Binance Square
Crypto _xMaster
Viss saturs
Skatīt oriģinālu
❗️ Viena no pēkšņākajām avārijām kriptogrāfijas vēsturē ❗️ Šodien mēs piedzīvojām vienu no straujākajiem kritumiem kriptovalūtu pasaulē, kādu jebkad esmu redzējis. Burtiski viss tirgus kritās. Bitcoin: -2,54% Ethereum: -3,46% Altcoins: vēl sliktāk. Viss gāja uz leju, daudziem izraisot milzīgus zaudējumus. Pastāv spekulācijas, ka kriptovalis pārdeva lielu daudzumu BTC, savukārt citi liecina, ka platforma tika uzlauzta par 26 000 000 USD. Protams, es arī zaudēju naudu. Viss, ko mēs tagad varam darīt, ir gaidīt, kad tirgus drīz atveseļosies. Veiksmi visiem. #Bitcoin #btc #ETH
❗️ Viena no pēkšņākajām avārijām kriptogrāfijas vēsturē ❗️
Šodien mēs piedzīvojām vienu no straujākajiem kritumiem kriptovalūtu pasaulē, kādu jebkad esmu redzējis. Burtiski viss tirgus kritās.
Bitcoin: -2,54%
Ethereum: -3,46%
Altcoins: vēl sliktāk.
Viss gāja uz leju, daudziem izraisot milzīgus zaudējumus.
Pastāv spekulācijas, ka kriptovalis pārdeva lielu daudzumu BTC, savukārt citi liecina, ka platforma tika uzlauzta par 26 000 000 USD.
Protams, es arī zaudēju naudu. Viss, ko mēs tagad varam darīt, ir gaidīt, kad tirgus drīz atveseļosies. Veiksmi visiem.
#Bitcoin #btc #ETH
Skatīt oriģinālu
Analīze $ADA # 05/06/2024 ADA, ir pagājis ilgs laiks, kopš es par to publicēju, un es to daru tikai tāpēc, ka daži cilvēki to lūdza. Pirms gadiem nopelnīju naudu, turot šo, bet BEIDZU izkļūt no tā 2021. gadā, un es neiekļuvu lielajā kritumā 2023. gadā un neiekļuvu tajā 2024. gadā, kā arī neiegūšu. jebkurā gadā (SPOT tirgū). Es uzskatu, ka CARDANO ir kaut kas gigantisks un drošs, es nedomāju, ka mēs kādreiz redzēsim, ka šie puiši bankrotēs vai krāps, bet man nepatīk šī kavēšanās visā, ko viņi gatavojas darīt, un būtībā mēs to darām. Es neredzu jauku mijiedarbību starp vadību un ADA turētājiem, un es to saku no pieredzes (jo pirms gadiem biju liels ADA īpašnieks). Runājot par cenu, tas izskatās labi, jo tas lauza USD 0,45 un pēc tam atgriezās pārbaudīt (tāpat kā pārējais tirgus). Acīmredzot nav iemesla tam no šejienes nokrist un vēl jo mazāk tam meklēt pelēko joslu zemāk par cenu. Tāpēc es uzskatu, ka oranžā josla diagrammā ir labs atbalsts, un mums drīz vajadzētu atkāpties no šejienes. Laiks šeit ir par labu BULLS, tāpēc mēs, visticamāk, redzēsim ADA USD 0,59 tuvākajās nedēļās un pēc tam USD 0,81. Sliktākais ir beidzies šeit, un tas ir OPTIMISTISTI!
Analīze $ADA # 05/06/2024
ADA, ir pagājis ilgs laiks, kopš es par to publicēju, un es to daru tikai tāpēc, ka daži cilvēki to lūdza.
Pirms gadiem nopelnīju naudu, turot šo, bet BEIDZU izkļūt no tā 2021. gadā, un es neiekļuvu lielajā kritumā 2023. gadā un neiekļuvu tajā 2024. gadā, kā arī neiegūšu. jebkurā gadā (SPOT tirgū).
Es uzskatu, ka CARDANO ir kaut kas gigantisks un drošs, es nedomāju, ka mēs kādreiz redzēsim, ka šie puiši bankrotēs vai krāps, bet man nepatīk šī kavēšanās visā, ko viņi gatavojas darīt, un būtībā mēs to darām. Es neredzu jauku mijiedarbību starp vadību un ADA turētājiem, un es to saku no pieredzes (jo pirms gadiem biju liels ADA īpašnieks).
Runājot par cenu, tas izskatās labi, jo tas lauza USD 0,45 un pēc tam atgriezās pārbaudīt (tāpat kā pārējais tirgus).
Acīmredzot nav iemesla tam no šejienes nokrist un vēl jo mazāk tam meklēt pelēko joslu zemāk par cenu. Tāpēc es uzskatu, ka oranžā josla diagrammā ir labs atbalsts, un mums drīz vajadzētu atkāpties no šejienes.
Laiks šeit ir par labu BULLS, tāpēc mēs, visticamāk, redzēsim ADA USD 0,59 tuvākajās nedēļās un pēc tam USD 0,81. Sliktākais ir beidzies šeit, un tas ir OPTIMISTISTI!
