Binance Square
Crypto Trading Analyst
Viss saturs
Skatīt oriģinālu
"Spot tirdzniecības turnīra paziņojums" "Mainīt uz akciju 300 000 USD $USDC žetonu kuponos" -------- ----+--- --------- --------- -------- "Aizpildiet savu pirmo numuru #SpotCopyTrading , lai koplietotu $100 000 $FDUSD atlīdzības! Binance ar prieku sāk jaunu akciju piemērotiem lietotājiem, lai izpētītu jaunizveidoto funkciju "'#SpotCopyTrading ", kas ir pieejama gan Binance vietnē, gan Binance lietotnē. Pabeidziet savu pirmo "spot copy Trade" tūlīt, lai iegūtu savu daļu no $ 100 000 FDUSD žetonu kuponos! **Akcijas periods: 2024-05-15 <span akcija ir pieejama visiem lietotājiem, kuri nav veikuši tirdzniecību 'Spot Copy Trading'. Pirmie 20 000 kvalificēto lietotāju, kuri apstiprinās savu dalību, būs tiesīgi veikt kādu no tālāk norādītajiem uzdevumiem akcijas periodā, lai iegūtu līdz pat '5 FDUSD' marķiera kuponos. **Uzdevuma opcijas: 1. iespēja: pabeidziet savu pirmo jebkuras summas SpotCopyTrading darījumu. 2. iespēja: kopējiet kopējo summu vismaz 100 ASV dolāru apmērā $USDC , kas atbilst '#Binan #SpotCopyTrading 3. iespēja: kopējiet vismaz '2 vadošo tirgotāju' portfeļus ar summu vismaz USD 100 USDT ekvivalentu uz '#SpotCopyTrading
"Spot tirdzniecības turnīra paziņojums"
"Mainīt uz akciju 300 000 USD $USDC žetonu kuponos"
-------- ----+--- --------- --------- --------

"Aizpildiet savu pirmo numuru #SpotCopyTrading , lai koplietotu $100 000 $FDUSD atlīdzības!

Binance ar prieku sāk jaunu akciju piemērotiem lietotājiem, lai izpētītu jaunizveidoto funkciju "'#SpotCopyTrading ", kas ir pieejama gan Binance vietnē, gan Binance lietotnē.

Pabeidziet savu pirmo "spot copy Trade" tūlīt, lai iegūtu savu daļu no $ 100 000 FDUSD žetonu kuponos!

**Akcijas periods: 2024-05-15 <span akcija ir pieejama visiem lietotājiem, kuri nav veikuši tirdzniecību 'Spot Copy Trading'.
Pirmie 20 000 kvalificēto lietotāju, kuri apstiprinās savu dalību, būs tiesīgi veikt kādu no tālāk norādītajiem uzdevumiem akcijas periodā, lai iegūtu līdz pat '5 FDUSD' marķiera kuponos.

**Uzdevuma opcijas:

1. iespēja: pabeidziet savu pirmo jebkuras summas SpotCopyTrading darījumu.

2. iespēja: kopējiet kopējo summu vismaz 100 ASV dolāru apmērā $USDC , kas atbilst '#Binan #SpotCopyTrading

3. iespēja: kopējiet vismaz '2 vadošo tirgotāju' portfeļus ar summu vismaz USD 100 USDT ekvivalentu uz '#SpotCopyTrading
Skatīt oriģinālu
Binance News
Ikdienas tirgus atjauninājums: CoinDesk 20 indekss parāda pozitīvas tendences
Saskaņā ar CoinDesk datiem CoinDesk 20 indekss (CD20), plašs indekss, kas izseko labākos digitālos aktīvus, savā jaunākajā tirgus atjauninājumā uzrāda pozitīvu tendenci. Indekss šobrīd tirgojas pie 2155.7 atzīmes, iezīmējot 3.1% pieaugumu (+64.67) kopš pagājušās piektdienas beigām.

No 20 gabarīta aktīviem 19 tirgojas augstāk. Šīs augšupejošās tendences līderi ir NEAR ar 7,1% pieaugumu un AVAX, kas kāpis par 5,8%. No otras puses, ATOM ir samazinājies par 1,2%, bet BCH ir saglabājies stabils, tā vērtība nav mainījusies.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Binance News
Ikdienas tirgus atjauninājums: CoinDesk 20 indekss parāda pozitīvas tendences
Saskaņā ar CoinDesk datiem CoinDesk 20 indekss (CD20), plašs indekss, kas izseko labākos digitālos aktīvus, savā jaunākajā tirgus atjauninājumā uzrāda pozitīvu tendenci. Indekss šobrīd tirgojas pie 2155.7 atzīmes, iezīmējot 3.1% pieaugumu (+64.67) kopš pagājušās piektdienas beigām.

No 20 gabarīta aktīviem 19 tirgojas augstāk. Šīs augšupejošās tendences līderi ir NEAR ar 7,1% pieaugumu un AVAX, kas kāpis par 5,8%. No otras puses, ATOM ir samazinājies par 1,2%, bet BCH ir saglabājies stabils, tā vērtība nav mainījusies.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pievienojieties "Airdrop Guide Campaign", lai iegūtu iespēju laimēt līdz pat $500 FDUSD! Kampaņas periods: 2024-06-14 00:00 līdz 2024-06-19 23:59 (UTC) Piedalīties:  Publicējiet skaidrojumu par kriptovalūtām un to darbību, izmantojot Binance Square hashtag #AirdropGuide Iekļauts: Paskaidrojums par to, kas ir Crypto Airdrop; Ieskats par dažādiem gaisa pilienu veidiem (piem., balvas, turētāja pilieni utt.); Veiksmīgu gaisa pilienu reāli piemēri; Stratēģijas gaisa pilienu atrašanai un dalībai tajos. *** Pārliecinieties, vai jūsu ziņas minimālais garums ir 600 vārdi. #BinanceTournament #BTC #altcoins #AirdropBinance $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) $NOT {spot}(NOTUSDT)
Pievienojieties "Airdrop Guide Campaign", lai iegūtu iespēju laimēt līdz pat $500 FDUSD!

