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Analityk Michael van de Poppe uważa, że ​​teraz jest świetny czas na zakup altcoinów. Według jego analizy altcoiny przeżywają odbicie po załamaniu w latach 2022–2023. Do kluczowych czynników wpływających na tę dynamikę zalicza się wzrost liczby tokenów Injective, sukces Saga Phone i BONK Meme Token firmy Solana, integracja sztucznej inteligencji i blockchain oraz wydajność Celestii i jej konkurentów. To zdecydowanie ekscytujący czas na rynku altcoinów! 🚀💰
Analityk Michael van de Poppe uważa, że ​​teraz jest świetny czas na zakup altcoinów.

Według jego analizy altcoiny przeżywają odbicie po załamaniu w latach 2022–2023.

Do kluczowych czynników wpływających na tę dynamikę zalicza się wzrost liczby tokenów Injective, sukces Saga Phone i BONK Meme Token firmy Solana, integracja sztucznej inteligencji i blockchain oraz wydajność Celestii i jej konkurentów. To zdecydowanie ekscytujący czas na rynku altcoinów! 🚀💰
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Odsłonięcie warstwy zerowej alfaTechnologia Blockchain może zrewolucjonizować sposób działania firm i organizacji, oferując większe bezpieczeństwo, przejrzystość i wydajność. Jednak jednym z wyzwań stojących przed powszechnym przyjęciem technologii blockchain jest to, że różne sieci często działają w izolacji, z ograniczonymi możliwościami komunikowania się i wymiany informacji i zasobów. Rozwiązaniem tego problemu jest most, umożliwiający dwóm oddzielnym sieciom blockchain komunikację oraz wymianę informacji i zasobów. LayerZero buduje przyszłość omnichain i rozwija komunikację międzyłańcuchową.

Odsłonięcie warstwy zerowej alfa

Technologia Blockchain może zrewolucjonizować sposób działania firm i organizacji, oferując większe bezpieczeństwo, przejrzystość i wydajność. Jednak jednym z wyzwań stojących przed powszechnym przyjęciem technologii blockchain jest to, że różne sieci często działają w izolacji, z ograniczonymi możliwościami komunikowania się i wymiany informacji i zasobów. Rozwiązaniem tego problemu jest most, umożliwiający dwóm oddzielnym sieciom blockchain komunikację oraz wymianę informacji i zasobów. LayerZero buduje przyszłość omnichain i rozwija komunikację międzyłańcuchową.
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Szybszy Ethereum z zerowymi dowodami wiedzyJak często spędzałeś cenne minuty próbując dokonać transakcji na Ethereum lub wydałeś dużo gazu ($), gdy ruch był zbyt duży? Ale nie martw się. Istnieje rozwiązanie na powolne transakcje i wysokie koszty gazu, wprowadzając dowody zerowej wiedzy (ZKP). Historia Koncepcja ZKP to fascynujące zastosowanie kryptografii, które pozwala jednej stronie udowodnić drugiej stronie, że dane stwierdzenie jest prawdziwe, bez ujawniania żadnych dodatkowych informacji wykraczających poza ważność samego stwierdzenia. Pierwszy artykuł wprowadzający koncepcję ZKP został opublikowany w 1985 r. przez Shafiego Goldwassera i Silvio Micali z Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Ich artykuł „Probabilistic Encryption” wykazał, że możliwe jest udowodnienie określonych właściwości liczby bez ujawniania samej liczby ani żadnych dodatkowych informacji na jej temat. To przełomowe odkrycie utorowało drogę do rozwoju ZKP jako kluczowego narzędzia w nowoczesnej kryptografii.

Szybszy Ethereum z zerowymi dowodami wiedzy

Jak często spędzałeś cenne minuty próbując dokonać transakcji na Ethereum lub wydałeś dużo gazu ($), gdy ruch był zbyt duży? Ale nie martw się. Istnieje rozwiązanie na powolne transakcje i wysokie koszty gazu, wprowadzając dowody zerowej wiedzy (ZKP).


Koncepcja ZKP to fascynujące zastosowanie kryptografii, które pozwala jednej stronie udowodnić drugiej stronie, że dane stwierdzenie jest prawdziwe, bez ujawniania żadnych dodatkowych informacji wykraczających poza ważność samego stwierdzenia.

Pierwszy artykuł wprowadzający koncepcję ZKP został opublikowany w 1985 r. przez Shafiego Goldwassera i Silvio Micali z Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Ich artykuł „Probabilistic Encryption” wykazał, że możliwe jest udowodnienie określonych właściwości liczby bez ujawniania samej liczby ani żadnych dodatkowych informacji na jej temat. To przełomowe odkrycie utorowało drogę do rozwoju ZKP jako kluczowego narzędzia w nowoczesnej kryptografii.
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Web3 Hubs: Eksploracja kolejnej wielkiej rzeczyWeb3 szybko ewoluuje i tworzy ekscytujący nowy ekosystem innowacji. W centrum tego ekosystemu znajdują się centra Web3, które stają się kluczowymi miejscami spotkań dla entuzjastów blockchain, przedsiębiorców i firm. Centra te gromadzą najbystrzejsze umysły w branży, przyspieszając innowacje i napędzając branżę do przodu. W tym artykule przyjrzymy się rozwojowi hubów Web3, omówimy pięć ich najważniejszych zalet i przedstawimy Poolside Hub jako wiodący przykład. 5 kluczowych korzyści z Web3 Hubs

Web3 Hubs: Eksploracja kolejnej wielkiej rzeczy

Web3 szybko ewoluuje i tworzy ekscytujący nowy ekosystem innowacji. W centrum tego ekosystemu znajdują się centra Web3, które stają się kluczowymi miejscami spotkań dla entuzjastów blockchain, przedsiębiorców i firm. Centra te gromadzą najbystrzejsze umysły w branży, przyspieszając innowacje i napędzając branżę do przodu.

W tym artykule przyjrzymy się rozwojowi hubów Web3, omówimy pięć ich najważniejszych zalet i przedstawimy Poolside Hub jako wiodący przykład.

5 kluczowych korzyści z Web3 Hubs
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JAK DYOR ZA 100x Klejnot (PRZEWODNIK KROK PO KROKU) Więc w końcu zdecydowałeś się oddać sprawiedliwość swoim ciężko zarobionym pieniądzom, unikając oszustwa lub po prostu ciekawi Cię, „dlaczego moja ulubiona osoba ciągle mówi DYOR na początku i na końcu swojego filmu”. Jeśli tak, nie szukaj dalej przyjacielu, trafiłeś we właściwe ręce. Ten artykuł jest konkretnym przewodnikiem po DYOR i pomoże naszemu kryptografowi dokonać lepszej selekcji wśród hałasu monet „szybko się wzbogacić” lub fraz mówiących „ta moneta uczyni cię milionerem, yay, whoo hoo”, całkowitych bzdur.


Więc w końcu zdecydowałeś się oddać sprawiedliwość swoim ciężko zarobionym pieniądzom, unikając oszustwa lub po prostu ciekawi Cię, „dlaczego moja ulubiona osoba ciągle mówi DYOR na początku i na końcu swojego filmu”. Jeśli tak, nie szukaj dalej przyjacielu, trafiłeś we właściwe ręce.

