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#Binance Markats abdat 2024.05.29 Saskaņā ar CoinMarketCap datiem globālā kriptovalūtas tirgus maksimālā robeža tagad ir USD 2,50 T, kas ir par 3,45% vairāk nekā pēdējā dienā. Bitcoin (BTC) pēdējo 24 stundu laikā ir tirgojies no USD 67 278 līdz USD 68 936. Šodien plkst. 9:38 (UTC) BTC tirgojas par USD 67 768, kas ir par -0,62%. Lielākā daļa lielāko kriptovalūtu pēc tirgus lieluma tiek tirgotas jauktas. Tirgus labākie rezultāti ir CTK, AUCTION un COS, attiecīgi pieaugot par 84%, 60% un 29%. Dienas populārākie stāsti: QCP Capital izceļ trīs Bitcoin cenu tendences straujākus faktorus  Semler Scientific pieņem Bitcoin kā primāro rezerves aktīvu  Nvidia akciju cena pieaug, pārsniedzot 1110 USD, uzstādot jaunu vēsturisko rekordu  Bitcoin buļļu tirgus tālu no beigām, prognozē lielāku peļņu  Mt. Gox Cold Wallet adrese apvieno visus BTC, sagatavo kreditoru atmaksai  Salvadoras IKP varētu palielināties desmitkārtīgi Bitcoin un AI dēļ, saka Ark Invest izpilddirektors  IBIT pārspēj GBTC Bitcoin Holdings  ASV federālais tiesnesis liek SEC samaksāt juridiskās un pārņemšanas nodevas parādu kastes lietā  ASV tiks palaists pirmais piesaistīto ētera ETF.  ASV Bitcoin fondi liecina par ievērojamām ieplūdēm, ētera ETF saņem galveno apstiprinājumu Tirgus virzītāji: 1000 SATS: 1 ASV dolārs (+0,00%) ETH: 3799,43 ASV dolāri (-2,03%) BNB: 598,8 $ (-0,37%) SOL: 168,43 $ (+0,44%) XRP: 0,5294 ASV dolāri (+0,38%) DOGE: 0,1646 $ (-0,41%) ADA: 0,4613 ASV dolāri (+0,70%) SHIB: 0,00002746 ASV dolāri (+10,19%) AVAX: 36,85 ASV dolāri (-0,51%) SAITE: 18,347 ASV dolāri (+1,01%) Labākie ieguvēji vietnē Binance: #Write2Earn!
#Binance Markats abdat
Saskaņā ar CoinMarketCap datiem globālā kriptovalūtas tirgus maksimālā robeža tagad ir USD 2,50 T, kas ir par 3,45% vairāk nekā pēdējā dienā.
Bitcoin (BTC) pēdējo 24 stundu laikā ir tirgojies no USD 67 278 līdz USD 68 936. Šodien plkst. 9:38 (UTC) BTC tirgojas par USD 67 768, kas ir par -0,62%.
Lielākā daļa lielāko kriptovalūtu pēc tirgus lieluma tiek tirgotas jauktas. Tirgus labākie rezultāti ir CTK, AUCTION un COS, attiecīgi pieaugot par 84%, 60% un 29%.
Dienas populārākie stāsti:
QCP Capital izceļ trīs Bitcoin cenu tendences straujākus faktorus 
Semler Scientific pieņem Bitcoin kā primāro rezerves aktīvu 
Nvidia akciju cena pieaug, pārsniedzot 1110 USD, uzstādot jaunu vēsturisko rekordu 
Bitcoin buļļu tirgus tālu no beigām, prognozē lielāku peļņu 
Mt. Gox Cold Wallet adrese apvieno visus BTC, sagatavo kreditoru atmaksai 
Salvadoras IKP varētu palielināties desmitkārtīgi Bitcoin un AI dēļ, saka Ark Invest izpilddirektors 
IBIT pārspēj GBTC Bitcoin Holdings 
ASV federālais tiesnesis liek SEC samaksāt juridiskās un pārņemšanas nodevas parādu kastes lietā 
ASV tiks palaists pirmais piesaistīto ētera ETF. 
ASV Bitcoin fondi liecina par ievērojamām ieplūdēm, ētera ETF saņem galveno apstiprinājumu
Tirgus virzītāji:
1000 SATS: 1 ASV dolārs (+0,00%)
ETH: 3799,43 ASV dolāri (-2,03%)
BNB: 598,8 $ (-0,37%)
