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#btc#BTC☀ Luka wartości uczciwej to idealne miejsce na zakup
#btc#BTC☀ Luka wartości uczciwej to idealne miejsce na zakup
Bitcoin Battles $51K Resistance Amidst Altcoin Declines Bitcoin attempted to breach the $52,000 level yesterday but faced strong resistance, ultimately yielding to downward pressure.Bitcoin Battles $51K Resistance Amidst Altcoin Declines Bitcoin made a recent unsuccessful bid to breach the $52,000 threshold, encountering strong resistance that resulted in a significant downturn. Concurrently, various altcoins, notably LINK, UNI, and ICP, have experienced more pronounced retracements during this period. #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #BTC‬
Bitcoin Battles $51K Resistance Amidst Altcoin Declines
Bitcoin attempted to breach the $52,000 level yesterday but faced strong resistance, ultimately yielding to downward pressure.Bitcoin Battles $51K Resistance Amidst Altcoin Declines
Bitcoin made a recent unsuccessful bid to breach the $52,000 threshold, encountering strong resistance that resulted in a significant downturn. Concurrently, various altcoins, notably LINK, UNI, and ICP, have experienced more pronounced retracements during this period.
#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #BTC‬
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8-letni sygnał wzrostu cen pojawia się na wykresie bitcoina Bitcoin pokazał rzadki sygnał na miesięcznym wykresie, zjawisko, które miało miejsce tylko raz w ciągu ostatnich 8 lat. #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #btc $BTC
8-letni sygnał wzrostu cen pojawia się na wykresie bitcoina
Bitcoin pokazał rzadki sygnał na miesięcznym wykresie, zjawisko, które miało miejsce tylko raz w ciągu ostatnich 8 lat.
#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #btc $BTC
#TrendingTopic #Write2Earn #btc Cryptocurrency Investment Profits Soar in 2023: CoinLedger Report Reveals Surprising Data Discover the astonishing average profits from cryptocurrency investments in 2023 according to CoinLedger's latest report.Cryptocurrency Investment Profits Soar in 2023: CoinLedger Report Reveals Surprising Data In 2023, the average profits from cryptocurrency investments have been disclosed, bringing surprising revelations. CoinLedger, a cryptocurrency tax software platform, conducted research revealing that the average cryptocurrency investor earned $887.60 in 2023, marking a significant improvement compared to the tumultuous year prior.
#TrendingTopic #Write2Earn #btc
Cryptocurrency Investment Profits Soar in 2023: CoinLedger Report Reveals Surprising Data
Discover the astonishing average profits from cryptocurrency investments in 2023 according to CoinLedger's latest report.Cryptocurrency Investment Profits Soar in 2023: CoinLedger Report Reveals Surprising Data
In 2023, the average profits from cryptocurrency investments have been disclosed, bringing surprising revelations. CoinLedger, a cryptocurrency tax software platform, conducted research revealing that the average cryptocurrency investor earned $887.60 in 2023, marking a significant improvement compared to the tumultuous year prior.
Google Allows Advertising for Bitcoin Spot ETFs Google's search engine has revised its cryptocurrency advertising restrictions, now allowing advertisements for Bitcoin spot ETFs on the platform.Google Allows Advertising for Bitcoin Spot ETFs In December 2023, Google updated some restrictions related to crypto advertising. As of now, the search engine has adjusted to allow advertisements for Bitcoin spot ETFs - a development approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in mid-January. The current financial product advertising policy of Google states: Google allows advertising of cryptocurrency trust funds within the United States, as long as the advertiser has successfully registered under Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act using Form 10-12g. Reporting requirements... and any other local legal requirements must also be complied with. Advertisers must also be certified by Google. This update will be effective from January 29, 2024. It's noted that some asset management funds have begun promoting their Bitcoin ETF products on Google. Companies such as BlackRock, VanEck, and Franklin Templeton have been identified advertising through sponsored links in search results. Google had nearly banned crypto-related advertising around 2018 but gradually lifted restrictions in recent years. In June 2021, Google started allowing advertising for exchanges and Web3 wallets in the U.S., while still maintaining a ban on Initial Coin Offering (ICO) promotions. #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #fomc #btc
Google Allows Advertising for Bitcoin Spot ETFs

Google's search engine has revised its cryptocurrency advertising restrictions, now allowing advertisements for Bitcoin spot ETFs on the platform.Google Allows Advertising for Bitcoin Spot ETFs
In December 2023, Google updated some restrictions related to crypto advertising. As of now, the search engine has adjusted to allow advertisements for Bitcoin spot ETFs - a development approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in mid-January.

