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✅Co to jest strategia uśredniania kosztów dolara (DCA)? Strategia średnich kosztów
✅Co to jest strategia uśredniania kosztów dolara (DCA)?

Uśrednianie kosztów dolara (DCA) to jedna z najpopularniejszych długoterminowych strategii inwestycyjnych, która pomaga inwestorom radzić sobie z niestabilnymi rynkami.
• Strategia ta polega na regularnym kupowaniu aktywów finansowych w małych ilościach, a nie na jednorazowym inwestowaniu dużej kwoty.
Binance Square Official
#BinanceTurns7 Przyjdź świętować z nami 7 lat Binance, aby odblokować cyfrowe odznaki i wygrać ekskluzywny gadżet 7YA! 

Zadanie 1: Podziel się życzeniami urodzinowymi Binance, aby odblokować podstawową odznakę cyfrową 7YA
- Dokończ konfigurację swojego profilu Binance Square (np. nazwę użytkownika, profil, biografię) i śledź to konto @Binance_Square_Official w Okresie Aktywności. 

- Skomentuj ten oficjalny post Binance Square, dołączając życzenia urodzinowe Binance i upewnij się, że Twój post zawiera hashtag #BinanceTurns7, aby odblokować podstawową odznakę cyfrową 7YA. 

Zadanie 2: Opublikuj swoje ulubione wspomnienia Binance, aby odblokować ulepszoną cyfrową odznakę 7YA i gadżety Binance 7YA

- Użytkownicy, którzy pomyślnie ukończyli Zadanie 1, mogą otrzymać ulepszoną wersję Odznaki Cyfrowej 7YA, dzieląc się swoimi najmilszymi wspomnieniami z Binance w nowym poście na Binance Square, który wspomina o hashtagu #BinanceTurns7 w Okresie Aktywności. 

- Oprócz tego każdy z siedmiu najlepszych uczestników z największą łączną liczbą interakcji (tj. polubień, udostępnień, komentarzy, cytatów) dla kwalifikującego się posta w Zadaniu 2 w Okresie Aktywności otrzyma po jednym zestawie gadżetów Binance 7YA. 

- Odznaki cyfrowe 7YA pojawią się obok profili zakwalifikowanych uczestników w ciągu czterech dni roboczych po zakończeniu promocji. 
- Zwycięzcy gadżetów 7YA zostaną powiadomieni za pomocą powiadomienia push w Centrum twórców > Asystent Square, w ciągu czterech tygodni po zakończeniu promocji. 
- Użytkownicy powinni wypełnić wymagane instrukcje w terminie określonym w powiadomieniu push, aby pomyślnie otrzymać nagrody w formie gadżetów. Należy pamiętać, że zwycięzcy powinni podać prawidłowy adres wysyłki i będą odpowiedzialni za uiszczenie wszelkich podatków, jeśli mają zastosowanie. 
- Żadne zwroty nagród ani równowartość pieniężna nagród nie zostaną przyznane.

Okres aktywności: 2024-07-05 12:00 (UTC) do 2024-07-10 11:59 (UTC)
Meme Coins No Longer Signal a Market Peak, According to the Co-Founder of Mechanism Capital Odaily reports that Mechanism Capital partner and co-founder Andrew Kang has discussed his opinions on the place of meme currencies in the present market. He stated that the emergence of different meme coins is no longer a sign of the pinnacle of the market. The reason for this is that meme coins are no longer regarded as a sector's final link. In fact, for new capital allocators, they are currently the most reliable industry. Memes have led the market and, in Kang's opinion, will continue to do so. Kang's remarks suggest that the financial industry's perspective on meme currencies is changing. In the past, the rise in meme coins was frequently interpreted as an indication of market saturation and the impending start of a decline. But according to Kang's viewpoint, this is no longer the case. Meme coins are becoming more credible and trustworthy among new capital allocators, which points to a more secure and possibly lucrative future for this kind of digital asset. The future of the bitcoin sector may be significantly impacted by this shift in attitude. Memes have the ability to completely change the digital asset landscape if they maintain their current market dominance and trustworthiness. Like any investment, meme coins' future is still up in the air and susceptible to changes in the market.#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #solana #Binance #bitcoin #nft
Meme Coins No Longer Signal a Market Peak, According to the Co-Founder of Mechanism Capital

Odaily reports that Mechanism Capital partner and co-founder Andrew Kang has discussed his opinions on the place of meme currencies in the present market. He stated that the emergence of different meme coins is no longer a sign of the pinnacle of the market. The reason for this is that meme coins are no longer regarded as a sector's final link. In fact, for new capital allocators, they are currently the most reliable industry. Memes have led the market and, in Kang's opinion, will continue to do so.

