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Bitcoin sasniedz $ 62 000: BlackRock veic likmes uz BTC, jo ASV dolārs vājinās Bitcoin (BTC) pieauga līdz USD 62 000 pēc 2,20% pieauguma piektdien, tomēr saskaras ar galveno pretestību USD 62,2 000 apmērā ar iespējamām īstermiņa korekcijām. Pasaulē lielākais aktīvu pārvaldītājs BlackRock nesen uzsvēra Bitcoin nozīmi kā nodrošinājumu pret ASV dolāra pavājināšanos. Dolāra pirktspēja ir samazinājusies no 1 USD 1913. gadā līdz tikai USD 0,03 2023. gadā, savukārt Bitcoin fiksētā piegāde, decentralizētā pārvaldība un zemās darījumu izmaksas padara to par pārliecinošu alternatīvu. Galvenās iezīmes: Cenu noturība: Bitcoin saskaras ar pretestību gandrīz 62,2 000 USD apmērā, un, ja netiks pārkāpta 65 000 USD, tas var izraisīt korekciju līdz USD 57,99 000. Tomēr vēsturiski Bitcoin darbojas labi ceturtajā ceturksnī, padarot iespējamu jaunu visu laiku augstāko līmeni (ATH), ja tas pārvar galveno pretestību. BlackRock skatījums: BlackRock uzsvēra Bitcoin kā riska ierobežošanas lomu, jo īpaši ņemot vērā ASV dolāra samazināšanos. Ar tirgus maksimālo apjomu USD 1,3 triljoni salīdzinājumā ar zelta 14 triljoniem USD, Bitcoin joprojām ir sākuma stadijā, taču tam ir ievērojams izaugsmes potenciāls. Bullish perspektīvas: neskatoties uz iespējamo īstermiņa nepastāvību, Bitcoin ilgtermiņa perspektīvas joprojām ir ļoti bullish. Aktīvam ir tendence pieaugt pēc augstāku zemāko un augstāko maksimumu noteikšanas septembrī, ar potenciālu pārspēt USD 65 000 un sasniegt USD 70 000. Lai gan īstermiņā var būt korekcijas, BlackRock pārliecība par Bitcoin liecina, ka BTC kā globālās monetārās alternatīvas pozīcija nostiprināsies, jo īpaši pieaugot bažām par ASV dolāra ilgtermiņa vērtību. Atruna: šī ziņa ir paredzēta tikai informatīviem nolūkiem, un to nevajadzētu uzskatīt par finanšu padomu. Kriptovalūtas ieguldījumi ir ļoti spekulatīvi un rada riskus. Pirms jebkādu investīciju lēmumu pieņemšanas vienmēr konsultējieties ar finanšu konsultantu. #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024 #Bitcoin❗ #bitcoin☀️ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Bitcoin sasniedz $ 62 000: BlackRock veic likmes uz BTC, jo ASV dolārs vājinās

Bitcoin (BTC) pieauga līdz USD 62 000 pēc 2,20% pieauguma piektdien, tomēr saskaras ar galveno pretestību USD 62,2 000 apmērā ar iespējamām īstermiņa korekcijām. Pasaulē lielākais aktīvu pārvaldītājs BlackRock nesen uzsvēra Bitcoin nozīmi kā nodrošinājumu pret ASV dolāra pavājināšanos. Dolāra pirktspēja ir samazinājusies no 1 USD 1913. gadā līdz tikai USD 0,03 2023. gadā, savukārt Bitcoin fiksētā piegāde, decentralizētā pārvaldība un zemās darījumu izmaksas padara to par pārliecinošu alternatīvu.

Galvenās iezīmes:

Cenu noturība: Bitcoin saskaras ar pretestību gandrīz 62,2 000 USD apmērā, un, ja netiks pārkāpta 65 000 USD, tas var izraisīt korekciju līdz USD 57,99 000. Tomēr vēsturiski Bitcoin darbojas labi ceturtajā ceturksnī, padarot iespējamu jaunu visu laiku augstāko līmeni (ATH), ja tas pārvar galveno pretestību.

BlackRock skatījums: BlackRock uzsvēra Bitcoin kā riska ierobežošanas lomu, jo īpaši ņemot vērā ASV dolāra samazināšanos. Ar tirgus maksimālo apjomu USD 1,3 triljoni salīdzinājumā ar zelta 14 triljoniem USD, Bitcoin joprojām ir sākuma stadijā, taču tam ir ievērojams izaugsmes potenciāls.

Bullish perspektīvas: neskatoties uz iespējamo īstermiņa nepastāvību, Bitcoin ilgtermiņa perspektīvas joprojām ir ļoti bullish. Aktīvam ir tendence pieaugt pēc augstāku zemāko un augstāko maksimumu noteikšanas septembrī, ar potenciālu pārspēt USD 65 000 un sasniegt USD 70 000.

Lai gan īstermiņā var būt korekcijas, BlackRock pārliecība par Bitcoin liecina, ka BTC kā globālās monetārās alternatīvas pozīcija nostiprināsies, jo īpaši pieaugot bažām par ASV dolāra ilgtermiņa vērtību.

Atruna: šī ziņa ir paredzēta tikai informatīviem nolūkiem, un to nevajadzētu uzskatīt par finanšu padomu. Kriptovalūtas ieguldījumi ir ļoti spekulatīvi un rada riskus. Pirms jebkādu investīciju lēmumu pieņemšanas vienmēr konsultējieties ar finanšu konsultantu.

#BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024 #Bitcoin❗ #bitcoin☀️ $BTC
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin's Bull Run vai tikai elpa? Atruna: tas nav finanšu padoms. Pirms investīciju lēmumu pieņemšanas vienmēr veiciet savu izpēti. Kad mēs ieejam ceturtajā ceturksnī, kas vēsturiski pazīstams kā Bitcoin spēcīgā sezona, daudzi gaidīja strauju ralliju, kas varētu virzīt cenu uz debesīm. Tomēr Bitcoin pēc 65 000 USD sasniegšanas ir nedaudz samazinājies līdz 60 000 USD, liekot investoriem un tirgotājiem kasīt galvu. Vai šī ir īslaicīga atdzišana, pirms Bitcoin paceļas jaunos augstumos, vai arī priekšā ir vēl vairāk satricinājumu? Vēsturiski Bitcoin ir bijis neticami 4. ceturkšņa sniegums — 9% pieaugums 2012. gadā, 59% — 2016. gadā un pārsteidzošs 171% 2020. gadā. Tagad, 2024. gadā, mēs visi domājam, vai vēsture atkārtosies. Tātad, kas ir nepieciešams Bitcoin, lai šo klusumu pārvērstu par ralliju? 1. Tirgus noskaņojums: ar baiļu un alkatības indeksu 36, kas parāda bailes, investoru uzticībai ir nepieciešams ievērojams stimuls. Noskaņojums bieži var būt galvenais impulsa virzītājspēks, un, ja stāstījums mainās uz augšu, mēs varētu redzēt šo ilgi gaidīto ralliju. 2. Normatīvā skaidrība: notiekošās cīņas ar regulējošām iestādēm, piemēram, SEC, turpina uzturēt tirgu pārsvarā, jo īpaši ar jaunu uzmanību pievēršot XRP un citiem kriptogrāfijas milžiem. Jebkurš labvēlīgs iznākums var ievest tirgū optimismu. 3. Institucionālie pasākumi: galvenie spēlētāji, piemēram, Franklins Templetons, kas atbalsta blokķēdes projektus (Aptos), parāda, ka liela nauda joprojām interesējas par telpu. Vairāk institucionālo investoru apstiprinājumu varētu veicināt mītiņu. 4. Makroekonomiskie faktori. Pasaules tirgus apstākļiem ir izšķiroša nozīme. Tā kā pastāv bažas par inflāciju un tradicionālajiem tirgiem, Bitcoin var tikt pozicionēts kā riska ierobežošana, ja apstākļi pasliktināsies. Likmes par Bitcoin ir augstākas nekā jebkad agrāk, un, lai gan tas tiek uzskatīts par "Q4 ballīšu dzīvnieku" uz pusi gadiem, tai joprojām ir nepieciešama šī papildu dzirkstele, lai ielauztos sešciparu teritorijā. Vai mēs redzēsim Bitcoin nokratām šo neseno kritumu un sprintu pretī rekorda gada beigām? Sekojiet līdzi nākamajām nedēļām! #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024 #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Bitcoin's Bull Run vai tikai elpa?

