Binance Square
Asad Khan7
Our team is based on processional future traders and I will share crypto analysis, free signals and accurate BTC analysis here. Stay tuned and happy trading.
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Dlaczego 95% traderów ponosi porażkę? Istnieją tylko dwie możliwości handlu długiego lub krótkiego, co oznacza, że ​​szanse na wygraną i stratę wynoszą 50/50 i musi być 50% zwycięzców, ale 95% traderów przegrywa. Dlaczego? Dlaczego? Dlaczego? Przede wszystkim musisz wiedzieć, że to nie Twoja strategia spowodowała straty, ale Twoje nastawienie, które powoduje straty. Jeśli będziesz postępować zgodnie ze swoją strategią w 100% i zarządzać pieniędzmi zgodnie z planem handlowym, nigdy nie przegrasz. Traderzy zawsze zamykają swoje zyski zbyt wcześnie lub zbyt późno, pozwalając stratom rosnąć i utrzymywać je przez bardzo długi czas. Tracą 1000 USD, aby zaoszczędzić 50 USD. Jednym z głównych powodów jest psychologia handlu, większość traderów jest przepełniona emocjami, a kiedy emocje pojawiają się w ludzkim umyśle, nie jest w stanie jasno myśleć, a emocje w końcu pokonują logikę i myślenie. Drugim najważniejszym powodem są wieloryby. Wieloryby i giełdy napędzają rynek, mają ogromne fundusze i poruszają rynkiem. Zawsze polują na płynność. Zawsze tworzą pulę płynności, łapią handlowców detalicznych i przejmują płynność. Możesz być w 5% zwycięzcami. Jeśli po prostu będziesz przestrzegać dyscypliny zarządzania pieniędzmi i skoncentrujesz się na psychologii handlu $BTC #BTC/Update #BTC2024 #Write2Earn
Dlaczego 95% traderów ponosi porażkę? Istnieją tylko dwie możliwości handlu długiego lub krótkiego, co oznacza, że ​​szanse na wygraną i stratę wynoszą 50/50 i musi być 50% zwycięzców, ale 95% traderów przegrywa. Dlaczego? Dlaczego? Dlaczego? Przede wszystkim musisz wiedzieć, że to nie Twoja strategia spowodowała straty, ale Twoje nastawienie, które powoduje straty. Jeśli będziesz postępować zgodnie ze swoją strategią w 100% i zarządzać pieniędzmi zgodnie z planem handlowym, nigdy nie przegrasz.
Traderzy zawsze zamykają swoje zyski zbyt wcześnie lub zbyt późno, pozwalając stratom rosnąć i utrzymywać je przez bardzo długi czas. Tracą 1000 USD, aby zaoszczędzić 50 USD. Jednym z głównych powodów jest psychologia handlu, większość traderów jest przepełniona emocjami, a kiedy emocje pojawiają się w ludzkim umyśle, nie jest w stanie jasno myśleć, a emocje w końcu pokonują logikę i myślenie. Drugim najważniejszym powodem są wieloryby.
Wieloryby i giełdy napędzają rynek, mają ogromne fundusze i poruszają rynkiem. Zawsze polują na płynność. Zawsze tworzą pulę płynności, łapią handlowców detalicznych i przejmują płynność. Możesz być w 5% zwycięzcami. Jeśli po prostu będziesz przestrzegać dyscypliny zarządzania pieniędzmi i skoncentrujesz się na psychologii handlu $BTC #BTC/Update #BTC2024 #Write2Earn
$BTC 15m Chart Latest Update: 👉 In the last update, BTC entered bearish momentum, and it faced a slight drop, gaining 1.5% and max dropping to 42756. Now, the market momentum has changed. Let's see the current market sentiment. 👉 As per the 15m chart, BTC entered bullish momentum, so everyone needs to close short positions and open long positions with the current market price. BTC is now ready to rise above 43950-44400 at any time; if the market has high volatility, it will reach. 👉 As per the 15-minute chart, BTC currently has resistance at 43430. But this resistance will expire soon and create a new resistance level. #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #PYTH #JUP #BTCUpdate
$BTC 15m Chart Latest Update:

👉 In the last update, BTC entered bearish momentum, and it faced a slight drop, gaining 1.5% and max dropping to 42756. Now, the market momentum has changed. Let's see the current market sentiment.

