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Skatīt oriģinālu
$JUP Jupiter dao 27. septembrī notiks balsošanas pasākums, kurā tiks izlemts jautājums par aktīvās likmes atlīdzību. Jupiters vienmēr turpina celties, un ļoti tuvu kopienai tāda projekta komanda kā viņi mūs nepievils. tā turpināt Jup! {spot}(JUPUSDT)
$JUP Jupiter dao 27. septembrī notiks balsošanas pasākums, kurā tiks izlemts jautājums par aktīvās likmes atlīdzību. Jupiters vienmēr turpina celties, un ļoti tuvu kopienai tāda projekta komanda kā viņi mūs nepievils. tā turpināt Jup!
Skatīt oriģinālu
$CRV no aizmugures uz leju. sagatavojieties sliktam sniegumam un, ja nepieciešams samazināt zaudējumus, vienkārši dariet to. jo CRV ir nepieciešams laiks, lai atgūtu, šajā brīdī, nav pārsteigts, ka samazināsies. ir sagaidāms viss, kas notiek šajā lodziņā. {spot}(CRVUSDT)
$CRV no aizmugures uz leju. sagatavojieties sliktam sniegumam un, ja nepieciešams samazināt zaudējumus, vienkārši dariet to. jo CRV ir nepieciešams laiks, lai atgūtu, šajā brīdī, nav pārsteigts, ka samazināsies. ir sagaidāms viss, kas notiek šajā lodziņā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$CRV nav pārsteigts, ka atgriežas zem 0.3. jo ilgāk uzturēsities šajā zonā, jo cietāka veidosies pamatne. kā teikts manā iepriekšējā ierakstā, gūstiet peļņu, sasniedzot kastes apgabala augšdaļu, un izveidojiet dažus maisiņus, kamēr tas ir zemāks par 0,3
$CRV nav pārsteigts, ka atgriežas zem 0.3. jo ilgāk uzturēsities šajā zonā, jo cietāka veidosies pamatne. kā teikts manā iepriekšējā ierakstā, gūstiet peļņu, sasniedzot kastes apgabala augšdaļu, un izveidojiet dažus maisiņus, kamēr tas ir zemāks par 0,3
Skatīt oriģinālu
$JUP jupitera kopiena šobrīd balso. cenu kāpums ir vairāk saistīts ar tirgus uzticību, nevis balsošanas notikumiem. Bet tas joprojām ir agrīnā stadijā, Jupiteram ir aktīvas likmes balvas tiem, kas liek likmes un balso. Tātad arī dalība nekaitē, kāpēc gan ne. un arī Jupiters drīz palaidīs savu PPP palaišanas paneli, es domāju, ka šī būs spēle, kas mainīs palaišanas paneli, visam ir nepieciešams eksperiments. Ideāls ir labs, redzēs, kā tas darbosies. {spot}(JUPUSDT)
$JUP jupitera kopiena šobrīd balso. cenu kāpums ir vairāk saistīts ar tirgus uzticību, nevis balsošanas notikumiem. Bet tas joprojām ir agrīnā stadijā, Jupiteram ir aktīvas likmes balvas tiem, kas liek likmes un balso. Tātad arī dalība nekaitē, kāpēc gan ne. un arī Jupiters drīz palaidīs savu PPP palaišanas paneli, es domāju, ka šī būs spēle, kas mainīs palaišanas paneli, visam ir nepieciešams eksperiments. Ideāls ir labs, redzēs, kā tas darbosies.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$SOL vaļi pāriet uz solana sistēmu. mēs tiecamies no šejienes 200 USD, ne pārāk tālu, ne pārāk tuvu. tagad ir 141 $, arī laba pozīcija, lai iekļūtu. solana tev neliks vilties. #solana {spot}(SOLUSDT)
$SOL vaļi pāriet uz solana sistēmu. mēs tiecamies no šejienes 200 USD, ne pārāk tālu, ne pārāk tuvu. tagad ir 141 $, arī laba pozīcija, lai iekļūtu.
solana tev neliks vilties.

Skatīt oriģinālu
$CRV ir diezgan pārliecināts, ka tas kādu laiku pārsniegs 0,295. Ja tas atkal nokrītas zem 0,3, ir ok, lai uzkrātu savu somu. #CRV #CRVUSDT #CRV/USDT {spot}(CRVUSDT)
$CRV ir diezgan pārliecināts, ka tas kādu laiku pārsniegs 0,295. Ja tas atkal nokrītas zem 0,3, ir ok, lai uzkrātu savu somu. #CRV #CRVUSDT #CRV/USDT
Skatīt oriģinālu
$CRV veiktspēja ir īpaši laba. un es redzu, ka ir vēl viena kaste, kur crv izlauzties cauri. Dažu nedēļu svārstības lodziņā mani nepārsteigs. Gatavojamies ilgtermiņa spēlei. Neaizmirsti iestatīt stop loss. Es esmu noteicis savu, lai nodrošinātu savu peļņu, ja tā pēkšņi nokrītas zemāk par noteikto. #CRV #CRV/USDT #crvlong
$CRV veiktspēja ir īpaši laba. un es redzu, ka ir vēl viena kaste, kur crv izlauzties cauri. Dažu nedēļu svārstības lodziņā mani nepārsteigs. Gatavojamies ilgtermiņa spēlei. Neaizmirsti iestatīt stop loss. Es esmu noteicis savu, lai nodrošinātu savu peļņu, ja tā pēkšņi nokrītas zemāk par noteikto.