Kang's remarks suggest that the financial industry's perspective on meme currencies is changing. In the past, the rise in meme coins was frequently interpreted as an indication of market saturation and the impending start of a decline. But according to Kang's viewpoint, this is no longer the case. Meme coins are becoming more credible and trustworthy among new capital allocators, which points to a more secure and possibly lucrative future for this kind of digital asset.

The future of the bitcoin sector may be significantly impacted by this shift in attitude. Memes have the ability to completely change the digital asset landscape if they maintain their current market dominance and trustworthiness. Like any investment, meme coins' future is still up in the air and susceptible to changes in the market.#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #solana #Binance #bitcoin #nft
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Lider marketingu zespołu Shiba Inu wydaje ostrzeżenie i udostępnia nowy film. Oficjalny lider marketingu zespołu Shiba Inu, Lucie, podobno opublikował nowy film na TikToku i przekazał społeczności krytyczne ostrzeżenie, według U.Today. W tym filmie znajduje się wiadomość od zespołu SHIB do armii Shiba Inu, która według Lucie ma „epicką” ścieżkę dźwiękową. Wiadomość głosowa filmu brzmi: „Do tych, którzy mnie skreślili”. Do wszystkich, którzy mnie zignorowali i myśleli, że umarłem. Nie poddaję się i nadal tu jestem. Tekst filmu z dumą oznajmia: „To nie sprint, to maraton”. Lucie wysłała również ostrzeżenie do społeczności monet memowych SHIB w weekend. Poinformowała społeczność, że token TREAT nie został jeszcze wydany, pomimo jego zamierzonego wykorzystania jako dystrybucji nagród w ekosystemie SHIB. Lucie podkreśliła, że ​​jest wielu oszustów, którzy wprowadzają społeczność SHIB w błąd, atakując ich. Aby uzyskać prawidłowe informacje, zasugerowała śledzenie oficjalnego konta. Na początku tego roku ujawniono, że duża liczba oszustów nie tylko namawiała ludzi do inwestowania w niewydaną walutę TREAT, ale także podszywała się pod ważnych członków zespołu SHIB, takich jak tajemniczy lider Shytoshi Kusama i główny programista SHIB, Kaal Dhairya. Po odkryciu fałszywych kont tych osób na Telegramie, Lucie i inni członkowie zespołu SHIB zaczęli podnosić świadomość na temat oszukańczej działalności. W innych wiadomościach dane opublikowane przez eksploratora Shibburn wskazują, że społeczność SHIB rzekomo spaliła kolejną znaczną część walut memowych. W ciągu ostatniego dnia spalono 7 128 803 monet memowych z psami, co zwiększyło ogólną szybkość spalania o 207,23%. Tokeny, które są „spalone” lub trwale zablokowane, są przekazywane na niewydane adresy blockchain, co zmniejsza liczbę Shiba Inu w obiegu. Jest to część długoterminowego planu mającego na celu zwiększenie niedoboru SHIB i ewentualne podniesienie jego ceny. #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #solana #Binance #bitcoin #BTC
Lider marketingu zespołu Shiba Inu wydaje ostrzeżenie i udostępnia nowy film.

Oficjalny lider marketingu zespołu Shiba Inu, Lucie, podobno opublikował nowy film na TikToku i przekazał społeczności krytyczne ostrzeżenie, według U.Today. W tym filmie znajduje się wiadomość od zespołu SHIB do armii Shiba Inu, która według Lucie ma „epicką” ścieżkę dźwiękową. Wiadomość głosowa filmu brzmi: „Do tych, którzy mnie skreślili”. Do wszystkich, którzy mnie zignorowali i myśleli, że umarłem. Nie poddaję się i nadal tu jestem. Tekst filmu z dumą oznajmia: „To nie sprint, to maraton”.

Lucie wysłała również ostrzeżenie do społeczności monet memowych SHIB w weekend. Poinformowała społeczność, że token TREAT nie został jeszcze wydany, pomimo jego zamierzonego wykorzystania jako dystrybucji nagród w ekosystemie SHIB. Lucie podkreśliła, że ​​jest wielu oszustów, którzy wprowadzają społeczność SHIB w błąd, atakując ich. Aby uzyskać prawidłowe informacje, zasugerowała śledzenie oficjalnego konta.

Na początku tego roku ujawniono, że duża liczba oszustów nie tylko namawiała ludzi do inwestowania w niewydaną walutę TREAT, ale także podszywała się pod ważnych członków zespołu SHIB, takich jak tajemniczy lider Shytoshi Kusama i główny programista SHIB, Kaal Dhairya. Po odkryciu fałszywych kont tych osób na Telegramie, Lucie i inni członkowie zespołu SHIB zaczęli podnosić świadomość na temat oszukańczej działalności.

