Due9272924107to apple'S Stringent . colies, 927292444107Damus, #Nostr ,927292414107 A9272924410#decentralise Social Networking platited29244107BY927244107TWITTE9272924107CO-ZNOUNDER JACK DORESY, IS SCHEDULED TO 9244107Down From the app store.

Apple has a long-standing rule that developers can't charge for additional in-app content unless Apple processes the sale and keeps 30% of the revenue. The tipping function of the Damus app, which utilises Bitcoin's #Lightning Network, has to be changed in order to get around a prohibition. The team was forced to limit tipping to profiles and remove the tip option from posts.

According to a 1 February 2023 TechCrunch post, "Twitter co-founder #JackDorsey gave nearly $245,000 in bitcoin (at the time, approximately 14 $BTC ) to support the creation of an open and social networking protocol called Nostr.