Kampaņas periods: 2024-06-14 00:00 līdz 2024-06-19 23:59 (UTC)

Publicējiet skaidrojumu par kriptovalūtām un to darbību, izmantojot Binance Square hashtag #AirdropGuide

Paskaidrojums par to, kas ir Crypto Airdrop;
Ieskats par dažādiem gaisa pilienu veidiem (piem., balvas, turētāja pilieni utt.);
Veiksmīgu gaisa pilienu reāli piemēri;
Stratēģijas gaisa pilienu atrašanai un dalībai tajos.

*** Pārliecinieties, vai jūsu ziņas minimālais garums ir 600 vārdi.

#BinanceTournament #BTC #altcoins #AirdropBinance

Binance Square Official
Publicējiet #AirdropGuide, lai laimētu līdz pat 500 FDUSD!
Pievienojieties #AirdropGuide kampaņai, lai iegūtu iespēju laimēt līdz pat 500 FDUSD! Dalieties savās zināšanās par to, kas ir kriptovalūtas un kā tās darbojas. Iekļaujiet ieskatu par dažādiem gaisa pilienu veidiem, piemērus un efektīvas stratēģijas, lai tos atrastu un piedalītos.
Kampaņas periods: 2024-06-14 00:00 līdz 2024-06-19 23:59 (UTC)
Publicējiet skaidrojumu par kriptovalūtām un to darbību, izmantojot #AirdropGuide tēmturi Binance laukumā. 
Paskaidrojums par to, kas ir kriptovalūta;

Ieskats par dažādiem gaisa pilienu veidiem (piem., balvas, turētāja pilieni utt.);
Skatīt oriģinālu
#BinanceTournament Ceļojiet Binance laukumā un sacentieties par USD 5000!


#altcoins #ETHETFsApproved #BOME##ONDO# #SHİB# #DOGE# #WİF# #İQ50# #AVAX# #İCP# #FİL# #FLOKİ# #KAS# #BinanceTournament
Binance Square Official
Publicējiet savu#BinanceTournamentceļojumu uz Binance Square un sacentieties par 5000 USDT!
Pievienojieties Futures Grand Tournament, lai sacenstos par 3 miljonu USDT balvu fondu. Daloties ar savu turnīru pieredzi Binance laukumā, jums ir iespēja laimēt daļu no EKSKLUZĪVA 5000 USDT balvu fonda.
Aktivitātes periods: 2024-06-13 00:00 līdz 2024-7-14 23:59 (UTC)

Kā uzvarēt?
Izveidojiet oriģinālu saturu, kas saistīts ar #BinanceTournament vietnē Binance Square, un savā saturā iekļaujiet "#BinanceTournament ".
Nodrošiniet, lai jūsu saturā būtu vismaz 200 rakstzīmes un vismaz trīs mijiedarbības (piemēram, emocijzīmes, komentāri, kopīgošana vai citāti).
Skatīt oriģinālu
#ETHETFsApproved #TopCoinsJune2024 #BTC #bitcoin #altcoins Binances paziņojums visiem lietotājiem Binance piedāvā visiem lietotājiem nopelnīt kriptovalūtu, rakstot ziņu / emuāra rakstu šeit Binance Square. Katrs lietotājs, kurš piedalās šajā pasākumā, var ļoti viegli nopelnīt kriptovalūtu, vienkārši ievietojot saturu vai uzrakstot rakstu un pēc tam ievietojot to Square Blog lapā. Lietotājs nopelnīs atkarībā no ziņas sasniedzamības un mijiedarbības ar savu ziņu. Vairs negaidi.. Pasteidzieties un piedalieties šajā pasākumā tūlīt. $BTC $BNB $NOT
#ETHETFsApproved #TopCoinsJune2024 #BTC #bitcoin #altcoins

Binances paziņojums visiem lietotājiem

Binance piedāvā visiem lietotājiem nopelnīt kriptovalūtu, rakstot ziņu / emuāra rakstu šeit Binance Square.

Katrs lietotājs, kurš piedalās šajā pasākumā, var ļoti viegli nopelnīt kriptovalūtu, vienkārši ievietojot saturu vai uzrakstot rakstu un pēc tam ievietojot to Square Blog lapā.

Lietotājs nopelnīs atkarībā no ziņas sasniedzamības un mijiedarbības ar savu ziņu.

Vairs negaidi..

Pasteidzieties un piedalieties šajā pasākumā tūlīt.

Binance Square Official
Ja palaidāt garām: kampaņa 'Write to Earn' joprojām turpinās!🔥🔥🔥

Neatkarīgi no tā, vai esat jauns vai jau sācis, ievietojiet savu apbrīnojamo saturu vietnē Binance Square un nopelniet līdz pat 30% kriptovalūtu komisijas no lasītāju tirdzniecības maksām. 

