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GM Vietnam powraca: oświetlanie drogi do ciągłego rozwoju Web3 — zdobądź DARMOWE bilety już dziś!W zeszłym roku GM Vietnam zrobiło furorę jako najważniejsze wydarzenie blockchain w Wietnamie i Azji Południowo-Wschodniej, a w tym roku wznosimy je na nowy poziom! Opierając się na wielkim sukcesie GM Vietnam 2023, w którym powitaliśmy ponad 6000 uczestników, zaangażowaliśmy ponad 400 partnerów i gościliśmy ponad 80 prelegentów, GM Vietnam 2024 obiecuje na nowo rozbudzić Twoją wyobraźnię i ponownie zainspirować innowacyjne pomysły. Dołącz do nas 7 i 8 czerwca 2024 r. w ThisKYHALL, podczas gdy będziemy prezentować czołowe innowacje w zakresie technologii blockchain i wizytówkę kulturalną.

GM Vietnam powraca: oświetlanie drogi do ciągłego rozwoju Web3 — zdobądź DARMOWE bilety już dziś!

W zeszłym roku GM Vietnam zrobiło furorę jako najważniejsze wydarzenie blockchain w Wietnamie i Azji Południowo-Wschodniej, a w tym roku wznosimy je na nowy poziom! Opierając się na wielkim sukcesie GM Vietnam 2023, w którym powitaliśmy ponad 6000 uczestników, zaangażowaliśmy ponad 400 partnerów i gościliśmy ponad 80 prelegentów, GM Vietnam 2024 obiecuje na nowo rozbudzić Twoją wyobraźnię i ponownie zainspirować innowacyjne pomysły.
Dołącz do nas 7 i 8 czerwca 2024 r. w ThisKYHALL, podczas gdy będziemy prezentować czołowe innowacje w zakresie technologii blockchain i wizytówkę kulturalną.
Zobacz oryginał
Wiodący azjatycki dostawca informacji o kryptowalutach CoinNess uruchamia kanał na żywo w języku angielskim z bezpłatną ofertą APISeul, Korea Południowa, 8 maja 2024 r. — CoinNess, jeden z największych dostawców informacji o inwestycjach w kryptowaluty w Azji, uruchomił dziś swój serwis w języku angielskim z funkcją Live Feed dla odbiorców na całym świecie. Usługa Live Feed CoinNess zapewnia aktualizacje w czasie rzeczywistym dla inwestorów z branży blockchain i kryptowalut. Założona w 2018 roku firma CoinNess szybko zyskała silną pozycję, gromadząc rozległą bazę użytkowników liczącą ponad 1 milion w całej Azji, wykraczającą poza Koreę Południową. Znana z szybkiej dystrybucji najnowszych aktualizacji kryptowalut, CoinNess ma na celu dostarczanie najświeższych wiadomości w ciągu pięciu minut o nowych wydarzeniach w branży, zapewniając ciągły, całodobowy zasięg. Od momentu uruchomienia platformy funkcja Live Feed wygenerowała ponad 200 000 briefów informacyjnych dla inwestorów.

Wiodący azjatycki dostawca informacji o kryptowalutach CoinNess uruchamia kanał na żywo w języku angielskim z bezpłatną ofertą API

Seul, Korea Południowa, 8 maja 2024 r. — CoinNess, jeden z największych dostawców informacji o inwestycjach w kryptowaluty w Azji, uruchomił dziś swój serwis w języku angielskim z funkcją Live Feed dla odbiorców na całym świecie. Usługa Live Feed CoinNess zapewnia aktualizacje w czasie rzeczywistym dla inwestorów z branży blockchain i kryptowalut.
Założona w 2018 roku firma CoinNess szybko zyskała silną pozycję, gromadząc rozległą bazę użytkowników liczącą ponad 1 milion w całej Azji, wykraczającą poza Koreę Południową.
Znana z szybkiej dystrybucji najnowszych aktualizacji kryptowalut, CoinNess ma na celu dostarczanie najświeższych wiadomości w ciągu pięciu minut o nowych wydarzeniach w branży, zapewniając ciągły, całodobowy zasięg. Od momentu uruchomienia platformy funkcja Live Feed wygenerowała ponad 200 000 briefów informacyjnych dla inwestorów.
Zobacz oryginał
Dołącz do rewolucji Morph wraz z uruchomieniem Holesky TestnetMorph, druga warstwa Ethereum, prowadząca rewolucję w zakresie Consumer Blockchain, ogłosiła wprowadzenie na rynek swojego najnowszego rozwiązania, Holesky Testnet. To nowe rozwiązanie następuje po udanym Morph Sepolia Testnet i wprowadza długo oczekiwaną platformę, która prezentuje znaczące ulepszenia infrastruktury i aplikacji blockchain. Znana już ze swojego zaangażowania w rozwiązania zorientowane na konsumenta, Morph wyróżnia się jako wyjątkowy gracz w przestrzeni, koncentrując się na użyteczności w świecie rzeczywistym, a nie na często spekulacyjnym charakterze wielu aplikacji typu blockchain. W przeciwieństwie do tradycyjnych platform, dla których DeFi i handel są priorytetem, Morph ma na celu świadczenie usług, z których ludzie mogą korzystać codziennie, czyniąc technologię blockchain integralną częścią codziennego życia. Uruchomienie Holesky Testnet z jej zwiększonymi możliwościami jest kluczowym krokiem w kierunku realizacji tej wizji, wypełniając lukę pomiędzy zaawansowaną technologią a praktycznymi, codziennymi zastosowaniami.

Dołącz do rewolucji Morph wraz z uruchomieniem Holesky Testnet

Morph, druga warstwa Ethereum, prowadząca rewolucję w zakresie Consumer Blockchain, ogłosiła wprowadzenie na rynek swojego najnowszego rozwiązania, Holesky Testnet. To nowe rozwiązanie następuje po udanym Morph Sepolia Testnet i wprowadza długo oczekiwaną platformę, która prezentuje znaczące ulepszenia infrastruktury i aplikacji blockchain.
Znana już ze swojego zaangażowania w rozwiązania zorientowane na konsumenta, Morph wyróżnia się jako wyjątkowy gracz w przestrzeni, koncentrując się na użyteczności w świecie rzeczywistym, a nie na często spekulacyjnym charakterze wielu aplikacji typu blockchain. W przeciwieństwie do tradycyjnych platform, dla których DeFi i handel są priorytetem, Morph ma na celu świadczenie usług, z których ludzie mogą korzystać codziennie, czyniąc technologię blockchain integralną częścią codziennego życia. Uruchomienie Holesky Testnet z jej zwiększonymi możliwościami jest kluczowym krokiem w kierunku realizacji tej wizji, wypełniając lukę pomiędzy zaawansowaną technologią a praktycznymi, codziennymi zastosowaniami.
Zobacz oryginał
BioMatrix wprowadza PoY, pierwszy na świecie token UBI z 60-letnim zobowiązaniem dotyczącym emisjiDUBAJ, Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie — BioMatrix, platforma dystrybucji bogactwa oparta na technologii blockchain L1, której celem jest zapewnienie każdemu globalnie dostępnego UBI, uruchomi token PoY, co będzie znaczącym kamieniem milowym w dążeniu do powszechnego włączenia finansowego. Premiera ta zbiega się z prezentacją wersji beta platformy BioMatrix na konferencji Token2049 w Dubaju 17 kwietnia 2024 r. Skok w kierunku uniwersalnego dochodu podstawowego dzięki Blockchain W dobie rosnących nierówności finansowych BioMatrix wprowadza PoY (Proof of You), rewolucyjny token, który łączy biologiczną tożsamość użytkowników z technologią blockchain, ustanawiając nowy punkt odniesienia dla uniwersalnego dochodu podstawowego (UBI).

BioMatrix wprowadza PoY, pierwszy na świecie token UBI z 60-letnim zobowiązaniem dotyczącym emisji

DUBAJ, Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie — BioMatrix, platforma dystrybucji bogactwa oparta na technologii blockchain L1, której celem jest zapewnienie każdemu globalnie dostępnego UBI, uruchomi token PoY, co będzie znaczącym kamieniem milowym w dążeniu do powszechnego włączenia finansowego. Premiera ta zbiega się z prezentacją wersji beta platformy BioMatrix na konferencji Token2049 w Dubaju 17 kwietnia 2024 r.

Skok w kierunku uniwersalnego dochodu podstawowego dzięki Blockchain
W dobie rosnących nierówności finansowych BioMatrix wprowadza PoY (Proof of You), rewolucyjny token, który łączy biologiczną tożsamość użytkowników z technologią blockchain, ustanawiając nowy punkt odniesienia dla uniwersalnego dochodu podstawowego (UBI).
Zobacz oryginał
CODA Porto ogłasza zgromadzenie czołowych umysłów w zakresie zasobów cyfrowychPorto, Portugalia – 1 maja 2024 r. – CODA Porto, najważniejsza konferencja poświęcona zasobom cyfrowym, z radością ogłasza nadchodzące wydarzenie, które odbędzie się w dniach 8 i 9 maja 2024 r. To dwudniowe spotkanie zgromadzi ekspertów branżowych, innowatorów i entuzjastów z całego świata świat w celu zbadania najnowszych osiągnięć i przyszłego potencjału technologii blockchain, NFT i Web3. Platforma do nauki i połączenia CODA Porto obejmie przemówienia programowe, wnikliwe prezentacje i interaktywne dyskusje panelowe prowadzone przez znane osobistości z przestrzeni zasobów cyfrowych. Potwierdzonymi prelegentami są Francisco Quartin de Macedo, pionier finansów i blockchain, oraz Roel Wolfert, konsultant Web3 i innowator NFT. Uczestnicy zdobędą cenną wiedzę od tych liderów myśli i zaangażują się w znaczące rozmowy z rówieśnikami, wspierając współpracę i wymianę pomysłów.

CODA Porto ogłasza zgromadzenie czołowych umysłów w zakresie zasobów cyfrowych

Porto, Portugalia – 1 maja 2024 r. – CODA Porto, najważniejsza konferencja poświęcona zasobom cyfrowym, z radością ogłasza nadchodzące wydarzenie, które odbędzie się w dniach 8 i 9 maja 2024 r. To dwudniowe spotkanie zgromadzi ekspertów branżowych, innowatorów i entuzjastów z całego świata świat w celu zbadania najnowszych osiągnięć i przyszłego potencjału technologii blockchain, NFT i Web3.
Platforma do nauki i połączenia
CODA Porto obejmie przemówienia programowe, wnikliwe prezentacje i interaktywne dyskusje panelowe prowadzone przez znane osobistości z przestrzeni zasobów cyfrowych. Potwierdzonymi prelegentami są Francisco Quartin de Macedo, pionier finansów i blockchain, oraz Roel Wolfert, konsultant Web3 i innowator NFT. Uczestnicy zdobędą cenną wiedzę od tych liderów myśli i zaangażują się w znaczące rozmowy z rówieśnikami, wspierając współpracę i wymianę pomysłów.
Web3 Gaming Powerhouse Emerges: MixMarvel and Yeeha Forge Galaxy Girl InteractiveSingapore – May 1st - Web3 content leader MixMarvel and gaming giant Yeeha Games announced a groundbreaking partnership at Token2049 Dubai, a major blockchain conference attracting over 10,000 attendees. Their new venture, Galaxy Girl Interactive (GGI), aims to revolutionize Web3 gaming in Asia with an AI-powered ecosystem, capitalizing on the surging interest in Web3.  What is GGI? The choice of 'Galaxy Girl' as the name for this venture is a nod to its all-female founding team, a significant milestone in a sector largely dominated by men. This initiative not only showcases leadership diversity but also sets a new standard for representation in Web3 gaming. The GGI logo is a visual representation of what they aim to be: a bridge between Web2 (the current internet) and Web3 (the decentralized internet), promoting seamless dialogue and exchange between the physical world and the Metaverse through a comprehensive suite of services. Galaxy Girl Interactive (GGI) paints its ambitious vision for the future of gaming with the strokes of its logo: two mirrored Gs represent reality and the Metaverse, bridged by the "I" in Interactive. The negative space signifies communication, highlighting GGI's role in connecting these worlds and promoting Web2-Web3 exchange. GGI has extensive ties with game development firms and game developer communities across Asia, aiding numerous games in leveraging the new economy's effects to accelerate globalization, thereby offering greater possibilities and a broader stage. GGI bridges this gap by combining MixMarvel's publishing expertise and strategic finesse with Yeeha Games' technological prowess and platform dominance. Gam3Girl Ventures reinforces this equation as a limited partner, utilizing GGI as its primary publishing collaborator. This potent alliance, supported by a global community network, equips GGI with the resources and reach necessary to emerge as the ultimate solution for Web3 gaming triumph. The GGI Advantage GGI offers aspiring Web3 game creators a comprehensive solution, providing access to a vast library of high-quality content to kickstart their projects. With Web3 gaming friendly infrastructure  enabling cross-chain interoperability and data aggregation, GGI fosters seamless connectivity, opening up endless opportunities for innovation and collaboration. Moreover, GGI serves as a powerful distribution and publishing platform, expanding developers' reach to a wider audience. Supported by key partners, GGI cultivates collaboration and growth in the Web3 gaming realm. Leveraging cutting-edge AI and Rangers Protocol integration, GGI is set to revolutionize Web3 gaming capabilities. Shaping the Future of Web3 Gaming With its focus on community building and empowering creators, GGI is poised to become a major player in shaping the future of Web3 gaming. Their commitment to fostering a vibrant "Galaxy" where players and developers connect and share experiences will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the industry's trajectory. GGI is currently undergoing a comprehensive upgrade powered by AI and Rangers Protocol, promising a full spectrum of value creation for participants. Watch for exciting developments from GGI, including upcoming projects like the highly anticipated MetaCene MMORPG. About MixMarvel MixMarvel is building the world’s leading blockchain content incubation platform and creators community. Pivoting on investment, incubation, and publication, MixMarvel connects Metaverse entrepreneurs, investors, and mass users through industry investment, gaming incubation, asset distribution, infrastructure development, and other diversified scenarios in a new ecosystem of dapps. MixMarvel’s broad ecosystem comprises gaming IPs like DeHero and MetaCene, tech solutions like MixMarvel SDK and Rangers Protocol, investment organizations like MixMarvel DAO Venture, and other network resources for high-quality Web2 and Web3 native gaming projects.  For more information, visit About Yeeha Games Established in 2021 with an impressive $50 million in funding, Yeeha Games stands as a pioneering platform at the forefront of interactive entertainment's new era. Yeeha offers a diverse array of games catering to audiences of all kinds, while also fostering creativity and innovation through user-friendly tools. Within the dynamic gaming ecosystem, users are encouraged to engage in captivating Yeeha Quests and gain comprehensive game insights. Boasting over 300 onboarded games and collaborations with 50+ projects worldwide, Yeeha has garnered a global user base exceeding 200,000 registered users. Additionally, Yeeha has recently introduced its Web3 all-in-one AI Gaming Explorer strategy, which includes the debut of AI KOL DANA (Deep-learning Algorithmic Navigation Agent) to the public. Furthermore, ExplorerGPT and AI-powered spin-off games are set to be released soon, further enriching the Yeeha experience.