Ten artykuł jest konkretnym przewodnikiem po DYOR i pomoże naszemu kryptografowi dokonać lepszej selekcji wśród hałasu monet „szybko się wzbogacić” lub fraz mówiących „ta moneta uczyni cię milionerem, yay, whoo hoo”, całkowitych bzdur.
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Gdzie jest Twój NFT? Jak przechowywać metadane NFT Skoro tak dużo mówi się o NFT, zrywamy zasłonę i spoglądamy wstecz, aby porozmawiać o najważniejszych aspektach metadanych W naszych ostatnich postach na blogu omawialiśmy przyszłość NFT i potencjał tokenów NFT. Jesteśmy tutaj, aby zbadać ten niesławny zasób online i dostarczyć wszystkich informacji potrzebnych do poznania sposobu przechowywania metadanych NFT. Co to jest NFT? Dla wielu NFT to zasadniczo pliki PNG lub JPEG, które są obrazami podzielonymi na piksele i tak naprawdę nie mają większego znaczenia. To nie jest rzeczywistość. Powiedzmy: „NFT reprezentuje token niematerialny. To zasób cyfrowy oparty na technologii blockchain. Dowodzi, że jesteś właścicielem przedmiotu, takiego jak obraz, film lub produkt do gier. Są intrygujące, ponieważ pozwalają zweryfikować własność różnych obiektów za pośrednictwem łańcucha bloków. Możesz kupować i wymieniać NFT w celu wymiany kryptowaluty.

Gdzie jest Twój NFT? Jak przechowywać metadane NFT

Skoro tak dużo mówi się o NFT, zrywamy zasłonę i spoglądamy wstecz, aby porozmawiać o najważniejszych aspektach metadanych

W naszych ostatnich postach na blogu omawialiśmy przyszłość NFT i potencjał tokenów NFT. Jesteśmy tutaj, aby zbadać ten niesławny zasób online i dostarczyć wszystkich informacji potrzebnych do poznania sposobu przechowywania metadanych NFT.

Co to jest NFT?

Dla wielu NFT to zasadniczo pliki PNG lub JPEG, które są obrazami podzielonymi na piksele i tak naprawdę nie mają większego znaczenia. To nie jest rzeczywistość. Powiedzmy: „NFT reprezentuje token niematerialny. To zasób cyfrowy oparty na technologii blockchain. Dowodzi, że jesteś właścicielem przedmiotu, takiego jak obraz, film lub produkt do gier. Są intrygujące, ponieważ pozwalają zweryfikować własność różnych obiektów za pośrednictwem łańcucha bloków. Możesz kupować i wymieniać NFT w celu wymiany kryptowaluty.
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Przyszłość rynków NFT 2023 Dyskusja na temat ewolucji NFT nigdy nie jest bardziej na czasie niż teraz. Dlaczego? Każdy próbuje zrozumieć i poruszać się po bessie, a każda wiarygodna informacja dotycząca przyszłego kierunku i kierunku rynku NFT jest na wagę złota. Dzisiaj przyjrzymy się konkretnemu segmentowi ekosystemu NFT: rynkom NFT. Czym dokładnie są, czym są, jak działają i co przyniesie przyszłość? Zbadajmy. Świat żyje w czasach rynków NFT w serwisie eBay.

Przyszłość rynków NFT 2023

Dyskusja na temat ewolucji NFT nigdy nie jest bardziej na czasie niż teraz. Dlaczego? Każdy próbuje zrozumieć i poruszać się po bessie, a każda wiarygodna informacja dotycząca przyszłego kierunku i kierunku rynku NFT jest na wagę złota. Dzisiaj przyjrzymy się konkretnemu segmentowi ekosystemu NFT: rynkom NFT. Czym dokładnie są, czym są, jak działają i co przyniesie przyszłość? Zbadajmy.

Świat żyje w czasach rynków NFT w serwisie eBay.
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Bitcoin i BullRun, dla początkującychWszyscy słyszeliśmy o wyrażeniu bitcoin-halving wraz z wydobywaniem bitcoinów. Och, przepraszam, czy odpycham cię, używając dwóch podstawowych pojęć w jednym zdaniu. Uczyńmy to dla ciebie bułką z masłem. Umowa stoi? Czym jest Bitcoin: Bitcoin to pieniądz internetu. Stworzony przez osobę o pseudonimie Satoshi Nakamoto. Założyciel nigdy nie jest widziany publicznie. Bitcoin jest wyjątkowy ze względu na ograniczoną podaż, która wynosi 21 milionów. Nie może przekroczyć tej kwoty, ponieważ jest to wymienione w jego algorytmie. Jego koncepcja miała być jak złoto, ale bardziej cyfrowe złoto i miała skupiać się na problemach tradycyjnego sektora finansowego, w którym drukowano walutę fiducjarną, ponieważ rząd czuł taką potrzebę.

Bitcoin i BullRun, dla początkujących

Wszyscy słyszeliśmy o wyrażeniu bitcoin-halving wraz z wydobywaniem bitcoinów. Och, przepraszam, czy odpycham cię, używając dwóch podstawowych pojęć w jednym zdaniu. Uczyńmy to dla ciebie bułką z masłem. Umowa stoi?

Czym jest Bitcoin:

Bitcoin to pieniądz internetu. Stworzony przez osobę o pseudonimie Satoshi Nakamoto. Założyciel nigdy nie jest widziany publicznie.

Bitcoin jest wyjątkowy ze względu na ograniczoną podaż, która wynosi 21 milionów. Nie może przekroczyć tej kwoty, ponieważ jest to wymienione w jego algorytmie. Jego koncepcja miała być jak złoto, ale bardziej cyfrowe złoto i miała skupiać się na problemach tradycyjnego sektora finansowego, w którym drukowano walutę fiducjarną, ponieważ rząd czuł taką potrzebę.
✨️Happy Eid Mubarak To All My Muslims Fellas✨️ #Binance
✨️Happy Eid Mubarak To All My Muslims Fellas✨️
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Tryb akumulacji znowu włączony 🔥 Mimo że mam listę większości projektów, mam jeden na oku (prawdopodobnie wiesz). Jakie są twoje? #crypto2023 #BTC #BNB #BNB #BTC
Tryb akumulacji znowu włączony 🔥

Mimo że mam listę większości projektów, mam jeden na oku (prawdopodobnie wiesz).

Jakie są twoje?

#crypto2023 #BTC #BNB #BNB #BTC
#BTC Update Alot of people are waiting for a short squeeze now - If this market gives us a short squeeze we will consider shorts afterwards from 28.8k to 29.2k.
#BTC Update

