% Thanks for your support and love ❤️. Author : @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT #ibit #BullishMomentum
Hello everyone

👉 Our last update currently gained 2% above . I hope everyone recovered previous update losses . Everyone can hold your long position until get bearish update . $BTC trying to enter bearish momentum but more rejection happen in today morning to now .

👉 I think #BTC will surpass 47,000 before BTC ETF trading open . Let's see , if any changes in market i will provide updates .

👉 If our information is useful to everyone, you can show your support by giving likes to this post and sending tips of at least $1 or more. With more support, everyone will receive more accurate analysis.

BTC ETF Pre Session Trade : +2.92%

Thanks for your support and love ❤️.

Author : @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT

#ibit #BullishMomentum
Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu
Good morning Everyone

$BTC 15m Chart Latest Update:

👉 Yesterday, some manipulation happened, resulting in a 1.4% loss in the last update information. Let's assess the current market sentiment.

👉 As per the 15m chart, BTC entered a bullish momentum, so everyone can open a long position now with enough funds. BTC has strong growing potential, as I already mentioned in the 8H chart analysis. BTC is possibly rising above 46600-47100.

👉 Everyone, please trade with enough funds and avoid taking any high-risk trades. Always keep your liquidation price within the $3000 price range. If there are any changes in the market, I will share them with everyone.

#BTC is currently trading at 45700

Thanks for your support and love ❤️.

Author: @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT

#ibit #BullishMomentum
$BTC 15m Chart Latest Update: 👉 In the last update, I said #BTC would be raising soon due to entering bullish momentum. Unfortunately, it dropped and entered bearish momentum again in the 15m chart, so everyone, close your long position and open a short position. 👉 Now, there are high possibilities to break the support level 40376. So, everyone, open and hold your short position until you get the bullish update. The expected target will be provided after the support level is broken. 👉 Don't worry about little losses. Always trade with enough funds and proper risk. BTC is currently trading at 40600 Thanks for your support and love ❤️. Author : @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT #ibit #bearishmomentum #TradeNTell
$BTC 15m Chart Latest Update:

👉 In the last update, I said #BTC would be raising soon due to entering bullish momentum. Unfortunately, it dropped and entered bearish momentum again in the 15m chart, so everyone, close your long position and open a short position.

👉 Now, there are high possibilities to break the support level 40376. So, everyone, open and hold your short position until you get the bullish update. The expected target will be provided after the support level is broken.

👉 Don't worry about little losses. Always trade with enough funds and proper risk.

BTC is currently trading at 40600

Thanks for your support and love ❤️.

Author : @Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu (For All) BXT

#ibit #bearishmomentum #TradeNTell
Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu
$BTC Latest Update:

👉 We provided a bearish update, and I suggested opening a short position at 41700-41850. Our bearish update had a maximum drop to 40353, gaining a maximum of 3.2%. Now, let's see the current market sentiment.

👉 As per the 15m chart, #BTC faced a support level at 40376, and the resistance level is unidentified, but it will create soon, maybe before tomorrow morning. In the last 2 hours, BTC entered Bullish Momentum and raised until 41253.

👉 As per the 1H chart, BTC entered Bullish Momentum just now. So, BTC will be ready to raise by 1-2%.

👉 BTC 15m & 1H chart has the same support level at 40376, and it can't break, so only BTC has raised. BTC will raise soon to around 41400-41800. Because within 30 minutes, BTC ETF trading will open, and it already faced 15m & 1H chart support level that can't break. Also, both time frames entered Bullish Momentum. So, we have enough confirmation for BTC's Bullish sign.

👉 So, everyone, close and take profit now. Then open a Long position at the current market price. Please maintain your liquidation price with a 2000-3000$ price range. If there are any changes in the market, I will provide the information. Always follow the latest information.

BTC is currently trading at 40950.

Thanks for your support and love ❤️.

Author : @Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu (For All) BXT

#ibit #BullishMomentum #TradeNTell
$BTC 15m Momentum Update: 👉 In the last update, I mentioned BTC had entered Bullish Momentum, but now it has changed to Bearish momentum again. So, everyone, close your long positions and open short positions. 👉 BTC 15m chart resistance at 40166 can't break and can't touch, so BTC will drop soon. Expect a 1-2% drop, reaching 39550-39150. Trade with enough funds, please. 👉 #BTC 15m chart frequently changes the market momentum, so trade at your own risk. If anybody is confused or feels this is not suitable, feel free to unfollow and leave. Thanks for your support and love ❤️. Author: @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT #ibit #bearishmomentum
$BTC 15m Momentum Update:

👉 In the last update, I mentioned BTC had entered Bullish Momentum, but now it has changed to Bearish momentum again. So, everyone, close your long positions and open short positions.