Web3 Gaming Powerhouse Emerges: MixMarvel and Yeeha Forge Galaxy Girl Interactive

Singapore – May 1st - Web3 content leader MixMarvel and gaming giant Yeeha Games announced a groundbreaking partnership at Token2049 Dubai, a major blockchain conference attracting over 10,000 attendees. Their new venture, Galaxy Girl Interactive (GGI), aims to revolutionize Web3 gaming in Asia with an AI-powered ecosystem, capitalizing on the surging interest in Web3. 
What is GGI?
The choice of 'Galaxy Girl' as the name for this venture is a nod to its all-female founding team, a significant milestone in a sector largely dominated by men. This initiative not only showcases leadership diversity but also sets a new standard for representation in Web3 gaming. The GGI logo is a visual representation of what they aim to be: a bridge between Web2 (the current internet) and Web3 (the decentralized internet), promoting seamless dialogue and exchange between the physical world and the Metaverse through a comprehensive suite of services.
Galaxy Girl Interactive (GGI) paints its ambitious vision for the future of gaming with the strokes of its logo: two mirrored Gs represent reality and the Metaverse, bridged by the "I" in Interactive. The negative space signifies communication, highlighting GGI's role in connecting these worlds and promoting Web2-Web3 exchange.
GGI has extensive ties with game development firms and game developer communities across Asia, aiding numerous games in leveraging the new economy's effects to accelerate globalization, thereby offering greater possibilities and a broader stage. GGI bridges this gap by combining MixMarvel's publishing expertise and strategic finesse with Yeeha Games' technological prowess and platform dominance. Gam3Girl Ventures reinforces this equation as a limited partner, utilizing GGI as its primary publishing collaborator. This potent alliance, supported by a global community network, equips GGI with the resources and reach necessary to emerge as the ultimate solution for Web3 gaming triumph.
The GGI Advantage
GGI offers aspiring Web3 game creators a comprehensive solution, providing access to a vast library of high-quality content to kickstart their projects. With Web3 gaming friendly infrastructure  enabling cross-chain interoperability and data aggregation, GGI fosters seamless connectivity, opening up endless opportunities for innovation and collaboration. Moreover, GGI serves as a powerful distribution and publishing platform, expanding developers' reach to a wider audience. Supported by key partners, GGI cultivates collaboration and growth in the Web3 gaming realm. Leveraging cutting-edge AI and Rangers Protocol integration, GGI is set to revolutionize Web3 gaming capabilities.
Shaping the Future of Web3 Gaming
With its focus on community building and empowering creators, GGI is poised to become a major player in shaping the future of Web3 gaming. Their commitment to fostering a vibrant "Galaxy" where players and developers connect and share experiences will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the industry's trajectory. GGI is currently undergoing a comprehensive upgrade powered by AI and Rangers Protocol, promising a full spectrum of value creation for participants. Watch for exciting developments from GGI, including upcoming projects like the highly anticipated MetaCene MMORPG.
About MixMarvel
MixMarvel is building the world’s leading blockchain content incubation platform and creators community. Pivoting on investment, incubation, and publication, MixMarvel connects Metaverse entrepreneurs, investors, and mass users through industry investment, gaming incubation, asset distribution, infrastructure development, and other diversified scenarios in a new ecosystem of dapps. MixMarvel’s broad ecosystem comprises gaming IPs like DeHero and MetaCene, tech solutions like MixMarvel SDK and Rangers Protocol, investment organizations like MixMarvel DAO Venture, and other network resources for high-quality Web2 and Web3 native gaming projects.
 For more information, visit

About Yeeha Games
Established in 2021 with an impressive $50 million in funding, Yeeha Games stands as a pioneering platform at the forefront of interactive entertainment's new era. Yeeha offers a diverse array of games catering to audiences of all kinds, while also fostering creativity and innovation through user-friendly tools. Within the dynamic gaming ecosystem, users are encouraged to engage in captivating Yeeha Quests and gain comprehensive game insights. Boasting over 300 onboarded games and collaborations with 50+ projects worldwide, Yeeha has garnered a global user base exceeding 200,000 registered users. Additionally, Yeeha has recently introduced its Web3 all-in-one AI Gaming Explorer strategy, which includes the debut of AI KOL DANA (Deep-learning Algorithmic Navigation Agent) to the public. Furthermore, ExplorerGPT and AI-powered spin-off games are set to be released soon, further enriching the Yeeha experience.
Announcement: $DEDE Coin, the Dino-Meme Cryptocurrency on Solana, Captures Global InterestA Prehistoric Twist in Crypto: In a significant development in the cryptocurrency market, $DEDE, the unique dino-meme coin, has officially launched on the Solana blockchain, promising a blend of prehistoric intrigue and modern blockchain technology. As a fresh face in the crowded meme coin space, $DEDE has distinguished itself with its creative dinosaur theme and robust technological foundation, garnering an impressive base of over 2,500 holders in its first week alone. Market Dynamics and Future Outlook: Despite a currently modest market capitalization of $1 million, down from an initial $7 million, industry experts believe this is just the beginning for $DEDE. The coin's association with the high-speed and low-cost Solana platform suggests a promising horizon, especially with anticipated bullish trends in the crypto markets. Technological Edge and Unique Positioning: $DEDE's appeal lies not only in its nostalgic, dino-themed branding but also in its significant technological advantages. Solana's platform supports $DEDE with fast transaction speeds and minimal fees, setting the stage for the coin to surpass traditional limitations faced by many memecoins. Strategic Launch Timing: The timing of $DEDE's market entry is strategically aligned with expected upward movements in the crypto sector, making it an attractive option for investors looking for potential high returns. Early adopters of $DEDE may find themselves well-positioned for substantial gains as the coin aims for exponential growth in the near future. Community: The Backbone of Success: Community engagement is at the heart of $DEDE's rapid rise. The vibrant, dedicated community around $DEDE includes everyone from cryptocurrency aficionados to those new to the market, each contributing to the coin's journey and shaping its future. This strong community support is pivotal in driving the coin forward, underpinned by a shared vision and collective enthusiasm. Conclusion and Call to Action: As $DEDE continues to navigate the crypto wilderness, its journey represents more than just financial speculation; it is a movement towards innovative, community-driven financial solutions that resonate on a global scale.  For further information on $DEDE and to join the adventure, visit: - Website: - Telegram: https://tme/Dedeportalofficial - Twitter: About $DEDE $DEDE is a cutting-edge dino-themed meme coin leveraging the Solana blockchain to offer a unique blend of speed, efficiency, and community-focused digital finance. With its engaging and imaginative approach to crypto, $DEDE is committed to bringing a prehistoric twist to the modern financial landscape.

Announcement: $DEDE Coin, the Dino-Meme Cryptocurrency on Solana, Captures Global Interest

A Prehistoric Twist in Crypto:
In a significant development in the cryptocurrency market, $DEDE, the unique dino-meme coin, has officially launched on the Solana blockchain, promising a blend of prehistoric intrigue and modern blockchain technology. As a fresh face in the crowded meme coin space, $DEDE has distinguished itself with its creative dinosaur theme and robust technological foundation, garnering an impressive base of over 2,500 holders in its first week alone.
Market Dynamics and Future Outlook:
Despite a currently modest market capitalization of $1 million, down from an initial $7 million, industry experts believe this is just the beginning for $DEDE. The coin's association with the high-speed and low-cost Solana platform suggests a promising horizon, especially with anticipated bullish trends in the crypto markets.

Technological Edge and Unique Positioning:
$DEDE's appeal lies not only in its nostalgic, dino-themed branding but also in its significant technological advantages. Solana's platform supports $DEDE with fast transaction speeds and minimal fees, setting the stage for the coin to surpass traditional limitations faced by many memecoins.

Strategic Launch Timing:
The timing of $DEDE's market entry is strategically aligned with expected upward movements in the crypto sector, making it an attractive option for investors looking for potential high returns. Early adopters of $DEDE may find themselves well-positioned for substantial gains as the coin aims for exponential growth in the near future.

Community: The Backbone of Success:
Community engagement is at the heart of $DEDE's rapid rise. The vibrant, dedicated community around $DEDE includes everyone from cryptocurrency aficionados to those new to the market, each contributing to the coin's journey and shaping its future. This strong community support is pivotal in driving the coin forward, underpinned by a shared vision and collective enthusiasm.

Conclusion and Call to Action:
As $DEDE continues to navigate the crypto wilderness, its journey represents more than just financial speculation; it is a movement towards innovative, community-driven financial solutions that resonate on a global scale. 
For further information on $DEDE and to join the adventure, visit:
- Website:
- Telegram: https://tme/Dedeportalofficial
- Twitter:

About $DEDE
$DEDE is a cutting-edge dino-themed meme coin leveraging the Solana blockchain to offer a unique blend of speed, efficiency, and community-focused digital finance. With its engaging and imaginative approach to crypto, $DEDE is committed to bringing a prehistoric twist to the modern financial landscape.
Zobacz oryginał
Ponad 30 tys. społeczności Crypto wspiera CZ w dynamicznej ankiecie OnchainW znaczącym pokazie wsparcia społeczności ponad 30 000 użytkowników łańcucha wyraziło swoje poparcie dla Changpeng Zhao (CZ), założyciela Binance, poprzez zdecentralizowaną ankietę opinii na temat AlphaorBeta. Ta ankieta, przeprowadzona przez Opinion Labs, miała na celu uzyskanie informacji na temat tego, czy wkład CZ w świat kryptowalut przewyższa jego wcześniejsze wyzwania regulacyjne. W ciągu zaledwie 24 godzin ankieta wzbudziła szerokie zainteresowanie zarówno czołowych liderów opinii, jak i użytkowników, co oznacza, że ​​społeczność kryptowalut stoi za CZ.

Ponad 30 tys. społeczności Crypto wspiera CZ w dynamicznej ankiecie Onchain

W znaczącym pokazie wsparcia społeczności ponad 30 000 użytkowników łańcucha wyraziło swoje poparcie dla Changpeng Zhao (CZ), założyciela Binance, poprzez zdecentralizowaną ankietę opinii na temat AlphaorBeta. Ta ankieta, przeprowadzona przez Opinion Labs, miała na celu uzyskanie informacji na temat tego, czy wkład CZ w świat kryptowalut przewyższa jego wcześniejsze wyzwania regulacyjne. W ciągu zaledwie 24 godzin ankieta wzbudziła szerokie zainteresowanie zarówno czołowych liderów opinii, jak i użytkowników, co oznacza, że ​​społeczność kryptowalut stoi za CZ.
Revolutionizing Revenue: How Hydro Online Enhances Traditional Website Monetization ModelsIn the evolving landscape of digital content, website monetization remains a pivotal challenge for publishers. While traditional models like advertising, subscriptions, and paywalls have dominated this space, innovative platforms like Hydro Online offer new opportunities.  Let’s examine these various monetization strategies, their advantages and limitations, and how Hydro Online fits into this dynamic ecosystem. Advertising: The Old Guard of Monetization What it is: Advertising is the most common form of website monetization. This method involves displaying ads on a website, which generates revenue based on clicks or impressions. Examples: Google Adsense and are popular networks that facilitate ad placement on websites. Pros: Broad Accessibility: Virtually any website can implement some form of advertising.Passive Revenue: Once set up, ads can provide a steady income without ongoing effort from the site owner. Cons: User Experience: Ads can detract from the user experience, potentially driving visitors away.Revenue Inconsistency: Earnings can fluctuate based on traffic, geographical location and the changing landscape of ad blocking technology. How Hydro Online Fits: Unlike traditional ad networks, Hydro Online offers a seamless integration that does not disrupt the user experience with visual ads. This platform can serve as a supplementary revenue stream or a complete replacement for traditional ads, focusing on monetizing user engagement and time spent rather than clicks, thus providing more predictable revenue. Subscriptions: Gated Content for Steady Earnings What it is: Subscriptions involve charging users a recurring fee to access content or services. Examples: Many online news outlets and specialized content creators like The New York Times and Patreon use subscriptions. Pros: Predictable Income: Subscriptions provide a consistent revenue stream.Audience Loyalty: Paying subscribers are often more engaged and invested in the content. Cons: Barrier to Entry: Paywalls can deter potential readers or users who are unwilling or unable to pay.Content Saturation: With so many subscription options available, users may experience fatigue and limit their commitments. How Hydro Online Fits: Hydro Online can be integrated alongside subscription models to offer a hybrid approach. For instance, publishers could monetize shorter visits or less engaged users through Hydro Online while reserving premium content for subscribers, thereby maximizing revenue from various user segments. Paywalls: Exclusive Content for Premium Users What it is: Paywalls restrict access to content, allowing only paying users to view certain articles or resources. Examples: The Wall Street Journal and Harvard Business Review are known for their strict paywall policies. Pros: High Revenue Potential: Premium content can command higher prices.Quality Focus: A focus on paying customers can lead to higher quality and more exclusive content. Cons: Limited Reach: Paywalls significantly reduce the potential audience for content.Dependency on Content Value: The success of a paywall heavily depends on the perceived value of the content behind it. How Hydro Online Fits: For websites utilizing paywalls, Hydro Online can offer an alternative or complementary revenue model. By monetizing the initial engagement on free articles or teaser content, Hydro Online can enhance overall earnings without compromising the premium offering. Other Monetization Options: Donations and Affiliate Marketing What it is: Beyond ads, subscriptions, and paywalls, other models include donations — encouraged by platforms like Ko-fi or Patreon — and affiliate marketing, where publishers earn commissions by promoting products or services. Pros: Flexibility: These models provide additional revenue streams that can be tailored to different types of content and audiences.Community Engagement: Both methods can strengthen the relationship between publishers and their audience. Cons: Unpredictability: Donations and affiliate earnings can be highly variable and not reliable for consistent income.Effort Intensive: Both methods require significant effort to promote and maintain. How Hydro Online Fits: Hydro Online's model of monetizing user time could seamlessly integrate with these methods, offering publishers a steady income from regular content engagement, complementing the less predictable nature of donations and affiliate links. Conclusion In conclusion, while traditional monetization methods have their merits, platforms like Hydro Online introduce a novel approach that respects user experience and provides publishers with a more predictable and hassle-free revenue stream. Whether used in tandem with existing methods or as a standalone model, Hydro Online represents a versatile solution adaptable to the diverse needs of digital publishers. For further information, please visit: Website: Twitter: Telegram: https://tme/Hydro_Online Linkedin:

