Binance Square
Every thoughts are my own, not an AI. Real person who hold BNB and BTC
Viss saturs
Skatīt oriģinālu
Tirgus šobrīd ir IZPĀRDOŠANA Kādu monētu šajā situācijā vislabāk iegādāties? Šeit ir mana izvēle: 1. SOL, šobrīd atbalsta apgabals tuvojas 100, RSI rādītājs ir pārpārdots. Ja tas sasniedz 100-120, ir laba vieta pirkšanai. Jūs varat dubultot savu portfeli, ja SOL atkal sasniegs 200 2. ETH, beidzot ir iespēja atkal pirkt zem 3k. ETH Spot ETF ir sācis tirdzniecību Honkongā. Burtiski vienīgais altcoin, kam ir spot ETF. Iestādēm nauda agri vai vēlu pienāks 3. BTC protams, prasības zem 60k ir MILZĪGI. Kad šie pasūtījumi būs izpildīti, BTC būs neapturams. Šobrīd pēc sadalīšanas uz pusi, mums ir daudz kalnraču, kas izmanto BTC kā dzīvžogu. Drīz vien šis pārdošanas spiediens pazudīs, un tādējādi sāksies 2024. gada bullīšu skrējiens Esiet drošs, nekrītiet panikā, vienmēr redziet, ka labojumi ir iespēja Esi mantkārīgs, kad citi baidās! #HKETF #BitcoinETFs #sol #eth #bitcoin
Tirgus šobrīd ir IZPĀRDOŠANA
Kādu monētu šajā situācijā vislabāk iegādāties?
Šeit ir mana izvēle:

1. SOL, šobrīd atbalsta apgabals tuvojas 100, RSI rādītājs ir pārpārdots. Ja tas sasniedz 100-120, ir laba vieta pirkšanai. Jūs varat dubultot savu portfeli, ja SOL atkal sasniegs 200

2. ETH, beidzot ir iespēja atkal pirkt zem 3k. ETH Spot ETF ir sācis tirdzniecību Honkongā. Burtiski vienīgais altcoin, kam ir spot ETF. Iestādēm nauda agri vai vēlu pienāks

3. BTC protams, prasības zem 60k ir MILZĪGI. Kad šie pasūtījumi būs izpildīti, BTC būs neapturams. Šobrīd pēc sadalīšanas uz pusi, mums ir daudz kalnraču, kas izmanto BTC kā dzīvžogu. Drīz vien šis pārdošanas spiediens pazudīs, un tādējādi sāksies 2024. gada bullīšu skrējiens

Esiet drošs, nekrītiet panikā, vienmēr redziet, ka labojumi ir iespēja
Esi mantkārīgs, kad citi baidās!

#HKETF #BitcoinETFs #sol #eth #bitcoin
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BNB Iekšā ir viedā nauda BNB reģistrēja 5 dienu zaļo sēriju lielām neto ieplūdēm Tas ir vaļi, kas pārvietojas uz BNB Megadrop drīz beigsies, un NOT Launchpool sāksies Un pēc tam, kad NOT Launchpool beigsies, mēs varam sagaidīt vairāk Megadrop paziņojumu Šis būs labs gads BNB turētājam #BinanceLaunchpool #altcoins #Launchpool #megadrop #NotcoinLaunchpool
$BNB Iekšā ir viedā nauda

BNB reģistrēja 5 dienu zaļo sēriju lielām neto ieplūdēm
Tas ir vaļi, kas pārvietojas uz BNB

Megadrop drīz beigsies, un NOT Launchpool sāksies
Un pēc tam, kad NOT Launchpool beigsies, mēs varam sagaidīt vairāk Megadrop paziņojumu

Šis būs labs gads BNB turētājam

#BinanceLaunchpool #altcoins #Launchpool #megadrop #NotcoinLaunchpool
Skatīt oriģinālu
Rūpējies par savu laiku Ir nedēļas nogale, pavadiet laiku kopā ar ģimeni un draugiem Nedēļas nogales apjoms būs zems Lai gan kriptovalūtu tirgus darbojas visu diennakti, ETF tirgus ir tuvu Kustības nebūs daudz Tāpēc labi pavadiet laiku #altcoins #Bitcoin
Rūpējies par savu laiku
Ir nedēļas nogale, pavadiet laiku kopā ar ģimeni un draugiem

