Binance Square
Conscious Puva
I understand price action, multiple times frames and candle analysis. NFA but my feeds will give you insights on any asset I analyse. follow me
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Skatīt oriģinālu
Tirgus virzienu esmu paredzējis jau pirms mēnešiem, un tagad tas beidzot izskan. tirgojieties uzmanīgi un saprotiet, ka no šejienes mēs ejam lejup. Ir tik daudz naudas, kas jānopelna. $BTC $BNB $ETH . #BearishPhase #Write2Earn!
Tirgus virzienu esmu paredzējis jau pirms mēnešiem, un tagad tas beidzot izskan. tirgojieties uzmanīgi un saprotiet, ka no šejienes mēs ejam lejup. Ir tik daudz naudas, kas jānopelna.
$BTC $BNB $ETH . #BearishPhase #Write2Earn!
Conscious Puva
Es apsolu, ka neesmu traks, kad saku, ka no šejienes līdz 15 000 $ ir lejup, es uzskatu, ka šogad esam izklaidējušies... nākamgad ir īstais vēršu skrējiens, šogad pelni naudu un uzkrāj visu savu iecienīto. monētas. #Write2Earn #BTC‬ #bearishmomentum $BTC $BNB $ETH
Skatīt oriģinālu
Neklausieties daudz cilvēku pa tālruni #BinanceSqaure pārliecinieties, ka zināt, kā lasīt diagrammas (tehniskā analīze), kā arī izprotat fundamentālās analīzes (FA) ietekmi uz jebkuru kriptovalūtu. Labākie laiki kriptovalūtā un blokķēdē vēl tikai priekšā, mēs visi esam agri. Nomierinies, vispirms mācies, tad pelni. Neesiet dusmīgs šajā periodā. Man ir savi iemesli. #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #ETH #ai $BTC 7867581768$BNB
Neklausieties daudz cilvēku pa tālruni #BinanceSqaure
pārliecinieties, ka zināt, kā lasīt diagrammas (tehniskā analīze), kā arī izprotat fundamentālās analīzes (FA) ietekmi uz jebkuru kriptovalūtu.
Labākie laiki kriptovalūtā un blokķēdē vēl tikai priekšā, mēs visi esam agri. Nomierinies, vispirms mācies, tad pelni.
Neesiet dusmīgs šajā periodā. Man ir savi iemesli.

#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #ETH #ai $BTC 7867581768$BNB
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC $ETH $BNB Daudzi cilvēki šeit, izmantojot tālruņa numuru #BinanceSqaure , runā tikai par tirdzniecības signāliem, īsi šo, ilgi šo un ne tik daudz koncentrējas uz cenu darbību, kas patiesībā ir tas, kas virza tirgu plašākā mērogā neatkarīgi no tirgus masu darbības. ir. Zemāk ir redzams cenas efekts, kas tika izspēlēts uz #BTC , kad 2017. gadā tas pirmo reizi sasniedza 20 000 ASV dolāru. Tas nokritās līdz vietai, kur cilvēki to nosauca par krāpniecību, bet pēc tam atkal atlēca uz augšu perfektā līknē, kas vēlāk veidoja “W” vidusdaļu. diagrammas modelis, ko sauc par dubulto dibenu. ātri pāriet uz 2021. gadu, #ATH  gads #BTC par cenu 69 000 $, kas pēc tam samazinās līdz 15 000 $, pēc tam atgriežoties, lai sniegtu mums ieskatu par "W" diagrammas modeļa veidošanu, kas ir dubultā apakšas modelis par maksimālo cenu. no 53 000 $. Otrais attēls sniedz priekšstatu par to, ko mums vajadzētu sagaidīt... To sauc par cenu darbību, izmantojot pagātnes cenu izmaiņas, lai prognozētu turpmākās cenu izmaiņas, un Bitcoin cenu darbība ir datēta ar 16 gadiem, kas ir ļoti spēcīga cenu darbība. Sakrauj savu usdt, īstais vēršu skrējiens ir nākamgad. Bitkoins pat samazināsies uz pusi dienā, tikai paturiet pietiekami daudz naudas, lai to nopirktu lētāk... Jums ir iespēja iegūt paaudžu bagātību, ja varat pagaidīt. #Write2Earn‬
$BTC $ETH $BNB Daudzi cilvēki šeit, izmantojot tālruņa numuru #BinanceSqaure , runā tikai par tirdzniecības signāliem, īsi šo, ilgi šo un ne tik daudz koncentrējas uz cenu darbību, kas patiesībā ir tas, kas virza tirgu plašākā mērogā neatkarīgi no tirgus masu darbības. ir. Zemāk ir redzams cenas efekts, kas tika izspēlēts uz #BTC , kad 2017. gadā tas pirmo reizi sasniedza 20 000 ASV dolāru. Tas nokritās līdz vietai, kur cilvēki to nosauca par krāpniecību, bet pēc tam atkal atlēca uz augšu perfektā līknē, kas vēlāk veidoja “W” vidusdaļu. diagrammas modelis, ko sauc par dubulto dibenu.
ātri pāriet uz 2021. gadu, #ATH  gads #BTC par cenu 69 000 $, kas pēc tam samazinās līdz 15 000 $, pēc tam atgriežoties, lai sniegtu mums ieskatu par "W" diagrammas modeļa veidošanu, kas ir dubultā apakšas modelis par maksimālo cenu. no 53 000 $. Otrais attēls sniedz priekšstatu par to, ko mums vajadzētu sagaidīt...
To sauc par cenu darbību, izmantojot pagātnes cenu izmaiņas, lai prognozētu turpmākās cenu izmaiņas, un Bitcoin cenu darbība ir datēta ar 16 gadiem, kas ir ļoti spēcīga cenu darbība.