W innych wiadomościach dane opublikowane przez eksploratora Shibburn wskazują, że społeczność SHIB rzekomo spaliła kolejną znaczną część walut memowych. W ciągu ostatniego dnia spalono 7 128 803 monet memowych z psami, co zwiększyło ogólną szybkość spalania o 207,23%. Tokeny, które są „spalone” lub trwale zablokowane, są przekazywane na niewydane adresy blockchain, co zmniejsza liczbę Shiba Inu w obiegu. Jest to część długoterminowego planu mającego na celu zwiększenie niedoboru SHIB i ewentualne podniesienie jego ceny.
#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #solana #Binance #bitcoin #BTC
After 4.5 years, Diamond Hand Trader Sells SHIB, Profits Soar 419 Times Odaily reports that a diamond hand trader realized a 419-fold return on their SHIB holdings after selling them after 4.5 years. On February 1, 2021, the trader made their first purchase of 480.9 billion PEPE with 2 ETH, which is roughly 2625 USD. These holdings were recently sold, and 278.7 ETH was returned. In the bitcoin market, traders that hold onto their investments for extended periods of time, despite market volatility, are referred to be "diamond hands." This trader's perseverance has paid off handsomely, as their original PEPE investment has ballooned to a sizeable return in ETH. This example shows how the cryptocurrency market can yield substantial profits for investors who are prepared to hang onto their money for extended periods of time. It's crucial to remember that these results are not assured and that there is a significant amount of risk associated with investing in cryptocurrencies because of market volatility. #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #solana #Binance #bitcoin #BTC
After 4.5 years, Diamond Hand Trader Sells SHIB, Profits Soar 419 Times

Odaily reports that a diamond hand trader realized a 419-fold return on their SHIB holdings after selling them after 4.5 years. On February 1, 2021, the trader made their first purchase of 480.9 billion PEPE with 2 ETH, which is roughly 2625 USD. These holdings were recently sold, and 278.7 ETH was returned.

In the bitcoin market, traders that hold onto their investments for extended periods of time, despite market volatility, are referred to be "diamond hands." This trader's perseverance has paid off handsomely, as their original PEPE investment has ballooned to a sizeable return in ETH.

This example shows how the cryptocurrency market can yield substantial profits for investors who are prepared to hang onto their money for extended periods of time. It's crucial to remember that these results are not assured and that there is a significant amount of risk associated with investing in cryptocurrencies because of market volatility.

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #solana #Binance #bitcoin #BTC
The Ministry of Justice in South Korea Is Focused on Virtual Asset Crimes The Joint Investigation Team of the Southern Seoul Prosecutor's Office is stepping up efforts to combat unreported virtual asset transactions, fraudulent virtual asset deposits, and manipulation of the virtual asset market, the South Korean Ministry of Justice has said, according to Odaily. The PICA fraud case, which included 90 billion Korean won, the unlawful over-the-counter (OTC) business, which involved 580 billion Korean won, and the Haru Invest deposit fraud case, which involved 1.4 trillion Korean won, are the three representative cases of these crimes that the Ministry of Justice has emphasized. The Financial Commission and the Financial Supervisory Service are in talks with the Ministry of Justice to create subsidiary regulations, like the formula for determining unjust profits resulting from unethical trading methods in the virtual asset market. They hope this will help expedite the investigation of unethical trading behaviors in the virtual asset market, fully recover illicit proceeds, and improve market stability and dependability. #solana #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Binance #bitcoin #BTC
The Ministry of Justice in South Korea Is Focused on Virtual Asset Crimes

The Joint Investigation Team of the Southern Seoul Prosecutor's Office is stepping up efforts to combat unreported virtual asset transactions, fraudulent virtual asset deposits, and manipulation of the virtual asset market, the South Korean Ministry of Justice has said, according to Odaily. The PICA fraud case, which included 90 billion Korean won, the unlawful over-the-counter (OTC) business, which involved 580 billion Korean won, and the Haru Invest deposit fraud case, which involved 1.4 trillion Korean won, are the three representative cases of these crimes that the Ministry of Justice has emphasized.