Nedēļas nogales apjoms būs zems
Lai gan kriptovalūtu tirgus darbojas visu diennakti, ETF tirgus ir tuvu
Kustības nebūs daudz
Tāpēc labi pavadiet laiku

#altcoins #Bitcoin
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vai esat atpazinuši BNB modeli? Neskatoties uz tirgus nepastāvību, $BNB saglabājas stabils 3 mēnešu diagrammā Salīdzinot ar $BTC $ETH , ir skaidrs, ka BNB pārspēj tos Un SOL samazinājās no 200, kas lika cilvēkiem zaudēt naudu Katrā ciklā maijs parasti nav labs mēnesis Tomēr BNB joprojām ir spēcīgs un turpina pārspēt citus Bigcaps Pēc 3 mēnešiem CZ tiks izlaists, un, cerams, tas ienesīs lielāku pārliecību BNB tirgū
Vai esat atpazinuši BNB modeli?

Neskatoties uz tirgus nepastāvību, $BNB saglabājas stabils 3 mēnešu diagrammā
Salīdzinot ar $BTC $ETH , ir skaidrs, ka BNB pārspēj tos
Un SOL samazinājās no 200, kas lika cilvēkiem zaudēt naudu

Katrā ciklā maijs parasti nav labs mēnesis
Tomēr BNB joprojām ir spēcīgs un turpina pārspēt citus Bigcaps

Pēc 3 mēnešiem CZ tiks izlaists, un, cerams, tas ienesīs lielāku pārliecību BNB tirgū
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pēc Cointelegraph analītiķa domām, $BNB ir garantēts, ka maksās 800 USD BNB (BNB) cena ir zem 600 USD pēc tam, kad divu dienu rallijā tā palielināja savu vērtību par 5,5%, sasniedzot augstāko līmeni 605 USD 9. maijā. Pat ar šodienas atkāpšanos dati liecina, ka BNB cena ilgākā laika posmā joprojām ir kāpjoša. 1. slāņa marķieris pēdējo 30 dienu laikā ir palielinājies par 83% un 2024. gadā vien par 91%, 16. martā sasniedzot vairāku gadu 645 dolārus. Šis rallijs ļāva BNB sasniegt 7% no tās visu laiku augstākā līmeņa 690 $, kas tika sasniegti maijā. 2021. gada 10. gads. Kopš tā laika BNB ir konsolidējies plašā diapazonā, sākot no USD 500 līdz USD 620, liekot daudziem tirgotājiem domāt, kad marķieris sasniegs visu laiku augstākos punktus. Apskatīsim faktorus, kas potenciāli varētu paaugstināt BNB. Binance birža joprojām ir vadošā tirdzniecības apjoma un tirgus daļas ziņā Binance joprojām ir labākā kriptovalūtu birža tirgus daļas ziņā, pat ar samazinātu tirdzniecības aktivitāti aprīlī. Pēc 2022. gada mežonīgās juridiskās izjādes, kas beidzās ar to, ka bijušais Binance izpilddirektors Čangpens Džao saņēma četru mēnešu cietumsodu un 4,3 miljardu dolāru naudassodu par apmaiņu, Binance izdevās atgūt savu tirgus daļu, kas pieauga piecus mēnešus pēc kārtas no 2023. gada oktobra līdz 2024. gada martā līdz vairāk nekā 40%. #BinanceLaunchpool #altcoins #BlackRock #megadrop
Pēc Cointelegraph analītiķa domām, $BNB ir garantēts, ka maksās 800 USD

BNB (BNB) cena ir zem 600 USD pēc tam, kad divu dienu rallijā tā palielināja savu vērtību par 5,5%, sasniedzot augstāko līmeni 605 USD 9. maijā.