Atruna: tas nav finanšu padoms. Pirms investīciju lēmumu pieņemšanas vienmēr veiciet savu izpēti.

Kad mēs ieejam ceturtajā ceturksnī, kas vēsturiski pazīstams kā Bitcoin spēcīgā sezona, daudzi gaidīja strauju ralliju, kas varētu virzīt cenu uz debesīm. Tomēr Bitcoin pēc 65 000 USD sasniegšanas ir nedaudz samazinājies līdz 60 000 USD, liekot investoriem un tirgotājiem kasīt galvu.

Vai šī ir īslaicīga atdzišana, pirms Bitcoin paceļas jaunos augstumos, vai arī priekšā ir vēl vairāk satricinājumu? Vēsturiski Bitcoin ir bijis neticami 4. ceturkšņa sniegums — 9% pieaugums 2012. gadā, 59% — 2016. gadā un pārsteidzošs 171% 2020. gadā. Tagad, 2024. gadā, mēs visi domājam, vai vēsture atkārtosies.

Tātad, kas ir nepieciešams Bitcoin, lai šo klusumu pārvērstu par ralliju?

1. Tirgus noskaņojums: ar baiļu un alkatības indeksu 36, kas parāda bailes, investoru uzticībai ir nepieciešams ievērojams stimuls. Noskaņojums bieži var būt galvenais impulsa virzītājspēks, un, ja stāstījums mainās uz augšu, mēs varētu redzēt šo ilgi gaidīto ralliju.

2. Normatīvā skaidrība: notiekošās cīņas ar regulējošām iestādēm, piemēram, SEC, turpina uzturēt tirgu pārsvarā, jo īpaši ar jaunu uzmanību pievēršot XRP un citiem kriptogrāfijas milžiem. Jebkurš labvēlīgs iznākums var ievest tirgū optimismu.

3. Institucionālie pasākumi: galvenie spēlētāji, piemēram, Franklins Templetons, kas atbalsta blokķēdes projektus (Aptos), parāda, ka liela nauda joprojām interesējas par telpu. Vairāk institucionālo investoru apstiprinājumu varētu veicināt mītiņu.

4. Makroekonomiskie faktori. Pasaules tirgus apstākļiem ir izšķiroša nozīme. Tā kā pastāv bažas par inflāciju un tradicionālajiem tirgiem, Bitcoin var tikt pozicionēts kā riska ierobežošana, ja apstākļi pasliktināsies.

Likmes par Bitcoin ir augstākas nekā jebkad agrāk, un, lai gan tas tiek uzskatīts par "Q4 ballīšu dzīvnieku" uz pusi gadiem, tai joprojām ir nepieciešama šī papildu dzirkstele, lai ielauztos sešciparu teritorijā. Vai mēs redzēsim Bitcoin nokratām šo neseno kritumu un sprintu pretī rekorda gada beigām?

Sekojiet līdzi nākamajām nedēļām!

#BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #BTC☀ #btcupdates2024 #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗ $BTC
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kripto tirgus satricinās: Bitcoin samazinās līdz 60 000 USD, globālie tirgi reaģē! 🚨 Atruna: šī ziņa ir paredzēta tikai informatīviem nolūkiem un nav uzskatāma par finanšu padomu. Pirms jebkādu investīciju lēmumu pieņemšanas vienmēr veiciet savu izpēti. Mēs neesam atbildīgi par jebkādiem finansiāliem zaudējumiem vai lēmumiem, kas pieņemti, pamatojoties uz šeit sniegto informāciju. --- Kriptogrāfiju pasaule ir rosīga pēc tam, kad Bitcoin negaidīti kritās līdz 60 000 USD, iezīmējot nestabilu sākumu tam, kas bija paredzēts bullish "Uptober"! Taču tā nav tikai digitālā sfēra — arī tradicionālie tirgi izjūt satricinājumus, ko izraisa ģeopolitiskā spriedze, tirgus satraukums un vispārējs "kas pie velna?" noskaņojums. Šeit ir īss ieskats populārākajos tirgus stāstos: Bitcoin samazinās līdz 60 000 USD: vai Uptober zaudē savu burvību? 🎢 XRP ETF pie apvāršņa: vai Solana nebija pirmā? 🤔 Hakeri streiko vēlreiz: 3. ceturksnī pazuduši 753 miljoni USD, vissmagāk cietis Ethereum. 🕵️‍♂️ Three Arrows Capital dibinātāji izlaiž memecoin: vai cilvēki joprojām tos pērk? 🃏 Telegram spēļu žetonu avārija: vai pieskaršanās, lai nopelnītu modelis nedarbojas? 📱💥 Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem, jo ​​mēs iedziļināmies šajos virsrakstos! #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #NeiroOnBinance #BTC☀ #MemeWatch2024 $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $XRP {spot}(XRPUSDT)
Kripto tirgus satricinās: Bitcoin samazinās līdz 60 000 USD, globālie tirgi reaģē!

🚨 Atruna: šī ziņa ir paredzēta tikai informatīviem nolūkiem un nav uzskatāma par finanšu padomu. Pirms jebkādu investīciju lēmumu pieņemšanas vienmēr veiciet savu izpēti. Mēs neesam atbildīgi par jebkādiem finansiāliem zaudējumiem vai lēmumiem, kas pieņemti, pamatojoties uz šeit sniegto informāciju.


Kriptogrāfiju pasaule ir rosīga pēc tam, kad Bitcoin negaidīti kritās līdz 60 000 USD, iezīmējot nestabilu sākumu tam, kas bija paredzēts bullish "Uptober"! Taču tā nav tikai digitālā sfēra — arī tradicionālie tirgi izjūt satricinājumus, ko izraisa ģeopolitiskā spriedze, tirgus satraukums un vispārējs "kas pie velna?" noskaņojums.

Šeit ir īss ieskats populārākajos tirgus stāstos:

Bitcoin samazinās līdz 60 000 USD: vai Uptober zaudē savu burvību? 🎢

XRP ETF pie apvāršņa: vai Solana nebija pirmā? 🤔

Hakeri streiko vēlreiz: 3. ceturksnī pazuduši 753 miljoni USD, vissmagāk cietis Ethereum. 🕵️‍♂️

Three Arrows Capital dibinātāji izlaiž memecoin: vai cilvēki joprojām tos pērk? 🃏

Telegram spēļu žetonu avārija: vai pieskaršanās, lai nopelnītu modelis nedarbojas? 📱💥

Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem, jo ​​mēs iedziļināmies šajos virsrakstos!

#BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #NeiroOnBinance #BTC☀ #MemeWatch2024 $BTC
Skatīt oriģinālu
Tirgus analītiķi prognozē aizraujošas Bitcoin un UNI monētu tendences oktobrī Kripto entuziasti, ir pienācis laiks sagatavoties iespējamām tirgus izmaiņām! 🌐📉 Nesenā tirgus analīze atklāj galvenos ieskatus Bitcoin un UNI monētās, jo abās kriptovalūtās ir vērojamas ievērojamas kustības pazīmes. Eksperti norāda, ka oktobris, ko bieži dēvē par "Līdz oktobrim", varētu vienkārši virzīt Bitcoin uz izlaušanos. Tā kā BTC cenas svārstās tuvu galvenajiem atbalsta līmeņiem — 62 000 $, tirgotājiem vajadzētu būt modriem! Kas attiecas uz UNI monētu, tās liktenis var būt ļoti atkarīgs no gaidāmajiem politiskajiem rezultātiem, īpaši ASV vēlēšanās. Normatīvā skaidrība pēc vēlēšanām varētu uzlabot UNI darbību, īpaši DeFi sektorā. Sekojiet līdzi galvenajām norisēm, jo ​​ārējie faktori turpmākajās nedēļās var ietekmēt abus tirgus. Galvenās līdzņemšanas iespējas: UNI Monētas vērtība var pieaugt, pamatojoties uz vēlēšanu rezultātiem un normatīvo aktu izmaiņām. Bitcoin varētu redzēt izrāvienu, vēsturiskajām tendencēm dodot priekšroku oktobrim cenu pieaugumam. Ieteicams ievērot piesardzību, jo tirgus apstākļi joprojām ir nepastāvīgi. Atruna: šī ziņa ir paredzēta tikai informatīviem nolūkiem, un to nevajadzētu uzskatīt par finanšu padomu. Ieguldījumi kriptovalūtās ir saistīti ar risku, un pirms jebkādu finanšu lēmumu pieņemšanas ir svarīgi veikt savu izpēti. #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #TrendingInvestments #Uptober #Uniswap’s #BTC☀ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $UNI {spot}(UNIUSDT)
Tirgus analītiķi prognozē aizraujošas Bitcoin un UNI monētu tendences oktobrī

