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i am回本哥
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币圈回本之路在币圈做了快一年了,我的账号浮亏达到了15000u... 目前只做现货,不碰合约了,之前亏得钱都是合约亏的,如果现货做不好,也别谈合约了。 还剩2200u,从今天开始做个记录吧,以下发言纯粹韭菜发言,写给自己看看,大家图一乐就好。 一.先谈谈对目前市场的看法 1.币圈目前处于牛市中期,目前仍处于调整期,在后期还会有一波上涨 2.从恐贪指数来看,市场目前虽然狂热程度不及12月初,但仍处于贪婪周期。现阶段在美联储放鹰之后,市场还未达到恐慌的状态,牛市初期的筹码洗盘还不彻底,仍需继续洗盘



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#比特币市场波动观 比特币在跌至92000拉起反弹之后,最高反弹至99500然后重新开启跌势,昨晚最低跌倒了94000附近,目前看来BTC走势还是很弱的,之前预估的不会走二次探底的,目前看来还是会再次走出一个探针来,看看预测的对不对吧比特币在跌至92000拉起反弹之后,最高反弹至99500然后重新开启跌势,昨晚最低跌倒了94000附近,目前看来BTC走势还是很弱的,之前预估的不会走二次探底的,目前看来还是会再次走出一个探针来,看看预测的对不对吧$BTC
#比特币市场波动观 比特币在跌至92000拉起反弹之后,最高反弹至99500然后重新开启跌势,昨晚最低跌倒了94000附近,目前看来BTC走势还是很弱的,之前预估的不会走二次探底的,目前看来还是会再次走出一个探针来,看看预测的对不对吧比特币在跌至92000拉起反弹之后,最高反弹至99500然后重新开启跌势,昨晚最低跌倒了94000附近,目前看来BTC走势还是很弱的,之前预估的不会走二次探底的,目前看来还是会再次走出一个探针来,看看预测的对不对吧$BTC
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#比特币市场波动观 如果你是第一次经历牛市,这几点特别重要: 1. 牛市里的每次大跌,都是上车的机会,尤其是过年这段时间的回调就是千载难逢的机会,正是加仓的好时机,不要被眼前的波动吓破了胆,如果胆都没有了那你就彻底完蛋了! 2. 不要频繁换仓,换仓就要踏空,尤其是你手里的币还没爆发时候,耐心持有就行! 3. 不要把所有钱都梭哈一个标上,要分散投资! 4. 及时锁定一部分利润,剩下的继续留着涨,等暴跌后再加仓,抓住低位机会! - 牛市行情致胜秘籍: 说到这里为什么老九要一直强调,半仓长线半仓短线,现在是不是就充分起到了至胜关键,长线死拿,任何情况下发起攻击,都能把握牛市赚钱效应,半仓短线见好就收,应对突如其来的回调,猛的一波抄底吃完反弹就走,疯牛启动长线标在手,疯狂暴富!回调行情半仓资金随时干他娘希匹的! 这是一条长牛慢牛,涨多回少的牛! 牛市也是熬出来的,并不是一帆风顺! 坚定不移的拿住手中的优质标,长线才能赚大钱! 短线大师注定只能让你赚到眼前的三瓜两枣! 整个牛市长期收益注定与你无缘擦肩而过!$BTC
#比特币市场波动观 如果你是第一次经历牛市,这几点特别重要:
1. 牛市里的每次大跌,都是上车的机会,尤其是过年这段时间的回调就是千载难逢的机会,正是加仓的好时机,不要被眼前的波动吓破了胆,如果胆都没有了那你就彻底完蛋了!
2. 不要频繁换仓,换仓就要踏空,尤其是你手里的币还没爆发时候,耐心持有就行!
3. 不要把所有钱都梭哈一个标上,要分散投资!
4. 及时锁定一部分利润,剩下的继续留着涨,等暴跌后再加仓,抓住低位机会!
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Is it going to drop?#比特币市场波动观 This round of the Bitcoin bull market originates from Trump's election, especially at the previous high point of $70,000, which was also when Trump's election situation became clear, and Bitcoin began to soar all the way, eventually breaking through $100,000. First, during the entire Trump campaign process, especially in the month following his successful election, there were continuous rumors about Bitcoin being included in the U.S. strategic management assets and even the balance sheet: At the Bitcoin2024 conference held in July 2024, Trump clearly promised in his speech to 'never sell' the Bitcoin held by the government and future acquisitions, insisting on the concept of a 'strategic Bitcoin reserve'; on December 16, Bitcoin set a new historical high record of over $107,000. Amidst the continual rise in Bitcoin prices, Trump reiterated the plan to establish a strategic Bitcoin reserve for the U.S.