👉 BTC 15m chart resistance at 40166 can't break and can't touch, so BTC will drop soon. Expect a 1-2% drop, reaching 39550-39150. Trade with enough funds, please.

👉 #BTC 15m chart frequently changes the market momentum, so trade at your own risk. If anybody is confused or feels this is not suitable, feel free to unfollow and leave.

Thanks for your support and love ❤️.

Author: @Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu (For All) BXT

#ibit #bearishmomentum
$BTC 15m Chart Latest Update: 👉 In the last update, BTC entered bearish momentum, so we provided a bearish update while BTC was trading at 43020 and expected the drop, but BTC couldn't drop below 42702. Then, BTC has raised. Why couldn't it drop more? Because Saturday and Sunday are holidays, so BTC doesn't have much volume. Let's see the current market sentiment. 👉 As per the 15m chart, BTC has entered bullish momentum now. So, BTC will rise above 43950. BTC currently faces resistance at 43430 and a support level at 42720. 👉 Always trade with enough funds and don't take any high-risk trades. Please keep your liquidation price at the $3000 price range. If there are any changes in the market, I will provide updates. BTC does not have high volume and volatility; maybe it will come within 1-3 hours. #BTC is currently trading at 42950. Thanks for your support and love ❤️. Author: @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT #ibit #BullishMomentum
$BTC 15m Chart Latest Update:

👉 In the last update, BTC entered bearish momentum, so we provided a bearish update while BTC was trading at 43020 and expected the drop, but BTC couldn't drop below 42702. Then, BTC has raised. Why couldn't it drop more? Because Saturday and Sunday are holidays, so BTC doesn't have much volume. Let's see the current market sentiment.

👉 As per the 15m chart, BTC has entered bullish momentum now. So, BTC will rise above 43950. BTC currently faces resistance at 43430 and a support level at 42720.

👉 Always trade with enough funds and don't take any high-risk trades. Please keep your liquidation price at the $3000 price range. If there are any changes in the market, I will provide updates.

BTC does not have high volume and volatility; maybe it will come within 1-3 hours.

#BTC is currently trading at 42950.

Thanks for your support and love ❤️.

Author: @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT

#ibit #BullishMomentum
Good morning Everyone Market condition is good nothing changes happen . So everyone hold your long position until our expecting target or until get bearish update . Today i have someone important work so i will not stay in my home for next 8 hours . But don't worry If any changes in Market i will provide the updates . If any situation i am facing i will never stop my work for you . So don't worry about the market . Thanks for your support and love ❤️ . Author: @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT $BTC #ibit #BullishMomentum
Good morning Everyone

Market condition is good nothing changes happen . So everyone hold your long position until our expecting target or until get bearish update . Today i have someone important work so i will not stay in my home for next 8 hours . But don't worry If any changes in Market i will provide the updates . If any situation i am facing i will never stop my work for you . So don't worry about the market .

Thanks for your support and love ❤️ .

Author: @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT

$BTC #ibit #BullishMomentum
Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu
$BTC 15m Chart Latest Update:

👉 In the last update, BTC entered bearish momentum, and it faced a slight drop, gaining 1.5% and max dropping to 42756. Now, the market momentum has changed. Let's see the current market sentiment.

👉 As per the 15m chart, BTC entered bullish momentum, so everyone needs to close short positions and open long positions with the current market price. BTC is now ready to rise above 43950-44400 at any time; if the market has high volatility, it will reach.

👉 As per the 15-minute chart, BTC currently has resistance at 43430. But this resistance will expire soon and create a new resistance level.

👉 If there are any changes in the market, I will provide updates. So everyone needs to keep their liquidation price at the $3000 price range.

#BTC is currently trading at 43100.

Thanks for your support and love ❤️.

Author: @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT

#ibit #BullishMomentum
BTC 15m Chart momentum update : 👉 $BTC has entered a bullish momentum on the 15m chart. Therefore, BTC is expected to rise soon. Everyone should consider opening long positions with sufficient funds and proper risk management. #BTC possible to reach 42600-43000. 👉 #BTC is currently facing resistance at 42140 and has a support level at 41455. Since BTC is currently trading in bullish trends, it's possible that this resistance will expire, and a new one will be created. BTC is currently trading at 42200. Thanks for your support and love ❤️. Author : @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT #ibit #BullishMomentum
BTC 15m Chart momentum update :

👉 $BTC has entered a bullish momentum on the 15m chart. Therefore, BTC is expected to rise soon. Everyone should consider opening long positions with sufficient funds and proper risk management. #BTC possible to reach 42600-43000.

👉 #BTC is currently facing resistance at 42140 and has a support level at 41455. Since BTC is currently trading in bullish trends, it's possible that this resistance will expire, and a new one will be created.

BTC is currently trading at 42200.

Thanks for your support and love ❤️.

Author : @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT

#ibit #BullishMomentum