Binance Square
Prince Harry
Viss saturs
Skatīt oriģinālu
,🔥🔥Jaunākās ziņas: Austrālijas pirmā vieta Bitcoin ETF tiks atklāta rīt! 🇦🇺💥 Austrālija veido vēsturi ar savu pirmo Bitcoin ETF vietu, kas rīt sāksies tiešraidē! Vai esat gatavs šim spēles mainītājam kriptovalūtu pasaulē? Šī varētu būt jūsu zelta iespēja iesaistīties darbībā un braukt uz Bitcoin vilni. 🌊💰 Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem un pārliecinieties, ka esat gatavs! Tas varētu būt sākums kaut kam lielam. 📈✨#MbeyaconsciousComunity#btc70k $BTC $ NAV $ PEPE #BTC☀ 68 907,09 +2,1% #NOT🔥🔥🔥 0,021176 +8,4% #pepe⚡ 0,00001519 +4,04% Lai iegūtu vairāk atjauninājumu, sekojiet līdzi
,🔥🔥Jaunākās ziņas: Austrālijas pirmā vieta Bitcoin ETF tiks atklāta rīt! 🇦🇺💥
Austrālija veido vēsturi ar savu pirmo Bitcoin ETF vietu, kas rīt sāksies tiešraidē! Vai esat gatavs šim spēles mainītājam kriptovalūtu pasaulē? Šī varētu būt jūsu zelta iespēja iesaistīties darbībā un braukt uz Bitcoin vilni. 🌊💰
Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem un pārliecinieties, ka esat gatavs! Tas varētu būt sākums kaut kam lielam. 📈✨#MbeyaconsciousComunity#btc70k
68 907,09

Lai iegūtu vairāk atjauninājumu, sekojiet līdzi
Skatīt oriģinālu
$NOT demonstrē lielu spēku, izskatās izturīgāks nekā jebkad agrāk! Mums ir stabils atbalsts USD 0,02 apmērā, un mēs esam optimistiski par mūsu mērķa sasniegšanu USD 0,053, jo īpaši ar kāpuma tendenci USD TON. Paredzams, ka Bitcoin turpinās savu pozitīvo impulsu. Iepriekš esam piedzīvojuši peļņas pieaugumu par 640%.
$NOT demonstrē lielu spēku, izskatās izturīgāks nekā jebkad agrāk! Mums ir stabils atbalsts USD 0,02 apmērā, un mēs esam optimistiski par mūsu mērķa sasniegšanu USD 0,053, jo īpaši ar kāpuma tendenci USD TON. Paredzams, ka Bitcoin turpinās savu pozitīvo impulsu. Iepriekš esam piedzīvojuši peļņas pieaugumu par 640%.
Skatīt oriģinālu
🔥🔥Binance tirgus atjauninājums (2024-05-24)🔥 #BTC 67 405,23 ASV dolāri -3,27% #ETH 3688,86 ASV dolāri -3,35% #BNB 595,7 ASV dolāri -2,66% Saskaņā ar #CoinMarketCap datiem globālā kriptovalūtas tirgus maksimālā robeža tagad ir USD 2,60 T, kas ir par 0,06% vairāk nekā pēdējā dienā. Bitcoin (BTC) pēdējo 24 stundu laikā ir tirgojies no USD 66 312 līdz USD 70 096. Šodien plkst. 9:30 (UTC) BTC tirgojas par USD 67 161, kas ir samazinājums par -3,67%. Lielākā daļa lielāko #cryptocurrencies by tirgus vāciņu tirgojas ar zemāku cenu. Tirgus labākie rezultāti ir AUDIO, CILVĒKI un OGN, attiecīgi par 51%, 21% un 16%. Dienas populārākie stāsti: Bank of America: kriptovalūtu fondi gūst piekto lielāko reģistrēto līdzekļu pieplūdumu Eiropas akcijas krītas, ņemot vērā nenoteiktību par Fed spēju samazināt likmes Augsta korelācija starp CME Ethereum fjūčeriem un tūlītējo tirdzniecību veicina Ethereum Spot ETF, atklāj SEC dokumentus Polymarket saskaras ar strīdiem par "apstiprinātu" spriedumu par 13 miljonu dolāru Ethereum ETF likmi Paredzams, ka Spot Ethereum ETF tiks iekļauts biržas sarakstā jūlijā vai augustā BlackRock Ethereum ETF ir iekļauts DTCC vietnē Pamanot ETH ETF lēmumu, tiek likvidēti 350 miljoni dolāru, ņemot vērā savvaļas kriptovalūtu cenu svārstības SEC apstiprina Spot Ethereum ETF veidlapu 19B-4, oficiālais tirdzniecības laiks tiks noteikts ASV Pārstāvju palāta pieņem likumprojektu, kas aizliedz Federālajām rezervēm izveidot centrālās bankas digitālo valūtu ASV dolāra indekss turpina pieaugt, Federālo rezervju sistēmas pirmais likmes samazinājums gaidāms decembrī Tirgus virzītāji: $ETH ETH: 3663,15 USD (-4,49%) $BNB BNB: 594,3 $ (-3,38%) $SOL SOL: 164,85 USD (-7,03%) XRP: 0,5241 $ (-0,83%) DOGE: 0,15795 ASV dolāri (-5,82%) ADA: 0,4593 ASV dolāri (-5,04%) AVAX: 37,29 USD (-6,40%) SHIB: 0,00002385 ASV dolāri (-6,40%) WBTC: 67047,81 USD (-4,00%) DOT: 7,144 ASV dolāri (-5,59%) Labākie ieguvēji vietnē Binance: AUDIO/USDT (+51%) CILVĒKI/USDT (+21%) OGN/USDT (+16%)
🔥🔥Binance tirgus atjauninājums (2024-05-24)🔥
67 405,23 ASV dolāri
3688,86 ASV dolāri
595,7 ASV dolāri