Is it going to drop?


This round of the Bitcoin bull market originates from Trump's election, especially at the previous high point of $70,000, which was also when Trump's election situation became clear, and Bitcoin began to soar all the way, eventually breaking through $100,000. First, during the entire Trump campaign process, especially in the month following his successful election, there were continuous rumors about Bitcoin being included in the U.S. strategic management assets and even the balance sheet: At the Bitcoin2024 conference held in July 2024, Trump clearly promised in his speech to 'never sell' the Bitcoin held by the government and future acquisitions, insisting on the concept of a 'strategic Bitcoin reserve'; on December 16, Bitcoin set a new historical high record of over $107,000. Amidst the continual rise in Bitcoin prices, Trump reiterated the plan to establish a strategic Bitcoin reserve for the U.S.
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#比特币市场波动观 $BTC 下探仍然在继续。 昨天的下探点位在93700附近, 今天已经跌落至93500, 与$BTC 不同的是,$ETH 仅跌落至3280(昨日下探点位为3212) 若是BTC与EHT同频跌落至昨日下探点位,BTC可能跌落至91000附近。 BNB凭借新的空投,可能并不会有较大的震荡。 欧盟方面将在12月30日禁用usdt,可能就是这个原因加上新的空投,FDUSD最大涨幅竟有2.4%。后续在欧盟区域,FDUSD的地位可能会有一个阶段性地提升,取代并超越现在usdt的地位也不是没可能。 最后,这里有一个隐私区块链的空投,单独的存在于一个网页,完成推特账号关注和邀请人员打开网页即可薅羊毛。加入这里: {spot}(FDUSDUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT) .
$BTC 下探仍然在继续。
$BTC 不同的是,$ETH 仅跌落至3280(昨日下探点位为3212)