The Financial Commission and the Financial Supervisory Service are in talks with the Ministry of Justice to create subsidiary regulations, like the formula for determining unjust profits resulting from unethical trading methods in the virtual asset market. They hope this will help expedite the investigation of unethical trading behaviors in the virtual asset market, fully recover illicit proceeds, and improve market stability and dependability.
#solana #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Binance #bitcoin #BTC
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Whales Market powiadamia platformę X o uruchomieniu BorpaToken Według Odaily ogłoszono wprowadzenie BorpaToken (BORPA) na Whales Market, znanym rynku aktywów cyfrowych. Oczekuje się, że nowa kryptowaluta poprawi funkcje platformy i zapewni użytkownikom dostęp do szerszego zakresu opcji inwestycyjnych. W oświadczeniu nie podano żadnych innych informacji dotyczących uruchomienia ani cech BorpaToken. Działanie to jest uważane za element ciągłych wysiłków Whales Market mających na celu poszerzenie asortymentu i zaspokojenie zmieniających się wymagań klientów. Oczekuje się, że uruchomienie BorpaToken na platformie X zwiększy liczbę użytkowników i zachęci do handlu. Przed zainwestowaniem w nowe aktywa cyfrowe potencjalni inwestorzy są proszeni o przeprowadzenie szeroko zakrojonych badań i uwzględnienie swojej tolerancji ryzyka. #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #solana #Binance #bitcoin #BTC
Whales Market powiadamia platformę X o uruchomieniu BorpaToken

Według Odaily ogłoszono wprowadzenie BorpaToken (BORPA) na Whales Market, znanym rynku aktywów cyfrowych. Oczekuje się, że nowa kryptowaluta poprawi funkcje platformy i zapewni użytkownikom dostęp do szerszego zakresu opcji inwestycyjnych. W oświadczeniu nie podano żadnych innych informacji dotyczących uruchomienia ani cech BorpaToken. Działanie to jest uważane za element ciągłych wysiłków Whales Market mających na celu poszerzenie asortymentu i zaspokojenie zmieniających się wymagań klientów.

Oczekuje się, że uruchomienie BorpaToken na platformie X zwiększy liczbę użytkowników i zachęci do handlu. Przed zainwestowaniem w nowe aktywa cyfrowe potencjalni inwestorzy są proszeni o przeprowadzenie szeroko zakrojonych badań i uwzględnienie swojej tolerancji ryzyka.
#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #solana #Binance #bitcoin #BTC
$1 million DMT invested by a new wallet address yields a 24% profit. A recently established wallet address that was first financed by GSR has reportedly invested $1 million in DMT and has already realized a 24% profit, according to data from Nasnen, as reported by Odaily. In the last week, DMT's value has increased by 92%. The new wallet address's profit margin has benefited from the notable growth in DMT's value. This wallet address's initial financing came from GSR, a reputable company in the cryptocurrency space. The information emphasizes how profitable investing in digital currencies such as DMT can be, particularly when the market is up. But it's crucial to remember that the market for virtual currencies is quite erratic, so investments should be done carefully.#EarnFreeCrypto2024
$1 million DMT invested by a new wallet address yields a 24% profit.

A recently established wallet address that was first financed by GSR has reportedly invested $1 million in DMT and has already realized a 24% profit, according to data from Nasnen, as reported by Odaily. In the last week, DMT's value has increased by 92%. The new wallet address's profit margin has benefited from the notable growth in DMT's value. This wallet address's initial financing came from GSR, a reputable company in the cryptocurrency space. The information emphasizes how profitable investing in digital currencies such as DMT can be, particularly when the market is up. But it's crucial to remember that the market for virtual currencies is quite erratic, so investments should be done carefully.#EarnFreeCrypto2024
Developers Are Encouraged to Continue Building Despite Market Volatility by the Shiba Inu Team The official social media marketing lead for the Shiba Inu team, Lucie, reportedly sent out a message urging developers to keep developing on the SHIB and Shibarium blockchain, according to U.Today. Her main takeaway from the event was that developers should keep working hard without anticipating praise or adulation from Shytoshi Kusama or from her on social media. Whatever the outcome—good, bad, or nonexistent—Lucie underlined that the secret to success is to 'keep working.' She emphasized that in this process, constancy is essential. Lucie went on to emphasize how important it is to work on a project without waiting for approval or praise from herself or lead developer Shytoshi Nakamoto. She made the point that if a project is good, the Shiba Inu team will undoubtedly notice it and may choose to invest in it or suggest working together. Adding, "There are thousands and thousands of projects, it takes a real one to survive and succeed," Lucie said that "an honest project" is necessary for success. According to market capitalization, SHIB, the second-biggest cryptocurrency with a dog theme, has dropped significantly over the last 24 hours, losing roughly 6.53% of its value. It recently had a sharp decline of 4.19%, falling short of the SHIB community's long-expected $0.00003 goal. SHIB's trading price as of this writing is $0.00002505. $SHIB
Developers Are Encouraged to Continue Building Despite Market Volatility by the Shiba Inu Team

The official social media marketing lead for the Shiba Inu team, Lucie, reportedly sent out a message urging developers to keep developing on the SHIB and Shibarium blockchain, according to U.Today. Her main takeaway from the event was that developers should keep working hard without anticipating praise or adulation from Shytoshi Kusama or from her on social media. Whatever the outcome—good, bad, or nonexistent—Lucie underlined that the secret to success is to 'keep working.' She emphasized that in this process, constancy is essential.