Alot of people are waiting for a short squeeze now - If this market gives us a short squeeze we will consider shorts afterwards from 28.8k to 29.2k.
7 Scams That Costed Me 7000$ In Crypto As A Newbie Have you ever been scammed by a company that promised to help you invest in cryptocurrency but instead, took your money and never delivered anything? At least This Author has!! If you're new to the world of crypto I’m gonna say it's pretty complicated. Just 14 months ago, I set up my,very first, Metamask wallet and then deposited some BNB. In contrast! Today I’m actually writing on Block-Chain and WEB 3.0 but back then, I knew absolutely nothing about how many scams there were out there. I lost a decent amount of money probably somewhere around seven thousand dollars due to certain scams that I fell prey to. Welcome to my blog for crypto education here I explain topics of the cryptocurrency world, using analogies, stories and examples so that you can easily chew them. Let’s begin the drill of pouring education. Shall We? In this blog post! I'm going to explain some of the most common crypto scams including one that's so new you probably haven't even heard of it, yet, and of course how to avoid them.  So let's dig into the 7 worst scams in the crypto world!! 1.                  Wide Web 3.0 Trap: Wide web 3.0, you might encounter, is any website asking for your private keys. Do you remember the first time you set up a crypto wallet? You probably didn't know if you were even doing things correctly and everything was complicated.  Well, at least it was for me!  Scammers take advantage of this all the time. The trick is very simple they ask you for your personal information specifically for something called your private key. Now it's sad!!! How many scammers out there take advantage of someone's lack of knowledge and then try to get you to tell them your seed phrase. By doing this, they are getting access to all of your crypto funds!! Some of these scammers might say things like  “ Hey! I want to send you some crypto money, what's your key bro?” or even something like  “Hey! you just won 1  whole Ethereum tell us your seed phrase so we can deposit the funds into your account?” They’ll try every trick possible to fool newbies into giving them access to their funds. When it comes to crypto you get two keys, a private key that you should never share and a public key that is kind of like your email address this one you intentionally share many people confuse these which leads them to get scammed.   You can learn more about both of these through my informative blogs on  asymmetric encryption which is a complicated topic that I break down so simple , your grandpa could  understand. 2.                  Bot for investment The next scam we have is number two asking to invest for you as a trusted creator so, the second trick is something that might be used to;  if you've looked down in the comments  sections below of some of youtube videos or if you're in any crypto discord or telegram servers  scammers will create a bot that seems official or try to personate a project ,specifically a team  member ,in hopes of scamming  you. 3.                  Doubling game One of the most common scams is the way that they ask for a hundred dollars and then they'll turn it into two thousand dollars for you and give it back. Once you reach out to one of these fake accounts , a scammer will send you a dm,moments later saying that they're a project team member and that they  can assist you they often change their username or their profile picture to impersonate a real  team member on discord or youtube . 4.                  for the case discord   you can do something really simple you can  check the actual discord handle and check if it matches the information of the impersonated team  member for example mine is practical psychology 9608 and no one can copy that discord handle for  youtube it could be something as simple as just clicking on the account and seeing that they have  zero subscribers or no videos uploaded remember no legit project team Tokens burn forever now another scam well at least  it's kind of a scam is that token developers will implement something that is called a burning feature they will say every time this token is traded a portion of the trade is burned forever so  an example of this is that if you were to send 100 tokens to your friend five tokens would be burned  forever or at least sent to an account that nobody has access to this makes you believe that one day   there won't be very many of these tokens out there and if you buy now and then just hold the value of  your tokens should automatically increase well let me tell you something if my dog ate something that  one day turned his poop orange that might be the entire day in his whole life where his poop was  orange but just because it's scarce and it only happened once doesn't mean it has value nobody's  gonna want my dog's orange colored poop for it to have value other people have to want that orange  poop for it to have value keep this in mind with tokens that have a deflationary feature especially  if that's all that they offer scam number four 6.                  playing with mind Is something that I saw a few days ago  here's the setup someone contacts you and says something like this; ‘hey I live in china and they  just made crypto illegal so I want to get rid of my wallet so I don't get in trouble here's my seed  phrase you can donate the money or do whatever you want with it and maybe have some for yourself”  Then after that message, they will send you a real seed phrase to an actual account with  actual money in it The one that I saw had three thousand dollars worth of tether but here's the trick to get the tether out you must first have some Ethereum in the account to pay the gas fee so if you're kind of smart you'll think hmmm!?? I’ll just send it to my account to do that  you have to deposit like 50 Ethereum so you can transact the money out of the  account well it happens to be that the fee to transact a token is like fifty dollars while  the fee that sends Ethereum is like ten dollars so you deposit fifty dollars and then immediately the  scammer sends the money to their account profiting forty dollars when I say immediately  I mean fast like within ten seconds they have a computer running a program that checks if there are funds in that account and then automatically sends it to their Ethereum account so there is absolutely no way for you to get the three thousand dollars out of there.  Now the sad part of this is the  blockchain is available for everyone to see so you can look at the account on etherscan  and see that 30 people were scammed around 2800 in total and if we get enough comments below  maybe I'll explain it in more detail  but in short, if someone gives you their seed phrase and the  wallet has money in it do not deposit money for any reason whatever money   you deposit in there consider gone I'm also going to say technically if they were in china and they didn't want to be connected to the account they wouldn't have to give it to someone Ethereum accounts don't work like that it's just bad logic scam!!   7.                  Contract bug    number five is a smart contract bug so another trick that  scammers use which you may not even be aware of is a bug where people can buy a token but then  they can't sell it   now I know what you're thinking how is this possible? well, there are three  ways of doing this: ·   first !! when the developers are creating the token they simply disable the  approve function in the erc20 token contract meaning decentralized exchanges cannot  get your approval for putting the token to be sold   ·   the second way  is to add a rebase function into the token contract so at the moment you try to sell the token you'll lose 99 of it. ·   third  they could easily write a few lines of code that prevent the token from being sold to a dex only bought or supplied this means a lot of money coming into the project and none is going out making it perfect. the situation for scammers to run away with all their money technically they could  make it so when you sold your token the money you would have received goes to the developers also     now to sum this up I'm not saying you should learn how to read smart contract code but I will  say before making any buy over a thousand dollars you should find a friend who can be your mentor   8.                  fishing on the fake website    number six is fishing on fake websites.    the next technique is something you need to be careful of and keep an eye out for whenever you discover a new project or you browse using a new device or a  computer.    some scammers will create a website that is an exact copy of a specific crypto project  that you want to invest in and they'll do it with the same user interface and the same  information on it  the only things different from this fake website to the real one are two things ;   1.                 number one is the domain because scammers can't use the same domain as a real website they will  actually create a new one that is almost the same as the real one for example scammers could create  a fake whiteboard crypto website switching it from the dot com to the dot org dot net dot phi dot x  y z or any other top-level domain they could also add an s to the end like or move the e anyways the idea here is that they change this little detail so  people don't realize they're on the wrong website   2.                 the second thing they change is the smart  contracts and this is the scammy part the scammers could change the code of the smart contract so  that if you were to interact with it they could get access to your funds in your wallet leading  you to lose all your money they can make this contract do anything which  is why it's really important to only connect to applications that you trust personally   something I do to make sure I always click on the right link is to go to trusted websites like coin gecko or  coin market cap you can also check the official project's Twitter account to find the right links  and then bookmark those links so you always use the correct one   9.                  fake icons   scam number seven is fake icons  so you know how Kickstarter projects or any crowdfunding projects get the money they show  their product that's yet to be manufactured and then people fund the project in exchange for a  great deal maybe they'll get two products for the price of one or maybe a special edition  version in crypto we have something similar and it's called an icon or initial coin offering  and it works as a way to gather a lot of money from investors so that they can start the project     well fake icos is a really easy way for scammers to present a project to investors with absolutely  no intention of actually creating it and then just run away with their investors' money    how it usually  works is that scammers present a nice innovative revolutionary project to the investors  they then ask for money to kick off their project and lure inexperienced investors in with  a juicy ROI like a hundred percent or a thousand percent and this leads to the  investors giving their money but then the scammers just run away with it and because many  projects in the crypto space are not regulated unfortunately the scammers pretty much get away  with it      a good thing to do before investing in a crypto project is to look for legit white papers  a project's timeline or good tokenomics to back your investment don't just look at the great  user interface or the juicy ROI     10.           hidden whales   scam number eight is called hidden whales  you know how I always say to be careful with projects with low liquidity or a low market cap?  because  they can easily be manipulated by a whale    well a whale is anyone holding a high percentage of the  tokens out there and because of this they can sell all their tokens at once causing  a crash anyways since this is kind of obvious and since scammers are aware that people will look at it before investing money into a project scammy projects have now found other ways to  hide the fact that they hold most of the token instead of having one wallet with all the money  they simply split it between multiple wallets   for example, if the total liquidity of a project  was half a million dollars and maybe the tea was holding fifty thousand dollars which would be  ten percent of the entire project they would then split the money into ten different wallets each  wallet holding five thousand dollars this way they make it look like a safer and legit project     now I do wanna say here you can easily check the early transactions of a project's initial tokens  but it is a lot more work required by you and   I've noticed that a lot of projects have started  doing this because people won't do any more work other than just look at the token holder's page on  etherscan they'll simply look at it and say that there's no single whale wallet and then they'll  invest here's a tip you can check the blockchain   you can spend an hour just looking  around and seeing where the early money is going it's very easy it's very simple it just takes  some   but I just want you guys to be aware that  this stuff happens again the simplest way to make sure devs do not hold most of the token is  to simply look at the first transactions and where the money originally got distributed if the first  transaction is sent to a lot of multiple addresses this is not a good sign   11.           psychological game    scam number 9 is  psychologically making you think that a smaller price is easier to be able to hit a higher  price now this one is technically not a scam but it's kind of tricky when a project launches the  tokenomics are established by the project's team developers get to answer the questions;   ·    what is  the max supply of the token ·    what's the initial price of the token yes they can set that  and ·    who gets the early tokens    all of this stuff is decided in advance  now, something quite a few scammy projects do! is simply print a very large amount of tokens that way the price stays low  even if there's a lot of money behind the entire project between you and me owning 100 tokens at  one dollar each is the same as owning a hundred thousand tokens worth a tenth of a penny right  well in people's mind having more tokens with a low price is way more tempting psychologically  because it makes them think with a price this low it'll easily double or triple or 10x or maybe  even 100x in value along with this they also get to feel like they're owning a ton of tokens for  these investors    it's cool for them to say that they own a billion tokens but in reality, going  from a tenth of a penny to a dollar is just as difficult as another token going from one dollar  to a thousand dollars  so this trick is really about making people think their gain opportunity  is higher than it is which makes people invest more in the token so make sure you don't invest  in a project only because the price of the token is low because if you do it might be a game of  limbo and you're gonna see how low it can go   12.           gambling with your trust   the last  scam is something we saw with the latest hottest scam the squid games token these developers  capitalized on the fact that a show called squid games became very popular and they rode the hype  train using the same name so that that way they could get a lot of attention but this is not the  trick    I'm wanting to talk about creating a false sense of safety they created a fake team  yeah you heard me right they created around 10 fake profiles with fake bios to make it seem like  the project had a great and solid team behind it they went so far as to add computer generated  pictures of people, in fact, people that did not even exist just to make the project seem more  legit the only thing    I want to say about this one is that crypto scams are getting more and more  persuasive so you'll have to work a lot harder when deciding on a project   wrapping this blog up if you're wanting to invest in a project   there are only  things that I suggest  you do  is to go to a website called what this website does is analyze  projects and if there are any obvious possibilities of exploits or scams in the contract code they'll  let you know how high of a risk it is to invest in   one more thing I do is research the project  a ton before investing I suggest reading the white papers and the tokenomics you know the  basics but there are a few more advanced things  that do  I created this cool ultimate  research pdf which is a step-by-step guide that shows you exactly how to look into a token and  technically it's only available to whiteboard crypto club members but  I'll be sharing some ideas  from it in a future blog till then!! Stay