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#比特币市场波动观 O Bitcoin tem oscilado entre 94 milhões e 96 milhões de dólares hoje. Quanto tempo levará para ultrapassar a marca de 100 mil dólares? Teremos que esperar até que Trump assuma o cargo? A alta e baixa do Bitcoin estão relacionadas ao sentimento do mercado. As compras e vendas de capital também têm impacto. Embora haja uma correção agora, devido à iminente posse de Trump, e com Trump e Musk apoiando o Bitcoin, acredito que em breve vamos ultrapassar a barreira dos 100 mil. O projeto meme conceito do Musk, #Marvin, é o único cachorro ao lado de Musk que não está na Binance, e seu futuro é promissor.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#币安Alpha公布第5批项目 #圣诞行情分析 #marvin马斯克最爱的狗狗
O Bitcoin tem oscilado entre 94 milhões e 96 milhões de dólares hoje. Quanto tempo levará para ultrapassar a marca de 100 mil dólares? Teremos que esperar até que Trump assuma o cargo? A alta e baixa do Bitcoin estão relacionadas ao sentimento do mercado. As compras e vendas de capital também têm impacto. Embora haja uma correção agora, devido à iminente posse de Trump, e com Trump e Musk apoiando o Bitcoin, acredito que em breve vamos ultrapassar a barreira dos 100 mil.
O projeto meme conceito do Musk, #Marvin, é o único cachorro ao lado de Musk que não está na Binance, e seu futuro é promissor.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#币安Alpha公布第5批项目 #圣诞行情分析 #marvin马斯克最爱的狗狗
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#比特币市场波动观 The big cake goes up and down, making it hard to fathom. According to the daily chart, it has not shown any signs of reversal yet. In the coming days, Western countries will have holidays, and the funds are only trending outwards. The pullback will last at least until early next year. For friends who are entering the spot market, the price of the currency is still far from the right time to get in. As for contracts, the bears are stronger than the bulls. If you want to do ultra-short contracts, you can short at 97400, but make sure to set a stop-loss. Wishing everyone a prosperous opening of positions!
The big cake goes up and down, making it hard to fathom. According to the daily chart, it has not shown any signs of reversal yet. In the coming days, Western countries will have holidays, and the funds are only trending outwards. The pullback will last at least until early next year. For friends who are entering the spot market, the price of the currency is still far from the right time to get in. As for contracts, the bears are stronger than the bulls. If you want to do ultra-short contracts, you can short at 97400, but make sure to set a stop-loss. Wishing everyone a prosperous opening of positions!
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#比特币市场波动观 Weekly level Bitcoin bearish trend down to the 95000 line, currently the market is fluctuating and rebounding, overall strength is not strong, weekly resistance level at 97000-98000 line, continuing to go down may lead to the risk of breaking the 90000 mark, conversely, 100000 may still come. Ethereum's downward trend is relatively strong, having dropped a thousand points in a week, currently fluctuating and rebounding, with the weekly resistance level at 3450 line, continuing down to look at the 3000 line; At the daily level, Bitcoin continues to decline with consecutive bearish candles. The previously mentioned bullish-bearish dividing line at 96000 line is now seen to have been broken. According to the principle of top-bottom conversion, 96000 can now become a resistance level, with support below at 92000-90000 line. Similarly, for Ethereum, the previously mentioned bullish-bearish dividing line at 3350 line is also seen to have been broken, which can now become a resistance level, with support below at 3200-3000 line; Looking at the 4-hour level, Bitcoin currently has resistance above at 96000-97000, and support below at 95000-94000. Ethereum currently has resistance above at 3350-3380, and support below at 3250-3220. Overall, the market's oversold rebound strength is not strong, and further downward movements are expected after horizontal consolidation, with the operation focused on short positions mainly, and long positions as a supplement; Operational strategy: Mainly short positions! Short Bitcoin at 96500-97000, target at 96000-94000, loss above 98000; Short Ethereum at 3350-3380, target at 3300-3200, loss above 3430;
Weekly level Bitcoin bearish trend down to the 95000 line, currently the market is fluctuating and rebounding, overall strength is not strong, weekly resistance level at 97000-98000 line, continuing to go down may lead to the risk of breaking the 90000 mark, conversely, 100000 may still come. Ethereum's downward trend is relatively strong, having dropped a thousand points in a week, currently fluctuating and rebounding, with the weekly resistance level at 3450 line, continuing down to look at the 3000 line;

At the daily level, Bitcoin continues to decline with consecutive bearish candles. The previously mentioned bullish-bearish dividing line at 96000 line is now seen to have been broken. According to the principle of top-bottom conversion, 96000 can now become a resistance level, with support below at 92000-90000 line. Similarly, for Ethereum, the previously mentioned bullish-bearish dividing line at 3350 line is also seen to have been broken, which can now become a resistance level, with support below at 3200-3000 line;

Looking at the 4-hour level, Bitcoin currently has resistance above at 96000-97000, and support below at 95000-94000. Ethereum currently has resistance above at 3350-3380, and support below at 3250-3220. Overall, the market's oversold rebound strength is not strong, and further downward movements are expected after horizontal consolidation, with the operation focused on short positions mainly, and long positions as a supplement;

Operational strategy: Mainly short positions!

