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LINK Cenu jaunumi šodien — cenu prognozēšana un tehniskā analīzeLaipni lūdzam jaunākajā LINK atjauninājumā. Neskatoties uz Bitcoin nelielo augšupeju, LINK ir vērojama lejupejoša tendence, kas atmasko mītu, ka altkoīni vienmēr seko Bitcoin trajektorijai. Pašlaik LINK sniedz mums paredzamo atsaukšanu, kas tika apspriesta iepriekšējā atjauninājumā. Galvenie punkti: Jaunākās tendences: LINK ap 10. martu ir pabeidzis piecu viļņu modeli, sasniedzot aptuveni 22–23 $. Kopš tā laika tirgus ir virzījies uz leju WXY struktūrā. W vilnis grunts sasniedza 13. aprīlī, bet X vilnis sasniedza maksimumu ap 30. maiju. Pašlaik notiek Y vilnis.

LINK Cenu jaunumi šodien — cenu prognozēšana un tehniskā analīze

Laipni lūdzam jaunākajā LINK atjauninājumā. Neskatoties uz Bitcoin nelielo augšupeju, LINK ir vērojama lejupejoša tendence, kas atmasko mītu, ka altkoīni vienmēr seko Bitcoin trajektorijai. Pašlaik LINK sniedz mums paredzamo atsaukšanu, kas tika apspriesta iepriekšējā atjauninājumā.
Galvenie punkti:
Jaunākās tendences: LINK ap 10. martu ir pabeidzis piecu viļņu modeli, sasniedzot aptuveni 22–23 $. Kopš tā laika tirgus ir virzījies uz leju WXY struktūrā. W vilnis grunts sasniedza 13. aprīlī, bet X vilnis sasniedza maksimumu ap 30. maiju. Pašlaik notiek Y vilnis.
Skatīt oriģinālu
GRT (The Graph) Kripto cenu jaunumi šodien — cenu prognozēšana un tehniskā analīzeŠajā atjauninājumā par GRT (The Graph) uzmanība tiek pievērsta notiekošajai b-viļņa korekcijai vai potenciālajam 4. viļņa korekcijai. Diagramma atrodas atbalsta zonā, un cenu reakcija šajā brīdī ir izšķiroša, lai noteiktu turpmāko virzienu. Ir iespējami abi viļņu skaitļi, taču diagrammas kopējā struktūra joprojām ir korektīva, tāpēc ir grūti droši prognozēt bullish pavērsienu. Galvenie punkti: Pašreizējais stāvoklis: GRT ir sasniedzis jaunu visu laiku zemāko līmeni lāču tirgū, sākotnējiem rallijiem veidojoties trīs viļņos, kam seko spēcīgs kritums. Pagaidām nav skaidru bullish signālu, un diagrammai ir jāveido augstāki minimumi, lai apstiprinātu apvērsumu.

GRT (The Graph) Kripto cenu jaunumi šodien — cenu prognozēšana un tehniskā analīze

Šajā atjauninājumā par GRT (The Graph) uzmanība tiek pievērsta notiekošajai b-viļņa korekcijai vai potenciālajam 4. viļņa korekcijai. Diagramma atrodas atbalsta zonā, un cenu reakcija šajā brīdī ir izšķiroša, lai noteiktu turpmāko virzienu. Ir iespējami abi viļņu skaitļi, taču diagrammas kopējā struktūra joprojām ir korektīva, tāpēc ir grūti droši prognozēt bullish pavērsienu.
Galvenie punkti:
Pašreizējais stāvoklis: GRT ir sasniedzis jaunu visu laiku zemāko līmeni lāču tirgū, sākotnējiem rallijiem veidojoties trīs viļņos, kam seko spēcīgs kritums. Pagaidām nav skaidru bullish signālu, un diagrammai ir jāveido augstāki minimumi, lai apstiprinātu apvērsumu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
HBAR (Hedera Hashgraph) cenu prognozēšana un tehniskā analīze — Kripto cenu jaunumi šodien Šajā HBAR analīzē tiek apspriests potenciāls piecu viļņu virzībai uz augšupeju, lai gan pārliecība par šo prognozi joprojām ir zema. Analīzes pamatā ir koriģējošās struktūras ar zemu B viļņa līmeni 2022. gadā, kam seko ABC struktūra, kas, iespējams, ir veidojusi 1. vilni. Šī optimistiskā perspektīva var kļūt nederīga, ja joprojām attīstās lielāks otrais vilnis, kas var izraisīt ievērojamu lejupslīdi. . Galvenie punkti: Pašreizējie atbalsta līmeņi: HBAR atbalsta 7,1 centu, 6 centu un 4,8 centu apmērā. Reakcija šādos līmeņos būs izšķiroša nākamajā potenciālajā rallijā.

HBAR (Hedera Hashgraph) cenu prognozēšana un tehniskā analīze — Kripto cenu jaunumi šodien

Šajā HBAR analīzē tiek apspriests potenciāls piecu viļņu virzībai uz augšupeju, lai gan pārliecība par šo prognozi joprojām ir zema. Analīzes pamatā ir koriģējošās struktūras ar zemu B viļņa līmeni 2022. gadā, kam seko ABC struktūra, kas, iespējams, ir veidojusi 1. vilni. Šī optimistiskā perspektīva var kļūt nederīga, ja joprojām attīstās lielāks otrais vilnis, kas var izraisīt ievērojamu lejupslīdi. .

Galvenie punkti:
Pašreizējie atbalsta līmeņi: HBAR atbalsta 7,1 centu, 6 centu un 4,8 centu apmērā. Reakcija šādos līmeņos būs izšķiroša nākamajā potenciālajā rallijā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
FETCH.AI (FET) Eliota viļņu analīze: sagatavošanās iespējamai maiņaiŠajā FETCH.AI (FET) analīzē galvenā uzmanība tiek pievērsta B viļņa rallija potenciālam saskaņā ar Elliott Wave Theory. Videoklipā tiek apspriesta iespēja FET sasniegt 210 līdz 3 ASV dolāru reģionu, ja izvēršas augsts B vilnis. Tas ir atkarīgs no tā, vai pašreizējais B vilnis pārsniedz tā tipisko struktūru. Galvenie punkti: B viļņu rallijs: ir potenciāls B viļņa rallijam, kas varētu virzīt FET uz 210–3 USD reģionu. Tomēr pašreizējam Elliott viļņa modelim trūkst skaidrības, padarot īstermiņa tirdzniecību sarežģītu. B viļņu nenoteiktība: B viļņi ir pazīstami ar savu neparedzamību Elliott Wave teorijā. Tie var ievērojami atšķirties pēc garuma un sarežģītības, kas sarežģī īstermiņa prognozes. Atbalsta līmeņi: galvenais atbalsta līmenis ir no 1,17 līdz 1,74 USD, kas liecina par iespējamu zemāko līmeni lokāli. Ja šis atbalsts tiek pārkāpts, ir sagaidāmi turpmāki negatīvie faktori. Bažas par trešo vilni: Trešais vilnis šķiet īsāks nekā ideāls, radot bažas par pašreizējās viļņa struktūras uzticamību. Īss trešais vilnis norāda uz vajadzību pēc piesardzīgas tirdzniecības. Potenciālie izlaušanās līmeņi: ja FET saglabā atbalstu 1,17 USD apmērā, pirmais atslēgas pagrieziens būs no USD 210 līdz USD 2,50. Veiksmīga šo līmeņu saglabāšana var novest pie pagarināta B viļņa vai straujāka scenārija.

