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ENA ETĒNA ir salauzusi krītošo ķīļa rakstu👀 Paredzams, ka veiksmīga izlaušanās izraisīs 70% līdz 80% bullish vilni📈 #ena #ENAonFire #Enabullrun

ETĒNA ir salauzusi krītošo ķīļa rakstu👀
Paredzams, ka veiksmīga izlaušanās izraisīs 70% līdz 80% bullish vilni📈

#ena #ENAonFire #Enabullrun
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin - Crash līdz 57k, tad 100k! (jāredz) Bitcoin cena gatavojas pēdējam kritumam uz negatīvo pusi, pēc maniem aprēķiniem līdz 57k! Cena joprojām ir šajā bullish karoga veidojumā, un mums joprojām ir jāpabeidz ABC koriģējošais modelis no Elliott Wave perspektīvas. Šobrīd es vispār nevaru būt bullish, vienkārši esiet pacietīgs un pirms BTC pirkšanas gaidiet, līdz tiks sasniegti 57 000! Ir svarīgi arī aplūkot ilgtermiņa tendenču līniju (2023. gada oktobris —> 2024. gada janvāris). Mums ir 2 pieskārieni, un 3. pieskāriens ir neizbēgams ātrāk nekā vēlāk! Būs labi, ja jūs iegādāsities Bitcoin šajā tendenču līnijā. Tirdzniecība ir vienkārša, ja jums ir pareizā informācija. Pēc tam, kad esam sasnieguši tendences līniju, mēs varam turpināt buļļu tirgū (100 000+). Neaizmirstiet, ka cenas parasti ir ļoti svārstīgas ap to pusi, kad tas samazinās. Paziņojiet man, ko jūs domājat par manu analīzi, un, lūdzu, nospiediet pastiprinājumu un sekojiet, lai iegūtu vairāk ideju. Tirgot nav grūti, ja tev ir labs treneris! Paldies un novēlu veiksmīgus darījumus. #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #btc #ToTheMoon🌕
Bitcoin - Crash līdz 57k, tad 100k! (jāredz)

Bitcoin cena gatavojas pēdējam kritumam uz negatīvo pusi, pēc maniem aprēķiniem līdz 57k! Cena joprojām ir šajā bullish karoga veidojumā, un mums joprojām ir jāpabeidz ABC koriģējošais modelis no Elliott Wave perspektīvas. Šobrīd es vispār nevaru būt bullish, vienkārši esiet pacietīgs un pirms BTC pirkšanas gaidiet, līdz tiks sasniegti 57 000!

Ir svarīgi arī aplūkot ilgtermiņa tendenču līniju (2023. gada oktobris —> 2024. gada janvāris). Mums ir 2 pieskārieni, un 3. pieskāriens ir neizbēgams ātrāk nekā vēlāk! Būs labi, ja jūs iegādāsities Bitcoin šajā tendenču līnijā. Tirdzniecība ir vienkārša, ja jums ir pareizā informācija. Pēc tam, kad esam sasnieguši tendences līniju, mēs varam turpināt buļļu tirgū (100 000+). Neaizmirstiet, ka cenas parasti ir ļoti svārstīgas ap to pusi, kad tas samazinās.

Paziņojiet man, ko jūs domājat par manu analīzi, un, lūdzu, nospiediet pastiprinājumu un sekojiet, lai iegūtu vairāk ideju. Tirgot nav grūti, ja tev ir labs treneris! Paldies un novēlu veiksmīgus darījumus.

#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #btc #ToTheMoon🌕
Skatīt oriģinālu
⚠️Bitcoin analīze (rakstu sajaukums)⚠️ 🏃‍♂️Bitcoin virzās divos lejupejošos kanālos: ⚫️Melnajā dilstošajā kanālā⚫️ un 🣣Purpursarkanajā dilstošajā kanālā🣣. Turklāt tas pašlaik pārvietojas 🔴Pretestības zonā ($66 050-$64 520)🔴 un netālu no lejupejošā kanāla augšējās līnijas un 50_SMA (Daily) un Time Reversal Zone (TRZ). 📈Ja vēlamies paskatīties uz diagrammu no klasiskā un harmoniskā rakstu viedokļa, tad Bitcoin ir izdevies pārraut simetriskā trijstūra raksta apakšējo līniju, un šķiet, ka netālu no tās veidojas lācīgs 5-0 harmoniskais raksts. 🟣dilstošā kanāla🟣 augšējā līnija. 💡Pirms noslēguma apskatīsim Market Cap USDT Dominance% (USDT.D%) diagrammu. 💡USDT.D% pārrāva 🔴Pretestības zonu (4,72%-4,53%)🔴, kā es gaidīju un šobrīd atvelkas atpakaļ uz šo zonu, šķiet, ka atvilkšanas struktūra veidojas ar krītošu ķīļa modeli, es sagaidu, ka USDT.D% atkal pieaug un tas Tas izraisīs kārtējo kritumu kriptovalūtu tirgū.👇 🔔Es sagaidu, ka Bitcoin atkal sāks kristies, pamatojoties uz iepriekš minēto skaidrojumu. #btc #bearish
⚠️Bitcoin analīze (rakstu sajaukums)⚠️