Saskaņā ar #CoinMarketCap datiem globālā kriptovalūtas tirgus maksimālā robeža tagad ir USD 2,60 T, kas ir par 0,06% vairāk nekā pēdējā dienā.
Bitcoin (BTC) pēdējo 24 stundu laikā ir tirgojies no USD 66 312 līdz USD 70 096. Šodien plkst. 9:30 (UTC) BTC tirgojas par USD 67 161, kas ir samazinājums par -3,67%.
Lielākā daļa lielāko #cryptocurrencies by tirgus vāciņu tirgojas ar zemāku cenu. Tirgus labākie rezultāti ir AUDIO, CILVĒKI un OGN, attiecīgi par 51%, 21% un 16%.
Dienas populārākie stāsti:
Bank of America: kriptovalūtu fondi gūst piekto lielāko reģistrēto līdzekļu pieplūdumu
Eiropas akcijas krītas, ņemot vērā nenoteiktību par Fed spēju samazināt likmes
Augsta korelācija starp CME Ethereum fjūčeriem un tūlītējo tirdzniecību veicina Ethereum Spot ETF, atklāj SEC dokumentus
Polymarket saskaras ar strīdiem par "apstiprinātu" spriedumu par 13 miljonu dolāru Ethereum ETF likmi
Paredzams, ka Spot Ethereum ETF tiks iekļauts biržas sarakstā jūlijā vai augustā
BlackRock Ethereum ETF ir iekļauts DTCC vietnē
Pamanot ETH ETF lēmumu, tiek likvidēti 350 miljoni dolāru, ņemot vērā savvaļas kriptovalūtu cenu svārstības
SEC apstiprina Spot Ethereum ETF veidlapu 19B-4, oficiālais tirdzniecības laiks tiks noteikts
ASV Pārstāvju palāta pieņem likumprojektu, kas aizliedz Federālajām rezervēm izveidot centrālās bankas digitālo valūtu
ASV dolāra indekss turpina pieaugt, Federālo rezervju sistēmas pirmais likmes samazinājums gaidāms decembrī
Tirgus virzītāji:
$ETH ETH: 3663,15 USD (-4,49%)
$BNB BNB: 594,3 $ (-3,38%)
$SOL SOL: 164,85 USD (-7,03%)
XRP: 0,5241 $ (-0,83%)
DOGE: 0,15795 ASV dolāri (-5,82%)
ADA: 0,4593 ASV dolāri (-5,04%)
AVAX: 37,29 USD (-6,40%)
SHIB: 0,00002385 ASV dolāri (-6,40%)
WBTC: 67047,81 USD (-4,00%)
DOT: 7,144 ASV dolāri (-5,59%)
Labākie ieguvēji vietnē Binance:
OGN/USDT (+16%)
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚨🚨🚨🚨 Svarīgs atjauninājums pa tālruni $NOT 🚨🚨🚨🚨 Sveiki visiem, 👉 Tagad nav ideāls laiks, lai turētu NE. Gan tehniskie, gan fundamentālie rādītāji liecina par piesardzību. Pašlaik nav pārliecinošu iemeslu atbalstīt šīs monētas turēšanu. 👉 $NOT , iespējams, var samazināties vēl par 30%, pirms tiek atrasta stabilitāte, kas var ilgt pat gadu. 👉 Tomēr ilgtermiņa investori varētu apsvērt iespēju savam portfelim pievienot $NOT , ja tas neietekmēs būtiskos izdevumus. 👉 Esiet informēts un tirgojieties droši! #CMEBitcoinSpotTrading #Notcoin #MemeWatch2024
🚨🚨🚨🚨 Svarīgs atjauninājums pa tālruni $NOT 🚨🚨🚨🚨

Sveiki visiem,

👉 Tagad nav ideāls laiks, lai turētu NE. Gan tehniskie, gan fundamentālie rādītāji liecina par piesardzību. Pašlaik nav pārliecinošu iemeslu atbalstīt šīs monētas turēšanu.

👉 $NOT , iespējams, var samazināties vēl par 30%, pirms tiek atrasta stabilitāte, kas var ilgt pat gadu.

👉 Tomēr ilgtermiņa investori varētu apsvērt iespēju savam portfelim pievienot $NOT , ja tas neietekmēs būtiskos izdevumus.

👉 Esiet informēts un tirgojieties droši!