FETCH.AI (FET) Eliota viļņu analīze: sagatavošanās iespējamai maiņai

Šajā FETCH.AI (FET) analīzē galvenā uzmanība tiek pievērsta B viļņa rallija potenciālam saskaņā ar Elliott Wave Theory. Videoklipā tiek apspriesta iespēja FET sasniegt 210 līdz 3 ASV dolāru reģionu, ja izvēršas augsts B vilnis. Tas ir atkarīgs no tā, vai pašreizējais B vilnis pārsniedz tā tipisko struktūru.
Galvenie punkti:
B viļņu rallijs: ir potenciāls B viļņa rallijam, kas varētu virzīt FET uz 210–3 USD reģionu. Tomēr pašreizējam Elliott viļņa modelim trūkst skaidrības, padarot īstermiņa tirdzniecību sarežģītu. B viļņu nenoteiktība: B viļņi ir pazīstami ar savu neparedzamību Elliott Wave teorijā. Tie var ievērojami atšķirties pēc garuma un sarežģītības, kas sarežģī īstermiņa prognozes. Atbalsta līmeņi: galvenais atbalsta līmenis ir no 1,17 līdz 1,74 USD, kas liecina par iespējamu zemāko līmeni lokāli. Ja šis atbalsts tiek pārkāpts, ir sagaidāmi turpmāki negatīvie faktori. Bažas par trešo vilni: Trešais vilnis šķiet īsāks nekā ideāls, radot bažas par pašreizējās viļņa struktūras uzticamību. Īss trešais vilnis norāda uz vajadzību pēc piesardzīgas tirdzniecības. Potenciālie izlaušanās līmeņi: ja FET saglabā atbalstu 1,17 USD apmērā, pirmais atslēgas pagrieziens būs no USD 210 līdz USD 2,50. Veiksmīga šo līmeņu saglabāšana var novest pie pagarināta B viļņa vai straujāka scenārija.
Skatīt oriģinālu
PYTH tīkla cenu analīze: navigācija Elliott Wave tehniskajā ainavāPYTH tīkls ir izpelnījies ievērojamu interesi kriptovalūtu kopienā, un tā cenu izmaiņas ir tikušas daudz analizētas. Šajā rakstā ir apskatīts pašreizējais PYTH tīkla cenas stāvoklis, izmantojot Elliott Wave teoriju, sniedzot ieskatu iespējamās nākotnes tendencēs, galvenajos atbalsta un pretestības līmeņos, kā arī vajadzībā pēc piesardzīgas pieejas, ņemot vērā pašreizējos tirgus apstākļus. Izpratne par Eliota viļņa teoriju Elliott Wave Theory ir spēcīgs analītisks rīks, kas palīdz tirgotājiem paredzēt tirgus tendences, identificējot atkārtotus viļņu modeļus. Šos modeļus veido tirgus dalībnieku kolektīvā uzvedība un tie tiek iedalīti impulsīvos viļņos, kas virzās tendences virzienā, un koriģējošajos viļņos, kas virzās pret to. Šo modeļu izpratne ļauj tirgotājiem pieņemt apzinātākus lēmumus par saviem ieguldījumiem.

PYTH tīkla cenu analīze: navigācija Elliott Wave tehniskajā ainavā

PYTH tīkls ir izpelnījies ievērojamu interesi kriptovalūtu kopienā, un tā cenu izmaiņas ir tikušas daudz analizētas. Šajā rakstā ir apskatīts pašreizējais PYTH tīkla cenas stāvoklis, izmantojot Elliott Wave teoriju, sniedzot ieskatu iespējamās nākotnes tendencēs, galvenajos atbalsta un pretestības līmeņos, kā arī vajadzībā pēc piesardzīgas pieejas, ņemot vērā pašreizējos tirgus apstākļus.
Izpratne par Eliota viļņa teoriju
Elliott Wave Theory ir spēcīgs analītisks rīks, kas palīdz tirgotājiem paredzēt tirgus tendences, identificējot atkārtotus viļņu modeļus. Šos modeļus veido tirgus dalībnieku kolektīvā uzvedība un tie tiek iedalīti impulsīvos viļņos, kas virzās tendences virzienā, un koriģējošajos viļņos, kas virzās pret to. Šo modeļu izpratne ļauj tirgotājiem pieņemt apzinātākus lēmumus par saviem ieguldījumiem.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Cardano ADA cenu analīze: navigācija Elliott Wave tehniskajos ieskatosKriptovalūtas pasaule ir tikpat nepastāvīga, cik intriģējoša. Cardano (ADA), ievērojams digitālais aktīvs, ir piesaistījis investoru un analītiķu uzmanību ar mainīgajām cenu tendencēm. Šis raksts izmanto Elliott Wave teoriju, lai izdalītu pašreizējo ADA stāvokli, sniedzot ieskatu par iespējamām kustībām, galvenajiem atbalsta un pretestības līmeņiem un piesardzīgu perspektīvu par nākotnes cenu virzieniem. Izpratne par Eliota viļņa teoriju Elliott Wave Theory ir populārs analītisks rīks, ko izmanto, lai prognozētu tirgus tendences, identificējot atkārtotus viļņu modeļus. Šie viļņi atspoguļo tirgus dalībnieku kolektīvo uzvedību, kas iedalīti impulsīvos viļņos, kas virzās tendences virzienā, un koriģējošajos viļņos, kas virzās pret to. Izprotot šos modeļus, tirgotāji var pieņemt apzinātākus lēmumus par to, kad ienākt tirgū vai iziet no tā.

Cardano ADA cenu analīze: navigācija Elliott Wave tehniskajos ieskatos

Kriptovalūtas pasaule ir tikpat nepastāvīga, cik intriģējoša. Cardano (ADA), ievērojams digitālais aktīvs, ir piesaistījis investoru un analītiķu uzmanību ar mainīgajām cenu tendencēm. Šis raksts izmanto Elliott Wave teoriju, lai izdalītu pašreizējo ADA stāvokli, sniedzot ieskatu par iespējamām kustībām, galvenajiem atbalsta un pretestības līmeņiem un piesardzīgu perspektīvu par nākotnes cenu virzieniem.
Izpratne par Eliota viļņa teoriju
Elliott Wave Theory ir populārs analītisks rīks, ko izmanto, lai prognozētu tirgus tendences, identificējot atkārtotus viļņu modeļus. Šie viļņi atspoguļo tirgus dalībnieku kolektīvo uzvedību, kas iedalīti impulsīvos viļņos, kas virzās tendences virzienā, un koriģējošajos viļņos, kas virzās pret to. Izprotot šos modeļus, tirgotāji var pieņemt apzinātākus lēmumus par to, kad ienākt tirgū vai iziet no tā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
ASV valdība pārskaita 4000 BTC biržaiGalvenās atziņas: ASV valdība kontrolē Bitcoin maku no Silk Road konfiskācijas. Valdības Bitcoin aktīvi pašlaik tiek novērtēti aptuveni 13,3 miljardu dolāru vērtībā. Saskaņā ar Arkham Intelligence datiem, kriptovalsts maciņš, par kuru zināms, ka to kontrolē ASV valdība, nesen pārskaitīja uz Coinbase aptuveni 3940 Bitcoin (BTC) 241 miljona dolāru vērtībā. Pašlaik makā atrodas Bitcoin aptuveni 13,3 miljardu dolāru vērtībā. Šie pelni ir saistīti ar Bitcoin konfiskāciju no Silk Road, bēdīgi slavenā tumšā tīmekļa tirgus, kas tika slēgts 2013. gadā.

ASV valdība pārskaita 4000 BTC biržai

Galvenās atziņas:
ASV valdība kontrolē Bitcoin maku no Silk Road konfiskācijas.
Valdības Bitcoin aktīvi pašlaik tiek novērtēti aptuveni 13,3 miljardu dolāru vērtībā.