Register here🔗
Skatīt oriģinālu
#Binance200M #TopCoinsJune2024 Binance Square ar prieku iepazīstina ar jaunu aktivitāti “Kopīgot, lai uzvarētu”, kurā var piedalīties verificētie lietotāji, lai saņemtu vairāk nekā 100 USD atlīdzību. Aktivitātes periods: 2024-05-23 09:00 (UTC) līdz 2024-06-06 09:00 (UTC) #altcoins #BTC #BlackRock 1. darbība: kopīgojiet Binance Square saites ar saviem ieteikumiem, lai iegūtu līdz 100 USD Crypto Red paketē Lai piedalītos šajā aktivitātē, verificētie Binance lietotāji (novirzītāji) var pieteikties savos Binance kontos un koplietot jebkuru(-as) Binance Square saiti(-es) ar jauniem un esošiem Binance lietotājiem (novirzītāji) aktivitātes periodā. Pēc tam, kad novirzītāji ir atvēruši koplietoto(-s) Binance Square saiti(-es), gan novirzītāji, gan novirzītāji var atbloķēt Crypto Red paketi(-es), kuru vērtība nepārsniedz 2 USD. Atlīdzības ir ierobežotas, un tās tiks sadalītas rindas kārtībā. Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka katrs novirzītājs var pieprasīt ne vairāk kā vienu Crypto Red Packet atlīdzību par katru nosūtīšanu, izmantojot Binance lietotni aktivitātes periodā, un līdz 50 Crypto Red paketēm no šīs aktivitātes. 2. darbība: ekskluzīvi jauni lietotāji — reģistrējieties pakalpojumā Binance un pabeidziet uzdevumus, lai nopelnītu līdz 5,5 USD T atlīdzībā Turklāt jaunie lietotāji, kuri reģistrējas Binance, izmantojot darbību lapu, var noklikšķināt uz pogas [Aiziet] un darbības perioda laikā izpildīt jebkuru no tālāk norādītajiem uzdevumiem, lai saņemtu atlīdzību līdz pat 5,5 USD. Atlīdzības ir ierobežotas, un tās tiks sadalītas rindas kārtībā. Detalizēta informācija par uzdevumu: 1. Atveriet visas desmit unikālas Binance Square saites, kamēr esat pieteicies savā Binance kontā. Atlīdzība par paveikto uzdevumu līdz 0,5 USD 2. Pabeidziet darījumu vismaz 100 ASV dolāru apmērā ar tūlītēju, fjūčeru, maržu, opciju vai konvertāciju. $BTC $DOGE $NOT
#Binance200M #TopCoinsJune2024
Binance Square ar prieku iepazīstina ar jaunu aktivitāti “Kopīgot, lai uzvarētu”, kurā var piedalīties verificētie lietotāji, lai saņemtu vairāk nekā 100 USD atlīdzību.

Aktivitātes periods: 2024-05-23 09:00 (UTC) līdz 2024-06-06 09:00 (UTC)

#altcoins #BTC #BlackRock

1. darbība: kopīgojiet Binance Square saites ar saviem ieteikumiem, lai iegūtu līdz 100 USD Crypto Red paketē

Lai piedalītos šajā aktivitātē, verificētie Binance lietotāji (novirzītāji) var pieteikties savos Binance kontos un koplietot jebkuru(-as) Binance Square saiti(-es) ar jauniem un esošiem Binance lietotājiem (novirzītāji) aktivitātes periodā. Pēc tam, kad novirzītāji ir atvēruši koplietoto(-s) Binance Square saiti(-es), gan novirzītāji, gan novirzītāji var atbloķēt Crypto Red paketi(-es), kuru vērtība nepārsniedz 2 USD. Atlīdzības ir ierobežotas, un tās tiks sadalītas rindas kārtībā.

Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka katrs novirzītājs var pieprasīt ne vairāk kā vienu Crypto Red Packet atlīdzību par katru nosūtīšanu, izmantojot Binance lietotni aktivitātes periodā, un līdz 50 Crypto Red paketēm no šīs aktivitātes.

2. darbība: ekskluzīvi jauni lietotāji — reģistrējieties pakalpojumā Binance un pabeidziet uzdevumus, lai nopelnītu līdz 5,5 USD T atlīdzībā

Turklāt jaunie lietotāji, kuri reģistrējas Binance, izmantojot darbību lapu, var noklikšķināt uz pogas [Aiziet] un darbības perioda laikā izpildīt jebkuru no tālāk norādītajiem uzdevumiem, lai saņemtu atlīdzību līdz pat 5,5 USD. Atlīdzības ir ierobežotas, un tās tiks sadalītas rindas kārtībā.

Detalizēta informācija par uzdevumu:
1. Atveriet visas desmit unikālas Binance Square saites, kamēr esat pieteicies savā Binance kontā.

