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Šeit ir 86. epohas skaitļi: Kopā: $179 193 par vēlētāju!! 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰 No tiem: Maksa: 127 744 USD Kukuļi: 51 448 ASV dolāri Es vēlos redzēt, kā arēna ietekmēs šos skaitļus nākamajās nedēļās. Līdz šim pirmajām @ThenaFi_ Arena sacensībām reģistrētas jau 288! Tas nozīmē, 🥇 Vieta šobrīd lepojas ar lepnu $840 balvu! Ja vēlies piedalīties, dodies un piesakies! Vēl nav par vēlu pievienoties THE STORY, lai nodrošinātu savu daļu no $30 000 balvu fonda!! Lūk, lai piedalītos: #campain #thena #Arena
Šeit ir 86. epohas skaitļi:

Kopā: $179 193 par vēlētāju!!

No tiem:
Maksa: 127 744 USD
Kukuļi: 51 448 ASV dolāri

Es vēlos redzēt, kā arēna ietekmēs šos skaitļus nākamajās nedēļās. Līdz šim pirmajām @ThenaFi_ Arena sacensībām reģistrētas jau 288!

Tas nozīmē,
🥇 Vieta šobrīd lepojas ar lepnu $840 balvu!

Ja vēlies piedalīties, dodies un piesakies! Vēl nav par vēlu pievienoties THE STORY, lai nodrošinātu savu daļu no $30 000 balvu fonda!!
Lūk, lai piedalītos:
#campain #thena #Arena
Skatīt oriģinālu
Mana pieredze ar Tenu Es atbraucu uz Tenu ar gaisa pilienu $OATH īpašniekiem. Kopš Epoch Zero esmu bijis daļa no kopienas un esmu bijis liecinieks šīs platformas iespaidīgajai attīstībai. Pastāvīgā platformas uzlabošana un vēlētāju dinamiskā atlīdzība mani ir īpaši iespaidojusi. Tie mainās atkarībā no tirgus apstākļiem, parādot, cik Tēna ir pielāgojama. Kā dažu kāroto NFT īpašnieks es gūstu labumu no platformas maksām. Ierobežotais 1734 NFT skaits, kas veido 10% no kopējām maksām, padara tos īpaši vērtīgus. BNBCHAIN Kopumā @ThenaFi_ redzu gaišu nākotni. Platforma ir lietotājam draudzīga un novatoriska. Es nevaru gaidīt, lai redzētu, cik daudz maksas Thena iegūs veNFT un theNFT īpašniekiem buļļu tirgū. Mana labākā nedēļas atlīdzība bija aptuveni 1350 USD! 🤑🤑🤑🤑 Esmu sajūsmā par Thena kredītkarti, kas ļaus man tieši tērēt atlīdzības. Es arī ceru uz ARENA funkciju pielāgotu tirdzniecības sacensību izveidei. Man Thena ir viena no labākajām platformām kriptogrāfijas jomā, un es lepojos, ka esmu daļa no šī ceļojuma. Es nevaru sagaidīt, kad Thena kļūs par pirmo vietu BNB-CHAIN
Mana pieredze ar Tenu

Es atbraucu uz Tenu ar gaisa pilienu $OATH īpašniekiem. Kopš Epoch Zero esmu bijis daļa no kopienas un esmu bijis liecinieks šīs platformas iespaidīgajai attīstībai.

Pastāvīgā platformas uzlabošana un vēlētāju dinamiskā atlīdzība mani ir īpaši iespaidojusi. Tie mainās atkarībā no tirgus apstākļiem, parādot, cik Tēna ir pielāgojama.

Kā dažu kāroto NFT īpašnieks es gūstu labumu no platformas maksām. Ierobežotais 1734 NFT skaits, kas veido 10% no kopējām maksām, padara tos īpaši vērtīgus.
Kopumā @ThenaFi_ redzu gaišu nākotni. Platforma ir lietotājam draudzīga un novatoriska. Es nevaru gaidīt, lai redzētu, cik daudz maksas Thena iegūs veNFT un theNFT īpašniekiem buļļu tirgū. Mana labākā nedēļas atlīdzība bija aptuveni 1350 USD!