SOL: 168,43 $ (+0,44%)
XRP: 0,5294 ASV dolāri (+0,38%)
DOGE: 0,1646 $ (-0,41%)
ADA: 0,4613 ASV dolāri (+0,70%)
SHIB: 0,00002746 ASV dolāri (+10,19%)
AVAX: 36,85 ASV dolāri (-0,51%)
SAITE: 18,347 ASV dolāri (+1,01%)
Labākie ieguvēji vietnē Binance:
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ENA ena cion cena abdat šobrīd ena cion cena ir 0,915 šī ir pēdējā cena visiem. Es pastāstīšu vienkāršu stratēģiju. par šo cion vispirms es saku, tad saku visiem, ja ENA cena iet uz 0,870, nopērc šo cion un tad cena būs 0,910, tad pārdodu. visiem es teikšu skaidri šis cions ir apsolīts cion . visi turēt nākotnē viņi dos peļņu. un dalieties savās domās komentāros par šo cion, lai zinātu, ka visi ir ātri. #writocomment
$ENA ena cion cena abdat šobrīd ena cion cena ir 0,915 šī ir pēdējā cena visiem. Es pastāstīšu vienkāršu stratēģiju. par šo cion vispirms es saku, tad saku visiem, ja ENA cena iet uz 0,870, nopērc šo cion un tad cena būs 0,910, tad pārdodu. visiem es teikšu skaidri šis cions ir apsolīts cion . visi turēt nākotnē viņi dos peļņu. un dalieties savās domās komentāros par šo cion, lai zinātu, ka visi ir ātri.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ENA EThana cion cena abdat svarīgi izlasīt .Ethena (ENA) pašreizējā cena ir - 0,927 USD - par 0,70% pēdējo 24 stundu laikā - Pašreizējais CoinMarketCap rangs ir #70 - Tiešsaistes tirgus ierobežojums USD 1 410 404 110 USD apmērā - Apgrozībā esošās 1 520 312 500 ENA monētas - Maksimālais piedāvājums 15 000 000 000 ENA monētu Exet dienās šī cion cena varētu būt 1 USD un 1,50 USD. un ko jūs sakāt par cenu prognozēšanu. lūdzu uzrakstiet savas domas par cenu prognozēšanu. seko like un share #Write2Earn!
$ENA EThana cion cena abdat svarīgi izlasīt .Ethena (ENA) pašreizējā cena ir
- 0,927 USD
- par 0,70% pēdējo 24 stundu laikā
- Pašreizējais CoinMarketCap rangs ir #70
- Tiešsaistes tirgus ierobežojums USD 1 410 404 110 USD apmērā
- Apgrozībā esošās 1 520 312 500 ENA monētas
- Maksimālais piedāvājums 15 000 000 000 ENA monētu
Exet dienās šī cion cena varētu būt 1 USD un 1,50 USD. un ko jūs sakāt par cenu prognozēšanu. lūdzu uzrakstiet savas domas par cenu prognozēšanu.
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Sekojiet līdzi jaunākajam Krištianu Ronaldu NFT ceļojumam, kas drīzumā būs pieejams vietnē Binance 2024-05-24 Galvenās līdzņemamās vietas Fani drīz varēs izjust Krištianu Ronaldu ceļojuma saviļņojumu ar viņa jaunāko NFT kritumu. Pirmā NFT partija tiks izlaista trešdien, 29. maijā, pulksten 8:00 (UTC), un tajā būs pieejams pilnīgi jauns utilītu komplekts, kas ir labāks nekā jebkad agrāk. Ar fiksētu cenu lielākajā daļā NFT kolekcijas, kas piemērota jebkuram kolekcionāram, šis pasaules ceļojums ir paredzēts jums: futbola fanam! Drīzumā Krištianu Ronaldu atgriezīsies ar savu jaunāko NFT kritumu, kas kolekcionāriem sniedz iespēju izjust viņa mantojumu kā vēl nekad. sekot. patīk komentēt un dalīties. #WriteRean2👏
Sekojiet līdzi jaunākajam Krištianu Ronaldu NFT ceļojumam, kas drīzumā būs pieejams vietnē Binance