Atlīdzība par paveikto uzdevumu līdz 0,5 USD

2. Pabeidziet darījumu vismaz 100 ASV dolāru apmērā ar tūlītēju, fjūčeru, maržu, opciju vai konvertāciju.

"Binance Square Reward Event"- 'Share Links & Complete Tasks to Unlock Up to 100 USDT in Rewards'#Binance200M #TopCoinsJune2024 Binance Square is pleased to Announce a 'New Event for All Users' ~~~ “Share to Win” Activity ~~~ where Verified Users may Participate to Unlock over '$100 USDT Rewards' Activity Period: 2024-05-23 09:00 (UTC) to 2024-06-06 09:00 (UTC) #BTC #altcoins Activity 1: Share Binance Square Links With Your Referrals to Get up to 100 USDT in Crypto Red Packet. To participate in this Activity, verified Binance users (referrers) can log in to their Binance accounts and share any Binance Square link(s) with new and existing Binance users (referrals) during the Activity Period. After the referrals open the shared Binance Square link(s), both the referrers and the referrals can unlock Crypto Red Packet(s) worth up to 2 USDT each. Activity 2: New Users Exclusive - Sign up With Binance & Complete Tasks to Earn up to 5.5 USDT in Rewards In addition, new users who sign up with Binance via the Activity page may click on the [Go] button and complete any of the following task(s) during the Activity Period to get up to 5.5 USDT in rewards. Rewards are limited and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. #BlackRock Task Details: 1. Open any ten unique Binance Square links while being logged in to your Binance account. Reward per Completed Task Up to 0.5 USDT 2. Complete a Trade of at least $100 equivalent on Spot, Futures, Margin, Options, or Convert. --> Harry Up & Don't Miss this Opportunity !!! ->''Participate Now in this Great Big Event" Thank you 👍🏼 👍🏼 👍🏼

"Binance Square Reward Event"- 'Share Links & Complete Tasks to Unlock Up to 100 USDT in Rewards'