Pat ar šodienas atkāpšanos dati liecina, ka BNB cena ilgākā laika posmā joprojām ir kāpjoša. 1. slāņa marķieris pēdējo 30 dienu laikā ir palielinājies par 83% un 2024. gadā vien par 91%, 16. martā sasniedzot vairāku gadu 645 dolārus. Šis rallijs ļāva BNB sasniegt 7% no tās visu laiku augstākā līmeņa 690 $, kas tika sasniegti maijā. 2021. gada 10. gads.

Kopš tā laika BNB ir konsolidējies plašā diapazonā, sākot no USD 500 līdz USD 620, liekot daudziem tirgotājiem domāt, kad marķieris sasniegs visu laiku augstākos punktus.
Apskatīsim faktorus, kas potenciāli varētu paaugstināt BNB.

Binance birža joprojām ir vadošā tirdzniecības apjoma un tirgus daļas ziņā

Binance joprojām ir labākā kriptovalūtu birža tirgus daļas ziņā, pat ar samazinātu tirdzniecības aktivitāti aprīlī.

Pēc 2022. gada mežonīgās juridiskās izjādes, kas beidzās ar to, ka bijušais Binance izpilddirektors Čangpens Džao saņēma četru mēnešu cietumsodu un 4,3 miljardu dolāru naudassodu par apmaiņu, Binance izdevās atgūt savu tirgus daļu, kas pieauga piecus mēnešus pēc kārtas no 2023. gada oktobra līdz 2024. gada martā līdz vairāk nekā 40%.

#BinanceLaunchpool #altcoins #BlackRock #megadrop
Skatīt oriģinālu
Šī ir $BNB nedēļas diagramma BNB joprojām ir spēcīgākais Bigcaps, neskatoties uz BTC nepastāvību Ja paskatās cieši, BNB joprojām ir spēcīgs virs 580 Ikreiz, kad tas ir zemāks, tas vienmēr atlec līdz 580 BNB pieprasījums šajā jomā ir milzīgs, taču tai ir arī grūti salauzt 620 pretestību Ja šī pretestība tiek pārtraukta, mēs varam sagaidīt, ka BNB zibenīgi pārtrauks ATH Jūs nevēlaties palaist garām sūkni Tātad, kāpēc jūs neesat turējis BNB? Ja Binance paziņo par jaunu Megadrop projektu, tas var viegli pārvarēt šo pretestību. Jūs nevēlaties palaist garām šos mirkļus, pretējā gadījumā jums būs par vēlu iegādāties #BinanceLaunchpool #CryptoWatchMay2024 #megadrop #binance #ETHETFS
Šī ir $BNB nedēļas diagramma
BNB joprojām ir spēcīgākais Bigcaps, neskatoties uz BTC nepastāvību

Ja paskatās cieši, BNB joprojām ir spēcīgs virs 580
Ikreiz, kad tas ir zemāks, tas vienmēr atlec līdz 580

BNB pieprasījums šajā jomā ir milzīgs, taču tai ir arī grūti salauzt 620 pretestību
Ja šī pretestība tiek pārtraukta, mēs varam sagaidīt, ka BNB zibenīgi pārtrauks ATH
Jūs nevēlaties palaist garām sūkni

Tātad, kāpēc jūs neesat turējis BNB? Ja Binance paziņo par jaunu Megadrop projektu, tas var viegli pārvarēt šo pretestību. Jūs nevēlaties palaist garām šos mirkļus, pretējā gadījumā jums būs par vēlu iegādāties

#BinanceLaunchpool #CryptoWatchMay2024 #megadrop #binance #ETHETFS
Skatīt oriģinālu
Mums joprojām ir 500 dienas Bitcoin Bull Run kopš samazinājuma uz pusi Šķiet, ka 60 000 ir ideāla vieta Bitcoin uzkrāšanai Lai gan es iesaku investēt lielos tirgos. Jo Alts sāk atgūt savu dominējošo stāvokli. Vienmēr izpētiet iepriekšējās tendences un vēsturi. Tie ir tehniskie dati, kurus mēs nevaram vienkārši ignorēt $BTC #BinanceLaunchpool #BlackRock #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BTC
Mums joprojām ir 500 dienas Bitcoin Bull Run kopš samazinājuma uz pusi
Šķiet, ka 60 000 ir ideāla vieta Bitcoin uzkrāšanai