Saskaņā ar Arkham Intelligence datiem, kriptovalsts maciņš, par kuru zināms, ka to kontrolē ASV valdība, nesen pārskaitīja uz Coinbase aptuveni 3940 Bitcoin (BTC) 241 miljona dolāru vērtībā. Pašlaik makā atrodas Bitcoin aptuveni 13,3 miljardu dolāru vērtībā. Šie pelni ir saistīti ar Bitcoin konfiskāciju no Silk Road, bēdīgi slavenā tumšā tīmekļa tirgus, kas tika slēgts 2013. gadā.
Beware: Ripple to Unlock 1 Billion XRP Tokens for July Sell-offsRipple, the company behind the XRP Ledger, will unlock 1 billion XRP tokens worth $470 million on July 1. This move is part of Ripple's monthly sell-offs and could negatively affect XRP's price in the coming weeks. Historical Context Since 2017, Ripple has been unlocking 1 billion tokens every month through escrows. As of May 2024, the company uses 'Ripple (24)' and 'Ripple (25)' wallets to manage these escrows, which will continue until January 2025. On July 1, 'Ripple (24)' will unlock 500 million XRP in two escrows (100 million and 400 million), while 'Ripple (25)' will unlock a single escrow of 500 million tokens. June Unlock Analysis On June 1, Ripple unlocked 1 billion XRP from 'Ripple (24)' and 'Ripple (25)' accounts. The company reserved 200 million tokens for sell-off and re-locked the rest until September 2027. Ripple added 200 million extra XRP for the sell-off, resulting in the largest monthly dump in its history. By June 20, Ripple had sold the entire 400 million XRP reserved for that month. XRP Price Impact Ripple's sales have historically impacted XRP's price due to the supply pressure on the market. In 2024, only five out of 14 sell-off days saw positive price action. Most of the time, XRP experienced local crashes following Ripple's token sales. Additionally, XRP had a negative monthly performance in four of the first six months of 2024. The price action has been notably negative since the June 1 unlock. Conclusion The upcoming 1 billion XRP unlock on July 1 could continue this trend of price pressure on XRP. Investors should monitor Ripple's activities closely as these sell-offs typically lead to significant market impacts. $XRP {spot}(XRPUSDT) #Write2Earn!

Beware: Ripple to Unlock 1 Billion XRP Tokens for July Sell-offs

Ripple, the company behind the XRP Ledger, will unlock 1 billion XRP tokens worth $470 million on July 1. This move is part of Ripple's monthly sell-offs and could negatively affect XRP's price in the coming weeks.
Historical Context
Since 2017, Ripple has been unlocking 1 billion tokens every month through escrows. As of May 2024, the company uses 'Ripple (24)' and 'Ripple (25)' wallets to manage these escrows, which will continue until January 2025. On July 1, 'Ripple (24)' will unlock 500 million XRP in two escrows (100 million and 400 million), while 'Ripple (25)' will unlock a single escrow of 500 million tokens.
June Unlock Analysis
On June 1, Ripple unlocked 1 billion XRP from 'Ripple (24)' and 'Ripple (25)' accounts. The company reserved 200 million tokens for sell-off and re-locked the rest until September 2027. Ripple added 200 million extra XRP for the sell-off, resulting in the largest monthly dump in its history. By June 20, Ripple had sold the entire 400 million XRP reserved for that month.
XRP Price Impact
Ripple's sales have historically impacted XRP's price due to the supply pressure on the market. In 2024, only five out of 14 sell-off days saw positive price action. Most of the time, XRP experienced local crashes following Ripple's token sales. Additionally, XRP had a negative monthly performance in four of the first six months of 2024. The price action has been notably negative since the June 1 unlock.

The upcoming 1 billion XRP unlock on July 1 could continue this trend of price pressure on XRP. Investors should monitor Ripple's activities closely as these sell-offs typically lead to significant market impacts.

Cardano Network Successfully Fends Off DDoS AttackLate Tuesday, the Cardano network faced a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack aimed at disrupting its operations through a surge in malicious activities. The blockchain’s robust mechanisms successfully mitigated the attack, ensuring continued stability and operation. Details of the Attack The attack began on block 10,487,530, with each transaction executing 194 smart contracts of the REWARD type, spending 0.9 ADA per transaction. The strategy aimed to overload the network by filling each block with complex transactions, creating a backlog and degrading performance. Response and Neutralization Philip Disarro, founder of Cardano development firm Anastasia, played a key role in neutralizing the threat. His prompt public response on X influenced the attacker to cease their activities. Disarro noted that the attacker’s funds were already being pillaged, ironically ending up funding the open-source smart contract development work at Anastasia Labs and Midgard. Community Reaction The Cardano community closely monitored the situation. Prominent content creator Big Pey reassured the community via X, emphasizing that the network remained resilient and did not crash. This sentiment was widely echoed, highlighting confidence in the network’s stability and security measures. Technical Insight Jason Matias, founder of The Art of Selling Art, visually described the impact of the DDoS attack. He explained how spam transactions created larger, more difficult-to-process blocks. Cardano’s use of the extended Unspent Transaction Output (eUTxO) model was crucial in mitigating the attack's impact. This model allows for independent processing of each transaction, preventing malicious activity from compromising the network's integrity. The architectural choice of the eUTxO model ensures better scalability and security, allowing the Cardano network to maintain high throughput and reliability even under duress.$ADA {spot}(ADAUSDT) #Write2Earn!

Cardano Network Successfully Fends Off DDoS Attack

Late Tuesday, the Cardano network faced a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack aimed at disrupting its operations through a surge in malicious activities. The blockchain’s robust mechanisms successfully mitigated the attack, ensuring continued stability and operation.
Details of the Attack
The attack began on block 10,487,530, with each transaction executing 194 smart contracts of the REWARD type, spending 0.9 ADA per transaction. The strategy aimed to overload the network by filling each block with complex transactions, creating a backlog and degrading performance.
Response and Neutralization
Philip Disarro, founder of Cardano development firm Anastasia, played a key role in neutralizing the threat. His prompt public response on X influenced the attacker to cease their activities. Disarro noted that the attacker’s funds were already being pillaged, ironically ending up funding the open-source smart contract development work at Anastasia Labs and Midgard.
Community Reaction
The Cardano community closely monitored the situation. Prominent content creator Big Pey reassured the community via X, emphasizing that the network remained resilient and did not crash. This sentiment was widely echoed, highlighting confidence in the network’s stability and security measures.
Technical Insight
Jason Matias, founder of The Art of Selling Art, visually described the impact of the DDoS attack. He explained how spam transactions created larger, more difficult-to-process blocks. Cardano’s use of the extended Unspent Transaction Output (eUTxO) model was crucial in mitigating the attack's impact. This model allows for independent processing of each transaction, preventing malicious activity from compromising the network's integrity.
The architectural choice of the eUTxO model ensures better scalability and security, allowing the Cardano network to maintain high throughput and reliability even under duress.$ADA

Skatīt oriģinālu
Aizmiglošanas (BLUR) cenas prognoze nākamajai nedēļai 2024. un 2025. gadamPašreizējais tirgus pārskats: Pašreizējais noskaņojums: lācīgs bailes un alkatības indekss: 40 (bailes) pašreizējā RSI: 30,73 (neitrāla) cenu nepastāvība (30 dienas): 20,13% jaunākā veiktspēja: 30% zaļās dienas no pēdējām 30 dienām Īstermiņa prognozes: Nākamās 7 dienas: Cenu diapazons: 0,212248–0,256575 ASV dolāri. Iespējamais pieaugums: līdz 20,88%, sasniedzot 0,256575 ASV dolārus līdz 2024. gada 1. jūlijam Nākamās 14 dienas: Cenu diapazons: 0,256575–0,31145 ASV dolāri. Iespējamais pieaugums: līdz 21,39%, sasniedzot 0,31145 ASV dolārus līdz 2024. gada 8. jūlijam 30 dienu prognoze: Paredzamā cena: USD 0,315876 līdz 2024. gada 4. jūlijam. Iespējamais pieaugums: 48,82%

