Binance Square
Cała zawartość
CATS AIRDROP SOON🐈‍⬛ Potential: 100-500$ airdrop✅ Level: Easy Task ✅ Time: 1-3min ✅ Here is details step by step 1. Tap and hold the l(ink) below for 2-3 seconds To copy and paste.(Lin(k) 👇✅🐈‍⬛ Pined In comments Paste the l.inkkk in your browser and you will see CATS 🐈‍⬛" 🤖 2. Upon entering you will immediately receive your bonus coins in the equivalent of your time using Telegram. 3. Complete all tasks and get even more $CATS and daly rewards when you back . Everything is easy and simple, if you have any questions, ask them directly in the comments. Share the post with all your friends and colleagues ❤️🐈‍⬛ #Write2Earn! #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC

Potential: 100-500$ airdrop✅
Level: Easy Task ✅
Time: 1-3min ✅

Here is details step by step
1. Tap and hold the l(ink) below for 2-3 seconds

To copy and paste.(Lin(k) 👇✅🐈‍⬛
Pined In comments

Paste the l.inkkk in your browser and you will see CATS 🐈‍⬛" 🤖

2. Upon entering you will immediately receive your bonus coins in the equivalent of your time using Telegram.

3. Complete all tasks and get even more
$CATS and daly rewards when you back .

Everything is easy and simple, if you have any questions, ask them directly in the comments. Share the post with all your friends and colleagues ❤️🐈‍⬛ #Write2Earn! #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC
Zobacz oryginał
ZGŁOŚ SWOJE $MDOG 🐶 Potencjał: 100-500$ airdrop✅ Poziom: Łatwe zadanie ✅ Czas: 1-3 min ✅ Oto szczegóły krok po kroku 1. Dotknij i przytrzymaj l(ink) poniżej przez 2-3 sekundy Aby skopiować i wkleić.(Lin(k) 👇✅🐶 Wklej l.inkkk w przeglądarce, a zobaczysz „Money Dogs 🐶” 🤖 2. Po wejściu natychmiast otrzymasz swoje monety bonusowe w równowartości czasu spędzonego na korzystaniu z Telegrama. 3. Wykonaj wszystkie zadania i zdobądź jeszcze więcej $MDOGS i codziennych nagród, gdy wrócisz. Wszystko jest łatwe i proste, jeśli masz jakieś pytania, zadawaj je bezpośrednio w komentarzach. Udostępnij post wszystkim znajomym❤️ Lubię ❤️ Komentarz 🆕 repost ✅ #HamsterKombat #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #BTCPredictedNewATH #moonbix #Debate2024

Potencjał: 100-500$ airdrop✅
Poziom: Łatwe zadanie ✅
Czas: 1-3 min ✅

Oto szczegóły krok po kroku

1. Dotknij i przytrzymaj l(ink) poniżej przez 2-3 sekundy
Aby skopiować i wkleić.(Lin(k) 👇✅🐶

Wklej l.inkkk w przeglądarce, a zobaczysz „Money Dogs 🐶” 🤖

2. Po wejściu natychmiast otrzymasz swoje monety bonusowe w równowartości czasu spędzonego na korzystaniu z Telegrama.

3. Wykonaj wszystkie zadania i zdobądź jeszcze więcej
$MDOGS i codziennych nagród, gdy wrócisz.

Wszystko jest łatwe i proste, jeśli masz jakieś pytania, zadawaj je bezpośrednio w komentarzach. Udostępnij post wszystkim znajomym❤️

Lubię ❤️ Komentarz 🆕 repost ✅
#HamsterKombat #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #BTCPredictedNewATH #moonbix #Debate2024
Hello everyone! I would like to share with you a little experience and time spent in 120 days🤬 If you think so too, write in the comments right away My achievements: 120 days 6,2million hour 10 Friends 83 key I went in every day and completed all the tasks, I hope to get at least $ 500, but this did not happen, instead I received only 1600 coins It's about $13 or even less. I was very disappointed by this. I'm thinking now and I just can't imagine how much they made off of us 🤯🤯🤯 This is the worst experience I have had in all my time with cryptocurrency since 2019. There are so many promising projects around that generously reward, for example, the DOGS giveaway. I got 60,000 in 2 weeks (approximately $70-95 dollars), but here I played $HMSTR for as much as 120 and got a spit in the eye. Do you agree with me? There are many promising projects like DoGs, I will pin them in the comments top 3 Write your opinion and show activity to everyone ❤️
Hello everyone! I would like to share with you a little experience and time spent in 120 days🤬

If you think so too, write in the comments right away

My achievements:
120 days
6,2million hour
10 Friends
83 key

I went in every day and completed all the tasks, I hope to get at least $ 500, but this did not happen, instead I received only 1600 coins
It's about $13 or even less. I was very disappointed by this. I'm thinking now and I just can't imagine how much they made off of us 🤯🤯🤯
This is the worst experience I have had in all my time with cryptocurrency since 2019.