🏃‍♂️Bitcoin virzās divos lejupejošos kanālos: ⚫️Melnajā dilstošajā kanālā⚫️ un 🣣Purpursarkanajā dilstošajā kanālā🣣. Turklāt tas pašlaik pārvietojas 🔴Pretestības zonā ($66 050-$64 520)🔴 un netālu no lejupejošā kanāla augšējās līnijas un 50_SMA (Daily) un Time Reversal Zone (TRZ).

📈Ja vēlamies paskatīties uz diagrammu no klasiskā un harmoniskā rakstu viedokļa, tad Bitcoin ir izdevies pārraut simetriskā trijstūra raksta apakšējo līniju, un šķiet, ka netālu no tās veidojas lācīgs 5-0 harmoniskais raksts. 🟣dilstošā kanāla🟣 augšējā līnija.

💡Pirms noslēguma apskatīsim Market Cap USDT Dominance% (USDT.D%) diagrammu.

💡USDT.D% pārrāva 🔴Pretestības zonu (4,72%-4,53%)🔴, kā es gaidīju un šobrīd atvelkas atpakaļ uz šo zonu, šķiet, ka atvilkšanas struktūra veidojas ar krītošu ķīļa modeli, es sagaidu, ka USDT.D% atkal pieaug un tas Tas izraisīs kārtējo kritumu kriptovalūtu tirgū.👇

🔔Es sagaidu, ka Bitcoin atkal sāks kristies, pamatojoties uz iepriekš minēto skaidrojumu.

#btc #bearish
Daily BTC (this is 2 days ago) Next month my target around 51-52k# before make a new ath #btc #bearish $BTC #
Daily BTC (this is 2 days ago)
Next month my target around 51-52k# before make a new ath
#btc #bearish $BTC #
On the above weekly chart price action has corrected over 90% since the sell signal (not shown). Today is great long opportunity. Why? 1) RSI and price action resistance breakout with support confirmation. 2) Multiple oscillators print bullish divergence. 3) Trend reversal. Higher highs higher lows replace lower highs lower lows. 4) The macro bull-flag confirmation prints the 50 cent target. #hbar
On the above weekly chart price action has corrected over 90% since the sell signal (not shown). Today is great long opportunity. Why?

1) RSI and price action resistance breakout with support confirmation.

2) Multiple oscillators print bullish divergence.

3) Trend reversal. Higher highs higher lows replace lower highs lower lows.

4) The macro bull-flag confirmation prints the 50 cent target.

Maintaining short-term bearish trend ETH continues to trade in a short-term bearish trend. Overall, ETH is showing bearish signals as the downtrend channel remains intact, with highs and lows gradually forming. In the short term, the bearish outlook remains intact as long as the bearish channel's limited resistance is not breached, we will see further downturns in the coin. #eth #btc #bearish
Maintaining short-term bearish trend

ETH continues to trade in a short-term bearish trend.

Overall, ETH is showing bearish signals as the downtrend channel remains intact, with highs and lows gradually forming.

In the short term, the bearish outlook remains intact as long as the bearish channel's limited resistance is not breached, we will see further downturns in the coin.

#eth #btc #bearish
ENA Update The Falling Wedge Breakout Has Done In 2H Timeframe⚡️ Expecting Massive Bullish Wave Towards 60% In Few Days✍️ #ena #btc
ENA Update
The Falling Wedge Breakout Has Done In 2H Timeframe⚡️
Expecting Massive Bullish Wave Towards 60% In Few Days✍️

#ena #btc
By checking the Doge chart in the weekly time frame (logarithmic), we see that the price is trading in the range of $0.15 and the demand ranges in front of the price are $0.075 to $0.092 and $0.122 to $0.15! If the upward trend continues, the price targets are $0.229, $0.35, $0.374, and $0.75, respectively! The expected yield of this cryptocurrency in the long term is above 300%! #doge #btc
By checking the Doge chart in the weekly time frame (logarithmic), we see that the price is trading in the range of $0.15 and the demand ranges in front of the price are $0.075 to $0.092 and $0.122 to $0.15! If the upward trend continues, the price targets are $0.229, $0.35, $0.374, and $0.75, respectively! The expected yield of this cryptocurrency in the long term is above 300%!