#CMEBitcoinSpotTrading #Notcoin
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BNB 🔥🔥🔥🔥Kriptovalūtas ieguve un nestabilās lietusgāzes izaicinājums Laosas barošanas avotam🔥🔥🔥🔥 Saskaņā ar Odaily, valstij piederošās Electricite du Laos (EDL) padomnieks Sombouns Sangxayarath ir paziņojis, ka kriptovalūtas ieguves un nestabilo lietusgāžu dēļ valstī ir pieaudzis enerģijas pieprasījums, kā rezultātā rodas elektroenerģijas deficīts. Tas norāda, ka Laosas kā hidroenerģijas eksportētājas izredzes Dienvidaustrumāzijā saskaras ar izaicinājumiem. Laosa, kas ir pazīstama kā Dienvidaustrumāzijas “akumulators”, pateicoties tās hidroenerģijas eksporta potenciālam, nodrošina lētāko un stabilāko tīro enerģiju, kas ir ļoti svarīga Dienvidaustrumāzijas reģionam, kas cenšas paplašināt saules un vēja enerģijas apjomu dekarbonizācijas nolūkā. Sangxayarath minēja, ka datu centru izveides politika 2021. gadā izraisīja kriptovalūtas ieguves biznesa uzplaukumu, kas pašlaik veido vairāk nekā trešdaļu no Laosas enerģijas pieprasījuma. Samazināts nokrišņu daudzums ir samazinājis hidroelektrostaciju, izraisot strāvas padeves pārtraukumus. Pēdējo desmit gadu laikā hidroenerģija ir veidojusi 80% no Laosas elektroenerģijas ražošanas, un lielāko daļu tās pārdod neatkarīgi elektroenerģijas ražotāji, veicot pārrobežu darījumus ar Taizemi un Vjetnamu. Sangxayarath piebilda, ka vietējā tirgū EDL ir elektroenerģijas piegādātājs un kopš 2021. gada ir kļuvis par neto importētāju, kas prasa līdz 600 megavatiem (MW) papildu jaudas maksimālā pieprasījuma periodos, kas ir vairāk nekā divas reizes palielinājis uzņēmuma izmaksas. Pagājušajā gadā Laosa paziņoja, ka nepiegādās enerģiju kriptovalūtas projektiem, kuri vēl nav sākuši darbību. Lai gan šis rīkojums joprojām ir spēkā, Sangxayarath sacīja, ka joprojām aktīvi apsver jaunus investīciju priekšlikumus un cenšas palielināt elektroenerģijas piegādi. lai iegūtu vairāk atjauninājumu, turpiniet man sekot. $BTC $ETH
$BNB 🔥🔥🔥🔥Kriptovalūtas ieguve un nestabilās lietusgāzes izaicinājums Laosas barošanas avotam🔥🔥🔥🔥

Saskaņā ar Odaily, valstij piederošās Electricite du Laos (EDL) padomnieks Sombouns Sangxayarath ir paziņojis, ka kriptovalūtas ieguves un nestabilo lietusgāžu dēļ valstī ir pieaudzis enerģijas pieprasījums, kā rezultātā rodas elektroenerģijas deficīts. Tas norāda, ka Laosas kā hidroenerģijas eksportētājas izredzes Dienvidaustrumāzijā saskaras ar izaicinājumiem. Laosa, kas ir pazīstama kā Dienvidaustrumāzijas “akumulators”, pateicoties tās hidroenerģijas eksporta potenciālam, nodrošina lētāko un stabilāko tīro enerģiju, kas ir ļoti svarīga Dienvidaustrumāzijas reģionam, kas cenšas paplašināt saules un vēja enerģijas apjomu dekarbonizācijas nolūkā.
Sangxayarath minēja, ka datu centru izveides politika 2021. gadā izraisīja kriptovalūtas ieguves biznesa uzplaukumu, kas pašlaik veido vairāk nekā trešdaļu no Laosas enerģijas pieprasījuma. Samazināts nokrišņu daudzums ir samazinājis hidroelektrostaciju, izraisot strāvas padeves pārtraukumus. Pēdējo desmit gadu laikā hidroenerģija ir veidojusi 80% no Laosas elektroenerģijas ražošanas, un lielāko daļu tās pārdod neatkarīgi elektroenerģijas ražotāji, veicot pārrobežu darījumus ar Taizemi un Vjetnamu.
Sangxayarath piebilda, ka vietējā tirgū EDL ir elektroenerģijas piegādātājs un kopš 2021. gada ir kļuvis par neto importētāju, kas prasa līdz 600 megavatiem (MW) papildu jaudas maksimālā pieprasījuma periodos, kas ir vairāk nekā divas reizes palielinājis uzņēmuma izmaksas. Pagājušajā gadā Laosa paziņoja, ka nepiegādās enerģiju kriptovalūtas projektiem, kuri vēl nav sākuši darbību. Lai gan šis rīkojums joprojām ir spēkā, Sangxayarath sacīja, ka joprojām aktīvi apsver jaunus investīciju priekšlikumus un cenšas palielināt elektroenerģijas piegādi.

lai iegūtu vairāk atjauninājumu, turpiniet man sekot.
Ethereum(ETH) Surpasses 3,100 USDT with a 4.91% Increase in 24 Hours On May 17, 2024, 15:28 PM(UTC). According to Binance Market Data, Ethereum has crossed the 3,100 USDT benchmark and is now trading at 3,100.449951 USDT, with a 4.91% increase in 24 hours. for more updates keep following #EthereumSignal #ETH_Market_Update #ETH_Market $ETH
Ethereum(ETH) Surpasses 3,100 USDT with a 4.91% Increase in 24 Hours

On May 17, 2024, 15:28 PM(UTC). According to Binance Market Data, Ethereum has crossed the 3,100 USDT benchmark and is now trading at 3,100.449951 USDT, with a 4.91% increase in 24 hours.
for more updates keep following