There are so many promising projects around that generously reward, for example, the DOGS giveaway. I got 60,000 in 2 weeks (approximately $70-95 dollars), but here I played $HMSTR for as much as 120 and got a spit in the eye. Do you agree with me?

There are many promising projects like DoGs, I will pin them in the comments top 3

Write your opinion and show activity to everyone ❤️
CLAIM YOUR FIRST $MDOG 🐶 Potential: 100-500$ airdrop✅ Level: Easy Task ✅ Time: 1-3min ✅ Here is details step by step 1. Tap and hold the l(ink) below for 2-3 seconds To copy and paste.(Lin(k) pinned in comment. Paste the link in your browser and you will see "Money Dogs 🐶 " 🤖 2. Upon entering you will immediately receive your bonus coins in the equivalent of your time using Telegram. 3. Complete all tasks and get even more $MDOGS and daly rewards when you back . Everything is easy and simple, if you have any questions, ask them directly in the comments. Share the post with all your friends❤️ #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #Hmstrsale #moonbix #BTC

Potential: 100-500$ airdrop✅
Level: Easy Task ✅
Time: 1-3min ✅

Here is details step by step

1. Tap and hold the l(ink) below for 2-3 seconds
To copy and paste.(Lin(k) pinned in comment.

Paste the link in your browser and you will see "Money Dogs 🐶 " 🤖

2. Upon entering you will immediately receive your bonus coins in the equivalent of your time using Telegram.

3. Complete all tasks and get even more $MDOGS and daly rewards when you back .

Everything is easy and simple, if you have any questions, ask them directly in the comments. Share the post with all your friends❤️
#BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #Hmstrsale #moonbix #BTC
Zobacz oryginał
ODKRYTO: Oto ile $HMSTR możesz otrzymać Istnieje wiele spekulacji na temat dystrybucji airdropu Hamster ($HMSTR), ale to może być bliższe prawdy. Jeśli jesteś ciekaw, jak odebrać swoją sprawiedliwą część, teraz jest czas, aby się skupić. Hamster Kombat ujawnił kilka wskazówek w sekcji Airdrop Allocation TBA (To Be Announced). Chociaż nic nie jest ustalone na stałe, te wskazówki dają dobry pomysł, czego się spodziewać. Rozłóżmy to na czynniki: 1. Dochód pasywny Hamster Kombat podkreśla, że ​​odnoszący sukcesy biznes pracuje dla Ciebie, co sprawia, że ​​dochód pasywny jest kluczowym czynnikiem w alokacji airdropu. Może on być oparty na Twoim całkowitym dochodzie pasywnym (ile waluty w grze zarobiłeś) lub na Twoim zysku na godzinę (PPH), który śledzi, jak efektywnie zarabiałeś w czasie. Stałym graczom z silnymi strumieniami dochodu pasywnego prawdopodobnie przypadnie korzystna część airdropu. 2. Zdobywaj zadania Hamster Kombat nagradza użytkowników za wykonywanie zadań zarobkowych, takich jak angażowanie się w społeczność poprzez oglądanie filmów, tworzenie treści edukacyjnych i udostępnianie postów. Im więcej zadań wykonasz, tym większy będzie Twój potencjalny udział w airdropie. Jeśli aktywnie uczestniczyłeś, Twoje wysiłki prawdopodobnie zostaną docenione, gdy airdrop zostanie rozdysponowany. 3. Polecenia (znajomi) Polecenia są kluczowe dla strategii rozwoju Hamster Kombat. Każdy aktywny gracz, którego wprowadzisz do gry, może zwiększyć Twój udział w airdropie. Jednak nie chodzi tylko o liczby — liczy się jakość. Poleceni muszą pozostać aktywni, abyś mógł w pełni skorzystać. Rekrutacja oddanych graczy może doprowadzić do znacznego zwiększenia przydziału airdropu. 4. Osiągnięcia Osiągnięcia w Hamster Kombat występują w różnych formach — niektóre powszechne, inne rzadkie — ale wszystkie są cenne. Odblokowanie skórek, osiągnięcie określonych poziomów lub ukończenie unikalnych zadań może zwiększyć przydział airdropu. Gracze z rzadkimi lub trudnymi do osiągnięcia kamieniami milowymi mogą otrzymać większą część airdropu. 5. Subskrypcja Telegram Subskrypcja kanału Telegram Hamster Kombat to coś więcej niż tylko bycie na bieżąco — można też zarobić
ODKRYTO: Oto ile $HMSTR możesz otrzymać
Istnieje wiele spekulacji na temat dystrybucji airdropu Hamster ($HMSTR), ale to może być bliższe prawdy. Jeśli jesteś ciekaw, jak odebrać swoją sprawiedliwą część, teraz jest czas, aby się skupić.