The current financial product advertising policy of Google states:

Google allows advertising of cryptocurrency trust funds within the United States, as long as the advertiser has successfully registered under Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act using Form 10-12g. Reporting requirements... and any other local legal requirements must also be complied with. Advertisers must also be certified by Google.

This update will be effective from January 29, 2024.

It's noted that some asset management funds have begun promoting their Bitcoin ETF products on Google. Companies such as BlackRock, VanEck, and Franklin Templeton have been identified advertising through sponsored links in search results.

Google had nearly banned crypto-related advertising around 2018 but gradually lifted restrictions in recent years. In June 2021, Google started allowing advertising for exchanges and Web3 wallets in the U.S., while still maintaining a ban on Initial Coin Offering (ICO) promotions.
#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #fomc #btc
#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #fomc #btc #market Bitcoin Overview ... Bitcoin strengthened its market dominance alongside a notable surge in market depth. The bullish sentiment among traders persisted, evident in the decreasing put-to-call ratio, reflecting a positive outlook for BTC.Strong Demand Persists for Bitcoin as Price Reaches $43K USD Bitcoin, within the $40,000 to $43,000 range for an extended period, has fueled significant speculation regarding its future trajectory. Despite the price volatility, BTC has managed to maintain its dominance in the market. Adding more insight, Kaiko's data reveals a slight uptick in BTC's 2% market depth since the end of December. Market depth, referring to the total volume of buy and sell orders within a 2% range of Bitcoin's current market price, offers valuable information about supply and demand dynamics at various price levels. Although the market depth has expanded, it hasn't yet reached its pre-FTX levels. This suggests a degree of caution or hesitation among market participants in fully committing to BTC at its previous intensity, despite the positive trend. A surge in market depth for Bitcoin is generally favorable, indicating increased liquidity and a more appealing environment for investors. This enhanced liquidity facilitates smoother trading and attracts a wider range of participants, potentially instilling confidence in the market. However, it's crucial to note that if the surge in market depth is primarily driven by speculation or market manipulation, it could result in abrupt and significant price fluctuations. Traders are currently expressing a relatively positive outlook on the future of Bitcoin, evident in the recent decline of the put-to-call ratio from 0.52 to 0.46 over the past few weeks. One contributing factor to this shift is the decrease in Implied Volatility (IV) for Bitcoin.
#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #fomc #btc #market
Bitcoin Overview ...
Bitcoin strengthened its market dominance alongside a notable surge in market depth. The bullish sentiment among traders persisted, evident in the decreasing put-to-call ratio, reflecting a positive outlook for BTC.Strong Demand Persists for Bitcoin as Price Reaches $43K USD
Bitcoin, within the $40,000 to $43,000 range for an extended period, has fueled significant speculation regarding its future trajectory. Despite the price volatility, BTC has managed to maintain its dominance in the market.

Adding more insight, Kaiko's data reveals a slight uptick in BTC's 2% market depth since the end of December. Market depth, referring to the total volume of buy and sell orders within a 2% range of Bitcoin's current market price, offers valuable information about supply and demand dynamics at various price levels.
Although the market depth has expanded, it hasn't yet reached its pre-FTX levels. This suggests a degree of caution or hesitation among market participants in fully committing to BTC at its previous intensity, despite the positive trend.

A surge in market depth for Bitcoin is generally favorable, indicating increased liquidity and a more appealing environment for investors. This enhanced liquidity facilitates smoother trading and attracts a wider range of participants, potentially instilling confidence in the market.