Short Bitcoin at 96500-97000, target at 96000-94000, loss above 98000;

Short Ethereum at 3350-3380, target at 3300-3200, loss above 3430;
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#比特币市场波动观 Bitcoin fell to 92000, then rebounded to a maximum of 99500 before starting to decline again. Last night it dropped to around 94000. Currently, BTC's trend still appears weak. Previously, it was estimated that there wouldn't be a second bottom, but it seems likely that another probe will emerge to see if the prediction is correct.
#比特币市场波动观 Bitcoin fell to 92000, then rebounded to a maximum of 99500 before starting to decline again. Last night it dropped to around 94000. Currently, BTC's trend still appears weak. Previously, it was estimated that there wouldn't be a second bottom, but it seems likely that another probe will emerge to see if the prediction is correct.
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#比特币市场波动观 #圣诞行情分析 Bitcoin diária nível grande Bitcoin continua a cair em tendência de baixa, a linha de separação entre compradores e vendedores em 96000 foi aparentemente rompida, de acordo com a regra de conversão de topos e fundos, 96000 pode se transformar em nível de resistência, o suporte abaixo está na faixa de 92000-90000; no caso do Ethereum, conforme mencionado anteriormente, a linha de separação entre compradores e vendedores em 3350 também foi aparentemente rompida, podendo se transformar em nível de resistência, com suporte abaixo na faixa de 3200-3000; Observando o gráfico de 4 horas, a pressão acima do Bitcoin está em 96000-97000, com suporte abaixo em 95000-94000; para o Ethereum, a pressão acima está em 3350-3380, com suporte abaixo em 3250-3220. No geral, o mercado está em uma leve recuperação após uma queda acentuada, espera-se que haja mais movimentos de queda após uma consolidação lateral, a operação deve focar em vendas a descoberto, com algumas compras em baixa; Estratégia de operação: foco em vendas a descoberto! Venda a descoberto em Bitcoin entre 96500-97000, alvo 96000-94000, stop acima de 98000; Venda a descoberto em Ethereum entre 3350-3380, alvo 3300-3200, stop acima de 3430; $BTC $ETH $SOL #


Bitcoin diária nível grande Bitcoin continua a cair em tendência de baixa, a linha de separação entre compradores e vendedores em 96000 foi aparentemente rompida, de acordo com a regra de conversão de topos e fundos, 96000 pode se transformar em nível de resistência, o suporte abaixo está na faixa de 92000-90000; no caso do Ethereum, conforme mencionado anteriormente, a linha de separação entre compradores e vendedores em 3350 também foi aparentemente rompida, podendo se transformar em nível de resistência, com suporte abaixo na faixa de 3200-3000;
Observando o gráfico de 4 horas, a pressão acima do Bitcoin está em 96000-97000, com suporte abaixo em 95000-94000; para o Ethereum, a pressão acima está em 3350-3380, com suporte abaixo em 3250-3220. No geral, o mercado está em uma leve recuperação após uma queda acentuada, espera-se que haja mais movimentos de queda após uma consolidação lateral, a operação deve focar em vendas a descoberto, com algumas compras em baixa;
Estratégia de operação: foco em vendas a descoberto!
Venda a descoberto em Bitcoin entre 96500-97000, alvo 96000-94000, stop acima de 98000;
Venda a descoberto em Ethereum entre 3350-3380, alvo 3300-3200, stop acima de 3430; $BTC $ETH $SOL #
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#比特币市场波动观 Ainda acredito que haverá um período de mercado no primeiro semestre do próximo ano, essa avaliação é baseada em alguns pontos, 1⃣️ Políticas e regulamentos favoráveis às criptomoedas durante o período de mandato de Trump; 2⃣️ Empresas americanas, lideradas pela MicroStrategy, continuam comprando Bitcoin como reserva de ativos da empresa (claro que também há o BSR, que é o maior benefício, mas como acredito que a discussão pode demorar, talvez não possa ser aprovado rapidamente); 3⃣️ A possível redução da taxa de juros pelo Federal Reserve pode aumentar a liquidez do mercado.