Hamster Kombat ujawnił kilka wskazówek w sekcji Airdrop Allocation TBA (To Be Announced). Chociaż nic nie jest ustalone na stałe, te wskazówki dają dobry pomysł, czego się spodziewać. Rozłóżmy to na czynniki:
1. Dochód pasywny
Hamster Kombat podkreśla, że ​​odnoszący sukcesy biznes pracuje dla Ciebie, co sprawia, że ​​dochód pasywny jest kluczowym czynnikiem w alokacji airdropu. Może on być oparty na Twoim całkowitym dochodzie pasywnym (ile waluty w grze zarobiłeś) lub na Twoim zysku na godzinę (PPH), który śledzi, jak efektywnie zarabiałeś w czasie. Stałym graczom z silnymi strumieniami dochodu pasywnego prawdopodobnie przypadnie korzystna część airdropu.
2. Zdobywaj zadania
Hamster Kombat nagradza użytkowników za wykonywanie zadań zarobkowych, takich jak angażowanie się w społeczność poprzez oglądanie filmów, tworzenie treści edukacyjnych i udostępnianie postów. Im więcej zadań wykonasz, tym większy będzie Twój potencjalny udział w airdropie. Jeśli aktywnie uczestniczyłeś, Twoje wysiłki prawdopodobnie zostaną docenione, gdy airdrop zostanie rozdysponowany.
3. Polecenia (znajomi)
Polecenia są kluczowe dla strategii rozwoju Hamster Kombat. Każdy aktywny gracz, którego wprowadzisz do gry, może zwiększyć Twój udział w airdropie. Jednak nie chodzi tylko o liczby — liczy się jakość. Poleceni muszą pozostać aktywni, abyś mógł w pełni skorzystać. Rekrutacja oddanych graczy może doprowadzić do znacznego zwiększenia przydziału airdropu.
4. Osiągnięcia
Osiągnięcia w Hamster Kombat występują w różnych formach — niektóre powszechne, inne rzadkie — ale wszystkie są cenne. Odblokowanie skórek, osiągnięcie określonych poziomów lub ukończenie unikalnych zadań może zwiększyć przydział airdropu. Gracze z rzadkimi lub trudnymi do osiągnięcia kamieniami milowymi mogą otrzymać większą część airdropu.
5. Subskrypcja Telegram
Subskrypcja kanału Telegram Hamster Kombat to coś więcej niż tylko bycie na bieżąco — można też zarobić
Zobacz oryginał
Po prostu ZATWIERDŹ SWOJE PIERWSZE żetony $GOAT Dołącz do pierwszego powozu ✌🏻✅ Potencjalne 100$-_-500$ Krok 1: Dotknij i przytrzymaj poniższy link przez 2-3 sekundy, aby skopiować i wkleić. (Link przypięty w komentarzu) Krok 2: Wklej link w przeglądarce, a zobaczysz „GOATS” #DODOEmpowersMemeIssuance #CATIonBinance #CATIonBinance #FOMC #NeiroOnBinance

Dołącz do pierwszego powozu ✌🏻✅

Potencjalne 100$-_-500$

Krok 1:
Dotknij i przytrzymaj poniższy link przez 2-3 sekundy, aby skopiować i wkleić. (Link przypięty w komentarzu)

