Binance Square
Sir Ben of Core
An Ambassador of the Core DAO🔶
Cała zawartość
Zobacz oryginał
Staking Bitcoinów bez depozytu odblokował nową funkcję dla Bitcoinów: #Bitcoinjest teraz aktywem przynoszącym dochód — bez nowego ryzyka. Staking Bitcoinów bez depozytu pozwala zarabiać dochód, zachowując jednocześnie opiekę nad Twoimi Bitcoinami. Bez pośredników, bez nowych ryzyk — Twoje Bitcoiny pozostają bezpiecznie zablokowane w łańcuchu Bitcoin przez cały okres stakingu. Jest to możliwe dzięki tym natywnym mechanizmom Bitcoina 👇 1. Absolutne blokady czasowe: Twoje Bitcoiny są kryptograficznie zablokowane na wybrany przez Ciebie okres (minimum 10 dni). W tym czasie zachowujesz własność — nadal Twoje klucze, nadal Twoje monety. 2. Wsparcie walidatora: Kiedy stakujesz, wybierasz walidatora, który pomoże zabezpieczyć sieć Core. Nie wysyłasz swoich Bitcoinów — pozostają one zablokowane w blockchainie Bitcoin. Po prostu trzymasz swoje Bitcoiny, aby wesprzeć walidatora. W zamian otrzymujesz nagrody w postaci tokenów $CORE​​. 3. Brak nowych ryzyk: Twój Bitcoin nie może zostać obcięty, bez względu na to, jak działa walidator. Twoje monety pozostają Twoje, w pełni pod Twoją opieką przez cały czas​​​​. Dlaczego to taka wielka sprawa? Miliardy w Bitcoinach, wcześniej po prostu bezczynne, mają teraz szansę na wygenerowanie dochodu bez dodatkowego ryzyka, jednocześnie pomagając zabezpieczyć zdecentralizowaną sieć. To historyczny moment dla Bitcoina jako aktywa finansowego​​ Twoje klucze, Twoje monety, Twój dochód. #JustUseCore
Staking Bitcoinów bez depozytu odblokował nową funkcję dla Bitcoinów:
#Bitcoinjest teraz aktywem przynoszącym dochód — bez nowego ryzyka. Staking Bitcoinów bez depozytu pozwala zarabiać dochód, zachowując jednocześnie opiekę nad Twoimi Bitcoinami. Bez pośredników, bez nowych ryzyk — Twoje Bitcoiny pozostają bezpiecznie zablokowane w łańcuchu Bitcoin przez cały okres stakingu.

Jest to możliwe dzięki tym natywnym mechanizmom Bitcoina 👇

1. Absolutne blokady czasowe: Twoje Bitcoiny są kryptograficznie zablokowane na wybrany przez Ciebie okres (minimum 10 dni). W tym czasie zachowujesz własność — nadal Twoje klucze, nadal Twoje monety.

2. Wsparcie walidatora: Kiedy stakujesz, wybierasz walidatora, który pomoże zabezpieczyć sieć Core. Nie wysyłasz swoich Bitcoinów — pozostają one zablokowane w blockchainie Bitcoin. Po prostu trzymasz swoje Bitcoiny, aby wesprzeć walidatora. W zamian otrzymujesz nagrody w postaci tokenów $CORE​​.

3. Brak nowych ryzyk: Twój Bitcoin nie może zostać obcięty, bez względu na to, jak działa walidator. Twoje monety pozostają Twoje, w pełni pod Twoją opieką przez cały czas​​​​. Dlaczego to taka wielka sprawa? Miliardy w Bitcoinach, wcześniej po prostu bezczynne, mają teraz szansę na wygenerowanie dochodu bez dodatkowego ryzyka, jednocześnie pomagając zabezpieczyć zdecentralizowaną sieć.

To historyczny moment dla Bitcoina jako aktywa finansowego​​
Twoje klucze, Twoje monety, Twój dochód.