Revolutionizing Revenue: How Hydro Online Enhances Traditional Website Monetization Models

In the evolving landscape of digital content, website monetization remains a pivotal challenge for publishers. While traditional models like advertising, subscriptions, and paywalls have dominated this space, innovative platforms like Hydro Online offer new opportunities. 
Let’s examine these various monetization strategies, their advantages and limitations, and how Hydro Online fits into this dynamic ecosystem.
Advertising: The Old Guard of Monetization
What it is: Advertising is the most common form of website monetization. This method involves displaying ads on a website, which generates revenue based on clicks or impressions.
Examples: Google Adsense and are popular networks that facilitate ad placement on websites.
Broad Accessibility: Virtually any website can implement some form of advertising.Passive Revenue: Once set up, ads can provide a steady income without ongoing effort from the site owner.
User Experience: Ads can detract from the user experience, potentially driving visitors away.Revenue Inconsistency: Earnings can fluctuate based on traffic, geographical location and the changing landscape of ad blocking technology.
How Hydro Online Fits: Unlike traditional ad networks, Hydro Online offers a seamless integration that does not disrupt the user experience with visual ads. This platform can serve as a supplementary revenue stream or a complete replacement for traditional ads, focusing on monetizing user engagement and time spent rather than clicks, thus providing more predictable revenue.
Subscriptions: Gated Content for Steady Earnings
What it is: Subscriptions involve charging users a recurring fee to access content or services.
Examples: Many online news outlets and specialized content creators like The New York Times and Patreon use subscriptions.
Predictable Income: Subscriptions provide a consistent revenue stream.Audience Loyalty: Paying subscribers are often more engaged and invested in the content.
Barrier to Entry: Paywalls can deter potential readers or users who are unwilling or unable to pay.Content Saturation: With so many subscription options available, users may experience fatigue and limit their commitments.
How Hydro Online Fits: Hydro Online can be integrated alongside subscription models to offer a hybrid approach. For instance, publishers could monetize shorter visits or less engaged users through Hydro Online while reserving premium content for subscribers, thereby maximizing revenue from various user segments.
Paywalls: Exclusive Content for Premium Users
What it is: Paywalls restrict access to content, allowing only paying users to view certain articles or resources.
Examples: The Wall Street Journal and Harvard Business Review are known for their strict paywall policies.
High Revenue Potential: Premium content can command higher prices.Quality Focus: A focus on paying customers can lead to higher quality and more exclusive content.
Limited Reach: Paywalls significantly reduce the potential audience for content.Dependency on Content Value: The success of a paywall heavily depends on the perceived value of the content behind it.
How Hydro Online Fits: For websites utilizing paywalls, Hydro Online can offer an alternative or complementary revenue model. By monetizing the initial engagement on free articles or teaser content, Hydro Online can enhance overall earnings without compromising the premium offering.
Other Monetization Options: Donations and Affiliate Marketing
What it is: Beyond ads, subscriptions, and paywalls, other models include donations — encouraged by platforms like Ko-fi or Patreon — and affiliate marketing, where publishers earn commissions by promoting products or services.
Flexibility: These models provide additional revenue streams that can be tailored to different types of content and audiences.Community Engagement: Both methods can strengthen the relationship between publishers and their audience.
Unpredictability: Donations and affiliate earnings can be highly variable and not reliable for consistent income.Effort Intensive: Both methods require significant effort to promote and maintain.
How Hydro Online Fits: Hydro Online's model of monetizing user time could seamlessly integrate with these methods, offering publishers a steady income from regular content engagement, complementing the less predictable nature of donations and affiliate links.
In conclusion, while traditional monetization methods have their merits, platforms like Hydro Online introduce a novel approach that respects user experience and provides publishers with a more predictable and hassle-free revenue stream. Whether used in tandem with existing methods or as a standalone model, Hydro Online represents a versatile solution adaptable to the diverse needs of digital publishers.

For further information, please visit:
Telegram: https://tme/Hydro_Online
Bitcoin Layer2 BEVM Announces Investment from BitmainBTC Layer2 project BEVM has officially disclosed an investment from Bitmain, the leading manufacturer of cryptocurrency mining servers globally. The precise amount of the investment remains undisclosed. Established in 2013, Bitmain still stands today as a significant figure in the digital asset mining hardware production space. Its Bitcoin mining machines previously commanded over 70% of the global market share. Notably, this marks Bitmain's sole investment in the Bitcoin Layer2 domain to date. Gavin Guo, Core Builder of BEVM Foundation, remarked, "Next, BEVM will delve into exploring Bitcoin hashrate and the PoW ecosystem's application on BEVM, that could help facilitate the migration of trillions of dollars in PoW hashrate assets and a substantial quantity of $BTC to BEVM. This will empower Bitmain assets and unlock liquidity and more diverse financial application scenarios within the BTC Layer2 network." BEVM serves as the pioneer EVM-compatible Bitcoin L2 network founded on the Taproot Consensus, utilizing BTC as Gas. Leveraging native Bitcoin technologies such as Schnorr Signature, MAST, and Bitcoin Light Node Network, it achieves fully decentralized BTC cross-chain functionality, thereby enabling the trustless integration of BTC into a broader spectrum of applications and facilitating genuine BTC liquidity circulation.  BEVM launched its mainnet on March 28th, boasting over 700,000 user addresses and hosting more than 30 ecosystem projects. BEVM also recently announced it had secured tens of millions of dollars in financing, with investors including RockTree Capital, Waterdrip Capital, Arkstream Capital, ViaBTC Capital, and nearly 20 other institutions, resulting in a post-investment valuation of $200 million for the company. For further information about BEVM, please visit or contact  Media Contact: Jhon Zhang Email:

Bitcoin Layer2 BEVM Announces Investment from Bitmain

BTC Layer2 project BEVM has officially disclosed an investment from Bitmain, the leading manufacturer of cryptocurrency mining servers globally. The precise amount of the investment remains undisclosed.
Established in 2013, Bitmain still stands today as a significant figure in the digital asset mining hardware production space. Its Bitcoin mining machines previously commanded over 70% of the global market share. Notably, this marks Bitmain's sole investment in the Bitcoin Layer2 domain to date.
Gavin Guo, Core Builder of BEVM Foundation, remarked, "Next, BEVM will delve into exploring Bitcoin hashrate and the PoW ecosystem's application on BEVM, that could help facilitate the migration of trillions of dollars in PoW hashrate assets and a substantial quantity of $BTC to BEVM. This will empower Bitmain assets and unlock liquidity and more diverse financial application scenarios within the BTC Layer2 network."
BEVM serves as the pioneer EVM-compatible Bitcoin L2 network founded on the Taproot Consensus, utilizing BTC as Gas. Leveraging native Bitcoin technologies such as Schnorr Signature, MAST, and Bitcoin Light Node Network, it achieves fully decentralized BTC cross-chain functionality, thereby enabling the trustless integration of BTC into a broader spectrum of applications and facilitating genuine BTC liquidity circulation. 
BEVM launched its mainnet on March 28th, boasting over 700,000 user addresses and hosting more than 30 ecosystem projects. BEVM also recently announced it had secured tens of millions of dollars in financing, with investors including RockTree Capital, Waterdrip Capital, Arkstream Capital, ViaBTC Capital, and nearly 20 other institutions, resulting in a post-investment valuation of $200 million for the company.
For further information about BEVM, please visit or contact 

Media Contact: Jhon Zhang
AIEMP Announces Launch of Innovative AI Security Project AIEMP, an unprecedented project designed to thrive, govern, and protect the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in society, has announced its launch. Advancements in technology have brought benefits to humanity, as well as new challenges— monitoring them to prevent threats to human life. AIEMP's mission is to efficiently mitigate these risks through EMP codes and meme coins.  Memecoins are a category of cryptocurrencies that possess a comedic trait. They are mostly volatile and popularity driven by pop culture. Doge, Shibu Inu, Pepe, and a few of the other top projects offer more entertainment than usability and are solely designed for trading instruments. AIEMP, however, takes a new direction—offering a real-world utility that can endure over time.  AIEMP, launched on the Solana ecosystem's DEFI platform, serves as a counterbalance to uncontrolled AI acceleration. The platform aims to establish AI discourse in an ethical and controlled environment. AIEMP - Cryptocurrency with a Purpose and Vision  Beyond simply digital assets, AIEMP is a ‘clear call’ to integrate ethics and security into AI development. The organization's mission is to build community-driven support for the responsible use of AI, thereby inspiring ongoing discussions about the role of the technology. AIEMP is walking an uncharted path, celebrating the benefits of this technology, identifying its plethora of potential, and curbing its excesses. AIEMP's core technology is a small bomb installed on an Android and activated with an EMP token. This token acts as a special code that activates the bomb when transferred to your Android's native wallet. According to the website, this process blocks access, allowing it to be used only when humans face life-threatening situations. The project also aims to strengthen cybersecurity. Since AI systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks and can be exploited for heinous crimes if hacked, AIEMP provides an additional layer of security by providing the option to disable these androids in such cases.  AIEMP aims to effectively manage the unpredictability of AI, build user trust in these new technologies, and drive global adoption. Why the value of AIEMP can grow exponentially  AIEMP stands apart from similar projects in its core mission, which transcends speculative interests and profits. It champions ethical discussion and action about the future of AI, attracting a dedicated community while setting the stage for real growth as the conversation about AI deepens. Beyond the speculative nature of most digital assets on the market, AIEMP is committed to finding practical applications that can enhance the safety and ethical advancement of AI. These core values ​​provide real, sustainable benefits that are likely to last over time. Because AIEMP is built on Solana's DEFI platform, it leverages the network's scalability and advanced efficiencies. It’s also strategically positioned for unprecedented growth. According to the development team, AIEMP will be gradually launched on exchanges such as Radium, Binance,, and Kucoin. It has been released on the Radium platform (as of this writing).  Introduction to AIEMP  AIEMP is an innovative project that aims to bring ethics to AI. Because these new technologies are vulnerable to a variety of malicious attacks, this project aims to add a layer of security and build user trust in the new technologies to enable global adoption. AIEMP's core value proposition differentiates it from existing projects and puts it at the center of rapid growth using Solana's undeniable capabilities.  Media Contact  Company Name AIEMP  Company website  Social contacts.  X:  Discord: 

AIEMP Announces Launch of Innovative AI Security Project

AIEMP, an unprecedented project designed to thrive, govern, and protect the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in society, has announced its launch. Advancements in technology have brought benefits to humanity, as well as new challenges— monitoring them to prevent threats to human life. AIEMP's mission is to efficiently mitigate these risks through EMP codes and meme coins. 
Memecoins are a category of cryptocurrencies that possess a comedic trait. They are mostly volatile and popularity driven by pop culture. Doge, Shibu Inu, Pepe, and a few of the other top projects offer more entertainment than usability and are solely designed for trading instruments. AIEMP, however, takes a new direction—offering a real-world utility that can endure over time. 
AIEMP, launched on the Solana ecosystem's DEFI platform, serves as a counterbalance to uncontrolled AI acceleration. The platform aims to establish AI discourse in an ethical and controlled environment.
AIEMP - Cryptocurrency with a Purpose and Vision 
Beyond simply digital assets, AIEMP is a ‘clear call’ to integrate ethics and security into AI development. The organization's mission is to build community-driven support for the responsible use of AI, thereby inspiring ongoing discussions about the role of the technology. AIEMP is walking an uncharted path, celebrating the benefits of this technology, identifying its plethora of potential, and curbing its excesses.
AIEMP's core technology is a small bomb installed on an Android and activated with an EMP token. This token acts as a special code that activates the bomb when transferred to your Android's native wallet. According to the website, this process blocks access, allowing it to be used only when humans face life-threatening situations. The project also aims to strengthen cybersecurity. Since AI systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks and can be exploited for heinous crimes if hacked, AIEMP provides an additional layer of security by providing the option to disable these androids in such cases. 
AIEMP aims to effectively manage the unpredictability of AI, build user trust in these new technologies, and drive global adoption.
Why the value of AIEMP can grow exponentially 
AIEMP stands apart from similar projects in its core mission, which transcends speculative interests and profits. It champions ethical discussion and action about the future of AI, attracting a dedicated community while setting the stage for real growth as the conversation about AI deepens. Beyond the speculative nature of most digital assets on the market, AIEMP is committed to finding practical applications that can enhance the safety and ethical advancement of AI. These core values ​​provide real, sustainable benefits that are likely to last over time. Because AIEMP is built on Solana's DEFI platform, it leverages the network's scalability and advanced efficiencies. It’s also strategically positioned for unprecedented growth.
According to the development team, AIEMP will be gradually launched on exchanges such as Radium, Binance,, and Kucoin. It has been released on the Radium platform (as of this writing). 
Introduction to AIEMP 
AIEMP is an innovative project that aims to bring ethics to AI. Because these new technologies are vulnerable to a variety of malicious attacks, this project aims to add a layer of security and build user trust in the new technologies to enable global adoption. AIEMP's core value proposition differentiates it from existing projects and puts it at the center of rapid growth using Solana's undeniable capabilities. 
Media Contact 
Company Name AIEMP 
Company website 

