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Parīzes 2024. gada Olimpisko spēļu norises vietas un Francijas muzejus piemeklējis kiberuzbrukums
Saskaņā ar PANews, vairākas 2024. gada Parīzes olimpisko spēļu norises vietas un daudzi muzeju veikali visā Francijā ir cietuši kiberuzbrukumā, hakeriem pieprasot kriptovalūtas izpirkuma maksu. Uzbrucēji izmantoja datu apstrādes sistēmas aptuveni 40 tūrisma objektos, vācot sensitīvu finanšu informāciju. Starp skartajām vietām ir Grand Palais muzejs. Francijas Kibernoziedzības apkarošanas brigāde (BL2C) pašlaik izmeklē notikušo.
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Ada uz mēnesi drīz
Ada uz mēnesi drīz
Vai Cardano ir miris: kas notika ar ADA lielajiem sapņiem?
Vai Cardano, kas savulaik tika slavēts kā blokķēdes nākotne, var atgūties no straujā lejupslīdes, vai arī ADA ceļojums no solījuma līdz vilšanās ir iezīmējis tās ambiciozo sapņu beigas?

Satura rādītājs

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Pašreizējais Cardano ekosistēmas stāvoklis

Kāpēc Cardano atpaliek?

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Ceļš priekšā

Kā stāsts sākās

Cardano (ADA) sāka ar lieliem sapņiem. To izveidoja Čārlzs Hoskinsons, viens no Ethereum (ETH) līdzdibinātājiem, un tā mērķis bija risināt mērogojamības, ilgtspējības un savietojamības problēmas, kas radīja problēmas iepriekšējām blokķēdēm, piemēram, Bitcoin (BTC) un Ethereum. Izmantojot likmju pārbaudes (PoS) sistēmu, ko sauc par Ouroboros, Cardano solīja zaļāku un drošāku blokķēdi.
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Sasodīts, tas ir ieslēgts
Sasodīts, tas ir ieslēgts
Binance News
Globālā Bitcoin ETF līdzdalība sasniedz rekordaugstu līmeni, un tā vērtība pārsniedz 68 miljardus USD
Saskaņā ar PANews datiem 31. maijā kopējais Bitcoin Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) turēto Bitcoin skaits sasniedza vēsturiski augstāko līmeni - 1 005 767, kuru vērtība pārsniedz 68 miljardus ASV dolāru. Amerikas Savienoto Valstu Bitcoin spot ETF ietilpa ievērojama daļa no šī kopsumma ar 858 301 Bitcoins, kuru vērtība pārsniedz 58 miljardus USD.

Šis rekordlielais ETF uzkrājums Bitcoin liecina par pieaugošu interesi un pārliecību par kriptovalūtu tirgu. Jo īpaši Amerikas Savienotās Valstis ir parādījušas ievērojamus ieguldījumus Bitcoin, un tās tūlītējie ETF glabā lielāko daļu kopējo Bitcoin.
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Paredzams, ka Spot Ethereum ETF tiks iekļauts biržas sarakstā jūlijā vai augustā
Saskaņā ar Odaily, Galaxy Digital ziņojumā, kas tika publicēts pirms apstiprināšanas, tiek prognozēts, ka Ethereum ETF biržā var tikt iekļauts biržā jūlijā vai augustā. Ziņojumā nav sniegta sīkāka informācija par iespējamo iekļaušanu sarakstā, piemēram, konkrēto biržu vai paredzamo tirdzniecības apjomu. Vietējā Ethereum ETF iekļaušana sarakstā iezīmētu nozīmīgu attīstību kriptovalūtu tirgū, potenciāli nodrošinot investoriem jaunu veidu, kā iegūt Ethereum ekspozīciju. Tomēr ir svarīgi ņemt vērā, ka ziņojumā ietvertā prognoze negarantē, un faktiskā iekļaušana sarakstā var būt pakļauta regulējuma apstiprināšanai un tirgus nosacījumiem.
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Kriptovalūtu tirgū 24 stundu laikā tiek likvidēti 344 miljoni USD
Saskaņā ar Foresight News jaunākie Coinglass dati atklāj, ka pasaules kriptovalūtu tirgū pēdējo 24 stundu laikā tika likvidēti aptuveni 344 miljoni USD. Šis skaitlis ietver 278 miljonu dolāru likvidāciju īsajās pozīcijās un 65,43 miljonus dolāru garajās pozīcijās.