Ainda acredito que haverá um período de mercado no primeiro semestre do próximo ano, essa avaliação é baseada em alguns pontos,
1⃣️ Políticas e regulamentos favoráveis às criptomoedas durante o período de mandato de Trump;
2⃣️ Empresas americanas, lideradas pela MicroStrategy, continuam comprando Bitcoin como reserva de ativos da empresa (claro que também há o BSR, que é o maior benefício, mas como acredito que a discussão pode demorar, talvez não possa ser aprovado rapidamente);
3⃣️ A possível redução da taxa de juros pelo Federal Reserve pode aumentar a liquidez do mercado.
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#比特币市场波动观 近期,比特币价格在92,000美元至99,000美元之间波动。 分析师建议在价格接近99,000美元时考虑分批做空,目标位设在92,000美元附近。  然而,高杠杆操作风险较大,投资者应谨慎行事。 市场可能在90,000美元至99,000美元之间震荡一段时间, 只有突破100,000美元后,才可能开启新的上涨趋势。  因此,短期内比特币价格可能继续在上述区间内波动。
#比特币市场波动观 近期,比特币价格在92,000美元至99,000美元之间波动。

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#比特币市场波动观 Yesterday was another decline adjustment, currently $BTC is fluctuating around 95000 to 96000, but from the current trend, the probability of a downward movement is higher, and it may pull back to yesterday's low point, which is the short-term support level of 93500. Since the spike to 92200 caused a large amount of long positions to be liquidated some time ago, $BTC failed to break through 100000, possibly because the weight of the position is too heavy, and the retail investors' chips have not been thoroughly washed out, so there is still a high probability of another downward spike. Today, it is necessary to control long positions or open short positions for hedging. It is very likely to drop to around 93600.

Yesterday was another decline adjustment, currently $BTC is fluctuating around 95000 to 96000, but from the current trend, the probability of a downward movement is higher, and it may pull back to yesterday's low point, which is the short-term support level of 93500.
Since the spike to 92200 caused a large amount of long positions to be liquidated some time ago, $BTC failed to break through 100000, possibly because the weight of the position is too heavy, and the retail investors' chips have not been thoroughly washed out, so there is still a high probability of another downward spike.
Today, it is necessary to control long positions or open short positions for hedging. It is very likely to drop to around 93600.
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#比特币市场波动观 Bitwise: Bitcoin pode cair ainda mais nas próximas semanas Odaily星球日报消息,Bitwise欧洲研究总监安德烈·德拉戈什表示,他几个月以来一直看好比特币,但上周比特币下跌8%后,他警告称比特币可能在未来几周进一步下降。 安德烈说:“宏观形势是美联储陷入了两难境地。自9月以来已经连续三次降息,但金融环境仍在收紧。与此同时,根据美国truflation的通胀指数,消费品价格的实时指标在过去几个月加速上升至新高。因此,我们可能会在未来几周看到更多的痛苦,但考虑到BTC。” 比特币-0.88% TRUF-3.21%
#比特币市场波动观 Bitwise: Bitcoin pode cair ainda mais nas próximas semanas
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#比特币市场波动观 Em 19 de dezembro, horário de Pequim, durante a coletiva de imprensa após a reunião de política monetária, o presidente do Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, afirmou de forma contundente: "Não somos permitidos a possuir Bitcoin." + Esta declaração foi como um pesado golpe, instantaneamente destruindo os sonhos dos entusiastas de criptomoedas. Powell explicou ainda que a Lei da Reserva Federal especifica claramente os tipos de ativos que o Federal Reserve pode deter, e o Bitcoin não está entre eles. Além disso, "o Federal Reserve está cortando a taxa de juros em 25 pontos base, e pode cortar apenas duas vezes no próximo ano", isso significa que a liquidez do dólar no mercado ficará abaixo do esperado, independentemente de ser Bitcoin ou ouro, o suporte para a alta dos preços será, sem dúvida, a moeda, o que certamente fará o mercado de criptomoedas despencar. É muito provável que nesta rodada o Bitcoin retorne a 80 mil dólares, eu ainda mantenho minha filosofia de investimento, continuando a comprar USDT em contas de depósito à vista, e na hora certa, comprar o spot de novas moedas, afinal, independentemente de Trump assumir ou Musk fazer suas jogadas, o espaço para a especulação em criptomoedas ainda existe. $BTC

