Did you know ??!!

There was about 2000 daily newspapers around the United States of America in 1929.. all those newspapers promoted for easy and quick fortune in very near future, just by investing a small amount of money in the stock markets, then what happened was disastrous economic collapse and market crashes. The whales market swallowed all people saving money, of course there was many others connected reasons.

Can you imagine how many people lose their jobs, lose their homes and how many families became homeless, as a result of some scammers and stock manipulation brokers.


Always be careful and keep in safe side, don’t be pushed by others panic sickness.

Always read the market, then decide what the next.

Always do your own research about any new release or even famous altcoin.

Finally I hope all the best for all traders and God bless everyone.


By the way, Chalers Ponzi “ Wikipedia “ was an Italian immigrant in 1920s, and Ponzi Scheme is a form of fraud that lures investors and pays profits to earlier investors with funds from more recent investors.