Ethereum, vadošā kriptovalūta, tika likvidēta aptuveni 118 miljonu ASV dolāru apmērā. Bitcoin, pasaulē lielākā un populārākā kriptovalūta, tika likvidēta aptuveni 97,75 miljonu ASV dolāru apmērā. Šie dati sniedz momentuzņēmumu par nepastāvību un risku, kas saistīts ar kriptovalūtu tirdzniecību, jo lielus aktīvu apjomus var likvidēt īsā laika periodā.
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$BTC neprāta zonā, kur notiek visa makroekonomika un ģeopolitika, tostarp veiksmīga Irānas slepkavība, kādas ir jūsu domas par to, kā tas ietekmē $btc un plašāku kriptovalūtu nozari? kādus maisiņus tu tur līdz nākamajai sadalīšanai? $ETH $BNB #SolanaUSTD #altcoins #BlackRock #MicroStrategy #bitcoin
$BTC neprāta zonā, kur notiek visa makroekonomika un ģeopolitika, tostarp veiksmīga Irānas slepkavība, kādas ir jūsu domas par to, kā tas ietekmē $btc un plašāku kriptovalūtu nozari? kādus maisiņus tu tur līdz nākamajai sadalīšanai? $ETH $BNB #SolanaUSTD #altcoins #BlackRock #MicroStrategy #bitcoin
19 balsis • Balsošana ir beigusies
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Binance News
Bitcoin (BTC) samazinās zem 64 000 USDT ar 3,97% samazinājumu 24 stundu laikā
2024. gada 5. martā, 18:52 (UTC). Saskaņā ar Binance Market Data Bitcoin ir noslīdējis zem 64 000 USDT un tagad tirgojas par 63 882.789063 USDT, 24 stundu laikā samazinoties par 3,97%.
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Bitcoin Just Hit a Record in Open Interest — Expect Imminent Volatility
As the Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) rally has gained pace over recent weeks, we have seen open interest in both assets nearing record-high levels reminiscent of the feverish days of the 2021 rally. This frantic increase in trading activity is a sure sign that the bull market is finally in full swing. However, the parallels with 2021 are also a more worrying indicator that the market is overheating, with further volatility for BTC and ETH prices likely around the corner. 

That isn’t to say we are anywhere near the all-time highs we will see later in the cycle, but overzealous investors would be wise to exercise a certain amount of caution at these lofty prices. Indeed, Bitcoin has risen more than 50% over the past 30 days and is closing in on its ATH, while Ethereum is shooting the lights out with a 50% rise over the same time period.

But it’s not just this rapid price appreciation that foreshadows imminent volatility in the two biggest crypto assets. Technical indicators like open interest and Bitcoin funding rates — a reliable forecasting tool when taken in aggregate — paint a picture of a rather frothy market.

Related: Why Solana will prevail despite Ethereum ETFs

Last week, the funding rates in Bitcoin perpetual futures listed on Binance surpassed 100% for the first time in at least a year, which means that leverage is skewed toward the bullish side. Meanwhile, rising open interest represents a spike in the volume of open BTC and ETH derivatives positions on exchanges, including both long (buy) and short (sell) positions in Bitcoin and Ethereum futures or options contracts. Together, high funding rates, extreme price movements and rising open interest often act as a warning sign for traders, particularly those using leverage.

Open interest in Bitcoin hit $31 billion on March 4, easily surpassing the $24.3 billion record set on April 14, 2021. Bitcoin’s price was sitting close to current levels at that time, opening at $63,524 — before falling some 23% to $49,078 by April 26, 2021.

Meanwhile, open interest in ETH futures sat around $12 billion as of March 4, edging closer to the $13 billion peak seen on Nov. 9, 2021 — the day ETH opened at an all-time high of $4,810. By November 19, ETH fell to $3,996, 17% below its peak.

Open interest in Bitcoin futures as of March 4, 2024. Source: CoinGlass

Drawing parallels with 2021, it seems apparent that BTC and ETH need a breather. Bitcoin has soared more than 180% in the year leading to March 4. In some major currencies, including the Argentine peso and the Japanese yen, it has already surpassed its previous record. ETH is lagging behind, having risen more than 120% in 12 months.

There are a number of reasons for Ether lagging behind Bitcoin in terms of price movements, not least the fact that the deadline for a spot ETH ETF approval is still a few months away. We can expect further price appreciation in the lead-up to this historic decision. Similarly, the Bitcoin halving slated for next month will almost certainly be a catalyst for further price increases, if history is any indicator. 

Related: 2024 will be the Ethereum network's biggest year in history

So the rising open interest and funding rates don’t change the fundamentals around BTC and ETH — fresh all-time highs are still all but guaranteed this cycle. They’re simply a sign that the crypto market is getting away with itself. Such frantic trading isn’t just down to professional traders or long-term believers in crypto — it also indicates a rise in FOMO, and that’s a house of cards that can easily crumble in the short term.

In such frothy markets, it’s particularly important to have a solid strategy and stick to it, without allowing emotions to get in the way. For options traders, this means watching the charts and the data, not just the green candles. For buy-and-hold investors, it’s remembering that crypto is a volatile asset class and all signs point to further volatility incoming.

But most importantly, it’s a reminder for anyone in crypto to stay calm and avoid getting carried away with all the excitement of assets soaring towards their ATHs. There will be plenty more chances to get excited in the coming months. It’s those who keep their cool amid the market turbulence that will be the most successful in this bull run.