7 Scams That Costed Me 7000$ In Crypto As A Newbie

Have you ever been scammed by a company that promised to help you invest

in cryptocurrency but instead, took your money and never delivered anything?

At least This Author has!!

If you're new to the world of crypto I’m gonna say it's pretty complicated.

Just 14 months ago, I set up my,very first, Metamask wallet and then deposited some BNB.

In contrast! Today I’m actually writing on Block-Chain and WEB 3.0 but back then, I knew absolutely nothing about how many scams there were out there.

I lost a decent amount of money probably somewhere around seven thousand dollars due to certain scams that I fell prey to.

Welcome to my blog for crypto education here I explain topics of the cryptocurrency world, using analogies, stories and examples so that you can easily chew them.

Let’s begin the drill of pouring education.

Shall We?

In this blog post! I'm going to explain some of the most common crypto scams including one that's so new you probably haven't even heard of it, yet, and of course how to avoid them.

 So let's dig into the 7 worst scams in the crypto world!!

1.                  Wide Web 3.0 Trap:

Wide web 3.0, you might encounter, is any website asking for your private keys.

Do you remember the first time you set up a crypto wallet?

You probably didn't know if you were even doing things correctly and everything was complicated.

 Well, at least it was for me!

 Scammers take advantage of this all the time. The trick is very simple they ask you for your personal information specifically for something called your private key.

Now it's sad!!! How many scammers out there take advantage of someone's lack of knowledge and then try to get you to tell them your seed phrase. By doing this,

they are getting access to all of your crypto funds!!

Some of these scammers might say things like

 “ Hey! I want to send you some crypto money, what's your key bro?”

or even something like

 “Hey! you just won 1  whole Ethereum tell us your seed phrase so we can deposit the funds into your account?”

They’ll try every trick possible to fool newbies into giving them access to their funds.

When it comes to crypto you get two keys, a private key that you should never share and a public key that is kind of like your email address this one you intentionally share many people confuse these which leads them to get scammed.  

You can learn more about both of these through my informative blogs on  asymmetric encryption which is a complicated topic that I break down so simple , your grandpa could  understand.

2.                  Bot for investment

The next scam we have is number two asking to invest for you as a trusted creator so, the second trick is something that might be used to;

 if you've looked down in the comments  sections below of some of youtube videos or if you're in any crypto discord or telegram servers  scammers will create a bot that seems official or try to personate a project ,specifically a team  member ,in hopes of scamming  you.

3.                  Doubling game

One of the most common scams is the way that they ask for a hundred dollars and then they'll turn it into two thousand dollars for you and give it back.

Once you reach out to one of these fake accounts , a scammer will send you a dm,moments later saying that they're a project team member and that they  can assist you they often change their username or their profile picture to impersonate a real  team member on discord or youtube .

4.                  for the case discord  

you can do something really simple you can  check the actual discord handle and check if it matches the information of the impersonated team  member for example mine is practical psychology 9608 and no one can copy that discord handle for  youtube

it could be something as simple as just clicking on the account and seeing that they have  zero subscribers or no videos uploaded remember no legit project team

Tokens burn forever

now another scam well at least  it's kind of a scam is that token developers will implement something that is called a burning feature they will say every time this token is traded a portion of the trade is burned forever

so  an example of this is that if you were to send 100 tokens to your friend five tokens would be burned  forever or at least sent to an account that nobody has access to this makes you believe that one day 

 there won't be very many of these tokens out there and if you buy now and then just hold the value of  your tokens should automatically increase

well let me tell you something if my dog ate something that  one day turned his poop orange that might be the entire day in his whole life where his poop was  orange but just because it's scarce and it only happened once doesn't mean it has value nobody's  gonna want my dog's orange colored poop for it to have value other people have to want that orange  poop for it to have value

keep this in mind with tokens that have a deflationary feature especially  if that's all that they offer scam number four

6.                  playing with mind

Is something that I saw a few days ago  here's the setup someone contacts you and says

something like this; ‘hey I live in china and they  just made crypto illegal so I want to get rid of my wallet so I don't get in trouble here's my seed  phrase you can donate the money or do whatever you want with it and maybe have some for yourself” 

Then after that message, they will send you a real seed phrase to an actual account with  actual money in it

The one that I saw had three thousand dollars worth of tether but here's the trick to get the tether out you must first have some Ethereum in the account to pay the gas fee so if you're kind of smart you'll think hmmm!??

I’ll just send it to my account to do that  you have to deposit like 50 Ethereum so you can transact the money out of the  account well it happens to be that the fee to transact a token is like fifty dollars while  the fee that sends Ethereum is like ten dollars so you deposit fifty dollars and then immediately the  scammer sends the money to their account profiting forty dollars when I say immediately

 I mean fast like within ten seconds they have a computer running a program that checks if there are funds in that account and then automatically sends it to their Ethereum account so there is absolutely no way for you to get the three thousand dollars out of there.