#EthereumSignal #ETH_Market_Update #ETH_Market $ETH
,,🔥NEW🔥 US Senator Cynthia Lummis Advocates for Bitcoin Legislation According to CryptoPotato, U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis has shown her support for Bitcoin legislation by posting 'Bitcoin laser eyes' on social media. This comes after the Senate passed H.J.Res. 109, a legislation aiming to overturn the SEC’s Staff Accounting Bulletin (SAB) No. 121. Senator Lummis, who represents Wyoming, is a known advocate for Bitcoin, viewing it as a reliable store of value and a protection against inflation. As a member of the Senate Banking Committee, she is pushing for a regulatory framework that encourages crypto innovation while protecting consumers. The Senate recently passed legislation aimed at dismantling SAB 121, which imposes strict restrictions on financial institutions, preventing them from acting as custodians for digital assets like Bitcoin. H.J.Res. 109, under the Congressional Review Act, seeks to remove these barriers, allowing regulated financial firms to provide custody services for cryptocurrencies. Before the legislation was passed, Senator Lummis expressed her support for overturning SAB 121, criticizing it as a rule disguised as accounting guidance, implemented by SEC staff without majority commission approval. Senator Lummis, along with Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, recently wrote a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland expressing concerns over the perceived divergence in the Department of Justice’s interpretation of 'money transmission' regulations. They argued that this deviation from FinCEN’s established definition could criminalize fundamental aspects of crypto networks, affecting responsible financial innovation in the U.S. However, the White House has expressed its opposition to the passed legislation. A recent statement indicated that President Biden would veto the bill if it reached his desk, arguing that overturning SAB 121 would undermine the SEC’s efforts to protect investors in the crypto-asset markets and safeguard the broader financial system. for more updates keep following #BTC☀️ $BTC $ETH $
,,🔥NEW🔥 US Senator Cynthia Lummis Advocates for Bitcoin Legislation

According to CryptoPotato, U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis has shown her support for Bitcoin legislation by posting 'Bitcoin laser eyes' on social media. This comes after the Senate passed H.J.Res. 109, a legislation aiming to overturn the SEC’s Staff Accounting Bulletin (SAB) No. 121. Senator Lummis, who represents Wyoming, is a known advocate for Bitcoin, viewing it as a reliable store of value and a protection against inflation. As a member of the Senate Banking Committee, she is pushing for a regulatory framework that encourages crypto innovation while protecting consumers.
The Senate recently passed legislation aimed at dismantling SAB 121, which imposes strict restrictions on financial institutions, preventing them from acting as custodians for digital assets like Bitcoin. H.J.Res. 109, under the Congressional Review Act, seeks to remove these barriers, allowing regulated financial firms to provide custody services for cryptocurrencies. Before the legislation was passed, Senator Lummis expressed her support for overturning SAB 121, criticizing it as a rule disguised as accounting guidance, implemented by SEC staff without majority commission approval.
Senator Lummis, along with Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, recently wrote a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland expressing concerns over the perceived divergence in the Department of Justice’s interpretation of 'money transmission' regulations. They argued that this deviation from FinCEN’s established definition could criminalize fundamental aspects of crypto networks, affecting responsible financial innovation in the U.S.
However, the White House has expressed its opposition to the passed legislation. A recent statement indicated that President Biden would veto the bill if it reached his desk, arguing that overturning SAB 121 would undermine the SEC’s efforts to protect investors in the crypto-asset markets and safeguard the broader financial system.

for more updates keep following
#BTC☀️ $BTC $ETH $
Skatīt oriģinālu
Binance pievieno Notcoin (NOT) peļņai, pirkšanai kriptovalūtā, konvertēšanai, peļņai un nākotnes līgumiem Šis ir vispārējs paziņojums. Šeit minētie produkti un pakalpojumi var nebūt pieejami jūsu reģionā. Binansiešu kolēģi, Binance ar prieku paziņo, ka Notcoin (NOT) ir pievienots programmām Binance Simple Earn, "Buy Crypto" un Binance Convert. Turklāt Binance pievienos NOT on Binance Margin, Binance Futures un Binance Auto-Invest plkst. 2024-05-16 14:00 (UTC), 2024-05-16 14:00 (UTC) un 2024-05-20 10: 00 (UTC) attiecīgi. Nopelnīt Lietotāji tagad var abonēt NOT Flexible Products Binance Simple Earn. No 2024.05.20. plkst. 10:00 (UTC) lietotāji NEDRĪKST iepirkties, izmantojot Binance Auto-Invest atbalstītās maksājumu iespējas. Pirkt un pārdot Kripto Lietotāji tagad var pirkt NAV tieši ar savām kredītkartēm/debetkartēm, Google Pay, Apple Pay vai pirkt un pārdot NAV tieši ar saviem pieejamajiem maka atlikumiem lapā “Buy Crypto”. Konvertēt Lietotāji tagad var tirgoties NAV pret BTC, USDT un citiem marķieriem, ko atbalsta Binance Convert par nulles maksu. Marža Binance Margin tiks pievienots NOT kā jauns aizņemams aktīvs krustojumam un atsevišķai maržai, kā arī NOT/USDT pāri Cross un Isolated Margin 2024.05.16. 14:00 (UTC). Lūdzu, skatiet maržas datus, lai iegūtu jaunāko maržas aktīvu sarakstu un papildu informāciju par konkrētiem limitiem, nodrošinājuma koeficientu un likmēm. Nākotnes līgumi Binance Futures laidīs klajā USDⓈ-M NOT Perpetual Contract 2024.05.16. plkst. 14:00 (UTC) ar līdz pat 50x sviras efektu. #Notcion #NOTLAUNCHPOOL #NotcoinLaunchpool lai iegūtu vairāk atjauninājumu, sekojiet līdzi
Binance pievieno Notcoin (NOT) peļņai, pirkšanai kriptovalūtā, konvertēšanai, peļņai un nākotnes līgumiem