Lucie went on to emphasize how important it is to work on a project without waiting for approval or praise from herself or lead developer Shytoshi Nakamoto. She made the point that if a project is good, the Shiba Inu team will undoubtedly notice it and may choose to invest in it or suggest working together. Adding, "There are thousands and thousands of projects, it takes a real one to survive and succeed," Lucie said that "an honest project" is necessary for success.

According to market capitalization, SHIB, the second-biggest cryptocurrency with a dog theme, has dropped significantly over the last 24 hours, losing roughly 6.53% of its value. It recently had a sharp decline of 4.19%, falling short of the SHIB community's long-expected $0.00003 goal. SHIB's trading price as of this writing is $0.00002505.
People Coin Has Noticeably Increased in Just a Day Foresight News reports that in just one day, the value of the cryptocurrency People Coin increased significantly. The coin now has its highest recorded value of 0.081 USDT, which it reached during this time. In just one day, the value gain amounts to a 24.45% increase.#MemeWatch2024
People Coin Has Noticeably Increased in Just a Day

Foresight News reports that in just one day, the value of the cryptocurrency People Coin increased significantly. The coin now has its highest recorded value of 0.081 USDT, which it reached during this time. In just one day, the value gain amounts to a 24.45% increase.#MemeWatch2024
Bitcoin's market capitalization might reach $3 trillion. Post-Halving According to CryptoPotato, Bitcoin's market capitalization could exceed $3 trillion after the impending halving event. This estimate is based on a number of factors, including the asset's previous strong price performance and industry growth expectations. Bitcoin's market capitalization just reached an all-time high of more than $1.43 trillion and is currently around $1.32 trillion. ChatGPT, a popular chatbot, claimed that attaining the $3 trillion milestone is achievable, but it is contingent on a number of circumstances, including the influence of the halving event. Historically, halving has preceded a Bitcoin bull run. However, this time the scenario appears to be different, as the cryptocurrency's price began to surge months before the event. Marathon Digital CEO Fred Thiel feels the rally influenced by the event has already been priced in, and he does not expect big increases in the near future. ChatGPT, a prominent chatbot, suggested that reaching the $3 trillion milestone is possible, but it depends on a variety of factors, including the impact of the halving event. Historically, halving preceded a Bitcoin bull run. However, this time, the situation looks to be different, as the cryptocurrency's price began to rise months before the event. Marathon Digital CEO Fred Thiel believes the rally influenced by the event has already been priced in, and he does not anticipate significant rises in the short term. ChatGPT also noted that future market dynamics, including as institutional adoption, regulatory frameworks, and macroeconomic factors, will influence Bitcoin's market capitalization. It highlighted that a jump of $3 trillion is only achievable if investor confidence remains favorable. Brad Garlinghouse, Ripple's CEO, recently forecast a bright future for the cryptocurrency industry. He expects the sector's global market capitalization might approach $5 trillion this year. $BTC
Bitcoin's market capitalization might reach $3 trillion. Post-Halving
According to CryptoPotato, Bitcoin's market capitalization could exceed $3 trillion after the impending halving event. This estimate is based on a number of factors, including the asset's previous strong price performance and industry growth expectations. Bitcoin's market capitalization just reached an all-time high of more than $1.43 trillion and is currently around $1.32 trillion.
ChatGPT, a popular chatbot, claimed that attaining the $3 trillion milestone is achievable, but it is contingent on a number of circumstances, including the influence of the halving event. Historically, halving has preceded a Bitcoin bull run. However, this time the scenario appears to be different, as the cryptocurrency's price began to surge months before the event. Marathon Digital CEO Fred Thiel feels the rally influenced by the event has already been priced in, and he does not expect big increases in the near future.
ChatGPT, a prominent chatbot, suggested that reaching the $3 trillion milestone is possible, but it depends on a variety of factors, including the impact of the halving event. Historically, halving preceded a Bitcoin bull run. However, this time, the situation looks to be different, as the cryptocurrency's price began to rise months before the event. Marathon Digital CEO Fred Thiel believes the rally influenced by the event has already been priced in, and he does not anticipate significant rises in the short term.
ChatGPT also noted that future market dynamics, including as institutional adoption, regulatory frameworks, and macroeconomic factors, will influence Bitcoin's market capitalization. It highlighted that a jump of $3 trillion is only achievable if investor confidence remains favorable.
Brad Garlinghouse, Ripple's CEO, recently forecast a bright future for the cryptocurrency industry. He expects the sector's global market capitalization might approach $5 trillion this year. $BTC
Crypto Trader Loses More Than $1 Million Due To Market Crash. According to PANews, a crypto trader identified as Crypto Nerd reported a large loss of more than $1 million overnight as a result of the cryptocurrency market's steep plunge. The trader, who was trading on platform X, stated that his three-times leveraged long positions on PEPE were liquidated due to the market decline. The rapid and abrupt market drop resulted in this significant financial loss, emphasizing the volatility and danger inherent with cryptocurrency trading. $BTC $ETH $BNB
Crypto Trader Loses More Than $1 Million Due To Market Crash.