Social contacts. 
Introducing QuantoSwap: A Groundbreaking Ethereum-based DEX with Multiple Revenue StreamsQuantoSwap, an innovative decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Ethereum blockchain, officially announces its launch. QuantoSwap enables trading of Liquid Staking Tokens (LST) and introduces a multitude of ways to earn, opening new opportunities in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. Enhanced Earning Opportunities Through QuantoSwap QuantoSwap users benefit from various income streams including swap fees, staking, and farming, as well as providing liquidity. The platform is designed to maximize user earnings and offer a sustainable earning environment through innovative mechanisms such as re-staking and involvement in Principal Tokens (PT) and Yield Tokens (YT). The main goal with QuantoSwap is to open up a broad spectrum of earning opportunities for users, ensuring they receive substantial rewards for their activities on the platform. Innovative Features and Reward System QuantoSwap introduces several unique features: Multiple Staking Modes: Users can earn from Liquid Staking and Restaking, Native Staking, ETH LP and LST LP Restaking on the platform.Yield Tokenization: Using yield-bearing tokens, users can convert them into SY, PT and YT and receive additional yield.Superior APR: QuantoSwap's model offers a higher actual Annual Percentage Rate (APR) compared to traditional decentralized exchange (DEX) platforms. This enhanced APR is achieved by integrating rewards for liquidity providers with additional benefits from farming, staking, and referral inventives.Marketing Synergy: QuantoSwap utilizes pool and referral synergies effectively for platform promotion without excessive token distribution.Referral Program: This program allows users to invite friends and receive 10% of their referrals’ income from staking and farming.Token Burnings: To ensure long-term value, QuantoSwap conducts monthly token burns and referral rebate burns for unused personal referral links.A Safe and Secure Ecosystem with Insurance Fund QuantoSwap is committed to security and stability, featuring a yield insurance fund to protect assets and minimize DeFi-associated risks. It also allows for insurance coverage on YT tokens if profits fall below expectations at the time of purchase. Global Event Launch Global Event is a special occasion to celebrate the launch of our project. There will be a  distribution of a $200,000 pool in QNS to all active participants who engage in the following activities within the project: — $125,000 in QNS allocated as a Sign-up Bonus for new users. — $50,000 in QNS for top performers in the referral program who invite new users to the project. — $25,000 in ETH for the 500 most active users who post about QuantoSwap on their Twitter. About QuantoSwap QuantoSwap is a decentralized exchange on the Ethereum blockchain specializing in the trading of Liquid Staking Tokens. With an innovative earning ecosystem, QuantoSwap is poised to revolutionize the DeFi landscape. For more information on QuantoSwap and to participate in the event opportunities, please visit QuantoSwap’s website: Twitter: Telegram: https://tme/QuantoSwap

Introducing QuantoSwap: A Groundbreaking Ethereum-based DEX with Multiple Revenue Streams

QuantoSwap, an innovative decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Ethereum blockchain, officially announces its launch. QuantoSwap enables trading of Liquid Staking Tokens (LST) and introduces a multitude of ways to earn, opening new opportunities in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space.
Enhanced Earning Opportunities Through QuantoSwap
QuantoSwap users benefit from various income streams including swap fees, staking, and farming, as well as providing liquidity. The platform is designed to maximize user earnings and offer a sustainable earning environment through innovative mechanisms such as re-staking and involvement in Principal Tokens (PT) and Yield Tokens (YT).
The main goal with QuantoSwap is to open up a broad spectrum of earning opportunities for users, ensuring they receive substantial rewards for their activities on the platform.
Innovative Features and Reward System
QuantoSwap introduces several unique features:
Multiple Staking Modes: Users can earn from Liquid Staking and Restaking, Native Staking, ETH LP and LST LP Restaking on the platform.Yield Tokenization: Using yield-bearing tokens, users can convert them into SY, PT and YT and receive additional yield.Superior APR: QuantoSwap's model offers a higher actual Annual Percentage Rate (APR) compared to traditional decentralized exchange (DEX) platforms. This enhanced APR is achieved by integrating rewards for liquidity providers with additional benefits from farming, staking, and referral inventives.Marketing Synergy: QuantoSwap utilizes pool and referral synergies effectively for platform promotion without excessive token distribution.Referral Program: This program allows users to invite friends and receive 10% of their referrals’ income from staking and farming.Token Burnings: To ensure long-term value, QuantoSwap conducts monthly token burns and referral rebate burns for unused personal referral links.A Safe and Secure Ecosystem with Insurance Fund

QuantoSwap is committed to security and stability, featuring a yield insurance fund to protect assets and minimize DeFi-associated risks. It also allows for insurance coverage on YT tokens if profits fall below expectations at the time of purchase.
Global Event Launch
Global Event is a special occasion to celebrate the launch of our project. There will be a  distribution of a $200,000 pool in QNS to all active participants who engage in the following activities within the project:
— $125,000 in QNS allocated as a Sign-up Bonus for new users.
— $50,000 in QNS for top performers in the referral program who invite new users to the project.
— $25,000 in ETH for the 500 most active users who post about QuantoSwap on their Twitter.
About QuantoSwap
QuantoSwap is a decentralized exchange on the Ethereum blockchain specializing in the trading of Liquid Staking Tokens. With an innovative earning ecosystem, QuantoSwap is poised to revolutionize the DeFi landscape.
For more information on QuantoSwap and to participate in the event opportunities, please visit QuantoSwap’s website:

Telegram: https://tme/QuantoSwap
Zulu Network: Moving the Bitcoin Economy Forwardwith a Two-Tiered Bitcoin Layer 2 ArchitectureWhile Bitcoin has gained greater institutional acceptance with the recent ETF launches in the US, it is still not a pure institutional asset, and it is not a pure commodity like gold. It is so much more: secure, decentralized, and programmable value. Zulu Network believes that Bitcoin can be so much more. The Bitcoin Ecosystem is ready to evolve by adding BitFi (Bitcoin Native DeFi), integrating existing infrastructure, and advanced programmability to take Bitcoin from a store of value into a new economy with native yield, exciting innovations and sophisticated DeFi applications.  Zulu Network is the first Bitcoin Layer 2 with a Dual-Layer architecture (L2+L3). ZuluPrime L2 is EVM compatible, for Bitcoin scaling and BitFi (Bitcoin DeFi); ZuluNexus L3 offers UTXO programmability, a unique solution to continuously support Bitcoin native innovation making transactions cheaper, fast, extendable, and programmable. Zulu’s other innovations also include the first Bitcoin decentralized bridge (with a working demo coming in the next couple of weeks) and its unique hybrid PoS / PoW mining design. BitFi has the potential to reshape the financial industry and offer individuals greater control over their financial assets. However, it is currently limited in its scalability capacity. There is clearly massive demand, but poor infrastructure and limitations for mass adoption like scalability issues to foster new Bitcoin native format innovations.  Zulu Network is building a new infrastructure to solve these limitations, with a programmable, extendable, and innovative new approach for the Bitcoin Ecosystem. Zulu wants to unlock the Bitcoin Economy for all developers and users.  Zulu Network’s Ground-Breaking Architecture Zulu Network’s unique Two-Tier architecture (L2+L3), aims to move the Bitcoin Network forward with a new infrastructure that solves the limitations of the current Bitcoin ecosystem, such as big demand but poor infrastructure, scalability issues, and lack of native innovations that limit the potential for mass adoption.  Zulu’s Bitcoin Layer 2 solution offers a unique two-tiered architecture, supporting both EVM and UTXO, paving the way for revolutionary advancements within the Bitcoin ecosystem: ZuluPrime L2 is EVM compatible, for Bitcoin scaling and BitFi (Bitcoin DeFi). ZuluNexus L3 offers UTXO programmability to support Bitcoin native innovation, making transactions cheaper, fast, extendable, and programmable.  Zulu’s other innovations also include the first trust-minimized Bitcoin bridge (with a working demo coming soon) and its unique hybrid PoS / PoW mining design. Zulu Lwazi Alpha Testnet Highlights ZGP Points Campaign: 25k+ users and 52k+ transactions in first 48 hours.40k+ users and 287k+ transactions in first week.Currently 140k+ registered users and 1M+ transactions!Social Media: 40k+ Twitter followers, 35k+ Discord members, 56k+ Telegram members. Zulu Network Architecture With a dual-layer architecture on Bitcoin (L2 & L3), Zulu Network offers:  ZuluPrime (EVM): EVM-compatible L2 platform aimed at building a new BitFi (Bitcoin DeFi) ecosystem through smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). ZuluNexus (UTXO): L3 integrates scalability of UTXO and focuses on innovation of Bitcoin’s original ecosystem and native assets.  The Bitcoin Network is used as a L1 finality for Zulu. Zulu Network is also building the first trust-minimized Bitcoin bridge to connect all Bitcoin Layer 2s and the entire crypto ecosystem to the Bitcoin ecosystem. Like most of the blockchain world, the Zulu team was captivated by the immense possibilities that Robin Linus put forth in the white paper for BitVM. Zulu believes in the ethos brought forth by Satoshi of true decentralization. That is why to fully realize the vision of Zulu in its entirety, a trust-minimized bridge with both inflows and outflows to and from the Bitcoin Network and Ethereum ecosystem is necessary. Therefore, in the interest of further advancement of the Bitcoin ecosystem, Zulu has taken it upon themselves to implement the first trust-minimized Bitcoin bridge. Zulu uniquely enhances the Bitcoin network by integrating a dual-layer architecture that supports both traditional UTXO and advanced programmable features, allowing for the development of sophisticated decentralized applications (DApps), expanding Bitcoin’s capabilities while maintaining its foundational principles of security and reliability. For a more in-depth look at the Zulu Network architecture, click here:  Zulu Network Key Achievements First Dual-Layer Architecture on Bitcoin (L2+L3).First implementation of a decentralized Bitcoin bridge. Unique PoW + PoS miningFirst Bitcoin Layer 3 (ZuluNexus)Solving UTXO and BitFi (Bitcoin Native DeFi) limitations through programmability, extendibility, and advanced capabilities.$3m raised in Pre-Seed Funding from top VCsLaunch of Zulu Lwazi Alpha Testnet and Zulu Genesis Points Moving the Bitcoin Economy Forward Zulu invites everyone to move Bitcoin forward with them. Explore, innovate, and contribute to the evolution of blockchain technology with Zulu. Learn More About Zulu Network Website:    Whitepaper:  Gitbook:  Github:  Zulu Lwazi Testnet:   Testnet Points Guide:    ZuluScan:  Bridge:

Zulu Network: Moving the Bitcoin Economy Forwardwith a Two-Tiered Bitcoin Layer 2 Architecture

While Bitcoin has gained greater institutional acceptance with the recent ETF launches in the US, it is still not a pure institutional asset, and it is not a pure commodity like gold. It is so much more: secure, decentralized, and programmable value. Zulu Network believes that Bitcoin can be so much more.
The Bitcoin Ecosystem is ready to evolve by adding BitFi (Bitcoin Native DeFi), integrating existing infrastructure, and advanced programmability to take Bitcoin from a store of value into a new economy with native yield, exciting innovations and sophisticated DeFi applications. 

Zulu Network is the first Bitcoin Layer 2 with a Dual-Layer architecture (L2+L3). ZuluPrime L2 is EVM compatible, for Bitcoin scaling and BitFi (Bitcoin DeFi); ZuluNexus L3 offers UTXO programmability, a unique solution to continuously support Bitcoin native innovation making transactions cheaper, fast, extendable, and programmable. Zulu’s other innovations also include the first Bitcoin decentralized bridge (with a working demo coming in the next couple of weeks) and its unique hybrid PoS / PoW mining design.

BitFi has the potential to reshape the financial industry and offer individuals greater control over their financial assets. However, it is currently limited in its scalability capacity. There is clearly massive demand, but poor infrastructure and limitations for mass adoption like scalability issues to foster new Bitcoin native format innovations. 
Zulu Network is building a new infrastructure to solve these limitations, with a programmable, extendable, and innovative new approach for the Bitcoin Ecosystem. Zulu wants to unlock the Bitcoin Economy for all developers and users. 

Zulu Network’s Ground-Breaking Architecture

Zulu Network’s unique Two-Tier architecture (L2+L3), aims to move the Bitcoin Network forward with a new infrastructure that solves the limitations of the current Bitcoin ecosystem, such as big demand but poor infrastructure, scalability issues, and lack of native innovations that limit the potential for mass adoption. 
Zulu’s Bitcoin Layer 2 solution offers a unique two-tiered architecture, supporting both EVM and UTXO, paving the way for revolutionary advancements within the Bitcoin ecosystem:
ZuluPrime L2 is EVM compatible, for Bitcoin scaling and BitFi (Bitcoin DeFi).
ZuluNexus L3 offers UTXO programmability to support Bitcoin native innovation, making transactions cheaper, fast, extendable, and programmable. 
Zulu’s other innovations also include the first trust-minimized Bitcoin bridge (with a working demo coming soon) and its unique hybrid PoS / PoW mining design.
Zulu Lwazi Alpha Testnet Highlights
ZGP Points Campaign: 25k+ users and 52k+ transactions in first 48 hours.40k+ users and 287k+ transactions in first week.Currently 140k+ registered users and 1M+ transactions!Social Media: 40k+ Twitter followers, 35k+ Discord members, 56k+ Telegram members.
Zulu Network Architecture

With a dual-layer architecture on Bitcoin (L2 & L3), Zulu Network offers: 
ZuluPrime (EVM): EVM-compatible L2 platform aimed at building a new BitFi (Bitcoin DeFi) ecosystem through smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps).

