Binance Square
CCO of DAO Labs. A dedicated social miner!
Cała zawartość
Zobacz oryginał
Wiara w moc lawinyLawina to fascynujące zjawisko naturalne charakteryzujące się szybkim ruchem kul śnieżnych po stromym zboczu. Co ciekawe, koncepcja ta znajduje metaforyczne echo w badaniach dotyczących górnictwa społecznego, zwłaszcza w ekosystemach blockchain. HUBy eksploracji społecznościowej mogą w najbardziej znaczący sposób wygenerować synergię potrzebną, aby projekt blockchain mógł się promować, sprawić, że ludzie w niego uwierzą i, co ważniejsze, będzie zrównoważony. Nazywamy to „magią” eksploracji społecznościowej. Po utworzeniu HUB-u projektu, górnicy społecznościowi mogą wygenerować ogromne korzyści ze zbiorowych działań w centrum projektu, tak jak kule śnieżne mogą wywołać „lawinę” ze zbiorowej dynamiki terenu. W odpowiednich warunkach kameralny wkład i interakcja Social Minera na małą skalę może zamienić się w gigantyczną lawinę społeczności, a projekt może świecić tak, jakby świeciły na niego gigantyczne reflektory.

Wiara w moc lawiny

Lawina to fascynujące zjawisko naturalne charakteryzujące się szybkim ruchem kul śnieżnych po stromym zboczu.
Co ciekawe, koncepcja ta znajduje metaforyczne echo w badaniach dotyczących górnictwa społecznego, zwłaszcza w ekosystemach blockchain.

HUBy eksploracji społecznościowej mogą w najbardziej znaczący sposób wygenerować synergię potrzebną, aby projekt blockchain mógł się promować, sprawić, że ludzie w niego uwierzą i, co ważniejsze, będzie zrównoważony.

Nazywamy to „magią” eksploracji społecznościowej. Po utworzeniu HUB-u projektu, górnicy społecznościowi mogą wygenerować ogromne korzyści ze zbiorowych działań w centrum projektu, tak jak kule śnieżne mogą wywołać „lawinę” ze zbiorowej dynamiki terenu. W odpowiednich warunkach kameralny wkład i interakcja Social Minera na małą skalę może zamienić się w gigantyczną lawinę społeczności, a projekt może świecić tak, jakby świeciły na niego gigantyczne reflektory.
Thank you Zoe. You must add the new words to the Mini-Dictionary :) Maybe It will be Big-Dictionary :)))
Thank you Zoe. You must add the new words to the Mini-Dictionary :) Maybe It will be Big-Dictionary :)))
Cytowana treść została usunięta
Zobacz oryginał
Spadek sprzedaży #Bitcoin to radosna wiadomość dla wszystkich, którzy zainwestowali w #Crypto Ponieważ chociaż altcoiny nie są dokładnie równoległe, zawsze podążają za BTC. $BTC to kierunek ogólnego trendu. Twoje wieści są obiecujące, dziękuję. 🤩 Być może tym, co skłania górników BTC do wstrzymania się, jest pozytywne podejście Trumpa, prowadzącego wyścig prezydencki w Stanach Zjednoczonych, do kryptowalut. Ze względu na #SEC Dla obywateli USA kryptowaluty są nadal ryzykownym i prawnie problematycznym narzędziem inwestycyjnym.
Spadek sprzedaży #Bitcoin to radosna wiadomość dla wszystkich, którzy zainwestowali w #Crypto

Ponieważ chociaż altcoiny nie są dokładnie równoległe, zawsze podążają za BTC.
$BTC to kierunek ogólnego trendu.
Twoje wieści są obiecujące, dziękuję. 🤩

Być może tym, co skłania górników BTC do wstrzymania się, jest pozytywne podejście Trumpa, prowadzącego wyścig prezydencki w Stanach Zjednoczonych, do kryptowalut. Ze względu na #SEC Dla obywateli USA kryptowaluty są nadal ryzykownym i prawnie problematycznym narzędziem inwestycyjnym.
Amerykańscy górnicy Bitcoin przechowują teraz swoje Bitcoiny: co czeka górników społecznościowych i osób zarabiających na kryptowalutach?
Cześć!! Mam nadzieję, że u Ciebie jest wszystko w porządku. Bardzo się cieszę, że mogę Cię dzisiaj gościć na moim blogu. To wiele znaczy mieć tak wspaniałych czytelników jak Ty. Dziękujemy za zatrzymanie się 🙂❤️

Wydobywanie bitcoinów pozostaje jedną z najpopularniejszych metod pozyskiwania lub zarabiania bitcoinów. Należy jednak wziąć pod uwagę znaczne zużycie energii oraz specyficzne wymagania dotyczące maszyny i komputera.