#Binance200M #TopCoinsJune2024
Binance Square is pleased to Announce a 'New Event for All Users'

~~~ “Share to Win” Activity ~~~
where Verified Users may Participate to Unlock over '$100 USDT Rewards'

Activity Period: 2024-05-23 09:00 (UTC) to 2024-06-06 09:00 (UTC)
#BTC #altcoins
Activity 1:
Share Binance Square Links With Your Referrals to Get up to 100 USDT in Crypto Red Packet.

To participate in this Activity, verified Binance users (referrers) can log in to their Binance accounts and share any Binance Square link(s) with new and existing Binance users (referrals) during the Activity Period. After the referrals open the shared Binance Square link(s), both the referrers and the referrals can unlock Crypto Red Packet(s) worth up to 2 USDT each.

Activity 2:
New Users Exclusive - Sign up With Binance & Complete Tasks to Earn up to 5.5 USDT in Rewards

In addition, new users who sign up with Binance via the Activity page may click on the [Go] button and complete any of the following task(s) during the Activity Period to get up to 5.5 USDT in rewards. Rewards are limited and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Task Details:
1. Open any ten unique Binance Square links while being logged in to your Binance account.
Reward per Completed Task Up to 0.5 USDT

2. Complete a Trade of at least $100 equivalent on Spot, Futures, Margin, Options, or Convert.

--> Harry Up & Don't Miss this Opportunity !!!
->''Participate Now in this Great Big Event"

Thank you 👍🏼 👍🏼 👍🏼
Binance Announcement
Lista (LISTA) Megadrop tagad ir atvērts: abonējiet BNB bloķētus produktus vai aizpildiet Web3 uzdevumus, lai piedalītos!
SVARĪGI! Binance būs pirmā platforma, kas uzskaitīs šeit minēto marķieri. Visi apgalvojumi par šī marķiera piedāvāšanu pārdošanai pirms norādītā laika grafika ir nepatiesa reklāma. Lūdzu, veiciet paši savu izpēti, lai nodrošinātu savu līdzekļu drošību.
Šis ir vispārējs paziņojums. Šeit minētie produkti un pakalpojumi var nebūt pieejami jūsu reģionā.
Binansiešu kolēģi, 
Binance ar prieku paziņo par 2. projektu [Binance Megadrop](https://www.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/megadrop) — Lista (LISTA), kas ir likvīdās naudas un decentralizēts stabilu monētu protokols. Lietotāji var sākt piedalīties Lista Megadrop no 2024-05-30 00:00:00 (UTC). Tiek lēsts, ka lapa Lista Megadrop būs pieejama [Binance App]( pēc 24 stundām.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Labākās 6 stratēģijas filmai "Bezmaksas kriptovalūtas pelnīšana 2024. gadā"#StartInvestingInCrypto #EarnFreeCrypto2024 Tā kā KRIPTOVALŪTA#turpinagūt panākumus visā pasaulē, daudzi meklē veidus, kā nopelnīt digitālos aktīvus bez tiešām investīcijām. °°°°°°--------------°°°°° #btc70k <t-88/>#MicroStrategy #Megadrop °°°_Šeit ir sešas labākās stratēģijas bezmaksas kriptovalūtas pelnīšanai 2024. gadā: 1. Airdrops un Forks: Airdrops ir reklāmas rīki, ko izmanto blokķēdes projekti, lai esošajiem kriptovalūtas īpašniekiem izplatītu bezmaksas marķierus. Dakšas rodas, kad blokķēde sadalās divās daļās, bieži nodrošinot sākotnējās monētas turētājiem līdzvērtīgu daudzumu jaunajā monētā. Sekojot līdzi cienījamiem airdrop paziņojumiem un piedaloties blokķēdes dakšās, var iegūt bezmaksas kriptovalūtu.

Labākās 6 stratēģijas filmai "Bezmaksas kriptovalūtas pelnīšana 2024. gadā"

#StartInvestingInCrypto #EarnFreeCrypto2024
Tā kā KRIPTOVALŪTA#turpinagūt panākumus visā pasaulē, daudzi meklē veidus, kā nopelnīt digitālos aktīvus bez tiešām investīcijām.
#btc70k <t-88/>#MicroStrategy #Megadrop
°°°_Šeit ir sešas labākās stratēģijas bezmaksas kriptovalūtas pelnīšanai 2024. gadā:

1. Airdrops un Forks:
Airdrops ir reklāmas rīki, ko izmanto blokķēdes projekti, lai esošajiem kriptovalūtas īpašniekiem izplatītu bezmaksas marķierus. Dakšas rodas, kad blokķēde sadalās divās daļās, bieži nodrošinot sākotnējās monētas turētājiem līdzvērtīgu daudzumu jaunajā monētā. Sekojot līdzi cienījamiem airdrop paziņojumiem un piedaloties blokķēdes dakšās, var iegūt bezmaksas kriptovalūtu.
Crypto Beat
Decoding Top Hashtag Buzz: A Deep Dive into #Megadrop and #MtGox Enigma
The ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency throws up new trends and challenges at lightning speed. Two topics are currently dominating discussions in binance: #Megadrop and #MtGox . Understanding these concepts can empower you to navigate the crypto landscape with greater knowledge and confidence.
1. Binance Megadrop: A Game-Changer for Early Access and Rewards

Unveiling the Innovation:
Binance Megadrop is a groundbreaking token launch platform that breathes new life into the airdrop experience. Imagine a platform where you can not only gain early access to exciting Web3 projects but also actively participate and earn rewards before they even hit the main Binance exchange. That's the magic of Megadrop!
How Megadrop Works: Your Gateway to Early Engagement
Early Access Advantage: Megadrop throws open the doors to promising Web3 projects before their official Binance listing. This allows you to explore these ventures at an earlier stage, potentially participating in their growth story from the very beginning.Rewarding Participation: Forget passive airdrops. Megadrop incentivizes active engagement. You can earn rewards associated with these new projects by completing specific tasks known as "Web3 Quests." These quests are tailored to each project and might involve actions like subscribing your BNB (Binance Coin) to Simple Earn products, linking your Binance Web3 Wallet to the project, or participating in educational activities related to the project's goals.The Power of Points: Every quest you complete translates into points. The more points you accumulate, the bigger the rewards you'll receive when the project launches on the main exchange. This gamified approach fosters a win-win situation: you gain valuable early exposure and potentially lucrative rewards, while projects benefit from your active participation and community building.
Benefits of Joining the Megadrop Craze:
Be an Early Adopter: Get a head start on exploring promising Web3 projects before the masses, potentially identifying hidden gems.Earn Rewarding Incentives: Your active participation in "Web3 Quests" translates into rewards, allowing you to benefit from the project's success.Stay Ahead of the Curve: Megadrop keeps you at the forefront of the latest blockchain advancements and trends within the Web3 space.
2. Mt. Gox: A Cautionary Tale from Crypto's Past

The Fall of a Giant:
Mt. Gox was once a titan in the cryptocurrency exchange arena, handling a significant portion of Bitcoin (BTC) trading in the nascent days of the digital asset. However, in 2014, a catastrophic hack shattered the exchange's foundation. Hackers managed to siphon away a staggering amount – over 650,000 BTC – leading to Mt. Gox's collapse. This event remains etched in cryptocurrency history as the biggest hack ever witnessed.
The Aftermath and Ongoing Repercussions:
Mt. Gox filed for bankruptcy, leaving a trail of devastation for users who had entrusted their BTC to the exchange. Since 2018, the exchange has been embroiled in a complex civil rehabilitation process aiming to compensate affected customers with a portion of the lost BTC. However, the perpetrators of the hack remain shrouded in mystery, highlighting the need for robust security measures and constant vigilance in the face of evolving cyber threats.
Lessons Learned: Security is Paramount
The Mt. Gox saga serves as a stark reminder of the paramount importance of security in the cryptocurrency realm. It underscores the need for stringent exchange security protocols, along with the responsibility of users to practice safe storage habits for their digital assets. Here are some key takeaways:
Exchange Security Matters: Always choose reputable exchanges with a proven track record of robust security measures. Research their practices and ensure they employ industry-standard security protocols.Self-Custody Considerations: For advanced users, exploring self-custody options like hardware wallets can provide additional control over your digital assets. Remember, with great control comes great responsibility – ensure you understand the risks and best practices associated with self-custody before taking the plunge.Staying Vigilant: The world of cryptocurrency is constantly evolving, and so are the threats. Stay informed about the latest security vulnerabilities and keep your software updated to mitigate risks.
Navigating the Future: Balancing Innovation and Security
Binance Megadrop represents a pioneering approach to token launches, fostering community engagement and early access to exciting projects. Conversely, the Mt. Gox story serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of robust security in the digital asset landscape. By understanding both sides of the coin, you can make informed decisions, actively participate in the crypto space, and prioritize the security of your valuable digital assets.
N.B: This post is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered financially.
#StartInvestingInCrypto #Write2Earn!
#BinanceSquareFamily #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #btc70k #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins Binance Square Initiates ''Write to Earn'' Campaign! ->Details & Instructions are given Below👇🏼⬇️👇🏼 °°°------°°° Binance Square has Launched a new promotion called ''Write to Earn." This initiative allows Binance Square creators to earn 5% trading fee commissions from spot, margin, or futures trades made by their readers. Promotion Period:(May 20,2024 -- July 14,2024) 👉To be eligible for this promotion, Binance Square creators must meet specific requirements. These include completing account verification, setting up a profile on Binance Square, and posting a minimum of 7 posts with at least 200 characters each in the past 30 days. To participate, Creator's need to register on the promotion page, publish qualified content pieces, and they can earn 5% in trading fee commissions from regular and VIP 1-2 users' spot, margin, and futures trades. 🔥 Each week, Binance will tabulate the commission rewards accumulated by each qualified participant and distribute the weekly commission rewards in FDUSD to eligible Binance Square creators' Funding Wallets. Now let's go through the easy steps! 👉 Register here: Use the sign up button 👉 You also will need to publish minimum of 7 posts ( 200+ characters each ) in 30 days to ve eligible for Rewards! 💪 You can earn in 3 simple ways: 1. Add a candle chart widget for the coin you mentioned 2. Add the Coin Hashtag on your menu and add the token you want to publish about 3. Binance Square System will detect automatically any trending coins mentioned in your content! It's very, very simple. And here in the picture below is how you actually earn! When someone clicks anywhere in your content and trades you get commission Read more about Rewards Benefits, Link is given below👇🏼⬇️👇🏼: "Happy Writing and Earnings"💰📝#Write&Earn $ETH $PEPE $BTC
#BinanceSquareFamily #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #btc70k #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins

Binance Square Initiates ''Write to Earn'' Campaign!

->Details & Instructions are given Below👇🏼⬇️👇🏼


Binance Square has Launched a new promotion called ''Write to Earn."
This initiative allows Binance Square creators to earn 5% trading fee commissions from spot, margin, or futures trades made by their readers.

Promotion Period:(May 20,2024 -- July 14,2024)

👉To be eligible for this promotion, Binance Square creators must meet specific requirements. These include completing account verification, setting up a profile on Binance Square, and posting a minimum of 7 posts with at least 200 characters each in the past 30 days.

To participate, Creator's need to register on the promotion page, publish qualified content pieces, and they can earn 5% in trading fee commissions from regular and VIP 1-2 users' spot, margin, and futures trades.

🔥 Each week, Binance will tabulate the commission rewards accumulated by each qualified participant and distribute the weekly commission rewards in FDUSD to eligible Binance Square creators' Funding Wallets.

Now let's go through the easy steps!

👉 Register here:

Use the sign up button

👉 You also will need to publish minimum of 7 posts ( 200+ characters each ) in 30 days to ve eligible for Rewards!

💪 You can earn in 3 simple ways:
1. Add a candle chart widget for the coin you mentioned
2. Add the Coin Hashtag on your menu and add the token you want to publish about
3. Binance Square System will detect automatically any trending coins mentioned in your content!

It's very, very simple. And here in the picture below is how you actually earn! When someone clicks anywhere in your content and trades you get commission

Read more about Rewards Benefits, Link is given below👇🏼⬇️👇🏼:

"Happy Writing and Earnings"💰📝#Write&Earn $ETH $PEPE $BTC
#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #announcement #Megadrop •••Binance Square: Share Links & Complete Tasks to Unlock Up to 100 USDT in Rewards••• °°° ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ °°° Binance Square is pleased to introduce a new “Share to Win” activity, where verified users may participate to unlock over 100 USDT in Rewards. **Activity Period: (2024-05-23 -- to -- 2024-06-06) Activity 1: Share Binance Square Links With Your Referrals to Get up to $100 USDT in Crypto Red Packet ->To participate in this Activity, verified Binance users (referrers) can log in to their Binance accounts and share any Binance Square link(s) with new and existing Binance users (referrals) during the Activity Period. After the referrals open the shared Binance Square link(s), both the referrers and the referrals can unlock Crypto Red Packet(s) worth up to 2 USDT each. ->Please note that each referrer may claim a maximum of one Crypto Red Packet reward per referral via App during the Activity Period, and up to 50 Crypto Red Packets from this Activity. Activity 2: New Users Exclusive - Signup With Binance & Complete Tasks to Earn up to 5.5 USDT in Rewards. In addition, new users who sign up with Binance via the Activity page may click on the [Go] button and complete any of the following task(s) during the Activity Period to get up to $5.5 USDT in rewards. °°°---------------°°° **{Rewards are limited and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.}** **-- Task Details --**: 1. Open any ''10 Unique Binance Square Links'' while being Logged into your Binance account. **Reward per Completed Task Up to 0.5 USDT** 2. Complete a "Trade of at least $100 Equivalent" on [ Spot, Futures, Margin, Options, or Convert.] [[**_More Details Link🔗_**:]]( °°°------------°°° #BinanceLaunchpool $BTC #altcoins $PEPE $SHIB