Kripto entuziasti, ir pienācis laiks sagatavoties iespējamām tirgus izmaiņām! 🌐📉

Nesenā tirgus analīze atklāj galvenos ieskatus Bitcoin un UNI monētās, jo abās kriptovalūtās ir vērojamas ievērojamas kustības pazīmes. Eksperti norāda, ka oktobris, ko bieži dēvē par "Līdz oktobrim", varētu vienkārši virzīt Bitcoin uz izlaušanos. Tā kā BTC cenas svārstās tuvu galvenajiem atbalsta līmeņiem — 62 000 $, tirgotājiem vajadzētu būt modriem!

Kas attiecas uz UNI monētu, tās liktenis var būt ļoti atkarīgs no gaidāmajiem politiskajiem rezultātiem, īpaši ASV vēlēšanās. Normatīvā skaidrība pēc vēlēšanām varētu uzlabot UNI darbību, īpaši DeFi sektorā. Sekojiet līdzi galvenajām norisēm, jo ​​ārējie faktori turpmākajās nedēļās var ietekmēt abus tirgus.

Galvenās līdzņemšanas iespējas:

UNI Monētas vērtība var pieaugt, pamatojoties uz vēlēšanu rezultātiem un normatīvo aktu izmaiņām.

Bitcoin varētu redzēt izrāvienu, vēsturiskajām tendencēm dodot priekšroku oktobrim cenu pieaugumam.

Ieteicams ievērot piesardzību, jo tirgus apstākļi joprojām ir nepastāvīgi.

Atruna: šī ziņa ir paredzēta tikai informatīviem nolūkiem, un to nevajadzētu uzskatīt par finanšu padomu. Ieguldījumi kriptovalūtās ir saistīti ar risku, un pirms jebkādu finanšu lēmumu pieņemšanas ir svarīgi veikt savu izpēti.

#BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #TrendingInvestments #Uptober #Uniswap’s #BTC☀
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin miers pirms vētras: vai Q4 ir iestatīts uz Rocket vai Fizzle? 🚀 Atruna: šī ziņa ir paredzēta tikai informatīviem nolūkiem un nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Pirms jebkādu investīciju lēmumu pieņemšanas vienmēr veiciet savu izpēti. --- Pat tad, kad analītiķi no jumtiem kliedz bullish prognozes, šķiet, ka Bitcoin spēlē ilgu spēli, mierīgi svārstījoties 63–64 000 USD diapazonā. Vai šis mierīgums liecina par kaut ko lielāku pie apvāršņa? Tuvojoties vēlēšanām ASV un kriptovalūtu tirgum, kas ir pazīstams ar savām pēkšņām pārmaiņām, ir vērts jautāt: vai Bitcoin gatavojas lielam skrējienam? Šeit ir īss kopsavilkums par to, kas šodien notiek kriptovalūtu pasaulē: 1. Bitcoin’s Q4 Outlook: Daži uzskata, ka gaidāmās ASV vēlēšanas satrauks potenciālu. CK Zheng no ZX Squared Capital ir derības, ka Bitcoin varētu gūt labumu no ekonomiskās nestabilitātes, kas saistīta ar vēlēšanām. Bet kādi citi faktori varētu veicināt Bitcoin vēršu skrējienu? 2. CleanSpark izpilddirektora treknā prognoze: Zaks Bredfords prognozē, ka Bitcoin nākamajos 18 mēnešos varētu pieaugt līdz 200 000 USD, ko veicinās gaidāmā Bitcoin samazināšana uz pusi un labvēlīgi makroekonomiskie apstākļi. Vai pēcvēlēšanu periods kalpos par starta platformu Bitcoin meteoriskajam pieaugumam? 3. FTX Token’s Surprise Surge: Neskatoties uz FTX biržas izzušanu, tās marķieris FTT pieauga par 70%. Vai šī ir “beigta kaķa atlēciens” vai kaut kā lielāka sākums? To rādīs tikai laiks. 4. Trampa DeFi platforma: bijušā prezidenta Trampa komanda ir ieviesusi DeFi platformu, taču pašlaik tā ir pieejama tikai akreditētiem investoriem. Vai tas varētu liecināt par plašākām izmaiņām kriptovalūtu ieviešanā ASV? 5. Robinhood un Stablecoins: Robinhood aptur baumas par savas stabilās monētas izlaišanu. Tā kā stabilo monētu tirgū dominē Tether, vai Robinhooda piesardzība ir saprātīgs solis, vai arī viņi var palaist garām kādu lielu iespēju? Strauji mainīgajā kriptovalūtu pasaulē šodienas stabilitāte varētu atkāpties no rītdienas nepastāvības. #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #BTCPredictedNewATH #NeiroOnBinance #CATIonBinance $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $FTT {spot}(FTTUSDT)
Bitcoin miers pirms vētras: vai Q4 ir iestatīts uz Rocket vai Fizzle? 🚀

Atruna: šī ziņa ir paredzēta tikai informatīviem nolūkiem un nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Pirms jebkādu investīciju lēmumu pieņemšanas vienmēr veiciet savu izpēti.


Pat tad, kad analītiķi no jumtiem kliedz bullish prognozes, šķiet, ka Bitcoin spēlē ilgu spēli, mierīgi svārstījoties 63–64 000 USD diapazonā. Vai šis mierīgums liecina par kaut ko lielāku pie apvāršņa? Tuvojoties vēlēšanām ASV un kriptovalūtu tirgum, kas ir pazīstams ar savām pēkšņām pārmaiņām, ir vērts jautāt: vai Bitcoin gatavojas lielam skrējienam?

Šeit ir īss kopsavilkums par to, kas šodien notiek kriptovalūtu pasaulē:

1. Bitcoin’s Q4 Outlook: Daži uzskata, ka gaidāmās ASV vēlēšanas satrauks potenciālu. CK Zheng no ZX Squared Capital ir derības, ka Bitcoin varētu gūt labumu no ekonomiskās nestabilitātes, kas saistīta ar vēlēšanām. Bet kādi citi faktori varētu veicināt Bitcoin vēršu skrējienu?

2. CleanSpark izpilddirektora treknā prognoze: Zaks Bredfords prognozē, ka Bitcoin nākamajos 18 mēnešos varētu pieaugt līdz 200 000 USD, ko veicinās gaidāmā Bitcoin samazināšana uz pusi un labvēlīgi makroekonomiskie apstākļi. Vai pēcvēlēšanu periods kalpos par starta platformu Bitcoin meteoriskajam pieaugumam?

3. FTX Token’s Surprise Surge: Neskatoties uz FTX biržas izzušanu, tās marķieris FTT pieauga par 70%. Vai šī ir “beigta kaķa atlēciens” vai kaut kā lielāka sākums? To rādīs tikai laiks.

4. Trampa DeFi platforma: bijušā prezidenta Trampa komanda ir ieviesusi DeFi platformu, taču pašlaik tā ir pieejama tikai akreditētiem investoriem. Vai tas varētu liecināt par plašākām izmaiņām kriptovalūtu ieviešanā ASV?

5. Robinhood un Stablecoins: Robinhood aptur baumas par savas stabilās monētas izlaišanu. Tā kā stabilo monētu tirgū dominē Tether, vai Robinhooda piesardzība ir saprātīgs solis, vai arī viņi var palaist garām kādu lielu iespēju?