#doge #btc
SOL : The bears are trying to push back the bulls SOL continues to form a correction during the recovery phase again, receiving support at 130.85. However, overcoming the broken support level around 167.00 is still a challenge and a target. If the bulls cannot muster enough strength to overcome this support, the bears could sink it to the next line of defense at 99.05 (as indicated on the 1D chart) #sol #solana #btchalving
SOL : The bears are trying to push back the bulls

SOL continues to form a correction during the recovery phase again, receiving support at 130.85. However, overcoming the broken support level around 167.00 is still a challenge and a target.

If the bulls cannot muster enough strength to overcome this support, the bears could sink it to the next line of defense at 99.05 (as indicated on the 1D chart)
#sol #solana #btchalving
Get ready for another price surge on this frog! Meme coins are the main drivers of this season. Don't ignore it. We've got some powerful news, a large number of holders. New players in 2024 will come to the market to buy PEPE. And then it's all about putting the money into more fundamental projects. 🐸🚀 #pepe #MEME🔥🔥🔥 #BitcoinHalving2024:
Get ready for another price surge on this frog!

Meme coins are the main drivers of this season. Don't ignore it. We've got some powerful news, a large number of holders. New players in 2024 will come to the market to buy PEPE. And then it's all about putting the money into more fundamental projects. 🐸🚀

#pepe #MEME🔥🔥🔥 #BitcoinHalving2024:
SHIB forming a Massive Bull Pennant Formation It seems like the price is getting close to the apex of the Massive Bull Pennant Formation, and now is the time to keep an eye on SHIB! If you're looking to trade SHIB at the moment, here's a quick setup that you might find helpful! The idea is: Buy when the price breaks above 0.0000301$ and take profits at the levels shown in the chart. Targets: 1. 0.0000313$ 2. 0.0000318$ 3. 0.0000348$ -------------------------------------------
SHIB forming a Massive Bull Pennant Formation

It seems like the price is getting close to the apex of the Massive Bull Pennant Formation, and now is the time to keep an eye on SHIB! If you're looking to trade SHIB at the moment, here's a quick setup that you might find helpful!

The idea is: Buy when the price breaks above 0.0000301$ and take profits at the levels shown in the chart.


1. 0.0000313$
2. 0.0000318$
3. 0.0000348$
How do we know if this is a short-term drop (a retrace) or a long-term drop (a correction)? ➖ One way is to take into consideration the duration of the bullish phase and compare it to past history. ➖ Another way is to look at the proportion of the waves; a parabolic rise will always lead to a strong correction. ➖ An easier way is by looking at the trading volume. Whenever huge volume comes in, we need to pay attention. Dogecoin (DOGEUSDT) produced the highest daily volume session 5-March 2024 since May 2021. May 2021 is when the orthodox end of the Cryptocurrency bull-market took place, meaning, the start of the bear market. Being more specific to Dogecoin, May 2021 is when the ATH hit. 👉 DOGE produced the highest bearish volume and now we have very strong bearish action. This tells us that a long-term drop (a correction) is on the way. Long-term compared to a retrace, not the 'long-term' we use when speaking of market projections. Prepare for the drop. Stay safe! It will get really ugly but it will recover really strong once the correction is gone; months after the halving. (Each trading pair should be considered individually.) Thank you for reading.
How do we know if this is a short-term drop (a retrace) or a long-term drop (a correction)?

➖ One way is to take into consideration the duration of the bullish phase and compare it to past history.

➖ Another way is to look at the proportion of the waves; a parabolic rise will always lead to a strong correction.

➖ An easier way is by looking at the trading volume. Whenever huge volume comes in, we need to pay attention. Dogecoin (DOGEUSDT) produced the highest daily volume session 5-March 2024 since May 2021.

May 2021 is when the orthodox end of the Cryptocurrency bull-market took place, meaning, the start of the bear market. Being more specific to Dogecoin, May 2021 is when the ATH hit.

👉 DOGE produced the highest bearish volume and now we have very strong bearish action. This tells us that a long-term drop (a correction) is on the way.

Long-term compared to a retrace, not the 'long-term' we use when speaking of market projections.

Prepare for the drop.
Stay safe!

It will get really ugly but it will recover really strong once the correction is gone; months after the halving. (Each trading pair should be considered individually.)

Thank you for reading.
WIF UPDATE Descending channel breakout conformed in 3h time frame Expecting 80-90%profit📈 #WIFUSDT #WIF #WIFBTC #BTC #Crypto WIF

Descending channel breakout conformed in 3h time frame

Expecting 80-90%profit📈

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