Wydobywanie bitcoinów to proces, w którym nowe transakcje Bitcoin są dodawane do łańcucha bloków, weryfikując je i zabezpieczając przy użyciu mocy obliczeniowej. Proces ten, choć niezbędny dla ekosystemu kryptowalut, jest znany ze swojego wysokiego zapotrzebowania na energię. Górnicy rywalizują w rozwiązywaniu skomplikowanych zagadek matematycznych, znanych również jako algorytmy, a ten, kto jako pierwszy rozwiąże każdą łamigłówkę, potwierdza transakcję i zdobywa nowo wybite $BTC BTC w nagrodę.
Zobacz oryginał
$ETH #ETF to ważny kamień milowy dla rynku kryptowalut.
$ETH #ETF to ważny kamień milowy dla rynku kryptowalut.
Spot Ethereum ETF – SEC, Eric Balchunas i historia startu
Jako entuzjasta @DAO Labs #SocialMining uważnie śledzę $ETH , $BTC oraz altcoiny takie jak $BNB , #AVAX✅ , #MATIC✅ i #KAVA to już popularne hasła wśród wymagających inwestorów i traderów. Eric Balchunas z Bloomberg wydaje się być pewien, że 18 lipca 2024 r. będzie datą premiery spotowego ETF-u Ethereum. $ETHE, $CETH, $ETHA i $ETHV są już nazwane, ale Invesco Galaxy, Franklin, Bitwise i PRO Shares III również zarejestrowały lub zaktualizowały swoje rejestracje.

Złożone rejestracje dla spotowych funduszy ETF Ethereum
Zobacz oryginał
DAO Labs
Sukces Themy'ego w Social Mining: Studium przypadku zarabiania na DAOLabs
Witajcie użytkownicy Binance Square! Dzisiaj mam kogoś, o kim chcę porozmawiać jako przykład; Themy.
Themy wykazała się wielką ambicją i sukcesem w tym miesiącu, zarabiając 22,53 $ z $MATIC na #DAOLabs ' #SocialMining platformie @Polygon , #PolygonHub . Gratuluję jej sukcesu i życzę, aby stała się przykładem.
Jak więc Themy osiągnął ten zysk? Wykonując zadania na platformie DAO Labs, obsługiwanej przez społeczność. Na dowolnej platformie hostowanej przez DAO Labs możemy wybrać zadanie z sekcji zadań i zdobyć punkty z platformy, spełniając określone warunki i zamieniając te punkty na kryptowalutę.
Zobacz oryginał
Polygon ($Matic) to projekt, który należy wziąć za przykład dotyczący wkładu w technologię blockchain w projekcie #crypto.
Polygon ($Matic) to projekt, który należy wziąć za przykład dotyczący wkładu w technologię blockchain w projekcie #crypto.
Victoria Flores-OriaOres
Centrum zarządzania wielokątami
Polygon Governance Hub to kompleksowe rozwiązanie do zarządzania, które ma na celu uczynienie zarządzania bardziej zdecentralizowanym i wydajnym, przy udziale członków wnoszących pomysły w budowę Polygon.

