According to PANews, the 'Growth Hacker Camp' event, co-hosted by BeWater and PANews, featured a keynote speech by SevenX Ventures co-founder FC titled 'Amplify Your Impact: Personal Branding and Growth for Unleashing Full Potential.' FC discussed personal branding from various angles, including its definition, positioning, realization, and social media content methodology. He emphasized that personal branding today is defined by self-media rather than traditional media. In the 'Positioning Yourself' segment, FC noted that competition within an industry necessitates positioning. In a saturated market, it is crucial to find differentiation and niche areas, followed by content and channel strategies to grow one's personal brand.

FC elaborated on the importance of identifying the target audience and their needs. He explained that the broader the audience and demand, the higher the traffic but lower the commercial conversion. Conversely, more niche content is easier to convert. Therefore, content goals should dictate the choice between traffic, monetization, and persona. The purpose of persona profiling is to understand the user's likes, dislikes, anxieties, and to communicate effectively with them, making them seek answers from you. FC also shared insights on identifying content trends, suitable formats for social media, and optimal timing for content dissemination. He advised growth strategists to thoroughly understand the underlying algorithms and rules of the platforms they use.