According to PANews, a crypto trader identified as Crypto Nerd reported a large loss of more than $1 million overnight as a result of the cryptocurrency market's steep plunge. The trader, who was trading on platform X, stated that his three-times leveraged long positions on PEPE were liquidated due to the market decline. The rapid and abrupt market drop resulted in this significant financial loss, emphasizing the volatility and danger inherent with cryptocurrency trading.

Rune Protocol Is Released On Testnet by Merlin Chain's UniCross Foresight News reports that the Rune Protocol has been made available on the testnet of UniCross, Merlin Chain's ecological application. The Runes minting and indexing are supported by the protocol. After the Rune Protocol went live on the testnet, UniCross announced that it got over 200,000 requests for Rune minting in under 12 hours. The total minting fee was more than six bitcoins. The Bitcoin Testnet memory pool currently has more over 150,000 transactions, and the gas cost rate is more than 20 sat/vB. $RUNE
Rune Protocol Is Released On Testnet by Merlin Chain's UniCross

Foresight News reports that the Rune Protocol has been made available on the testnet of UniCross, Merlin Chain's ecological application. The Runes minting and indexing are supported by the protocol. After the Rune Protocol went live on the testnet, UniCross announced that it got over 200,000 requests for Rune minting in under 12 hours. The total minting fee was more than six bitcoins. The Bitcoin Testnet memory pool currently has more over 150,000 transactions, and the gas cost rate is more than 20 sat/vB.

MAP Protocol, Bitcoin's L2 Interoperability Layer, Achieves Record-High TVL The Total Value Locked (TVL) in the MAP Protocol, the L2 interoperability layer of Bitcoin, has reportedly crossed $100 million and reached a new historical high of $123.96 million, according to Foresight News. This important milestone shows that the MAP Protocol, which aims to improve the interoperability of the Bitcoin network, is becoming more and more popular. DefiLlama, a reputable source for decentralized finance (DeFi) analytics, supplied the data. $BTC
MAP Protocol, Bitcoin's L2 Interoperability Layer, Achieves Record-High TVL

The Total Value Locked (TVL) in the MAP Protocol, the L2 interoperability layer of Bitcoin, has reportedly crossed $100 million and reached a new historical high of $123.96 million, according to Foresight News. This important milestone shows that the MAP Protocol, which aims to improve the interoperability of the Bitcoin network, is becoming more and more popular. DefiLlama, a reputable source for decentralized finance (DeFi) analytics, supplied the data.
OpenLM IMO Launch Announced by ORA Protocol The verified prediction protocol ORA, originally known as Hyper Oracle, is scheduled to launch its OpenLM IMO on April 13 at 09:00 Beijing time, according to Foresight News. Now, users can register with X and link their wallets. With a minimum purchase quantity of 0.01 ETH and a maximum purchase amount of 1 ETH, the IMO operates on a first-come, first-served basis. The IMO will be accessible for a whole day. One billion OpenLM IMO tokens, or OLM, are in circulation. Ten percent will go to OpenLM contributors, thirty percent will be used for liquidity, fifty percent will be used for the IMO public auction, and the remaining ten percent will go to the ORA team. The OLM valuation, completely diluted, is 300 ETH. The IMO plans to raise 500 million OLM, or 150 ETH. OLM is now trading for 3e-7 ETH on the IMO (or around 0.001 USDT). OLM's two primary characteristics are destruction and revenue sharing. The revenue sharing pool made up of OLM tokens will get a share of the money made from OAO and other sources. Following the snapshot, token holders are eligible to apply for income once every 90 days. A part of OAO's and other sources' earnings will go toward the destruction pool for OLM tokens. As a buyback option, token holders can destroy their tokens to maintain the OLM floor price. The goal of OpenLM, an executable language model repository, is to advance the study of intermediate language models while optimizing GPU usage and training velocity.
OpenLM IMO Launch Announced by ORA Protocol