Šis ir vispārējs paziņojums. Šeit minētie produkti un pakalpojumi var nebūt pieejami jūsu reģionā.

Binansiešu kolēģi,

Binance ar prieku paziņo, ka Notcoin (NOT) ir pievienots programmām Binance Simple Earn, "Buy Crypto" un Binance Convert. Turklāt Binance pievienos NOT on Binance Margin, Binance Futures un Binance Auto-Invest plkst. 2024-05-16 14:00 (UTC), 2024-05-16 14:00 (UTC) un 2024-05-20 10: 00 (UTC) attiecīgi.


Lietotāji tagad var abonēt NOT Flexible Products Binance Simple Earn.

No 2024.05.20. plkst. 10:00 (UTC) lietotāji NEDRĪKST iepirkties, izmantojot Binance Auto-Invest atbalstītās maksājumu iespējas.

Pirkt un pārdot Kripto

Lietotāji tagad var pirkt NAV tieši ar savām kredītkartēm/debetkartēm, Google Pay, Apple Pay vai pirkt un pārdot NAV tieši ar saviem pieejamajiem maka atlikumiem lapā “Buy Crypto”.


Lietotāji tagad var tirgoties NAV pret BTC, USDT un citiem marķieriem, ko atbalsta Binance Convert par nulles maksu.


Binance Margin tiks pievienots NOT kā jauns aizņemams aktīvs krustojumam un atsevišķai maržai, kā arī NOT/USDT pāri Cross un Isolated Margin 2024.05.16. 14:00 (UTC).

Lūdzu, skatiet maržas datus, lai iegūtu jaunāko maržas aktīvu sarakstu un papildu informāciju par konkrētiem limitiem, nodrošinājuma koeficientu un likmēm.

Nākotnes līgumi

Binance Futures laidīs klajā USDⓈ-M NOT Perpetual Contract 2024.05.16. plkst. 14:00 (UTC) ar līdz pat 50x sviras efektu.

#Notcion #NOTLAUNCHPOOL #NotcoinLaunchpool
lai iegūtu vairāk atjauninājumu, sekojiet līdzi
Binance Will Support the Chiliz (CHZ) and MultiversX (EGLD) Network Upgrades & Hard Forks 2024-05-17 Fellow Binancians, Binance will support the Chiliz (CHZ) and MultiversX (EGLD) network upgrades and hard forks to ensure the best user experience.  The Chiliz (CHZ) network upgrade and hard fork will take place at the block height of 13,189,711, or approximately at 2024-05-20 07:00 (UTC). Binance will suspend the deposits and withdrawals of token(s) on the Chiliz (CHZ) network starting from approximately 2024-05-20 06:00 (UTC). The MultiversX (EGLD) network upgrade will take place at 2024-05-21 16:20 (UTC). Binance will suspend the deposits and withdrawals of token(s) on the MultiversX (EGLD) network starting from approximately 2024-05-21 15:20 (UTC) #ChilizChain #MultiverseX #
Binance Will Support the Chiliz (CHZ) and MultiversX (EGLD) Network Upgrades & Hard Forks


Fellow Binancians,

Binance will support the Chiliz (CHZ) and MultiversX (EGLD) network upgrades and hard forks to ensure the best user experience. 

The Chiliz (CHZ) network upgrade and hard fork will take place at the block height of 13,189,711, or approximately at 2024-05-20 07:00 (UTC). Binance will suspend the deposits and withdrawals of token(s) on the Chiliz (CHZ) network starting from approximately 2024-05-20 06:00 (UTC).

The MultiversX (EGLD) network upgrade will take place at 2024-05-21 16:20 (UTC). Binance will suspend the deposits and withdrawals of token(s) on the MultiversX (EGLD) network starting from approximately 2024-05-21 15:20 (UTC)