Esmu sajūsmā par Thena kredītkarti, kas ļaus man tieši tērēt atlīdzības. Es arī ceru uz ARENA funkciju pielāgotu tirdzniecības sacensību izveidei.

Man Thena ir viena no labākajām platformām kriptogrāfijas jomā, un es lepojos, ka esmu daļa no šī ceļojuma. Es nevaru sagaidīt, kad Thena kļūs par pirmo vietu BNB-CHAIN
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vai jūs zināt, kas nāk uz @Square-Creator-6a6637909 Labākais tirdzniecības turnīrs, ko var izveidot visi! JŪSU KOPIENA JŪSU NOTEIKUMI TAVA SPĒLE JŪSU BALVAS Nebeidzama jautrība! Turiet acis atvērtas TĒNAI Drīzumā būs apmācību turnīri #ThenaArena
Vai jūs zināt, kas nāk uz @Bnbchain
Labākais tirdzniecības turnīrs, ko var izveidot visi!


Nebeidzama jautrība!
Turiet acis atvērtas TĒNAI
Drīzumā būs apmācību turnīri

Skatīt oriģinālu
THENA turnīri
THENA turnīri
🎉 OPBNB Surpasses 950,000 Daily Users & Keeps Fees Low! 🚀 OPBNB's achievement of over 950,000 daily active users and maintaining GAS fees at just 5 BNB signals a significant leap towards making DeFi more accessible and efficient for everyone. Impact Highlights: For Users Lower fees mean more cost-effective DeFi access, increasing savings and investment opportunities. For Thena Ecosystem A surge in OPBNB users boosts activity and liquidity, enhancing $the ecosystem. For Partners CryptoAlgebra , symm_temp , LiquidDriver Benefits include more efficient trading, innovative financial products access, and better yields, all thanks to lower transaction costs. Why It Matters This milestone not only signifies OPBNB's success but also marks a victory for the broader DeFi community, promising a future of more affordable and accessible financial services. Thena and partners are set to continue delivering value and innovation, thanks to OPBNB's efficient infrastructure.
OPBNB Surpasses 950,000 Daily Users & Keeps Fees Low!

OPBNB's achievement of over 950,000 daily active users and maintaining GAS fees at just 5 BNB signals a significant leap towards making DeFi more accessible and efficient for everyone.

Impact Highlights:

For Users
Lower fees mean more cost-effective DeFi access, increasing savings and investment opportunities.

For Thena Ecosystem
A surge in OPBNB users boosts activity and liquidity, enhancing $the ecosystem.

For Partners CryptoAlgebra , symm_temp , LiquidDriver
Benefits include more efficient trading, innovative financial products access, and better yields, all thanks to lower transaction costs.

Why It Matters
This milestone not only signifies OPBNB's success but also marks a victory for the broader DeFi community, promising a future of more affordable and accessible financial services. Thena and partners are set to continue delivering value and innovation, thanks to OPBNB's efficient infrastructure.
I've thoroughly enjoyed making this video over the past week. If you're familiar with the classic game, you're aware it requires a strategic approach – a concept equally applicable to DeFi investments. It's crucial to strategize your moves and carefully decide where to allocate your funds. In my experience, Thena stands out as a wise choice in the DeFi landscape. The team is reliable, the product functions flawlessly, and they're dedicated to continuous enhancement, with a strong focus on rolling out user-centric features. Such dedication is a rare gem in the cryptocurrency world. Take a look at what they offer before their marketing efforts kick into high gear!
I've thoroughly enjoyed making this video over the past week.
If you're familiar with the classic game, you're aware it requires a strategic approach – a concept equally applicable to DeFi investments.

It's crucial to strategize your moves and carefully decide where to allocate your funds. In my experience, Thena stands out as a wise choice in the DeFi landscape.

The team is reliable, the product functions flawlessly, and they're dedicated to continuous enhancement, with a strong focus on rolling out user-centric features.

Such dedication is a rare gem in the cryptocurrency world. Take a look at what they offer before their marketing efforts kick into high gear!
Become a THENIAN
Become a THENIAN
Become a THENIAN
Become a THENIAN
The Epoch 56 has concluded, and once again, we've achieved beautiful results! The total amount of bribes and fees for $veTHE holders is $140,347! 💵💵 Bribes: $76,896 Fees: $63,451 This means for every 10K $veTHE Tokens, you receive $18.93 in rewards. Thena If you wanna have constant updates on Thena you can follow me on X
The Epoch 56
has concluded, and once again, we've achieved beautiful results!