Skatīt oriģinālu
Lieliska iespēja laimēt 10 000 000 bonku monētu 10 000 000 = 175 USD
Lieliska iespēja laimēt 10 000 000 bonku monētu
10 000 000 = 175 USD
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vai $TOMATO ir krāpniecība? Patiesības atklāšana aiz kalnrūpniecības platformas 1. Kas ir $TOMATO? $TOMATO apgalvo, ka tā ir decentralizēta ieguves platforma, kas piedāvā vienkāršu marķieru ieguvi ar lielu atdevi un minimālu piepūli. Lai gan tās solījumi ir pievilcīgi, ir ļoti svarīgi izpētīt, vai tā ir likumīga iespēja vai iespējama krāpniecība. 2. Brīdinājuma zīmes, kas jāievēro Vairāki sarkanie karogi liecina par piesardzību: - Necaurspīdīgas darbības: platforma sniedz niecīgu informāciju par savu komandu, tehnoloģiju vai biznesa modeli. - Nepārbaudīti solījumi: augsta peļņa tiek reklamēta bez konkrētiem pierādījumiem vai atbalsta.

Vai $TOMATO ir krāpniecība? Patiesības atklāšana aiz kalnrūpniecības platformas

1. Kas ir $TOMATO?
$TOMATO apgalvo, ka tā ir decentralizēta ieguves platforma, kas piedāvā vienkāršu marķieru ieguvi ar lielu atdevi un minimālu piepūli. Lai gan tās solījumi ir pievilcīgi, ir ļoti svarīgi izpētīt, vai tā ir likumīga iespēja vai iespējama krāpniecība.
2. Brīdinājuma zīmes, kas jāievēro
Vairāki sarkanie karogi liecina par piesardzību:
- Necaurspīdīgas darbības: platforma sniedz niecīgu informāciju par savu komandu, tehnoloģiju vai biznesa modeli.
- Nepārbaudīti solījumi: augsta peļņa tiek reklamēta bez konkrētiem pierādījumiem vai atbalsta.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kā ātri pārvērst 10 USD par 1000 USD! ⚡🔥 (100% īsts) Iedomājieties, ka pārvēršat tikai 10 USD par 100 USD, pēc tam 500 USD un galu galā 1000 USD — tas izklausās kā sapnis, vai ne? Bet tas ir 100% īsts, un jūs varētu justies tā, it kā jūs būtu sasniedzis džekpotu 🎰 ar šīm spēcīgajām stratēģijām! Nirsim iekšā‼ Iepazīstieties ar Krisu, ambiciozu tirgotāju ar nelielu mērķi: nopelnīt papildu naudu. Viņam bija jāiegulda tikai 10 USD, taču tas viņam netraucēja ienākt kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības pasaulē. Kriss zināja, ka viņam ir jābūt gudram ar saviem ierobežotajiem līdzekļiem, tāpēc viņš sāka dziļi iedziļināties pētniecībā, pētīt dažādas tirdzniecības stratēģijas un rūpīgi vērot tirgus tendences.

Kā ātri pārvērst 10 USD par 1000 USD! ⚡🔥 (100% īsts)

Iedomājieties, ka pārvēršat tikai 10 USD par 100 USD, pēc tam 500 USD un galu galā 1000 USD — tas izklausās kā sapnis, vai ne? Bet tas ir 100% īsts, un jūs varētu justies tā, it kā jūs būtu sasniedzis džekpotu 🎰 ar šīm spēcīgajām stratēģijām! Nirsim iekšā‼
Iepazīstieties ar Krisu, ambiciozu tirgotāju ar nelielu mērķi: nopelnīt papildu naudu. Viņam bija jāiegulda tikai 10 USD, taču tas viņam netraucēja ienākt kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības pasaulē. Kriss zināja, ka viņam ir jābūt gudram ar saviem ierobežotajiem līdzekļiem, tāpēc viņš sāka dziļi iedziļināties pētniecībā, pētīt dažādas tirdzniecības stratēģijas un rūpīgi vērot tirgus tendences.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Rīkojies ātri! 3 Altcoins, ko iegādāties, kamēr vēl ir iespēja (NCDT): viņu risinājumi, lai revolucionizētu to, kā mēs iegūstam skaitļošanas jaudu, piekļūstam un gūstam peļņu. Shiba Inu (SHIB): Neskatoties uz pieaugošo degšanas ātrumu, SHIB raksturīgā nepastāvība un lielais divciparu vērtības kritums pēdējā mēneša laikā padara to par riskantu likmi ilgtermiņa investoriem. Axie Infinity (AXS): Kādreiz Axie Infinity bija blokķēdes spēļu līderis, tā saskaras ar nozares intereses samazināšanos un ievērojamiem vērtības zudumiem. (NCDT) celmlauzis decentralizētās skaitļošanas nākotnei ir pasaulē pirmais decentralizētais tīkla hiperskalotājs, un tas tika izstrādāts Ethereum tīklā. Tas pārveido skaitļošanas jaudas piegādes, piekļuves un pārdošanas veidu. Runājot par datora resursu koplietošanu un izmantošanu, nodrošina platformu, kas ir gan droša, gan bez berzes, pateicoties blokķēdes tehnoloģijas izmantošanai. SKYNET, PRO un GO ir trīs atšķirīgi elementi, kas izceļ šo platformu no citām. Izmantojot visas šīs iespējas, ir gan pielāgojams, gan izgudrojošs risinājums. Tas padara augstas veiktspējas skaitļošanu pieejamāku lielākam skaitam cilvēku, vienlaikus radot iekļaujošāku digitālo ekonomiku. Shiba Inu (SHIB) Shiba Inu ir viena no populārākajām mēmu monētām, un tā ir ieguvusi ievērojamu tiešsaistes sekotāju skaitu. Tomēr, neskatoties uz tās popularitāti, tā joprojām ir ļoti spekulatīva likme, kas, visticamāk, sadedzinās ieguldītāja vērtību nekā nē. Axie Infinity (AXS) Axie Infinity savulaik tika uzskatīts par blokķēdes spēļu milzi. Tās daudzpusīgais metaversums ļāva spēlētājiem sazināties ar vairāk nekā 500 NFT radībām.  #nucocloud #SHIB #AXS #BNBChainMemecoins #CPI_BTC_Watch
Rīkojies ātri! 3 Altcoins, ko iegādāties, kamēr vēl ir iespēja (NCDT): viņu risinājumi, lai revolucionizētu to, kā mēs iegūstam skaitļošanas jaudu, piekļūstam un gūstam peļņu.