Lai gan es iesaku investēt lielos tirgos. Jo Alts sāk atgūt savu dominējošo stāvokli. Vienmēr izpētiet iepriekšējās tendences un vēsturi. Tie ir tehniskie dati, kurus mēs nevaram vienkārši ignorēt

$BTC #BinanceLaunchpool #BlackRock #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BTC
$BNB is having hard time to break 620 barrier even though we have launchpools Here's my Analysis : If BNB want to break ATH, Binance need to restructure Launchpool The problem about current format is the % allocation for BNB I did complained about previous 80% allocation for BNB (You can check my very first post) And Binance did listen, they increase it to 85% for BNB holders If we're calculating using USD, you're going to surprised staking FDUSD can be more beneficial in Launchpools. Staking using stable coin is safer because you aren't subject to market fluctuations Staking using BNB gives you slightly more reward, but the fluctuations after Launchpool can be harmful to your portofolio While BNB price keep increasing means barriers to entry for Launchpools also increasing. Launchpools aren't profitable for Retail Investors If somehow BNB went above 620. Staking using FDUSD generally more safer If you don't believe me go try invest 1k in both asset. And see what happen with your portofolio after Launchpool ended Launchpools actually making BNB harder to break ATH Because if BNB price kept increasing, Launchpool will be harder to enter for Retail Investors Solution to this problem : BNB should be the only coin to stake for Launchpools so we're not calculating based on USD Megadrop actually using a better format where BNB is the only coin to hold But if FDUSD is still present the allocation should be : 95% BNB 5% FDUSD Let's hope Binance listen, because they did listen to increase the reward from 80 to 85% #BinanceLaunchpool #altcoins #binance #megadrop #NotcoinLaunchpool
$BNB is having hard time to break 620 barrier even though we have launchpools
Here's my Analysis :

If BNB want to break ATH, Binance need to restructure Launchpool
The problem about current format is the % allocation for BNB

I did complained about previous 80% allocation for BNB (You can check my very first post)
And Binance did listen, they increase it to 85% for BNB holders

If we're calculating using USD, you're going to surprised staking FDUSD can be more beneficial in Launchpools. Staking using stable coin is safer because you aren't subject to market fluctuations

Staking using BNB gives you slightly more reward, but the fluctuations after Launchpool can be harmful to your portofolio

While BNB price keep increasing means barriers to entry for Launchpools also increasing. Launchpools aren't profitable for Retail Investors

If somehow BNB went above 620. Staking using FDUSD generally more safer
If you don't believe me go try invest 1k in both asset. And see what happen with your portofolio after Launchpool ended

Launchpools actually making BNB harder to break ATH
Because if BNB price kept increasing, Launchpool will be harder to enter for Retail Investors

Solution to this problem :

BNB should be the only coin to stake for Launchpools so we're not calculating based on USD

Megadrop actually using a better format where BNB is the only coin to hold

But if FDUSD is still present the allocation should be :
95% BNB

Let's hope Binance listen, because they did listen to increase the reward from 80 to 85%

#BinanceLaunchpool #altcoins #binance #megadrop #NotcoinLaunchpool
Top 6 Memecoins according to VanEck If you're Memecoin fan this 6 is a must have in your portofolio 1. DOGE 2. SHIB 3. PEPE 4. WIF 5. FLOKI 6. BONK VanEck's digital asset research director, Matthew Sigel, has announced the launch of a Meme Coin Index under the company's MarketVecto brand. The index includes six types of tokens with a cap of 30%. This move signifies VanEck's recognition of the growing popularity and influence of meme coins in the digital asset market. #SolanaMemeCoins #altcoins #CryptoWatchMay2024 #Shibh #altcoins
Top 6 Memecoins according to VanEck
If you're Memecoin fan this 6 is a must have in your portofolio

4. WIF

VanEck's digital asset research director, Matthew Sigel, has announced the launch of a Meme Coin Index under the company's MarketVecto brand. The index includes six types of tokens with a cap of 30%. This move signifies VanEck's recognition of the growing popularity and influence of meme coins in the digital asset market.