Aizmiglošanas (BLUR) cenas prognoze nākamajai nedēļai 2024. un 2025. gadam

Pašreizējais tirgus pārskats:
Pašreizējais noskaņojums: lācīgs bailes un alkatības indekss: 40 (bailes) pašreizējā RSI: 30,73 (neitrāla) cenu nepastāvība (30 dienas): 20,13% jaunākā veiktspēja: 30% zaļās dienas no pēdējām 30 dienām Īstermiņa prognozes:
Nākamās 7 dienas:
Cenu diapazons: 0,212248–0,256575 ASV dolāri. Iespējamais pieaugums: līdz 20,88%, sasniedzot 0,256575 ASV dolārus līdz 2024. gada 1. jūlijam
Nākamās 14 dienas:
Cenu diapazons: 0,256575–0,31145 ASV dolāri. Iespējamais pieaugums: līdz 21,39%, sasniedzot 0,31145 ASV dolārus līdz 2024. gada 8. jūlijam
30 dienu prognoze:
Paredzamā cena: USD 0,315876 līdz 2024. gada 4. jūlijam. Iespējamais pieaugums: 48,82%
Skatīt oriģinālu
Radicle (RAD) cenu prognozēšana un pārskatsPašreizējā un jaunākā veiktspēja: Pašreizējā cena: 1,57 ASV dolāri Cena pagājušajā nedēļā: 2,13 ASV dolāri (+33,02% iepriekšējā nedēļā) 24 stundu izmaiņas: +35,57% Tirgus kapitalizācija: 79,21 ASV dolāri. Apgrozībā esošais piedāvājums: 100,00 miljoni RADTirdzniecības apjoms (24 stunda): 2 7,1 st. Radicle ir piedzīvojusi ievērojamas cenu izmaiņas 2023. gadā. Neskatoties uz neseno nepastāvību, ilgtermiņa noskaņojums joprojām ir bullish, un paredzams, ka RAD līdz 2025. gadam sasniegs 3,63 USD. Tomēr pēdējo 30 dienu laikā tirdzniecības apjoms ir samazinājies par -7,89%. Vēsturiskais konteksts: Visu laiku augstākais (ATH): 157,06 ASV dolāri, izmaiņas no ATH: -98,99% izmaiņas 6 mēnešu laikā: -16,20%

Radicle (RAD) cenu prognozēšana un pārskats

Pašreizējā un jaunākā veiktspēja: Pašreizējā cena: 1,57 ASV dolāri Cena pagājušajā nedēļā: 2,13 ASV dolāri (+33,02% iepriekšējā nedēļā) 24 stundu izmaiņas: +35,57% Tirgus kapitalizācija: 79,21 ASV dolāri. Apgrozībā esošais piedāvājums: 100,00 miljoni RADTirdzniecības apjoms (24 stunda): 2 7,1 st.
Radicle ir piedzīvojusi ievērojamas cenu izmaiņas 2023. gadā. Neskatoties uz neseno nepastāvību, ilgtermiņa noskaņojums joprojām ir bullish, un paredzams, ka RAD līdz 2025. gadam sasniegs 3,63 USD. Tomēr pēdējo 30 dienu laikā tirdzniecības apjoms ir samazinājies par -7,89%.
Vēsturiskais konteksts:
Visu laiku augstākais (ATH): 157,06 ASV dolāri, izmaiņas no ATH: -98,99% izmaiņas 6 mēnešu laikā: -16,20%
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pendle cenu prognoze 2024.–2030. gadamGalvenās līdzņemšanas iespējas: 2024. gada prognoze: paredzams, ka Pendle sasniegs minimālo līmeni 8,14 $. 2027. gada prognoze: tiek prognozēts, ka cena sasniegs maksimālo līmeni 29,32 USD. Prognoze 2030. gadam: PENDLE varētu sasniegt maksimālo līmeni USD 88,70 ar vidējo cenu 73,69 USD. Pendle novatoriskā pieeja Pendle (PENDLE) maina DeFi telpu, ļaujot tirgoties ar nākotnes ienesīgumiem, palielinot atdevi, izmantojot progresīvus viedos līgumus un nemanāmu integrāciju ar citām DeFi platformām. Nesenie panākumi, tostarp viedie līgumu atjauninājumi un stratēģiskās partnerības, iezīmē tās izaugsmi un apņemšanos ieviest jauninājumus.

Pendle cenu prognoze 2024.–2030. gadam

Galvenās līdzņemšanas iespējas:
2024. gada prognoze: paredzams, ka Pendle sasniegs minimālo līmeni 8,14 $.
2027. gada prognoze: tiek prognozēts, ka cena sasniegs maksimālo līmeni 29,32 USD.
Prognoze 2030. gadam: PENDLE varētu sasniegt maksimālo līmeni USD 88,70 ar vidējo cenu 73,69 USD.
Pendle novatoriskā pieeja
Pendle (PENDLE) maina DeFi telpu, ļaujot tirgoties ar nākotnes ienesīgumiem, palielinot atdevi, izmantojot progresīvus viedos līgumus un nemanāmu integrāciju ar citām DeFi platformām. Nesenie panākumi, tostarp viedie līgumu atjauninājumi un stratēģiskās partnerības, iezīmē tās izaugsmi un apņemšanos ieviest jauninājumus.
Bitcoin Price Weekly Close Signals Potential for Historic HighsKey Takeaways: Bullish Patterns Indicate Breakout Potential: Bitcoin shows signs of a breakout with bullish RSI patterns and tightening Bollinger Bands, suggesting increased volatility and potential for significant price movements.Strategic Trading Opportunities: Look for a breakout above the upper Bollinger Band with increased volume for confirmation of trend strength, and set stop-loss orders just below recent lows.Support and Resistance Levels: Short-term support around $63,900 and resistance near $64,000 are crucial for traders to monitor.Double-Bottom Formation Signals Bullish Reversal: Multiple double-bottom formations suggest that selling pressure may be exhausting, pointing to a potential bullish reversal.Volatility Preparedness: Traders should use tight stop losses and clear profit targets to manage expected spikes in volatility effectively. Bitcoin is showing strong signs of a potential breakout, suggesting that new all-time highs might be on the horizon. Recent market movements and key technical indicators point to a significant surge in Bitcoin price, making it a crucial time for traders and investors to pay attention. Bullish Indicators in Play for Bitcoin Price Bitcoin's price movements have been closely watched by traders and analysts. The recent bullish patterns observed in the RSI are particularly noteworthy. The RSI shows bullish divergence, which occurs when the RSI fails to reach new lows while the price tests lower levels, indicating potential accumulation of bullish momentum. Additionally, the tightening of Bollinger Bands suggests an impending spike in volatility. Historically, such tightening precedes major price shifts. Key Support and Resistance Levels Recent Bitcoin price action highlights short-term support around $62,000 and resistance near $64,000. These levels are critical as benchmarks for potential breakouts or breakdowns. The chart identifies multiple double-bottom formations, a classic bullish reversal pattern, suggesting that selling pressure is exhausting and an upward move is likely. Trading Strategies for Different Scenarios Given the presence of both bullish and bearish patterns, traders might consider strategies that accommodate rapid price shifts. For Bullish Traders: Monitor for a stable breakout above the recent double-top formation. Look for increased volume, a bullish MACD crossover, or a high RSI reading for confirmation.For Bearish Traders: Look for rejections at key resistance levels and confirmations of double top patterns. Set stop-loss orders above recent highs to mitigate risks associated with sudden price spikes. The tightening Bollinger Bands highlight anticipated volatility, emphasizing the need for tight stop-loss orders and clear profit targets. Conclusion Bitcoin's recent market activity, coupled with key technical indicators, suggests a substantial surge could be imminent. The bullish patterns in the RSI and tightening Bollinger Bands indicate a potential breakout. Traders should remain vigilant, watching for a breakout above the upper Bollinger Band with increased volume. Setting stop-loss orders just below recent lows can provide protection against downturns. As Bitcoin’s weekly close approaches, the potential for new all-time highs becomes increasingly plausible. Understanding and leveraging these technical indicators can significantly enhance trading strategies and help navigate the volatile world of crypto trading.$BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)