 Now the sad part of this is the  blockchain is available for everyone to see so you can look at the account on etherscan  and see that 30 people were scammed around 2800 in total and if we get enough comments below  maybe I'll explain it in more detail

 but in short, if someone gives you their seed phrase and the  wallet has money in it do not deposit money for any reason whatever money


you deposit in there consider gone I'm also going to say technically if they were in china and they didn't want to be connected to the account they wouldn't have to give it to someone Ethereum accounts don't work like that it's just bad logic scam!!


7.                  Contract bug


 number five is a smart contract bug so another trick that  scammers use which you may not even be aware of is a bug where people can buy a token but then  they can't sell it


now I know what you're thinking how is this possible? well, there are three  ways of doing this:

·   first !!

when the developers are creating the token they simply disable the  approve function in the erc20 token contract meaning decentralized exchanges cannot  get your approval for putting the token to be sold


·   the second way

 is to add a rebase function into the token contract so at the moment you try to sell the token you'll lose 99 of it.

·   third 

they could easily write a few lines of code that prevent the token from being sold to a dex only bought or supplied this means a lot of money coming into the project and none is going out making it perfect.

the situation for scammers to run away with all their money technically they could  make it so when you sold your token the money you would have received goes to the developers also


  now to sum this up I'm not saying you should learn how to read smart contract code but I will  say before making any buy over a thousand dollars you should find a friend who can be your mentor


8.                  fishing on the fake website


 number six is fishing on fake websites.


 the next technique is something you need to be careful of and keep an eye out for whenever you discover a new project or you browse using a new device or a  computer.


 some scammers will create a website that is an exact copy of a specific crypto project  that you want to invest in and they'll do it with the same user interface and the same  information on it

 the only things different from this fake website to the real one are two things ;


1.                 number one is the domain because scammers can't use the same domain as a real website they will  actually create a new one that is almost the same as the real one for example scammers could create  a fake whiteboard crypto website switching it from the dot com to the dot org dot net dot phi dot x  y z or any other top-level domain they could also add an s to the end like or move the e anyways the idea here is that they change this little detail so  people don't realize they're on the wrong website


2.                 the second thing they change is the smart  contracts and this is the scammy part the scammers could change the code of the smart contract so  that if you were to interact with it they could get access to your funds in your wallet leading  you to lose all your money they can make this contract do anything which  is why it's really important to only connect to applications that you trust personally


something I do to make sure I always click on the right link is to go to trusted websites like coin gecko or  coin market cap you can also check the official project's Twitter account to find the right links  and then bookmark those links so you always use the correct one


9.                  fake icons


scam number seven is fake icons  so you know how Kickstarter projects or any crowdfunding projects get the money they show  their product that's yet to be manufactured and then people fund the project in exchange for a  great deal maybe they'll get two products for the price of one or maybe a special edition  version in crypto we have something similar and it's called an icon or initial coin offering  and it works as a way to gather a lot of money from investors so that they can start the project


  well fake icos is a really easy way for scammers to present a project to investors with absolutely  no intention of actually creating it and then just run away with their investors' money


 how it usually  works is that scammers present a nice innovative revolutionary project to the investors  they then ask for money to kick off their project and lure inexperienced investors in with  a juicy ROI like a hundred percent or a thousand percent and this leads to the  investors giving their money but then the scammers just run away with it and because many  projects in the crypto space are not regulated unfortunately the scammers pretty much get away  with it



 a good thing to do before investing in a crypto project is to look for legit white papers  a project's timeline or good tokenomics to back your investment don't just look at the great  user interface or the juicy ROI



10.           hidden whales


scam number eight is called hidden whales

 you know how I always say to be careful with projects with low liquidity or a low market cap?

 because  they can easily be manipulated by a whale


 well a whale is anyone holding a high percentage of the  tokens out there and because of this they can sell all their tokens at once causing  a crash anyways since this is kind of obvious and since scammers are aware that people will look at it before investing money into a project scammy projects have now found other ways to  hide the fact that they hold most of the token instead of having one wallet with all the money  they simply split it between multiple wallets


for example, if the total liquidity of a project  was half a million dollars and maybe the tea was holding fifty thousand dollars which would be  ten percent of the entire project they would then split the money into ten different wallets each  wallet holding five thousand dollars this way they make it look like a safer and legit project 


 now I do wanna say here you can easily check the early transactions of a project's initial tokens  but it is a lot more work required by you and


I've noticed that a lot of projects have started  doing this because people won't do any more work other than just look at the token holder's page on  etherscan they'll simply look at it and say that there's no single whale wallet and then they'll  invest here's a tip you can check the blockchain


you can spend an hour just looking  around and seeing where the early money is going

it's very easy it's very simple it just takes  some


but I just want you guys to be aware that  this stuff happens again the simplest way to make sure devs do not hold most of the token is  to simply look at the first transactions and where the money originally got distributed if the first  transaction is sent to a lot of multiple addresses this is not a good sign


11.           psychological game


 scam number 9 is  psychologically making you think that a smaller price is easier to be able to hit a higher  price now this one is technically not a scam but it's kind of tricky when a project launches the  tokenomics are established by the project's team developers get to answer the questions;


·    what is  the max supply of the token

·    what's the initial price of the token yes they can set that  and

·    who gets the early tokens


 all of this stuff is decided in advance

 now, something quite a few scammy projects do! is simply print a very large amount of tokens that way the price stays low  even if there's a lot of money behind the entire project between you and me owning 100 tokens at  one dollar each is the same as owning a hundred thousand tokens worth a tenth of a penny right  well in people's mind having more tokens with a low price is way more tempting psychologically  because it makes them think with a price this low it'll easily double or triple or 10x or maybe  even 100x in value along with this they also get to feel like they're owning a ton of tokens for  these investors


 it's cool for them to say that they own a billion tokens but in reality, going  from a tenth of a penny to a dollar is just as difficult as another token going from one dollar  to a thousand dollars

 so this trick is really about making people think their gain opportunity  is higher than it is which makes people invest more in the token so make sure you don't invest  in a project only because the price of the token is low because if you do it might be a game of  limbo and you're gonna see how low it can go


12.           gambling with your trust


the last  scam is something we saw with the latest hottest scam the squid games token these developers  capitalized on the fact that a show called squid games became very popular and they rode the hype  train using the same name so that that way they could get a lot of attention but this is not the  trick


 I'm wanting to talk about creating a false sense of safety they created a fake team  yeah you heard me right they created around 10 fake profiles with fake bios to make it seem like  the project had a great and solid team behind it they went so far as to add computer generated  pictures of people, in fact, people that did not even exist just to make the project seem more  legit the only thing


 I want to say about this one is that crypto scams are getting more and more  persuasive so you'll have to work a lot harder when deciding on a project


wrapping this blog up if you're wanting to invest in a project


there are only  things that I suggest  you do  is to go to a website called what this website does is analyze  projects and if there are any obvious possibilities of exploits or scams in the contract code they'll  let you know how high of a risk it is to invest in


one more thing I do is research the project  a ton before investing I suggest reading the white papers and the tokenomics

you know the  basics but there are a few more advanced things

 that do

 I created this cool ultimate  research pdf which is a step-by-step guide that shows you exactly how to look into a token and  technically it's only available to whiteboard crypto club members but