Początkowo Centrum Zarządzania będzie skupiać się na dwóch z trzech filarów

Zarządzanie protokołem: Twórcy i członkowie społeczności mogą proponować ulepszenia Polygon (PIP), ułatwiające aktualizacje protokołów Polygon i konsensus ekosystemowy, w procesie porównywalnym do zarządzania protokołem Ethereum.
Zobacz oryginał
Solana jest jednym z głównych filarów projektów kryptowalutowych.
Solana jest jednym z głównych filarów projektów kryptowalutowych.
Zrozumienie Solany ($SOL)
Wprowadzenie do Solany:
Solana to najnowocześniejszy projekt typu open source wykorzystujący technologię blockchain do oferowania rozwiązań w zakresie zdecentralizowanych finansów (DeFi). Chociaż projekt rozpoczął się w 2017 r., oficjalna inauguracja miała miejsce w marcu 2020 r., a jej inicjatorem była Fundacja Solana z siedzibą w Genewie w Szwajcarii.
Solana przyciągnęła wielu użytkowników na całym świecie i przykuło moją uwagę, aby zebrać ten artykuł. Widząc, że kilka projektów osiąga coraz większe rozmiary dzięki #SocialMining, najważniejsze staje się, aby#Solanamiała potencjał do zwiększenia skali dzięki swojej zdecentralizowanej społeczności, a firmy takie jak#DAOLabsodgrywają kluczową rolę w dokonywaniu takich zmian.
Zobacz oryginał
Witamy w DAO Dragon 😍
Witamy w DAO Dragon 😍
Cyfrowy smok w epoce cyfrowej: smok DAO
Nawet gdy $BTC miażdży wszystko #altcoins , górnicy społecznościowi znowu w akcji. Większość moich kolegów @DAO Labs kopaczy społecznościowych, w tym ja, ukończyło około 10 tygodni rund wyzwań. Dokładniej, będę to teraz uzupełniał. Zobaczymy, czy tym razem spodoba Wam się moja praca 😉
Naszym ostatnim zadaniem w Daoversian Decathlon było zaprojektowanie maskotki dla projektu w galaktyce eksploracji społecznościowej DaoLabs. Pierwszego dnia zadania wybrałem 3 projekty. Powiedziałem nawet, że zaproponuję dla wszystkich 1 maskotkę. Moim marzeniem jest Paryż... oczywiście 😂
Excellent research, Congrats Meta! I was very informed and understood the reasons why Binance supports Rango.
Excellent research, Congrats Meta!
I was very informed and understood the reasons why Binance supports Rango.
Binance Labs and Rango: Cross-Chain Innovation in the Web3 Era
Binance Labs, the venture capital and incubation arm of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, continues to invest in Web3 technologies. As a @DAO Labs social miner, I analyzed @Binance Labs ' investment portfolio tested the implementation of its latest investment #RangoExchange and gave my opinion on the project. So what does this investment mean for the evolution of cross-chain technologies and decentralized finance (DeFi)? Let's take a look at all the details together.
Part 1: Binance Labs Portfolio Analysis: Value-Creating Investments in the Crypto World
With a focus on fostering growth in the blockchain industry, Binance Labs has always proven to be effective in supporting and investing in promising cryptocurrency projects.
Key Stats:
The portfolio covers more than 250 projects from more than 25 countries around the world,The impressive average return on investment of 14x,50% of these projects have gone through comprehensive incubation programs.

Binance Labs' Return on Investment (ROI) Comparison
When we look at Binance Labs' portfolio in general, we see that it consists of projects with excellent returns. Especially when Retail ROI is considered, projects such as MATIC, AXS, EGLD, SAND, ARKM, LISTA, ID, GMT, EDU, and CTSI stand out with their very high ROI.

This chart also shows that the 2019-2022 period launches (other than Arkham, Lista DAO, ID, and EDU) have shown higher investment performance... I think the overall uptrend of the market in this period and Binance's strong ecosystem also had a big impact.
Comparing All-Time Highs (ATH) of Projects in Binance Labs' Portfolio
Until early 2022, the projects in the portfolio showed a generally positive outlook. However, the Binance Labs portfolio seems to have been negatively affected by the deterioration of the overall cryptocurrency market conditions in late 2022 and 2023 to the present.

Taking a long-term view, Binance Labs has a successful portfolio. While many projects are well below ATH levels, they still have significant volume and valuations (GMT, ALICE, ALPHA, FINE, HIGH, ONE, etc.).
Fluctuations in the Value of Coins in Binance Labs' Portfolio
Binance Labs usually invests in quality early-stage projects. The chart below shows the price fluctuations of 10 of these projects over the years.

