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Jak zarabia膰 pieni膮dze poprzez staking kryptowalut?
Staking kryptowalutowy polega na trzymaniu i blokowaniu monet kryptowalutowych w portfelu przez okre艣lony czas w celu wsparcia sieci i zarabiania w zamian nagr贸d. Oto kilka krok贸w, aby zarabia膰 pieni膮dze dzi臋ki stakingowi kryptowalutowemu:
Wybierz kryptowalut臋, kt贸ra obs艂uguje staking: Nie wszystkie kryptowaluty obs艂uguj膮 staking. Powiniene艣 zbada膰 i wybra膰 kryptowalut臋, kt贸ra oferuje staking, tak膮 jak Cardano (ADA), Tezos (XTZ) lub Ethereum 2.0 (ETH).
Kup i trzymaj kryptowalut臋: B臋dziesz musia艂 kupi膰 i trzyma膰 kryptowalut臋 w portfelu, kt贸ry obs艂uguje staking. Mo偶esz wybra膰 staking swoich monet bezpo艣rednio w sieci kryptowalut lub skorzysta膰 z puli stakingowej.
Projekty musz膮 przeprowadzi膰 KYC za pomoc膮 PinkSale
Uprawnienia w艂a艣ciciela
Deweloper SAFU musi posiada膰 prawo w艂asno艣ci do umowy przez co najmniej 7 dni
Deweloper SAFU musi wstrzyma膰 handel do czasu notowania
Deweloper SAFU musi posiada膰 w艂asno艣膰 stakingu. Staking dapp musi by膰 audytowany.
W艂a艣ciciel nie mo偶e wybi膰 nowych token贸w
W艂a艣ciciel nie mo偶e wstrzyma膰 handlu
W艂a艣ciciel nie mo偶e ustawi膰 maksymalnego limitu transakcji na kwot臋 ni偶sz膮 ni偶 0,1% poda偶y w obiegu
Tylko deweloper SAFU mo偶e umieszcza膰 snajper贸w na czarnej li艣cie w ci膮gu 7 dni posiadania w艂asno艣ci. Po 7 dniach lub po przeniesieniu w艂asno艣ci czarna lista musi by膰 nieaktywna.
What are some strategies that crypto traders use to earn millions of dollars per day in the market?
It's important to note that trading cryptocurrency is a highly volatile and risky market, and earning millions of dollars per day is an uncommon occurrence. While there are traders who have achieved this level of success, it typically requires a combination of advanced knowledge, experience, and effective trading strategies.
Here are some strategies that successful crypto traders may use:
Technical Analysis:聽Traders often use technical analysis to analyze price charts and identify patterns, tr
It鈥檚 not easy to hold your nerve as crypto assets print double-digit losses. But don鈥檛 bury your head in the sand, follow these simple steps and make the most of this bear market opportunity.
The crypto market is experiencing double-digit percentage losses, with bitcoin (BTC) dipping below $20,000 in June 2022, its lowest price since November 2020. General market sentiment beyond crypto is also bleak, and has many investors understandably worried. But that doesn't mean you should throw up your
Binance Coin (BNB) is a cryptocurrency created by the cryptocurrency exchange Binance. Binance is one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges, and BNB was originally created to be used as a utility token within the exchange.
BNB is built on the Ethereum blockchain using the ERC-20 token standard, but Binance has since created its own blockchain, the Binance Smart Chain, which supports BNB as its native token.
Satoshi Nakamoto is the pseudonym used by the unknown person or group of people who created Bitcoin and authored its original white paper in 2008. Despite many attempts to uncover their true identity, the real person or people behind the Satoshi Nakamoto pseudonym have never been officially identified.
Over the years, various people have been suggested as the possible creator(s) of Bitcoin, including computer scientists, entrepreneurs, and even government agencies. However, no conclusive eviden