 I'll be sharing some ideas  from it in a future blog

till then!! Stay
10 Worst Mistakes TO Avoid In CRYPTO TRADING Trading (exchanging cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoin, on an exchange) is a sort of activity that requires labor to generate income from the trading process. As with any other activity, trading involves the development of specific skills needed to achieve high proficiency, especially an analytical mind and attentiveness.   The first half of 2021 saw a phenomenal adoption of cryptocurrencies. Influential organizations like Tesla and Mastercard have taken action to embrace cryptocurrency. Although traction slowed in the second half of 2021, adoption rates remained much above the benchmark set in the previous year. In conclusion, the use of cryptocurrencies grew steadily throughout 2021. How can you invest in cryptocurrencies without losing all of your hard-earned money? Here are some beginner-friendly crypto blunders to steer clear off as assistance.   Not Putting in the Effort For The Research In any case, you will be the one to spend money on cryptocurrency purchases. You will get into serious trouble and lose a lot of money if you don't grasp the product and its worth and instead rely solely on "experts" from Youtube, Twitter, or Telegram who tell everyone when to buy and sell currencies.   You must rely on the judgment of others if your choice to purchase or sell a currency is based on their view. Do not act naively. Investigate the industry you work in.   Some people have perverse characteristics. They like to make difficult things easy.   You are investing with money you cannot afford to lose   For instance, we'll bring all your available loan funds or savings to the deposit. Nobody is protected against mistakes and failures; even veteran traders frequently suffer substantial financial losses. With independent commerce from scratch, the accounts of newcomers who avoided the common faults at the start of the trade route can be deemed abnormal or, at the very least, unusual.   Trading with Emotions & Not by Book   Of course, it might be challenging to avoid making this error, especially if you follow cryptocurrency news on Twitter and see tweets like "To The Moon,”   Let there be some truth in these claims; it is physically impossible to keep up with everything at once, and, generally speaking, the most patient ones still prevail.   Sales at peak prices   Expert investors advised: "This is not the maximum; hold and do not sell." The key idea here is that you can never predict how much a specific token will increase.   For instance, if you purchased bitcoin for $100, you most likely felt a strong want to sell it when the price increased to $1,000. But given that Eth is trading at more than $9,000 today, you would have significantly regretted it.   Purchasing cheap coins   You cannot invest money in the currency for no reason other than price. Many beginner users are accustomed to believing that most low-quality alternative coins are just undervalued. This is because several accounts of incredible value increase already exist. However, this is untrue because not all cryptocurrencies are of the same value. Coins have different prices due to various factors like Total market capital, Circulating supply of the coin, projects it’s doing .etc etc. “Never Judge A Coin by its Price” Security Perhaps the most significant error that can be made in the crypto-community right now is this. Individuals lost millions of dollars because they trusted a compromised stock exchange or a business that ceased functioning with all of their data.   Always put your long-term coins in cold wallets,   Your secret keys and passwords must be written down, printed, and stored in a secure location. . Only put funds in centralized exchanges which you are day-trading with.   FOMO A concern of missing out. It shows up in scenarios like the early selling of an asset out of respect for losing earnings, the maximal purchase out of concern for missing something crucial, or the concern for missing a promising ICO, which leads to investment in dubious projects. New changes in cryptocurrency arise every day, so calm yourself and allow this worry to subside.     Revenge Trade   Because they lack the strength to accept defeats, many users trade in retaliation. Such trades are highly harmful to your trading career since they are motivated by frustration and fear. Such traders frequently try to engage in riskier work to reduce losses. It's referred to as "revenge trading." Spread out your cryptocurrency holdings Too much investment in a single coin is not logical and good advice. Please do not put all of your eggs in one basket, or as they say. Spread your money between many coins like we would with shares. There are a number of varieties, so do your research. Sade Moon and world coin are two examples. You are not doing your research. Do your own research. DYOR. That is a common phrase in the cryptocurrency community. And with good cause. In this sector, it can be challenging to separate the truth-tellers from the hype-sellers, so completing your research is essential. Final verdict The secret to bitcoin trading is patience. There will be enough money for everyone, so don't be scared to miss any deals because the market is so large and expanding. However, keep in mind that while making money on the market is simple, keeping it is not. Avoid letting your greed overcome you. I'll repeat it: cryptocurrency will always be available and ready to take off like a rocket!

10 Worst Mistakes TO Avoid In CRYPTO TRADING

Trading (exchanging cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoin, on an exchange) is a sort of activity that requires labor to generate income from the trading process. As with any other activity, trading involves the development of specific skills needed to achieve high proficiency, especially an analytical mind and attentiveness.


The first half of 2021 saw a phenomenal adoption of cryptocurrencies. Influential organizations like Tesla and Mastercard have taken action to embrace cryptocurrency. Although traction slowed in the second half of 2021, adoption rates remained much above the benchmark set in the previous year. In conclusion, the use of cryptocurrencies grew steadily throughout 2021.

How can you invest in cryptocurrencies without losing all of your hard-earned money? Here are some beginner-friendly crypto blunders to steer clear off as assistance.


Not Putting in the Effort For The Research

In any case, you will be the one to spend money on cryptocurrency purchases. You will get into serious trouble and lose a lot of money if you don't grasp the product and its worth and instead rely solely on "experts" from Youtube, Twitter, or Telegram who tell everyone when to buy and sell currencies.


You must rely on the judgment of others if your choice to purchase or sell a currency is based on their view. Do not act naively. Investigate the industry you work in.


Some people have perverse characteristics. They like to make difficult things easy.


You are investing with money you cannot afford to lose


For instance, we'll bring all your available loan funds or savings to the deposit.

Nobody is protected against mistakes and failures; even veteran traders frequently suffer substantial financial losses. With independent commerce from scratch, the accounts of newcomers who avoided the common faults at the start of the trade route can be deemed abnormal or, at the very least, unusual.


Trading with Emotions & Not by Book


Of course, it might be challenging to avoid making this error, especially if you follow cryptocurrency news on Twitter and see tweets like "To The Moon,”


Let there be some truth in these claims; it is physically impossible to keep up with everything at once, and, generally speaking, the most patient ones still prevail.


Sales at peak prices


Expert investors advised: "This is not the maximum; hold and do not sell." The key idea here is that you can never predict how much a specific token will increase.


For instance, if you purchased bitcoin for $100, you most likely felt a strong want to sell it when the price increased to $1,000. But given that Eth is trading at more than $9,000 today, you would have significantly regretted it.


Purchasing cheap coins


You cannot invest money in the currency for no reason other than price. Many beginner users are accustomed to believing that most low-quality alternative coins are just undervalued. This is because several accounts of incredible value increase already exist. However, this is untrue because not all cryptocurrencies are of the same value. Coins have different prices due to various factors like Total market capital, Circulating supply of the coin, projects it’s doing .etc etc.

“Never Judge A Coin by its Price”


Perhaps the most significant error that can be made in the crypto-community right now is this. Individuals lost millions of dollars because they trusted a compromised stock exchange or a business that ceased functioning with all of their data.


Always put your long-term coins in cold wallets,


Your secret keys and passwords must be written down, printed, and stored in a secure location.


Only put funds in centralized exchanges which you are day-trading with.



A concern of missing out. It shows up in scenarios like the early selling of an asset out of respect for losing earnings, the maximal purchase out of concern for missing something crucial, or the concern for missing a promising ICO, which leads to investment in dubious projects.

New changes in cryptocurrency arise every day, so calm yourself and allow this worry to subside.



Revenge Trade


Because they lack the strength to accept defeats, many users trade in retaliation. Such trades are highly harmful to your trading career since they are motivated by frustration and fear. Such traders frequently try to engage in riskier work to reduce losses. It's referred to as "revenge trading."

Spread out your cryptocurrency holdings

Too much investment in a single coin is not logical and good advice. Please do not put all of your eggs in one basket, or as they say.

Spread your money between many coins like we would with shares. There are a number of varieties, so do your research. Sade Moon and world coin are two examples.

You are not doing your research.

Do your own research. DYOR. That is a common phrase in the cryptocurrency community. And with good cause. In this sector, it can be challenging to separate the truth-tellers from the

hype-sellers, so completing your research is essential.

Final verdict

The secret to bitcoin trading is patience. There will be enough money for everyone, so don't be scared to miss any deals because the market is so large and expanding. However, keep in mind that while making money on the market is simple, keeping it is not. Avoid letting your greed overcome you. I'll repeat it: cryptocurrency will always be available and ready to take off like a rocket!