ZuluNexus (UTXO): L3 integrates scalability of UTXO and focuses on innovation of Bitcoin’s original ecosystem and native assets. 
The Bitcoin Network is used as a L1 finality for Zulu.
Zulu Network is also building the first trust-minimized Bitcoin bridge to connect all Bitcoin Layer 2s and the entire crypto ecosystem to the Bitcoin ecosystem.
Like most of the blockchain world, the Zulu team was captivated by the immense possibilities that Robin Linus put forth in the white paper for BitVM. Zulu believes in the ethos brought forth by Satoshi of true decentralization.
That is why to fully realize the vision of Zulu in its entirety, a trust-minimized bridge with both inflows and outflows to and from the Bitcoin Network and Ethereum ecosystem is necessary.
Therefore, in the interest of further advancement of the Bitcoin ecosystem, Zulu has taken it upon themselves to implement the first trust-minimized Bitcoin bridge.
Zulu uniquely enhances the Bitcoin network by integrating a dual-layer architecture that supports both traditional UTXO and advanced programmable features, allowing for the development of sophisticated decentralized applications (DApps), expanding Bitcoin’s capabilities while maintaining its foundational principles of security and reliability.
For a more in-depth look at the Zulu Network architecture, click here: 

Zulu Network Key Achievements
First Dual-Layer Architecture on Bitcoin (L2+L3).First implementation of a decentralized Bitcoin bridge. Unique PoW + PoS miningFirst Bitcoin Layer 3 (ZuluNexus)Solving UTXO and BitFi (Bitcoin Native DeFi) limitations through programmability, extendibility, and advanced capabilities.$3m raised in Pre-Seed Funding from top VCsLaunch of Zulu Lwazi Alpha Testnet and Zulu Genesis Points

Moving the Bitcoin Economy Forward
Zulu invites everyone to move Bitcoin forward with them. Explore, innovate, and contribute to the evolution of blockchain technology with Zulu.
Learn More About Zulu Network


Zulu Lwazi Testnet:  
Testnet Points Guide:   
Infrastructure is the key to mass adoptionInfrastructure is the key to mass adoption" Founder Dr. Han at 'Token2049 VC & Web3 Ecosystem Party Dubai,, a top crypto exchange and Web3 innovator, and Huawei Cloud, a leading cloud computing provider delivering cutting-edge Web3 infrastructure, successfully co-hosted the 'Token2049 Exclusive Night VC & Web3 Ecosystem Party' side event on April 19 at TOKEN2049 Dubai. Hundreds of guests attended the event, which featured speakers from various projects, VCs, blockchain ecosystems, and institutional firms. With top-tier panel rosters and expert keynotes from Dr. Lin Han, Founder and CEO of, and Cui Lei, Web3 General Manager of Huawei Cloud, this premier side event was about leveraging the ambition and positivity around the halving and TOKEN2049 and turning that into actionable insights for guests. The event commenced with Dr. Lin Han's opening speech, addressing the challenges of integrating blockchain technology into our daily lives and emphasizing the importance of infrastructure solutions. Drawing an analogy to the early days of the Internet, he highlighted that a comprehensive approach to these challenges, such as's multifaceted services and infrastructure, would help to accelerate the pace of widespread, mainstream usage. The next speaker, Cui Lei, delivered a keynote speech that further expanded on the critical challenges related to Web3 infrastructure and how Huawei Cloud addresses them, shedding light on the company's innovative 'everything as a service' approach. The event also included two engaging panel discussions with speakers from Huawei Cloud, Cypher Capital, Waterdrip Capital, M55 Capital, LKI Consulting, Sinohope, Safeheron, and ContinuumDAO. The first delved into the impact of prevailing and historical patterns on the digital asset market's future trajectory and analyzed whether it will deviate from its traditional cycle. Meanwhile, in the second, speakers shared viewpoints and concepts related to the possible market developments and advancements that will shape the digital asset space following the halving. During the discussion on digital identities in the decentralized era, Fred Hsu, CEO and co-founder of D3, one of's Web3 identity partners, emphasized the importance of interoperability, future-proofing, and universality. The conversation revolved around how D3 is creating a seamless and secure Web2-Web3 domain system that can function across multiple platforms and networks while ensuring that it remains relevant and adaptable to future technological developments. The in-depth and insightful discussions, along with ample networking opportunities with leaders from across the spectrum, made for an enriching experience for all who participated. Overall, it was an excellent platform for individuals to connect, learn, and gain valuable insights into the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain tech. In closing, extends gratitude to event co-host Huawei Cloud, the guests and speakers, and the sponsors who helped make this the premier TOKEN2049 side event, namely M55 Capital, D3,, and LTP.  M55 is a French crypto fund at the forefront of leveraging the untamable but regulated space, teaming up crypto veterans' with TRADFI's established networks. is the Fiat-to-Crypto fraud prevention provider of choice, offering fraud prevention managed services based on adaptive AI using behaviour pattern detection, delivering high-efficacy decisions in under 300ms with up to 98% approval rates and a chargeback guarantee for zero-risk net incremental profit. Lastly, LTP leads the way in digital asset prime brokerage, seamlessly connecting centralized and decentralized exchanges while handling over $400 billion in annual trading. Disclaimer: The content herein does not constitute any offer or solicitation. The products and/or services mentioned herein are only available to persons outside Dubai. Please be noted that may restrict or prohibit the use of all or a portion of the Services from Restricted Locations. For more information, please read the User Agreement via

Infrastructure is the key to mass adoption

Infrastructure is the key to mass adoption" Founder Dr. Han at 'Token2049 VC & Web3 Ecosystem Party

Dubai,, a top crypto exchange and Web3 innovator, and Huawei Cloud, a leading cloud computing provider delivering cutting-edge Web3 infrastructure, successfully co-hosted the 'Token2049 Exclusive Night VC & Web3 Ecosystem Party' side event on April 19 at TOKEN2049 Dubai. Hundreds of guests attended the event, which featured speakers from various projects, VCs, blockchain ecosystems, and institutional firms.
With top-tier panel rosters and expert keynotes from Dr. Lin Han, Founder and CEO of, and Cui Lei, Web3 General Manager of Huawei Cloud, this premier side event was about leveraging the ambition and positivity around the halving and TOKEN2049 and turning that into actionable insights for guests.
The event commenced with Dr. Lin Han's opening speech, addressing the challenges of integrating blockchain technology into our daily lives and emphasizing the importance of infrastructure solutions. Drawing an analogy to the early days of the Internet, he highlighted that a comprehensive approach to these challenges, such as's multifaceted services and infrastructure, would help to accelerate the pace of widespread, mainstream usage. The next speaker, Cui Lei, delivered a keynote speech that further expanded on the critical challenges related to Web3 infrastructure and how Huawei Cloud addresses them, shedding light on the company's innovative 'everything as a service' approach.
The event also included two engaging panel discussions with speakers from Huawei Cloud, Cypher Capital, Waterdrip Capital, M55 Capital, LKI Consulting, Sinohope, Safeheron, and ContinuumDAO. The first delved into the impact of prevailing and historical patterns on the digital asset market's future trajectory and analyzed whether it will deviate from its traditional cycle. Meanwhile, in the second, speakers shared viewpoints and concepts related to the possible market developments and advancements that will shape the digital asset space following the halving.
During the discussion on digital identities in the decentralized era, Fred Hsu, CEO and co-founder of D3, one of's Web3 identity partners, emphasized the importance of interoperability, future-proofing, and universality. The conversation revolved around how D3 is creating a seamless and secure Web2-Web3 domain system that can function across multiple platforms and networks while ensuring that it remains relevant and adaptable to future technological developments.
The in-depth and insightful discussions, along with ample networking opportunities with leaders from across the spectrum, made for an enriching experience for all who participated. Overall, it was an excellent platform for individuals to connect, learn, and gain valuable insights into the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain tech.
In closing, extends gratitude to event co-host Huawei Cloud, the guests and speakers, and the sponsors who helped make this the premier TOKEN2049 side event, namely M55 Capital, D3,, and LTP.  M55 is a French crypto fund at the forefront of leveraging the untamable but regulated space, teaming up crypto veterans' with TRADFI's established networks. is the Fiat-to-Crypto fraud prevention provider of choice, offering fraud prevention managed services based on adaptive AI using behaviour pattern detection, delivering high-efficacy decisions in under 300ms with up to 98% approval rates and a chargeback guarantee for zero-risk net incremental profit. Lastly, LTP leads the way in digital asset prime brokerage, seamlessly connecting centralized and decentralized exchanges while handling over $400 billion in annual trading.

The content herein does not constitute any offer or solicitation. The products and/or services mentioned herein are only available to persons outside Dubai. Please be noted that may restrict or prohibit the use of all or a portion of the Services from Restricted Locations. For more information, please read the User Agreement via
Blockchain Life 2024 thunderstruck in DubaiDubai, April 24, 2024 - The 12th edition of the Blockchain Life Forum, known as the leading gathering for global cryptocurrency leaders, concluded with an impressive turnout of 10,162 attendees despite the unprecedented storm that happened in Dubai. Representatives of the crypto industry have always stood apart, largely due to their unique character and the nature of their activities. After all, they are pioneers. And the most massive flood in Dubai in the last century did not prevent 10,162 people from meeting at the long-awaited Blockchain Life 2024, even despite the postponement of the second day of the forum. Needless to say, the atmosphere on the site was indescribable - a very special unity saturated the air. Throughout the event, the crypto community engaged in insightful discussions, made valuable connections, and struck important deals. Forum stages featured over 160 renowned speakers and industry leaders, including heads and management of Binance, Chainlink, Tron, Bybit, OKX, DFINITY, Ledger, Animoca Brands, Ton, Cardano, Singularity Net, LayerZero, Tether, Ripple, Trust Wallet and more. The exhibition of crypto companies featured 133 booths, which makes it the largest web3 expo in 2024. Such giants as OKX, HTX, Bybit, Bitget, BingX, Listing.Help, and Uminers presented their services, products and teams. This offered attendees a firsthand look at the latest technologies and innovations shaping the ecosystem. “This year, we reached a milestone with 10,162 attendees. They know that the current market growth is just the beginning of a real explosion. The next wave is coming, which is why top projects, insiders, and funds gathered at Blockchain Life to finalize their preparations. Now, we are gearing up for a historic bull run that will be remembered for years." commented the organizer of Blockchain Life, Sergei Khitrov. As a grand conclusion to the forum, participants were treated to the celebrated Legendary AfterParty at one of the world's premier clubs. Hours of informal networking with the cream of the industry took place in an all-inclusive format. The highlight of the event was an incredible live concert by the internationally acclaimed hitmaker, Alan Walker. With his chart-topping songs, Alan Walker captivated over 1,400 participants, showcasing the event's impressive global reach. Looking ahead, the 13th edition of Blockchain Life is scheduled to be held on October 22-23, 2024, providing participants with an opportunity to highlight their accomplishments and set the groundwork for future success.  Presale tickets and sponsorship applications for the upcoming Blockchain Life event are currently available – please visit for more information. The organizers of Blockchain Life 2024 – Listing.Help and Jets.Capital. General Sponsor of Blockchain Life 2024 and the Official AfterParty – Uminers.

Blockchain Life 2024 thunderstruck in Dubai

Dubai, April 24, 2024 - The 12th edition of the Blockchain Life Forum, known as the leading gathering for global cryptocurrency leaders, concluded with an impressive turnout of 10,162 attendees despite the unprecedented storm that happened in Dubai.
Representatives of the crypto industry have always stood apart, largely due to their unique character and the nature of their activities. After all, they are pioneers. And the most massive flood in Dubai in the last century did not prevent 10,162 people from meeting at the long-awaited Blockchain Life 2024, even despite the postponement of the second day of the forum. Needless to say, the atmosphere on the site was indescribable - a very special unity saturated the air.

Throughout the event, the crypto community engaged in insightful discussions, made valuable connections, and struck important deals. Forum stages featured over 160 renowned speakers and industry leaders, including heads and management of Binance, Chainlink, Tron, Bybit, OKX, DFINITY, Ledger, Animoca Brands, Ton, Cardano, Singularity Net, LayerZero, Tether, Ripple, Trust Wallet and more.

The exhibition of crypto companies featured 133 booths, which makes it the largest web3 expo in 2024. Such giants as OKX, HTX, Bybit, Bitget, BingX, Listing.Help, and Uminers presented their services, products and teams. This offered attendees a firsthand look at the latest technologies and innovations shaping the ecosystem.

“This year, we reached a milestone with 10,162 attendees. They know that the current market growth is just the beginning of a real explosion. The next wave is coming, which is why top projects, insiders, and funds gathered at Blockchain Life to finalize their preparations. Now, we are gearing up for a historic bull run that will be remembered for years."
commented the organizer of Blockchain Life, Sergei Khitrov.

As a grand conclusion to the forum, participants were treated to the celebrated Legendary AfterParty at one of the world's premier clubs. Hours of informal networking with the cream of the industry took place in an all-inclusive format. The highlight of the event was an incredible live concert by the internationally acclaimed hitmaker, Alan Walker. With his chart-topping songs, Alan Walker captivated over 1,400 participants, showcasing the event's impressive global reach.
Looking ahead, the 13th edition of Blockchain Life is scheduled to be held on October 22-23, 2024, providing participants with an opportunity to highlight their accomplishments and set the groundwork for future success. 
Presale tickets and sponsorship applications for the upcoming Blockchain Life event are currently available – please visit for more information.
The organizers of Blockchain Life 2024 – Listing.Help and Jets.Capital.
General Sponsor of Blockchain Life 2024 and the Official AfterParty – Uminers.
BlackCard Redefines Crypto Payments With Token Launch And Key ListingsBy introducing a plethora of useful features for crypto users, including the launch of the $BcCoin token (which will be featured on prominent crypto exchanges soon), BlackCard aims to be at the forefront of revolutionizing global cryptocurrency payment operations. By utilizing AI technology, the BlackCard Crypto Credit Card empowers users to easily integrate their digital assets into their respective everyday transactions, thereby removing the limitations commonly associated with traditional banking systems. What Does BlackCard Provide? With BlackCard, users can now effortlessly convert their cryptocurrency assets into local currency at any point of sale, thereby guaranteeing optimal exchange rates and unparalleled convenience. This solution simplifies transactions, providing users the freedom to utilize their digital assets for a variety of purposes, such as everyday purchases, online shopping, ATM withdrawals, and much more. Moreover, the BlackCard team has introduced the aforementioned $BcCoin token. This represents a significant advancement within the digital asset sector, as not only has the token witnessed a remarkable surge in value when it skyrocketed by an impressive 900% from its initial price of 30 cents to an impressive $2.70, but the growth has also garnered widespread attention from enthusiasts and investors around the world. This highlights the intrinsic value of the token along with its disruptive potential within the global cryptocurrency market. In addition, with a target price firmly established at 100 USD, the token presents an investment opportunity for discerning investors who seek exponential growth potential.  Looking Toward The Future As interest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies continues to soar, the $BcCoin token looks to be a beacon of opportunity, one that offers investors continued access to the burgeoning digital economy. The BlackCard team also managed to secure several key listings on prominent cryptocurrency exchanges. On April 24th, the $BcCoin token shall be listed on MEXC, BingX, and XT, thereby expanding its reach and accessibility to a global audience of investors. Furthermore, the BlackCard team looks to take advantage of the ever-growing interest in cryptocurrencies, which will also undoubtedly include several additional advancements within the industry going forward. In doing so, the platform is able to enhance its position as a revolutionary platform within this space. About BlackCard BlackCard is a provider of high-quality crypto solutions, providing a useful range of services and products that are fully customized for each user to enhance their digital financial well-being. The team is poised to capitalize on a vast market opportunity with an estimated 500 million crypto wallet owners worldwide. With a keen focus on security, convenience, and sophistication, BlackCard remains committed to shaping the future of finance through meticulous transactional excellence. BlackCard’s other notable aspects include instant card activation, unlimited global spending, 13% instant starter cashback, the ability to earn instant 10% on all referrals, simple KYC procedures, zero fees for the credit card, and much more. In the near future, BlackCard plans to further develop its ecosystem by adding cross-chain interoperability, sharding, and a slew of strategic partnerships, according to its roadmap. Be sure to check out BlackCard’s official website for additional information, as well as its Facebook, X, Instagram, YouTube, and Telegram channels for regular updates: Website: Facebook: X: Instagram: YouTube: Telegram: https://tme/official_BCcoin