Sakrauj savu usdt, īstais vēršu skrējiens ir nākamgad. Bitkoins pat samazināsies uz pusi dienā, tikai paturiet pietiekami daudz naudas, lai to nopirktu lētāk... Jums ir iespēja iegūt paaudžu bagātību, ja varat pagaidīt.
Skatīt oriģinālu
tas izspēlēsies #Write2Earn nepārstrādājiet, neesiet bullish, sakraujiet tik daudz usdt, cik varat $BTC $ETH $BNB
tas izspēlēsies

nepārstrādājiet, neesiet bullish, sakraujiet tik daudz usdt, cik varat $BTC $ETH $BNB
Conscious Puva
Es apsolu, ka neesmu traks, kad saku, ka no šejienes līdz 15 000 $ ir lejup, es uzskatu, ka šogad esam izklaidējušies... nākamgad ir īstais vēršu skrējiens, šogad pelni naudu un uzkrāj visu savu iecienīto. monētas. #Write2Earn #BTC‬ #bearishmomentum $BTC $BNB $ETH
Skatīt oriģinālu
Es apsolu, ka neesmu traks, kad saku, ka no šejienes līdz 15 000 $ ir lejup, es uzskatu, ka šogad esam izklaidējušies... nākamgad ir īstais vēršu skrējiens, šogad pelni naudu un uzkrāj visu savu iecienīto. monētas. #Write2Earn #BTC‬ #bearishmomentum $BTC $BNB $ETH
Es apsolu, ka neesmu traks, kad saku, ka no šejienes līdz 15 000 $ ir lejup, es uzskatu, ka šogad esam izklaidējušies... nākamgad ir īstais vēršu skrējiens, šogad pelni naudu un uzkrāj visu savu iecienīto. monētas. #Write2Earn #BTC‬ #bearishmomentum $BTC $BNB $ETH
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ja jūs nolemjat visu dienu palikt tirgū, piespiežot savus uzskatus būt pareiziem, jūs palaidīsit garām daudzas iespējas. Reizēm ir labi atkāpties, izdzīvot, ļaut laikam sniegt jaunu skatījumu, skaidrāku redzējumu par tirgus virzienu. turpiniet skatīties $DYDX un $COMP #TradingOpportunity #tradingpsychology
Ja jūs nolemjat visu dienu palikt tirgū, piespiežot savus uzskatus būt pareiziem, jūs palaidīsit garām daudzas iespējas.
Reizēm ir labi atkāpties, izdzīvot, ļaut laikam sniegt jaunu skatījumu, skaidrāku redzējumu par tirgus virzienu.

turpiniet skatīties $DYDX un $COMP

#TradingOpportunity #tradingpsychology
Skatīt oriģinālu
Es ceru, ka nākamajā mēnesī esat gatavs $COMP un $dydx? Esiet konsekventi un nepadodieties. Nākamais mēnesis būs tas mēnesis.
Es ceru, ka nākamajā mēnesī esat gatavs $COMP un $dydx?

Esiet konsekventi un nepadodieties. Nākamais mēnesis būs tas mēnesis.
Don't trade with a clear realist target. It should be really realistic.. #trb $TRB Still looking for shorts opportunities in #trb #trading
Don't trade with a clear realist target. It should be really realistic.. #trb $TRB

Still looking for shorts opportunities in #trb

$DYDX Stay with the coin you are trading, don't jump from one coin to another. unless you have enough capital and you can manage all. #dydx #comp #trb $TRB $COMP

Stay with the coin you are trading, don't jump from one coin to another. unless you have enough capital and you can manage all. #dydx #comp #trb
why are you panicking ? You didn't plan well ?
why are you panicking ? You didn't plan well ?
$COMP will keep moving towards 50$ - 51$. flow and manage your risk properly. #comp
$COMP will keep moving towards 50$ - 51$.

flow and manage your risk properly.

You will make profit either ways, bullish or bearish. You are actually not missing out, you just have to be calm enough to realise this and use it. Just look at how I got ready for an action I took yesterday midnight. Look at how long it took for everything to perfectly play out. It's about what you decide to do before any thing happens. bullish or bearish.$TRB $DYDX $COMP #btc #trb #comp #dydx Read my previous articles and analysis. NFA but it will give you insight. Follow me
You will make profit either ways, bullish or bearish. You are actually not missing out, you just have to be calm enough to realise this and use it.
Just look at how I got ready for an action I took yesterday midnight. Look at how long it took for everything to perfectly play out.