10 New Ways to Earn Free Money from Crypto "Been a little stuffy around here lately. Thought a joke contest might be fun. I'll start it off... How is the halving like my wife? It comes once every 4 years and takes half my money." Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, not subject to government or financial institution control. Some popular cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. 10 Ways to earn free money through cryptocurrencies In this article, we will explore ten ways to earn free money through cryptocurrencies. 10 Ways to earn free money through cryptocurrencies Free NFTs When most people think about cryptocurrency, they think about Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the first and most well-known cryptocurrency. However, there are many other types of cryptocurrency. One such (MODIFIED)  type of cryptocurrency is called an NFT, or non-fungible token. NFTs are different from other types of cryptocurrencies because they are not interchangeable. Each NFT is unique and has an Owner wallet address + time of creation attached to it. NFTs are often used to represent digital assets or collectibles. Because they are unique, they can use them to create digital scarcity, adding value to the asset.  Trading: buy low, sell high  Become successful in trading, and it is important to buy low and sell high. That is easier said than done, but if you can master this strategy, you can make a lot of money in the market. One way to buy low is to look for stocks undervalued by the market. That can be done by looking at the company's fundamentals, such as earnings, sales, and dividends. You can also use technical analysis to find stocks trading below their support levels or oversold by the market. One way to do this is to use trend lines and indicators like the Relative Strength Index (RSI) to help you determine when a stock has reached its peak.  Mining: earn rewards for verifying transactions Mining is the process of verifying and committing transactions to the blockchain. Miners are rewarded with cryptocurrency for their effort. The more computing power you can bring to bear, the greater your chances of earning rewards. Lending: lend your coins and earn interest When most people think about lending, they think about giving money to someone in need, hoping to see that money come back with interest later. However, another way to lend doesn't involve giving away your hard-earned cash. You can lend your coins by using a service like LendingClub. LendingClub is a company that connects borrowers and lenders through an online platform. Borrowers can get loans for various purposes, such as starting a business or consolidating debt, and lenders can earn interest on their investments. The company has been around since 2007 and has helped over 2 million people get loans. It has also paid its investors over $11 billion in interest.  Staking: hold coins in a wallet to earn rewards There are a few different ways to stake coins and earn rewards. One way is to download a wallet that allows you to stake your coins. That can be done by locking your coins in for a set period, usually around eight hours. You will then receive rewards based on how many coins you have staked. Another way to stake coins is by using an online staking pool. That allows you to pool your resources with others to increase the chances of earning rewards. You must create an account with the pool and deposit your coins. The pool will then divide the rewards among its members based on how many coins they have contributed. Airdrops and bounties: free tokens for completing simple tasks Airdrops and bounties are two methods of distributing free tokens to users. Airdrops are given to users who already hold a certain cryptocurrency, while bounties are given to users who complete a task, such as signing up for a new service or tweeting about a project. Both methods are used to increase awareness and participation in cryptocurrency projects. Faucets: earn small amounts of free cryptocurrency Faucets are a way to earn small amounts of free cryptocurrency, typically Bitcoin or Ethereum. Users can earn a fraction of a coin by completing a simple task, such as filling out a captcha form. Faucets are a great way to introduce people to cryptocurrencies and get them involved in the ecosystem. Affiliate programs: promote products and services in exchange for commissions Affiliate programs are a great way to promote products and services. In exchange for commissions, affiliates help to spread the word about a business by sharing links, posting on social media, or writing blog posts. Affiliate marketing can be a great way to get your feet wet in online marketing and a great source of income.  Point systems: earn rewards for spending money with participating merchants

10 New Ways to Earn Free Money from Crypto

"Been a little stuffy around here lately. Thought a joke contest might be fun. I'll start it off...

How is the halving like my wife? It comes once every 4 years and takes half my money."

Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, not subject to government or financial institution control. Some popular cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.

10 Ways to earn free money through cryptocurrencies

In this article, we will explore ten ways to earn free money through cryptocurrencies. 10 Ways to earn free money through cryptocurrencies

Free NFTs

When most people think about cryptocurrency, they think about Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the first and most well-known cryptocurrency. However, there are many other types of cryptocurrency. One such (MODIFIED)  type of cryptocurrency is called an NFT, or non-fungible token. NFTs are different from other types of cryptocurrencies because they are not interchangeable. Each NFT is unique and has an Owner wallet address + time of creation attached to it.

NFTs are often used to represent digital assets or collectibles. Because they are unique, they can use them to create digital scarcity, adding value to the asset.

 Trading: buy low, sell high 

Become successful in trading, and it is important to buy low and sell high. That is easier said than done, but if you can master this strategy, you can make a lot of money in the market. One way to buy low is to look for stocks undervalued by the market. That can be done by looking at the company's fundamentals, such as earnings, sales, and dividends. You can also use technical analysis to find stocks trading below their support levels or oversold by the market.

One way to do this is to use trend lines and indicators like the Relative Strength Index (RSI) to help you determine when a stock has reached its peak.

 Mining: earn rewards for verifying transactions

Mining is the process of verifying and committing transactions to the blockchain. Miners are rewarded with cryptocurrency for their effort. The more computing power you can bring to bear, the greater your chances of earning rewards.

Lending: lend your coins and earn interest

When most people think about lending, they think about giving money to someone in need, hoping to see that money come back with interest later. However, another way to lend doesn't involve giving away your hard-earned cash. You can lend your coins by using a service like LendingClub.

LendingClub is a company that connects borrowers and lenders through an online platform. Borrowers can get loans for various purposes, such as starting a business or consolidating debt, and lenders can earn interest on their investments.

The company has been around since 2007 and has helped over 2 million people get loans. It has also paid its investors over $11 billion in interest.

 Staking: hold coins in a wallet to earn rewards

There are a few different ways to stake coins and earn rewards. One way is to download a wallet that allows you to stake your coins. That can be done by locking your coins in for a set period, usually around eight hours. You will then receive rewards based on how many coins you have staked.

Another way to stake coins is by using an online staking pool. That allows you to pool your resources with others to increase the chances of earning rewards. You must create an account with the pool and deposit your coins. The pool will then divide the rewards among its members based on how many coins they have contributed.

Airdrops and bounties: free tokens for completing simple tasks

Airdrops and bounties are two methods of distributing free tokens to users. Airdrops are given to users who already hold a certain cryptocurrency, while bounties are given to users who complete a task, such as signing up for a new service or tweeting about a project. Both methods are used to increase awareness and participation in cryptocurrency projects.

Faucets: earn small amounts of free cryptocurrency

Faucets are a way to earn small amounts of free cryptocurrency, typically Bitcoin or Ethereum. Users can earn a fraction of a coin by completing a simple task, such as filling out a captcha form. Faucets are a great way to introduce people to cryptocurrencies and get them involved in the ecosystem.

Affiliate programs: promote products and services in exchange for commissions

Affiliate programs are a great way to promote products and services. In exchange for commissions, affiliates help to spread the word about a business by sharing links, posting on social media, or writing blog posts. Affiliate marketing can be a great way to get your feet wet in online marketing and a great source of income.