Krok 2:
Wklej link w przeglądarce, a zobaczysz

#DODOEmpowersMemeIssuance #CATIonBinance #CATIonBinance #FOMC #NeiroOnBinance
JUST CLAIM YOUR FIRST $GOATS Here is another $0 Cost Airdrop !!! Be the first 🐈‍⬛🐕 Potential: $100-1000$..✅ Level: Easy Task ✅ Step 1: Tap and hold the l(ink) below for 2-3 seconds to Copy and paste. (L(ink) pined in comment ) // Step 2: Paste the link in your browser and you will see “Cats&Dogs“, below you will see a button that says “Send a message “ tap the button and it will open. Step 3: Connect your tone wallet and start completing tasks to get bonus coins. This is the basic guide #DODOEmpowersMemeIssuance #CATIonBinance #CATIonBinance #FOMC Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment #NeiroOnBinance #CATIonBinance #catizen #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR

Here is another $0 Cost Airdrop !!!
Be the first 🐈‍⬛🐕
Potential: $100-1000$..✅
Level: Easy Task ✅

Step 1:
Tap and hold the l(ink) below for 2-3 seconds to Copy and paste. (L(ink) pined in comment )


Step 2:
Paste the link in your browser and you will see
“Cats&Dogs“, below you will see a button that says “Send a message “ tap the button and it will open.

Step 3:
Connect your tone wallet and start completing tasks to get bonus coins.
This is the basic guide
#DODOEmpowersMemeIssuance #CATIonBinance #CATIonBinance #FOMC
Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment
#NeiroOnBinance #CATIonBinance #catizen #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR
LEVERAGE IS A DISASTER IN THE MARKETS✔️ I think I've said it enough times: don't use leverage, don't try Futures, you'll only lose your money. I can assure you of that. But that's not what I want to talk about this time. I want to talk about the impact of leverage on movements in the crypto markets. Pay attention, as this is crucial to understand. First of all, understand how leverage works: imagine you open a trade to buy with $100 with 10x leverage, it will act as if you had $1,000. How does this work? The exchange (like Binance) will simply lend you $900, and in exchange for that, if the price drops by 10% (so your $1,000 turns into $900), your position is automatically closed to prevent you from being indebted to the exchange. You are what is called "liquidated". When you are liquidated on a long position, at the moment of your liquidation, it instantly creates a market sell: this means that your remaining $900 is sold off so that Binance can recover its money. Now, let's take this phenomenon and apply it on a much larger scale: imagine that 10,000 people enter long with 10x leverage on BTC at 3 different levels: at $65k, $67.5k, and $70k. Now, imagine that the price drops to $63k, so -10% from $70k. The people who entered will get liquidated and will thus trigger massive sales in the market, which will strongly push down the price of BTC, which will then go down to $60,750 due to massive liquidations, which will trigger the liquidations of those who entered at $67.5k, and so on... This is called cascading liquidations. When too many people enter the market with leverage, it creates a risk of very strong and rapid liquidations, which can create "flash crashes", that is, moments of a few minutes where BTC can lose -20 or -25%. This is also the same in traditional finance, on the scale of banks/hedge funds etc, but that's another topic. Thank you for reading. Feel free to like, comment, share and subscribe, it helps a lot. You can also tip me, it's my only way of being paid. Thank you very much to those who will do it.