However, it's crucial to note that if the surge in market depth is primarily driven by speculation or market manipulation, it could result in abrupt and significant price fluctuations.
Traders are currently expressing a relatively positive outlook on the future of Bitcoin, evident in the recent decline of the put-to-call ratio from 0.52 to 0.46 over the past few weeks. One contributing factor to this shift is the decrease in Implied Volatility (IV) for Bitcoin.
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#BTC BlackRock przewiduje zatwierdzenie Bitcoin ETF w środę. Według raportu Fox Business, BlackRock, największy na świecie zarządzający aktywami i jedna z firm ubiegających się o uruchomienie Bitcoin ETF, spodziewa się zatwierdzenia swojego wniosku rejestracyjnego w najbliższą środę. BlackRock jest jedną z firm, które złożyły zaktualizowane zgłoszenia na formularzu 19b-4 w zeszły piątek w sprawie proponowanych fizycznie zabezpieczonych Bitcoin ETF, obok innych organizacji. Społeczność kryptowalut z niecierpliwością oczekuje zatwierdzenia Bitcoin ETF, ponieważ przewiduje się, że przyniesie to miliardy dolarów nowego finansowania dla sektora kryptowalut.
BlackRock przewiduje zatwierdzenie Bitcoin ETF w środę.
Według raportu Fox Business, BlackRock, największy na świecie zarządzający aktywami i jedna z firm ubiegających się o uruchomienie Bitcoin ETF, spodziewa się zatwierdzenia swojego wniosku rejestracyjnego w najbliższą środę.
BlackRock jest jedną z firm, które złożyły zaktualizowane zgłoszenia na formularzu 19b-4 w zeszły piątek w sprawie proponowanych fizycznie zabezpieczonych Bitcoin ETF, obok innych organizacji. Społeczność kryptowalut z niecierpliwością oczekuje zatwierdzenia Bitcoin ETF, ponieważ przewiduje się, że przyniesie to miliardy dolarów nowego finansowania dla sektora kryptowalut.
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8631981701#PortfelSatoshi Nakamoto nagle otrzymał od nieznajomego 27 Bitcoinów, co stanowi równowartość około 1,2 miliona dolarów. Czy jest to zamierzone, czy po prostu przypadkowe? Według konta na Twitterze J. Cornora Grogana, dyrektora giełdy kryptowalut Coinbase, ktoś właśnie dokonał dużej transakcji, przesyłając 27 Bitcoinów (równowartość około 1,2 miliona dolarów) na adres portfela Satoshi Nakamoto Genesis, zasadniczo blokując te pieniądze na stałe. Transakcja ta miała miejsce wczesnym rankiem 6 stycznia, a opłata wyniosła aż 100 USD, czyli była znacznie wyższa niż zwykła opłata w tamtym czasie. Jest to złożony łańcuch transakcji, zaczynający się od Binance, a kończący na Genesis Wallet Satoshiego Nakamoto. Portfel Genesis był pierwszym portfelem stworzonym w sieci Bitcoin, którego właścicielem był jego tajemniczy założyciel Satoshi Nakamoto. Ponieważ Nakamoto nie ma w 2010 roku, istnieje duże prawdopodobieństwo, że monety w tym portfelu na zawsze pozostaną nietknięte, jakby usunięte z łańcucha obiegu. Kiedy twórca Bitcoina przestał kontaktować się ze społecznością, portfel Genesis zawierał jedynie 50 BTC, co stanowiło nagrodę za wydobycie pierwszego bloku Bitcoin. Z biegiem czasu wiele osób zdeponowało więcej BTC w tym portfelu, aby wyrazić wdzięczność Satoshiemu, zwiększając obecną liczbę Bitcoinów do 99,67 BTC, o wartości 4,3 miliona dolarów. Ponadto krążą pogłoski, że Satoshi Nakamoto posiada w posiadaniu aż 1,1 miliona Bitcoinów, co w chwili pisania tego artykułu stanowiło równowartość 47 miliardów dolarów. Ponieważ nie planuje się zwrotu, ta ilość Bitcoinów prawdopodobnie pozostanie w portfelu założyciela Bitcoin. Nadal nie jest jasne, kto dokonał przelewu 27 BTC i jakie były tego konkretne powody. Szczególne jest to, że transakcja ta miała miejsce zaledwie kilka dni po 15. rocznicy narodzin Bitcoina, w bloku Genesis 3 stycznia 2009 r.
8631981701#PortfelSatoshi Nakamoto nagle otrzymał od nieznajomego 27 Bitcoinów, co stanowi równowartość około 1,2 miliona dolarów. Czy jest to zamierzone, czy po prostu przypadkowe?