Strauji mainīgajā kriptovalūtu pasaulē šodienas stabilitāte varētu atkāpties no rītdienas nepastāvības.

#BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #BTCPredictedNewATH #NeiroOnBinance #CATIonBinance $BTC
Bitcoin's Calm Before the Storm? Analyzing the Latest Crypto Market Moves Disclaimer: The information shared in this post is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be financial advice. Please do your own research or consult with a professional before making any financial decisions. Over the weekend, Bitcoin made headlines again as its price dipped from $66K to $63.5K. But is this a cause for concern? Not quite! Despite the dip, the crypto fear and greed index remains in "greed" territory, suggesting the market isn’t buying into the doom and gloom just yet. Here are some of the top highlights shaping the crypto space right now: Bitcoin Surges to $65,500 🚀: While Bitcoin hit a two-month high, experts urge caution. Are we in for a bull run, or is this just a temporary spike? $365 Million Inflows into Bitcoin ETFs 💼: Big players like Ark Invest and BlackRock are betting on Bitcoin. Could this signal a bullish trend? $32 Million Phishing Scam 💰: A crypto user lost millions to a sophisticated phishing attack. With scams on the rise, it's crucial to stay vigilant. Google Play's Fake Crypto App 🔍: For months, a fake app siphoned $70K from unsuspecting Android users. How can you spot these fraudulent apps? Zuckerberg’s Metaverse Bet 🚀: Meta’s stock has soared, and it seems the metaverse is making a strong comeback, driving significant interest. As the market cools off, we might be witnessing a brief moment of calm before a major move. Could it be the start of a new crypto wave? Let’s stay tuned! #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #BTCPredictedNewATH #MetaverseLife #CryptoNewss #BinanceSquareFamily $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Bitcoin's Calm Before the Storm? Analyzing the Latest Crypto Market Moves

Disclaimer: The information shared in this post is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be financial advice. Please do your own research or consult with a professional before making any financial decisions.

Over the weekend, Bitcoin made headlines again as its price dipped from $66K to $63.5K. But is this a cause for concern? Not quite! Despite the dip, the crypto fear and greed index remains in "greed" territory, suggesting the market isn’t buying into the doom and gloom just yet.

Here are some of the top highlights shaping the crypto space right now:

Bitcoin Surges to $65,500 🚀: While Bitcoin hit a two-month high, experts urge caution. Are we in for a bull run, or is this just a temporary spike?

$365 Million Inflows into Bitcoin ETFs 💼: Big players like Ark Invest and BlackRock are betting on Bitcoin. Could this signal a bullish trend?

$32 Million Phishing Scam 💰: A crypto user lost millions to a sophisticated phishing attack. With scams on the rise, it's crucial to stay vigilant.

Google Play's Fake Crypto App 🔍: For months, a fake app siphoned $70K from unsuspecting Android users. How can you spot these fraudulent apps?

Zuckerberg’s Metaverse Bet 🚀: Meta’s stock has soared, and it seems the metaverse is making a strong comeback, driving significant interest.

As the market cools off, we might be witnessing a brief moment of calm before a major move. Could it be the start of a new crypto wave? Let’s stay tuned!

#BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #BTCPredictedNewATH #MetaverseLife #CryptoNewss #BinanceSquareFamily $BTC
XRP’s Ultra-Bullish Breakthrough: What This Key Move Means for Investors 🚨 Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Please do your own research and consider consulting a professional before making any investment decisions. --- Big news for XRP holders! 🚀 The popular cryptocurrency has just broken past a critical technical level—the 200-day Moving Average (200 MA)—on its weekly price chart. Historically, this signals strong bullish momentum, and XRP’s recent 8.47% surge suggests more upward movement could be ahead. 📈 Could there be even bigger news on the horizon? 🤔 Some investors seem to be front-running the market, positioning themselves for potential positive developments. Maintaining this position above key resistance levels could push XRP into ultra-bullish territory! 🌕 Stay tuned and always remember to trade wisely. #Xrp🔥🔥 #XRPGoal #Ripple💰 #RippleUpdateV #BinanceSquareFamily $XRP {spot}(XRPUSDT)
XRP’s Ultra-Bullish Breakthrough: What This Key Move Means for Investors

🚨 Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Please do your own research and consider consulting a professional before making any investment decisions.


Big news for XRP holders! 🚀 The popular cryptocurrency has just broken past a critical technical level—the 200-day Moving Average (200 MA)—on its weekly price chart. Historically, this signals strong bullish momentum, and XRP’s recent 8.47% surge suggests more upward movement could be ahead. 📈

Could there be even bigger news on the horizon? 🤔 Some investors seem to be front-running the market, positioning themselves for potential positive developments.

Maintaining this position above key resistance levels could push XRP into ultra-bullish territory! 🌕 Stay tuned and always remember to trade wisely.

#Xrp🔥🔥 #XRPGoal #Ripple💰 #RippleUpdateV #BinanceSquareFamily $XRP
Skatīt oriģinālu
BNB cenu pieaugums: straujš rallijs vai īslaicīgs kāpums? BNB septembrī piedzīvoja ievērojamu 11% pieaugumu, ko lielā mērā noteica satraukums saistībā ar bijušā Binance izpilddirektora atbrīvošanu. Pēc 616 USD sasniegšanas cena nesen tika koriģēta līdz 604 USD. Bet kas būs tālāk BNB? Vairāki tehniskie rādītāji liecina par nepārtrauktu kāpumu, un pirkšanas spiediens ir redzams visos galvenajos līmeņos. RSI pie 64.3 paliek neitrālā teritorijā, norādot uz iespējamu tendences turpināšanos. Tomēr tādi rādītāji kā Williams %R un CCI norāda uz iespējamu īstermiņa lejupslīdi pārpirkšanas signālu dēļ. Tā kā kriptovalūtu pasaule ar nepacietību vēro turpmāko, vai BNB īstermiņā veiksies vai konsolidēsies? Atruna: iepriekš minētais saturs ir paredzēts tikai informatīviem nolūkiem, un to nevajadzētu uzskatīt par finanšu padomu. Pirms jebkādu investīciju lēmumu pieņemšanas, lūdzu, veiciet rūpīgu izpēti. #BNB_Market_Update #cryptoanalysis #binancecoin #CZBİNANCE #CryptoNews $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT)
BNB cenu pieaugums: straujš rallijs vai īslaicīgs kāpums?

BNB septembrī piedzīvoja ievērojamu 11% pieaugumu, ko lielā mērā noteica satraukums saistībā ar bijušā Binance izpilddirektora atbrīvošanu. Pēc 616 USD sasniegšanas cena nesen tika koriģēta līdz 604 USD. Bet kas būs tālāk BNB?

Vairāki tehniskie rādītāji liecina par nepārtrauktu kāpumu, un pirkšanas spiediens ir redzams visos galvenajos līmeņos. RSI pie 64.3 paliek neitrālā teritorijā, norādot uz iespējamu tendences turpināšanos. Tomēr tādi rādītāji kā Williams %R un CCI norāda uz iespējamu īstermiņa lejupslīdi pārpirkšanas signālu dēļ.

Tā kā kriptovalūtu pasaule ar nepacietību vēro turpmāko, vai BNB īstermiņā veiksies vai konsolidēsies?

Atruna: iepriekš minētais saturs ir paredzēts tikai informatīviem nolūkiem, un to nevajadzētu uzskatīt par finanšu padomu. Pirms jebkādu investīciju lēmumu pieņemšanas, lūdzu, veiciet rūpīgu izpēti.

