NULS is described as a blockchain platform and solution which uses underlying microservice architecture to encourage an environment for engineers and application developers. The NULS network seeks to support companies engaged in developing products set to be deployed in the digital space by way of advanced technologies employed by the NULS platform.
Microservices, also known as microservice architecture, is a style of application architecture which structures the application as a collection of services which is said to make functionality dramatically more scalable. The infrastructure design enables NULS to support cross-chain capabilities.
NULS makes a host of products available to assist developers in creating modules for any design purpose. The NULS Chain Factory is described as an interface which gives non-developers the ability to build a new chain by simply selecting a module from a storehouse of preset solutions.
NULS ChainBox is promoted as a suite of tools designed for developers to build highly-customizable blockchains by implementing modules from a repository that can be modified, or by designing new ones. The third product is NULS SCO which allows NULS-based projects to distribute tokens safely to NULS holders using Proof-of-credit Mining blockchain consensus. The NULS blockchain implements a Proof-of-credit (PoC) consensus algorithm to secure the network.
The NULS network cryptocurrency was initially deployed on the Ethereum blockchain and can be used in different capacities within the platform. NULS is known by its token ticker $NULS. NULS price is updated and available in real-time on Binance.