BlackCard Redefines Crypto Payments With Token Launch And Key Listings

By introducing a plethora of useful features for crypto users, including the launch of the $BcCoin token (which will be featured on prominent crypto exchanges soon), BlackCard aims to be at the forefront of revolutionizing global cryptocurrency payment operations. By utilizing AI technology, the BlackCard Crypto Credit Card empowers users to easily integrate their digital assets into their respective everyday transactions, thereby removing the limitations commonly associated with traditional banking systems.
What Does BlackCard Provide?
With BlackCard, users can now effortlessly convert their cryptocurrency assets into local currency at any point of sale, thereby guaranteeing optimal exchange rates and unparalleled convenience. This solution simplifies transactions, providing users the freedom to utilize their digital assets for a variety of purposes, such as everyday purchases, online shopping, ATM withdrawals, and much more.
Moreover, the BlackCard team has introduced the aforementioned $BcCoin token. This represents a significant advancement within the digital asset sector, as not only has the token witnessed a remarkable surge in value when it skyrocketed by an impressive 900% from its initial price of 30 cents to an impressive $2.70, but the growth has also garnered widespread attention from enthusiasts and investors around the world.
This highlights the intrinsic value of the token along with its disruptive potential within the global cryptocurrency market. In addition, with a target price firmly established at 100 USD, the token presents an investment opportunity for discerning investors who seek exponential growth potential. 
Looking Toward The Future
As interest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies continues to soar, the $BcCoin token looks to be a beacon of opportunity, one that offers investors continued access to the burgeoning digital economy. The BlackCard team also managed to secure several key listings on prominent cryptocurrency exchanges. On April 24th, the $BcCoin token shall be listed on MEXC, BingX, and XT, thereby expanding its reach and accessibility to a global audience of investors.
Furthermore, the BlackCard team looks to take advantage of the ever-growing interest in cryptocurrencies, which will also undoubtedly include several additional advancements within the industry going forward. In doing so, the platform is able to enhance its position as a revolutionary platform within this space.
About BlackCard
BlackCard is a provider of high-quality crypto solutions, providing a useful range of services and products that are fully customized for each user to enhance their digital financial well-being. The team is poised to capitalize on a vast market opportunity with an estimated 500 million crypto wallet owners worldwide. With a keen focus on security, convenience, and sophistication, BlackCard remains committed to shaping the future of finance through meticulous transactional excellence.
BlackCard’s other notable aspects include instant card activation, unlimited global spending, 13% instant starter cashback, the ability to earn instant 10% on all referrals, simple KYC procedures, zero fees for the credit card, and much more. In the near future, BlackCard plans to further develop its ecosystem by adding cross-chain interoperability, sharding, and a slew of strategic partnerships, according to its roadmap.
Be sure to check out BlackCard’s official website for additional information, as well as its Facebook, X, Instagram, YouTube, and Telegram channels for regular updates:
Telegram: https://tme/official_BCcoin
Elevating Possibilities: The Countdown for WBS Dubai Begins!Mark your calendars for an unparalleled gathering of blockchain and web3 pioneers as the 29th World Blockchain Summit, organized by Trescon and co-hosted by Sun Minimeal, is set to take the stage in Dubai. Scheduled for April 22-23, 2024, at the iconic JW Marriott Hotel Marina, this summit promises to be a cornerstone event, spotlighting the UAE's progressive embrace of web3 technology and its vision for a future shaped by digital innovation. The World Blockchain Summit has established itself as a seminal series, bringing together a global cadre of blockchain enthusiasts, innovators, visionaries, thought leaders, and policymakers. This forum serves as a critical platform for deliberating on the integration and implications of blockchain technology across vital sectors, reflecting the global economy's evolving digital landscape. Amidst Dubai's transition towards a digital-first economy, bolstered by strategic government initiatives and a burgeoning digital infrastructure, the city emerges as a global beacon for blockchain and web3 innovation. The inauguration of the Dubai AI & Web3 Campus by DIFC, coupled with the establishment of the Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA) in Dubai, underscores the region's commitment to fostering a dynamic digital ecosystem, attracting investors and innovators worldwide. The upcoming summit anticipates over 2,000 web3 decision-makers, 300+ investors, and more than 100 distinguished speakers. A highlight of the event is the regional finale of the Startup World Cup, orchestrated by the globally renowned venture capital firm, Pegasus Ventures. This competition offers startups a gateway to global recognition and a shot at securing US$1 million in funding at the global finals in San Francisco. #WBSDubai will showcase a series of compelling keynote addresses, use-case presentations by leading blockchain experts, and thought-provoking panel discussions. The agenda will cover pivotal topics such as the role of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), the potential of blockchain to enhance ESG impacts, and the importance of interoperability within the blockchain ecosystem and more.  Some of the notable speakers attending the event include:  Pascal Gauthier, Chairman & CEO, LedgerRoham Gharegozlou, Co-founder and CEO, Dapper LabsGeorge Gvazava, Chief Crypto Officer, Bank of GeorgiaMiriam Kiwan, Vice President of MEA, the issuer of leading regulated stablecoin, USDC., CircleYosuke Yoshida, Co-CEO of EMURGO Middle East & Africa CEO of EMURGO Kepple Ventures, EMURGOBandar Altunisi, Head of Development for Binance in Saudi Arabia Head of Institutional Relationships for Binance Dubai (FZE), BinanceStefan Kimmel, CEO, M2Richard Muirhead, Managing Partner, Fabric Ventures Sharing their enthusiasm about the event, George Gvazava, Chief Crypto Officer, Bank of Georgia said,” In the realm of innovation, the World Blockchain Summit serves not only as a gathering of minds but as a crucible, where ideas are forged into the connections, use-cases and technologies of tomorrow.” "As Dubai spearheads the UAE's digital transformation, blockchain technology plays a central role. Trescon is at the nexus, linking pioneering entrepreneurs with elite global investors. The World Blockchain Summit stands as the definitive forum for revealing the forefront of blockchain innovation and insights,” states Sharath Ravi, CMO, Trescon. Hurry, registration for the World Blockchain Summit in Dubai is still available! Reserve your spot now to be part of one of the year's most anticipated blockchain and cryptocurrency gatherings. Act fast to seize this exclusive chance to participate and secure your tickets and sponsorship today!! The 29th edition of the World Blockchain Summit is supported by:  Strategic Partners – DIFC Innovation Hub , Dubai AI & Web3 Campus Co-Host – Sun Minimeal After Party Sponsor - Floxypay Gold Sponsors – Cardano Foundation ,  Medifakt, Crypto2Cash, Anbruggen, Bitflex Silver Sponsors- Kreation, Coingames, Reat Capital , ACM Finance , Website AI Lanyard  Sponsor- M2 Badge Sponsor - Ledn Lunch Sponsor - Payper Bronze Sponsor- BitGo, M2 ,  Block Convey, Genesis Digital Assets , Hedge , Golfin Pitch Partners - Reat Capital , soukcola , MeAI , Zherpa , FidesInnova Labs Exhibitors- DSQ Solutions ,  Reltime, Qoneqt , C# Corner , Islamic Dinar Official Accommodation Partner- HotelPlanner Ecosystem Partner - Entrepreneur Media Business Broadcast Partner – CNBC Arabia Official Newspaper Partner- The Fintech Times Official Digital PR Distribution Partner - ZEX PR Wire ABM Partner- Demandify Association Partners- Crypto and Blockchain Association, Blockchain Council, Asia Web3 Alliance Japan, European Blockchain Association Prime Media Partner- Demandteq Community Partner - Hyperledger Foundation About World Blockchain Summit (WBS)  World Blockchain Summit (WBS) is an event by Trescon that supports the growth of the blockchain, crypto and Web3 ecosystem globally.  WBS is the world's longest-running blockchain, crypto, and web 3-focused summit series. Since our inception in 2017, we have hosted more than 20 editions in 11 countries as we strived to create the ultimate networking and deal flow platform for the Web3 ecosystem. Each edition brings together global leaders and emerging startups in the space, including investors, developers, IT leaders, entrepreneurs, government authorities, and others.  To book your tickets, visit Contact Shadi Dawi Director, Public Relations & Partnerships – MENA, Trescon +971 55 498 4989

Elevating Possibilities: The Countdown for WBS Dubai Begins!

Mark your calendars for an unparalleled gathering of blockchain and web3 pioneers as the 29th World Blockchain Summit, organized by Trescon and co-hosted by Sun Minimeal, is set to take the stage in Dubai. Scheduled for April 22-23, 2024, at the iconic JW Marriott Hotel Marina, this summit promises to be a cornerstone event, spotlighting the UAE's progressive embrace of web3 technology and its vision for a future shaped by digital innovation.
The World Blockchain Summit has established itself as a seminal series, bringing together a global cadre of blockchain enthusiasts, innovators, visionaries, thought leaders, and policymakers. This forum serves as a critical platform for deliberating on the integration and implications of blockchain technology across vital sectors, reflecting the global economy's evolving digital landscape.
Amidst Dubai's transition towards a digital-first economy, bolstered by strategic government initiatives and a burgeoning digital infrastructure, the city emerges as a global beacon for blockchain and web3 innovation. The inauguration of the Dubai AI & Web3 Campus by DIFC, coupled with the establishment of the Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA) in Dubai, underscores the region's commitment to fostering a dynamic digital ecosystem, attracting investors and innovators worldwide.
The upcoming summit anticipates over 2,000 web3 decision-makers, 300+ investors, and more than 100 distinguished speakers. A highlight of the event is the regional finale of the Startup World Cup, orchestrated by the globally renowned venture capital firm, Pegasus Ventures. This competition offers startups a gateway to global recognition and a shot at securing US$1 million in funding at the global finals in San Francisco.
#WBSDubai will showcase a series of compelling keynote addresses, use-case presentations by leading blockchain experts, and thought-provoking panel discussions. The agenda will cover pivotal topics such as the role of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), the potential of blockchain to enhance ESG impacts, and the importance of interoperability within the blockchain ecosystem and more. 
Some of the notable speakers attending the event include: 
Pascal Gauthier, Chairman & CEO, LedgerRoham Gharegozlou, Co-founder and CEO, Dapper LabsGeorge Gvazava, Chief Crypto Officer, Bank of GeorgiaMiriam Kiwan, Vice President of MEA, the issuer of leading regulated stablecoin, USDC., CircleYosuke Yoshida, Co-CEO of EMURGO Middle East & Africa CEO of EMURGO Kepple Ventures, EMURGOBandar Altunisi, Head of Development for Binance in Saudi Arabia Head of Institutional Relationships for Binance Dubai (FZE), BinanceStefan Kimmel, CEO, M2Richard Muirhead, Managing Partner, Fabric Ventures
Sharing their enthusiasm about the event, George Gvazava, Chief Crypto Officer, Bank of Georgia said,” In the realm of innovation, the World Blockchain Summit serves not only as a gathering of minds but as a crucible, where ideas are forged into the connections, use-cases and technologies of tomorrow.”
"As Dubai spearheads the UAE's digital transformation, blockchain technology plays a central role. Trescon is at the nexus, linking pioneering entrepreneurs with elite global investors. The World Blockchain Summit stands as the definitive forum for revealing the forefront of blockchain innovation and insights,” states Sharath Ravi, CMO, Trescon.
Hurry, registration for the World Blockchain Summit in Dubai is still available! Reserve your spot now to be part of one of the year's most anticipated blockchain and cryptocurrency gatherings. Act fast to seize this exclusive chance to participate and secure your tickets and sponsorship today!!
The 29th edition of the World Blockchain Summit is supported by: 
Strategic Partners – DIFC Innovation Hub , Dubai AI & Web3 Campus
Co-Host – Sun Minimeal
After Party Sponsor - Floxypay
Gold Sponsors – Cardano Foundation ,  Medifakt, Crypto2Cash, Anbruggen, Bitflex
Silver Sponsors- Kreation, Coingames, Reat Capital , ACM Finance , Website AI
Lanyard  Sponsor- M2
Badge Sponsor - Ledn
Lunch Sponsor - Payper
Bronze Sponsor- BitGo, M2 ,  Block Convey, Genesis Digital Assets , Hedge , Golfin
Pitch Partners - Reat Capital , soukcola , MeAI , Zherpa , FidesInnova Labs
Exhibitors- DSQ Solutions ,  Reltime, Qoneqt , C# Corner , Islamic Dinar
Official Accommodation Partner- HotelPlanner
Ecosystem Partner - Entrepreneur Media
Business Broadcast Partner – CNBC Arabia
Official Newspaper Partner- The Fintech Times
Official Digital PR Distribution Partner - ZEX PR Wire
ABM Partner- Demandify
Association Partners- Crypto and Blockchain Association, Blockchain Council, Asia Web3 Alliance Japan, European Blockchain Association
Prime Media Partner- Demandteq
Community Partner - Hyperledger Foundation

About World Blockchain Summit (WBS) 
World Blockchain Summit (WBS) is an event by Trescon that supports the growth of the blockchain, crypto and Web3 ecosystem globally. 
WBS is the world's longest-running blockchain, crypto, and web 3-focused summit series. Since our inception in 2017, we have hosted more than 20 editions in 11 countries as we strived to create the ultimate networking and deal flow platform for the Web3 ecosystem. Each edition brings together global leaders and emerging startups in the space, including investors, developers, IT leaders, entrepreneurs, government authorities, and others. 
To book your tickets, visit