#BNB_Market_Update #cryptoanalysis #binancecoin #CZBİNANCE #CryptoNews $BNB
Dogecoin Whale Surge: $140 Million Accumulation in Just 48 Hours—What’s Next for DOGE? 📊 Dogecoin’s price rally continues as whales accumulate over 1.4 billion DOGE worth $140 million in just 48 hours! Is this the start of a new bullish trend? The crypto market is buzzing again as Dogecoin sees significant whale activity, with a sharp 16% price increase this past week. As DOGE trades around a crucial resistance level of $0.11, analysts are predicting that sustained prices above this mark could trigger a bullish run towards $0.15. 🚀 🔑 Key Highlights: Over 1.4 billion DOGE ($140 million) accumulated by whales in 48 hours. Dogecoin wallet addresses surpass 90 million. Elon Musk’s fondness for Dogecoin keeps sparking interest in the memecoin. 📉 However, keep in mind that the crypto market can be highly volatile. Always consider risks before making any investment decisions. Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as financial advice. Please conduct your own research or consult with a professional before making investment decisions. #doge⚡ #DogecoinCommunity #Dogecoin‬⁩ #DogeForever #BinanceSquareFamily $DOGE {spot}(DOGEUSDT) Image source U. Today
Dogecoin Whale Surge: $140 Million Accumulation in Just 48 Hours—What’s Next for DOGE?

📊 Dogecoin’s price rally continues as whales accumulate over 1.4 billion DOGE worth $140 million in just 48 hours! Is this the start of a new bullish trend?

The crypto market is buzzing again as Dogecoin sees significant whale activity, with a sharp 16% price increase this past week. As DOGE trades around a crucial resistance level of $0.11, analysts are predicting that sustained prices above this mark could trigger a bullish run towards $0.15. 🚀

🔑 Key Highlights:

Over 1.4 billion DOGE ($140 million) accumulated by whales in 48 hours.

Dogecoin wallet addresses surpass 90 million.

Elon Musk’s fondness for Dogecoin keeps sparking interest in the memecoin.

📉 However, keep in mind that the crypto market can be highly volatile. Always consider risks before making any investment decisions.

Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as financial advice. Please conduct your own research or consult with a professional before making investment decisions.

#doge⚡ #DogecoinCommunity #Dogecoin‬⁩ #DogeForever #BinanceSquareFamily $DOGE

Image source
U. Today
Crypto Market Ignites: Bitcoin Surges Past $65K, Meme Coins on Fire 🔥 🚀 The crypto market is back in action! Bitcoin has broken through the $65,000 barrier, and the whole market is riding a bullish wave. From the Federal Reserve's rate cuts to China's economic moves, it's clear that big players are driving this surge. Meanwhile, meme coins are making headlines with skyrocketing gains across the board. 🌐 Market Highlights: Bitcoin: $65,535.49 (+1.72%) Global Market Cap: $2.3T (+1.6%) Top Gainer: CATX (+1100.75%) Fear & Greed Index: Neutral (54) ⚠️ Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Please do your own research before making any investment decisions. #CryptoNewss #BTC☀ #Memecoins🤑🤑 #blockchaintechnolo #CryptoSurge $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Crypto Market Ignites: Bitcoin Surges Past $65K, Meme Coins on Fire 🔥

🚀 The crypto market is back in action! Bitcoin has broken through the $65,000 barrier, and the whole market is riding a bullish wave. From the Federal Reserve's rate cuts to China's economic moves, it's clear that big players are driving this surge. Meanwhile, meme coins are making headlines with skyrocketing gains across the board. 🌐

Market Highlights:

Bitcoin: $65,535.49 (+1.72%)

Global Market Cap: $2.3T (+1.6%)

Top Gainer: CATX (+1100.75%)

Fear & Greed Index: Neutral (54)

⚠️ Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Please do your own research before making any investment decisions.

#CryptoNewss #BTC☀ #Memecoins🤑🤑 #blockchaintechnolo #CryptoSurge
Shiba Inu (SHIB) Surges 33% in a Week: Could a New All-Time High Be on the Horizon? In recent days, Shiba Inu (SHIB) has experienced a strong upward trend, with its price pumping over 16% in the last 24 hours and an impressive 33% over the past week. Fueled by bullish sentiment across the crypto market, particularly as Bitcoin breaks key resistance levels, SHIB shows potential for further gains. As SHIB breaks out of a falling wedge pattern, analysts are predicting a possible target of $0.000081, a 360% increase from its current price. However, as exciting as this sounds, remember that the crypto market is volatile, and substantial price fluctuations are common. Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Always do your own research and invest wisely. Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and can result in significant gains or losses. Please consult a professional financial advisor before making any investment decisions. #CryptoNewss #shiba⚡ #BTC☀ #PriceSurge #Shibalnu $SHIB {spot}(SHIBUSDT)
Shiba Inu (SHIB) Surges 33% in a Week: Could a New All-Time High Be on the Horizon?

In recent days, Shiba Inu (SHIB) has experienced a strong upward trend, with its price pumping over 16% in the last 24 hours and an impressive 33% over the past week. Fueled by bullish sentiment across the crypto market, particularly as Bitcoin breaks key resistance levels, SHIB shows potential for further gains.

As SHIB breaks out of a falling wedge pattern, analysts are predicting a possible target of $0.000081, a 360% increase from its current price. However, as exciting as this sounds, remember that the crypto market is volatile, and substantial price fluctuations are common.

Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Always do your own research and invest wisely. Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and can result in significant gains or losses. Please consult a professional financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

#CryptoNewss #shiba⚡ #BTC☀ #PriceSurge #Shibalnu $SHIB
Ripple vs. SEC: The Potential Appeal and Its Market Impact on XRP As Ripple's long-running legal battle with the SEC approaches a crucial moment, the cryptocurrency community is watching closely. The possibility of a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) appeal could introduce a new chapter to the already contentious case. This post dives into the key aspects of the potential appeal and its possible implications for Ripple and the broader cryptocurrency market. SEC’s Potential Appeal Strategy The heart of the SEC’s appeal strategy centers on whether Ripple’s programmatic sales of XRP constitute an unregistered securities offering. Despite Ripple being ordered to pay a $125 million fine by Judge Torres, the blockchain company has obtained a temporary stay on this fine. Former SEC attorney Marc Fagel emphasized that the appeal would not focus on penalties but the legal framework surrounding these sales. As the October 7 appeal deadline draws near, former SEC attorney James Farrell estimated a 75% chance of the SEC proceeding with an appeal. Failure to appeal could weaken the SEC’s stance in future cases concerning cryptocurrency regulations. Fluctuations in XRP’s Price XRP’s price has been notably volatile amid these legal developments. After a 1.4% decline in the last 24 hours, it now trades at $0.5834, with a trading volume of $992.51 million. Although Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse and Chief Legal Officer Stuart Alderoty have rejected rumors of an appeal, market experts believe that any last-minute moves by the SEC could have significant ramifications for the future of XRP. Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or financial advice. Cryptocurrency investments carry risk, and individuals should conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions. #XRPGoal #SECCryptoRegulation #SECCryptoAccounting #RippleSEC #Xrp🔥🔥 $XRP {spot}(XRPUSDT)
Ripple vs. SEC: The Potential Appeal and Its Market Impact on XRP

As Ripple's long-running legal battle with the SEC approaches a crucial moment, the cryptocurrency community is watching closely. The possibility of a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) appeal could introduce a new chapter to the already contentious case. This post dives into the key aspects of the potential appeal and its possible implications for Ripple and the broader cryptocurrency market.

SEC’s Potential Appeal Strategy

The heart of the SEC’s appeal strategy centers on whether Ripple’s programmatic sales of XRP constitute an unregistered securities offering. Despite Ripple being ordered to pay a $125 million fine by Judge Torres, the blockchain company has obtained a temporary stay on this fine. Former SEC attorney Marc Fagel emphasized that the appeal would not focus on penalties but the legal framework surrounding these sales.

As the October 7 appeal deadline draws near, former SEC attorney James Farrell estimated a 75% chance of the SEC proceeding with an appeal. Failure to appeal could weaken the SEC’s stance in future cases concerning cryptocurrency regulations.

Fluctuations in XRP’s Price

XRP’s price has been notably volatile amid these legal developments. After a 1.4% decline in the last 24 hours, it now trades at $0.5834, with a trading volume of $992.51 million. Although Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse and Chief Legal Officer Stuart Alderoty have rejected rumors of an appeal, market experts believe that any last-minute moves by the SEC could have significant ramifications for the future of XRP.


This content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or financial advice. Cryptocurrency investments carry risk, and individuals should conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions.