#ChilizChain #MultiverseX #
$BNB 💥Bitcoin Starts to Rise According to Data!💥 *Macro investor and fund manager Dan Tapiero predicts that #Bitcoin is poised to reach an all-time high (ATH). *Popular analyst Credible Crypto also believes that Bitcoin's price is ready to make a significant jump. *Both experts predict a bullish trend for Bitcoin; Tapiero estimates that the price may exceed $90,000. #BITCOINUSD Bitcoin is poised to hit an all-time high, according to predictions from macro trader Dan Tapiero and analyst Credible Crypto. Experts expect an uptrend with the potential for a significant price increase. #Bitcoin is oscillating in a narrow range after losing momentum. However, macro investor and fund manager Dan Tapiero suggests that Bitcoin is poised to reach an all-time high. The CEO of investment firm 10T Holdings believes it is critical for Bitcoin to surpass the $65,000 level; This represents an increase of more than 45% from its current value. Tapiero predicts a 'scary rise' for Bitcoin and predicts that the price could rise to $90,000 and above. According to Tapiero's analysis,#Bitcoin is about to complete the bull flag formation, which is a short period of downside consolidation before culminating in an upside breakout after a long bull trend. Tapiero suggests that the Federal Reserve will lower interest rates this year due to weakness in commercial real estate, which could lead to greater growth in the digital asset ecosystem. He predicts a 'super bull' and 'on-chain spring' is on the horizon for Gold, @Square-Creator-460991791 and #ethirum Popular crypto analyst Credible Crypto also expects a significant jump for Bitcoin. It suggests that Bitcoin could soon regain the $68,000 level. According to his analysis, Bitcoin is likely to rise steeply towards the $68,000 resistance before falling below $60,000. $BTC $ETH
$BNB 💥Bitcoin Starts to Rise According to Data!💥
*Macro investor and fund manager Dan Tapiero predicts that #Bitcoin is poised to reach an all-time high (ATH).
*Popular analyst Credible Crypto also believes that Bitcoin's price is ready to make a significant jump.
*Both experts predict a bullish trend for Bitcoin; Tapiero estimates that the price may exceed $90,000.

#BITCOINUSD Bitcoin is poised to hit an all-time high, according to predictions from macro trader Dan Tapiero and analyst Credible Crypto. Experts expect an uptrend with the potential for a significant price increase.
#Bitcoin is oscillating in a narrow range after losing momentum. However, macro investor and fund manager Dan Tapiero suggests that Bitcoin is poised to reach an all-time high. The CEO of investment firm 10T Holdings believes it is critical for Bitcoin to surpass the $65,000 level;
This represents an increase of more than 45% from its current value. Tapiero predicts a 'scary rise' for Bitcoin and predicts that the price could rise to $90,000 and above.
According to Tapiero's analysis,#Bitcoin is about to complete the bull flag formation, which is a short period of downside consolidation before culminating in an upside breakout after a long bull trend. Tapiero suggests that the Federal Reserve will lower interest rates this year due to weakness in commercial real estate, which could lead to greater growth in the digital asset ecosystem. He predicts a 'super bull' and 'on-chain spring' is on the horizon for Gold, @BTC and #ethirum
Popular crypto analyst Credible Crypto also expects a significant jump for Bitcoin. It suggests that Bitcoin could soon regain the $68,000 level. According to his analysis, Bitcoin is likely to rise steeply towards the $68,000 resistance before falling below $60,000.
🌍🌍Binance Market Update (2024-05-15)🌍🌍 @Square-Creator-460991791 $62,817.74 +1.91% @Ethereum_official $2,916.4 +0.34% @Square-Creator-ce2378404 $569.3 -2.83% The global cryptocurrency market cap now stands at $2.27T, down by -1.89% over the last day, according to CoinMarketCap data. Bitcoin (BTC) has been trading between $61,143 and $62,300 over the past 24 hours. As of 09:30 AM (UTC) today, BTC is trading at $62,042, up by 0.25%. Most major cryptocurrencies by market cap are trading mixed. Market outperformers include KP3R, FLOKI, and CYBER, up by 16%, 13%, and 8%, respectively. #BTC☀️ #BinanceLaunchpool #ETH_Market_Update #BNB_Market_Update $BTC $ETH $BNB
🌍🌍Binance Market Update (2024-05-15)🌍🌍


The global cryptocurrency market cap now stands at $2.27T, down by -1.89% over the last day, according to CoinMarketCap data.
Bitcoin (BTC) has been trading between $61,143 and $62,300 over the past 24 hours. As of 09:30 AM (UTC) today, BTC is trading at $62,042, up by 0.25%.
Most major cryptocurrencies by market cap are trading mixed. Market outperformers include KP3R, FLOKI, and CYBER, up by 16%, 13%, and 8%, respectively.
alt🥰🥰🥰 important Announcement 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Introducing the 5th Post & Share event, ALT restaking ecosystem @AltLayer AltLayer (ALT) is a project dedicated to Ethereum scalability, established since the end of 2021. It has assisted over 40 partners in customizing and launching dedicated application chains based on rollup technology. AltLayer has also facilitated projects like Xterio, SWELL, and DODO in deploying Restaked Rollups using advanced re-staking models (also one of the earliest AVS to go live on EigenLayer). ALT users can stake ALT tokens in the main reward pool to earn base rewards. Additionally, they can further delegate ALT tokens to various Launchpool pools through re-staking, thereby qualifying for future rewards from projects such as Xterio, SWELL, and DODO. For more information, please refer to the following announcements: reALT Launches and Upgrades Staking Platform AVS Mainnet Launches XTERIO Launchpool AltLayer Becomes Largest AVS Node on EigenLayer#BinanceLaunchpool #altcoins #altcoinsByZeusInCrypto #ETHETFS #BTC $BTC $ETH $BNB
alt🥰🥰🥰 important Announcement 🥰🥰🥰🥰

