Binance Square
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2024. gada otrajā pusē $BTC celsies , Strauju kāpumu jūs redzēsiet , Pirmā puse ir beigusies , Pusēšana ir sen pagājis stāsts , Tagad ir laiks celties , Šī korekcija bija laba BTC un vairāk cilvēku iesaistās , jo viņi to nedarīja Nevēlos pirkt platību virs 70k. ETF tiek apstiprināti. Ethereum ETF tiks apstiprināts, un visi negatīvie vienkārši pazudīs pēc tam, kad šodien tas nokritās līdz 53 000, tas nekavējoties atlēca līdz 57 000 laukumam . tālāk būs celšanās un celšanās
2024. gada otrajā pusē $BTC celsies , Strauju kāpumu jūs redzēsiet , Pirmā puse ir beigusies , Pusēšana ir sen pagājis stāsts , Tagad ir laiks celties , Šī korekcija bija laba BTC un vairāk cilvēku iesaistās , jo viņi to nedarīja Nevēlos pirkt platību virs 70k. ETF tiek apstiprināti. Ethereum ETF tiks apstiprināts, un visi negatīvie vienkārši pazudīs pēc tam, kad šodien tas nokritās līdz 53 000, tas nekavējoties atlēca līdz 57 000 laukumam . tālāk būs celšanās un celšanās
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC šī būs kriptovalūtu nedēļa, Nasdaq pieaugs par 1,23 procentiem pirms pat ASV priekštirgus atvēršanas. Tā ir Āzijas sesija. Visā pasaulē tiek samazināti daudzi procentu likmju rādītāji, kas ir piemēroti preču tirgum un kriptovalūtām. Nav recesijas iespēju, ekonomika joprojām ir ļoti noturīga. tas ir pareizi darba tirgus atdzišana, bet ne sabrukšana. ļoti ļoti bullish attiecībā uz kriptovalūtu un precēm
šī būs kriptovalūtu nedēļa, Nasdaq pieaugs par 1,23 procentiem pirms pat ASV priekštirgus atvēršanas. Tā ir Āzijas sesija. Visā pasaulē tiek samazināti daudzi procentu likmju rādītāji, kas ir piemēroti preču tirgum un kriptovalūtām. Nav recesijas iespēju, ekonomika joprojām ir ļoti noturīga. tas ir pareizi darba tirgus atdzišana, bet ne sabrukšana. ļoti ļoti bullish attiecībā uz kriptovalūtu un precēm
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC Tūlīt sāksies buļļu tirgus, piektdienas pārdošana neliecina par ilgtermiņa lāču ciklu. Mērķis 80 000 septembrī 90 000 novembrī un 100 000 decembrī . esi gatavs. BTC cena gatavojas eksplodēt ar procentu likmju samazināšanas ciklu
Tūlīt sāksies buļļu tirgus, piektdienas pārdošana neliecina par ilgtermiņa lāču ciklu. Mērķis 80 000 septembrī 90 000 novembrī un 100 000 decembrī . esi gatavs. BTC cena gatavojas eksplodēt ar procentu likmju samazināšanas ciklu
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC procentu likme samazināsies visā pasaulē, un jūs sagaidāt, ka BTC šajā vidē sasniegs 40 000 USD. Ja jums ir šāda domāšana, jūsu ieguldījumu zināšanas līdz šim ir nulle
procentu likme samazināsies visā pasaulē, un jūs sagaidāt, ka BTC šajā vidē sasniegs 40 000 USD. Ja jums ir šāda domāšana, jūsu ieguldījumu zināšanas līdz šim ir nulle
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC sagatavojieties palaist garām lielo BTC vēršu tirgu ar paša radītu pārliecību, ka redzat BTC par 40k$ un šoreiz trūkst pozicionēšanas #CryptoMarketMoves
sagatavojieties palaist garām lielo BTC vēršu tirgu ar paša radītu pārliecību, ka redzat BTC par 40k$ un šoreiz trūkst pozicionēšanas
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC Procentu likmju samazinājumi nāk par labu Bitcoin un zeltam, Don't Penick, Bear cikls tuvojas beigām. Es neredzu nekādu recesijas iespēju, Darba tirgus mīkstina, nevis sabrūk, Kopējā ekonomika ir noturīga. Riska aktīvi drīz pieaugs,
Procentu likmju samazinājumi nāk par labu Bitcoin un zeltam, Don't Penick, Bear cikls tuvojas beigām. Es neredzu nekādu recesijas iespēju, Darba tirgus mīkstina, nevis sabrūk, Kopējā ekonomika ir noturīga. Riska aktīvi drīz pieaugs,
In the end lost everything
In the end lost everything
Mastering Crypto