#XRPGoal #SECCryptoRegulation #SECCryptoAccounting #RippleSEC #Xrp🔥🔥 $XRP
Crypto Politics and Market Moves: Election Frenzy, SEC Scrutiny, and Meme Coin MadnessCrypto Politics and Market Moves: Election Frenzy, SEC Scrutiny, and Meme Coin Madness As the U.S. presidential election looms, political leaders are turning their attention to the booming cryptocurrency market. With regulatory crackdowns and meme coin surges, the landscape is evolving daily. Here’s a deep dive into today’s biggest crypto headlines, including Kamala Harris’s crypto stance, Caroline Ellison’s lenient sentence, and a new meme coin taking over the market. VP Harris’s Crypto Flip: Genuine Shift or Election Stunt? Vice President Kamala Harris has surprised many by signaling support for crypto just weeks before the 2024 election. At a New York City fundraiser, Harris expressed a commitment to fostering crypto innovation while ensuring investor protection. Her sudden crypto pivot has earned her a "B" grade from the crypto advocacy group Stand With Crypto, but critics are questioning whether her timing is purely politically motivated. With Donald Trump already holding an "A" grade for his pro-crypto stance, Harris's move feels like a strategic play to attract the growing crypto voting bloc. However, her late entry into the crypto conversation raises doubts about the authenticity of her commitment. Could it simply be election-season theatrics, aimed at wooing a tech-savvy voter base? Only time will tell. Caroline Ellison’s Two-Year Sentence: A Shockingly Light Punishment for FTX Scandal Caroline Ellison, once the CEO of Alameda Research and a key figure in the FTX collapse, received a surprisingly lenient two-year sentence. Many in the crypto space expected a harsher penalty, given her role in the downfall of FTX, which led to billions in investor losses. Ellison’s sentence stands in stark contrast to the 110 years she was initially facing. Judge Kaplan, who presided over the case, appeared to view Ellison as more of a victim than a perpetrator, citing her vulnerability to manipulation by FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried. Kaplan referred to Bankman-Fried as Ellison’s “Kryptonite,” implying that her decisions were heavily influenced by his control over her. Despite the light sentence, questions remain about whether justice was fully served for those affected by the FTX debacle. TrueUSD Faces SEC Allegations: Is This the Beginning of a Stablecoin Crackdown? The SEC is taking aim at TrueUSD (TUSD), filing fraud charges against the companies behind it—TrueCoin and TrustToken. According to the SEC, these firms misrepresented the stablecoin’s reserves, funneling 99% of TUSD’s backing into a "highly speculative offshore investment fund" rather than keeping it in safer, more reliable assets. This revelation has sparked fears of a broader regulatory crackdown on stablecoins, as the SEC continues to scrutinize companies that deviate from strict reserve policies. While stablecoins are meant to offer a less volatile alternative to traditional cryptocurrencies, the allegations against TrueUSD highlight the potential risks associated with trusting these tokens without proper transparency. Turkey’s Crypto Tax Reversal: A Boon for Traders? Turkey has made a significant policy shift, announcing that there will be no new taxes on crypto profits. Vice President Cevdet Yilmaz confirmed that this decision is intended to provide relief to traders, many of whom feared that upcoming regulations would stifle their ability to profit from crypto investments. This follows Turkey's earlier reversal on stock market taxes in June, which helped stabilize its financial markets. For crypto traders in Turkey, this is a welcome move amid economic turbulence. With inflation high and the lira struggling, the government’s decision to ease tax burdens on crypto is likely to encourage more trading activity. However, it remains unclear whether this policy will be permanent, as the government could still revisit the issue once the economy stabilizes. MOODENG Token Takes Off: Meme Coin Mania Continues Meme coins have always been a wild card in the crypto world, and the newest sensation, MOODENG, is no exception. Launched on the platform, MOODENG has quickly risen to become the fourth-largest meme coin. Inspired by a popular zoo animal named Moo Deng, the token has caught the attention of both casual traders and serious investors, driven by viral content and community support. MOODENG’s rapid rise serves as another reminder of the unpredictable nature of meme coins, where a single viral moment can skyrocket a token’s value overnight. While meme coins like MOODENG may seem trivial to traditional investors, they highlight the increasing role that social media and viral trends play in shaping the crypto market. Market Overview: Bitcoin Holds Steady, Ethereum Dips Slightly As of September 25, 2024, the global cryptocurrency market cap stands at $2.24 trillion, reflecting a 0.15% increase in the past 24 hours. Bitcoin continues its dominance, trading at $63,636.87 with a 0.2% gain over the past day, while Ethereum has dipped by 0.96%, settling at $2,622.17. Other major cryptocurrencies, like BNB, have also seen minor declines, with BNB down 1.36%, priced at $594.85. The Fear & Greed Index remains neutral at 53, suggesting a balanced sentiment in the market. However, the 7.62% increase in 24-hour trading volume indicates heightened activity, potentially setting the stage for market shifts in the near future. --- Disclaimer: The content in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and investments are subject to significant risks. Before making any investment decisions, readers are advised to conduct thorough research and consult with a financial advisor. Neither the author nor this publication is responsible for any losses incurred as a result of investment decisions based on this article. #CryptoNewss #CryptoNewsCommunity #Update #SECCryptoRegulation #MemeWatch2024 $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) Cover image - Cointelegraph

Crypto Politics and Market Moves: Election Frenzy, SEC Scrutiny, and Meme Coin Madness

Crypto Politics and Market Moves: Election Frenzy, SEC Scrutiny, and Meme Coin Madness
As the U.S. presidential election looms, political leaders are turning their attention to the booming cryptocurrency market. With regulatory crackdowns and meme coin surges, the landscape is evolving daily. Here’s a deep dive into today’s biggest crypto headlines, including Kamala Harris’s crypto stance, Caroline Ellison’s lenient sentence, and a new meme coin taking over the market.
VP Harris’s Crypto Flip: Genuine Shift or Election Stunt?
Vice President Kamala Harris has surprised many by signaling support for crypto just weeks before the 2024 election. At a New York City fundraiser, Harris expressed a commitment to fostering crypto innovation while ensuring investor protection. Her sudden crypto pivot has earned her a "B" grade from the crypto advocacy group Stand With Crypto, but critics are questioning whether her timing is purely politically motivated.
With Donald Trump already holding an "A" grade for his pro-crypto stance, Harris's move feels like a strategic play to attract the growing crypto voting bloc. However, her late entry into the crypto conversation raises doubts about the authenticity of her commitment. Could it simply be election-season theatrics, aimed at wooing a tech-savvy voter base? Only time will tell.
Caroline Ellison’s Two-Year Sentence: A Shockingly Light Punishment for FTX Scandal
Caroline Ellison, once the CEO of Alameda Research and a key figure in the FTX collapse, received a surprisingly lenient two-year sentence. Many in the crypto space expected a harsher penalty, given her role in the downfall of FTX, which led to billions in investor losses. Ellison’s sentence stands in stark contrast to the 110 years she was initially facing.
Judge Kaplan, who presided over the case, appeared to view Ellison as more of a victim than a perpetrator, citing her vulnerability to manipulation by FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried. Kaplan referred to Bankman-Fried as Ellison’s “Kryptonite,” implying that her decisions were heavily influenced by his control over her. Despite the light sentence, questions remain about whether justice was fully served for those affected by the FTX debacle.
TrueUSD Faces SEC Allegations: Is This the Beginning of a Stablecoin Crackdown?
The SEC is taking aim at TrueUSD (TUSD), filing fraud charges against the companies behind it—TrueCoin and TrustToken. According to the SEC, these firms misrepresented the stablecoin’s reserves, funneling 99% of TUSD’s backing into a "highly speculative offshore investment fund" rather than keeping it in safer, more reliable assets.
This revelation has sparked fears of a broader regulatory crackdown on stablecoins, as the SEC continues to scrutinize companies that deviate from strict reserve policies. While stablecoins are meant to offer a less volatile alternative to traditional cryptocurrencies, the allegations against TrueUSD highlight the potential risks associated with trusting these tokens without proper transparency.
Turkey’s Crypto Tax Reversal: A Boon for Traders?
Turkey has made a significant policy shift, announcing that there will be no new taxes on crypto profits. Vice President Cevdet Yilmaz confirmed that this decision is intended to provide relief to traders, many of whom feared that upcoming regulations would stifle their ability to profit from crypto investments. This follows Turkey's earlier reversal on stock market taxes in June, which helped stabilize its financial markets.
For crypto traders in Turkey, this is a welcome move amid economic turbulence. With inflation high and the lira struggling, the government’s decision to ease tax burdens on crypto is likely to encourage more trading activity. However, it remains unclear whether this policy will be permanent, as the government could still revisit the issue once the economy stabilizes.
MOODENG Token Takes Off: Meme Coin Mania Continues
Meme coins have always been a wild card in the crypto world, and the newest sensation, MOODENG, is no exception. Launched on the platform, MOODENG has quickly risen to become the fourth-largest meme coin. Inspired by a popular zoo animal named Moo Deng, the token has caught the attention of both casual traders and serious investors, driven by viral content and community support.
MOODENG’s rapid rise serves as another reminder of the unpredictable nature of meme coins, where a single viral moment can skyrocket a token’s value overnight. While meme coins like MOODENG may seem trivial to traditional investors, they highlight the increasing role that social media and viral trends play in shaping the crypto market.
Market Overview: Bitcoin Holds Steady, Ethereum Dips Slightly
As of September 25, 2024, the global cryptocurrency market cap stands at $2.24 trillion, reflecting a 0.15% increase in the past 24 hours. Bitcoin continues its dominance, trading at $63,636.87 with a 0.2% gain over the past day, while Ethereum has dipped by 0.96%, settling at $2,622.17. Other major cryptocurrencies, like BNB, have also seen minor declines, with BNB down 1.36%, priced at $594.85.
The Fear & Greed Index remains neutral at 53, suggesting a balanced sentiment in the market. However, the 7.62% increase in 24-hour trading volume indicates heightened activity, potentially setting the stage for market shifts in the near future.
The content in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and investments are subject to significant risks. Before making any investment decisions, readers are advised to conduct thorough research and consult with a financial advisor. Neither the author nor this publication is responsible for any losses incurred as a result of investment decisions based on this article.