#Core Unlocks more of #Bitcoin's Potential Discover how Core🔶️ puts Bitcoin🟧 to work for you: - Earn more: Core offers a second block reward for Bitcoin miners, increasing their earnings. - Stake and earn: Over $350 million in BTC is staked to earn CORE without taking on additional risks. - Grow your wealth: The btcfi ecosystem has reached a Total Value Locked (TVL) of over $400 million, providing a secure and lucrative environment for your Bitcoin to grow. Core is revolutionizing the way Bitcoin works for you. Join the movement and maximize your Bitcoin's potential! #ChooseRich #JustUseCore✅️ Kindly follow for more impactful info here and on X @Coredao_Org & @Coredao_Amb
#Core Unlocks more of #Bitcoin's Potential

Discover how Core🔶️ puts Bitcoin🟧 to work for you:

- Earn more: Core offers a second block reward for Bitcoin miners, increasing their earnings.

- Stake and earn: Over $350 million in BTC is staked to earn CORE without taking on additional risks.

- Grow your wealth: The btcfi ecosystem has reached a Total Value Locked (TVL) of over $400 million, providing a secure and lucrative environment for your Bitcoin to grow.

Core is revolutionizing the way Bitcoin works for you. Join the movement and maximize your Bitcoin's potential!

#ChooseRich #JustUseCore✅️

Kindly follow for more impactful info here and on X
@Coredao_Org & @Coredao_Amb
#Bitcoin is the most secure and decentralized network ever created, but that comes with trade-offs including: - Lack of yield -Limited scalability Core steps in as Bitcoin’s Proof of Stake layer, introducing both yield & BTCfi while reinforcing Bitcoin’s Proof of Work. Here's how this works 🧵⬇️ The #Core blockchain is powered by Satoshi Plus consensus, integrating both Bitcoin holders and Bitcoin miners into its mechanism. This makes Core the most Bitcoin-aligned blockchain, perfectly positioned to solve Bitcoin's scalability and yield challenges. Yield: Bitcoin traditionally doesn’t natively generate yield, but that has just changed. Core’s Non-Custodial Bitcoin Staking, released in April, enables Bitcoin holders to earn yield on their Bitcoin without giving up custody or taking on new risks. Billions in idle Bitcoin can now become productive assets​​. Over $300 million of Bitcoin are already actively being staked. Scalability: Bitcoin’s network can be slow and expensive. Core enhances scalability with: ⚡ 3-second block times 💸 Low transaction fees 🔗 Trust-minimized bridging This means the Bitcoin asset can now be used scalably on Core’s Bitcoin-secured rails. #Bitcoin Miner Symbiosis: 55% of Bitcoin’s hash power⚡️ is actively securing the core network. In return, these miners earn $CORE rewards. This supplemental income keeps Bitcoin miners incentivized to continue participating in Proof of Work even as Bitcoin’s block rewards decline each halving. By addressing Bitcoin’s yield and scalability challenges, while reinforcing its Proof of Work, Core amplifies the Bitcoin ecosystem and helps unlock its full potential 🔶🚀 Kindly follow us on X @ Coredao_Org / Coredao_Amb
#Bitcoin is the most secure and decentralized network ever created, but that comes with trade-offs including:
- Lack of yield
-Limited scalability

Core steps in as Bitcoin’s Proof of Stake layer, introducing both yield & BTCfi while reinforcing Bitcoin’s Proof of Work.

Here's how this works 🧵⬇️

The #Core blockchain is powered by Satoshi Plus consensus, integrating both Bitcoin holders and Bitcoin miners into its mechanism.

This makes Core the most Bitcoin-aligned blockchain, perfectly positioned to solve Bitcoin's scalability and yield challenges.

Yield: Bitcoin traditionally doesn’t natively generate yield, but that has just changed.

Core’s Non-Custodial Bitcoin Staking, released in April, enables Bitcoin holders to earn yield on their Bitcoin without giving up custody or taking on new risks.

Billions in idle Bitcoin can now become productive assets​​. Over $300 million of Bitcoin are already actively being staked.

Bitcoin’s network can be slow and expensive. Core enhances scalability with:
⚡ 3-second block times
💸 Low transaction fees
🔗 Trust-minimized bridging

This means the Bitcoin asset can now be used scalably on Core’s Bitcoin-secured rails.

#Bitcoin Miner Symbiosis: 55% of Bitcoin’s hash power⚡️ is actively securing the core network.

In return, these miners earn $CORE rewards.

This supplemental income keeps Bitcoin miners incentivized to continue participating in Proof of Work even as Bitcoin’s block rewards decline each halving.

