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Laimīgu Jauno gadu pēc Mēness! 🐉

Ir pienācis laiks mūsu Mēness Jaungada sarkano paciņu viktorīnai, kurā labklājība nāk ar kopīgu atlīdzības fondu 1 #BNB🔥 .

🧧 Lūk, viktorīnas jautājums: Kas ir nepareizs par slīdēšanu? Izvēlieties visus atbilstošos.

A. Slīdēšana notiek, kad darījums norēķinās par citu vidējo cenu, nekā bija paredzēts vai pieprasīts.

B. Slīdēšana ir biežāka un nozīmīgāka tirgos ar augstu nepastāvību vai zemu likviditāti.

C. Slīdēšana ir biežāka un nozīmīgāka tirgos ar zemu nepastāvību un augstu likviditāti.

D. Jūs varētu beigties ar pozitīvu izslīdēšanu.
Novēlu visiem labklājību un prieku jaunajā Mēness ciklā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#TradeNTell Es domāju, ka bnb dosies uz bullis ceļu, jo šķiet, ka tas iet hing un ļoti augsts. Tāpēc es domāju, ka ikvienam vajadzētu zvanīt #BTC un, kad binance paziņo par palaišanas paneļa jaunumiem, kad bnb vienkārši iet kā Rocket, es ceru, ka visi sapratīs triku Tātad #buy BTC #spot # longbnb
#TradeNTell Es domāju, ka bnb dosies uz bullis ceļu, jo šķiet, ka tas iet hing un ļoti augsts. Tāpēc es domāju, ka ikvienam vajadzētu zvanīt #BTC un, kad binance paziņo par palaišanas paneļa jaunumiem, kad bnb vienkārši iet kā Rocket, es ceru, ka visi sapratīs triku

Tātad #buy BTC #spot # longbnb
Skatīt oriģinālu
#TradeNTell Es domāju, ka bnb dosies uz bullis ceļu, jo šķiet, ka tas iet hing un ļoti augsts. Tāpēc es domāju, ka ikvienam vajadzētu zvanīt #MANTA un, kad binance paziņo par palaišanas paneļa jaunumiem, tad bnb vienkārši iet kā Rocket, es ceru, ka visi sapratīs triku Tātad #buy MANTA #spot # longbnb
#TradeNTell Es domāju, ka bnb dosies uz bullis ceļu, jo šķiet, ka tas iet hing un ļoti augsts. Tāpēc es domāju, ka ikvienam vajadzētu zvanīt #MANTA un, kad binance paziņo par palaišanas paneļa jaunumiem, tad bnb vienkārši iet kā Rocket, es ceru, ka visi sapratīs triku

Tātad #buy MANTA #spot # longbnb
Skatīt oriģinālu
#TradeNTell Es domāju, ka bnb dosies uz bullis ceļu, jo šķiet, ka tas iet uz augšu un ļoti augstu. Tāpēc es domāju, ka ikvienam vajadzētu zvanīt #matic un, kad binance paziņo par palaišanas paneļa jaunumiem, kad bnb vienkārši iet kā Rocket, es ceru, ka visi sapratīs triku Tātad #buy MATIC #spot # longbnb
#TradeNTell Es domāju, ka bnb dosies uz bullis ceļu, jo šķiet, ka tas iet uz augšu un ļoti augstu. Tāpēc es domāju, ka ikvienam vajadzētu zvanīt #matic un, kad binance paziņo par palaišanas paneļa jaunumiem, kad bnb vienkārši iet kā Rocket, es ceru, ka visi sapratīs triku

Tātad #buy MATIC #spot # longbnb
Skatīt oriģinālu
#TradeNTell es domāju, ka bnb dosies uz bullis ceļu, jo šķiet, ka tas iet uz augšu un ļoti augstu. Tāpēc es domāju, ka ikvienam vajadzētu zvanīt #ltc un, kad binance paziņo par palaišanas paneļa jaunumiem, ka laiks bnb vienkārši iet kā raķete, es ceru, ka visi sapratīs triku Tātad #buy LTC #spot # longbnb
#TradeNTell es domāju, ka bnb dosies uz bullis ceļu, jo šķiet, ka tas iet uz augšu un ļoti augstu. Tāpēc es domāju, ka ikvienam vajadzētu zvanīt #ltc un, kad binance paziņo par palaišanas paneļa jaunumiem, ka laiks bnb vienkārši iet kā raķete, es ceru, ka visi sapratīs triku

Tātad #buy LTC #spot # longbnb
Skatīt oriģinālu
#TradeNTell Es domāju, ka bnb dosies uz bullis ceļu, jo šķiet, ka tas iet hing un ļoti augsts. Tāpēc es domāju, ka ikvienam vajadzētu zvanīt #busd un, kad binance paziņo par startpad jaunumiem, kad bnb vienkārši iet kā Rocket, es ceru, ka visi sapratīs triku Tātad #buy BUSD #spot # longbnb
#TradeNTell Es domāju, ka bnb dosies uz bullis ceļu, jo šķiet, ka tas iet hing un ļoti augsts. Tāpēc es domāju, ka ikvienam vajadzētu zvanīt #busd un, kad binance paziņo par startpad jaunumiem, kad bnb vienkārši iet kā Rocket, es ceru, ka visi sapratīs triku

Tātad #buy BUSD #spot # longbnb
#TradeNTell i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #usdt and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick So #buy USDT #spot # longbnb
#TradeNTell i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #usdt and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick

So #buy USDT #spot # longbnb
#TradeNTell i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #bnb and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick So #buy BNB #spot # longbnb
#TradeNTell i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #bnb and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick

So #buy BNB #spot # longbnb
#write2Earn i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #LTC and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick So #buy LTC #spot # longbnb
#write2Earn i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #LTC and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick

So #buy LTC #spot # longbnb
#write2Earn i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #sol and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick So #buy SOL #spot # longbnb
#write2Earn i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #sol and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick

So #buy SOL #spot # longbnb
#write2Earn i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #matic and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick So #buy MATIC #spot #longbnb
#write2Earn i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #matic and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick

So #buy MATIC #spot #longbnb
#write2Earn i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #busd and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick So #buy BUSD #spot # longbnb
#write2Earn i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #busd and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick

So #buy BUSD #spot # longbnb
#write2Earn i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #UMA and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick So #buy UMA#spot # longbnb
#write2Earn i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #UMA and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick

So #buy UMA#spot # longbnb
#write2Earn i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #usdt and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick So #buy USDT #spot # longbnb
#write2Earn i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #usdt and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick

So #buy USDT #spot # longbnb
#write2Earn i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #btc and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick So #buy BTC #spot # longbnb
#write2Earn i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #btc and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick

So #buy BTC #spot # longbnb
#write2Earn i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #bnb and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick So #buy BNB #spot #longbnb
#write2Earn i think bnb will go to bullis way because it seems to going hing and very high. So i think everyone should #bnb and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick

So #buy BNB #spot #longbnb
$AI Kripṭōkārēnsi nōṭa bā kaẏēnēra matō chāpā kōnō ākṣarika saṅkhyā nē'i kintu kripṭōkārēnsira ēkaṭi nirdiṣṭa mūlya bā bhyālu āchē. Ēṭi ḍijiṭa ghōṣaṇā analā'inē ḍijiṭāla ḍijā'ina māni bā bhārcuẏāla māni bā ilēkaṭranika māni balā haẏa. Kripṭōkārēnsira madhya diẏē āpani paṇya kinatē pārabēna kintu ēṭikē bā lēkāra bā āpani pakēṭē niẏē ghuratē pārabēna nā. Kripṭō kārēnsira ēkaṭi bhyālu raẏēchē yā an'yān'ya kārēnsi ēra bhyālura thēkē kaẏēka daguṇa bēśi. Kriṭapōkārēnsira bhyālu. Kintu kripṭō kārēnsi ēra bhyālu aparibartita thākē nā. Ēra bhyālu sarbadā uṭhānāmā karē. Yāra phalē kripṭōkārēnsira bhyālulana rakamēra hatē pārē. #TradeNTell #TrendingTopic #UMA
$AI Kripṭōkārēnsi nōṭa bā kaẏēnēra matō chāpā kōnō ākṣarika saṅkhyā nē'i kintu kripṭōkārēnsira ēkaṭi nirdiṣṭa mūlya bā bhyālu āchē. Ēṭi ḍijiṭa ghōṣaṇā analā'inē ḍijiṭāla ḍijā'ina māni bā bhārcuẏāla māni bā ilēkaṭranika māni balā haẏa. Kripṭōkārēnsira madhya diẏē āpani paṇya kinatē pārabēna kintu ēṭikē bā lēkāra bā āpani pakēṭē niẏē ghuratē pārabēna nā.

Kripṭō kārēnsira ēkaṭi bhyālu raẏēchē yā an'yān'ya kārēnsi ēra bhyālura thēkē kaẏēka daguṇa bēśi. Kriṭapōkārēnsira bhyālu. Kintu kripṭō kārēnsi ēra bhyālu aparibartita thākē nā. Ēra bhyālu sarbadā uṭhānāmā karē. Yāra phalē kripṭōkārēnsira bhyālulana rakamēra hatē pārē.
#TradeNTell #TrendingTopic #UMA
$AI $AI stood firm compared to other alts, but $XAI broke support and is now nearing another level. Personally, I believe it was a horrible decision to keep it for so long, but it was on spot hold now & be patient Stay strong We II make up the losses soon #Write2Earn #TradeNTell #ETH
$AI $AI stood firm compared to other alts, but $XAI broke support and is now nearing another level. Personally, I believe it was a horrible decision to keep it for so long, but it was on spot

hold now & be patient

Stay strong

We II make up the losses soon
#Write2Earn #TradeNTell #ETH
$BTC from 2023 to early 2024 Bitcoin pumped from $ 15.4k to $49k now if it dumbs from $49k to $34k, Its just a correction and then we head towards new ATH. so don,t get shaken out. 2024 is yesr of accumulating and Holding. We will take profit in 2025. Do you agree? #TradeNTell #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic
$BTC from 2023 to early 2024 Bitcoin pumped from $ 15.4k to $49k

now if it dumbs from $49k to $34k, Its just a correction and then we head towards new ATH.

so don,t get shaken out. 2024 is yesr of accumulating and Holding. We will take profit in 2025.

Do you agree?
#TradeNTell #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic
$BTC BTc might see another dip before continuing upward if BTC breaks below 41k then you can take a quick short position. don' t be to greedy Remember these to avoid beginer mistakes before trading 1.don t be afraid of missing profit 2.. always set stop loss, cut your loss before its too painful to cut and you are stuck and can only pray for reversel 3.remember there is not forever bull or forever BR the market both ways 4.partence and decisiveness are the key 5.public sentimen matters as much as chars ( this applies bots both way) #TradeNTell #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #BTC
$BTC BTc might see another dip before continuing upward

if BTC breaks below 41k then you can take a quick short position. don' t be to greedy

Remember these to avoid beginer mistakes before trading

1.don t be afraid of missing profit
2.. always set stop loss, cut your loss before its too painful to cut and you are stuck and can only pray for reversel

3.remember there is not forever bull or forever BR the market both ways

4.partence and decisiveness are the key

5.public sentimen matters as much as chars ( this applies bots both way)
#TradeNTell #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #BTC
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