Galvenās līdzņemamās vietas

Fani drīz varēs izjust Krištianu Ronaldu ceļojuma saviļņojumu ar viņa jaunāko NFT kritumu.

Pirmā NFT partija tiks izlaista trešdien, 29. maijā, pulksten 8:00 (UTC), un tajā būs pieejams pilnīgi jauns utilītu komplekts, kas ir labāks nekā jebkad agrāk.

Ar fiksētu cenu lielākajā daļā NFT kolekcijas, kas piemērota jebkuram kolekcionāram, šis pasaules ceļojums ir paredzēts jums: futbola fanam!

Drīzumā Krištianu Ronaldu atgriezīsies ar savu jaunāko NFT kritumu, kas kolekcionāriem sniedz iespēju izjust viņa mantojumu kā vēl nekad.

sekot. patīk komentēt un dalīties.
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$ENA cion Es pastāstīšu par šo cion skaidri Prius mounth šis cions ir patiešām labs cions, kad viņi iet uz leju un kāpj katrs, kas dodas uz Lose. Lose atgūšana tikai vienā veidā turiet šo cion pēdējo 2024. gadā šis cions touch insallah 2$ un mani sekotāji stāsta par šo cion šo cion ir scam vai nē Es jums pateiks skaidrs viss tas ir tirdzniecība ar tirdzniecību my be markat going uz augšu un es varu būt uz leju binance kopienā ir daži cilvēki, kuri stāsta cilvēkiem, ka šis cion ir scam vai dažāda veida impormation. tāpēc tikai pagaidiet kādu laiku. seko like komentāram un dalies. #Write&Earn
$ENA cion Es pastāstīšu par šo cion skaidri Prius mounth šis cions ir patiešām labs cions, kad viņi iet uz leju un kāpj katrs, kas dodas uz Lose. Lose atgūšana tikai vienā veidā turiet šo cion pēdējo 2024. gadā šis cions touch insallah 2$ un mani sekotāji stāsta par šo cion šo cion ir scam vai nē Es jums pateiks skaidrs viss tas ir tirdzniecība ar tirdzniecību my be markat going uz augšu un es varu būt uz leju binance kopienā ir daži cilvēki, kuri stāsta cilvēkiem, ka šis cion ir scam vai dažāda veida impormation. tāpēc tikai pagaidiet kādu laiku.
seko like komentāram un dalies.
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$ENA cion par dažiem pamata ievedumiem šodien .Ethena (ENA) cena šodien ir - 0,847 USD - 24 stundu tirdzniecības apjoms USD 748 291 427 USD - Pieaugums par 0,83% pēdējo 24 stundu laikā - Pašreizējais CoinMarketCap rangs ir #70 - Tiešsaistes tirgus ierobežojums USD 1 287 932 248 USD apmērā - Apgrozībā esošās 1 520 312 500 ENA monētas - Maks. 15 000 000 000 ENA monētu piegāde lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, sekojiet komentāram un kopīgojiet to. paldies sekotājiem un binance kopienai. #Write2Earn!
$ENA cion par dažiem pamata ievedumiem šodien .Ethena (ENA) cena šodien ir
- 0,847 USD
- 24 stundu tirdzniecības apjoms USD 748 291 427 USD
- Pieaugums par 0,83% pēdējo 24 stundu laikā
- Pašreizējais CoinMarketCap rangs ir #70
- Tiešsaistes tirgus ierobežojums USD 1 287 932 248 USD apmērā
- Apgrozībā esošās 1 520 312 500 ENA monētas
- Maks. 15 000 000 000 ENA monētu piegāde
lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, sekojiet komentāram un kopīgojiet to.
paldies sekotājiem un binance kopienai.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$NOT šodien daži pamata analīzi par ne cion katrs lasīt . un var jums palīdzēt. USD 0,005307 par vienu Cena NAV šodien Notcoin reāllaika cena ir USD 0,005307 par vienu (NOT / USD) ar pašreizējo tirgus ierobežojumu USD 545,14 miljoni USD. 24 stundu tirdzniecības apjoms ir USD 182,12 miljoni USD. NOT to USD cena tiek atjaunināta reāllaikā. Notcoin ir -5,34% pēdējo 24 stundu laikā ar cirkulācijas krājumu 102,72B. Ierakstiet komentārā savas domas par šo vai krāpniecību vai labi zināt vienam par otru ik ātri izsakiet savas domas. paldies 👍👍👍👍👍👍 #Write2Share
$NOT šodien daži pamata analīzi par ne cion katrs lasīt . un var jums palīdzēt.
USD 0,005307 par vienu
Cena NAV šodien