By addressing Bitcoin’s yield and scalability challenges, while reinforcing its Proof of Work, Core amplifies the Bitcoin ecosystem and helps unlock its full potential 🔶🚀

Kindly follow us on X @ Coredao_Org / Coredao_Amb
Zobacz oryginał
Staking Bitcoin🟧 bez depozytu krąży nad społecznością kryptowalut i wkracza w każdą przestrzeń. Jestem po prostu zdumiony, jak wielu wciąż nieświadomie żyje alternatywą - pozostawiając aktywa uśpione na scentralizowanych giełdach. Złoty klucz Core jest po prostu nieunikniony! #JustUseCore🔶️✅️ #BTC☀ #BTCFi #CoreDAO🔶️🔥👀
Staking Bitcoin🟧 bez depozytu krąży nad społecznością kryptowalut i wkracza w każdą przestrzeń. Jestem po prostu zdumiony, jak wielu wciąż nieświadomie żyje alternatywą - pozostawiając aktywa uśpione na scentralizowanych giełdach. Złoty klucz Core jest po prostu nieunikniony! #JustUseCore🔶️✅️

#BTC☀ #BTCFi #CoreDAO🔶️🔥👀
Thrilled to announce and call all tech enthusiasts for Ghana's 🇬🇭 first Core blockchain Meetup👀 Join us for a morning of exploration and discovery, as we dive into Web3, the world of #Core and its applications. Secure your spot now! 👉 #Blockchain #Bitcoin #Btcfi #Web3
Thrilled to announce and call all tech enthusiasts for Ghana's 🇬🇭 first Core blockchain Meetup👀

Join us for a morning of exploration and discovery, as we dive into Web3, the world of #Core and its applications.

Secure your spot now!

#Blockchain #Bitcoin #Btcfi #Web3
Zobacz oryginał
Całkowita podaż Core wynosząca 2,1 miliarda tokenów, w porównaniu do globalnej populacji ponad 8 miliardów ludzi, podnosi kilka intrygujących punktów, które przyczyniają się do jego sukcesu poprzez 81-letnie planowanie strategiczne, z istotą powszechnej adopcji kryptowalut. #JustUseCore🔶️✅️ #Bitcoin #BTCFi #Core
Całkowita podaż Core wynosząca 2,1 miliarda tokenów, w porównaniu do globalnej populacji ponad 8 miliardów ludzi, podnosi kilka intrygujących punktów, które przyczyniają się do jego sukcesu poprzez 81-letnie planowanie strategiczne, z istotą powszechnej adopcji kryptowalut.


#Bitcoin #BTCFi #Core
Fiats are direct critique of Bitcoin. Their value isn’t inherent but rather derived from government decrees and are destined to collapse! The most optimized for Bitcoin's ecosystem– $CORE – with its fine fixed supply, will retain value over time, just like Bitcoin🟧 Bullish⚡️ #JustUseCore🔶️✅️
Fiats are direct critique of Bitcoin. Their value isn’t inherent but rather derived from government decrees and are destined to collapse!

The most optimized for Bitcoin's ecosystem– $CORE – with its fine fixed supply, will retain value over time, just like Bitcoin🟧

Bullish⚡️ #JustUseCore🔶️✅️
Zobacz oryginał
Ekscytujące wieści! Z radością ogłaszamy, że Core objęło prowadzenie w Total Value Locked (TVL)! To osiągnięcie jest świadectwem ciężkiej pracy i poświęcenia naszego zespołu, współpracowników i społeczności. TVL to kluczowy wskaźnik mierzący ogólną wartość aktywów zablokowanych w protokole, a prześcignięcie innych projektów w tym obszarze jest znaczącym kamieniem milowym. Nasze skupienie na skalowalnych rozwiązaniach, innowacjach i zaangażowaniu społeczności wyniosło nas na szczyt. Świętując to osiągnięcie, patrzymy również w przyszłość. Będziemy nadal wprowadzać innowacje, współpracować i przesuwać granice tego, co jest możliwe. Dziękujemy, że jesteś częścią tej podróży z nami! Core się rozwija🔶️🔥 #CoreDAO#TVL #Bitcoin # Blockchain # Skalowalność # Innowacja #Core
Ekscytujące wieści!

Z radością ogłaszamy, że Core objęło prowadzenie w Total Value Locked (TVL)! To osiągnięcie jest świadectwem ciężkiej pracy i poświęcenia naszego zespołu, współpracowników i społeczności.