The verified prediction protocol ORA, originally known as Hyper Oracle, is scheduled to launch its OpenLM IMO on April 13 at 09:00 Beijing time, according to Foresight News. Now, users can register with X and link their wallets. With a minimum purchase quantity of 0.01 ETH and a maximum purchase amount of 1 ETH, the IMO operates on a first-come, first-served basis. The IMO will be accessible for a whole day.

One billion OpenLM IMO tokens, or OLM, are in circulation. Ten percent will go to OpenLM contributors, thirty percent will be used for liquidity, fifty percent will be used for the IMO public auction, and the remaining ten percent will go to the ORA team. The OLM valuation, completely diluted, is 300 ETH. The IMO plans to raise 500 million OLM, or 150 ETH. OLM is now trading for 3e-7 ETH on the IMO (or around 0.001 USDT). OLM's two primary characteristics are destruction and revenue sharing.

The revenue sharing pool made up of OLM tokens will get a share of the money made from OAO and other sources. Following the snapshot, token holders are eligible to apply for income once every 90 days. A part of OAO's and other sources' earnings will go toward the destruction pool for OLM tokens. As a buyback option, token holders can destroy their tokens to maintain the OLM floor price.

The goal of OpenLM, an executable language model repository, is to advance the study of intermediate language models while optimizing GPU usage and training velocity.
Bitcoin (BTC) Sees a Narrowed 1.26% Increase in 24 Hours and Drops Below 70,000 USDT At 11:58 AM (UTC) on April 11, 2024. Bitcoin has fallen below 70,000 USDT and is currently trading at 69,914.75 USDT, indicating a thin 1.26% growth in just one day, according to Binance Market Data. $BTC
Bitcoin (BTC) Sees a Narrowed 1.26% Increase in 24 Hours and Drops Below 70,000 USDT

At 11:58 AM (UTC) on April 11, 2024. Bitcoin has fallen below 70,000 USDT and is currently trading at 69,914.75 USDT, indicating a thin 1.26% growth in just one day, according to Binance Market Data.

IBIT Reports a 21.3 Million Dollar Net Inflow BlockBeats reports that IBIT, a Belet product, announced a net inflow of $21.3 million on April 9. Tree News first reported this financial news. The amount of money invested in the product during the course of the day is shown by the net inflow. An important metric for assessing the performance of the product and investor interest is this financial activity. The significant influx of $21.3 million indicates that investors have a high level of trust in IBIT. It's crucial to remember that this is just statistics from one day, so it could not necessarily represent a long-term trend. There were no other specifics given regarding the type of investments made or the investors. How this capital inflow affects IBIT's performance in the upcoming days is still to be seen.
IBIT Reports a 21.3 Million Dollar Net Inflow

BlockBeats reports that IBIT, a Belet product, announced a net inflow of $21.3 million on April 9. Tree News first reported this financial news. The amount of money invested in the product during the course of the day is shown by the net inflow.

An important metric for assessing the performance of the product and investor interest is this financial activity. The significant influx of $21.3 million indicates that investors have a high level of trust in IBIT. It's crucial to remember that this is just statistics from one day, so it could not necessarily represent a long-term trend.

There were no other specifics given regarding the type of investments made or the investors. How this capital inflow affects IBIT's performance in the upcoming days is still to be seen.
An Increase in Venture Capital Investment Into Crypto Startups According to Bloomberg, venture capital (VC) investments in cryptocurrency firms increased significantly in the first quarter of 2024. The amount invested came to $2.5 billion, up 32% from the previous quarter and staying at a level comparable to the prior year's same period. PitchBook gave this information. Following a two-year period of capital conservation, investors have resumed spending, according to PitchBook cryptocurrency analyst Robert Le. Part of the reason for the resurgence of interest in cryptocurrencies was the recent approvals. The managing general partner of Canonical Crypto, an early-stage venture fund, Anand Iyer, has noticed a spike in financing activity lately. He made the point that some of the entrepreneurs who are currently seeking funding are not novices in the field; they have developed unsuccessful initiatives in the past. According to Robert Le, a cryptocurrency analyst for PitchBook, investors have started investing again after a two-year period of money conservation. The latest approvals contributed to the renewed interest in cryptocurrencies. Anand Iyer, managing general partner of early-stage venture firm Canonical Crypto, has recently observed an increase in financing activities. He emphasized that some of the business owners looking for finance are not newbies to the industry; they have created failed projects in the past. A few of the original characteristics of cryptocurrencies that were well-known in the last bull market have also returned. There are indications of industry maturity that other venture capitalists are observing. Formerly a member of the executive team at the decentralized cryptocurrency exchange Sushi, John Lo is a managing partner at Recharge Capital, where he is in charge of digital asset investing. He pointed out that the business is growing because Bitcoin is being adopted and used on a scale that has never been seen before.
An Increase in Venture Capital Investment Into Crypto Startups

