Binance Square
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Labi, tas varētu šķist neticami, bet es aicinu ikvienu, kurš uzskata, ka tā ir, norēķināties pa tālruni @JUSKO_TRADER un redzēt, ka neiespējamais ir kļuvis iespējams.
Labi, tas varētu šķist neticami, bet es aicinu ikvienu, kurš uzskata, ka tā ir, norēķināties pa tālruni @Jusko Old Account un redzēt, ka neiespējamais ir kļuvis iespējams.
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Skatīt oriģinālu
Man šķita, ka ar Rošelu par viņas laipno žestu ir par maz komentāru sadaļā, tāpēc man tas ir jāpasaka šeit. Ja jūs pašaizliedzīgi ieguldāt darbu, palīdzot citiem, jūs vienmēr saņemat atlīdzību dažādos veidos. Redziet, es arī biju BTC šova upuris pagājušajā nedēļā un tiku likvidēts no $ 200 līdz tikai $ 84,9, kas palikuši manā makā, un es dalījos starp visiem projektiem, kurus mani kaislīgie mentori @Need4G un @ZeusInCrypto ir sagatavojuši, lai mēs varētu ieguldīt spot tirdzniecībā. .. Tad es ieraudzīju ziņu no @Need4G , kurā pateicos draugam Rošelam par to, ka viņš viņam iedeva 1000 USD, un es kliedzu Jā! Godīgi sakot, likās, ka es esmu tas, kurš saņēma šādu labvēlību tikai tāpēc, ka apbrīnoju viņa aizrautību un nerimstošos ierakstus, kas jau ir palīdzējuši lielākajai daļai cilvēku. Es arī vēlējos, lai es būtu tas, kurš viņam pateicos $ $ (protams, es zinu, ka kādu dienu drīz es to varēšu izdarīt). Vēlreiz paldies Rochel (nevarēju atrast jūsu lietotājvārdu, lai to šeit pareizi pieminētu), taču Es no sirds pateicos jums par paveikto. Un paldies @Need4G par visu, ko esat turpinājis darīt šajā telpā. Svētības jūs atradīs. #TEAMN4G #WRITE2EAERN
Man šķita, ka ar Rošelu par viņas laipno žestu ir par maz komentāru sadaļā, tāpēc man tas ir jāpasaka šeit.

Ja jūs pašaizliedzīgi ieguldāt darbu, palīdzot citiem, jūs vienmēr saņemat atlīdzību dažādos veidos.

Redziet, es arī biju BTC šova upuris pagājušajā nedēļā un tiku likvidēts no $ 200 līdz tikai $ 84,9, kas palikuši manā makā, un es dalījos starp visiem projektiem, kurus mani kaislīgie mentori @N4G un @ZeusInCrypto ir sagatavojuši, lai mēs varētu ieguldīt spot tirdzniecībā. ..

Tad es ieraudzīju ziņu no @N4G , kurā pateicos draugam Rošelam par to, ka viņš viņam iedeva 1000 USD, un es kliedzu Jā!

Godīgi sakot, likās, ka es esmu tas, kurš saņēma šādu labvēlību tikai tāpēc, ka apbrīnoju viņa aizrautību un nerimstošos ierakstus, kas jau ir palīdzējuši lielākajai daļai cilvēku.

Es arī vēlējos, lai es būtu tas, kurš viņam pateicos $ $ (protams, es zinu, ka kādu dienu drīz es to varēšu izdarīt).

Vēlreiz paldies Rochel (nevarēju atrast jūsu lietotājvārdu, lai to šeit pareizi pieminētu), taču Es no sirds pateicos jums par paveikto.

Un paldies @N4G par visu, ko esat turpinājis darīt šajā telpā.
Svētības jūs atradīs.

Tāpēc mana draudzene redzēja, ka es ciešu ar šo pozīciju $TRU , tāpēc viņa nolēma mani pastiprināt ar 1000 USD.

Paldies Rochel, kaut kādu iemeslu dēļ es nevaru jūs šeit pieminēt, bet es vēlos jums paziņot, ka jūs esat visskaistākā un laipnākā dāma laukumā 🌹

This is absolute Manipulation!!! At 9AM 28th Feb. 2024, I just returned from night shift and Lay down with my phone in my hand, monitoring my #BTC Open position I entered at 51,648. in a split second, I shut my eyes and as if it was a trance, I saw #BTC drop from very high on the graph very rapidly and all my futures balance was liquidated. And I was dazed while telling my wife about it, I opened my eyes immediately, checked my phone and saw that I was still in profit. So I became very alert with the trend and believe me, Everything was going crazy with the way #BTC was pumping. closed the BTC position in profit @63,228 Just before the drop, I closed 2 other open positions and was about to close #Dym with over -$50 loss, The binance futures server was showing network overload for the next 5mins.... I knew right away that it was the time for my vision to happen. I was actually prepared, but I was beaten due to there strategy of knocking the server out... so after 3mins the server came back and I was liquidated. Sad, that I literally saw it coming hours before it happened but still a victim . Big question is❓ why did the server crash at such a critical point ⁉️
This is absolute Manipulation!!!

At 9AM 28th Feb. 2024, I just returned from night shift and Lay down with my phone in my hand, monitoring my #BTC Open position I entered at 51,648.
in a split second, I shut my eyes and as if it was a trance, I saw #BTC drop from very high on the graph very rapidly and all my futures balance was liquidated.
And I was dazed while telling my wife about it, I opened my eyes immediately, checked my phone and saw that I was still in profit.
So I became very alert with the trend and believe me, Everything was going crazy with the way #BTC was pumping. closed the BTC position in profit @63,228

Just before the drop, I closed 2 other open positions and was about to close #Dym with over -$50 loss, The binance futures server was showing network overload for the next 5mins....
I knew right away that it was the time for my vision to happen.
I was actually prepared, but I was beaten due to there strategy of knocking the server out... so after 3mins the server came back and I was liquidated.

Sad, that I literally saw it coming hours before it happened but still a victim .

Big question is❓ why did the server crash at such a critical point ⁉️
DID YOU MISS THE LAST BULL RUN IN 2021? Well, I missed it too. not because I don't know how to trade but because I have not found a suitable mentor/trader to follow. Well, here is 2024 another bull run! made a decision not to Miss it.. But as I jumped on to binance I realized it isn't just about the bull run and any mentor, but the Right mentor who you need to follow and luckily I found me one. @JUSKO_TRADER has got it all. A trader that gives signals that makes him millions, what else is there to wait for? I jump and I grabbed @JUSKO_TRADER and I'm holding him tight.. Sorry for the tight squeeze sir, I'm not planning on leaving you anytime ever. just follow @JUSKO_TRADER and see what a magnificent profits he has made and so many has also benefited from. Gotta keep it real, I don't have much capital, but I'm adding profits because I follow and listen to @JUSKO_TRADER

Well, I missed it too. not because I don't know how to trade but because I have not found a suitable mentor/trader to follow.

Well, here is 2024 another bull run! made a decision not to Miss it..
But as I jumped on to binance I realized it isn't just about the bull run and any mentor, but the Right mentor who you need to follow and luckily I found me one.
@Jusko Old Account has got it all.
A trader that gives signals that makes him millions, what else is there to wait for?

I jump and I grabbed @Jusko Old Account and I'm holding him tight..
Sorry for the tight squeeze sir, I'm not planning on leaving you anytime ever.
just follow @Jusko Old Account and see what a magnificent profits he has made and so many has also benefited from.
Gotta keep it real, I don't have much capital, but I'm adding profits because I follow and listen to @Jusko Old Account
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