👉 As per the 15m chart, BTC entered bullish momentum, so everyone needs to close short positions and open long positions with the current market price. BTC is now ready to rise above 43950-44400 at any time; if the market has high volatility, it will reach.

👉 As per the 15-minute chart, BTC currently has resistance at 43430. But this resistance will expire soon and create a new resistance level.
#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #PYTH #JUP #BTCUpdate
$BTC Latest Update: 👉 BTC is currently trading below 43400, and it has dropped 1%. BTC will drop more because it has already faced bearish momentum in the 15m chart. So, BTC will fall below 42000. 👉 As per the 15m chart, #BTC currently has resistance at 43430. BTC raised above the resistance but faced a false breakout and has already entered bearish momentum, trading in a bearish phase. So, anytime BTC will drop below 42000-41700. 👉 In the next 6 hours, I will go to sleep. I know the market conditions are good, so at that time, I will sleep, then after 2-3 hours, wake up and check the market. If there are any changes, I will provide updates to everyone. So, don't worry about BTC's fake movements against the market momentum. #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #BTCUpdate #JUP #PYTH
$BTC Latest Update:

👉 BTC is currently trading below 43400, and it has dropped 1%. BTC will drop more because it has already faced bearish momentum in the 15m chart. So, BTC will fall below 42000.

👉 As per the 15m chart, #BTC currently has resistance at 43430. BTC raised above the resistance but faced a false breakout and has already entered bearish momentum, trading in a bearish phase. So, anytime BTC will drop below 42000-41700.

👉 In the next 6 hours, I will go to sleep. I know the market conditions are good, so at that time, I will sleep, then after 2-3 hours, wake up and check the market. If there are any changes, I will provide updates to everyone. So, don't worry about BTC's fake movements against the market momentum.
#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #BTCUpdate #JUP #PYTH
$BTC Latest Update (8H & 15m): 👉 As per the 15m chart, BTC is facing bullish momentum, so it is currently rising. BTC will enter strong bullish momentum after surpassing 43000. A new resistance level for BTC will be created, or it will break the old resistance level of 43708. Everyone can hold their long position until a bearish update is provided. 👉 As per the 8H chart, #BTC attempted a bearish momentum but couldn't enter and declined. So, BTC will rise soon above 45000. Once in a bullish momentum, we can expect 45000-46000. If BTC enters a strong bullish momentum on the 8H chart, it will rise above 50000, creating a new 52-week high. Keep in mind, by the end of this February, BTC is expected to reach 50000. 👉 If there are any changes in the market, I will share updates. Please set up your profit level above the resistance of 43708. Keep your liquidation price in the $3000 price range. Maybe tomorrow, we can see 44000. #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #fomc #BTCUpdate
$BTC Latest Update (8H & 15m):
👉 As per the 15m chart, BTC is facing bullish momentum, so it is currently rising. BTC will enter strong bullish momentum after surpassing 43000. A new resistance level for BTC will be created, or it will break the old resistance level of 43708. Everyone can hold their long position until a bearish update is provided.
👉 As per the 8H chart, #BTC attempted a bearish momentum but couldn't enter and declined. So, BTC will rise soon above 45000. Once in a bullish momentum, we can expect 45000-46000. If BTC enters a strong bullish momentum on the 8H chart, it will rise above 50000, creating a new 52-week high. Keep in mind, by the end of this February, BTC is expected to reach 50000.
👉 If there are any changes in the market, I will share updates. Please set up your profit level above the resistance of 43708. Keep your liquidation price in the $3000 price range. Maybe tomorrow, we can see 44000.
#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #fomc #BTCUpdate
$BTC #BTC 15m Chart Latest Update: 👉 As per the 15-minute chart, BTC currently has resistance at 43708 and a support level at 41922. BTC has entered a bullish momentum now. So, everyone can open a long position at the current market price. Trade with sufficient funds and avoid high-risk trades. BTC will raising soon above 43050 . 👉 Always keep your liquidation price in the $3000 price range and avoid liquidation. 👉 If our analysis information is useful to you, show your support by giving likes to this. #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #BTCUpdate #fomc
$BTC #BTC 15m Chart Latest Update:

👉 As per the 15-minute chart, BTC currently has resistance at 43708 and a support level at 41922. BTC has entered a bullish momentum now. So, everyone can open a long position at the current market price. Trade with sufficient funds and avoid high-risk trades. BTC will raising soon above 43050 .