#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #announcement #Megadrop

•••Binance Square: Share Links & Complete Tasks to Unlock Up to 100 USDT in Rewards•••

°°° ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ °°°

Binance Square is pleased to introduce a new “Share to Win” activity, where verified users may participate to unlock over 100 USDT in Rewards.

**Activity Period: (2024-05-23 -- to -- 2024-06-06)

Activity 1:

Share Binance Square Links With Your Referrals to Get up to $100 USDT in Crypto Red Packet

->To participate in this Activity, verified Binance users (referrers) can log in to their Binance accounts and share any Binance Square link(s) with new and existing Binance users (referrals) during the Activity Period. After the referrals open the shared Binance Square link(s), both the referrers and the referrals can unlock Crypto Red Packet(s) worth up to 2 USDT each.

->Please note that each referrer may claim a maximum of one Crypto Red Packet reward per referral via App during the Activity Period, and up to 50 Crypto Red Packets from this Activity.

Activity 2:

New Users Exclusive - Signup With Binance & Complete Tasks to Earn up to 5.5 USDT in Rewards.

In addition, new users who sign up with Binance via the Activity page may click on the [Go] button and complete any of the following task(s) during the Activity Period to get up to $5.5 USDT in rewards.
**{Rewards are limited and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.}**

**-- Task Details --**:

1. Open any ''10 Unique Binance Square Links'' while being Logged into your Binance account.

**Reward per Completed Task Up to 0.5 USDT**

2. Complete a "Trade of at least $100 Equivalent"
on [ Spot, Futures, Margin, Options, or Convert.]

[**_More Details Link🔗_**:]


#BinanceLaunchpool $BTC #altcoins $PEPE $SHIB
Binance Announcement
Introducing Lista (LISTA) on Binance Megadrop! Lock Your BNB and Complete Web3 Quests for Airdrop
IMPORTANT: Binance will be the first platform to list the token mentioned herein. The trading start time will be announced in a separate announcement. Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds.
This is a general announcement. Products and services referred to here may not be available in your region.
Fellow Binancians,
Binance is launching Binance Megadrop, a new token launch platform with airdrops and Web3 quests, where users can subscribe BNB to Locked Products and/or complete tasks in their Web3 Wallet for early access to rewards from selected Web3 projects before their tokens are listed on the Binance Exchange.
The 2nd project to be introduced on Binance Megadrop will be Lista (LISTA), a liquid staking and decentralized stablecoin protocol.
Lista Megadrop Details:
Token Name: Lista (LISTA)Max Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 LISTA Megadrop Token Rewards: 100,000,000 LISTA (10% of max token supply)Initial Circulating Supply: 230,000,000 LISTA (23% of max token supply)Research Report: Lista (LISTA) (which will be available within 1 hour of publishing this announcement)
More details on the Megadrop amount, Web3 Quests, and detailed listing plan will be announced in a separate announcement soon.
What is Binance Megadrop:
Binance Megadrop is a new token launch platform that seamlessly integrates Binance Simple Earn and the Binance Web3 Wallet, reinventing users' airdrop experience. Megadrop grants users early access to select Web3 projects before they are listed on Binance.
This unique combination of engagement, education and rewards positions Megadrop as an unparalleled interactive experience within both Binance and the broader crypto ecosystem.
How to Get Started with Binance Megadrop:
Log into your Binance account.Subscribe to BNB Locked Products and/or complete Web3 Quests to accrue scores. To complete Web3 Quests, make sure you have at least one active Binance Web3 Wallet. Register for a Binance account and create your first Web3 Wallet now if you have not yet done so.Complete subscriptions to BNB Locked Products on Simple Earn to accrue scores. Go to Megadrop on the Binance App (coming soon) and complete all the designated Web3 Quests to accrue scores and obtain a score multiplier.Receive Megadrop rewards based on your Total Score.
Score-Based Megadrop Mechanism:
Megadrop reward per qualified user will be based on the user’s Total Score in proportion to the Total Scores by all qualified users. Scoring System:Locked BNB Score: Users will receive a score based on the quantity of BNB subscribed and the length of the subscription period. Longer subscriptions yield higher scores. This score may fluctuate as it is based on averages from daily snapshots.Web3 Quest Bonus* and Web3 Quest Multiplier: Users will receive a Web3 Quest Bonus and a Web3 Quest Multiplier when they complete all the designated Web3 Quests with the minimum requirements specified. The system will calculate users’ Total Score by applying the Web3 Quest Multiplier to their total Locked BNB Score and then adding the Web3 Quest Bonus.Total Score = (Locked BNB Score * Web3 Quest Multiplier) + Web3 Quest Bonus
* If users do not finish all designated Web3 Quests, the multiplier will be 1.
Users may refer to the FAQ for more details.
Update on BNB Locked Products
In anticipation of Megadrop events in the future, Binance has updated the APRs and the maximum subscription limits per user. Please check out BNB Locked Products for the latest changes.
There will be a cap applied to the total BNB Locked Products subscription amount used in calculations of Locked BNB Score in all Megadrop events. More details will be provided in a separate announcement.
For each Megadrop, users will receive different scores for each active BNB Locked Products subscription they have, based on the length of the corresponding subscription period. The longer the duration, the higher your Locked BNB Score.
Subscribing to BNB Locked Products will allow users to accrue scores for Megadrop. Please note that BNB Vault assets do not count toward the score calculation for Megadrop events.
Users who are participating in Megadrop by locking their BNB with Locked Products, will also receive Launchpool rewards at the same time. Users are not required to manually redeem their BNB assets from BNB Locked Products to participate in Launchpools.
Users may refer to Frequently Asked Questions on Megadrop and BNB Locked Products for more information.