Według konta na Twitterze J. Cornora Grogana, dyrektora giełdy kryptowalut Coinbase, ktoś właśnie dokonał dużej transakcji, przesyłając 27 Bitcoinów (równowartość około 1,2 miliona dolarów) na adres portfela Satoshi Nakamoto Genesis, zasadniczo blokując te pieniądze na stałe.

Transakcja ta miała miejsce wczesnym rankiem 6 stycznia, a opłata wyniosła aż 100 USD, czyli była znacznie wyższa niż zwykła opłata w tamtym czasie. Jest to złożony łańcuch transakcji, zaczynający się od Binance, a kończący na Genesis Wallet Satoshiego Nakamoto. Portfel Genesis był pierwszym portfelem stworzonym w sieci Bitcoin, którego właścicielem był jego tajemniczy założyciel Satoshi Nakamoto. Ponieważ Nakamoto nie ma w 2010 roku, istnieje duże prawdopodobieństwo, że monety w tym portfelu na zawsze pozostaną nietknięte, jakby usunięte z łańcucha obiegu.

Kiedy twórca Bitcoina przestał kontaktować się ze społecznością, portfel Genesis zawierał jedynie 50 BTC, co stanowiło nagrodę za wydobycie pierwszego bloku Bitcoin. Z biegiem czasu wiele osób zdeponowało więcej BTC w tym portfelu, aby wyrazić wdzięczność Satoshiemu, zwiększając obecną liczbę Bitcoinów do 99,67 BTC, o wartości 4,3 miliona dolarów.

Ponadto krążą pogłoski, że Satoshi Nakamoto posiada w posiadaniu aż 1,1 miliona Bitcoinów, co w chwili pisania tego artykułu stanowiło równowartość 47 miliardów dolarów. Ponieważ nie planuje się zwrotu, ta ilość Bitcoinów prawdopodobnie pozostanie w portfelu założyciela Bitcoin.

Nadal nie jest jasne, kto dokonał przelewu 27 BTC i jakie były tego konkretne powody. Szczególne jest to, że transakcja ta miała miejsce zaledwie kilka dni po 15. rocznicy narodzin Bitcoina, w bloku Genesis 3 stycznia 2009 r.
#BTC Bitcoin Plunges to $40K, Registers 10% Drop in Minutes... Bitcoin experienced a sudden drop to 40K USD on January 3, witnessing a rapid 10% decrease within minutes. However, the price has since rebounded to 42K USD. Bitcoin experienced a sudden sharp drop to 40,000 USD today before recovering to its current level. The price decrease reached 10%, witnessing a significant volume being liquidated in the market. Despite this, Bitcoin is still trading at its highest level in nearly two years, following a strong start in early 2024. This cryptocurrency surpassed the 45,000-dollar mark (35,000 British pounds) on Tuesday for the first time since April 2022, primarily driven by speculations surrounding the potential approval of Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs). The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is currently reviewing several Bitcoin ETF proposals, which could open up the cryptocurrency market to institutional investors and serve as a validation of Bitcoin as a mainstream asset. Despite years of speculation, no Bitcoin ETF has been approved by regulatory authorities. There are currently 13 projects under review, with some cryptocurrency analysts believing that a more mature market may eventually see at least one of them gaining approval. Decisions are expected to be announced in December, but the delays have heightened optimism for a positive outcome. Some analysts have cautioned that Bitcoin ETFs could be a case of "buy the rumor, sell the news," meaning any announcement from the SEC could lead to a sharp decline in Bitcoin prices. Matteo Greco, an analyst at the digital asset investment firm Fineqia International, noted that the approval of Bitcoin ETFs could witness "a retreat of prices before they rebound." Greco also predicted that a rejection could result in "short-term negative price action." TAKE the money of the table if you are in future.
#BTC Bitcoin Plunges to $40K, Registers 10% Drop in Minutes...