Given the market volatility over the last five years, it may make sense to follow the projects in Binance Labs' portfolio. In the short term, I think the projects in the portfolio will react to market conditions, but in the long term, quality projects will always be at the forefront.
Part 2: Rango Exchange: Cross-Chain Solutions for a Decentralized Future
Binance Labs' investment in #Rango Exchange represents a pivotal moment in the evolution of decentralized finance (DeFi). As a cross-chain decentralized exchange (DEX) and bridge aggregator, Rango is the most important solution in the cross-chain ecosystem. Rango aims to process more than 90% of the cross-chain DeFi volume in the future, covering all major blockchains in the crypto market.

Why Rango is Important to Binance Labs
Interoperability: Rango's cross-chain capabilities address the growing need for seamless interaction between different blockchain networks
Web3 Adoption: Rango accelerates Web3 adoption by simplifying cross-chain transactions, making DeFi accessible to a wider audience.Strategic Alignment: This investment strengthens Binance's commitment to the multi-chain ecosystem, positioning it as a leader in cross-chain innovation.Improved DeFi Accessibility: Rango's integration with popular wallets and dApps enables the expansion of access to DeFi services to millions of users.
Part 3: Rango User Guide: Step-by-Step Process Bridging and User Experience
Rango's user-friendly interface and extensive blockchain support make it an ideal platform for both new and experienced users. Let's take a closer look at how to use Rango.
Especially for new users, I have prepared an infographic with screenshots of how to use the platform. If you follow the steps in this infographic, you will be able to complete your first transactions on the platform much faster and smoother. Now, I would like to share my insights from the testing phase.

When we open the application from the link, a simple and familiar interface welcomes us. As an experienced user, I had no difficulty in figuring out where to set slippage settings, how to connect the wallet, and where to select the network and tokens for swaps and bridging.
When I tested the swap, the listing of options in the Routes window was quite detailed for a user like me who always prefers to do low-cost operations and put speed on the back burner. Inevitably, I felt the need to examine the list until the end and still selected the recommended option and started the process. But then I realized that there were options in the upper right part of the window and the suggestions would be listed according to my preference. I proceeded with these preferences in my next process.
Maybe it was just me because I was using the Metamask wallet during this test, but the metamask window stuck on every confirmation screen. Especially the transaction limit and the confirmation window after it did not open automatically. Since I saw a warning on the metamask application, I opened the window myself and confirmed. By the way, both my browser and Metamask versions are up to date.
Despite these minor glitches, my Linea to Avalanche bridging process went smoothly and quickly. I did the same with an Ethereum to Arbitrum swap, and it was much faster with a fraction of the estimated transaction time and cost. I'll also give you another little tip. After connecting your wallet to the application, if you examine your wallet details on the top right of the screen, you will be done with the problem of "Which token from which network can I swap". I like this feature and I'm sure it will save time for all users.
In conclusion; Rango, strengthened by Binance Labs' investment, seems to have the potential to make life easier for users in the multi-chain finance world and unlock the potential of DeFi. As a user, I can personally say that I will be doing more transactions on Rango from now on.
CryptoRankCoinMarketCapRango Exchange UpdatesBinance Blog
The future of multi-chains!
The future of multi-chains!
DAO Labs
⚡️No More Network Limits at WAX
#WAXHub , #DAOLabs ' #SocialMining Community Hub for @WAX , is buzzing with its newest announcement📢

🗣Did you hear that The $WAXP x BASE #NFT Bridge is live? 🎉

🔀This incredible new feature makes moving and diversifying assets across different blockchains much easier. Connecting different blockchains is now smoother and more comprehensive.

For the WAXHub, this bridge unlocks endless possibilities by linking the @WAX blockchain with BASE. No more network limits—get ready for the future of multi-chain #NFTs !

If you're a collection owner, getting started with transfers is super easy:🆒

🔥Fire up your collection in MyCloud Wallet and prove you own it.
Any WAX collection works, whether it’s from Cloud Wallet or other wallets like Anchor.

You’ll need a destination chain address you control, with no existing smart contracts on it.

🤖Once activated, it’ll create and deploy a smart contract for your collection on the destination chain using the address you provided.