 Point systems: earn rewards for spending money with participating merchants

How to 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 avoid taxes in crypto 101 ? 2) When you make a certain amount of money in crypto you want to lose as little as possible on your earning right? We already paid money on our income and we need to pay even more on the risk we took. When we lose money no one's here to reduce our taxes either. Unfair right? 3) Although it 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐥𝐲 depends on the country were you live, there are some ways to reduce the amount of taxes you pay without breaking any laws. For some of you maybe 𝐚𝐥𝐥 of it. Some of you might try to pay nothing but that's not sustainable long term. 4) Low profits Doesn't matter where you live or what the specific laws of your country are, if you aren't making a lot there's almost no tax to be paid. Don't bother mentioning your crypto earnings in your tax report if it's very acceptable numbers. 5) You don't need to pay taxes when someone gifts you 500-1000$ either. If you aren't withdrawing money on a monthly basis from crypto or it's not a huge sumn there's absolutely no risk of an investigation either. And if there is they won't sue you either for it. 6) Having a job : This one is pretty huge. Many people look to quit their jobs once they can fully replicate the income from their regular job. It's here where most totally get it wrong Most countries offer less or absolutely no taxes when you do crypto on the side. 7) They look at your profile whether you are a professional trader or a non-professional one. "The good house-father profile as they literally call it" It's hard to argue and say you are an amateur if you don't have a job. It's hard to argue you are a progressional if you do. 8) No job? They treat you like a full self-employed individual like any service you offer. This means your taxes could go as high as 50% depending on your income. Brutal right? • 2k job + 10k crypto income = 12k • 10k crypto income = 5k Full time crypto right? 9) This is an example btw but a side income will always pay less taxes. Only go full time if you really earn 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 or you already withdrawn a lot to make you last really long. Full time crypto is great but doing it to early isn't. Calculate the difference. 10) Crypto debit card This is my personal favorite. You don't need to pay taxes on something you don't withdraw. Many people would argue this isn't legal but it is if they can't ever know. Governments have acces right to your bank. 11) If you don't submit your taxes on what you have withdrawn to your banks that's fine. But eventually they will find out and see. Crypto however is being your own bank. If you don't give them your hardware wallet no one knows what you have. That's the whole point. 12) Although some countries like mine (Belgium) have a different stance on fiat withdrawals and crypto transactions. I don't have to pay taxes on those anyway. But if you do I wouldn't really go and tell them: Hey here's my hardware wallet. I also went to bed at 9pm yesterday 13) Want options? I've been using @cryptocom for years. Binance their crypto debit cards also work. They are both partnered with visa so you can use them almost anywhere. Restaurants, groceries, vacation trips, cash withdrawals,... You name it. 14) Hodl There's a big difference between countries as well on this one. Some countries allow you to remain completely tax free if you buy and hold an asset without ever trading it for 1 full year. Many however don't know the entire story of this. 15) Sometimes this law is only valid when you bought a crypto with fiat and never traded it. But not when you made 100 swap transactions first and held the last asset for a whole year. Keep this in mind! Countries like Portugal for example do. 16) No matter how many transactions you did, the last obtainable needs to be held for at least 1 year. Even holding stablecoins are accepted. A legal loophole. Make sure to double-check this with your local laws. 17) Relocate If nothing else works you need to relocate. This is the last option but definitely necessary when you have no choice. No one's going to move by making 5-10k dollars on the side. But when you made life-changing amounts like millions you do. 18) In this scenario you have so much money that giving up x amount of taxes is like working for a lifetime. Your visa debit card isn't going to cut it and you have to much money to still be working. My best friend had to forcibly choose this option. 19) He had no plans to ever relocate and no dreams to live in another country either. But because He made millions and we live in a country that's heavy on the laws no legal tax evasion was going to cut it. Some things you can't pay with crypto either. 20) I pay for everything with my crypto debit card. But you can't buy a house without fiat in the bank. 21) That's it For most of you these options will save you any amount of taxes you would normally have to pay. Laws are only laws if you strictly fall onder the category for any of those. 22) Loopholes are very common and have been widely used for decades by individuals. There's a reason why so many lawyers are specialised in the tax industry and why so many individuals pay next to none while others pay everything. Make use of it. It's legal.

How to 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 avoid taxes in crypto 101 ?

2) When you make a certain amount of money in crypto you want to lose as little as possible on your earning right? We already paid money on our income and we need to pay even more on the risk we took. When we lose money no one's here to reduce our taxes either. Unfair right?

3) Although it 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐥𝐲 depends on the country were you live, there are some ways to reduce the amount of taxes you pay without breaking any laws. For some of you maybe 𝐚𝐥𝐥 of it. Some of you might try to pay nothing but that's not sustainable long term.

4) Low profits Doesn't matter where you live or what the specific laws of your country are, if you aren't making a lot there's almost no tax to be paid. Don't bother mentioning your crypto earnings in your tax report if it's very acceptable numbers.

5) You don't need to pay taxes when someone gifts you 500-1000$ either. If you aren't withdrawing money on a monthly basis from crypto or it's not a huge sumn there's absolutely no risk of an investigation either. And if there is they won't sue you either for it.

6) Having a job :

This one is pretty huge. Many people look to quit their jobs once they can fully replicate the income from their regular job. It's here where most totally get it wrong

Most countries offer less or absolutely no taxes when you do crypto on the side.

7) They look at your profile whether you are a professional trader or a non-professional one. "The good house-father profile as they literally call it" It's hard to argue and say you are an amateur if you don't have a job. It's hard to argue you are a progressional if you do.

8) No job?

They treat you like a full self-employed individual like any service you offer. This means your taxes could go as high as 50% depending on your income. Brutal right? • 2k job + 10k crypto income = 12k • 10k crypto income = 5k Full time crypto right?

9) This is an example btw but a side income will always pay less taxes. Only go full time if you really earn 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 or you already withdrawn a lot to make you last really long. Full time crypto is great but doing it to early isn't. Calculate the difference.

10) Crypto debit card

This is my personal favorite. You don't need to pay taxes on something you don't withdraw. Many people would argue this isn't legal but it is if they can't ever know. Governments have acces right to your bank.

11) If you don't submit your taxes on what you have withdrawn to your banks that's fine. But eventually they will find out and see. Crypto however is being your own bank. If you don't give them your hardware wallet no one knows what you have. That's the whole point.

12) Although some countries like mine (Belgium) have a different stance on fiat withdrawals and crypto transactions. I don't have to pay taxes on those anyway. But if you do I wouldn't really go and tell them: Hey here's my hardware wallet. I also went to bed at 9pm yesterday

13) Want options? I've been using @cryptocom for years. Binance their crypto debit cards also work. They are both partnered with visa so you can use them almost anywhere. Restaurants, groceries, vacation trips, cash withdrawals,... You name it.

14) Hodl

There's a big difference between countries as well on this one. Some countries allow you to remain completely tax free if you buy and hold an asset without ever trading it for 1 full year. Many however don't know the entire story of this.

15) Sometimes this law is only valid when you bought a crypto with fiat and never traded it. But not when you made 100 swap transactions first and held the last asset for a whole year. Keep this in mind! Countries like Portugal for example do.

16) No matter how many transactions you did, the last obtainable needs to be held for at least 1 year. Even holding stablecoins are accepted. A legal loophole. Make sure to double-check this with your local laws.

17) Relocate

If nothing else works you need to relocate. This is the last option but definitely necessary when you have no choice. No one's going to move by making 5-10k dollars on the side. But when you made life-changing amounts like millions you do.

18) In this scenario you have so much money that giving up x amount of taxes is like working for a lifetime. Your visa debit card isn't going to cut it and you have to much money to still be working. My best friend had to forcibly choose this option.

19) He had no plans to ever relocate and no dreams to live in another country either. But because He made millions and we live in a country that's heavy on the laws no legal tax evasion was going to cut it. Some things you can't pay with crypto either.

20) I pay for everything with my crypto debit card. But you can't buy a house without fiat in the bank.

21) That's it

For most of you these options will save you any amount of taxes you would normally have to pay. Laws are only laws if you strictly fall onder the category for any of those.

22) Loopholes are very common and have been widely used for decades by individuals. There's a reason why so many lawyers are specialised in the tax industry and why so many individuals pay next to none while others pay everything. Make use of it. It's legal.
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