Em 19 de dezembro, horário de Pequim, durante a coletiva de imprensa após a reunião de política monetária, o presidente do Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, afirmou de forma contundente: "Não somos permitidos a possuir Bitcoin." + Esta declaração foi como um pesado golpe, instantaneamente destruindo os sonhos dos entusiastas de criptomoedas. Powell explicou ainda que a Lei da Reserva Federal especifica claramente os tipos de ativos que o Federal Reserve pode deter, e o Bitcoin não está entre eles. Além disso, "o Federal Reserve está cortando a taxa de juros em 25 pontos base, e pode cortar apenas duas vezes no próximo ano", isso significa que a liquidez do dólar no mercado ficará abaixo do esperado, independentemente de ser Bitcoin ou ouro, o suporte para a alta dos preços será, sem dúvida, a moeda, o que certamente fará o mercado de criptomoedas despencar. É muito provável que nesta rodada o Bitcoin retorne a 80 mil dólares, eu ainda mantenho minha filosofia de investimento, continuando a comprar USDT em contas de depósito à vista, e na hora certa, comprar o spot de novas moedas, afinal, independentemente de Trump assumir ou Musk fazer suas jogadas, o espaço para a especulação em criptomoedas ainda existe.
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#比特币市场波动观 说几句,现在行情如期进行调整中,按我之前预期大概月底结束调整。对于后续的操作,我提供一点参考性建议:1.轻仓或空仓的币友们请现在就干到半仓位置;2.仓位已经很重的就不动,有子弹的在下方挂单,具体位置是最新低点附近,激进的挂低点上方附近,保守一点的挂低点下方附近;3.挂完单就不用看了,买得到就买,买不到就算了,子弹干完了就坐等发财,切忌频繁操作。
#比特币市场波动观 说几句,现在行情如期进行调整中,按我之前预期大概月底结束调整。对于后续的操作,我提供一点参考性建议:1.轻仓或空仓的币友们请现在就干到半仓位置;2.仓位已经很重的就不动,有子弹的在下方挂单,具体位置是最新低点附近,激进的挂低点上方附近,保守一点的挂低点下方附近;3.挂完单就不用看了,买得到就买,买不到就算了,子弹干完了就坐等发财,切忌频繁操作。
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#比特币市场波动观 Características ● Flutuação de preço acentuada: o preço do Bitcoin pode experimentar grandes aumentos e quedas em um curto período de tempo. Por exemplo, na noite de 25 de novembro de 2024 até a madrugada do dia 26, o preço do Bitcoin subiu para cerca de 99 mil dólares por unidade, mas em poucas horas caiu mais de 6%. ● Flutuações cíclicas: o Bitcoin possui um mecanismo de halving, que ocorre a cada quatro anos, resultando em uma redução pela metade na recompensa por bloco. Normalmente, o preço de mercado do Bitcoin passa por um ciclo de alta significativo antes e depois do halving, mas antes do halving, o mercado também pode experimentar uma correção de "comprar expectativa, vender fato".

● Flutuação de preço acentuada: o preço do Bitcoin pode experimentar grandes aumentos e quedas em um curto período de tempo. Por exemplo, na noite de 25 de novembro de 2024 até a madrugada do dia 26, o preço do Bitcoin subiu para cerca de 99 mil dólares por unidade, mas em poucas horas caiu mais de 6%.