It's about what you decide to do before any thing happens. bullish or bearish.$TRB $DYDX $COMP

#btc #trb #comp #dydx

Read my previous articles and analysis. NFA but it will give you insight. Follow me
Conscious Puva
Read the quote after you are done reading the post.

#trb I had a bearish strategy on $TRB last month. The plan was to short it after it gets to 102$. The price then was 31$.

You might wonder why I will choose not to go bullish since I already saw all the bullish signals. Well that action was more of emotional. If you look at$CYBER perpetual chart from last month, On the day candle timeframe.

I met #Cyber at 5$ then and was excited because I wanted to short it, I never knew it was going to shoot up to $16 and 17$. I suffered a loss because of being bearish.

So seeing the similar chart pattern in #trb , I decided stubbornly to wait for it to go really bullish to 100$ at least before shorting it without thinking about the profit I could make from $31 to 100$. That's my ego.

Now here is a lesson, if you want to be bearish and short markets, it have to be carefully after the bull trend gets exhausted from the chart.
Read the quote after you are done reading the post. #trb I had a bearish strategy on $TRB last month. The plan was to short it after it gets to 102$. The price then was 31$. You might wonder why I will choose not to go bullish since I already saw all the bullish signals. Well that action was more of emotional. If you look at$CYBER perpetual chart from last month, On the day candle timeframe. I met #Cyber at 5$ then and was excited because I wanted to short it, I never knew it was going to shoot up to $16 and 17$. I suffered a loss because of being bearish. So seeing the similar chart pattern in #trb , I decided stubbornly to wait for it to go really bullish to 100$ at least before shorting it without thinking about the profit I could make from $31 to 100$. That's my ego. Now here is a lesson, if you want to be bearish and short markets, it have to be carefully after the bull trend gets exhausted from the chart.
Read the quote after you are done reading the post.

#trb I had a bearish strategy on $TRB last month. The plan was to short it after it gets to 102$. The price then was 31$.

You might wonder why I will choose not to go bullish since I already saw all the bullish signals. Well that action was more of emotional. If you look at$CYBER perpetual chart from last month, On the day candle timeframe.

I met #Cyber at 5$ then and was excited because I wanted to short it, I never knew it was going to shoot up to $16 and 17$. I suffered a loss because of being bearish.

So seeing the similar chart pattern in #trb , I decided stubbornly to wait for it to go really bullish to 100$ at least before shorting it without thinking about the profit I could make from $31 to 100$. That's my ego.

Now here is a lesson, if you want to be bearish and short markets, it have to be carefully after the bull trend gets exhausted from the chart.
when was the last time you read your trading journal? Do you even have a trading journal ? If you read your trading journals, if you were honest with it, you will find out you have always been right, you weren't discipline enough to stick with your analysis. Do you make decisions from informations you got on the internet or is it based on actual experience and lessons ? They are two different thing and learning about this and using it properly is going to help you a lot. $BTC $COMP $DYDX
when was the last time you read your trading journal? Do you even have a trading journal ?

If you read your trading journals, if you were honest with it, you will find out you have always been right, you weren't discipline enough to stick with your analysis.

Do you make decisions from informations you got on the internet or is it based on actual experience and lessons ? They are two different thing and learning about this and using it properly is going to help you a lot.
$COMP I circled the next Fibonacci retracement which is in the range 52$ - 53$. That is where it might highly get to next and then retrace. just like it is retracing now at this current Fibonacci retracement 45$ range. Be patient , when it wants to move, it will be so clear. Be patient and it's not you that's controlling it. It will do whatever it wants. Flow with it.
$COMP I circled the next Fibonacci retracement which is in the range 52$ - 53$. That is where it might highly get to next and then retrace. just like it is retracing now at this current Fibonacci retracement 45$ range.

Be patient , when it wants to move, it will be so clear. Be patient and it's not you that's controlling it. It will do whatever it wants. Flow with it.
still keep eye on #comp . I don't know how to tell people to take profit or take a loss. But be contented, it's not running away, opportunities to make profit is very high. Both for bears and bulls because that's what the market does, up and down. Note: I don't just watch only #comp I watch #BTC #dydx . I use their relationship and choose the one that if the analysis plays out, I will have the most profit.
still keep eye on #comp . I don't know how to tell people to take profit or take a loss. But be contented, it's not running away, opportunities to make profit is very high. Both for bears and bulls because that's what the market does, up and down.

Note: I don't just watch only #comp I watch #BTC #dydx . I use their relationship and choose the one that if the analysis plays out, I will have the most profit.
I have been analysing #comp since October 1st. I can say it's very bullish. the image below is the Fibonacci retracement of the incoming bullish trend. It will go beyond what's on the chart but the analysis playing out will be a confirmation of that. Manage your risk properly
I have been analysing #comp since October 1st. I can say it's very bullish. the image below is the Fibonacci retracement of the incoming bullish trend. It will go beyond what's on the chart but the analysis playing out will be a confirmation of that.

Manage your risk properly
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