Notcoin reāllaika cena ir USD 0,005307 par vienu (NOT / USD) ar pašreizējo tirgus ierobežojumu USD 545,14 miljoni USD. 24 stundu tirdzniecības apjoms ir USD 182,12 miljoni USD. NOT to USD cena tiek atjaunināta reāllaikā. Notcoin ir -5,34% pēdējo 24 stundu laikā ar cirkulācijas krājumu 102,72B.
Ierakstiet komentārā savas domas par šo vai krāpniecību vai labi zināt vienam par otru ik ātri izsakiet savas domas.
paldies 👍👍👍👍👍👍
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ENA jūs sapņojat par ena 1.5 1.2 vai 2, bet es jums saku, ka tagad ena marķiera piedāvājums ir 1,52 miljardi un tirgus maksimālā vērtība ir 1,35 miljardi, tāpēc tas nozīmē, ka, ja ena ir jāturpina 2, tad Ena tirgus maksimālajai vērtībai vajadzētu sasniegt 2 ir 3,04 B par 1,52 2,34 B un pat 1 mums ir vajadzīga 1,54 B tirgus vērtība, tāpēc tas ir tik liels faktors, piemēram, ieguldījumi, kas nepieciešami Ena, ir daudz lielāks nekā tik daudzu monētu kopējā tirgus vērtība, lai sasniegtu šos skaitļus, un mēs zinām, ka šis sūknis nav ar jebkādām ziņām par ethena attīstību vai notikumu tas ir ar Ethereum sūkni, kas tieši ietekmē ENA, tāpēc nav paša etēnas attīstības, tāpēc ar citu monētu efektu tas nesasniegs šos pagrieziena punktus, kamēr nebūs pašas spēcīgas fundamentālas ziņas vai notikums, tāpēc tagad ceru. šīs realitātes bāzes līnijas aizvērs sapni, lai dažu dienu laikā sasniegtu ENA mēness cenu sekot like komentāram #WriteRean2👏
$ENA jūs sapņojat par ena 1.5 1.2 vai 2, bet es jums saku, ka tagad ena marķiera piedāvājums ir 1,52 miljardi un tirgus maksimālā vērtība ir 1,35 miljardi, tāpēc tas nozīmē, ka, ja ena ir jāturpina 2, tad Ena tirgus maksimālajai vērtībai vajadzētu sasniegt 2 ir 3,04 B par 1,52 2,34 B un pat 1 mums ir vajadzīga 1,54 B tirgus vērtība, tāpēc tas ir tik liels faktors, piemēram, ieguldījumi, kas nepieciešami Ena, ir daudz lielāks nekā tik daudzu monētu kopējā tirgus vērtība, lai sasniegtu šos skaitļus, un mēs zinām, ka šis sūknis nav ar jebkādām ziņām par ethena attīstību vai notikumu tas ir ar Ethereum sūkni, kas tieši ietekmē ENA, tāpēc nav paša etēnas attīstības, tāpēc ar citu monētu efektu tas nesasniegs šos pagrieziena punktus, kamēr nebūs pašas spēcīgas fundamentālas ziņas vai notikums, tāpēc tagad ceru. šīs realitātes bāzes līnijas aizvērs sapni, lai dažu dienu laikā sasniegtu ENA mēness cenu
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$ENA most important to read .I see! You're referring to Ethena (ENA) price predictions. As of today, experts have varying opinions on the future price movements of ENA. _Short-term (2023-2024):_ - $0.05 - $0.10 (source: Digital Coin Price) - $0.07 - $0.12 (source: Price Prediction) _Mid-term (2025-2027):_ - $0.15 - $0.30 (source: CryptoNewsZ) - $0.20 - $0.40 (source: CoinCodex) follow like comment and share your thoughts in comment to get more impormation . #wr _Long-term (2030+):_ - $0.50 - $1.00 (source: Wallet Investor) - $1.00 - $5.00 (source: Crypto Bull Run)
$ENA most important to read .I see! You're referring to Ethena (ENA) price predictions. As of today, experts have varying opinions on the future price movements of ENA.