Bitcoin Price Weekly Close Signals Potential for Historic Highs

Key Takeaways:
Bullish Patterns Indicate Breakout Potential: Bitcoin shows signs of a breakout with bullish RSI patterns and tightening Bollinger Bands, suggesting increased volatility and potential for significant price movements.Strategic Trading Opportunities: Look for a breakout above the upper Bollinger Band with increased volume for confirmation of trend strength, and set stop-loss orders just below recent lows.Support and Resistance Levels: Short-term support around $63,900 and resistance near $64,000 are crucial for traders to monitor.Double-Bottom Formation Signals Bullish Reversal: Multiple double-bottom formations suggest that selling pressure may be exhausting, pointing to a potential bullish reversal.Volatility Preparedness: Traders should use tight stop losses and clear profit targets to manage expected spikes in volatility effectively.
Bitcoin is showing strong signs of a potential breakout, suggesting that new all-time highs might be on the horizon. Recent market movements and key technical indicators point to a significant surge in Bitcoin price, making it a crucial time for traders and investors to pay attention.
Bullish Indicators in Play for Bitcoin Price
Bitcoin's price movements have been closely watched by traders and analysts. The recent bullish patterns observed in the RSI are particularly noteworthy. The RSI shows bullish divergence, which occurs when the RSI fails to reach new lows while the price tests lower levels, indicating potential accumulation of bullish momentum.
Additionally, the tightening of Bollinger Bands suggests an impending spike in volatility. Historically, such tightening precedes major price shifts.
Key Support and Resistance Levels
Recent Bitcoin price action highlights short-term support around $62,000 and resistance near $64,000. These levels are critical as benchmarks for potential breakouts or breakdowns.
The chart identifies multiple double-bottom formations, a classic bullish reversal pattern, suggesting that selling pressure is exhausting and an upward move is likely.
Trading Strategies for Different Scenarios
Given the presence of both bullish and bearish patterns, traders might consider strategies that accommodate rapid price shifts.
For Bullish Traders: Monitor for a stable breakout above the recent double-top formation. Look for increased volume, a bullish MACD crossover, or a high RSI reading for confirmation.For Bearish Traders: Look for rejections at key resistance levels and confirmations of double top patterns. Set stop-loss orders above recent highs to mitigate risks associated with sudden price spikes.
The tightening Bollinger Bands highlight anticipated volatility, emphasizing the need for tight stop-loss orders and clear profit targets.

Bitcoin's recent market activity, coupled with key technical indicators, suggests a substantial surge could be imminent. The bullish patterns in the RSI and tightening Bollinger Bands indicate a potential breakout. Traders should remain vigilant, watching for a breakout above the upper Bollinger Band with increased volume. Setting stop-loss orders just below recent lows can provide protection against downturns.
As Bitcoin’s weekly close approaches, the potential for new all-time highs becomes increasingly plausible. Understanding and leveraging these technical indicators can significantly enhance trading strategies and help navigate the volatile world of crypto trading.$BTC
Guide to Relative Strength Index: How To Trade Using RSI?Introduction Seasoned traders often use the Relative Strength Index (RSI) to identify ideal entry and exit points in crypto trading. This guide explores how RSI can enhance trading strategies and maximize profits by providing insights into market momentum and potential reversals. What is the Relative Strength Index (RSI) Indicator? Developed by J. Welles Wilder Jr., the RSI is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. It helps identify overbought (above 70) and oversold (below 30) conditions in the market. Key Points of the RSI Indicator for Crypto Trading Overbought and Oversold Conditions: RSI pinpoints overbought and oversold levels, indicating potential market reversals.Divergence Analysis: RSI divergence occurs when price moves opposite to RSI, signaling possible trend reversals.Support and Resistance Levels: RSI helps identify these levels, aiding in strategic entry and exit planning.Enhanced Trade Decisions: Combining RSI with other tools like moving averages or MACD improves trading decisions. Benefits of Using RSI for Crypto Trading Timely Market Insights: Provides prompt market condition insights.Versatility: Applicable across various time frames for short-term and long-term strategies.Risk Management: Identifies overbought and oversold conditions, aiding in risk management. How to Use Relative Strength Index to Trade? Using RSI in crypto trading offers valuable insights for making informed decisions: Identifying Overbought and Oversold Conditions: When RSI rises above 70, it indicates overbought conditions, and when it falls below 30, it indicates oversold conditions.Spotting Divergence: Divergence between RSI and price action can signal trend reversals.Utilizing RSI Levels for Support and Resistance: RSI levels can act as support and resistance zones.Combining RSI with Other Indicators: Use RSI alongside other tools like moving averages or MACD to confirm signals and reduce false positives. Conclusion The RSI is an essential tool in crypto trading, providing insights into market momentum and potential price movements. By understanding and utilizing RSI, traders can enhance their strategies, manage risks better, and achieve more precise entry and exit points, leading to improved trading outcomes. #CryptoTradingGuide

Guide to Relative Strength Index: How To Trade Using RSI?

Seasoned traders often use the Relative Strength Index (RSI) to identify ideal entry and exit points in crypto trading. This guide explores how RSI can enhance trading strategies and maximize profits by providing insights into market momentum and potential reversals.
What is the Relative Strength Index (RSI) Indicator?
Developed by J. Welles Wilder Jr., the RSI is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. It helps identify overbought (above 70) and oversold (below 30) conditions in the market.
Key Points of the RSI Indicator for Crypto Trading
Overbought and Oversold Conditions: RSI pinpoints overbought and oversold levels, indicating potential market reversals.Divergence Analysis: RSI divergence occurs when price moves opposite to RSI, signaling possible trend reversals.Support and Resistance Levels: RSI helps identify these levels, aiding in strategic entry and exit planning.Enhanced Trade Decisions: Combining RSI with other tools like moving averages or MACD improves trading decisions.
Benefits of Using RSI for Crypto Trading
Timely Market Insights: Provides prompt market condition insights.Versatility: Applicable across various time frames for short-term and long-term strategies.Risk Management: Identifies overbought and oversold conditions, aiding in risk management.
How to Use Relative Strength Index to Trade?
Using RSI in crypto trading offers valuable insights for making informed decisions:
Identifying Overbought and Oversold Conditions: When RSI rises above 70, it indicates overbought conditions, and when it falls below 30, it indicates oversold conditions.Spotting Divergence: Divergence between RSI and price action can signal trend reversals.Utilizing RSI Levels for Support and Resistance: RSI levels can act as support and resistance zones.Combining RSI with Other Indicators: Use RSI alongside other tools like moving averages or MACD to confirm signals and reduce false positives.