Shadi Dawi
Director, Public Relations & Partnerships – MENA, Trescon
+971 55 498 4989
Merlin Chain Secures New Investments Co-led by Spartan Group and Hailstone Labs Merlin Chain Secures New Investments Co-led by Spartan Group and Hailstone Labs to Empower Bitcoin Apps April 17th, 2024 — Merlin Chain, a pioneering Bitcoin Layer 2 solution, is thrilled to announce a successful new round of funding co-led by the Spartan Group and Hailstone Labs with contributions from Sandeep (Polygon Co-Founder), UTXO (Bitcoin Magazine’s Investment Arm), Primitive Ventures, Amber Group, Presto Labs, IOBC Ventures, and other significant backers. This strategic partnership marks an important milestone in Merlin Chain's journey, positioning it at the forefront of the Bitcoin ecosystem's evolution. Since its last funding round, Merlin Chain has successfully launched its mainnet, which has rapidly gained traction within the industry. The platform has already facilitated over 9 million transactions and hosts more than 70 live projects with a Total Value Locked (TVL) exceeding $4 billion. The addition of esteemed backers like Spartan Group will empower Merlin Chain to delve deeper into the institutional management scene, leveraging the new BTC staking narrative. This innovative approach offers an enhanced yield on Bitcoin, affirming its status as a pivotal "storage of value." We are believers that the rapid development in the BTC ecosystem, including efforts to introduce smart contract capabilities to BTC, will unlock billions of value on-chain," said Kelvin Koh, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Spartan Group. Koh expressed his support for Merlin Chain, noting, "We are proud to back the Merlin team led by Jeff as they truly understand this vision and the mindset of the BTC community - prioritizing fair launches and distribution and grassroots-led growth of the entire ecosystem! Strengthening Foundations with Global Backers and Safeguards Merlin Chain's founder Jeff, a seasoned entrepreneur in Web2, has secured funding from top-tier institutions such as  Sequoia Capital, IDG Capital, BAI Capital (Bertelsmann), 5Y Capital, and Vitalbridge Capital. With over 20 investment institutions on board, led by OKX Venture, ABCED, Forsight Ventures, and ArkStream Capital, alongside major mining pools like viaBTC, the platform is well-equipped for both security and technological advancement.  With a TVL of $4 billion, security is Merlin Chain's paramount concern. To this end, Merlin Chain has established the Merlin Security Council, which includes well-known entities such as Slowmist, BlockSec, Salus, Secure3, ScaleBit and Revoke.Cash. With a focus on research, education and technological development, the council is a pivotal element in its strategy to attract white-hat hackers and innovative DApps, ensuring the ongoing safety and growth of the Merlin ecosystem. Revolutionizing Blockchain with Advanced Tech Merlin Chain is setting new standards in the blockchain domain with its innovative architecture that enhances security, scalability, and transparency. At the core of Merlin’s system is a multi-tiered structure supported by a decentralized oracle network. This network is crucial for integrating external data with the blockchain, ensuring that power is distributed fairly and risks are managed effectively, thereby stabilizing the ecosystem. Central to Merlin’s technological advancements are the strategically placed sequence nodes within the oracle network. These nodes are vital for maintaining the integrity of the blockchain's ledger and facilitating the consensus process. They play a key role in organizing and processing transactions efficiently. Merlin Chain utilizes zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs, a form of cryptographic security that allows transaction verification without revealing any underlying data. This method, combined with Bitcoin's Taproot upgrade, significantly enhances privacy and efficiency. Taproot simplifies complex transactions on the Bitcoin network by merging multiple signatures into a single transaction, reducing the data needed and ensuring transactions are more private. Advancing Bitcoin's L2 Ecosystem Through Community Merlin Chain's success is not just a product of strategic marketing but is deeply rooted in its cutting-edge technology and the robust support from its community. This support is evidenced by its rapid growth and the trust placed in us by top-tier investors and the wider community. In an era where Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions are becoming increasingly crucial, Merlin Chain stands out as a robust competitor, even against established entities like ETH Layer 2 solutions. Merlin’s approach has been fundamentally community-driven, focusing on assets that garner early recognition and foster community cohesion. Noteworthy examples include its BRC-420 assets like the Blue Box, which have significantly contributed to its ecosystem's growth. Merlin Chain is also actively expanding its DApp ecosystem by partnering with established Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) teams in key sectors such as gaming, DeFi, and social platforms. Their collaborations with high-profile projects and platforms are setting new standards for interoperability and innovation in the blockchain space. With its latest funding round, Merlin Chain is poised for unprecedented growth. The protocol is committed to leading the charge in the Bitcoin ecosystem, driving innovation and delivering value to its users and stakeholders. Merlin Chain invites the community and interested parties to join in this exciting journey as it continues to develop and expand its capabilities, paving the way for a more interconnected and efficient blockchain ecosystem. About Merlin Chain Merlin Chain is a leading Bitcoin Layer 2 solution that facilitates fast, scalable, and secure transactions within the Bitcoin ecosystem. It is designed to enhance Bitcoin's usability while maintaining the highest security standards. By leveraging innovative technologies and strategic partnerships, Merlin Chain aims to expand Bitcoin's utility and foster the development of a comprehensive decentralized application ecosystem. Twitter: Discord: Merlin Chain Wiki:

Merlin Chain Secures New Investments Co-led by Spartan Group and Hailstone Labs

Merlin Chain Secures New Investments Co-led by Spartan Group and Hailstone Labs to Empower Bitcoin Apps

April 17th, 2024 — Merlin Chain, a pioneering Bitcoin Layer 2 solution, is thrilled to announce a successful new round of funding co-led by the Spartan Group and Hailstone Labs with contributions from Sandeep (Polygon Co-Founder), UTXO (Bitcoin Magazine’s Investment Arm), Primitive Ventures, Amber Group, Presto Labs, IOBC Ventures, and other significant backers. This strategic partnership marks an important milestone in Merlin Chain's journey, positioning it at the forefront of the Bitcoin ecosystem's evolution.
Since its last funding round, Merlin Chain has successfully launched its mainnet, which has rapidly gained traction within the industry. The platform has already facilitated over 9 million transactions and hosts more than 70 live projects with a Total Value Locked (TVL) exceeding $4 billion.
The addition of esteemed backers like Spartan Group will empower Merlin Chain to delve deeper into the institutional management scene, leveraging the new BTC staking narrative. This innovative approach offers an enhanced yield on Bitcoin, affirming its status as a pivotal "storage of value."
We are believers that the rapid development in the BTC ecosystem, including efforts to introduce smart contract capabilities to BTC, will unlock billions of value on-chain," said Kelvin Koh, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Spartan Group. Koh expressed his support for Merlin Chain, noting, "We are proud to back the Merlin team led by Jeff as they truly understand this vision and the mindset of the BTC community - prioritizing fair launches and distribution and grassroots-led growth of the entire ecosystem!
Strengthening Foundations with Global Backers and Safeguards
Merlin Chain's founder Jeff, a seasoned entrepreneur in Web2, has secured funding from top-tier institutions such as  Sequoia Capital, IDG Capital, BAI Capital (Bertelsmann), 5Y Capital, and Vitalbridge Capital. With over 20 investment institutions on board, led by OKX Venture, ABCED, Forsight Ventures, and ArkStream Capital, alongside major mining pools like viaBTC, the platform is well-equipped for both security and technological advancement. 

With a TVL of $4 billion, security is Merlin Chain's paramount concern. To this end, Merlin Chain has established the Merlin Security Council, which includes well-known entities such as Slowmist, BlockSec, Salus, Secure3, ScaleBit and Revoke.Cash. With a focus on research, education and technological development, the council is a pivotal element in its strategy to attract white-hat hackers and innovative DApps, ensuring the ongoing safety and growth of the Merlin ecosystem.
Revolutionizing Blockchain with Advanced Tech
Merlin Chain is setting new standards in the blockchain domain with its innovative architecture that enhances security, scalability, and transparency. At the core of Merlin’s system is a multi-tiered structure supported by a decentralized oracle network. This network is crucial for integrating external data with the blockchain, ensuring that power is distributed fairly and risks are managed effectively, thereby stabilizing the ecosystem.
Central to Merlin’s technological advancements are the strategically placed sequence nodes within the oracle network. These nodes are vital for maintaining the integrity of the blockchain's ledger and facilitating the consensus process. They play a key role in organizing and processing transactions efficiently.
Merlin Chain utilizes zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs, a form of cryptographic security that allows transaction verification without revealing any underlying data. This method, combined with Bitcoin's Taproot upgrade, significantly enhances privacy and efficiency. Taproot simplifies complex transactions on the Bitcoin network by merging multiple signatures into a single transaction, reducing the data needed and ensuring transactions are more private.
Advancing Bitcoin's L2 Ecosystem Through Community
Merlin Chain's success is not just a product of strategic marketing but is deeply rooted in its cutting-edge technology and the robust support from its community. This support is evidenced by its rapid growth and the trust placed in us by top-tier investors and the wider community.
In an era where Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions are becoming increasingly crucial, Merlin Chain stands out as a robust competitor, even against established entities like ETH Layer 2 solutions. Merlin’s approach has been fundamentally community-driven, focusing on assets that garner early recognition and foster community cohesion. Noteworthy examples include its BRC-420 assets like the Blue Box, which have significantly contributed to its ecosystem's growth.

Merlin Chain is also actively expanding its DApp ecosystem by partnering with established Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) teams in key sectors such as gaming, DeFi, and social platforms. Their collaborations with high-profile projects and platforms are setting new standards for interoperability and innovation in the blockchain space.
With its latest funding round, Merlin Chain is poised for unprecedented growth. The protocol is committed to leading the charge in the Bitcoin ecosystem, driving innovation and delivering value to its users and stakeholders.
Merlin Chain invites the community and interested parties to join in this exciting journey as it continues to develop and expand its capabilities, paving the way for a more interconnected and efficient blockchain ecosystem.

About Merlin Chain
Merlin Chain is a leading Bitcoin Layer 2 solution that facilitates fast, scalable, and secure transactions within the Bitcoin ecosystem. It is designed to enhance Bitcoin's usability while maintaining the highest security standards. By leveraging innovative technologies and strategic partnerships, Merlin Chain aims to expand Bitcoin's utility and foster the development of a comprehensive decentralized application ecosystem.

Merlin Chain Wiki:
FHE Founders’ Views: Building the Master PlanThe Holy Grail The significance Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), the 'Holy Grail' of cryptography cannot be overstated. This technology is the key to preserving privacy and meeting security demands in our current time. Its origins trace back to a concept first proposed by Rivest, Adleman, and Dertouzos in 1978. However, it wasn't until 2009 that Craig Gentry, a Stanford University Ph.D. candidate, realized this vision through a groundbreaking dissertation that provided the first feasible scheme for FHE. This technology allows complex computations to be performed on encrypted data without the need for decryption, thus offering a solution where data can remain secure and private even during analysis. We call this process 'creating a shared private state' for data. The Master Plan Four years since its founding, Zama, the leader in the FHE industry, has progressed FHE from theoretical math to practical code, enhancing accessibility for developers and broadening FHE's application. Zama's introduction of the fhEVM, a confidential smart contract solution, addresses privacy in blockchain transactions. It also highlights potential blockchain applications for FHE, including confidential tokens and decentralized identity, and the role of FHE in AI, foreseeing broader future impacts. There are a handful of FHE builders in Web3 who believe in Zama's goal and are pushing to make it a reality. In this article, you will read the founders of Mind Network, Fhenix, and Inco state how they are helping to realize an end-to-end encrypted web specifically in Web3, and why these projects will fundamentally change the way users interact with the web. They have extensively discussed these topics during a previous MindChats episode on X, hosted by Mind Network. Dawn of the Era of HTTPZ Zama recently published its Master Plan article. This article announced its successful raise of $73M (undisclosed valuation) as well as outlined its ambition of creating an end-to-end encrypted web, called HTTPZ (Z for Zero Trust). The following paragraphs feature founders from the aforementioned articles explaining existing problems in Web3 and how they are using FHE to solve those problems. From Guy Itzhaki of Zama's vision for HTTPZ involves rebranding HTTP to HTTPZ, emphasizing zero trust and data confidentiality. The goal is to make operations over encrypted data seamless and transparent for users, requiring overcoming challenges like performance optimization. Success in this vision will establish encrypted data as the standard for all computations, necessitating collaboration among entities to promote FHE technology adoption. From its inception, Ethereum has traded data integrity for confidentiality. On the one hand, we can trust Ethereum when it comes to following the rules of the system; for example, keeping an honest account of a financial ledger. On the other hand, we can’t trust them at all with sensitive information. This dichotomy greatly limits the kind of use cases that Ethereum can handle. In fact, for Ethereum to actually evolve into “Web3”, we need to make sure that they can do what the web does today – but better. Consider for example a game of poker – while Ethereum can be trusted not to cheat, it cannot keep each player’s cards hidden from each other, and without that capability – the game cannot be played at all." From Remi Gai of Inco is an EVM-based Layer-1 blockchain, secured by Ethereum through EigenLayer, and abstracts away the complexity of FHE, enabling developers to build confidential DApps in 20 minutes by using the most adopted smart contract language, Solidity, and toolings from the Ethereum ecosystem, such as Metamask, Remix, and Hardhat. In addition, similarly to how Celestia provides Data Availability (DA) to Ethereum and other blockchains, Inco, as a modular confidential computing network, extends confidentiality to Ethereum and other public L1s and L2s by providing confidential storage, computing, and access control. For instance, a trustless on-chain game can be developed on Arbitrum, with most of its core logic hosted there, while utilizing Inco exclusively for storing concealed information (e.g., cards, player stats, or resources) or performing private computations (e.g., payments, voting, or hidden attacks). Inco aims to bring confidentiality to the value layer of the internet, and push for the next frontier of mass adoption From Christian Pusateri of The recent boom in large language models (LLMs) has raised user expectations for more intelligent, blockchain-native decentralized applications. However, building crypto-native AI infrastructure presents significant challenges. AI requires vast computational power, which is often centralized. Making this power usable, affordable, and decentralized is a complex undertaking. But from the outset, decentralizing AI computational power has an advantage over centralized counterparts, allowing for broader GPU access as well as the ability for a larger swath of the economy to participate in financial rewards of AI networks. Crypto AI has two specific challenges to solve in order to grab signicant share from Web2 AI. The first is the copy problem. If other miners can copy the predictions of other miners, there is a systemic incentive to cheat, and reduce one's computational energy while still earning token rewards for contributing to the network. The clear result of this activity is a reduction in accuracy of predictions. Encrypting outputs with FHE disables miners from copying other miners and is key to AI network security. Lastly, on the issue of the burgeoning restaking sector within Web3, we have the challenge to overcome of bootstrapping a decentralized validator network. EigenLayer has brought a key service to this market by allowing for shared security through ETH. Bringing an FHE AVS to the network further extends security by allowing for FHE-protected consensus. In this solution, FHE is used to encrypt consensus data, thereby disabling the ability for validators to copy other validators. This leads to less trust being required for new validators and so lowers the barrier to building a broader, more decentralized validator network. Next Milestones for HTTPZ Both Guy Itzhaki from Fhenix and Remi Gai from Inco predicted that with improved hardware and developer accessibility, FHE adoption is set to grow significantly, unlocking new use cases across various sectors such as finance, gaming, and enterprise. “Hardware advancements, including ASICs, will enhance FHE performance in the next 12-18 months, broadening its application scope.” - Guy Itzhaki “Tools like those from Zama simplify FHE for developers, although information leakage concerns require careful logic design.” - Remi Gai “An end-to-end encrypted web is the only potential future of the web that solves its most critical problems. Zero trust infrastructure, enabled by FHE, brings a reasonable and mandatory level of privacy to transactions and data, helps bring DePIN to the masses, and helps decentralized AI eventually beat centralized AI. I suspect one of the 'killer apps' from Web3 over the next 18 months will emerge from the crypto AI/DePin vertical and will bring non trivial competition to Web2 AI incumbents.” - Christian Pusateri Co-authors: Guy Itzhaki and Mak from Fhenix Remi Gai from Inco Christian Pusateri from Mind Network