Shiba Inu (SHIB): Neskatoties uz pieaugošo degšanas ātrumu, SHIB raksturīgā nepastāvība un lielais divciparu vērtības kritums pēdējā mēneša laikā padara to par riskantu likmi ilgtermiņa investoriem.
Axie Infinity (AXS): Kādreiz Axie Infinity bija blokķēdes spēļu līderis, tā saskaras ar nozares intereses samazināšanos un ievērojamiem vērtības zudumiem. (NCDT) celmlauzis decentralizētās skaitļošanas nākotnei ir pasaulē pirmais decentralizētais tīkla hiperskalotājs, un tas tika izstrādāts Ethereum tīklā. Tas pārveido skaitļošanas jaudas piegādes, piekļuves un pārdošanas veidu. Runājot par datora resursu koplietošanu un izmantošanu, nodrošina platformu, kas ir gan droša, gan bez berzes, pateicoties blokķēdes tehnoloģijas izmantošanai. SKYNET, PRO un GO ir trīs atšķirīgi elementi, kas izceļ šo platformu no citām.
Izmantojot visas šīs iespējas, ir gan pielāgojams, gan izgudrojošs risinājums. Tas padara augstas veiktspējas skaitļošanu pieejamāku lielākam skaitam cilvēku, vienlaikus radot iekļaujošāku digitālo ekonomiku.
Shiba Inu (SHIB)
Shiba Inu ir viena no populārākajām mēmu monētām, un tā ir ieguvusi ievērojamu tiešsaistes sekotāju skaitu. Tomēr, neskatoties uz tās popularitāti, tā joprojām ir ļoti spekulatīva likme, kas, visticamāk, sadedzinās ieguldītāja vērtību nekā nē.
Axie Infinity (AXS)
Axie Infinity savulaik tika uzskatīts par blokķēdes spēļu milzi. Tās daudzpusīgais metaversums ļāva spēlētājiem sazināties ar vairāk nekā 500 NFT radībām. 
#nucocloud #SHIB #AXS #BNBChainMemecoins #CPI_BTC_Watch
Skatīt oriģinālu
Lieliska iespēja laimēt 10 000 000 bonku monētu ar samaksu ļoti mazu summu 0,01 $ sūtīt naudu tālāk Binance es gribētu 👇 892616287 Maksājuma veids 1.nokopējiet doto binance ID tad skatīt attēlus pēc šīs ierakstiet summu ar savu vēlmi vismaz $0.01 usdt
Lieliska iespēja laimēt 10 000 000 bonku monētu
ar samaksu ļoti mazu summu
0,01 $
sūtīt naudu tālāk
Binance es gribētu 👇
Maksājuma veids
1.nokopējiet doto binance ID
skatīt attēlus
pēc šīs ierakstiet summu ar savu vēlmi vismaz $0.01 usdt
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ WIF Kas ir Dogwifhat (WIF)?Dogwifhat ir mēmu monēta, kuras pamatā ir moderna interneta mēma, kurā attēlots Šibainu suns ar rozā adītu cepuri. Tokens darbojas Solana (SOL) blokķēdē. Projekta dibinātāji paliek anonīmi, taču tiek uzskatīts, ka populārākā mēmu monēta Dogecoin (DOGE) ir viena no lietām, kas viņus iedvesmoja. Tomēr, lai gan DOGE ir daži lietošanas gadījumi, dogwifhat savu uztverto vērtību pilnībā iegūst no spekulācijām.Kopš tā ieviešanas 2023. gada decembrī, suņu tēmas marķiera vērtība ir nepārtraukti augusi, 2024. gada 8. martā sasniedzot visu laiku augstāko vērtību — aptuveni $ 2,25, un tirgus kapitalizāciju gandrīz 2,2 miljardu dolāru apmērā pēc tam. Binance paziņoja, ka iekļaus tokenu. #wifhatdog #CryptoMarketMoves #BinanceBlockchainWeek #BinanceSquareFamily

Kas ir Dogwifhat (WIF)?Dogwifhat ir mēmu monēta, kuras pamatā ir moderna interneta mēma, kurā attēlots Šibainu suns ar rozā adītu cepuri. Tokens darbojas Solana (SOL) blokķēdē. Projekta dibinātāji paliek anonīmi, taču tiek uzskatīts, ka populārākā mēmu monēta Dogecoin (DOGE) ir viena no lietām, kas viņus iedvesmoja. Tomēr, lai gan DOGE ir daži lietošanas gadījumi, dogwifhat savu uztverto vērtību pilnībā iegūst no spekulācijām.Kopš tā ieviešanas 2023. gada decembrī, suņu tēmas marķiera vērtība ir nepārtraukti augusi, 2024. gada 8. martā sasniedzot visu laiku augstāko vērtību — aptuveni $ 2,25, un tirgus kapitalizāciju gandrīz 2,2 miljardu dolāru apmērā pēc tam. Binance paziņoja, ka iekļaus tokenu. #wifhatdog #CryptoMarketMoves #BinanceBlockchainWeek #BinanceSquareFamily
Elon Musk Confirm "DOGE" Post Donald Trump Speech Dogecoin Jumps 🚨 Elon Musk, DOGE, & Trump 2024 What’s Happening? In an unexpected twist, Elon Musk dropped a bombshell on *X* with a post showcasing a nameplate that reads “DOGE” – but not the Dogecoin we know. This time, DOGE stands for the Department of Government Efficiency, reaffirming Musk’s plan to join Donald Trump’s team as an advisor if Trump wins the 2024 U.S. elections. 🚀 This comes after Trump confirmed that Musk would lead a **Government Efficiency Commission** under his administration, stirring up conversations about the tech billionaire's potential political role. 💡 So, how’s Dogecoin doing? As always, when Elon Musk is involved, Dogecoin's price reacted to this news! After hitting a 24-hour low of $0.08947, the meme coin surged by 5%, trading around $0.09417 at the time of writing. The futures open interest for Dogecoin also spiked, showing an increase in market attention. 📈 Is this a sign of more price action to come? Market speculators are already buzzing about the potential impact of Trump’s win on Dogecoin, especially if Musk lands this key position. Could we see a DOGE rally if Trump is victorious in 2024? ⚡️ Keep your eyes on the market and the polls! #doge
Elon Musk Confirm "DOGE" Post Donald Trump Speech Dogecoin Jumps
🚨 Elon Musk, DOGE, & Trump 2024 What’s Happening?