● Flutuações cíclicas: o Bitcoin possui um mecanismo de halving, que ocorre a cada quatro anos, resultando em uma redução pela metade na recompensa por bloco. Normalmente, o preço de mercado do Bitcoin passa por um ciclo de alta significativo antes e depois do halving, mas antes do halving, o mercado também pode experimentar uma correção de "comprar expectativa, vender fato".
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#比特币市场波动观 Bitwise负责人警告说,比特币在接下来的几周里可能会进一步贬值,并强调美联储的利率政策对加密货币市场的影响。 请输入要翻译的文本。 Bitwise欧洲研究总监André Dragosch最近虽然对比特币(BTC)做出了积极预测,但在上周遭遇8%的下跌之后,他采取了谨慎的态度。Dragosch警告可能会在未来几周经历更大的损失。 比特币是市值最高的加密货币,在过去一周中下跌了8.8%,跌至95,000美元。这次下跌被记录为自8月以来的最大百分比跌幅。 损失原因被认为是美联储(FED)发出了对明年降息更少的信号,并表示将继续实施比特币持有禁令。 $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Bitwise负责人警告说,比特币在接下来的几周里可能会进一步贬值,并强调美联储的利率政策对加密货币市场的影响。 请输入要翻译的文本。 Bitwise欧洲研究总监André Dragosch最近虽然对比特币(BTC)做出了积极预测,但在上周遭遇8%的下跌之后,他采取了谨慎的态度。Dragosch警告可能会在未来几周经历更大的损失。

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Bitcoin $BTC daily line is a downtrend. In the morning, there was a rebound, and in the afternoon, it ran towards the previous low of 92300, interrupted midway and returned to rise. The point is right in front of us; even if the obsessive-compulsive disorder kicks in, it will still test downwards a bit before considering whether to break downward immediately, but when that will happen is unknown. There are no worse news than the Federal Reserve, and it's not easy to think about a second test; we may have to wait until the evening. Everyone is worried about the US market dropping; some people have withdrawn before 8 PM, while cautious ones will observe the situation before entering the market at 8 PM or 10 PM. Currently, the market is dominated by the US side. With Christmas 🎄 approaching in Europe and America, everyone is happily celebrating the holiday, who has the energy to pull the market? Trading needs to be done, life needs to go on, and during big holidays, it's essential to rest well and let the market run freely. #比特币市场波动观 If 95300 stabilizes, it will test upwards, with 97200-97800-98000-99000-100000 waiting above; If it does not stabilize, it will test downwards, with 92400-92300-88100-86000 waiting below. If it falls, $UNI is very suitable for buying on dips, and one can also start to buy in batches now, as there is great appreciation potential in the future.
Bitcoin $BTC daily line is a downtrend. In the morning, there was a rebound, and in the afternoon, it ran towards the previous low of 92300, interrupted midway and returned to rise. The point is right in front of us; even if the obsessive-compulsive disorder kicks in, it will still test downwards a bit before considering whether to break downward immediately, but when that will happen is unknown. There are no worse news than the Federal Reserve, and it's not easy to think about a second test; we may have to wait until the evening. Everyone is worried about the US market dropping; some people have withdrawn before 8 PM, while cautious ones will observe the situation before entering the market at 8 PM or 10 PM.

Currently, the market is dominated by the US side. With Christmas 🎄 approaching in Europe and America, everyone is happily celebrating the holiday, who has the energy to pull the market? Trading needs to be done, life needs to go on, and during big holidays, it's essential to rest well and let the market run freely.

If 95300 stabilizes, it will test upwards, with 97200-97800-98000-99000-100000 waiting above;

If it does not stabilize, it will test downwards, with 92400-92300-88100-86000 waiting below.

If it falls, $UNI is very suitable for buying on dips, and one can also start to buy in batches now, as there is great appreciation potential in the future.
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#比特币市场波动观 $BTC 目前外围对比特币中长期的趋势仍然是上涨,价格区间25年~26年14-20万,27年~28年40~50万,29年~30年65万左右,所以入手现货价位比较低的仍然持有最好,毕竟随着时间的增长$BTC 不是普通百姓能够有财力长期持有的;合约建议先以观望为主,毕竟目前圣诞劫假期临近,方向不好选择,也可以清仓操作,见好就收!
#比特币市场波动观 $BTC 目前外围对比特币中长期的趋势仍然是上涨,价格区间25年~26年14-20万,27年~28年40~50万,29年~30年65万左右,所以入手现货价位比较低的仍然持有最好,毕竟随着时间的增长$BTC 不是普通百姓能够有财力长期持有的;合约建议先以观望为主,毕竟目前圣诞劫假期临近,方向不好选择,也可以清仓操作,见好就收!
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