🌇The future is multi-chain, and we can’t wait to see the amazing possibilities this new bridge feature will unlock!
I found it worth examining 🤔👌
I found it worth examining 🤔👌
Discovering Omni Network
Today, I would like to introduce you to a relatively new token called @OMNI Network Please note that this is not investment advice, just my personal opinion.
Omni Network [ $OMNI ) launched in April and is traded on several exchanges, including #Binance with pairs such as $BTC and #USDT From my observations, their only missing feature is not having an active community strength towards the project, which can be improved through #SocialMining contributions. They are giving the token more recognition in the crypto space with noticeable stats from @DAO Labs

Now, let's look at the technical details of the Omni token:
Omni Network ( #OMNI ):
▪️Purpose and Function:
Omni Network is a layer 1 blockchain designed to address fragmentation within the #Ethereum ecosystem. While Ethereum scales through isolated execution environments known as rollups, Omni Network is a unifying layer connecting these disparate ecosystems.
- Unifying Layer: Enables developers to create global applications with default access to Ethereum's liquidity and user base.
- Security and Performance: A network that is natively secure and externally validated.
- Global Compatibility: Ensures global compatibility by unifying different ecosystems.
Omni's Historical Price Levels:
- Omni token, like almost every token listed on Binance launchpad, reached high levels on its launch day and then adjusted according to market conditions. It reached its all-time high (ATH) on April 17, 2024, at $53.81 and saw its lowest level on June 18, 2024, at $12.88. At the time of writing, it is only 10% above its lowest level, indicating potential for an upward trend.
Market Value and Token Unlocking:
- Currently, its market value is approximately $147,270,000. The token unlocks are spread out until 2028, which is a positive aspect, as it prevents inflation issues with no massive monthly token releases.

- Token Distribution (According to CMC data):
- Investors: 36.69%
- Team: 40.41%
- Advisors: 5.94%
- Public Launch: 16.95%
Omni Network stands out with its promising features and strategic token distribution.
I agree with you!
I agree with you!
BlackRock to rock crypto investment sphere
As a member of #DaoLabs #SocialMining Community, I note the recent acquisition of #PreQin by @BLACKROCK is huge. It has implications for the #cryptomarket, as this move signals a change towards the giant investing into the #crypto
PreQin is a data analysis company that is worth about 240 million #USD , with a network of about 4,000 companies.

BlackRock’s Aladdin, already utilized by some 1000 investing companies in their asset management, will combine with PreQin’s research and data tools  to create a user-friendly platform for asset managers. The platform is intended to make cross-checks of assets a much easier experience.
I expect the implications for the crypto market to be that there will be more investors turning to crypto as a potential asset, leading to an increase in the overall tendency towards investing in the crypto market.   
The future is truly bullish!
The @DAOLabs #KAVA hub can evaluate the $KAVA tokens they have won through #SocialMining in this competition. Although you are not an ambitious trader, #KAVA/USDT {spot}(KAVAUSDT) va seems so affordable that we must consider this opportunity. Of course, my last reminder is DYOR! You are the only decision-maker⚡️⚡️
The @DAO Labs #KAVA hub can evaluate the $KAVA tokens they have won through #SocialMining in this competition. Although you are not an ambitious trader, #KAVA/USDT
va seems so affordable that we must consider this opportunity. Of course, my last reminder is DYOR! You are the only decision-maker⚡️⚡️
Akahilz Academy
$1.2M Up For Grabs! Binance World Championship 🏆 Spot Trading (Limited Offer 😲)
This is your last chance to join the Binance World Championship Spot Trading Tournament 🏆📈📉
Only 3 Days Remaining!

Calling all crypto traders! 🗣️
Don't miss your chance to participate in the Binance World Championship 2024 Spot Trading Tournament, where you can win a share of the $1.2M USDC tokens. Registration is still open, and there's only 3 days left to join.

Become a Kava Pro 🔺🔻
Trade KAVA/BTC and #KAVA/USDT spot pairs to demonstrate your skills and pride in the $KAVA community. Are you the next Magnus Carlsen of crypto trading? Prove it in the 2024 Binance World Championship!

Competition Details 📜
- Earn your share of the 1.2M USDC vouchers by climbing the spot trading leaderboard by volume.
- Outperform your friends to double the rewards.
- If 30,000 competitors register, bonus rewards will be unlocked for all participants.

Eligibility Criteria 💡
- Trade at least $500 USD equivalent in KAVA/BTC and KAVA/USDT spot pairs to be eligible for the promotion.
- Visit the Binance registration page for full details. (See Announcements 📰)

Time is Running Out!