I think I've said it enough times: don't use leverage, don't try Futures, you'll only lose your money. I can assure you of that. But that's not what I want to talk about this time. I want to talk about the impact of leverage on movements in the crypto markets. Pay attention, as this is crucial to understand.
First of all, understand how leverage works: imagine you open a trade to buy with $100 with 10x leverage, it will act as if you had $1,000. How does this work? The exchange (like Binance) will simply lend you $900, and in exchange for that, if the price drops by 10% (so your $1,000 turns into $900), your position is automatically closed to prevent you from being indebted to the exchange. You are what is called "liquidated".
When you are liquidated on a long position, at the moment of your liquidation, it instantly creates a market sell: this means that your remaining $900 is sold off so that Binance can recover its money.
Now, let's take this phenomenon and apply it on a much larger scale: imagine that 10,000 people enter long with 10x leverage on BTC at 3 different levels: at $65k, $67.5k, and $70k. Now, imagine that the price drops to $63k, so -10% from $70k. The people who entered will get liquidated and will thus trigger massive sales in the market, which will strongly push down the price of BTC, which will then go down to $60,750 due to massive liquidations, which will trigger the liquidations of those who entered at $67.5k, and so on... This is called cascading liquidations.
When too many people enter the market with leverage, it creates a risk of very strong and rapid liquidations, which can create "flash crashes", that is, moments of a few minutes where BTC can lose -20 or -25%. This is also the same in traditional finance, on the scale of banks/hedge funds etc, but that's another topic.
Thank you for reading.
Feel free to like, comment, share and subscribe, it helps a lot. You can also tip me, it's my only way of being paid. Thank you very much to those who will do it.
JUST CLAIM YOUR FIRST $FOOD Here is another $0 Cost Airdrop !!! Be the first 🐈‍⬛🐕 Potential: $100-1000$..✅ Level: Easy Task ✅ Step 1: Tap and hold the l(ink) below for 2-3 seconds to Copy and paste. (L(ink) pined in comment ) Step 2: Paste the link in your browser and you will see “Cats&Dogs“, below you will see a button that says “Send a message “ tap the button and it will open. Step 3: Connect your tone wallet and start completing tasks to get bonus coins. This is the basic guide Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment #NeiroOnBinance #CATIonBinance #catizen #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR

Here is another $0 Cost Airdrop !!!
Be the first 🐈‍⬛🐕

Potential: $100-1000$..✅

Level: Easy Task ✅

Step 1:
Tap and hold the l(ink) below for 2-3 seconds to Copy and paste. (L(ink) pined in comment )

Step 2:
Paste the link in your browser and you will see
“Cats&Dogs“, below you will see a button that says “Send a message “ tap the button and it will open.

Step 3:
Connect your tone wallet and start completing tasks to get bonus coins.

This is the basic guide
Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment
#NeiroOnBinance #CATIonBinance #catizen #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR
Just Claim your first $GOATS Be first 🔥 Easily ✔️ Airdrop ✔️10$-250$ New ✔️ Here is a detailed Step by Step Guide 🪂 Step 1: Tap and hold the link below for 2-3 seconds to Copy and paste. (Link pined in comment ) Step 2: Paste the link in your browser and you will see “GOATS☑️ Step3: Link pinned in comments ✌🏻
Just Claim your first $GOATS Be first 🔥

Easily ✔️
Airdrop ✔️10$-250$
New ✔️

Here is a detailed Step by Step Guide 🪂

Step 1:
Tap and hold the link below for 2-3 seconds to Copy and paste. (Link pined in comment )

Step 2:
Paste the link in your browser and you will see

Step3: Link pinned in comments ✌🏻
CLAIM YOUR FIRST GOATS Here is another $0 Cost Airdrop you should not miss in 2024 ✅. Get on the first carriage❗️❗️❗️ Potential: $100-1000$..✅ Level: Easy Task ✅ Time: 2-5 minutes ✅ If you have missed any Airdrop, do your very best to get involved in this project and accumulate as many as you can , be consistent and committed Here is a detailed Step by Step Guide 🪂 Step 1: Tap and hold the link below for 2-3 seconds to Copy and paste. (Link pined in comment ) Step 2: Paste the link in your browser and you will see “GOATS tap bot“, below you will see a button that says “Send a message “ tap the button and it will open in the default app for mining or you will have to download it Step 3: Connect your tone wallet and start completing tasks to get bonus coins. This is the basic guide , after doing this all you got to do is to claim regular (hourly ) , after a few days you can decide to upgrade your storage to enable you claim in a longer duration of time. Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment

Here is another $0 Cost Airdrop you should not miss in 2024 ✅. Get on the first carriage❗️❗️❗️

Potential: $100-1000$..✅

Level: Easy Task ✅

Time: 2-5 minutes ✅

If you have missed any Airdrop, do your very best to get involved in this project and accumulate as many as you can , be consistent and committed

Here is a detailed Step by Step Guide 🪂

Step 1:
Tap and hold the link below for 2-3 seconds to Copy and paste. (Link pined in comment )

Step 2:
Paste the link in your browser and you will see
“GOATS tap bot“, below you will see a button that says “Send a message “ tap the button and it will open in the default app for mining or you will have to download it

Step 3:
Connect your tone wallet and start completing tasks to get bonus coins.

