Binance Square
Queen Bee
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$BOME ir eksperimentāls projekts, kas paredzēts, lai no jauna definētu tīmekļa 3 kultūru, apvienojot mēmes, decentralizētus krātuves risinājumus un degen shitcoin tirdzniecību un azartspēles. Šī eksperimenta mērķis ir pastāvīgi attīstīto mēmu kultūru iekļaut digitālā apkopojumā, BOOK OF MEME, nodrošinot, ka katrs gabals tiek iemūžināts blokķēdē. $BOME memecoin vietnē Solana un Arweave, IPFS kā galvenā Book Of Meme krātuve un turpmākie Bitcoin uzrakstu paplašinājumi kā nemainīga mūžīga krātuve. Šīs iniciatīvas mērķis ir veicināt jaunu decentralizēto sociālo mediju dimensiju un padarīt mēmes neapturamas. Sekojiet šai saitei, lai iegūtu naudu 💰 []( Kopējais BOME piedāvājums ir 68 miljoni monētu, no kuriem 80% (55 miljoni monētu) ir atbloķēti. Ar 786 miljonu ASV dolāru tirgus maksimālo apjomu. Vai ir kāda iespēja sasniegt 0.1$, 0.5$ vai pat 1$ cenu? Lai tā cena būtu 0,1 USD, BOME ir nepieciešama 5,5 miljardu dolāru tirgus maksimālā robeža; Lai sasniegtu cenu 0,5 USD, BOME ir nepieciešama 27 miljardu dolāru tirgus robeža; Lai sasniegtu cenu 1 USD, BOME ir nepieciešama 55 miljardu USD tirgus robeža. BOME var viegli sasniegt cenu 0,1 $ par šo bullrun, jo 5,5 miljardi USD nav pārāk lieli skaitļi. Taču sasniegt 0,5 $ vai pat vairāk cenu būs ļoti grūti, jo tai ir jāsasniedz lielie skaitļi. Tāpat mums ir jāpievērš uzmanība bloķētajai piegādei, kas ir 20%. Tātad, kad tas tiks atbloķēts, skaitļi pieaugs par 20%. Kādu cenu sagaidīt no BOME?🚀🔥 Tā kā šī meme monēta ir jauna, tai ir mazs tirgus ierobežojums. Tātad ir lielas iespējas augt 500% vai pat 2000%. Tas ir atkarīgs tikai no tā, cik ilgi būs bullmarek šim memecoin. BOME, iespējams, sasniegs 0,1 $ cenu ar 7x IA no šī brīža. Ja mēs salīdzinām BOME ar citiem lieliem Memecoiniem, mēs varam saprast, ka BOME ir potenciāls pieaugt no 0,1 USD līdz 0,25 USD. Manuprāt, labāk ir ieguldīt labos un fundamentālos projektos, piemēram, Manta, OP, TIA, AI, JUP un daudzās citās kriptovalūtās. Ja jums patīk mans saturs, varat atbalstīt mani ar patīk, komentēt un sekot. Komentārā ierakstiet nākamo monētu, kuru vēlaties #EMW #BOME eMoon #BOMEtotheMoon
$BOME ir eksperimentāls projekts, kas paredzēts, lai no jauna definētu tīmekļa 3 kultūru, apvienojot mēmes, decentralizētus krātuves risinājumus un degen shitcoin tirdzniecību un azartspēles. Šī eksperimenta mērķis ir pastāvīgi attīstīto mēmu kultūru iekļaut digitālā apkopojumā, BOOK OF MEME, nodrošinot, ka katrs gabals tiek iemūžināts blokķēdē. $BOME memecoin vietnē Solana un Arweave, IPFS kā galvenā Book Of Meme krātuve un turpmākie Bitcoin uzrakstu paplašinājumi kā nemainīga mūžīga krātuve. Šīs iniciatīvas mērķis ir veicināt jaunu decentralizēto sociālo mediju dimensiju un padarīt mēmes neapturamas. Sekojiet šai saitei, lai iegūtu naudu 💰
Kopējais BOME piedāvājums ir 68 miljoni monētu, no kuriem 80% (55 miljoni monētu) ir atbloķēti. Ar 786 miljonu ASV dolāru tirgus maksimālo apjomu.
Vai ir kāda iespēja sasniegt 0.1$, 0.5$ vai pat 1$ cenu?
Lai tā cena būtu 0,1 USD, BOME ir nepieciešama 5,5 miljardu dolāru tirgus maksimālā robeža;
Lai sasniegtu cenu 0,5 USD, BOME ir nepieciešama 27 miljardu dolāru tirgus robeža;
Lai sasniegtu cenu 1 USD, BOME ir nepieciešama 55 miljardu USD tirgus robeža.
BOME var viegli sasniegt cenu 0,1 $ par šo bullrun, jo 5,5 miljardi USD nav pārāk lieli skaitļi. Taču sasniegt 0,5 $ vai pat vairāk cenu būs ļoti grūti, jo tai ir jāsasniedz lielie skaitļi.
Tāpat mums ir jāpievērš uzmanība bloķētajai piegādei, kas ir 20%. Tātad, kad tas tiks atbloķēts, skaitļi pieaugs par 20%.
Kādu cenu sagaidīt no BOME?🚀🔥
Tā kā šī meme monēta ir jauna, tai ir mazs tirgus ierobežojums. Tātad ir lielas iespējas augt 500% vai pat 2000%. Tas ir atkarīgs tikai no tā, cik ilgi būs bullmarek šim memecoin.
BOME, iespējams, sasniegs 0,1 $ cenu ar 7x IA no šī brīža. Ja mēs salīdzinām BOME ar citiem lieliem Memecoiniem, mēs varam saprast, ka BOME ir potenciāls pieaugt no 0,1 USD līdz 0,25 USD.
Manuprāt, labāk ir ieguldīt labos un fundamentālos projektos, piemēram, Manta, OP, TIA, AI, JUP un daudzās citās kriptovalūtās.
Ja jums patīk mans saturs, varat atbalstīt mani ar patīk, komentēt un sekot.
Komentārā ierakstiet nākamo monētu, kuru vēlaties
#EMW #BOME eMoon #BOMEtotheMoon
Skatīt oriģinālu
Binance piešķir 1 banānu žetonu Čau puiši 🌺 Binance dāvina 1 banānu žetonu. Kas ir vienāds ar 46 USDT. Tāpēc pasteidzieties, nepalaidiet garām šo notikumu. 👉Ielīmējiet kodu: BPARA5MNWD banānu sadaļā. #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #redpacketgiveawaycampaign #EIGENonBinance #BANANA #MoonbixLegit