TVL to kluczowy wskaźnik mierzący ogólną wartość aktywów zablokowanych w protokole, a prześcignięcie innych projektów w tym obszarze jest znaczącym kamieniem milowym. Nasze skupienie na skalowalnych rozwiązaniach, innowacjach i zaangażowaniu społeczności wyniosło nas na szczyt.

Świętując to osiągnięcie, patrzymy również w przyszłość. Będziemy nadal wprowadzać innowacje, współpracować i przesuwać granice tego, co jest możliwe. Dziękujemy, że jesteś częścią tej podróży z nami! Core się rozwija🔶️🔥
#CoreDAO#TVL #Bitcoin # Blockchain # Skalowalność # Innowacja #Core
DEEP INSIGHTS OF COREIntroduction #Core handles the blockchain trilemma by combining Bitcoin’s PProof-of-Work and #Ethereum’s delegated Proof-of-Stake. What is $CORE? -Core is a Bitcoin-powered, EVM- compatible blockchain introducing the first-ever implementation of non-custodial BTC staking. One of the features about non-custodial Bitcoin Staking is that it’s "Risk-free" Here are the key points: 🔑 👌 🔸️Core contributors' experience: Active in Bitcoin since 2013, experience operators that have witnessing the growth of the crypto ecosystem. Furthermore, contributors are committed to CORE with a 6 year lock-up period. 🔸️Crypto evolution: Development of an interoperable financial system with enhanced utility and yield opportunities, but #Bitcoin hasn't fully benefited. 🔸️Lack of #BTCfi: While TradFi and DeFi have evolved, Bitcoin Finance (BTCfi) was missing. 🔸️Core Chain’s approach: Instead of altering #Bitcoin, Core contributors created a novel L1 blockchain, secured by and aligned with Bitcoin, to scale its utility. 🔸️Security and adoption: 👉55% of #Bitcoin's hash rate is now contributing to Core Chain’s security. 👉Over 5600 #BTC have been staked on Core Chain contributing also to the chain's security. 🔸️BTC holders’ support: Core Chain introduces Non-Custodial BTC Staking, allowing BTC holders to earn yield and help secure the network without relinquishing custody. BTC holders can earn, risk-free. 🔸️Bitcoin risk-free rate: This concept mirrors Ethereum's shift to proof of stake but with no additional risks, unlocking new opportunities for BTC holders. It is Risk free because staking is self custodial, and there is no smart contract risk nor slashing risk. 🔸️Liquidity movement: As Core Chain gains traction, BTC will gradually move from Bitcoin’s slow settlement layer to Core Chain for faster, cheaper transactions with higher performance. In addition, CORE is traded in major exchanges enabling this flow even more. 🔸️BTCfi ecosystem: Core Chain aims to establish a fully interoperable on-chain financial system for $BTC users, becoming the leading platform for Bitcoin Finance. 🔸️Valuation: CORE's metrics such as MC/TVL and MC/Dapps Volume are significantly undervalue in comparison to peers. This Cycle Bitcoin ecosystem is gonna blow up hard. Disclaimer - These are not my opinions so please don’t forget to do your own research before making any decision.


#Core handles the blockchain trilemma by combining Bitcoin’s PProof-of-Work and #Ethereum’s delegated Proof-of-Stake.

What is $CORE?
-Core is a Bitcoin-powered, EVM- compatible blockchain introducing the first-ever implementation of non-custodial BTC staking.

One of the features about non-custodial Bitcoin Staking is that it’s "Risk-free"

Here are the key points: 🔑 👌
🔸️Core contributors' experience: Active in Bitcoin since 2013, experience operators that have witnessing the growth of the crypto ecosystem. Furthermore, contributors are committed to CORE with a 6 year lock-up period.

🔸️Crypto evolution: Development of an interoperable financial system with enhanced utility and yield opportunities, but #Bitcoin hasn't fully benefited.

🔸️Lack of #BTCfi: While TradFi and DeFi have evolved, Bitcoin Finance (BTCfi) was missing.

🔸️Core Chain’s approach: Instead of altering #Bitcoin, Core contributors created a novel L1 blockchain, secured by and aligned with Bitcoin, to scale its utility.