This is the basic guide , after doing this all you got to do is to claim regular (hourly ) , after a few days you can decide to upgrade your storage to enable you claim in a longer duration of time.

Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment
CLAIM YOUR $GOATS On TG Here is another $0 Cost Airdrop you should not miss in 2024 ✅. Get on the first carriage❗️❗️❗️ Potential: $100-500$✅ Level: Easy Task ✅ Time: 2-5 minutes ✅ Step1 Tap and hold the link below for 2-3 seconds to Copy and paste. (Link pined in comment ) Step 2: Paste the link in your browser and you will see “Goats“, below you will see a button that says “Send a message “ tap the button and it will open in the default app for mining or you will have to download it #DODOEmpowersMemeIssuance #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #FOMC #NeiroOnBinance #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR

Here is another $0 Cost Airdrop you should not miss in 2024 ✅. Get on the first carriage❗️❗️❗️

Potential: $100-500$✅
Level: Easy Task ✅
Time: 2-5 minutes ✅

Tap and hold the link below for 2-3 seconds to
Copy and paste. (Link pined in comment )
Step 2:
Paste the link in your browser and you will see
“Goats“, below you will see a button that says “Send a message “ tap the button and it will open in the default app for mining or you will have to download it
#DODOEmpowersMemeIssuance #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #FOMC #NeiroOnBinance #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR
CLAIM YOUR FIRST $GOATS Here is another $0 Cost Airdrop you should not miss in 2024 ✅. Get on the first carriage❗️❗️❗️ Potential: $100-2000$…✅ Level: Easy Task ✅ Time: 2-5 minutes ✅ If you have missed any Airdrop, do your very best to get involved in this project and accumulate as many as you can , be consistent and committed 🎁🎁🎁🎁 Step1 Tap and hold the link below for 2-3 seconds to Copy and paste. (Link pined in comment ) Step 2: Paste the link in your browser and you will see “Goats“, below you will see a button that says “Send a message “ tap the button and it will open in the default app for mining or you will have to download it Step 3: Once you enter, start completing tasks and receive bonus coins, continue completing tasks This is the basic guide , after doing this all you got to do is to claim regular (hourly ) , after a few days you can decide to upgrade your storage to enable you claim in a longer duration of time. Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment #Cati #moonbix #DODOEmpowersMemeIssuance #CATIprediction

Here is another $0 Cost Airdrop you should not miss in 2024 ✅. Get on the first carriage❗️❗️❗️

Potential: $100-2000$…✅
Level: Easy Task ✅
Time: 2-5 minutes ✅

If you have missed any Airdrop, do your very best to get involved in this project and accumulate as many as you can , be consistent and committed 🎁🎁🎁🎁

Tap and hold the link below for 2-3 seconds to
Copy and paste. (Link pined in comment )

Step 2:
Paste the link in your browser and you will see

“Goats“, below you will see a button that says “Send a message “ tap the button and it will open in the default app for mining or you will have to download it

Step 3:
Once you enter, start completing tasks and receive bonus coins, continue completing tasks

This is the basic guide , after doing this all you got to do is to claim regular (hourly ) , after a few days you can decide to upgrade your storage to enable you claim in a longer duration of time.

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#moonbix #DODOEmpowersMemeIssuance #CATIprediction
CLAIM YOUR FIRST $CATS Token Here is another $0 Cost Airdrop you should not miss in 2024 ✅. Get on the first carriage❗️❗️❗️ Potential: $100-5000$…✅ Level: Easy Task ✅ Time: 2-5 minutes ✅ If you have missed any Airdrop, do your very best to get involved in this project and accumulate as many as you can , be consistent and committed Here is a detailed Step by Step Guide 🪂 Step 1: Tap and hold the link below for 2-3 seconds to Copy and paste. (Link pined in comment ) Step 2: Paste the link in your browser and you will see “Cats bot“, below you will see a button that says “Send a message “ tap the button and it will open in the default app for mining or you will have to download it Step 3: Once you enter, start completing tasks and receive bonus coins, continue completing tasks This is the basic guide , after doing this all you got to do is to claim regular (hourly ) , after a few days you can decide to upgrade your storage to enable you claim in a longer duration of time. Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment #DODOEmpowersMemeIssuance #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #FOMC #NeiroOnBinance #moonbix

Here is another $0 Cost Airdrop you should not miss in 2024 ✅. Get on the first carriage❗️❗️❗️

