Earn up to 50% referral commission on every qualified trade and up to $72,000 in bonuses per month.
Industry-leading crypto products
Generate income across Binance Spot, Futures, Margin trading, Binance Pool and copy trading products on the world’s number one exchange by trading volume!
Affiliate-exclusive campaigns
Enjoy exclusive online and offline activations to engage your communities and monetize your content.
Binance Blockchain Week
Binance Blockchain Week is a top event where global leaders and enthusiasts discuss blockchain and cryptocurrency trends, featuring keynotes, panels, and networking.
Binance Affiliate Campus
Binance Affiliate Campus is an educational initiative by Binance, offering resources, courses, and events to empower individuals with knowledge and skills in blockchain and cryptocurrency.
Empowering your community
Joining the Binance Affiliate Program is more than earning rewards; it's about empowering your community. As a Binance Affiliate, you guide others through the complexities of cryptocurrency and Web3.
Expand your leverage
Campaigns with the hottest projects, access to industry leaders and biggest events
Up to $72,000 Futures bonus
Earn a Futures trading bonus reward of up to $72,000 every month based on the total fees paid by Futures referrals.
Dedicated account manager support
Gain access to professional support, tutorials, marketing material, and a dedicated Binance Affiliate manager.
Grow your content with Binance
Benefits for your audience and content amplification will help you grow
Submit your application by filling the form below. Our team will evaluate your application and ensure you meet our affiliate criteria.
Step 2
Create and share your affiliate link
Create, manage and track the performance of your affiliate links right from your Binance account.
Step 3
Earn up to 50% commissions
When users create an account with your affiliate link, you’ll receive commission on every trade they make.
What is the Binance Affiliate Program?
The Binance Affiliate Program allows you to create unique referral links that invite your community to register and trade on Binance. If anyone clicks the link and registers, they’ll be automatically attributed as your referral. You’ll receive a commission on every trade they make, whether it’s on Binance Spot, Futures, or Margin trading or even Binance Pool.
What are the requirements to be a Binance Affiliate?
Social media influencer with 5,000+ followers or subscribers on one or more social media platforms (Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
Crypto Communities
Financial leaders or opinion leaders with a community of 500+ members on one or more community groups (Telegram, Facebook, WeChat, Reddit, QQ, VK)
User base of 2,000+
Market analysis platform with 5,000+ daily visits
Industry Media Platform
Crypto Fund
Aggregate Trading Platform
How do I earn a bonus of up to $72,000 every month?
In addition to earning 30% commission, Affiliates that promote Futures trading can now earn a bonus of up to $72,000 based on the fees paid by their referrals over a period of 1 month. For example, if your referrals generate the equivalent of $15,000 in trading fees over a period of 1 month, then in addition to your standard referral commission, you will receive a bonus of $1,500. The more trading fees generated by referrals, the bigger the bonus you will receive.