#SolanaMemeCoins #altcoins #CryptoWatchMay2024 #Shibh #altcoins
If you're holding REZ SAGA OMNI Be careful! BNB crossed 600 mark again. There's a big chance this could be a hint for new Launchpool or Megadrop Im currently Bullish for BNB but if Launchpool is happening this is Bearish for previous Launchpools token like REZ SAGA OMNI Historically new Launchpool is a good news for BNB but bad news for previous Launchpool coins. This is because big holders will sell those Launchpool coins to buy BNB to participate for the next Launchpool project So my strategy is selling those coins and accumulate more BNB #altcoins #Launchpool #megadrop #BlackRock #CryptoWatchMay2024
If you're holding REZ SAGA OMNI
Be careful!

BNB crossed 600 mark again. There's a big chance this could be a hint for new Launchpool or Megadrop

Im currently Bullish for BNB but if Launchpool is happening this is Bearish for previous Launchpools token like REZ SAGA OMNI

Historically new Launchpool is a good news for BNB but bad news for previous Launchpool coins.
This is because big holders will sell those Launchpool coins to buy BNB to participate for the next Launchpool project

So my strategy is selling those coins and accumulate more BNB

#altcoins #Launchpool #megadrop #BlackRock #CryptoWatchMay2024
I finished my Course from Binance Academy & ESCP Business School UK! Thank you Binance for making this possible Learn something new everyday about Blockchain and Crypto 👍
I finished my Course from Binance Academy & ESCP Business School UK!

Thank you Binance for making this possible
Learn something new everyday about Blockchain and Crypto 👍
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚨 UZMANĪBU🚨 BNB pārkāpa tirgus tendences, kārtējo reizi pārsniedzot 600 USD atzīmi! Vēsturiski tas parasti ir mājiens uz gaidāmo Binance notikumu, piemēram, Launchpools Pirms tiek paziņots par Launchpools, marķieru izstrādātāji pērk lielu daudzumu BNB, jo viņiem ir jāmaksā nodeva par iekļaušanu BNB. Megadrop beigsies pēc dažām dienām, tāpēc Binance gatavojas jaunam Launchpools vai Megadrop #bnb #Binance #Launchpool #megadrop #bouncebit

BNB pārkāpa tirgus tendences, kārtējo reizi pārsniedzot 600 USD atzīmi!
Vēsturiski tas parasti ir mājiens uz gaidāmo Binance notikumu, piemēram, Launchpools

Pirms tiek paziņots par Launchpools, marķieru izstrādātāji pērk lielu daudzumu BNB, jo viņiem ir jāmaksā nodeva par iekļaušanu BNB.

Megadrop beigsies pēc dažām dienām, tāpēc Binance gatavojas jaunam Launchpools vai Megadrop

#bnb #Binance #Launchpool #megadrop #bouncebit
Korean Bitcoin spot ETF is Coming! Korea is one of the biggest crypto industry in the world South Korea’s left-wing Democratic Party plans to request financial regulators to review the currently banned spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds, according to a South Korean news report. This signifies the party’s next step in its initiative to make spot bitcoin funds locally accessible If it approved it will be one of the biggest player in the Bull tun# #BTC #buythedip #bitcoinhalving #ETHETFS #korea
Korean Bitcoin spot ETF is Coming!

Korea is one of the biggest crypto industry in the world

South Korea’s left-wing Democratic Party plans to request financial regulators to review the currently banned spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds, according to a South Korean news report. This signifies the party’s next step in its initiative to make spot bitcoin funds locally accessible

If it approved it will be one of the biggest player in the Bull tun#

#BTC #buythedip #bitcoinhalving #ETHETFS #korea
BNB/BTC analysis, Alt season is near BTC is down again, yet BTC dominance starting to decreasing What's that means? BNB/BTC starting to form a bullish pattern. With RSI at 60 it's clear we are projecting for a new high BNB/BTC previous ATH is 0.019 Potentially BNB can break 0.020 price against BTC So let's say BTC is 100k, then BNB would be 2.000$ which means almost 4 times from current price Should you hold BNB during the alt season? Yes it's your safest bet. Because crypto industry will be flooded by alts and everyone will try to list their coin to the biggest exchange in the world, Binance #altseason #altcoins #BTC #bnb #binance
BNB/BTC analysis, Alt season is near

BTC is down again, yet BTC dominance starting to decreasing
What's that means?