Summary 🎓
With only 3 days left, don't miss your chance to showcase your trading skills. Register today and compete to win!
Join Now: See Spot Trading Activity Section and Register!!! 📈📉

Don't miss this opportunity to prove your trading prowess and win big! Register now and show the world what you're made of!

Share your thoughts below 💭
Like and share this post too ❤️
Follow for more #KAVA updates🙏🏼

Disclaimer 🚦
This article is for educational purposes only and not a financial advice. Please, do well to always do your own research, as crypto trading comes with risk.
Moreso, this guide is brought to you by #Akahilz 🎓.
Courtesy of #DAOLABS #SocialMining 🫧 !
Caicay's remarkable story shows ways to relax economically without significantly changing a person's life. We will follow together how successful it will be with #SocialMining 🤩🤔 🌹Love to the Philippines
Caicay's remarkable story shows ways to relax economically without significantly changing a person's life. We will follow together how successful it will be with #SocialMining 🤩🤔
🌹Love to the Philippines
DAO Labs
Pinoy Teacher Finds Success with DAOLabs Social Mining
🌍🌏🌎Our lovely planet, this "big blue marble" is unfortunately home to many people struggling to make ends meet, unable to pay their bills, and delaying their needs because of poor economic management or scarce resources, in many countries on many continents.

🇵🇭The Philippines is one of those lands where economic woes are the norm and Caren, a Pinoy, is no different.

👩‍🎓👩‍💻👼She works as a teacher at night while taking care of her home and baby during the day. Yet, she still struggles to pay her bills.

🤩One day, on a Facebook page, she saw messages from Philippines team about . When she first read it, she initially did not lend it credence, but still gave it go and wrote a message to the community. That's how she got her introduction to Social Mining.

✍️👩‍🎨Thank s to her academic prowess, it is not hard for Caicay to pick up Social Mining content creation skills. However, she is making an effort to develop more artistic skills and aspects that require training, such as producing images and designing videos.

👨‍👨‍👧 ✍️👩‍💻Today, after spending her day with housework and taking care of her baby, at night she easily engages with project tasks for DAO Labs  Social Mining Hub , as well as , ,
  and Hubs.

🪙She has a side-hustle that allows her to pay her bills and take care of her needs by organizing her time a bit more efficiently to make time for crafting her tweets and retweeting.
This strong and talented Filipina woman became a DAOVERSE Hub member on April 29th.

🤩She is one of the newest members of our platform. She understands and continues her work. To start with, she has earned a reward of 129 $USDT for her work.
😉Pretty good, right?

🌷Caren has proven that she can be a teacher to her smart and talented countryfolk affected by the economic hardships in her country.
🚩And as the number of social miners in the #Philippines grows, she has become a pioneer on a mission to support 🇵🇭her country's economy.

You can read Caren's full story here:

🧿Good luck Caren!  💥full steam ahead!
Basic regulations such as the FIT21 law are especially valuable as a mission to show evidence against those still believing in balloon rumours.
Basic regulations such as the FIT21 law are especially valuable as a mission to show evidence against those still believing in balloon rumours.
DAO Labs
What FIT21 Means for the Future of Decentralization
On May 22, 2024, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act (FIT21), a new bipartisan framework for the digital asset ecosystem. This act establishes federal requirements for digital asset markets and clarifies what constitutes ‘decentralization’ in blockchain technology.

The Five-Prong Decentralization Test
FIT21 introduces a 'five-prong decentralization test' to determine if a blockchain can be considered decentralized. Here’s what the test entails:

1. No Bosses: Over the past year, no single person or group should control the blockchain or its governance. The blockchain must be permissionless, allowing anyone to use, earn, or transfer digital tokens, create apps, participate in governance, and operate nodes or servers without restrictions.

2. No Big Owners: No individual or group should own or control more than 20% of tokens or governance votes in the past year.

3. No Major Changes Without Users' Agreement: In the past three months, the blockchain's code must have remained stable unless changes were made for bug fixes, security improvements, regular maintenance, or community-approved updates.

4. No Investment Pitch: Tokens must not have been promoted to the public as a profit-earning opportunity in the past three months. This includes avoiding promotions paid to influencers.

5. Tokens Created Fairly: Over the past year, all new tokens must be created by users through smart contracts, not artificially minted by the issuer.