Introducing the 5th Post & Share event, ALT restaking ecosystem @AltLayer
AltLayer (ALT) is a project dedicated to Ethereum scalability, established since the end of 2021. It has assisted over 40 partners in customizing and launching dedicated application chains based on rollup technology. AltLayer has also facilitated projects like Xterio, SWELL, and DODO in deploying Restaked Rollups using advanced re-staking models (also one of the earliest AVS to go live on EigenLayer).
ALT users can stake ALT tokens in the main reward pool to earn base rewards. Additionally, they can further delegate ALT tokens to various Launchpool pools through re-staking, thereby qualifying for future rewards from projects such as Xterio, SWELL, and DODO.
For more information, please refer to the following announcements:
reALT Launches and Upgrades Staking Platform
AVS Mainnet Launches
XTERIO Launchpool
AltLayer Becomes Largest AVS Node on EigenLayer#BinanceLaunchpool
#altcoins #altcoinsByZeusInCrypto #ETHETFS #BTC $BTC $ETH $BNB
The launch of Notcoin within the TON ecosystem is indeed generating significant excitement, especially with endorsements from major players like Pantera Capital and Animoca. The anticipated surge reflects growing confidence in TON's meteoric rise, with recent airdrops and endorsements fueling activity. As Notcoin prepares to hit exchanges and attract users through mining games, it's poised to make a substantial impact on the crypto landscape.#BinanceLaunchpool #Notcoin. #not #Ton #TONCOİN
The launch of Notcoin within the TON ecosystem is indeed generating significant excitement, especially with endorsements from major players like Pantera Capital and Animoca.
The anticipated surge reflects growing confidence in TON's meteoric rise, with recent airdrops and endorsements fueling activity.
As Notcoin prepares to hit exchanges and attract users through mining games, it's poised to make a substantial impact on the crypto landscape.#BinanceLaunchpool #Notcoin. #not #Ton #TONCOİN
Hello guyz!,🥳🥳 Participate in the #ScamRiskWarning campaign and stand a chance to win up to $500 FDUSD! Share your experiences with crypto scams and provide suggestions for enhancing Binance's risk measures. Posts should be original, detailed, and at least 100 characters long. Winners will be selected based on engagement, with each receiving 125 FDUSD. Make sure your content aligns with the campaign rules. Check Binance's blog for more information on scams and stay updated with @Binance Risk Sniper on Binance Square. Terms and conditions apply.
Hello guyz!,🥳🥳

Participate in the #ScamRiskWarning campaign and stand a chance to win up to $500 FDUSD! Share your experiences with crypto scams and provide suggestions for enhancing Binance's risk measures.
Posts should be original, detailed, and at least 100 characters long. Winners will be selected based on engagement, with each receiving 125 FDUSD.
Make sure your content aligns with the campaign rules. Check Binance's blog for more information on scams and stay updated with @Binance Risk Sniper on Binance Square. Terms and conditions apply.
Bitcoin’s recovery tour continues as the cryptocurrency jumped from under $59,000 yesterday to a multi-day peak of over $63,000 earlier today. Most altcoins have followed suit with impressive gains once again, including the ever-volatile meme coin sector. BTC Goes After $63K Bitcoin had a highly adverse trading week as its price dumped hard on a few occasions. It all started positively on Monday morning when BTC pumped to almost $65,000, but the bears took control of the market immediately and pushed it south to $62,000. The declines were far from over as the asset further slumped to and below $60,000. The correction culminated in a two-month low of $56,500 charted on Wednesday, ahead of the latest US FOMC meeting. Once that was completed and the Fed said it will not raise the interest rates soon, BTC reacted with a $2,000 pump and dump and returned to its starting position. It started to recover more ground in the following hours and neared $60,000 yesterday, as reported. It was stopped there at first, but managed to break through that psychological resistance later that day. The bulls kept the pressure on and pushed BTC to a multi-day peak of $63,500. Despite losing some ground since then, bitcoin currently sits at around $63,000. Its 6% daily increase means that its market cap has risen to $1.240 trillion, while its dominance over the alts stands at 50.5%. $BTC $ETH $SOL #BTC #altcoins
Bitcoin’s recovery tour continues as the cryptocurrency jumped from under $59,000 yesterday to a multi-day peak of over $63,000 earlier today.
Most altcoins have followed suit with impressive gains once again, including the ever-volatile meme coin sector.
BTC Goes After $63K
Bitcoin had a highly adverse trading week as its price dumped hard on a few occasions. It all started positively on Monday morning when BTC pumped to almost $65,000, but the bears took control of the market immediately and pushed it south to $62,000.
The declines were far from over as the asset further slumped to and below $60,000. The correction culminated in a two-month low of $56,500 charted on Wednesday, ahead of the latest US FOMC meeting.
Once that was completed and the Fed said it will not raise the interest rates soon, BTC reacted with a $2,000 pump and dump and returned to its starting position. It started to recover more ground in the following hours and neared $60,000 yesterday, as reported.
It was stopped there at first, but managed to break through that psychological resistance later that day. The bulls kept the pressure on and pushed BTC to a multi-day peak of $63,500. Despite losing some ground since then, bitcoin currently sits at around $63,000.
Its 6% daily increase means that its market cap has risen to $1.240 trillion, while its dominance over the alts stands at 50.5%.
#BTC #altcoins
$USDC # The cryptocurrency #SUI🔥🔥🔥🔥 is facing imminent risk due to a significant unlocking event, causing concern among investors. With 34.62 million tokens set to be released on May 3, worth $39.46 million, representing 1.48% of the circulating supply, the market is on edge about its potential impact on price. This unlocking, occurring amidst a market downturn, poses heightened selling pressure and raises the stakes for SUI holders. If the unlock triggers a downward spiral, SUI could plummet to levels between $1.0077 and $0.6664, with a breach of $0.90 signaling further sell-offs. However, positive developments, like BTC maintaining daily closings above $60,000 or a decrease in BTC dominance, could fuel a resurgence in SUI. In such a scenario, resistance levels to watch would be $1.2808, $1.3632, $1.4504, and $1.5466, with surpassing $1.45 instilling confidence in both investors and the #SUI🔥🔥🔥🔥 ecosystem. for more updates keep following . #SUI🔥🔥🔥🔥 #suiunlock #Suibasecamp $BTC $SOL