External wallets imported to Binance Web3 Wallet will not count. Only backed-up wallets that are created in Binance Web3 Wallet may participate in Megadrop. Users may go to the Megadrop project page (the page will be available in the second announcement) to check if a quest is completed successfully. Megadrop rewards will be airdropped to users’ Binance Spot Wallets
Lista (LISTA) Project Links:
Further Information:
What Is Binance MegadropWhat Is Binance Web3 Wallet and How Does It WorkHow to Back Up Your Binance Web3 Wallet
Terms & Conditions:
Only users who complete identity verification and hold at least one active Binance Web3 Wallet may qualify for Megadrop rewards.Snapshots of users’ BNB Locked Products subscriptions will be taken multiple times at any point of time each hour to get users’ hourly average subscriptions and calculate user rewards. User rewards will be updated on a daily basis.Users need to be from an eligible jurisdiction to participate in LISTA Megadrop. Currently, users residing in the following countries or regions will not be able to participate by subscribing to BNB Locked Products or completing Web3 Quests: For Simple Earn BNB Locked Products participants: Australia, Canada, Cuba, Crimea Region, Hong Kong, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, Netherlands, North Korea, Russia, Singapore, Syria, United Kingdom, United States of America and its territories (American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands), and any non-government controlled areas of Ukraine.For Web3 Quests participants: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Crimea Region, Cyprus, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, Netherlands, North Korea, Russia, Singapore, Syria, United States of America and its territories (American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands), and any non-government controlled areas of Ukraine.Please note that the list of excluded countries provided here is not exhaustive and may be subject to changes due to evolving local rules, regulations, or other considerations. This list may be updated periodically to accommodate changes in legal, regulatory, or other factors. Binance may at its sole and absolute discretion impose upper limits to the amount of rewarded tokens.Please refer to Binance Simple Earn Terms of Use prior to using BNB Locked Products on the Binance Simple Earn platform. Users may also view the FAQ on Simple Earn Locked Products for more information.There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise.
Thank you for your support!
Binance Team
Note: This announcement was updated on 2024-05-23 to update the announcement title, APR rates, and the maximum subscription limits per user.
"#pizzaday #celebration Announcement "

#pizzas #BRC20Projects $BTC

🚨#binancepizzaday ANNIVERSARY on "MAY 22"

🚨IT'S time to Enter "GIFT of $52000 USDT in PIZZBRC"


🚨FOR THE FIRST TIME ON MAY 22, ''38 $BTC " were used to BUY A PIZZA🍕



🔺️Why $AVAX Could Be The Cryptocurrency Powerhouse In The Next Bullrun🔺️

Guys AVAX is definetly a coin to invest in and is expected to be one of the main performers in the coming Bullrun while the price is expected to rally & jump way above previous ALL TIME HIGHS of $145 🚀

🎷#AVAX scalability, security, & diverse functionalities fuel its popularity and potential. Let's delve into why AVAX packs a punch🎷

👹 Speed Demon in the Blockchain Race:

AVAX boasts blazing fast transaction speeds, processing thousands per second thanks to its unique consensus mechanism. This speed, unmatched by many competitors, attracts developers & users seeking swift and efficient transactions.

⚡️Scalability for Everyone:

Unlike some block chains struggling with congestion, AVAX scales elegantly. Its innovative architecture allows for parallel processing, ensuring smooth operations even during periods of high activity. This scalability paves the way for mass adoption and real-world applications.

💰 Security You Can Trust:

Avalanche offers robust security through its subnet architecture & proof of stake consensus mechanism. This multi layered security model protects the network from attacks and ensures transaction integrity.

♻️ More Than Just Transactions:

AVAX isn't just for sending & receiving funds. It fuels a thriving DeFi ecosystem with diverse offerings like lending, borrowing, & decentralized exchanges. This versatility attracts users seeking innovative financial solutions on a secure platform.

📣 Governance with a Voice:

AVAX holders play an active role in the network's governance. They can vote on proposals shaping the platform's development, ensuring alignment with community needs & fostering decentralization.

🎬 Conclusion:

AVAX's speed, scalability, security, and diverse functionalities showcase its undeniable potential. Yes AVAX will definitely MELT FACES during the Next Bullrun🔥

Follow & Like for MORE Exclusive News🥂

"Binance #ETFvsBTC Campaign" WIN up to 500 FDUSD! 🚀 Share your insights into the comparison between Bitcoin ETFs and direct Bitcoin purchases. #ETFvsBTC #ETHETFS #BTC $BTC $ETH
"Binance #ETFvsBTC Campaign"

WIN up to 500 FDUSD! 🚀
Share your insights into the comparison between Bitcoin ETFs and direct Bitcoin purchases.

Crypto De Nostradame
Bitcoin gave a signal: These 5 altcoins lit the wick of the rise!

Bitcoin, which started to recover within a few days, came like a medicine to the altcoin market. Altcoins, which were heavily affected by the sharp declines, found strength with the upward movements of BTC. Cryptocurrencies, which rose one by one, naturally made investors happy. So, which altcoins increased the most in the last 24 hours?

#AKT , which stands out in the cloud services category, ranked first on the list with an increase of 11 percent in the last 24 hours. The positive price movements of AKT, one of the potential cryptocurrencies of 2024, made the project even more recognized. The next price movements of the altcoin are eagerly awaited.

RNDR, one of the most well-known altcoins in the artificial intelligence field, entered the list in second place with a 9 percent increase in the last 24 hours. #RNDR , which makes a big difference not only to altcoins in the artificial intelligence category but also to the overall market, continues to attract attention.

#DOGE , the leading name of Memecoins, ranked third on the list with a 7 percent increase in the last 24 hours. The popular altcoin, which rose again after a short break, gave positive signals for the memecoin craze, delighting the investor base.

Fueled by the recovery of Bitcoin, #AVAX has increased by 5 percent in the last 24 hours. The major coin, which has not been on this list for a while, made its ecosystem and investors happy with this price move. If AVAX settles above $40, the upward trend in the parity can be expected to continue.

WIF, considered one of the new memecoins of the Solana ecosystem, increased by 4 percent in the last 24 hours. #WIF , which gained value with the upward movement of the market, became another altcoin that came to the fore. If the demand for the Solana ecosystem increases or the memecoin craze intensifies, expectations from WIF may increase.
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