The RSI is an essential tool in crypto trading, providing insights into market momentum and potential price movements. By understanding and utilizing RSI, traders can enhance their strategies, manage risks better, and achieve more precise entry and exit points, leading to improved trading outcomes.
Lista DAO (LISTA) Short-Term Price PredictionCurrent Prediction According to our current price prediction for Lista DAO, the price is expected to rise by 230.68% and reach $0.00 by July 25, 2024. Based on technical indicators, the current sentiment is bullish, and the Fear & Greed Index is at 30 (Fear). Over the last 30 days, Lista DAO has recorded 1 out of 5 green days, indicating some volatility. Short-Term Predictions Tomorrow Prediction: Lista DAO is predicted to gain 0.00% and reach $0.745628. This Week Price Range: $0.745628 to $0.973374.Potential Increase: 30.54% if the price reaches $0.973374 by June 30, 2024. Next Week Price Range: $0.973374 to $1.150759.Potential Increase: 18.22% if the price reaches $1.150759 by July 7, 2024. 2024 Prediction Lista DAO is forecasted to trade within a range of $0.745628 and $3.56. If the upper price target is reached, LISTA could increase by 420.25% and reach $3.56. Technical Analysis The sentiment is bullish with 4 technical indicators signaling bullish signals and none signaling bearish signals. Moving averages (both simple and exponential) are often used to gauge price trends over time, though they lag behind current price action. Conclusion Based on the current data and predictions, Lista DAO shows a bullish outlook, making it a potentially good time to buy. However, as with all investments, it's important to consider both the technical indicators and market conditions before making a decision.$LISTA {spot}(LISTAUSDT) #Write2Earn!

Lista DAO (LISTA) Short-Term Price Prediction

Current Prediction
According to our current price prediction for Lista DAO, the price is expected to rise by 230.68% and reach $0.00 by July 25, 2024. Based on technical indicators, the current sentiment is bullish, and the Fear & Greed Index is at 30 (Fear). Over the last 30 days, Lista DAO has recorded 1 out of 5 green days, indicating some volatility.
Short-Term Predictions
Prediction: Lista DAO is predicted to gain 0.00% and reach $0.745628.
This Week
Price Range: $0.745628 to $0.973374.Potential Increase: 30.54% if the price reaches $0.973374 by June 30, 2024.
Next Week
Price Range: $0.973374 to $1.150759.Potential Increase: 18.22% if the price reaches $1.150759 by July 7, 2024.
2024 Prediction
Lista DAO is forecasted to trade within a range of $0.745628 and $3.56. If the upper price target is reached, LISTA could increase by 420.25% and reach $3.56.
Technical Analysis
The sentiment is bullish with 4 technical indicators signaling bullish signals and none signaling bearish signals. Moving averages (both simple and exponential) are often used to gauge price trends over time, though they lag behind current price action.
Based on the current data and predictions, Lista DAO shows a bullish outlook, making it a potentially good time to buy. However, as with all investments, it's important to consider both the technical indicators and market conditions before making a decision.$LISTA

Bitcoin Left Behind! Is Ethereum the New Crypto King?Story Highlights Ethereum’s Stability vs. Bitcoin’s Decline: Ethereum’s price has remained relatively steady, while Bitcoin has experienced a drop.Skeptical Analysts: Some analysts are cautious about Ethereum’s rise due to the performance of past ETFs and potential stock market corrections.Positive Short-term Outlook: While it’s too early to declare Ethereum as the new crypto king, its short-term prospects appear favorable. The Rise of Ethereum Historically, Ethereum (ETH) has been seen as a secondary player to Bitcoin (BTC). However, recent trends suggest a shift in market sentiment favoring Ethereum. Here's why this change might be coming: Why is Ethereum Shining? In the current volatile market, Ethereum has shown impressive stability. Following the approval of the long-awaited Ethereum ETF, its price has only dipped by 8% to $3,367, compared to Bitcoin's nearly 12% drop to $60,950 during the same period. Technical Analysis ETH/BTC Pair According to crypto analyst Flow, Ethereum has rebounded strongly against Bitcoin from multi-year lows. If ETH maintains this upward momentum and breaks out of its historical downtrend against BTC, it could attract significant interest from large investors, potentially leading to further price increases. SOL/ETH Pair The SOL/ETH trading pair has reached a critical point. Solana (SOL) has repeatedly tested its all-time high against ETH, but recent price action suggests that SOL/ETH may be facing resistance. This indicates a potential shift in bullish momentum towards other assets. Impact of the Ethereum ETF The imminent launch of ETH ETFs, expected in July or August, has reinforced Ethereum’s upward momentum. This development promises to enhance Ethereum’s appeal among institutional investors, potentially attracting substantial capital. Notably, German investors are showing more confidence in Ethereum compared to Bitcoin. The Flip Side Despite the positive outlook, analysts remain cautious. There is skepticism surrounding ETH ETFs, particularly due to their underperformance in Hong Kong compared to spot Bitcoin ETFs. Additionally, potential corrections in major indices like Nasdaq, where stocks such as NVIDIA are influential, could impact the broader market and Ethereum’s price. Conclusion While it’s too early to declare Ethereum as the new crypto king, its recent price movements and the anticipated launch of ETH ETFs offer promising opportunities for investors. With catalysts on the horizon and a generally positive market environment, Ethereum appears poised for growth. Investors are adopting strategies that reflect cautious optimism, ready to adjust as market conditions evolve. $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) #CryptoTradingGuide

Bitcoin Left Behind! Is Ethereum the New Crypto King?

Story Highlights
Ethereum’s Stability vs. Bitcoin’s Decline: Ethereum’s price has remained relatively steady, while Bitcoin has experienced a drop.Skeptical Analysts: Some analysts are cautious about Ethereum’s rise due to the performance of past ETFs and potential stock market corrections.Positive Short-term Outlook: While it’s too early to declare Ethereum as the new crypto king, its short-term prospects appear favorable.
The Rise of Ethereum
Historically, Ethereum (ETH) has been seen as a secondary player to Bitcoin (BTC). However, recent trends suggest a shift in market sentiment favoring Ethereum. Here's why this change might be coming:
Why is Ethereum Shining?
In the current volatile market, Ethereum has shown impressive stability. Following the approval of the long-awaited Ethereum ETF, its price has only dipped by 8% to $3,367, compared to Bitcoin's nearly 12% drop to $60,950 during the same period.
Technical Analysis
According to crypto analyst Flow, Ethereum has rebounded strongly against Bitcoin from multi-year lows. If ETH maintains this upward momentum and breaks out of its historical downtrend against BTC, it could attract significant interest from large investors, potentially leading to further price increases.
The SOL/ETH trading pair has reached a critical point. Solana (SOL) has repeatedly tested its all-time high against ETH, but recent price action suggests that SOL/ETH may be facing resistance. This indicates a potential shift in bullish momentum towards other assets.
Impact of the Ethereum ETF
The imminent launch of ETH ETFs, expected in July or August, has reinforced Ethereum’s upward momentum. This development promises to enhance Ethereum’s appeal among institutional investors, potentially attracting substantial capital. Notably, German investors are showing more confidence in Ethereum compared to Bitcoin.
The Flip Side
Despite the positive outlook, analysts remain cautious. There is skepticism surrounding ETH ETFs, particularly due to their underperformance in Hong Kong compared to spot Bitcoin ETFs. Additionally, potential corrections in major indices like Nasdaq, where stocks such as NVIDIA are influential, could impact the broader market and Ethereum’s price.
While it’s too early to declare Ethereum as the new crypto king, its recent price movements and the anticipated launch of ETH ETFs offer promising opportunities for investors. With catalysts on the horizon and a generally positive market environment, Ethereum appears poised for growth. Investors are adopting strategies that reflect cautious optimism, ready to adjust as market conditions evolve.