🔸️Security and adoption:
👉55% of #Bitcoin's hash rate is now contributing to Core Chain’s security.
👉Over 5600 #BTC have been staked on Core Chain contributing also to the chain's security.

🔸️BTC holders’ support: Core Chain introduces Non-Custodial BTC Staking, allowing BTC holders to earn yield and help secure the network without relinquishing custody. BTC holders can earn, risk-free.

🔸️Bitcoin risk-free rate: This concept mirrors Ethereum's shift to proof of stake but with no additional risks, unlocking new opportunities for BTC holders. It is Risk free because staking is self custodial, and there is no smart contract risk nor slashing risk.

🔸️Liquidity movement: As Core Chain gains traction, BTC will gradually move from Bitcoin’s slow settlement layer to Core Chain for faster, cheaper transactions with higher performance.
In addition, CORE is traded in major exchanges enabling this flow even more.

🔸️BTCfi ecosystem: Core Chain aims to establish a fully interoperable on-chain financial system for $BTC users, becoming the leading platform for Bitcoin Finance.

🔸️Valuation: CORE's metrics such as MC/TVL and MC/Dapps Volume are significantly undervalue in comparison to peers.

This Cycle Bitcoin ecosystem is gonna blow up hard.

Disclaimer - These are not my opinions so please don’t forget to do your own research before making any decision.
Feel like touching some grass with my Core merch today as your proud Ghanaian🇬🇭 Ambassador🔶️ Thanks to @theshinapeter and @Coredao_Org for the love🧡 Kindly join the revolutionary ecosystem! Have a hashpowered weekend⚡️🤗 Core is always rising 🔥 #Bitcoin #Core #BtcfiSummer☀️
Feel like touching some grass with my Core merch today as your proud Ghanaian🇬🇭 Ambassador🔶️

Thanks to @theshinapeter and @Coredao_Org for the love🧡 Kindly join the revolutionary ecosystem!

Have a hashpowered weekend⚡️🤗
Core is always rising 🔥

#Bitcoin #Core #BtcfiSummer☀️
The future of #Bitcoin🟧 finance will be built on #Core🔶️. No other platform offers the same level of Bitcoin-alignment, trust, and engagement. Where will liquid Bitcoin staking and Bitcoin re-staking live? On Core, the only platform with truly non-custodial Bitcoin staking✅️ Where will miners turn when their block rewards decline? Core, the only Delegated Proof of Work chain designed for the long term health of Bitcoin. Where will developers look to build the next BTCfi super app? On Core’s EVM rails where tens of thousands of users interact every day. Digital gold has met its digital oil counterpart, and it’s CORE⚡️ Kindly follow for more🔥
The future of #Bitcoin🟧 finance will be built on #Core🔶️. No other platform offers the same level of Bitcoin-alignment, trust, and engagement.

Where will liquid Bitcoin staking and Bitcoin re-staking live? On Core, the only platform with truly non-custodial Bitcoin staking✅️

Where will miners turn when their block rewards decline? Core, the only Delegated Proof of Work chain designed for the long term health of Bitcoin.

Where will developers look to build the next BTCfi super app? On Core’s EVM rails where tens of thousands of users interact every day. Digital gold has met its digital oil counterpart, and it’s CORE⚡️

Kindly follow for more🔥
The most important thing in blockchain technology for the world is decentralization, which is the foundation allowing for 🔸️Security 🔐 🔸️Transparency 👀 🔸️Accessibility ♿️ 🔸️Empowerment ✊️ 🔸️Innovation💡 #Core will be the most decentralized chain after #Bitcoin ... Kindly follow us for more updates
The most important thing in blockchain technology for the world is decentralization, which is the foundation allowing for

🔸️Security 🔐
🔸️Transparency 👀
🔸️Accessibility ♿️
🔸️Empowerment ✊️

#Core will be the most decentralized chain after #Bitcoin ... Kindly follow us for more updates
Core is unlocking $1 trillion in Bitcoin value Total Value Locked is approaching $500M #Bitcoin staking is crossing 10,000 Coretoshis are becoming 1 billion Hashpower is reaching 100% Forget about price; not necessarily a reflection of Core's value🔶️ You just can't see the future 👀 The true value of #Core lies in its potential, which is vast and untapped. Don't focus solely on short-term market movements; instead, envision the vast possibilities that lie ahead. The future is bright, and Core is leading the way! $BTC $ETH
Core is unlocking $1 trillion in Bitcoin value
Total Value Locked is approaching $500M
#Bitcoin staking is crossing 10,000
Coretoshis are becoming 1 billion
Hashpower is reaching 100%

Forget about price; not necessarily a reflection of Core's value🔶️ You just can't see the future 👀

The true value of #Core lies in its potential, which is vast and untapped. Don't focus solely on short-term market movements; instead, envision the vast possibilities that lie ahead. The future is bright, and Core is leading the way!