In an unexpected twist, Elon Musk dropped a bombshell on *X* with a post showcasing a nameplate that reads “DOGE” – but not the Dogecoin we know. This time, DOGE stands for the Department of Government Efficiency, reaffirming Musk’s plan to join Donald Trump’s team as an advisor if Trump wins the 2024 U.S. elections. 🚀
This comes after Trump confirmed that Musk would lead a **Government Efficiency Commission** under his administration, stirring up conversations about the tech billionaire's potential political role.
💡 So, how’s Dogecoin doing?
As always, when Elon Musk is involved, Dogecoin's price reacted to this news! After hitting a 24-hour low of $0.08947, the meme coin surged by 5%, trading around $0.09417 at the time of writing. The futures open interest for Dogecoin also spiked, showing an increase in market attention.
📈 Is this a sign of more price action to come? Market speculators are already buzzing about the potential impact of Trump’s win on Dogecoin, especially if Musk lands this key position. Could we see a DOGE rally if Trump is victorious in 2024?
⚡️ Keep your eyes on the market and the polls!
**Urgent Notice: Binance Delisting Cryptocurrencies on September 18, 2024** Binance will remove several cryptocurrencies from its platform on September 18, 2024. Here's what you need to know and do: $**Cryptocurrencies Being Removed:** - **ForTube ($FOR):** Currently at $0.00997, down -42.51% in the last 24 hours. Poor market performance. - **Ellipsis ($EPX):** Trading at $0.0000799, down -34.60%. Reduced user engagement. - **Voyager Token ($VGX):** At $0.0399, down -33.64%. Collapse of the Voyager platform. - **PowerPool ($CVP):** Priced at $0.2300, down -39.23%. Declining interest in its governance. - **Reef ($REEF):** At $0.000917, down -21.08%. Issues bridging DeFi with centralized exchanges. **Actions to Take:** 1. **Withdraw or Convert Holdings:** Transfer or exchange your assets before the delisting date to avoid losses. 2. **Transfer to Supported Wallets:** Move your tokens to an external wallet that supports them if you want to keep them. 3. **Stay Updated:** Keep an eye on Binance for any new updates or changes. 4. **Explore Other Platforms:** Look for other exchanges that might continue to support these tokens if you want to keep trading them. **Reasons for Delisting:** Binance is removing these cryptocurrencies due to low trading volumes, decreased user interest, lack of development, and concerns about market sustainability. Act quickly to manage your investments effectively
**Urgent Notice: Binance Delisting Cryptocurrencies on September 18, 2024**
Binance will remove several cryptocurrencies from its platform on September 18, 2024. Here's what you need to know and do:
$**Cryptocurrencies Being Removed:**
- **ForTube ($FOR):** Currently at $0.00997, down -42.51% in the last 24 hours. Poor market performance.
- **Ellipsis ($EPX):** Trading at $0.0000799, down -34.60%. Reduced user engagement.
- **Voyager Token ($VGX):** At $0.0399, down -33.64%. Collapse of the Voyager platform.
- **PowerPool ($CVP):** Priced at $0.2300, down -39.23%. Declining interest in its governance.
- **Reef ($REEF):** At $0.000917, down -21.08%. Issues bridging DeFi with centralized exchanges.
**Actions to Take:**
1. **Withdraw or Convert Holdings:** Transfer or exchange your assets before the delisting date to avoid losses.
2. **Transfer to Supported Wallets:** Move your tokens to an external wallet that supports them if you want to keep them.
3. **Stay Updated:** Keep an eye on Binance for any new updates or changes.
4. **Explore Other Platforms:** Look for other exchanges that might continue to support these tokens if you want to keep trading them.
**Reasons for Delisting:**
Binance is removing these cryptocurrencies due to low trading volumes, decreased user interest, lack of development, and concerns about market sustainability.