Bitcoin Dominance Plunges: Is It the Right Time to Buy Altcoins?Key Takeaways Bitcoin Dominance Decline: Bitcoin's market dominance is falling, potentially signaling a rise for altcoins.Emerging Altcoin Season: Crypto experts suggest the possibility of an upcoming altcoin season, with buying signals emerging. Current Market Dynamics Bitcoin's price is declining, and its dominance has dropped by 2%, indicating a positive outlook for altcoins. According to crypto expert Dami-Defi and data analysis platform Dune, this trend might signal the start of an altcoin season. Historically, when Bitcoin's dominance decreases, liquidity often shifts to altcoins, which can lead to their price increases. Expert Insights Dami-Defi: Observed a decline in Bitcoin (BTC) and a rise in altcoins. BTC dominance has dropped by 2% over the past 24 hours. Total 3, representing the total market cap of all cryptocurrencies excluding Bitcoin and Ethereum, is maintaining local support and showing potential for a reversal.Community Opinions: While some see this as an early sign of altcoin season, others, like user favoriteluckybanjo, suggest caution, noting that significant advancements in projects like $avax and $link could indicate future potential. Another user speculates that the altcoin season might start in October. Altcoin Buying Signal Dune's altcoin dashboard suggests a buying signal for altcoins. This system, similar to an RSI oscillator, considers various market metrics to provide a market overview. TOTAL3 (the total market cap excluding BTC and ETH) showing support hints at a possible shift in investor interest towards altcoins. Bitcoin's Technical Performance Daily Technical Chart: Bitcoin's price is showing weakness, breaking below the 50 EMA level. At the time of analysis, BTC was supported at the 200 EMA level around $61,644, indicating buyer presence at lower levels.Weekly Performance: Bitcoin's price dropped by 8.22%, showcasing bearish trends on the daily technical chart.Technical Indicators: Both EMA and RSI are in the bearish zone, indicating negative signals. Conclusion The current market trends suggest a crucial moment for investors. With Bitcoin's dominance decreasing and altcoins gaining traction, there might be an opportunity for a potential altcoin season. The 2% drop in BTC dominance and steady support for Total 3 indicate a shift in investor interest towards altcoins. While some analysts, like Dami-Defi, see this as a buying opportunity, others urge caution, noting that it might be premature to declare the start of an altcoin season. Ultimately, whether this is the right time to buy altcoins depends on individual risk appetites and thorough analysis of market conditions.$ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) #CryptoTradingGuide

Bitcoin Dominance Plunges: Is It the Right Time to Buy Altcoins?

Key Takeaways
Bitcoin Dominance Decline: Bitcoin's market dominance is falling, potentially signaling a rise for altcoins.Emerging Altcoin Season: Crypto experts suggest the possibility of an upcoming altcoin season, with buying signals emerging.
Current Market Dynamics
Bitcoin's price is declining, and its dominance has dropped by 2%, indicating a positive outlook for altcoins. According to crypto expert Dami-Defi and data analysis platform Dune, this trend might signal the start of an altcoin season. Historically, when Bitcoin's dominance decreases, liquidity often shifts to altcoins, which can lead to their price increases.
Expert Insights
Dami-Defi: Observed a decline in Bitcoin (BTC) and a rise in altcoins. BTC dominance has dropped by 2% over the past 24 hours. Total 3, representing the total market cap of all cryptocurrencies excluding Bitcoin and Ethereum, is maintaining local support and showing potential for a reversal.Community Opinions: While some see this as an early sign of altcoin season, others, like user favoriteluckybanjo, suggest caution, noting that significant advancements in projects like $avax and $link could indicate future potential. Another user speculates that the altcoin season might start in October.
Altcoin Buying Signal
Dune's altcoin dashboard suggests a buying signal for altcoins. This system, similar to an RSI oscillator, considers various market metrics to provide a market overview. TOTAL3 (the total market cap excluding BTC and ETH) showing support hints at a possible shift in investor interest towards altcoins.
Bitcoin's Technical Performance
Daily Technical Chart: Bitcoin's price is showing weakness, breaking below the 50 EMA level. At the time of analysis, BTC was supported at the 200 EMA level around $61,644, indicating buyer presence at lower levels.Weekly Performance: Bitcoin's price dropped by 8.22%, showcasing bearish trends on the daily technical chart.Technical Indicators: Both EMA and RSI are in the bearish zone, indicating negative signals.
The current market trends suggest a crucial moment for investors. With Bitcoin's dominance decreasing and altcoins gaining traction, there might be an opportunity for a potential altcoin season. The 2% drop in BTC dominance and steady support for Total 3 indicate a shift in investor interest towards altcoins.
While some analysts, like Dami-Defi, see this as a buying opportunity, others urge caution, noting that it might be premature to declare the start of an altcoin season. Ultimately, whether this is the right time to buy altcoins depends on individual risk appetites and thorough analysis of market conditions.$ETH

Tulkot (FET) Price Prediction This Week & Next WeekOverview As of June 25, 2024, the current sentiment for (FET) is bearish. The Fear & Greed Index is showing 30, indicating fear in the market. recorded 8 green days out of the last 30, with a price volatility of 18.56%. Short-Term Predictions Tomorrow: is predicted to lose 0.00% and reach a price of $1.660603.This Week: The price of is forecasted to trade within a range of $1.660603 to $1.714129, with an expected increase of 3.22% to $1.714129 by July 1, 2024.Next Week: The price range prediction for is between $1.714129 and $1.825672. If it reaches the upper price target, could increase by 6.51% to $1.825672 by July 8, 2024. 30-Day Projection By July 2, 2024: is projected to be trading at $1.712461, representing a gain of 3.12% over the current price. Technical Indicators Relative Strength Index (RSI): Currently at 47.40, indicating a neutral market position. Moving Averages and Oscillators Simple Moving Averages (SMA) and Exponential Moving Averages (EMA): These are used to smooth price action over a specific period and are lagging indicators, meaning they are influenced by historical price activity. Conclusion Based on the data: The short-term sentiment for is bearish, making it currently a bad time to buy according to the technical indicators.There is a projected slight increase in the price over the next week and month.The overall market sentiment for remains cautious with a neutral RSI and a fear indicator in the broader market. Investors should consider both technical and fundamental factors before making any decisions.$FET {spot}(FETUSDT) #Write2Earn! (FET) Price Prediction This Week & Next Week

As of June 25, 2024, the current sentiment for (FET) is bearish. The Fear & Greed Index is showing 30, indicating fear in the market. recorded 8 green days out of the last 30, with a price volatility of 18.56%.
Short-Term Predictions
Tomorrow: is predicted to lose 0.00% and reach a price of $1.660603.This Week: The price of is forecasted to trade within a range of $1.660603 to $1.714129, with an expected increase of 3.22% to $1.714129 by July 1, 2024.Next Week: The price range prediction for is between $1.714129 and $1.825672. If it reaches the upper price target, could increase by 6.51% to $1.825672 by July 8, 2024.
30-Day Projection
By July 2, 2024: is projected to be trading at $1.712461, representing a gain of 3.12% over the current price.
Technical Indicators
Relative Strength Index (RSI): Currently at 47.40, indicating a neutral market position.
Moving Averages and Oscillators
Simple Moving Averages (SMA) and Exponential Moving Averages (EMA): These are used to smooth price action over a specific period and are lagging indicators, meaning they are influenced by historical price activity.
Based on the data:
The short-term sentiment for is bearish, making it currently a bad time to buy according to the technical indicators.There is a projected slight increase in the price over the next week and month.The overall market sentiment for remains cautious with a neutral RSI and a fear indicator in the broader market.
Investors should consider both technical and fundamental factors before making any decisions.$FET