Binance piešķir 1 banānu žetonu

Čau puiši 🌺
Binance dāvina 1 banānu žetonu.
Kas ir vienāds ar 46 USDT. Tāpēc pasteidzieties, nepalaidiet garām šo notikumu.
👉Ielīmējiet kodu: BPARA5MNWD
banānu sadaļā.

#BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #redpacketgiveawaycampaign #EIGENonBinance #BANANA #MoonbixLegit
Hello Everyone🌺 I Am Giving 500 Bonk Coins To First 400 User Redeem It On Red Packet Away....👀 Here Is Code:BPF2GRCFA7 #LowestCPI2021 #MarketDownturn #BinanceSquareFamily #bonk
Hello Everyone🌺
I Am Giving 500 Bonk Coins To First 400 User
Redeem It On Red Packet Away....👀
Here Is Code:BPF2GRCFA7

#LowestCPI2021 #MarketDownturn #BinanceSquareFamily #bonk
Bouncebit 2024 Q2 Financial Report $BB was the first token to be launched through Binance Megadrop. The listing grabbed attention for Bitcoin restaking and CeDeFi to expand the capabilities of Bitcoin beyond traditional storage of value. BounceBit Mainnet & Airdrop On May 13th BounceBit officially launched its Mainnet with an innovative Dual Token Proof-of-Stake mechanism (DTPoS) that allows for the staking of $BTC and $BB for network security. BounceBit Chain is the Layer 1 specialized for CeDeFi activity, enabling the delta-neutral earning of yield for $BTC and $USDT in combination with efficient trading via off-exchange settlement. Through Megadrop, the Water Margin TVL Event and BounceClub Testnet, more than 250 million $BB tokens were distributed to over 2,8 million unique addresses, rewarding the early support of the protocol. CeDeFi Framework On Mainnet launch, the concept of Liquid Custody was introduced, allowing custody assets to stay liquid & available to yield-generating opportunities. Currently, $350.94M are locked in Liquid Custody, made up of 5,375 $BBTC and 24 million $BBUSD. In Q2 & Q3 a suite of products essential to the CeDeFi framework were launched. BounceBit Premium, Easy, Superfast and a collaboration product with @Ethena_Labs. These products generated a total profit of more than $9M USD in BTC and USDT. BounceBit Chain The BounceBit Chain’s unique PoS garnered a total stake of more than 4,300 BTC and 57 million $BB. Now boasting a TVL of more than $287M in Liquid Staking alone. The network is secured by a set of 25 professional node operators. There are over 2.58 million unique accounts that racked up a total of 4.18 million transactions within three months. Roadmap In Q3/Q4 we will release In And Out, a CeDeFi liquidity incentive mechanism. It introduces the concept of CeDeFi Liquidity Mining (CLM). CLM enables users to mine tokens by trading on Binance. Your token-specific trading activity on Binance is rewarded based on the transaction volume created.  Our mission is to create an ecosystem that combines the reliability of centralized finance with the innovation of the decentralized economy. CeDeFi as a service. Liquid Custody as foundation. #BouncebitClubs #bouncbit