12 sekunžu laikā diviem brāļiem izdevās nozagt Ethereum 25 miljonu dolāru vērtībā, izmantojot izsmalcinātu plānu, ko viņi rūpīgi izstrādāja vairākus mēnešus. Viņi veica plašus pasākumus, lai slēptu savu identitāti, izveidojot viltus uzņēmumus un izmantojot dažādas privātas kriptovalūtas adreses un ārvalstu valūtas, lai segtu savus pēdas.

Brāļi arī veica rūpīgu tiešsaistes izpēti, lai uzzinātu, kā maskēties un izsekot saviem noziegumiem.

Ņujorkas Kibernodaļas prokurori veiksmīgi aizturēja noziedzniekus, kuri apdraudēja finanšu sistēmas integritāti. Antons Perērs-Bueno tika arestēts Bostonā, savukārt Džeimss Perērs-Bueno tika aizturēts Ņujorkā. Viņi tiek apsūdzēti krāpnieciskā piekļūšanā nepabeigtiem privātiem pārskaitījumu darījumiem, lai iegūtu Ethereum no investoriem. Neskatoties uz arestu, brāļi atteicās atdot nozagtos līdzekļus un nodarbojās ar naudas atmazgāšanu. Izmeklētāji noziegumu sauca par "izmantošanu", uzsverot gan ekspluatāciju, gan operācijas ievērojamos panākumus.


🫂Atcerieties: ir jāiegulda daudz pūļu, lai sniegtu jums labākos ieguldījumu rakstus. Jūsu dāsnie padomi spēs mūsu misiju un palīdzēs mums strādāt vēl vairāk, lai jūs sniegtu vislabākos ieguldījumu padomus.