BNB/BTC starting to form a bullish pattern. With RSI at 60 it's clear we are projecting for a new high

BNB/BTC previous ATH is 0.019

Potentially BNB can break 0.020 price against BTC
So let's say BTC is 100k, then BNB would be 2.000$ which means almost 4 times from current price

Should you hold BNB during the alt season?
Yes it's your safest bet. Because crypto industry will be flooded by alts and everyone will try to list their coin to the biggest exchange in the world, Binance

#altseason #altcoins #BTC #bnb #binance
For Bitcoin to remain in bullish pattern, weekly candle has to close above 64k this week We have so many support from BTC spot ETF. Right now inflow from those ETF are net inflow. Which means smart money is buying, accumulating Bitcoin in 60k area Blackrock knows their game. We're still early and Bull run is still in the beginning We're waiting for more institutions to come in and that's when Bitcoin will explode We're still early #BlackRock #MicroStrategy #buythedip #ai #eth‬
For Bitcoin to remain in bullish pattern, weekly candle has to close above 64k this week
We have so many support from BTC spot ETF.

Right now inflow from those ETF are net inflow. Which means smart money is buying, accumulating Bitcoin in 60k area

Blackrock knows their game. We're still early and Bull run is still in the beginning
We're waiting for more institutions to come in and that's when Bitcoin will explode

We're still early
#BlackRock #MicroStrategy #buythedip #ai #eth‬
Unless you're Blackrock, dont time the market Timing the market is trying to guess top and bottom and literally there's no person on Earth able to guess perfectly time in the market HOLD is the best strategy during bull run Few days ago BTC broke 60k support and everyone is calling 50-55k A lot of people panic sold, hoping to buy lower. Some people even use Leverage to short Now they're rektd, BTC didn't even reach 55k. And those same people are panic buying at 64k. BTC demands below 60k is huge. Blackrock tried to buy at 70k but onchain data suggest no one wants to sell their Bitcoins So ETFs like Grayscale are unloading their Bitcoin and start accumulating below 60k To beat those whales all you need to do is simple. Hold, dont let them take your coins and you will be rewarded #BlackRock #btc #bitcoin #MicroStrategy #buythedip
Unless you're Blackrock, dont time the market
Timing the market is trying to guess top and bottom and literally there's no person on Earth able to guess perfectly time in the market

HOLD is the best strategy during bull run
Few days ago BTC broke 60k support and everyone is calling 50-55k

A lot of people panic sold, hoping to buy lower. Some people even use Leverage to short
Now they're rektd, BTC didn't even reach 55k. And those same people are panic buying at 64k.

BTC demands below 60k is huge. Blackrock tried to buy at 70k but onchain data suggest no one wants to sell their Bitcoins

So ETFs like Grayscale are unloading their Bitcoin and start accumulating below 60k
To beat those whales all you need to do is simple. Hold, dont let them take your coins and you will be rewarded

#BlackRock #btc #bitcoin #MicroStrategy #buythedip
Where BTC is going? Weekly chart shows BTC closed with green Hammer candlestick What's Hammer? The Hammer candlestick is a bullish trading pattern that may indicate that a price has reached its bottom and is positioned for trend reversal. Historically it's rare for BTC having 4 red week in a row, and now the green candle with Bullish pattern has appeared We are on the right track to break new ATH 100k this year is very doable #Bitcoin #altcoins #MicroStrategy #btc #BlackRock
Where BTC is going?

Weekly chart shows BTC closed with green Hammer candlestick
What's Hammer?

The Hammer candlestick is a bullish trading pattern that may indicate that a price has reached its bottom and is positioned for trend reversal.