Bitcoin experienced a sudden drop to 40K USD on January 3, witnessing a rapid 10% decrease within minutes. However, the price has since rebounded to 42K USD.
Bitcoin experienced a sudden sharp drop to 40,000 USD today before recovering to its current level. The price decrease reached 10%, witnessing a significant volume being liquidated in the market. Despite this, Bitcoin is still trading at its highest level in nearly two years, following a strong start in early 2024.

This cryptocurrency surpassed the 45,000-dollar mark (35,000 British pounds) on Tuesday for the first time since April 2022, primarily driven by speculations surrounding the potential approval of Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is currently reviewing several Bitcoin ETF proposals, which could open up the cryptocurrency market to institutional investors and serve as a validation of Bitcoin as a mainstream asset. Despite years of speculation, no Bitcoin ETF has been approved by regulatory authorities. There are currently 13 projects under review, with some cryptocurrency analysts believing that a more mature market may eventually see at least one of them gaining approval.

Decisions are expected to be announced in December, but the delays have heightened optimism for a positive outcome. Some analysts have cautioned that Bitcoin ETFs could be a case of "buy the rumor, sell the news," meaning any announcement from the SEC could lead to a sharp decline in Bitcoin prices.

Matteo Greco, an analyst at the digital asset investment firm Fineqia International, noted that the approval of Bitcoin ETFs could witness "a retreat of prices before they rebound." Greco also predicted that a rejection could result in "short-term negative price action."
TAKE the money of the table if you are in future.
#BTC Michael Saylor Sells $216M MicroStrategy Stocks for Bitcoin. . Saylor has indicated that this decision enables him to meet his "personal obligations" and, naturally, to increase his Bitcoin holdings. MicroStrategy's executive chairman, Michael Saylor, has initiated the sale of $216 million worth of his company's shares over a four-month period. This strategic move, revealed in a filing with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission on January 2, involves the liquidation of 315,000 stock options awarded to Saylor in April 2014, with an expiration date of April 30, 2024. The sale commenced on the same day, with the initial tranche consisting of 5,000 shares. This decision aligns with Saylor's earlier announcement during MicroStrategy's third-quarter earnings call on November 2. In that call, he outlined his intention to steadily sell 5,000 MSTR shares daily over the next four months. The proceeds from this divestment will be directed towards addressing personal obligations, as well as further bolstering Saylor's Bitcoin holdings. During the call, Saylor emphasized that the execution of these options serves a dual purpose of addressing personal obligations and expanding his personal Bitcoin holdings. Despite the ongoing personal sales, he asserted that his stake in the company's equity remains "significant." According to a November 1 Q-10 filing with the SEC, Saylor is authorized to sell a maximum of 400,000 shares from his vested options between January 2 and April 26 of the current year.
#BTC Michael Saylor Sells $216M MicroStrategy Stocks for Bitcoin. .
Saylor has indicated that this decision enables him to meet his "personal obligations" and, naturally, to increase his Bitcoin holdings.

MicroStrategy's executive chairman, Michael Saylor, has initiated the sale of $216 million worth of his company's shares over a four-month period. This strategic move, revealed in a filing with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission on January 2, involves the liquidation of 315,000 stock options awarded to Saylor in April 2014, with an expiration date of April 30, 2024.