Act quickly to manage your investments effectively
Skatīt oriģinālu
1/ Kas ir $TOMATO? $TOMATO sevi piedāvā kā decentralizētu ieguves platformu, kas lietotājiem ļauj viegli iegūt žetonus. Solot augstu atdevi ar minimālu piepūli, tas ir piesaistījis ievērojamu uzmanību. Bet vai tā ir likumīga vai tikai vēl viena shēma, kas ir pārāk laba, lai būtu patiesība? 2/ Brīdinājuma zīmes, kas jāievēro Vairāki sarkanie karodziņi potenciālajiem investoriem iesaka ievērot piesardzību: - Necaurspīdīgas darbības: ir pieejama maz informācijas par komandu, tehnoloģiju vai biznesa modeli, kas ir aiz $TOMATO. - Nepārbaudīti solījumi: platforma apgalvo, ka peļņa ir augsta, taču nesniedz nekādus skaidrus pierādījumus vai pamatojumu.

1/ Kas ir $TOMATO?

$TOMATO sevi piedāvā kā decentralizētu ieguves platformu, kas lietotājiem ļauj viegli iegūt žetonus. Solot augstu atdevi ar minimālu piepūli, tas ir piesaistījis ievērojamu uzmanību. Bet vai tā ir likumīga vai tikai vēl viena shēma, kas ir pārāk laba, lai būtu patiesība?
2/ Brīdinājuma zīmes, kas jāievēro
Vairāki sarkanie karodziņi potenciālajiem investoriem iesaka ievērot piesardzību:
- Necaurspīdīgas darbības: ir pieejama maz informācijas par komandu, tehnoloģiju vai biznesa modeli, kas ir aiz $TOMATO.
- Nepārbaudīti solījumi: platforma apgalvo, ka peļņa ir augsta, taču nesniedz nekādus skaidrus pierādījumus vai pamatojumu.
Crypto Analyst Predicts Dogecoin Will Rise 3,600% To $3.7, When Crypto Trader predicts Dogecoin (DOGE) will reach $3.7. When this meteoric surge would occur was also revealed by the expert. When Dogecoin Will Reach $3.7 The graphic released in his research, revealed that Dogecoin would grow to $3.7 in 2025, maybe its market top. In his study, the crypto expert outlined why he believed the leading meme currency will balloon in price. Each cycle, Dogecoin develops inverse Head and Shoulders, according to Trader Tardigrade. He said that the mem coin is at the right shoulder in this cycle, indicating that the price rise following the corrective move is coming. This bullish trend helped Dogecoin reach its current all-time high (ATH) of $0.73, as seen in his chart. Other crypto analysts have projected Dogecoin may reach $3.7 in current bull run, including Trader Tardigrade. Crypto expert believed Dogecoin will reach $3.80 or higher. He said the top meme currency has always met or exceeded the 1.618 Macro FIB extension from bull market highs to bear market lows. Dogecoin would hit its ATH or close to it in December. He said his prognosis is based on typical ATH-crypto cycle times. Despite the joke coin's slow recovery, he advised Dogecoin holders to keep confident as the market remains favorable. Crypto researcher said Dogecoin might start the next leg higher. Meme coin price behavior was bullishly analyzed by the crypto expert. Martinez advised traders to look for a daily chart falling wedge since a prolonged closure above $.10 might lead to $0.15. Kevin recently noted this falling wedge pattern, suggesting that Dogecoin was oversold on higher time frames and ready for a breakthrough. He called Dogecoin's setup bullish. The current price of Dogecoin is $0.09, up over 2% in 24 hours, according to CoinMarketCap. #DOGE #Dogecoin #CPI_BTC_Watch #CryptoMarketMoves $DOGE {future}(DOGEUSDT)
Crypto Analyst Predicts Dogecoin Will Rise 3,600% To $3.7, When
Crypto Trader predicts Dogecoin (DOGE) will reach $3.7. When this meteoric surge would occur was also revealed by the expert.
When Dogecoin Will Reach $3.7
The graphic released in his research, revealed that Dogecoin would grow to $3.7 in 2025, maybe its market top. In his study, the crypto expert outlined why he believed the leading meme currency will balloon in price.
Each cycle, Dogecoin develops inverse Head and Shoulders, according to Trader Tardigrade. He said that the mem coin is at the right shoulder in this cycle, indicating that the price rise following the corrective move is coming. This bullish trend helped Dogecoin reach its current all-time high (ATH) of $0.73, as seen in his chart.
Other crypto analysts have projected Dogecoin may reach $3.7 in current bull run, including Trader Tardigrade. Crypto expert believed Dogecoin will reach $3.80 or higher. He said the top meme currency has always met or exceeded the 1.618 Macro FIB extension from bull market highs to bear market lows.
Dogecoin would hit its ATH or close to it in December. He said his prognosis is based on typical ATH-crypto cycle times. Despite the joke coin's slow recovery, he advised Dogecoin holders to keep confident as the market remains favorable.
Crypto researcher said Dogecoin might start the next leg higher. Meme coin price behavior was bullishly analyzed by the crypto expert. Martinez advised traders to look for a daily chart falling wedge since a prolonged closure above $.10 might lead to $0.15.
Kevin recently noted this falling wedge pattern, suggesting that Dogecoin was oversold on higher time frames and ready for a breakthrough. He called Dogecoin's setup bullish.
The current price of Dogecoin is $0.09, up over 2% in 24 hours, according to CoinMarketCap.