#CRV #CRV/USDT #crvlong
Skatīt oriģinālu
$CRV 成功在0.3 上呆了超过24小时,这是好现象,表示逐渐在筑底的价位越来越高了。 当0.3 成为坚固的支撑时,就是展望更高的目标的时候了。 CRV successfully stayed on 0.3 for more than 24 hrs , it is a good sign. But we need to test this support whether it is solid or fragile. At the moment , it is freshly formed and very fragile, so, let time show us the answer. #CRV #CRV/USDT {spot}(CRVUSDT)
$CRV 成功在0.3 上呆了超过24小时,这是好现象,表示逐渐在筑底的价位越来越高了。 当0.3 成为坚固的支撑时,就是展望更高的目标的时候了。

CRV successfully stayed on 0.3 for more than 24 hrs , it is a good sign. But we need to test this support whether it is solid or fragile. At the moment , it is freshly formed and very fragile, so, let time show us the answer.
$CRV been challenging 0.3 few times already , perhaps this time can success. what success mean is, this baby need to stand on 0.3 above at least 12-18 hours. lest see how the day candle end... Take profit at 0.3 is not a bad ideal though. #CRV #crvlong
$CRV been challenging 0.3 few times already , perhaps this time can success. what success mean is, this baby need to stand on 0.3 above at least 12-18 hours. lest see how the day candle end... Take profit at 0.3 is not a bad ideal though.

#CRV #crvlong
$CRV again, we going to touch the top of the box. Take profit is considerable, but i am still holding with diamond hand. i really hope CRV can perform real good in this coming month. my target is we break the 0.3 resistance , and go forward to touch 0.4 and above. #CRVUSDT #CRV
$CRV again, we going to touch the top of the box. Take profit is considerable, but i am still holding with diamond hand. i really hope CRV can perform real good in this coming month.

my target is we break the 0.3 resistance , and go forward to touch 0.4 and above.

$CRV back on track now. Another long wait... We just overcame the worst, the best are yet to come. Maybe we can't believe the CRV dev, but we can believe the protocol itself. #CRV {spot}(CRVUSDT)
$CRV back on track now. Another long wait... We just overcame the worst, the best are yet to come. Maybe we can't believe the CRV dev, but we can believe the protocol itself.

Skatīt oriģinālu
$JUP jupdao izturēja balsojumu. salieciet savu somu, pirms nav par vēlu. {spot}(JUPUSDT)
$JUP jupdao izturēja balsojumu. salieciet savu somu, pirms nav par vēlu.
$CRV still around 0.25- 0.27 . playing above 0.27 just a few hours not even standing up there for a few days considering not settling yet. So, again, those who have patience keep it. Who not can sell off when reaching 0.28 - 0.29 again. Have a feeling that $CRV will struggling here for quite a time ... but it can't be more lower then 0.22 , this is the worst case. #CRV {spot}(CRVUSDT)
$CRV still around 0.25- 0.27 . playing above 0.27 just a few hours not even standing up there for a few days considering not settling yet. So, again, those who have patience keep it. Who not can sell off when reaching 0.28 - 0.29 again. Have a feeling that $CRV will struggling here for quite a time ... but it can't be more lower then 0.22 , this is the worst case.

$CRV testing the resistance, wonder if can successfully break the box. Feels positive still. The upper line is my TP point. if it takes too much time I will just TP after breaking the box. been holding for months now. #CRV/USDT #CRV
$CRV testing the resistance, wonder if can successfully break the box. Feels positive still. The upper line is my TP point. if it takes too much time I will just TP after breaking the box. been holding for months now.

$CRV still struggling at that area. really need time to achieve further. can't tell how much time it need, its depends on market {spot}(CRVUSDT)
$CRV still struggling at that area. really need time to achieve further. can't tell how much time it need, its depends on market
$CRV going down again because of btc not performing well. it will go back to 0.27 - 0.25 area again, fluctuate around there, and seek for break out again. if going down further ,maybe will go back to 0.22. but , i still believe the future is bright. as the platform is doing good, and it is one of the oldest DeFi that running well.
$EGLD {spot}(EGLDUSDT) $EGLD maybe have a chance... looking up till $40. if thing goes well might hold longer. $EGLD is native token of a high performance chain multiversx like solana. it has own dapp wallet and launchpad, ecosystem are well developed. it just lack of something to trigger up... who knows? just personal view point. #EGLD #EGLDsqueeze #MultiversX

$EGLD maybe have a chance... looking up till $40. if thing goes well might hold longer.

$EGLD is native token of a high performance chain multiversx like solana. it has own dapp wallet and launchpad, ecosystem are well developed. it just lack of something to trigger up... who knows? just personal view point.
#EGLD #EGLDsqueeze #MultiversX
$CRV going down again because of btc not performing well. it will go back to 0.27 - 0.25 area again, fluctuate around there, and seek for break out again. if going down further ,maybe will go back to 0.22. but , i still believe the future is bright. as the platform is doing good, and it is one of the oldest DeFi that running well.
$CRV going down again because of btc not performing well. it will go back to 0.27 - 0.25 area again, fluctuate around there, and seek for break out again. if going down further ,maybe will go back to 0.22. but , i still believe the future is bright. as the platform is doing good, and it is one of the oldest DeFi that running well.
$CRV been struggling around the box. it is expected because market not exploding. paper hand can consider take profit when reaching top of the box. diamond hand can consider hold till it break the box. so, what hand will you be? #crvlong #CRV
$CRV been struggling around the box. it is expected because market not exploding. paper hand can consider take profit when reaching top of the box. diamond hand can consider hold till it break the box. so, what hand will you be? #crvlong #CRV
$CRV 0.27-0.29 is a huge resistance. once we break it, we going to fly high {future}(CRVUSDT)
$CRV 0.27-0.29 is a huge resistance. once we break it, we going to fly high
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