#CryptoNewss #CryptoNewsCommunity #Update #SECCryptoRegulation #MemeWatch2024 $BTC
Cover image - Cointelegraph
Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Breakout on the Horizon? Here's What You Need to Know! Dogecoin has caught investor attention with its recent 12% spike, driven by a rate cut from the Federal Reserve. Currently priced at $0.109, many are wondering: could a bigger breakout be on the way? With whale activity increasing and accumulation trends building, DOGE is poised for a potential rally. If market conditions align, Dogecoin could test key resistance levels in the $0.20-$0.25 range. However, breaking its all-time high may require more time and sustained momentum. Stay informed and tread carefully in this volatile market! Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Cryptocurrency investments carry risk, and you should always conduct thorough research before making any financial decisions. #doge⚡ #DogecoinCommunity #DogeForever #DogecoinPotential #predictons $DOGE {spot}(DOGEUSDT) Image source CoinGape
Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Breakout on the Horizon? Here's What You Need to Know!

Dogecoin has caught investor attention with its recent 12% spike, driven by a rate cut from the Federal Reserve. Currently priced at $0.109, many are wondering: could a bigger breakout be on the way? With whale activity increasing and accumulation trends building, DOGE is poised for a potential rally. If market conditions align, Dogecoin could test key resistance levels in the $0.20-$0.25 range. However, breaking its all-time high may require more time and sustained momentum. Stay informed and tread carefully in this volatile market!

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Cryptocurrency investments carry risk, and you should always conduct thorough research before making any financial decisions.

#doge⚡ #DogecoinCommunity #DogeForever #DogecoinPotential #predictons $DOGE

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The Rise of Crypto in MENA: A $338 Billion Market 🚀 The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has emerged as the 7th-largest cryptocurrency market, receiving an impressive $338.7 billion in on-chain value between July 2023 and June 2024. With countries like Türkiye and Morocco leading the adoption index, the region is seeing tremendous growth in both retail and institutional crypto activity. 💰 📊 Key Insights: 1. Türkiye leads the region with $137 billion in on-chain value. 2. Morocco follows with $12.7 billion. 3. 93% of the region's transactions are valued over $10,000, driven by professional investors. 4. The UAE is witnessing growth thanks to a favorable regulatory environment. 5. Saudi Arabia’s crypto market grew by 154% year-over-year, with a significant share of transactions happening on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). MENA’s rise in the global crypto space signals growing adoption across professional, institutional, and retail sectors, with decentralized exchanges playing a key role in regions without comprehensive crypto regulations. Disclaimer: The information shared in this post is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be considered financial or investment advice. Always conduct your own research before making any financial decisions. #MENA #MiddleEast #CryptoNewss #Update #BinanceSquareFamily Image Source Anvita Gupta/Fast Company Middle East
The Rise of Crypto in MENA: A $338 Billion Market

🚀 The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has emerged as the 7th-largest cryptocurrency market, receiving an impressive $338.7 billion in on-chain value between July 2023 and June 2024. With countries like Türkiye and Morocco leading the adoption index, the region is seeing tremendous growth in both retail and institutional crypto activity. 💰

📊 Key Insights:

1. Türkiye leads the region with $137 billion in on-chain value.

2. Morocco follows with $12.7 billion.

3. 93% of the region's transactions are valued over $10,000, driven by professional investors.

4. The UAE is witnessing growth thanks to a favorable regulatory environment.

5. Saudi Arabia’s crypto market grew by 154% year-over-year, with a significant share of transactions happening on decentralized exchanges (DEXs).

MENA’s rise in the global crypto space signals growing adoption across professional, institutional, and retail sectors, with decentralized exchanges playing a key role in regions without comprehensive crypto regulations.

Disclaimer: The information shared in this post is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be considered financial or investment advice. Always conduct your own research before making any financial decisions.

#MENA #MiddleEast #CryptoNewss #Update #BinanceSquareFamily

Image Source
Anvita Gupta/Fast Company Middle East
Ripple’s Latest Upgrade: What You Need to Know About XRPL’s fixAMMv1_1 Update Post: Ripple (XRP) continues to drive innovation with the latest XRPL update, fixAMMv1_1, activated on September 24. This upgrade focuses on improving the Automated Market Maker (AMM) feature, enhancing efficiency, performance, and usability for users who want to exchange assets without intermediaries. This is just the first of three major updates planned for the week, promising to streamline trading and minimize risks for liquidity providers. XRP’s price remained relatively stable at $0.58, despite the upgrade, signaling confidence in the market. Other positive news, like Grayscale’s Ripple Trust and US Fed rate cuts, have also helped XRP rise 10% over the past two weeks. Ripple's continuous efforts in the tokenization of real-world assets, including US Treasury Bills, highlight its commitment to blending traditional finance with decentralized solutions. Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial or investment advice. Always do your own research before making any financial decisions. #XRPGoal #Xrp🔥🔥 #XRPPredictions #Ripple💰 #CryptoNewss $XRP {spot}(XRPUSDT) image source Bitcoinist
Ripple’s Latest Upgrade: What You Need to Know About XRPL’s fixAMMv1_1 Update

Post: Ripple (XRP) continues to drive innovation with the latest XRPL update, fixAMMv1_1, activated on September 24. This upgrade focuses on improving the Automated Market Maker (AMM) feature, enhancing efficiency, performance, and usability for users who want to exchange assets without intermediaries. This is just the first of three major updates planned for the week, promising to streamline trading and minimize risks for liquidity providers.

XRP’s price remained relatively stable at $0.58, despite the upgrade, signaling confidence in the market. Other positive news, like Grayscale’s Ripple Trust and US Fed rate cuts, have also helped XRP rise 10% over the past two weeks.

Ripple's continuous efforts in the tokenization of real-world assets, including US Treasury Bills, highlight its commitment to blending traditional finance with decentralized solutions.

Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial or investment advice. Always do your own research before making any financial decisions.