#DOGE #Dogecoin #CPI_BTC_Watch #CryptoMarketMoves $DOGE
Orange Cap Games Secures $2 Million Pre-Seed Funding According to BlockBeats, on September 10, blockchain game development studio Orange Cap Games announced the successful completion of a $2 million pre-seed angel funding round. The investment saw participation from notable figures including LayerZero CEO Bryan Pellegrino, YGG founder Gabriel Dizon, and Dapper Labs executive Amber.The newly acquired funds will be directed towards the development of their upcoming trading card game, Vibes. Vibes will feature intellectual property from Pudgy Penguins, adding a unique element to the game
Orange Cap Games Secures $2 Million Pre-Seed Funding

According to BlockBeats, on September 10, blockchain game development studio Orange Cap Games announced the successful completion of a $2 million pre-seed angel funding round. The investment saw participation from notable figures including LayerZero CEO Bryan Pellegrino, YGG founder Gabriel Dizon, and Dapper Labs executive Amber.The newly acquired funds will be directed towards the development of their upcoming trading card game, Vibes. Vibes will feature intellectual property from Pudgy Penguins, adding a unique element to the game
did you buy the dip? $DOGS
did you buy the dip? $DOGS
🚨🤯Tomarket Airdrop of $TOMATO scheduled for September 2, 2024🤯🚨 The decentralized trading platform Tomarket is gearing up for a major airdrop event on September 2, 2024. This significant event will see the distribution of a staggering 350 billion $TOMATO tokens to early users, active community members, and key supporters. Tomarket, a platform that combines gaming, earning, and trading, has gained significant traction in recent months. Its unique tap-to-earn drop game on Telegram has attracted a large number of users. Tomarket has surpassed 12 million all-time users. This milestone marks a significant increase from just 5,600,000+ daily active users reported earlier. The platform has been experiencing rapid growth in recent weeks, with over 1 million new users joining every day for the past 3 days. This surge in user base is likely attributed to the upcoming airdrop event scheduled for September 2nd. The airdrop is designed to reward those who have been involved in the Tomarket community from its early stages. Early users, active community members, and key supporters will be eligible to receive a portion of the 350 billion $TOMATO tokens. The airdrop is expected to have a significant impact on the Tomarket ecosystem. It will increase the number of $TOMATO token holders, which could lead to increased trading activity and price appreciation. Additionally, the airdrop could attract new users to the platform, further expanding its reach. As the airdrop date approaches, excitement is building within the Tomarket community. Many users are eagerly anticipating the distribution of $TOMATO tokens and the potential benefits that come with it. ✅tip for more information ✅ #TON #BNBChainMemecoins #DOGSONBINANCE
🚨🤯Tomarket Airdrop of $TOMATO scheduled for September 2, 2024🤯🚨
The decentralized trading platform Tomarket is gearing up for a major airdrop event on September 2, 2024. This significant event will see the distribution of a staggering 350 billion $TOMATO tokens to early users, active community members, and key supporters.
Tomarket, a platform that combines gaming, earning, and trading, has gained significant traction in recent months. Its unique tap-to-earn drop game on Telegram has attracted a large number of users.
Tomarket has surpassed 12 million all-time users. This milestone marks a significant increase from just 5,600,000+ daily active users reported earlier.
The platform has been experiencing rapid growth in recent weeks, with over 1 million new users joining every day for the past 3 days. This surge in user base is likely attributed to the upcoming airdrop event scheduled for September 2nd.
The airdrop is designed to reward those who have been involved in the Tomarket community from its early stages. Early users, active community members, and key supporters will be eligible to receive a portion of the 350 billion $TOMATO tokens.
The airdrop is expected to have a significant impact on the Tomarket ecosystem. It will increase the number of $TOMATO token holders, which could lead to increased trading activity and price appreciation. Additionally, the airdrop could attract new users to the platform, further expanding its reach.
As the airdrop date approaches, excitement is building within the Tomarket community. Many users are eagerly anticipating the distribution of $TOMATO tokens and the potential benefits that come with it.
✅tip for more information ✅
This time around, $AURORA has confirmed its support at 0.10$ and is progressing towards our subsequent target of 0.28$ with substantial volume. Expecting Bitcoin to stay bullish alongside. We've previously noted a 740% gain from it
This time around, $AURORA has confirmed its support at 0.10$ and is progressing towards our subsequent target of 0.28$ with substantial volume. Expecting Bitcoin to stay bullish alongside.