The sale commenced on the same day, with the initial tranche consisting of 5,000 shares. This decision aligns with Saylor's earlier announcement during MicroStrategy's third-quarter earnings call on November 2. In that call, he outlined his intention to steadily sell 5,000 MSTR shares daily over the next four months. The proceeds from this divestment will be directed towards addressing personal obligations, as well as further bolstering Saylor's Bitcoin holdings.
During the call, Saylor emphasized that the execution of these options serves a dual purpose of addressing personal obligations and expanding his personal Bitcoin holdings. Despite the ongoing personal sales, he asserted that his stake in the company's equity remains "significant."

According to a November 1 Q-10 filing with the SEC, Saylor is authorized to sell a maximum of 400,000 shares from his vested options between January 2 and April 26 of the current year.
#BTC Bitcoin Netflow To Binance Has Been Highly Positive During Past Day The indicator of interest here is the “exchange netflow,” which keeps track of the net amount of Bitcoin entering into or exiting the wallets of any given centralized exchange. The metric’s value is calculated by subtracting the outflows from the inflows. When the indicator has a positive value, the inflows overwhelm the outflows, and the platform is receiving transfers of a net number of coins right now. As one of the main reasons investors would want to deposit to the exchanges is for selling purposes, this trend can have bearish implications for the cryptocurrency’s price. On the other hand, the negative indicator implies net withdrawals are taking place currently, which may be a sign that the holders are accumulating. Naturally, such a trend can prove to be bullish for the price in the long term.
#BTC Bitcoin Netflow To Binance Has Been Highly Positive During Past Day

The indicator of interest here is the “exchange netflow,” which keeps track of the net amount of Bitcoin entering into or exiting the wallets of any given centralized exchange. The metric’s value is calculated by subtracting the outflows from the inflows.

When the indicator has a positive value, the inflows overwhelm the outflows, and the platform is receiving transfers of a net number of coins right now. As one of the main reasons investors would want to deposit to the exchanges is for selling purposes, this trend can have bearish implications for the cryptocurrency’s price.
On the other hand, the negative indicator implies net withdrawals are taking place currently, which may be a sign that the holders are accumulating. Naturally, such a trend can prove to be bullish for the price in the long term.
#De.Fi Defi Llama data reveals a $2 billion surge in global defi total value locked (TVL) within the last 24 hours, reaching a new milestone at $55.34 billion. Decentralized exchanges dominate trading volume by 11.9%, clocking in at $2.6 billion during this period. This surge in defi coincides with heightened investor interest as the broader crypto market gains momentum post-Christmas holidays. CoinGecko data indicates a 6.6% increase in the global crypto market cap, reaching $1.84 trillion within the last 24 hours. The overall cryptocurrency trading volume, according to CoinGecko, has surged from $61 billion to $84 billion during this period.
#De.Fi Defi Llama data reveals a $2 billion surge in global defi total value locked (TVL) within the last 24 hours, reaching a new milestone at $55.34 billion. Decentralized exchanges dominate trading volume by 11.9%, clocking in at $2.6 billion during this period.
This surge in defi coincides with heightened investor interest as the broader crypto market gains momentum post-Christmas holidays. CoinGecko data indicates a 6.6% increase in the global crypto market cap, reaching $1.84 trillion within the last 24 hours. The overall cryptocurrency trading volume, according to CoinGecko, has surged from $61 billion to $84 billion during this period.
#BTC WELCOME to 2024 THE YEAR of BTC Bitcoin's recent surge of 6% within the last 24 hours, reaching an intraday peak of $45,890 during the Tuesday morning Asian trading session, marks a notable uptick following a relatively stable holiday weekend. This upward movement, observed as the first working week of the new year .I believe it can still go up at 47 -48 . But make sure to use stop loss if you are in future tarding and take the money of the table my friend ..stay safe 🙂
#BTC WELCOME to 2024
Bitcoin's recent surge of 6% within the last 24 hours, reaching an intraday peak of $45,890 during the Tuesday morning Asian trading session, marks a notable uptick following a relatively stable holiday weekend. This upward movement, observed as the first working week of the new year .I believe it can still go up at 47 -48 . But make sure to use stop loss if you are in future tarding and take the money of the table my friend ..stay safe 🙂
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