The total amount of bribes and fees for $veTHE holders is $140,347!

Bribes: $76,896
Fees: $63,451

This means for every 10K $veTHE Tokens, you receive $18.93 in rewards.

If you wanna have constant updates on Thena you can follow me on X
Exciting Developments in the World of Crypto: opBNB and Thena 🚀 The Big Opportunity with opBNB The world of cryptocurrency is witnessing a significant opportunity with opBNB, known for its exceptional user experience and low gas fees. In a groundbreaking move, ThenaFi is currently testing subsidies for gas fees on opBNB, coupled with the introduction of social logins. This innovation simplifies the process for users, eliminating the complexities associated with wallet setup and maintenance. 🌐 Thena Strategic Positioning By integrating these features, Thena places itself strategically in the forefront of this new chain, poised to attract a robust user base from the EVM world and tap into the liquidity that opBNB offers. The projection for opBNB in 2024 is a trajectory of parabolic growth. 💹 Q1 2024: Arena Development Launch The first quarter of 2024 marks the launch of Arena Development. This social trading platform will enable users to mint their unique THENA IDs and start creating profiles. The platform is not just for trading; it's a hub for anyone to join or create trading competitions, applicable to both spot markets and perpetuals. It’s a critical component of Thena growth strategy, intended to gamify the trading experience and enhance protocol liquidity. 🎮 Engagement and Innovation Twelve protocols are already queuing up for the launch, with $7,000 pledged for competitions in the next seven months. Additionally, users will have the opportunity to launch their own trading competitions, adding a communal and interactive dimension to the platform. 🤝 Community-Driven Campaigns Thena is not just about technology; it’s about community. A joint campaign with OpenBSD is scheduled for January 11th, where participants can complete tasks for a chance to share a $10,000 airdrop. for more informations follow:
Exciting Developments in the World of Crypto: opBNB and Thena

🚀 The Big Opportunity with opBNB
The world of cryptocurrency is witnessing a significant opportunity with opBNB, known for its exceptional user experience and low gas fees. In a groundbreaking move, ThenaFi is currently testing subsidies for gas fees on opBNB, coupled with the introduction of social logins. This innovation simplifies the process for users, eliminating the complexities associated with wallet setup and maintenance.

🌐 Thena Strategic Positioning
By integrating these features, Thena places itself strategically in the forefront of this new chain, poised to attract a robust user base from the EVM world and tap into the liquidity that opBNB offers. The projection for opBNB in 2024 is a trajectory of parabolic growth.

💹 Q1 2024: Arena Development Launch
The first quarter of 2024 marks the launch of Arena Development. This social trading platform will enable users to mint their unique THENA IDs and start creating profiles. The platform is not just for trading; it's a hub for anyone to join or create trading competitions, applicable to both spot markets and perpetuals. It’s a critical component of Thena growth strategy, intended to gamify the trading experience and enhance protocol liquidity.

🎮 Engagement and Innovation
Twelve protocols are already queuing up for the launch, with $7,000 pledged for competitions in the next seven months. Additionally, users will have the opportunity to launch their own trading competitions, adding a communal and interactive dimension to the platform.

🤝 Community-Driven Campaigns
Thena is not just about technology; it’s about community. A joint campaign with OpenBSD is scheduled for January 11th, where participants can complete tasks for a chance to share a $10,000 airdrop.

for more informations follow:
WE are leaving the year 2023 with a BANG! last Epoch Thena collected 334.165 $ in FEES & BRIBES for veNFT VOTERS!!!! cannot wait to see $THE next numbers. We already started the EPOCH with the best start EVER! So fasten your SEATBELTS we are going to leave the Galaxy! #THENA_FI #Thena #Voting #PassiveIncome
WE are leaving the year 2023 with a BANG!

last Epoch Thena collected
334.165 $ in FEES & BRIBES
for veNFT VOTERS!!!!

cannot wait to see $THE next numbers. We already started the EPOCH with the best start EVER!

So fasten your SEATBELTS we are going to leave the Galaxy!

#THENA_FI #Thena #Voting #PassiveIncome
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