We've previously noted a 740% gain from it
What Is Metaverse Real Estate? TL;DR A piece of metaverse real estate is an NFT that provides the holder with digital proof of ownership over land on a metaverse platform. The land can, in most cases, be built upon to create experiences that lend themselves to advertising, socializing, marketing, entertainment, and more. The value of each plot of land depends on these factors, as well as overall market sentiment, collectibility, and platform popularity. Introduction The concept of the metaverse and digital real estate go hand in hand. But like many crypto trends, media coverage hasn't provided sufficient clarity. Just as it is with any other investment, it’s crucial to grasp the idea of metaverse real estate before purchasing any digital land. Compared to purely artistic non-fungible tokens (NFTs), metaverse real estate is simpler to comprehend due to its plain-to-see utility and use cases. How does real estate exist in the metaverse? For newcomers to the metaverse, digital real estate can sound like an oxymoron. The idea of physical property and real estate are firmly intertwined. However, while blockchain-based real estate in the metaverse may not be physical, it offers the same — or perhaps even stronger — ownership rights over a plot of (digital) land. Land ownership in a game, community, or other platform is represented by an (NFT). As NFTs are non-fungible (i.e., each one is unique) and can securely prove digital ownership, they act much like property deeds in digital real estate. An NFT can be traded, bought, and sold according to its market value, which is derived from a range of factors. Your metaverse real estate might be in a popular area with lots of digital foot traffic, making it suitable as advertising space. Staking benefits and other utilities also boost the value of the land. The specific metaverse platform you're on will determine the value of your land. Some metaverse platforms allow you a considerable degree of personalization, so you can build and plan your own space, events, and experiences. Examples include The Snoopverse on The Sandbox and Netflix's content on Decentraland. The appeal of metaverse real estate To understand the appeal of metaverse real estate, it's worth taking a step back and looking at the appeal of NFTs as a whole. On a technological level, NFTs provide legitimate digital proof of ownership. This is valuable in a world where it’s all too easy to copy files without any discernable difference. Next, we need to look at the collectibility aspect. Humans have always been passionate about collecting items for a variety of reasons. Apart from enjoyment and collectibility, an NFT may provide tangible benefits such as increased utility on a game or platform. Another appeal of NFTs is their investment potential, which is why many people hold them speculatively. During strong markets, NFT prices have generally followed rising market prices. NFT bull runs have, in some respects, also been a result of celebrity and media hype over the technology. Many people purchase metaverse real estate NFTs because they follow all the abovementioned principles. JPMorgan, for example, has purchased land in Decentraland for its:  1. Utility: They can host virtual guests on their Sandbox property and create an immersive experience. 2. Collectibility: Metaverse real estate is a highly collectible piece of pop culture that can aid marketing efforts. 3. Speculative properties: It's unlikely that JPMorgan would have bought land without expecting to either sell it for profit or increase its revenue via customer acquisition. What can you do with metaverse real estate? Virtual real estate is limited only by the confines of the metaverse. This gives it vast potential in our social and professional lives. Beyond investment and trading, this potential will drive long-term technology adoption. Anything the metaverse can cover can also be experienced through metaverse real estate. The exact use cases and intricacies will depend on your platform but, in theory, the sky's the limit. Individual users, creatives, and brands can all design their own experiences based on what their specific real estate offers. Concerts, meetings, trade shows, art exhibitions, and brand launches have all taken place on plots of digital land. This makes metaverse real estate an incredibly important tool in socializing and marketing. Large brands currently experimenting with the format include: 1. HSBC: Purchased a piece of land in The Sandbox in the first quarter of 2022 with a plan to create new brand experiences. 2. Samsung: Created a virtual experience called Samsung 837X in Decentraland and hosted events such as the #RecycleUp Fashion Show. 3. The South China Morning Post: Developed a digital version of the Hong Kong Star Ferry Pier in The Sandbox. The growth of metaverse real estate A rapidly growing following and rising sales of metaverse real estate have caught the attention of the media, public, and investors worldwide. According to data from Influencer Marketing Hub, "the average price of a parcel in major metaverse platforms has increased from $1,265 to $12,684", demonstrating a tenfold increase from January 2021 to February 2022. McKinsey reports that "more than $120 billion has flowed into the metaverse space already in 2022 — more than double the $57 billion of 2021". For such a young industry, the numbers can be staggering. However, rapid growth in market capitalization isn't necessarily correlated with longevity or a healthy market. We'll likely have to wait beyond this hyper-growth phase to realize the actual value of metaverse land. Nevertheless, some early investors have already benefited from the metaverse's growth. For example, a plot of land neighboring Snoop Dogg's property sold for almost half a million dollars. What affects the price of NFT virtual land? We’ve briefly described the appeal of NFT virtual land, but let's dive further into the three key factors that determine its price: 1. Utility: Each metaverse platform, game, or universe has a defined utility for its virtual real estate. Some allow for high levels of customization, while others provide you with in-game benefits or stat boosts. If your NFT virtual land has a particularly desirable utility, it will be able to command a higher price on the open market.  2. Platform: As mentioned above, the platform your land is on will define its utility. Beyond that, a platform's brand name and reputation also influence the value of your NFT land. This is akin to Nike or Adidas being able to charge considerably more than a lesser-known brand with comparable product quality. 3. Speculation: The idea that your metaverse real estate may be more valuable in future is often enough to affect its price. If the whole market shares this sentiment and is bullish on metaverse land price, speculation becomes a significant factor in determining price. Closing thoughts The long-term adoption and uptake of metaverse real estate go beyond the hype: they rely on actual use cases and utility to succeed. Nevertheless, it's fascinating to see the journey metaverse real estate has already taken in such a short time. As the metaverse's popularity and building blocks continue to rise, so will its maturity. As such, becoming familiar with digital property is a sound idea for any potential user or investor who is interested in the future of the metaverse.

What Is Metaverse Real Estate?

A piece of metaverse real estate is an NFT that provides the holder with digital proof of ownership over land on a metaverse platform. The land can, in most cases, be built upon to create experiences that lend themselves to advertising, socializing, marketing, entertainment, and more. The value of each plot of land depends on these factors, as well as overall market sentiment, collectibility, and platform popularity.
The concept of the metaverse and digital real estate go hand in hand. But like many crypto trends, media coverage hasn't provided sufficient clarity. Just as it is with any other investment, it’s crucial to grasp the idea of metaverse real estate before purchasing any digital land. Compared to purely artistic non-fungible tokens (NFTs), metaverse real estate is simpler to comprehend due to its plain-to-see utility and use cases.
How does real estate exist in the metaverse?
For newcomers to the metaverse, digital real estate can sound like an oxymoron. The idea of physical property and real estate are firmly intertwined. However, while blockchain-based real estate in the metaverse may not be physical, it offers the same — or perhaps even stronger — ownership rights over a plot of (digital) land. Land ownership in a game, community, or other platform is represented by an (NFT).