Historically it's rare for BTC having 4 red week in a row, and now the green candle with Bullish pattern has appeared

We are on the right track to break new ATH
100k this year is very doable
#Bitcoin #altcoins #MicroStrategy #btc #BlackRock
6 Coins you should always hold during 2024 Bull Run My analysis using Fundamental aspect : 1. $BNB I believe BNB is the first Bigcaps that will break ATH. BNBChain currently has the most dapp comparing to other competitors. BNB right now is undervalued, it should be around ETH marketcap which is 4x time increase from current price 2. $BTC if there's a coin that you can hold for 100 years without any worry then BTC it is. Holding BTC is the easiest strategy to make money in Crypto. BTC is the perfect coin, why the price is so high up there because it's simply the literal first and the best coin in crypto industry. 3. $ETH will ETH outperform BTC? Maybe, the new protocol made ETH more attractive to invest. It provides a lot of function over BTC. So holding ETH and BTC together is your best bet to beat the market. 4. SOL almost every new memecoin are built with SOL. But I am investor, I don't gamble on memecoin. So I pick the Layer 1 coin to guarantee I can profit of it during the altseason 5. TON is the new contender in this cycle. In every cycle there will be a completely new coin that will outperform every older coin. My guts telling me TON will be one of them. It will explode if somehow Binance decide to list it in the Spot market 6. Doge yes I don't gamble on memecoin. However doge is a good coin. In every cycle doge ALWAYS break ATH. It can potentially goes to 1$ during the altseason. Elon definitely still a doge fan, he allowed Tesla payment with dogecoin. So you can't underestimate it when the most richest guy on the planet is backing the coin #BTC #altcoins #bnb #eth‬ #sol
6 Coins you should always hold during 2024 Bull Run

My analysis using Fundamental aspect :

1. $BNB I believe BNB is the first Bigcaps that will break ATH. BNBChain currently has the most dapp comparing to other competitors. BNB right now is undervalued, it should be around ETH marketcap which is 4x time increase from current price

2. $BTC if there's a coin that you can hold for 100 years without any worry then BTC it is. Holding BTC is the easiest strategy to make money in Crypto. BTC is the perfect coin, why the price is so high up there because it's simply the literal first and the best coin in crypto industry.

3. $ETH will ETH outperform BTC? Maybe, the new protocol made ETH more attractive to invest. It provides a lot of function over BTC. So holding ETH and BTC together is your best bet to beat the market.

4. SOL almost every new memecoin are built with SOL. But I am investor, I don't gamble on memecoin. So I pick the Layer 1 coin to guarantee I can profit of it during the altseason

5. TON is the new contender in this cycle. In every cycle there will be a completely new coin that will outperform every older coin. My guts telling me TON will be one of them. It will explode if somehow Binance decide to list it in the Spot market

6. Doge yes I don't gamble on memecoin. However doge is a good coin. In every cycle doge ALWAYS break ATH. It can potentially goes to 1$ during the altseason. Elon definitely still a doge fan, he allowed Tesla payment with dogecoin. So you can't underestimate it when the most richest guy on the planet is backing the coin

#BTC #altcoins #bnb #eth‬ #sol
What's my price prediction for BNB? Calling it now, BNB will be the first bigcaps to break ATH If Binance announce a new Launchpool or Megadrop project. It could potentially shoot BNB to break 620$ Key Resistance and on the way to break ATH I'm a bit surprised how BNB still maintaining 550-600 area despite Bitcoin sharp turn to 56k BNB has become more matured, lot of BNB are locked and more BNB are burned So my Price prediction for BNB in this cycle. I expect 1.000 before at the end of year and potentially double when Altseason starts #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #price #Binance #bnb
What's my price prediction for BNB?

Calling it now, BNB will be the first bigcaps to break ATH

If Binance announce a new Launchpool or Megadrop project. It could potentially shoot BNB to break 620$ Key Resistance and on the way to break ATH

I'm a bit surprised how BNB still maintaining 550-600 area despite Bitcoin sharp turn to 56k
BNB has become more matured, lot of BNB are locked and more BNB are burned

So my Price prediction for BNB in this cycle. I expect 1.000 before at the end of year and potentially double when Altseason starts

#altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #price #Binance #bnb
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