👉 Always keep your liquidation price in the $3000 price range and avoid liquidation.

👉 If our analysis information is useful to you, show your support by giving likes to this.
#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #BTCUpdate #fomc
As $JUP is launched on Binance Here is what you should do when a new token launches on exchange 1- Find out if there was an ICO (initial sale) for the coin. If there was any what was the sale price. 2- What will be the total supply of the coin and how much is circulating at the time of launch. 3- What sector of the technology they're focusing on? is it Ai , ecosystem ,layer 1 or 2 or any other crypto narrative . 4 - Once you get all the info wait and see at what price the coin is launched. Compare the gap between the ICO price and the launch price. 5- What's the marketcap of the coin at the time of launch. If it's too high it's not worth buying right at the launch. it's most likely launched at higher prices and people who got the presale or free airdrops will rush to cash out. 6- Make sure the price is not too high from the ico price and marketcap is less than $500 million. 7. Find out if it's purely a new coin or already trading on other exchanges. Once you find out all of these details. Now ask yourself should i chase this coin right after it launched or not? My personal suggestion to you : Don't even buy a coin right after it launched - Watch the price action for a few hours - Let the coin build a bass price. Make your decisions . Keep learning, Stay safe #Write2Earn #TradeNTell #TrendingTopic
As $JUP is launched on Binance Here is what you should do when a new token launches on exchange
1- Find out if there was an ICO (initial sale) for the coin. If there was any what was the sale price.
2- What will be the total supply of the coin and how much is circulating at the time of launch.
3- What sector of the technology they're focusing on? is it Ai , ecosystem ,layer 1 or 2 or any other crypto narrative .
4 - Once you get all the info wait and see at what price the coin is launched. Compare the gap between the ICO price and the launch price.
5- What's the marketcap of the coin at the time of launch. If it's too high it's not worth buying right at the launch. it's most likely launched at higher prices and people who got the presale or free airdrops will rush to cash out.
6- Make sure the price is not too high from the ico price and marketcap is less than $500 million.
7. Find out if it's purely a new coin or already trading on other exchanges.
Once you find out all of these details. Now ask yourself should i chase this coin right after it launched or not?
My personal suggestion to you : Don't even buy a coin right after it launched
- Watch the price action for a few hours
- Let the coin build a bass price.
Make your decisions .
Keep learning, Stay safe
#Write2Earn #TradeNTell #TrendingTopic
High Leverage Trading Lessons for Crypto Beginners 1. Many people are joining the world of crypto and depositing $15 to $50 to start trading. 2. They often choose to trade with high leverage, hoping to make quick profits and become millionaires overnight. 3. After making a small profit of $5 to $10, they become overconfident and take bigger risks. 4. Unfortunately, this can lead to a single trade causing them to lose all their funds and get liquidated. 5. Frustrated and disappointed, they blame the crypto market for their losses and they stop trading 6. It's important to remember that crypto trading carries risks, and it's crucial to trade responsibly and within your means. #Write2Earn #TradeNTell
High Leverage Trading Lessons for Crypto Beginners
1. Many people are joining the world of crypto and depositing $15 to $50 to start trading.
2. They often choose to trade with high leverage, hoping to make quick profits and become millionaires overnight.
3. After making a small profit of $5 to $10, they become overconfident and take bigger risks.
4. Unfortunately, this can lead to a single trade causing them to lose all their funds and get liquidated.
5. Frustrated and disappointed, they blame the crypto market for their losses and they stop trading
6. It's important to remember that crypto trading carries risks, and it's crucial to trade responsibly and within your means.
#Write2Earn #TradeNTell
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