Core has reached another Total Value Locked (TVL) all-time high! It will surpass $300M soon✅️ A huge round of applause to the top 3 dApps by TVL on the Core blockchain: @Pell_Network, @colend_xyz, and @COREx_Official! Their innovative contributions are driving the growth and success of the Core ecosystem! Let's keep pushing the boundaries and exploring new possibilities together! The future of decentralized finance and #web3 is bright with these pioneers leading the way! #Core is grooowing🔶️🔥
Core has reached another Total Value Locked (TVL) all-time high! It will surpass $300M soon✅️

A huge round of applause to the top 3 dApps by TVL on the Core blockchain: @Pell_Network, @colend_xyz, and @COREx_Official! Their innovative contributions are driving the growth and success of the Core ecosystem!

Let's keep pushing the boundaries and exploring new possibilities together! The future of decentralized finance and #web3 is bright with these pioneers leading the way!

#Core is grooowing🔶️🔥
Core DAO is offering a $5 million grant to support African Web3 builders and projects through the African 🌍 Innovation Fund. The fund will provide: - Grants - Technical support - Builder programs - Partnerships with accelerators and institutions - Connections to venture capitalists and potential investments This initiative aims to empower the next generation of decentralized applications and protocols in Africa. Join in 🤝💯 Kindly share and follow us on X @Coredao_Org #Core #Bitcoin #BTCfi
Core DAO is offering a $5 million grant to support African Web3 builders and projects through the African 🌍 Innovation Fund. The fund will provide:

- Grants
- Technical support
- Builder programs
- Partnerships with accelerators and institutions
- Connections to venture capitalists and potential investments

This initiative aims to empower the next generation of decentralized applications and protocols in Africa. Join in 🤝💯

Kindly share and follow us on X @Coredao_Org
#Core #Bitcoin #BTCfi
5,198 $BTC are now producing yield for the first time ever with #Core's Non-Custodial Bitcoin Staking🔶 For the first time in history, 5,198 BTC (over $310 million USD) are now generating yield through Core's revolutionary Non-Custodial Bitcoin Staking platform. This milestone marks a significant breakthrough in the Bitcoin ecosystem, as users can now earn passive income on their BTC holdings without relying on custodial solutions or centralized exchanges. Core's Non-Custodial #Bitcoin Staking allows users to stake their BTC in a trustless, permissionless, and decentralized manner, ensuring full control over their assets. This innovation opens up new possibilities for Bitcoin holders, enabling them to participate in the growing #DeFi space while maintaining the security and sovereignty of their #BTC. The implications of this achievement are profound, as it demonstrates the potential for Bitcoin to evolve beyond its store-of-value narrative and become a yield-generating asset. This development is expected to attract new investors, increase network activity, and further solidify Bitcoin's position as a leading cryptocurrency. Bullish🔥
5,198 $BTC are now producing yield for the first time ever with #Core's Non-Custodial Bitcoin Staking🔶

For the first time in history, 5,198 BTC (over $310 million USD) are now generating yield through Core's revolutionary Non-Custodial Bitcoin Staking platform. This milestone marks a significant breakthrough in the Bitcoin ecosystem, as users can now earn passive income on their BTC holdings without relying on custodial solutions or centralized exchanges.

Core's Non-Custodial #Bitcoin Staking allows users to stake their BTC in a trustless, permissionless, and decentralized manner, ensuring full control over their assets. This innovation opens up new possibilities for Bitcoin holders, enabling them to participate in the growing #DeFi space while maintaining the security and sovereignty of their #BTC.

The implications of this achievement are profound, as it demonstrates the potential for Bitcoin to evolve beyond its store-of-value narrative and become a yield-generating asset. This development is expected to attract new investors, increase network activity, and further solidify Bitcoin's position as a leading cryptocurrency.