Bouncebit 2024 Q2 Financial Report

$BB was the first token to be launched through Binance Megadrop. The listing grabbed attention for Bitcoin restaking and CeDeFi to expand the capabilities of Bitcoin beyond traditional storage of value.
BounceBit Mainnet & Airdrop
On May 13th BounceBit officially launched its Mainnet with an innovative Dual Token Proof-of-Stake mechanism (DTPoS) that allows for the staking of $BTC and $BB for network security. BounceBit Chain is the Layer 1 specialized for CeDeFi activity, enabling the delta-neutral earning of yield for $BTC and $USDT in combination with efficient trading via off-exchange settlement.
Through Megadrop, the Water Margin TVL Event and BounceClub Testnet, more than 250 million $BB tokens were distributed to over 2,8 million unique addresses, rewarding the early support of the protocol.
CeDeFi Framework
On Mainnet launch, the concept of Liquid Custody was introduced, allowing custody assets to stay liquid & available to yield-generating opportunities. Currently, $350.94M are locked in Liquid Custody, made up of 5,375 $BBTC and 24 million $BBUSD.
In Q2 & Q3 a suite of products essential to the CeDeFi framework were launched. BounceBit Premium, Easy, Superfast and a collaboration product with @Ethena_Labs. These products generated a total profit of more than $9M USD in BTC and USDT.
BounceBit Chain
The BounceBit Chain’s unique PoS garnered a total stake of more than 4,300 BTC and 57 million $BB. Now boasting a TVL of more than $287M in Liquid Staking alone. The network is secured by a set of 25 professional node operators.
There are over 2.58 million unique accounts that racked up a total of 4.18 million transactions within three months.
In Q3/Q4 we will release In And Out, a CeDeFi liquidity incentive mechanism. It introduces the concept of CeDeFi Liquidity Mining (CLM). CLM enables users to mine tokens by trading on Binance. Your token-specific trading activity on Binance is rewarded based on the transaction volume created. 
Our mission is to create an ecosystem that combines the reliability of centralized finance with the innovation of the decentralized economy.
CeDeFi as a service. Liquid Custody as foundation.

#BouncebitClubs #bouncbit
Hey I Am Giving 500 Bonk Coins To First 400 User Redeem It On Red Packet Away....💕👀 Here Is Code:BPF2GRCFA7 #Bonk {future}(1000BONKUSDT)
Hey I Am Giving 500 Bonk Coins To First 400 User
Redeem It On Red Packet Away....💕👀
Here Is Code:BPF2GRCFA7
Hey I Am Giving 500 Bonk Coins To First 400 User Redeem It On Red Packet Away....💕👀 Here Is Code:BPF2GRCFA7 #Bonk {spot}(BONKUSDT)
Hey I Am Giving 500 Bonk Coins To First 400 User
Redeem It On Red Packet Away....💕👀
Here Is Code:BPF2GRCFA7
Hey I Am Giving 500 Bonk Coins To First 400 User Redeem It On Red Packet Away....💕👀 Here Is Code:BPF2GRCFA7 #Bonk {future}(1000BONKUSDT)
Hey I Am Giving 500 Bonk Coins To First 400 User
Redeem It On Red Packet Away....💕👀
Here Is Code:BPF2GRCFA7
Hey I Am Giving 500 Bonk Coins To First 400 User Redeem It On Red Packet Away....💕👀 Here Is Code:BPF2GRCFA7 #Bonk {future}(1000BONKUSDT)
Hey I Am Giving 500 Bonk Coins To First 400 User
Redeem It On Red Packet Away....💕👀
Here Is Code:BPF2GRCFA7
Hey I Am Giving 500 Bonk Coins To First 400 User Redeem It On Red Packet Away....💕👀 Here Is Code:BPF2GRCFA7 #Bonk {future}(1000BONKUSDT)
Hey I Am Giving 500 Bonk Coins To First 400 User
Redeem It On Red Packet Away....💕👀
Here Is Code:BPF2GRCFA7
Hey I Am Giving 500 Bonk Coins To First 400 User Redeem It On Red Packet Away..😏👀 Here Is Code:BPF2GRCFA7 #Bonk {spot}(BONKUSDT)
Hey I Am Giving 500 Bonk Coins To First 400 User
Redeem It On Red Packet Away..😏👀
Here Is Code:BPF2GRCFA7
Hello Everyone Wait I am Giving Red Packet Bonk Coins 1000bonk to First 400 person So Claim It Here Is Code:BPF2GRCFA7. Make ♥️ #REDPECKET and get 25$ every month . JUST ONE CLICK TO REDEEM REWARDS 🎁🎁🎁 August is started stay update follow this page for any question ask me in comment 💯 ❤️ LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE⌨️ COMMENTlove you all 😘💕
Hello Everyone Wait I am Giving Red Packet Bonk Coins 1000bonk to First 400 person So Claim It
Here Is Code:BPF2GRCFA7.

Make ♥️
and get 25$ every month .


August is started stay update follow this page for any question ask me in comment 💯 ❤️

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