Potential: $100-5000$…✅
Level: Easy Task ✅
Time: 2-5 minutes ✅

If you have missed any Airdrop, do your very best to get involved in this project and accumulate as many as you can , be consistent and committed
Here is a detailed Step by Step Guide 🪂

Step 1:
Tap and hold the link below for 2-3 seconds to
Copy and paste. (Link pined in comment )

Step 2:
Paste the link in your browser and you will see
“Cats bot“, below you will see a button that says “Send a message “ tap the button and it will open in the default app for mining or you will have to download it

Step 3:
Once you enter, start completing tasks and receive bonus coins, continue completing tasks

This is the basic guide , after doing this all you got to do is to claim regular (hourly ) , after a few days you can decide to upgrade your storage to enable you claim in a longer duration of time.

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#DODOEmpowersMemeIssuance #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #FOMC #NeiroOnBinance #moonbix
CLAIM YOUR FIRST $GOAT coins Here is another $0 Cost Airdrop you should not miss in 2024 ✅. Get on the first carriage❗️❗️❗️ Potential: $100-2000$…✅ Level: Easy Task ✅ Time: 2-5 minutes ✅ If you have missed any Airdrop, do your very best to get involved in this project and accumulate as many as you can , be consistent and committed 🎁🎁🎁🎁 Link on comment 👇 Start today and grow up 1 Copy the link and paste it into your browser 2 Done ☑️ #DODOEmpowersMemeIssuance #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #FOMC #NeiroOnBinance #moonbix 🔝 Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment

Here is another $0 Cost Airdrop you should not miss in 2024 ✅. Get on the first carriage❗️❗️❗️

Potential: $100-2000$…✅
Level: Easy Task ✅
Time: 2-5 minutes ✅

If you have missed any Airdrop, do your very best to get involved in this project and accumulate as many as you can , be consistent and committed 🎁🎁🎁🎁

Link on comment 👇 Start today and grow up
1 Copy the link and paste it into your browser
2 Done ☑️

#DODOEmpowersMemeIssuance #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #FOMC #NeiroOnBinance #moonbix

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BUY THESE COINS BEFORE HALVING ! 100× ? The recent market crash has presented a rare opportunity for heavy profits. Here are three coins with future predictions you should consider: 1. $SAGA : This newly launched coin is trading below $4.2, falling from $7.9. Our predictions have been accurate, with alerts given in advance. Buying below $4.5 and holding for 10 days until Halving could prove profitable. Future analysis suggests a potential to reach above $6.7 in the coming month and retain value above $5.5 in the coming week. 2. $PEPE : A popular meme coin trading below $0.00000590, falling from its ATH $0.00001080. Setting a buy limit below $0.00000565 could be advantageous. The coin may rise to a new ATH of $0.00001120 after halving. 3. $ENA : Known for its stability and trustworthiness, this coin was advised for purchase below $0.920, with accurate predictions. Currently trading below $1.2, buying below $1 or $1.1 might be profitable. Future predictions indicate a potential reach of $2 soon. Despite the market crash, remain calm and hold your positions. Our time is coming soon, just hold until halving. Though I'm currently out of funding, I hope you won't miss this rare opportunity. Best of luck to all, and if you found this valuable, consider giving a tip to support! This post offers clear predictions and aims to guide investors during this volatile period. #BinanceLaunchpool #cpi #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear
The recent market crash has presented a rare opportunity for heavy profits. Here are three coins with future predictions you should consider:
1. $SAGA : This newly launched coin is trading below $4.2, falling from $7.9. Our predictions have been accurate, with alerts given in advance. Buying below $4.5 and holding for 10 days until Halving could prove profitable. Future analysis suggests a potential to reach above $6.7 in the coming month and retain value above $5.5 in the coming week.
2. $PEPE : A popular meme coin trading below $0.00000590, falling from its ATH $0.00001080. Setting a buy limit below $0.00000565 could be advantageous. The coin may rise to a new ATH of $0.00001120 after halving.
3. $ENA : Known for its stability and trustworthiness, this coin was advised for purchase below $0.920, with accurate predictions. Currently trading below $1.2, buying below $1 or $1.1 might be profitable. Future predictions indicate a potential reach of $2 soon.
Despite the market crash, remain calm and hold your positions. Our time is coming soon, just hold until halving. Though I'm currently out of funding, I hope you won't miss this rare opportunity. Best of luck to all, and if you found this valuable, consider giving a tip to support!
This post offers clear predictions and aims to guide investors during this volatile period.