#XRPGoal #Xrp🔥🔥 #XRPPredictions #Ripple💰 #CryptoNewss $XRP
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Spot Bitcoin ETFs Surge with $390.7M Inflows, Ethereum ETFs Rebound Strongly In an impressive four-day streak, spot Bitcoin ETFs have accumulated over $390.7 million in net inflows, with BlackRock’s IBIT leading the charge. Total trading volume for the 12 Bitcoin ETFs hit $1.11 billion on September 24, reflecting growing investor interest. Meanwhile, spot Ethereum ETFs reversed recent outflows, adding $62.5 million, driven by BlackRock’s ETHA. 📈 Key Highlights: Bitcoin ETFs: $135.95M inflows on Sept. 24, $390.7M over four days. Ethereum ETFs: $62.5M inflows, with most going to BlackRock’s ETHA. BTC & ETH Prices: Bitcoin trades at $64,196, while Ethereum exchanges at $2,623. Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Please do your own research before making any investment decisions. Past performance does not guarantee future results. #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #ETHETFsApproved #CPI_BTC_Watch #BTCETFS #ETFvsBTC $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) image source CoinaGape
Spot Bitcoin ETFs Surge with $390.7M Inflows, Ethereum ETFs Rebound Strongly

In an impressive four-day streak, spot Bitcoin ETFs have accumulated over $390.7 million in net inflows, with BlackRock’s IBIT leading the charge. Total trading volume for the 12 Bitcoin ETFs hit $1.11 billion on September 24, reflecting growing investor interest. Meanwhile, spot Ethereum ETFs reversed recent outflows, adding $62.5 million, driven by BlackRock’s ETHA.

📈 Key Highlights:

Bitcoin ETFs: $135.95M inflows on Sept. 24, $390.7M over four days.

Ethereum ETFs: $62.5M inflows, with most going to BlackRock’s ETHA.

BTC & ETH Prices: Bitcoin trades at $64,196, while Ethereum exchanges at $2,623.

Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Please do your own research before making any investment decisions. Past performance does not guarantee future results.


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Crypto Market Update: Ethereum Burn Rate, Polymarket’s $50M Raise, and Celestia’s TIA Surge Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only. It is not financial or investment advice. Always do your research before making any investment decisions. --- While some are worried about Ethereum’s future, there’s something quietly happening that ETH holders might want to note—Ethereum’s burn rate is steadily increasing. While not making headlines, this could be a key factor in the long-term play for ETH. Here’s a quick breakdown of today’s top crypto developments: 1. Polymarket’s $50M Raise: Polymarket is eyeing a $50M funding round and possibly launching a token. Early investors are getting token warrants, a promising move for potential token holders. 2. Celestia's TIA Token Surge: Celestia just secured $100M in investment, sending its native TIA token soaring by 17.5%. This could mark the start of a sustained rally. 3. Hong Kong Expands Digital Dollar Pilot: The Hong Kong Monetary Authority is expanding its e-HKD+ pilot with 21 financial institutions. This sandbox environment will test settlement of tokenized assets, programmability, and offline payments. 4. GOP Takes on SEC: Over 40 Republicans are challenging the SEC's crypto custody rule, led by key figures like Patrick McHenry and Senator Cynthia Lummis. The rule treats crypto custody as a liability, sparking heated debate about the future of financial innovation in the U.S. 5. Chinese Bitcoin Miners Remain Dominant: Despite the ban, Chinese Bitcoin miners continue to hold a significant market share. How is this happening? --- Market Overview: Global Market Cap: $2.23T (+0.49% in 24h) 24H Market Volume: $68.72B (-4.2% in 24h) Bitcoin Dominance: 56.25% (-0.17% in 24h) Fear & Greed Index: 51 (Neutral) Stay tuned for more updates as the market evolves! #NeiroOnBinance #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #CATIonBinance #USRetailSalesRise #FTXSolanaRedemption $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) Image source Cointurk News
Crypto Market Update: Ethereum Burn Rate, Polymarket’s $50M Raise, and Celestia’s TIA Surge

Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only. It is not financial or investment advice. Always do your research before making any investment decisions.


While some are worried about Ethereum’s future, there’s something quietly happening that ETH holders might want to note—Ethereum’s burn rate is steadily increasing. While not making headlines, this could be a key factor in the long-term play for ETH.

Here’s a quick breakdown of today’s top crypto developments:

1. Polymarket’s $50M Raise: Polymarket is eyeing a $50M funding round and possibly launching a token. Early investors are getting token warrants, a promising move for potential token holders.

2. Celestia's TIA Token Surge: Celestia just secured $100M in investment, sending its native TIA token soaring by 17.5%. This could mark the start of a sustained rally.

3. Hong Kong Expands Digital Dollar Pilot: The Hong Kong Monetary Authority is expanding its e-HKD+ pilot with 21 financial institutions. This sandbox environment will test settlement of tokenized assets, programmability, and offline payments.

4. GOP Takes on SEC: Over 40 Republicans are challenging the SEC's crypto custody rule, led by key figures like Patrick McHenry and Senator Cynthia Lummis. The rule treats crypto custody as a liability, sparking heated debate about the future of financial innovation in the U.S.

5. Chinese Bitcoin Miners Remain Dominant: Despite the ban, Chinese Bitcoin miners continue to hold a significant market share. How is this happening?


Market Overview:

Global Market Cap: $2.23T (+0.49% in 24h)

24H Market Volume: $68.72B (-4.2% in 24h)

Bitcoin Dominance: 56.25% (-0.17% in 24h)

Fear & Greed Index: 51 (Neutral)

Stay tuned for more updates as the market evolves!

#NeiroOnBinance #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #CATIonBinance #USRetailSalesRise #FTXSolanaRedemption

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Cointurk News
"XRP Breakout Fizzles Out: Caution Ahead for Traders" In recent market action, XRP momentarily broke above a key resistance level, hinting at a bullish breakout from its months-long symmetrical triangle pattern. However, this move turned out to be short-lived, as the price swiftly dropped back below the breakout level. With XRP now hovering around $0.57, traders should keep an eye on this support level, as failure to hold could push the price towards $0.55 or lower. The lack of strong buying momentum in the broader crypto market suggests caution, and further upside for XRP may be limited in the short term. Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Always do your own research before making any investment decisions. #XRPGoal #Xrp🔥🔥 #Ripple💰 #RippleStablecoin #XRPPredictions $XRP {spot}(XRPUSDT)
"XRP Breakout Fizzles Out: Caution Ahead for Traders"

In recent market action, XRP momentarily broke above a key resistance level, hinting at a bullish breakout from its months-long symmetrical triangle pattern. However, this move turned out to be short-lived, as the price swiftly dropped back below the breakout level.

With XRP now hovering around $0.57, traders should keep an eye on this support level, as failure to hold could push the price towards $0.55 or lower. The lack of strong buying momentum in the broader crypto market suggests caution, and further upside for XRP may be limited in the short term.

This post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Always do your own research before making any investment decisions.

#XRPGoal #Xrp🔥🔥 #Ripple💰 #RippleStablecoin #XRPPredictions $XRP
🚀 VET’s Parabolic Surge: Could VeChain Hit $1 and $2 in 150 Days? 🔥 According to recent crypto analysis, VeChain (VET) is showing potential for massive price movement. As altseason approaches, VET is eyeing two key targets: $1 and $2. With Bitcoin trending high and altcoins following suit, VET’s bullish signals are gaining attention. An analyst suggests that VeChain could see these parabolic moves within 150 days, driven by strong technical indicators like Fibonacci retracements and Elliott Wave patterns. Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Crypto investments are volatile and subject to market risks. Always conduct your own research before making investment decisions. #VET. #VeChain #VET: #VETUSDT #CryptoNewss $VET {spot}(VETUSDT) Image source PrimeXBT
🚀 VET’s Parabolic Surge: Could VeChain Hit $1 and $2 in 150 Days? 🔥

According to recent crypto analysis, VeChain (VET) is showing potential for massive price movement. As altseason approaches, VET is eyeing two key targets: $1 and $2. With Bitcoin trending high and altcoins following suit, VET’s bullish signals are gaining attention. An analyst suggests that VeChain could see these parabolic moves within 150 days, driven by strong technical indicators like Fibonacci retracements and Elliott Wave patterns.

Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Crypto investments are volatile and subject to market risks. Always conduct your own research before making investment decisions.

#VET. #VeChain #VET: #VETUSDT #CryptoNewss $VET
Image source
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