_Short-term (2023-2024):_
- $0.05 - $0.10 (source: Digital Coin Price)
- $0.07 - $0.12 (source: Price Prediction)

_Mid-term (2025-2027):_
- $0.15 - $0.30 (source: CryptoNewsZ)
- $0.20 - $0.40 (source: CoinCodex)
follow like comment and share your thoughts in comment to get more impormation .
_Long-term (2030+):_
- $0.50 - $1.00 (source: Wallet Investor)
- $1.00 - $5.00 (source: Crypto Bull Run)
#candlestick_patterns .Any cion) price predictions are based on a variety of tools, including . - *Moving averages*: This method provides the average closing price of cion over a selected time frame. - *RSI*: RSI and Fibonacci retracement level indicators help to understand the future direction of the cion price. - *Candlestick patterns*: Bullish candlestick patterns include Hammer, Bullish Engulfing, Piercing Line, Morning Star, Three White Soldiers, Bearish Harami, Dark Cloud Cover, Evening Star, Shooting Star and Hanging Man. follow , like comment and share . write in comment your thoughts about this post or any cion . #WriteRean2👏
#candlestick_patterns .Any cion) price predictions are based on a variety of tools, including .
- *Moving averages*: This method provides the average closing price of cion over a selected time frame.
- *RSI*: RSI and Fibonacci retracement level indicators help to understand the future direction of the cion price.
- *Candlestick patterns*: Bullish candlestick patterns include Hammer, Bullish Engulfing, Piercing Line, Morning Star, Three White Soldiers, Bearish Harami, Dark Cloud Cover, Evening Star, Shooting Star and Hanging Man.
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write in comment your thoughts about this post or any cion .
#ETH Here's what I found: - *Ethereum (ETH)*: Ethereum is a top cryptocurrency by market cap ¹. On Binance, Ethereum (ETH) is currently trading at $3,093.70 ². - *Solana (SOL)*: Solana is an independent Layer 1 blockchain created as a fast and efficient network with an underlying smart contract protocol. Since its launch in 2020, the Solana network has been dubbed a competitor to Ethereum, and even nicknamed ‘The Ethereum Killer’ ³. - *Binance*: Binance is a digital asset platform for VIPs and institutions. It offers trading in various cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum (ETH) and Solana (SOL) ⁴.#WriteRean2👏
#ETH Here's what I found:
- *Ethereum (ETH)*: Ethereum is a top cryptocurrency by market cap ¹. On Binance, Ethereum (ETH) is currently trading at $3,093.70 ².
- *Solana (SOL)*: Solana is an independent Layer 1 blockchain created as a fast and efficient network with an underlying smart contract protocol. Since its launch in 2020, the Solana network has been dubbed a competitor to Ethereum, and even nicknamed ‘The Ethereum Killer’ ³.
- *Binance*: Binance is a digital asset platform for VIPs and institutions. It offers trading in various cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum (ETH) and Solana (SOL) ⁴.#WriteRean2👏
Binance Market Update (2024-05-20) The global cryptocurrency market cap now stands at $2.43T, down by -0.36% over the last day, according to CoinMarketCap data. Bitcoin (BTC) has been trading between $65,857 and $67,700 over the past 24 hours. As of 09:30 AM (UTC) today, BTC is trading at $66,940, down by -0.07%. Most major cryptocurrencies by market cap are trading mixed. Market outperformers include CREAM, FARM, and OOKI, up by 36%, 16%, and 11%, respectively. Top stories of the day: MicroStrategy's Chairman Encourages Betting On Bitcoin Amidst Price Pause ETFs Acquire Thrice the New BTC Supply: Key Takeaways in Bitcoin Market This Week Genesis To Reimburse Customers In Bitcoin And Ethereum Claims Federal Reserve Meeting and Nvidia Earnings Report to Influence Markets Five On-Chain Indicators Suggest Cryptocurrency Bull Market Is Just Beginning 10x Research: Bitcoin Could Break New