The cryptocurrency #SUI🔥🔥🔥🔥 is facing imminent risk due to a significant unlocking event, causing concern among investors. With 34.62 million tokens set to be released on May 3, worth $39.46 million, representing 1.48% of the circulating supply, the market is on edge about its potential impact on price.
This unlocking, occurring amidst a market downturn, poses heightened selling pressure and raises the stakes for SUI holders. If the unlock triggers a downward spiral, SUI could plummet to levels between $1.0077 and $0.6664, with a breach of $0.90 signaling further sell-offs. However, positive developments, like BTC maintaining daily closings above $60,000 or a decrease in BTC dominance, could fuel a resurgence in SUI.
In such a scenario, resistance levels to watch would be $1.2808, $1.3632, $1.4504, and $1.5466, with surpassing $1.45 instilling confidence in both investors and the #SUI🔥🔥🔥🔥 ecosystem.
for more updates keep following .
#SUI🔥🔥🔥🔥 #suiunlock #Suibasecamp
$These 3 Altcoins Will Dominate the Bull Season! 1- Ondo (#ONDO‬⁩ ) Ondo (ONDO), one of the stars of the RWA category, almost challenged the decline in Bitcoin. The popular coin, which initially fell to $ 0.576, then hit the gas and reached $ 1,040. Having achieved a performance of 80.42 percent in just three days, ONDO has once again demonstrated both its quality as a project and the RWA trend. For ONDO, who does not pay much attention to the process of decline in cryptocurrencies, the expectation of investors is gradually increasing. 2- Celestia (#TIA ) Celestia (TIA), the pioneer of stakedrop fury, misled many investors even though it was thought to be forgotten. TIA, which has been silent for several weeks with the release of new projects, has put an end to this situation with the latest price move. The popular coin, which was naturally affected by the collapse in BTC, managed to reach $ 11.76 after touching $ 7.30. TIA, which experienced a 61.25 percent increase in total, seems to have re-entered the eyes of airdrop detainees. 3- Render (#RNDR ) Render (RNDR), one of the first names that come to mind when artificial intelligence coins are mentioned, has made its mark on the sector again. The artificial intelligence project, which has spent the bullish season in BTC quite well, has thrown itself to the upper levels by seeing a great demand, even though it has sagged to $ 6 with the recent decline. RNDR, which recorded an increase of 57.81 percent in just a two-day period, showed how important a position it is in the artificial intelligence trend. The popular coin, which makes a difference to a very large part of altcoins, looks like it will live the bull season to the fullest. #altcoins #BlackRock #MicroStrategy #eth‬ #CryptoWatchMay2024 $BTC $ETH $$BNB ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT
$These 3 Altcoins Will Dominate the Bull Season!
1- Ondo (#ONDO‬⁩ )
Ondo (ONDO), one of the stars of the RWA category, almost challenged the decline in Bitcoin. The popular coin, which initially fell to $ 0.576, then hit the gas and reached $ 1,040. Having achieved a performance of 80.42 percent in just three days, ONDO has once again demonstrated both its quality as a project and the RWA trend. For ONDO, who does not pay much attention to the process of decline in cryptocurrencies, the expectation of investors is gradually increasing.
2- Celestia (#TIA )
Celestia (TIA), the pioneer of stakedrop fury, misled many investors even though it was thought to be forgotten. TIA, which has been silent for several weeks with the release of new projects, has put an end to this situation with the latest price move. The popular coin, which was naturally affected by the collapse in BTC, managed to reach $ 11.76 after touching $ 7.30. TIA, which experienced a 61.25 percent increase in total, seems to have re-entered the eyes of airdrop detainees.
3- Render (#RNDR )
Render (RNDR), one of the first names that come to mind when artificial intelligence coins are mentioned, has made its mark on the sector again. The artificial intelligence project, which has spent the bullish season in BTC quite well, has thrown itself to the upper levels by seeing a great demand, even though it has sagged to $ 6 with the recent decline. RNDR, which recorded an increase of 57.81 percent in just a two-day period, showed how important a position it is in the artificial intelligence trend. The popular coin, which makes a difference to a very large part of altcoins, looks like it will live the bull season to the fullest.
#altcoins #BlackRock #MicroStrategy #eth‬ #CryptoWatchMay2024
First 1000 members💸 1: Follow Me. 2: share Post. 3: type done. Hurry up After Complete task check wallet #Megadrop #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear" alving #BullorBear" #Token2049b 2049 $ETH $BNB $SOL
First 1000 members💸
1: Follow Me.
2: share Post.
3: type done.
Hurry up After Complete task check wallet
#Megadrop #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear" alving #BullorBear" #Token2049b 2049 $ETH $BNB $SOL
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