As NFTs are non-fungible (i.e., each one is unique) and can securely prove digital ownership, they act much like property deeds in digital real estate. An NFT can be traded, bought, and sold according to its market value, which is derived from a range of factors.
Your metaverse real estate might be in a popular area with lots of digital foot traffic, making it suitable as advertising space. Staking benefits and other utilities also boost the value of the land. The specific metaverse platform you're on will determine the value of your land.
Some metaverse platforms allow you a considerable degree of personalization, so you can build and plan your own space, events, and experiences. Examples include The Snoopverse on The Sandbox and Netflix's content on Decentraland.
The appeal of metaverse real estate
To understand the appeal of metaverse real estate, it's worth taking a step back and looking at the appeal of NFTs as a whole. On a technological level, NFTs provide legitimate digital proof of ownership. This is valuable in a world where it’s all too easy to copy files without any discernable difference.
Next, we need to look at the collectibility aspect. Humans have always been passionate about collecting items for a variety of reasons. Apart from enjoyment and collectibility, an NFT may provide tangible benefits such as increased utility on a game or platform.
Another appeal of NFTs is their investment potential, which is why many people hold them speculatively. During strong markets, NFT prices have generally followed rising market prices. NFT bull runs have, in some respects, also been a result of celebrity and media hype over the technology.
Many people purchase metaverse real estate NFTs because they follow all the abovementioned principles. JPMorgan, for example, has purchased land in Decentraland for its: 
1. Utility: They can host virtual guests on their Sandbox property and create an immersive experience.
2. Collectibility: Metaverse real estate is a highly collectible piece of pop culture that can aid marketing efforts.
3. Speculative properties: It's unlikely that JPMorgan would have bought land without expecting to either sell it for profit or increase its revenue via customer acquisition.
What can you do with metaverse real estate?
Virtual real estate is limited only by the confines of the metaverse. This gives it vast potential in our social and professional lives. Beyond investment and trading, this potential will drive long-term technology adoption. Anything the metaverse can cover can also be experienced through metaverse real estate. The exact use cases and intricacies will depend on your platform but, in theory, the sky's the limit.
Individual users, creatives, and brands can all design their own experiences based on what their specific real estate offers. Concerts, meetings, trade shows, art exhibitions, and brand launches have all taken place on plots of digital land. This makes metaverse real estate an incredibly important tool in socializing and marketing. Large brands currently experimenting with the format include:
1. HSBC: Purchased a piece of land in The Sandbox in the first quarter of 2022 with a plan to create new brand experiences.
2. Samsung: Created a virtual experience called Samsung 837X in Decentraland and hosted events such as the #RecycleUp Fashion Show.
3. The South China Morning Post: Developed a digital version of the Hong Kong Star Ferry Pier in The Sandbox.
The growth of metaverse real estate
A rapidly growing following and rising sales of metaverse real estate have caught the attention of the media, public, and investors worldwide. According to data from Influencer Marketing Hub, "the average price of a parcel in major metaverse platforms has increased from $1,265 to $12,684", demonstrating a tenfold increase from January 2021 to February 2022. McKinsey reports that "more than $120 billion has flowed into the metaverse space already in 2022 — more than double the $57 billion of 2021".
For such a young industry, the numbers can be staggering. However, rapid growth in market capitalization isn't necessarily correlated with longevity or a healthy market. We'll likely have to wait beyond this hyper-growth phase to realize the actual value of metaverse land. Nevertheless, some early investors have already benefited from the metaverse's growth. For example, a plot of land neighboring Snoop Dogg's property sold for almost half a million dollars.
What affects the price of NFT virtual land?
We’ve briefly described the appeal of NFT virtual land, but let's dive further into the three key factors that determine its price:
1. Utility: Each metaverse platform, game, or universe has a defined utility for its virtual real estate. Some allow for high levels of customization, while others provide you with in-game benefits or stat boosts. If your NFT virtual land has a particularly desirable utility, it will be able to command a higher price on the open market. 
2. Platform: As mentioned above, the platform your land is on will define its utility. Beyond that, a platform's brand name and reputation also influence the value of your NFT land. This is akin to Nike or Adidas being able to charge considerably more than a lesser-known brand with comparable product quality.
3. Speculation: The idea that your metaverse real estate may be more valuable in future is often enough to affect its price. If the whole market shares this sentiment and is bullish on metaverse land price, speculation becomes a significant factor in determining price.
Closing thoughts
The long-term adoption and uptake of metaverse real estate go beyond the hype: they rely on actual use cases and utility to succeed. Nevertheless, it's fascinating to see the journey metaverse real estate has already taken in such a short time. As the metaverse's popularity and building blocks continue to rise, so will its maturity. As such, becoming familiar with digital property is a sound idea for any potential user or investor who is interested in the future of the metaverse.
$RUNE is showing promising signs in a falling wedge pattern, with a key resistance at $5.050! A breakout could trigger a bullish rally, eyeing $7.130 and beyond. But stay cautious—if momentum fades. We might revisit the $2.000-$2.260 range. Watch closely! #TON #DOGSONBINANCE #BNBChainMemecoins #TelegramCEO #PowellAtJacksonHole {spot}(RUNEUSDT)
$RUNE is showing promising signs in a falling wedge pattern, with a key resistance at $5.050!
A breakout could trigger a bullish rally, eyeing $7.130 and beyond. But stay cautious—if momentum fades.
We might revisit the $2.000-$2.260 range. Watch closely!
#TON #DOGSONBINANCE #BNBChainMemecoins #TelegramCEO #PowellAtJacksonHole
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