Records If It Surpasses $67,500 Silver Surpasses Bitcoin To Become The Eighth Largest Asset By Market Cap Ten U.S. Bitcoin Spot ETFs Amass Over $36 Billion in BTC Since Listing SEC Set to Decide on Ethereum Spot ETF This Week Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet Contracts to $7.3 Trillion Market movers: ETH: $3106.26 (+0.18%) BNB: $576.3 (-0.45%) SOL: $177.58 (+3.12%) XRP: $0.5138 (-1.02%) DOGE: $0.15143 (-0.60%) ADA: $0.468 (-1.41%) SHIB: $0.00002391 (-2.61%) AVAX: $36.19 (-1.09%) TRX: $0.12144 (-0.52%) WBTC: $66991.45 (+0.01%) Top gainers on Binance: CREAM/USDT (+36%) FARM/USDT (+16%) OOKI/USDT (+11%) #Write&Earn
Binance Market Update (2024-05-20)
The global cryptocurrency market cap now stands at $2.43T, down by -0.36% over the last day, according to CoinMarketCap data.
Bitcoin (BTC) has been trading between $65,857 and $67,700 over the past 24 hours. As of 09:30 AM (UTC) today, BTC is trading at $66,940, down by -0.07%.
Most major cryptocurrencies by market cap are trading mixed. Market outperformers include CREAM, FARM, and OOKI, up by 36%, 16%, and 11%, respectively.
Top stories of the day:
MicroStrategy's Chairman Encourages Betting On Bitcoin Amidst Price Pause
ETFs Acquire Thrice the New BTC Supply: Key Takeaways in Bitcoin Market This Week
Genesis To Reimburse Customers In Bitcoin And Ethereum Claims
Federal Reserve Meeting and Nvidia Earnings Report to Influence Markets
Five On-Chain Indicators Suggest Cryptocurrency Bull Market Is Just Beginning
10x Research: Bitcoin Could Break New Records If It Surpasses $67,500
Silver Surpasses Bitcoin To Become The Eighth Largest Asset By Market Cap
Ten U.S. Bitcoin Spot ETFs Amass Over $36 Billion in BTC Since Listing
SEC Set to Decide on Ethereum Spot ETF This Week
Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet Contracts to $7.3 Trillion
Market movers:
ETH: $3106.26 (+0.18%)
BNB: $576.3 (-0.45%)
SOL: $177.58 (+3.12%)
XRP: $0.5138 (-1.02%)
DOGE: $0.15143 (-0.60%)
ADA: $0.468 (-1.41%)
SHIB: $0.00002391 (-2.61%)
AVAX: $36.19 (-1.09%)
TRX: $0.12144 (-0.52%)
WBTC: $66991.45 (+0.01%)
Top gainers on Binance:
FARM/USDT (+16%)
OOKI/USDT (+11%)
$SAGA today really important news for Saga seller holder and buyer read carefully . Here are some insights about SAGA coin . *Price Prediction:* - The price of SAGA is predicted to fluctuate between $4 to $6 when listed on the Binance exchange, which is equivalent to a market capitalization ranging from $360 million to $540 million and an FDV of $4 billion to $6 billion. *Reasons for price going down:* - The price of SAGA is affected by various factors, including market trends, adoption rates, and competition in the cryptocurrency space. - The current market conditions, including the dominance of Bitcoin and the overall sentiment of investors, can also impact the price of SAGA. *Expert opinions:* - Experts predict that SAGA has the potential to achieve an FDV level on par with ALT & Manta, and perhaps even surpass them if the gaming trend explodes again. - The ideal price range for SAGA when listed on the Binance exchange could fluctuate between $4 to $6, equivalent to a market capitalization ranging from $360 million to $540 million and an FDV of $4 billion to $6 billion. *Additional Information:* - SAGA is a Layer 1 protocol that facilitates the creation of parallelized, VM-agnostic, and interoperable dedicated chains, known as “Chainlets.” - The protocol operates on a decentralized proof-of-stake system, ensuring that each Chainlet maintains the same set of validators and security framework as the Saga Mainnet. - The native utility token, $SAGA, serves several functions, including payment, staking, and governance. follow like comment and share #Write&Earn
$SAGA today really important news for Saga seller holder and buyer read carefully . Here are some insights about SAGA coin .