#BinanceLaunchpool #cpi #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear
😮MemeFi is now with Linea and launches clans in the bot: Here is another $0 Cost Airdrop you should not miss in 2024 ✅. Get on the first carriage❗️❗️❗️ Potential: $100-2000$…✅ Level: Easy Task ✅ Time: 2-5 minutes ✅ We have already talked about the new telegram bot of the MemeFi project, which is catching up with Notcoin in terms of virality. Within a few days, it gained 3 million users. The project managed to hook the Web2 audience, apparently, through gamification - the bot has levels and cool art. 🤴The bot now has the ability to create clans. REGISTRATION (Link in comments for copy paste) I especially don’t recommend skipping it if you’ve already done a MemeFi drop. Clicker praised Linea's account on Twitter! In the text, Linea calls MemeFi a partner, that is, they are not just a member of Linea Park, but have support from Consensys. #BinanceLaunchpool #cpi #bitcoinhalving #Memecoins #WIF
😮MemeFi is now with Linea and launches clans in the bot:

Here is another $0 Cost Airdrop you should not miss in 2024 ✅. Get on the first carriage❗️❗️❗️

Potential: $100-2000$…✅
Level: Easy Task ✅
Time: 2-5 minutes ✅

We have already talked about the new telegram bot of the MemeFi project, which is catching up with Notcoin in terms of virality. Within a few days, it gained 3 million users. The project managed to hook the Web2 audience, apparently, through gamification - the bot has levels and cool art.

🤴The bot now has the ability to create clans.

REGISTRATION (Link in comments for copy paste)

I especially don’t recommend skipping it if you’ve already done a MemeFi drop.

Clicker praised Linea's account on Twitter! In the text, Linea calls MemeFi a partner, that is, they are not just a member of Linea Park, but have support from Consensys.

#BinanceLaunchpool #cpi #bitcoinhalving #Memecoins #WIF
😮MemeFi is now with Linea and launches clans in the bot: We have already talked about the new telegram bot of the MemeFi project, which is catching up with Notcoin in terms of virality. Within a few days, it gained 3 million users. The project managed to hook the Web2 audience, apparently, through gamification - the bot has levels and cool art. 🤴The bot now has the ability to create clans. REGISTRATION (LINK copy paste in comments) I especially don’t recommend skipping it if you’ve already done a MemeFi drop. Clicker praised Linea's account on Twitter! In the text, Linea calls MemeFi a partner, that is, they are not just a member of Linea Park, but have support from Consensys. #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear #Memecoins #WIF
😮MemeFi is now with Linea and launches clans in the bot:

We have already talked about the new telegram bot of the MemeFi project, which is catching up with Notcoin in terms of virality. Within a few days, it gained 3 million users. The project managed to hook the Web2 audience, apparently, through gamification - the bot has levels and cool art.

🤴The bot now has the ability to create clans.

REGISTRATION (LINK copy paste in comments)

I especially don’t recommend skipping it if you’ve already done a MemeFi drop.

Clicker praised Linea's account on Twitter! In the text, Linea calls MemeFi a partner, that is, they are not just a member of Linea Park, but have support from Consensys.

#BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear #Memecoins #WIF
CLAIM YOUR FIRST MEMEFI COINS Here is another $0 Cost Airdrop you should not miss in 2024 ✅. Get on the first carriage❗️❗️❗️ Potential: $100-2000$…✅ Level: Easy Task ✅ Time: 2-5 minutes ✅ If you have missed any Airdrop, do your very best to get involved in this project and accumulate as many as you can , be consistent and committed 🎁🎁🎁🎁 Link on comment 👇 Start today and grow up 🔝 Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear #Memecoins #WIF

Here is another $0 Cost Airdrop you should not miss in 2024 ✅. Get on the first carriage❗️❗️❗️

Potential: $100-2000$…✅

Level: Easy Task ✅

Time: 2-5 minutes ✅

If you have missed any Airdrop, do your very best to get involved in this project and accumulate as many as you can , be consistent and committed 🎁🎁🎁🎁

Link on comment 👇 Start today and grow up 🔝

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#BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear #Memecoins #WIF
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