According to Bloomberg, venture capital (VC) investments in cryptocurrency firms increased significantly in the first quarter of 2024. The amount invested came to $2.5 billion, up 32% from the previous quarter and staying at a level comparable to the prior year's same period. PitchBook gave this information.

Following a two-year period of capital conservation, investors have resumed spending, according to PitchBook cryptocurrency analyst Robert Le. Part of the reason for the resurgence of interest in cryptocurrencies was the recent approvals. The managing general partner of Canonical Crypto, an early-stage venture fund, Anand Iyer, has noticed a spike in financing activity lately. He made the point that some of the entrepreneurs who are currently seeking funding are not novices in the field; they have developed unsuccessful initiatives in the past.

According to Robert Le, a cryptocurrency analyst for PitchBook, investors have started investing again after a two-year period of money conservation. The latest approvals contributed to the renewed interest in cryptocurrencies. Anand Iyer, managing general partner of early-stage venture firm Canonical Crypto, has recently observed an increase in financing activities. He emphasized that some of the business owners looking for finance are not newbies to the industry; they have created failed projects in the past.

A few of the original characteristics of cryptocurrencies that were well-known in the last bull market have also returned. There are indications of industry maturity that other venture capitalists are observing. Formerly a member of the executive team at the decentralized cryptocurrency exchange Sushi, John Lo is a managing partner at Recharge Capital, where he is in charge of digital asset investing. He pointed out that the business is growing because Bitcoin is being adopted and used on a scale that has never been seen before.
Javier García, General Manager of Binance for Spain and Portugal, Talks About Bitcoin Halving on Negocios TV In an interview with Spain's Negocios TV last week, Javier García, General Manager of Binance for Spain and Portugal, offered his thoughts on the impending halving of Bitcoin and the favorable state of the cryptocurrency industry. During the conversation, García provided insightful analysis of Binance's encouraging achievements and expansion, positioning Binance as a key participant in the dynamics of the cryptocurrency market. Important highlights include of: Due to a combination of rising cryptocurrency prices, increased activity on the site, and fresh investment volume, Binance recently broke its own record, with user assets valued at over $100 billion. In the last six months, Binance has witnessed a 17% increase in transactional retail customers throughout Europe, which has strengthened its position as a leading player in the global cryptocurrency market.
Javier García, General Manager of Binance for Spain and Portugal, Talks About Bitcoin Halving on Negocios TV

In an interview with Spain's Negocios TV last week, Javier García, General Manager of Binance for Spain and Portugal, offered his thoughts on the impending halving of Bitcoin and the favorable state of the cryptocurrency industry.

During the conversation, García provided insightful analysis of Binance's encouraging achievements and expansion, positioning Binance as a key participant in the dynamics of the cryptocurrency market. Important highlights include of: Due to a combination of rising cryptocurrency prices, increased activity on the site, and fresh investment volume, Binance recently broke its own record, with user assets valued at over $100 billion.

In the last six months, Binance has witnessed a 17% increase in transactional retail customers throughout Europe, which has strengthened its position as a leading player in the global cryptocurrency market.
By May 1st, holders of RLB tokens on Solana must migrate to Ethereum. Users who own RLB tokens on Solana have been told to switch to Ethereum by May 1st, according to Foresight News. All RLB tokens on the Solana chain will be destroyed after this date. This directive was released by Rollbit, the firm that created the RLB tokens. All users who presently possess RLB tokens on Solana are anticipated to be impacted by the change. There are no more details available regarding the relocation procedure or the factors that led to this choice.
By May 1st, holders of RLB tokens on Solana must migrate to Ethereum.

Users who own RLB tokens on Solana have been told to switch to Ethereum by May 1st, according to Foresight News. All RLB tokens on the Solana chain will be destroyed after this date. This directive was released by Rollbit, the firm that created the RLB tokens. All users who presently possess RLB tokens on Solana are anticipated to be impacted by the change. There are no more details available regarding the relocation procedure or the factors that led to this choice.
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