*Price Prediction:*
- The price of SAGA is predicted to fluctuate between $4 to $6 when listed on the Binance exchange, which is equivalent to a market capitalization ranging from $360 million to $540 million and an FDV of $4 billion to $6 billion.

*Reasons for price going down:*
- The price of SAGA is affected by various factors, including market trends, adoption rates, and competition in the cryptocurrency space.
- The current market conditions, including the dominance of Bitcoin and the overall sentiment of investors, can also impact the price of SAGA.

*Expert opinions:*
- Experts predict that SAGA has the potential to achieve an FDV level on par with ALT & Manta, and perhaps even surpass them if the gaming trend explodes again.
- The ideal price range for SAGA when listed on the Binance exchange could fluctuate between $4 to $6, equivalent to a market capitalization ranging from $360 million to $540 million and an FDV of $4 billion to $6 billion.

*Additional Information:*
- SAGA is a Layer 1 protocol that facilitates the creation of parallelized, VM-agnostic, and interoperable dedicated chains, known as “Chainlets.”
- The protocol operates on a decentralized proof-of-stake system, ensuring that each Chainlet maintains the same set of validators and security framework as the Saga Mainnet.
- The native utility token, $SAGA , serves several functions, including payment, staking, and governance.
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$ENA ena cion today everyone share your thoughts in comment to know about this cion is scam are not everyone be quick . and this cion is looking really volatile . but volatility is not a problem this cion is not going but going down continuesly. The current price of Ethena (ENA) is $0.719 per coin, and its price has fluctuated by 5.90% in the last 24 hours . - *Market cap*: $1,093,571,526 - *24-hour volume*: $175,230,045 - *Circulating supply*: 1,520,312,500 ENA - *Total supply*: 15,000,000,000 ENA - *Max supply*: 15,000,000,000 ENA follow like comment and share . thank you followers and binance community . #enacioscam
$ENA ena cion today everyone share your thoughts in comment to know about this cion is scam are not everyone be quick . and this cion is looking really volatile . but volatility is not a problem this cion is not going but going down continuesly.
The current price of Ethena (ENA) is $0.719 per coin, and its price has fluctuated by 5.90% in the last 24 hours .

- *Market cap*: $1,093,571,526
- *24-hour volume*: $175,230,045
- *Circulating supply*: 1,520,312,500 ENA
- *Total supply*: 15,000,000,000 ENA
- *Max supply*: 15,000,000,000 ENA
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thank you followers and binance community .
#ena cion some basic impormation read every one Here's what I found ¹: - *Ethena price*: $0.757 - *24h price change*: -5.81% - *Market cap*: $1,151,617,434 - *24h volume*: $301,092,342 - *Circulating supply*: 1,520,312,500 ENA - *Total supply*: 15,000,000,000 ENA - *Max supply*: 15,000,000,000 ENA - *Fully diluted market cap*: $11,362,309,733 - *All-time high*: $1.52 (Apr 11, 2024) - *All-time low*: $0.527 (Apr 02, 2024) what a reason this cion is not going up every one write a reason in comment to understand about this cion every one be quick and share the thoughts in comment . follow like and share everyone to about this cion is scam or not #Wrire2Earns
#ena cion some basic impormation read every one Here's what I found ¹:
- *Ethena price*: $0.757
- *24h price change*: -5.81%
- *Market cap*: $1,151,617,434
- *24h volume*: $301,092,342
- *Circulating supply*: 1,520,312,500 ENA
- *Total supply*: 15,000,000,000 ENA
- *Max supply*: 15,000,000,000 ENA
- *Fully diluted market cap*: $11,362,309,733
- *All-time high*: $1.52 (Apr 11, 2024)
- *All-time low*: $0.527 (Apr 02, 2024)
what a reason this cion is not going up every one write a reason in comment to understand about this cion every one be quick and share the thoughts in comment .
follow like and share everyone to about this cion is scam or not
$NOT everyone be ready for the up trand of this cion .🚀 Notcoin enters the market with a $1B fully diluted value and $940M market cap, capturing the attention of 35 million users and surging in trading volume within the first hour of trading. #crypto #Notcoin #tradingvolume for more follow like comment and share #WriteRean2👏
$NOT everyone be ready for the up trand of this cion .🚀 Notcoin enters the market with a $1B fully diluted value and $940M market cap, capturing the attention of 35 million users and surging in trading volume within the first hour of trading. #crypto #Notcoin #tradingvolume
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#ENA cion abdat my followers and binance community at this time btc cion is going down every sell ena cion this cion is more going down expected down price is 0.500$ everyone sell this cion when this cion price came 0.500$ then buy for more real news follow like comment and share . #WriteRean2👏
#ENA cion abdat my followers and binance community at this time btc cion is going down every sell ena cion this cion is more going down expected down price is 0.500$ everyone sell this cion when this cion price came 0.500$ then buy for more real news follow like comment and share .
#BinanceLaunchpool today real important news for my followers and binance community to read this news carefully .Here are some news about Binance Pool ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵: - *Binance Pool Launches $500 Million Lending Project*: Binance Pool, a mining subsidiary of Binance, has recently launched a $500 million lending project to support the crypto mining industry. - *Supporting Bitcoin Miners*: The project will provide loans to private blue-chip Bitcoin (BTC) crypto miners. - *Loan Terms*: The terms of the loans include an 18-to-24-month term, 5% to 10% interest rates and some physical or digital assets as security. - *Cloud Mining Products*: Binance Pool will also launch cloud mining products, directly purchasing the cloud mining hashing power from Bitcoin mining and digital infrastructure providers. - *Company Expansion*: Binance continues its expansion strategy even in the bear market. In September, it registered with New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and opened local offices in the country. follow like comment and share . #BinanceLaunchpool
#BinanceLaunchpool today real important news for my followers and binance community to read this news carefully .Here are some news about Binance Pool ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵:
- *Binance Pool Launches $500 Million Lending Project*: Binance Pool, a mining subsidiary of Binance, has recently launched a $500 million lending project to support the crypto mining industry.
- *Supporting Bitcoin Miners*: The project will provide loans to private blue-chip Bitcoin (BTC) crypto miners.
- *Loan Terms*: The terms of the loans include an 18-to-24-month term, 5% to 10% interest rates and some physical or digital assets as security.
- *Cloud Mining Products*: Binance Pool will also launch cloud mining products, directly purchasing the cloud mining hashing power from Bitcoin mining and digital infrastructure providers.
- *Company Expansion*: Binance continues its expansion strategy even in the bear market. In September, it registered with New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and opened local offices in the country.
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$ENA cion abdat today most important analysis to read .Here is what experts think about Ethena (ENA) today ¹ ²: *Price:* - The price of Ethena (ENA) is $0.7274, which is 6.13% higher than the previous day's price. - The price of ENA has fluctuated between $0.6684 and $0.7487 in the last 24 hours. *Market Cap:* - The market capitalization of ENA is $1,105,849,394, which is 6.13% higher than the previous day. *Volume:* - The 24-hour trading volume of ENA is $510,570,262, which is 33.22% higher than the previous day. *Circulating Supply:* - The circulating supply of ENA is 1,520,312,500 ENA, which is 10.14% of the total supply. *All-time High:* - The all-time high price of ENA was $1.52, which was recorded on April 11, 2024. *All-time Low:* - The all-time low price of ENA was $0.5275, which was recorded on April 02, 2024. *Prediction:* - The price of ENA is expected to fluctuate between $0.082 and $0.088 in the short term. - The price of ENA is expected to fluctuate between $0.090 and $0.098 in the medium term. - The price of ENA is expected to fluctuate between $0.100 and $0.120 in the long term. Please note that impormation based on technical analysis and market trends. for more real news follow like comment and share . #WriteRean2👏
$ENA cion abdat today most important analysis to read .Here is what experts think about Ethena (ENA) today ¹ ²:

- The price of Ethena (ENA) is $0.7274, which is 6.13% higher than the previous day's price.
- The price of ENA has fluctuated between $0.6684 and $0.7487 in the last 24 hours.

*Market Cap:*
- The market capitalization of ENA is $1,105,849,394, which is 6.13% higher than the previous day.

- The 24-hour trading volume of ENA is $510,570,262, which is 33.22% higher than the previous day.

*Circulating Supply:*
- The circulating supply of ENA is 1,520,312,500 ENA, which is 10.14% of the total supply.

*All-time High:*
- The all-time high price of ENA was $1.52, which was recorded on April 11, 2024.

*All-time Low:*
- The all-time low price of ENA was $0.5275, which was recorded on April 02, 2024.

- The price of ENA is expected to fluctuate between $0.082 and $0.088 in the short term.
- The price of ENA is expected to fluctuate between $0.090 and $0.098 in the medium term.
- The price of ENA is expected to fluctuate between $0.100 and $0.120 in the long term.

Please note that impormation based on technical analysis and market trends.
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$ENA today price prediction read carefully and Based on expert analysis and market trends, here are some price predictions for Ethena (ENA) today: - CoinCodex: $0.081 - $0.085 - CryptoPredictions: $0.082 - $0.088 - DigitalCoinPrice: $0.084 - $0.091 - WalletInvestor: $0.079 - $0.086 Please note that these predictions are based on technical analysis and market trends, and should you need to more research for more real news follow like comment and share thank you followers and binance community . #write2earn🌐💹
$ENA today price prediction read carefully and Based on expert analysis and market trends, here are some price predictions for Ethena (ENA) today:

- CoinCodex: $0.081 - $0.085
- CryptoPredictions: $0.082 - $0.088
- DigitalCoinPrice: $0.084 - $0.091
- WalletInvestor: $0.079 - $0.086

Please note that these predictions are based on technical analysis and market trends, and should you need to more research
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thank you followers and binance community .
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