It isn't a joke on the Corechain anymore. The system is still accruing more #BTC☀ and getting hash powered⚡️ by the #Bitcoin blockchain! Bitcoin must in no way be an idle coin but a yield-bearing asset and it's so simple on #Core 's non-custodial Bitcoin staking Bring it on @CZ @richardteng @Binance_News $BTC $ETH $BNB
It isn't a joke on the Corechain anymore. The system is still accruing more #BTC☀ and getting hash powered⚡️ by the #Bitcoin blockchain!

Bitcoin must in no way be an idle coin but a yield-bearing asset and it's so simple on #Core 's non-custodial Bitcoin staking

Bring it on @CZ @Richard Teng @Binance News
Core deploys dual staking model to boost #Bitcoin yields. Think of dual staking like a two-for-one deal on a investment. Normally, you'd stake (or lock away) your Bitcoin to help secure a network and earn some interest (like 2-3% per year). But with Core's dual staking, you can stake your #Bitcoin AND #Core token at the same time. This helps secure both networks, and in return, you earn: - Higher interest on your Bitcoin (like 5-6% per year) - Additional rewards in Core token It's like earning interest on two investments instead of one! You're getting more bang for your buck, and your #Bitcoin is working harder for you. This way, you can grow your Bitcoin holdings faster and earn some extra rewards on the side. Pretty sweet deal, right? Read more here:
Core deploys dual staking model to boost #Bitcoin yields.

Think of dual staking like a two-for-one deal on a investment.

Normally, you'd stake (or lock away) your Bitcoin to help secure a network and earn some interest (like 2-3% per year).

But with Core's dual staking, you can stake your #Bitcoin AND #Core token at the same time. This helps secure both networks, and in return, you earn:

- Higher interest on your Bitcoin (like 5-6% per year)
- Additional rewards in Core token

It's like earning interest on two investments instead of one! You're getting more bang for your buck, and your #Bitcoin is working harder for you.

This way, you can grow your Bitcoin holdings faster and earn some extra rewards on the side. Pretty sweet deal, right?

Read more here:
You don't really know or haven't discovered #Core 🔶️yet 👀 #Bitcoin 's average block time: ~10 minutes #Ethereum 's average block time: ~15 seconds #Core's average block time: 3 seconds⚡️ Security, scalability, speed💥✅️ Decentralization is powerful. All systems operational🔶 Join the revolution 🔥 $BTC $ETH
You don't really know or haven't discovered #Core 🔶️yet 👀

#Bitcoin 's average block time: ~10 minutes
#Ethereum 's average block time: ~15 seconds
#Core's average block time: 3 seconds⚡️

Security, scalability, speed💥✅️

Decentralization is powerful. All systems operational🔶 Join the revolution 🔥
Still announcing the #CoreDAO 's launch of the $5 million Core Africa Innovation Fund to support and empower local web3 builders in Africa! This fund is dedicated to fostering innovation and growth in the web3 ecosystem across the continent. It's a call to action for African developers, entrepreneurs, and innovators to build decentralized applications, protocols, and tools that can shape the future of the internet. With this initiative, CoreDAO is committed to: - Supporting African web3 talent and projects - Promoting financial inclusion and access - Encouraging decentralized innovation and adoption - Building a robust web3 ecosystem in Africa If you're an African web3 enthusiast with a game-changing idea, this is your chance to turn it into a reality! Apply for the Core Africa Innovation Fund and join the journey to decentralize the future! Let's build a brighter future for Africa, together! #CoreAfricaFund #Core #Africa #Write2Earn!
Still announcing the #CoreDAO 's launch of the $5 million Core Africa Innovation Fund to support and empower local web3 builders in Africa!

This fund is dedicated to fostering innovation and growth in the web3 ecosystem across the continent. It's a call to action for African developers, entrepreneurs, and innovators to build decentralized applications, protocols, and tools that can shape the future of the internet.

With this initiative, CoreDAO is committed to:

- Supporting African web3 talent and projects
- Promoting financial inclusion and access
- Encouraging decentralized innovation and adoption
- Building a robust web3 ecosystem in Africa

If you're an African web3 enthusiast with a game-changing idea, this is your chance to turn it into a reality! Apply for the Core Africa Innovation Fund and join the journey to decentralize the future!

Let's build a brighter future for Africa, together! #CoreAfricaFund #Core #Africa

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