FIT21's comprehensive approach to defining decentralization ensures that blockchains maintain integrity and openness. The act promotes a genuinely decentralised ecosystem by preventing single entities from exerting undue influence. This fosters innovation, inclusivity, and trust among users, aligning with the core principles envisioned by blockchain pioneers like Satoshi Nakamoto.

The 5 principles described above are the basic principles that always considers in its work.  It is gratifying that the Blockchain Foundation and support the law.  FIT 21 contains basic definitions that will be considered the beginning of regulations related to crypto assets.
Recently, one of the ZK networks has launched. The ZK network project has incredibly disappointed its community. Looking at the community that has experienced this disgrace, I understand why Victoria flores has embraced the @DAOLabs #SocialMining movement. She started to earn money at the rate of her contribution from the projects she participated in awareness studies. I feel sorry for my friends who have been promoted to the ZK network for months. 😍🤩🙏I wish you good work and abundant earnings, Victoria Flores
Recently, one of the ZK networks has launched.
The ZK network project has incredibly disappointed its community. Looking at the community that has experienced this disgrace, I understand why Victoria flores has embraced the @DAO Labs #SocialMining movement. She started to earn money at the rate of her contribution from the projects she participated in awareness studies.
I feel sorry for my friends who have been promoted to the ZK network for months.

😍🤩🙏I wish you good work and abundant earnings, Victoria Flores
DAO Labs
Victoria Flores: A Beacon of Passion in DAOVERSE
This article was inspired by the story of SMOTH's latest guest, Victoria Flores.

DAOVERSE, ' hub, is home to blockchain enthusiasts from all corners of the world.
They share a common belief in blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, creating a colorful, energetic, and loving environment in a mosaic of different races, religions, languages, and cultures from different continents around the world.
This beautiful community, brought together by a passion for blockchain, supports DAO Labs' idea of social mining and works with the community to raise awareness in the Social Mining Hubs of DAO Labs projects. Project teams support Social Miners' work with token rewards. social miners earn $TONs for their labor. miners earn , and #KavaHub miners earn . Hub earns for their awareness work, and members receive $WAXP.
Social miners are rewarded on , DAO Labs' Hub for their work in $USDT because DAOVERSE's token has not yet been minted.

Before I introduce Victoria, who inspired this article, I would like to introduce you to a weekly event that miners are eagerly awaiting. In the social event, which we call SMotH for short, we learn the social mining story of a successful miner who adds value to the community with her contributions, the adventure that brought her to our community, and her advice to social miners. Amara is hosting this event, which miners are eagerly awaiting. She has an infectious cheerfulness. It's really hard to be sad around her. Her positive energy puts her guests at ease and adds a special color to the conversation with her jokes.

Now I'd like to introduce the star of my article.
Victoria Flores! Every miner in our community has a unique story. But some of us are really like rare flowers.
Our Victoria Flores is one of those rare flowers. She joins the community from South America. Venezuelan Victoria. And she has all the warmth and sparkle of the tropics. She lights up the group.
A hardworking, intelligent, and determined personality with a big heart defines our tropical Latin American flower. Victoria, who joined our telegram group with a DAO Labs tweet she stumbled upon on Twitter; and then realized that she was born as a social miner and took her place in the community, is getting stronger every day by improving her mining skills. As an administrative assistant for many years, Victoria's motivation stems from her passion for social mining.
One of the most important reasons for its development is its unconditional support to the miners in its community. She has benefited from all the blessings of working together while supporting her community.
Victoria advises new social miners to stay persistent, put love into their work, and constantly learn.
Victoria Flores' story inspires all aspiring social miners, exemplifying the impact of passion, commitment, and community support in Social Mining.
Let's take a look at what this dedicated Venezuelan miner has achieved in her work, which is more focused on learning.

For a closer look into Victoria Flores's life, please read the conversation article compiled by Amara on our blog.

If you're curious about Victoria, I'm willing to bet you'll see her on the DAO Labs Global Telegram either supporting a fellow miner or sharing a message asking her friends to support her new tweet...
The Impact of Social Mining Community Members on Blockchain Projects: A Case Study of Token ATH
The Impact of Social Mining Community Members on Blockchain Projects: A Case Study of Token ATH
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