FHE Founders’ Views: Building the Master Plan

The Holy Grail
The significance Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), the 'Holy Grail' of cryptography cannot be overstated. This technology is the key to preserving privacy and meeting security demands in our current time. Its origins trace back to a concept first proposed by Rivest, Adleman, and Dertouzos in 1978. However, it wasn't until 2009 that Craig Gentry, a Stanford University Ph.D. candidate, realized this vision through a groundbreaking dissertation that provided the first feasible scheme for FHE.
This technology allows complex computations to be performed on encrypted data without the need for decryption, thus offering a solution where data can remain secure and private even during analysis. We call this process 'creating a shared private state' for data.
The Master Plan
Four years since its founding, Zama, the leader in the FHE industry, has progressed FHE from theoretical math to practical code, enhancing accessibility for developers and broadening FHE's application. Zama's introduction of the fhEVM, a confidential smart contract solution, addresses privacy in blockchain transactions. It also highlights potential blockchain applications for FHE, including confidential tokens and decentralized identity, and the role of FHE in AI, foreseeing broader future impacts.
There are a handful of FHE builders in Web3 who believe in Zama's goal and are pushing to make it a reality.
In this article, you will read the founders of Mind Network, Fhenix, and Inco state how they are helping to realize an end-to-end encrypted web specifically in Web3, and why these projects will fundamentally change the way users interact with the web. They have extensively discussed these topics during a previous MindChats episode on X, hosted by Mind Network.
Dawn of the Era of HTTPZ
Zama recently published its Master Plan article. This article announced its successful raise of $73M (undisclosed valuation) as well as outlined its ambition of creating an end-to-end encrypted web, called HTTPZ (Z for Zero Trust). The following paragraphs feature founders from the aforementioned articles explaining existing problems in Web3 and how they are using FHE to solve those problems.

From Guy Itzhaki of
Zama's vision for HTTPZ involves rebranding HTTP to HTTPZ, emphasizing zero trust and data confidentiality. The goal is to make operations over encrypted data seamless and transparent for users, requiring overcoming challenges like performance optimization. Success in this vision will establish encrypted data as the standard for all computations, necessitating collaboration among entities to promote FHE technology adoption.
From its inception, Ethereum has traded data integrity for confidentiality. On the one hand, we can trust Ethereum when it comes to following the rules of the system; for example, keeping an honest account of a financial ledger. On the other hand, we can’t trust them at all with sensitive information.
This dichotomy greatly limits the kind of use cases that Ethereum can handle. In fact, for Ethereum to actually evolve into “Web3”, we need to make sure that they can do what the web does today – but better. Consider for example a game of poker – while Ethereum can be trusted not to cheat, it cannot keep each player’s cards hidden from each other, and without that capability – the game cannot be played at all."

From Remi Gai of
Inco is an EVM-based Layer-1 blockchain, secured by Ethereum through EigenLayer, and abstracts away the complexity of FHE, enabling developers to build confidential DApps in 20 minutes by using the most adopted smart contract language, Solidity, and toolings from the Ethereum ecosystem, such as Metamask, Remix, and Hardhat.
In addition, similarly to how Celestia provides Data Availability (DA) to Ethereum and other blockchains, Inco, as a modular confidential computing network, extends confidentiality to Ethereum and other public L1s and L2s by providing confidential storage, computing, and access control. For instance, a trustless on-chain game can be developed on Arbitrum, with most of its core logic hosted there, while utilizing Inco exclusively for storing concealed information (e.g., cards, player stats, or resources) or performing private computations (e.g., payments, voting, or hidden attacks). Inco aims to bring confidentiality to the value layer of the internet, and push for the next frontier of mass adoption

From Christian Pusateri of
The recent boom in large language models (LLMs) has raised user expectations for more intelligent, blockchain-native decentralized applications. However, building crypto-native AI infrastructure presents significant challenges. AI requires vast computational power, which is often centralized. Making this power usable, affordable, and decentralized is a complex undertaking. But from the outset, decentralizing AI computational power has an advantage over centralized counterparts, allowing for broader GPU access as well as the ability for a larger swath of the economy to participate in financial rewards of AI networks.
Crypto AI has two specific challenges to solve in order to grab signicant share from Web2 AI. The first is the copy problem. If other miners can copy the predictions of other miners, there is a systemic incentive to cheat, and reduce one's computational energy while still earning token rewards for contributing to the network. The clear result of this activity is a reduction in accuracy of predictions. Encrypting outputs with FHE disables miners from copying other miners and is key to AI network security.
Lastly, on the issue of the burgeoning restaking sector within Web3, we have the challenge to overcome of bootstrapping a decentralized validator network. EigenLayer has brought a key service to this market by allowing for shared security through ETH. Bringing an FHE AVS to the network further extends security by allowing for FHE-protected consensus. In this solution, FHE is used to encrypt consensus data, thereby disabling the ability for validators to copy other validators. This leads to less trust being required for new validators and so lowers the barrier to building a broader, more decentralized validator network.

Next Milestones for HTTPZ
Both Guy Itzhaki from Fhenix and Remi Gai from Inco predicted that with improved hardware and developer accessibility, FHE adoption is set to grow significantly, unlocking new use cases across various sectors such as finance, gaming, and enterprise.

“Hardware advancements, including ASICs, will enhance FHE performance in the next 12-18 months, broadening its application scope.”
- Guy Itzhaki

“Tools like those from Zama simplify FHE for developers, although information leakage concerns require careful logic design.”
- Remi Gai

“An end-to-end encrypted web is the only potential future of the web that solves its most critical problems. Zero trust infrastructure, enabled by FHE, brings a reasonable and mandatory level of privacy to transactions and data, helps bring DePIN to the masses, and helps decentralized AI eventually beat centralized AI. I suspect one of the 'killer apps' from Web3 over the next 18 months will emerge from the crypto AI/DePin vertical and will bring non trivial competition to Web2 AI incumbents.”
- Christian Pusateri

Guy Itzhaki and Mak from Fhenix
Remi Gai from Inco
Christian Pusateri from Mind Network
SANDEEP NAILWAL-BACKED NAILWAL FELLOWSHIP CONCLUDES FIRST COHORT WITH FOUNDERS RAISING FROM T1 FUNDSThe Nailwal Fellowship’s first-ever Cohort concluded with Fellows founding companies and raising from 1kx, a16z, Symbolic Capital, and more leading funds. April 15, 2024 - The Nailwal Fellowship, launched by Co-Founder of Polygon and Founding Partner at Symbolic Capital, Sandeep Nailwal, marks a significant milestone today as it celebrates the graduation of its inaugural cohort. This program, created to empower the next generation of web3 entrepreneurs, has exceeded expectations by fostering a group of founders who in just six months have raised from T1 venture funds, been admitted to top accelerators in the industry, and landed full time roles at leading crypto protocols and companies. Speaking on the success of the first cohort, Nailwal remarked, "I have been so impressed with the success of this inaugural cohort. Our fellows have demonstrated that with the right support and resources, there are no limits to what can be achieved in the web3 space.” Looking to the future, he continued, “This is just the beginning. With our next cohort, I’m so excited to continue supporting exceptional talent who are ready to explore the vast possibilities within blockchain." The Nailwal Fellows have not only joined top startup accelerators and other fellowship programs such as Beacon and a16z CSX, but have also become core members of leading projects in the space: Remi Gai’s startup Inco Network is pioneering privacy infrastructure in web3, leveraging his experience from Parallel Finance and Google. Gai's venture secured a $4.5M seed round from investors 1kx, GSR, Robot Ventures, and Symbolic Capital.Shashank Yadav founded Fraction AI which aims to democratize high-quality data for AI models, revolutionizing data accessibility with a decentralized approach. After having been accepted into Cohort F23 of the Beacon Accelerator program, Yadav and the Fraction AI team successfully debuted their project in a demo day packed with investors and are now closing a $2M seed round.J.Paul Meyer transitioned from Goldman Sachs to founding Collar Protocol, aiming to pioneer the next wave of DeFi through reimagining borrowing protocols. Recently, Meyer and the Collar team were accepted into the Spring 2024 cohort for a16z’s Crypto Startup Accelerator in London.Tomas Taylor, a crypto-native full-stack developer, has passionately worked on merging web3 technologies with AI. As a Nailwal Fellow, Taylor launched Mindware, an AI agent API key with SHA-256 encryption techniques for human authentication.Evgenii Danilenko was a cornerstone in the Ethereum ecosystem with prior work on Erigon and Polygon. During the Fellowship, Evgenii continued to refine his vision and architecture for a new approach to blockchain interoperability. Joe Frazier is at the cutting edge of integrating on-chain data with AI, driving forward the capabilities of blockchain technology and data. Now, Frazier is part of the core team at Kleiner Perkins-backed Allium Labs, where he is helping build the next generation of web3 data infrastructure.Ananya Khandelwal, a top .01% student in India, continued his work on Flex Wallet to make crypto payments more accessible to everyone.Adam Achebe left Stanford to commit full-time to building Arctail. After extensive user research, Adam is redefining the live-streaming space with a new outlook on eSports betting. The achievements of this inaugural cohort not only highlight the potential of individual founders but also underscore the importance of supportive programs in the advancement of technology and entrepreneurship. For more information on the Nailwal Fellows Program and its mission to empower the next generation of web3 innovators, please visit 


The Nailwal Fellowship’s first-ever Cohort concluded with Fellows founding companies and raising from 1kx, a16z, Symbolic Capital, and more leading funds.
April 15, 2024 - The Nailwal Fellowship, launched by Co-Founder of Polygon and Founding Partner at Symbolic Capital, Sandeep Nailwal, marks a significant milestone today as it celebrates the graduation of its inaugural cohort. This program, created to empower the next generation of web3 entrepreneurs, has exceeded expectations by fostering a group of founders who in just six months have raised from T1 venture funds, been admitted to top accelerators in the industry, and landed full time roles at leading crypto protocols and companies.
Speaking on the success of the first cohort, Nailwal remarked, "I have been so impressed with the success of this inaugural cohort. Our fellows have demonstrated that with the right support and resources, there are no limits to what can be achieved in the web3 space.” Looking to the future, he continued, “This is just the beginning. With our next cohort, I’m so excited to continue supporting exceptional talent who are ready to explore the vast possibilities within blockchain."
The Nailwal Fellows have not only joined top startup accelerators and other fellowship programs such as Beacon and a16z CSX, but have also become core members of leading projects in the space:

Remi Gai’s startup Inco Network is pioneering privacy infrastructure in web3, leveraging his experience from Parallel Finance and Google. Gai's venture secured a $4.5M seed round from investors 1kx, GSR, Robot Ventures, and Symbolic Capital.Shashank Yadav founded Fraction AI which aims to democratize high-quality data for AI models, revolutionizing data accessibility with a decentralized approach. After having been accepted into Cohort F23 of the Beacon Accelerator program, Yadav and the Fraction AI team successfully debuted their project in a demo day packed with investors and are now closing a $2M seed round.J.Paul Meyer transitioned from Goldman Sachs to founding Collar Protocol, aiming to pioneer the next wave of DeFi through reimagining borrowing protocols. Recently, Meyer and the Collar team were accepted into the Spring 2024 cohort for a16z’s Crypto Startup Accelerator in London.Tomas Taylor, a crypto-native full-stack developer, has passionately worked on merging web3 technologies with AI. As a Nailwal Fellow, Taylor launched Mindware, an AI agent API key with SHA-256 encryption techniques for human authentication.Evgenii Danilenko was a cornerstone in the Ethereum ecosystem with prior work on Erigon and Polygon. During the Fellowship, Evgenii continued to refine his vision and architecture for a new approach to blockchain interoperability. Joe Frazier is at the cutting edge of integrating on-chain data with AI, driving forward the capabilities of blockchain technology and data. Now, Frazier is part of the core team at Kleiner Perkins-backed Allium Labs, where he is helping build the next generation of web3 data infrastructure.Ananya Khandelwal, a top .01% student in India, continued his work on Flex Wallet to make crypto payments more accessible to everyone.Adam Achebe left Stanford to commit full-time to building Arctail. After extensive user research, Adam is redefining the live-streaming space with a new outlook on eSports betting.

The achievements of this inaugural cohort not only highlight the potential of individual founders but also underscore the importance of supportive programs in the advancement of technology and entrepreneurship.
For more information on the Nailwal Fellows Program and its mission to empower the next generation of web3 innovators, please visit 
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