#ETHETFsApproved #ETFEthereum
$BTC $ETH Interest rate cuts on the line and dollars rising , It's difficult to believe . Stocks are being sold off rather than pricing in for interest rate cuts . The crypto market is going through pain after almost 4 months of halving even after the launch of New ETFs, Gold and oil falling despite geo political tensions in the middle east with so much economic uncertainty and fiscal deficits of governments. they always said buy gold in period of uncertainty , now it's also falling . what kind of conclusions we can draw from all these shits and hoax . nothing is to believe , Just relax and let the markets adjusts themselves . stay away from markets for the time being will be good idea . Recession will hit and everything will fall. it's certain
Interest rate cuts on the line and dollars rising , It's difficult to believe . Stocks are being sold off rather than pricing in for interest rate cuts . The crypto market is going through pain after almost 4 months of halving even after the launch of New ETFs, Gold and oil falling despite geo political tensions in the middle east with so much economic uncertainty and fiscal deficits of governments. they always said buy gold in period of uncertainty , now it's also falling . what kind of conclusions we can draw from all these shits and hoax . nothing is to believe , Just relax and let the markets adjusts themselves . stay away from markets for the time being will be good idea . Recession will hit and everything will fall. it's certain
$BTC recession around the corner BTC will dump more
recession around the corner BTC will dump more
$BTC current Bitcoin price appreciation is a trap for buyers , if you are in profit then take your profit and invest in something reasonable assets
current Bitcoin price appreciation is a trap for buyers , if you are in profit then take your profit and invest in something reasonable assets
$BTC Investors losing faith in crypto assets
Investors losing faith in crypto assets
Already said $BTC doesn't respect Marco economic fundamentals, Seen today's unemployment claims report and see BTC. It's just gambling asset nothing more than this
Already said $BTC doesn't respect Marco economic fundamentals, Seen today's unemployment claims report and see BTC. It's just gambling asset nothing more than this
$BTC Expecting two interest rate cuts in 2024 it will send BTC above 100k$ , Gold 2700 per ounce . silver 3500. OIL 100$ . cheers All the bullish seeing this CPI
Expecting two interest rate cuts in 2024 it will send BTC above 100k$ , Gold 2700 per ounce . silver 3500. OIL 100$ . cheers All the bullish seeing this CPI
$BTC $ETH $SOL BTC will rise , I was busy and didn't update on the CPI and it's impact on the overall market . CPI was better than forecast it should have the positive impact upon but it had a negative impact. As we demand is slowing down and consumers aren't spending . The US economy is consumer driven . It's not a manufacturing base economy like China. 2nd Quarter growth is moderating as compared to First Quarter , It's all because consumers are not spending , Here comes the point when consumers are not spending how companies will earn. When a report was published and investors saw drop in prices , they started selling . That's why we saw 4 to 5 drop in stocks. NVIDIA 5 percent down, Tesla 7 percent down. same case with other Tech Giants . It's a direct relationship between Prices and earnings . If Prices are dropping how will companies report good earnings . S&P was down 1 percent and NASDAQ was down 2.2 percent . Softer than expected CPI triggered sell off . The impact on BTC and Ethereum is not as much as expected . Now hundred percent pivot before September to cut interest rates. this will push positive sentiment and will drive the prices up again . short term sell are normal . markets have seen 3 to 4 percent sell offs when Inflation was rising in first quarter . Sentiment is getting more and more positive and this will push the prices a lot higher . Bitcoin is on the verge of take off . hold positions and don't penic. We have something positive to cheer and don't listen and follow anyone who is posting negative with bunch of support and resistance lines to guide it's going here and there. It's all crap . Bitcoin will hit 72k in August and 100k in September
BTC will rise , I was busy and didn't update on the CPI and it's impact on the overall market . CPI was better than forecast it should have the positive impact upon but it had a negative impact. As we demand is slowing down and consumers aren't spending . The US economy is consumer driven . It's not a manufacturing base economy like China. 2nd Quarter growth is moderating as compared to First Quarter , It's all because consumers are not spending , Here comes the point when consumers are not spending how companies will earn. When a report was published and investors saw drop in prices , they started selling . That's why we saw 4 to 5 drop in stocks. NVIDIA 5 percent down, Tesla 7 percent down. same case with other Tech Giants . It's a direct relationship between Prices and earnings . If Prices are dropping how will companies report good earnings . S&P was down 1 percent and NASDAQ was down 2.2 percent . Softer than expected CPI triggered sell off . The impact on BTC and Ethereum is not as much as expected . Now hundred percent pivot before September to cut interest rates. this will push positive sentiment and will drive the prices up again . short term sell are normal . markets have seen 3 to 4 percent sell offs when Inflation was rising in first quarter . Sentiment is getting more and more positive and this will push the prices a lot higher . Bitcoin is on the verge of take off . hold positions and don't penic. We have something positive to cheer and don't listen and follow anyone who is posting negative with bunch of support and resistance lines to guide it's going here and there. It's all crap . Bitcoin will hit 72k in August and 100k in September
$BTC selling pressure is easing for Bitcoin
selling pressure is easing for Bitcoin
$BTC pain is almost over , No more dips from now , Only upwards . Germans are done with selling not much impact on the market has felt so far, It's going to be a strong rebound , The longer the phase of consolidation. #Germangovernment #US_Job_Market_Slowdown
pain is almost over , No more dips from now , Only upwards . Germans are done with selling not much impact on the market has felt so far, It's going to be a strong rebound , The longer the phase of consolidation. #Germangovernment #US_Job_Market_Slowdown
$BTC the real problem is most traders and crypto influencers are not aware of macro and micro economics deep insights and how things unfold daily and weekly, solely relying on technicals will not make you a consistent profitable trader
the real problem is most traders and crypto influencers are not aware of macro and micro economics deep insights and how things unfold daily and weekly, solely relying on technicals will not make you a consistent profitable trader
Seeing the Dovish Tone of FED , I am seeing the interest rate cut is coming in September , June CPI , PPI and PCE will be good. The job market is cooling with unemployment 4.1 . inflation 2.6 which is good to cut rates. As far as housing inflation is concerned it will only come when FED cut rates . A new cycle of earnings has started , growth will be moderate in the second quarter but 3 quarters will be a lot better. The chances of Trump winning the 2024 election a lot higher so Wallstreet betting on Trump back in office and provide relief to the market which has been over tighten under biden administration. we might see ten percent correction in S&P but that will be near the election not now . It will be hitting 6000 before falling in . Everything is fine . June buy are going to be the best buy as we see inflation falling and the labour market cooling off. If it's all about one word when to invest I always suggest when there is sentiment now we have good sentiment like 2023 last quarter .
#BTC_Bounce_Back_to_57k #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #BinanceTurns7 #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions
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