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Skyrockets 2,682% in Daily Burn Rate Without Significant Price MomentumShiba Inu (SHIB) recently experienced a remarkable 2,682% increase in its daily burn rate. Despite this significant rise, SHIB's price has only seen a modest increase, currently hovering around $0.000018. Key Points Burn Rate Surge:Shibburn Data: According to hourly updates from the Shibburn X account, 18,617,208 SHIB were burned in the last 24 hours, marking a 2,682.44% increase in the daily burn rate.Price Movement:Current Price: SHIB's price has increased by only 0.49% in the last 24 hours to $0.00001813.Weekly Performance: The price remains down 12% over the past week.Market Sentiment:Cryptocurrency Market: The overall sentiment in the cryptocurrency market has been lackluster, with Bitcoin dropping to its lowest point in over a month.Influence of Major Cryptos: The performance of major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum often influences the broader market. Their current volatility and downward trends make it challenging for altcoins like SHIB to gain traction. Market Analysis Current Trading Range: Shiba Inu fell to lows of $0.00001696 on June 18 and has since traded in a tight range between $0.0000173 and $0.0000188.On-Chain Data: According to IntoTheBlock, 417.19 trillion SHIB are held by 25,310 addresses at an average price of $0.000018, highlighting the significance of the $0.000018 level where SHIB currently trades. Outlook Potential for Breakout: Market speculators are closely monitoring SHIB's price for signs of a potential breakout or further consolidation.Bullish Indicators: A decisive break above the daily moving averages could suggest a bullish comeback for SHIB. Conclusion While the significant increase in SHIB's burn rate is notable, the price has not responded with a similarly substantial increase. The overall lackluster sentiment in the cryptocurrency market, driven by the performance of major assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum, continues to impact SHIB's price momentum. However, with a keen eye on market trends and potential bullish signals, investors and speculators remain watchful for any significant movements. $SHIB {spot}(SHIBUSDT) #Write2Earn!

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Skyrockets 2,682% in Daily Burn Rate Without Significant Price Momentum

Shiba Inu (SHIB) recently experienced a remarkable 2,682% increase in its daily burn rate. Despite this significant rise, SHIB's price has only seen a modest increase, currently hovering around $0.000018.
Key Points
Burn Rate Surge:Shibburn Data: According to hourly updates from the Shibburn X account, 18,617,208 SHIB were burned in the last 24 hours, marking a 2,682.44% increase in the daily burn rate.Price Movement:Current Price: SHIB's price has increased by only 0.49% in the last 24 hours to $0.00001813.Weekly Performance: The price remains down 12% over the past week.Market Sentiment:Cryptocurrency Market: The overall sentiment in the cryptocurrency market has been lackluster, with Bitcoin dropping to its lowest point in over a month.Influence of Major Cryptos: The performance of major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum often influences the broader market. Their current volatility and downward trends make it challenging for altcoins like SHIB to gain traction.
Market Analysis
Current Trading Range: Shiba Inu fell to lows of $0.00001696 on June 18 and has since traded in a tight range between $0.0000173 and $0.0000188.On-Chain Data: According to IntoTheBlock, 417.19 trillion SHIB are held by 25,310 addresses at an average price of $0.000018, highlighting the significance of the $0.000018 level where SHIB currently trades.
Potential for Breakout: Market speculators are closely monitoring SHIB's price for signs of a potential breakout or further consolidation.Bullish Indicators: A decisive break above the daily moving averages could suggest a bullish comeback for SHIB.
While the significant increase in SHIB's burn rate is notable, the price has not responded with a similarly substantial increase. The overall lackluster sentiment in the cryptocurrency market, driven by the performance of major assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum, continues to impact SHIB's price momentum. However, with a keen eye on market trends and potential bullish signals, investors and speculators remain watchful for any significant movements.

User Loses $11 Million to Crypto Phishing Scam - How to avoid?A crypto user recently lost over $11 million worth of aEthMKR and Pendle USDe tokens due to a phishing scam, as reported by Scam Sniffer. The victim, who is a MakerDAO governance delegate according to Arkham Intelligence, fell prey to a series of fraudulent Permit signatures. This incident highlights the significant risks associated with EIP-2612, a protocol that allows for permit signatures to authorize transactions without on-chain verification. How the Scam Worked Permit Signatures:EIP-2612: This Ethereum Improvement Proposal allows users to generate authorization signatures without needing prior on-chain approval. While this can streamline transactions, it also introduces vulnerabilities.Off-Chain Authorization: These signatures can be created and used without being broadcasted to the blockchain, making it challenging to detect fraudulent activities.Phishing Attack:Fake Websites: Scammers create websites that appear legitimate to trick victims into signing permits.Deceptive Authorization: Once a victim signs a permit on these fake sites, scammers gain control over their assets without needing further on-chain interaction. Risks and Vulnerabilities Signature Risks: As highlighted by blockchain security firm SlowMist, the primary risk with permits lies in the ease with which bad actors can exploit signature authorizations. Since the transactions occur off-chain, detecting compromised signatures becomes challenging.Lack of Warnings: Some wallets do decode and display signature information, but the warnings regarding permit signature phishing are often insufficient. This gap in user protection increases the likelihood of successful phishing attempts. Recommendations To mitigate such risks, users are advised to: Verify Websites: Always ensure the legitimacy of websites before signing any permits.Understand Permissions: Carefully read and understand the permissions being granted with each signature.Use Reputable Wallets: Opt for wallets that provide detailed information and warnings about permit signatures.Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest security practices and potential vulnerabilities within the crypto space. This unfortunate event underscores the need for heightened awareness and stronger security measures to protect against sophisticated phishing scams in the cryptocurrency world.#CryptoTradingGuide

User Loses $11 Million to Crypto Phishing Scam - How to avoid?

A crypto user recently lost over $11 million worth of aEthMKR and Pendle USDe tokens due to a phishing scam, as reported by Scam Sniffer. The victim, who is a MakerDAO governance delegate according to Arkham Intelligence, fell prey to a series of fraudulent Permit signatures. This incident highlights the significant risks associated with EIP-2612, a protocol that allows for permit signatures to authorize transactions without on-chain verification.
How the Scam Worked
Permit Signatures:EIP-2612: This Ethereum Improvement Proposal allows users to generate authorization signatures without needing prior on-chain approval. While this can streamline transactions, it also introduces vulnerabilities.Off-Chain Authorization: These signatures can be created and used without being broadcasted to the blockchain, making it challenging to detect fraudulent activities.Phishing Attack:Fake Websites: Scammers create websites that appear legitimate to trick victims into signing permits.Deceptive Authorization: Once a victim signs a permit on these fake sites, scammers gain control over their assets without needing further on-chain interaction.
Risks and Vulnerabilities
Signature Risks: As highlighted by blockchain security firm SlowMist, the primary risk with permits lies in the ease with which bad actors can exploit signature authorizations. Since the transactions occur off-chain, detecting compromised signatures becomes challenging.Lack of Warnings: Some wallets do decode and display signature information, but the warnings regarding permit signature phishing are often insufficient. This gap in user protection increases the likelihood of successful phishing attempts.
To mitigate such risks, users are advised to:
Verify Websites: Always ensure the legitimacy of websites before signing any permits.Understand Permissions: Carefully read and understand the permissions being granted with each signature.Use Reputable Wallets: Opt for wallets that provide detailed information and warnings about permit signatures.Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest security practices and potential vulnerabilities within the crypto space.
This unfortunate event underscores the need for heightened awareness and stronger security measures to protect against sophisticated phishing scams in the cryptocurrency world.#CryptoTradingGuide
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