Lucas Kiely is the chief investment officer for Yield App, where he oversees investment portfolio allocations and leads the expansion of a diversified investment product range. He was previously the chief investment officer at Diginex Asset Management, and a senior trader and managing director at Credit Suisse in Hong Kong, where he managed QIS and Structured Derivatives trading. He was also the head of exotic derivatives at UBS in Australia.

This article is for general information purposes and is not intended to be and should not be taken as legal or investment advice. The views, thoughts and opinions expressed here are the author’s alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Cointelegraph.
Binance News
Ethereum(ETH) pārsniedz 3700 USDT ar 6,68% pieaugumu 24 stundu laikā
2024. gada 5. martā, 04:02 (UTC). Saskaņā ar Binance Market Data, Ethereum ir šķērsojis 3700 USDT etalonu un tagad tirgojas ar USD 3,704.850098 USD ar 6,68% pieaugumu 24 stundu laikā.
Binance News
Bitcoin sasniedz vēsturiski augstāko līmeni pret Japānas jenu
Saskaņā ar BlockBeats datiem 5. martā Bitcoin maiņas kurss pret Japānas jenu sasniedza vēsturiski augstāko līmeni, un 1 Bitcoin ir līdzvērtīgs 10 267 442,84 jenām. Šis pavērsiens izceļ kriptovalūtas pieaugošo spēku pasaules tirgū.
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TRON, lai palaistu Bitcoin Layer 2 risinājumu
Saskaņā ar BlockBeats, 15. februārī Džastins Suns sociālajos medijos paziņoja, ka TRON uzsāks savu Bitcoin Layer 2 risinājumu. Šī integrācija ne tikai savienos TRON ar Bitcoin, bet arī veicinās līdzekļu ieplūšanu Bitcoin tīklā, iepludinot Bitcoin finansiālo vitalitāti. Sun atklātajā ceļvedī ir iekļauti trīs posmi:

α stadijā Bitcoin var piekļūt, izmantojot starpķēžu savienojumus ar TRON tīklu. Aktīvi, kuru pamatā ir Bitcoin tīkls, tiks paplašināti līdz TRON. Tiks pieliktas pūles, lai Bitcoin tīklā integrētu dažādus TRON marķierus, piemēram, USDT, TRX, BTT, JST, SUN, NFT, WIN un USDC, izmantojot starpķēžu tehnoloģiju. Tas ļaus TRON marķieriem nemanāmi mijiedarboties un sadarboties ar Bitcoin tīklu. Plānos ietilpst arī ieguldījumi lietotājam draudzīgos makos un rīkos, kas atbalsta BRC-20 žetonus.
BTC Price Due $55.4K Next Amid Warnings Over End of Bitcoin 'euphoria'
Bitcoin (BTC) is on the way to $55,000 this week — but warnings of a new bear market are already surfacing.

In his latest analysis on X (formerly Twitter) on Feb. 14, popular trader Titan of Crypto confirmed a $55,400 BTC price target next.

BTC price: Ichimoku analysis points higher

Bitcoin bulls continue to fight for the road toward all-time highs, with resistance around $52,000 currently forming the battleground.

Titan of Crypto, capturing overall market sentiment, suggested that “extremely bullish momentum” could take BTC/USD another 6% higher in the coming week.

Uploading a weekly chart including Ichimoku Cloud data, he outlined one more upside target left to hit, with two already achieved.

“Both target 1 & 2 have been hit but $50,900 is a strong level. If Bitcoin manage to close a weekly candle above, target 3 at $55.4k is next,” part of the accompanying commentary stated.

“Note that given the extremely bullish momentum target 3 has high chance to get hit even before the end of the week.”

BTC/USD weekly chart with Ichimoku Cloud data. Source: Titan of Crypto/X

As Cointelegraph reported, Ichimoku currently shows a rare bullish setup on weekly timeframes, with BTC price now clearing major resistance features.

Trader cautions over "unhinged greed" coming to Bitcoin

Looking ahead, however, concerns over a potentially “overheated” market are leading to BTC price downside predictions.

Related: Bitcoin bulls flirt with $69K BTC price target as crypto market nears $2T

In a lengthy X post, trader and analyst Credible Crypto warned that even if existing all-time highs are exceeded and BTC/USD passes $100,000, the odds of a snap correction are increasing.

This, he says, represents natural market dynamics — despite heavy inflows into the spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), nothing can remain in “up only” mode indefinitely.

“At the end of the day, for every major parabolic rise there is a major crash, and vice versa,” he wrote.

“You don't get unhinged greed and euphoria (and the vertical price appreciation that comes with it) without an equal and opposite reaction when that euphoria peaks.”

Credible Crypto referenced another post by trader and YouTuber TXMC Trades, who earlier told readers not to trust in ETF inflows propelling Bitcoin higher ad infinitum.

While I do think that we are on an aggressive path to new all time highs at the moment, the tweet below is important to cement into your mind- as there will be a point in the relatively near future when a major crash/correction will be deemed "impossible" because we "are in a new…

— CrediBULL Crypto (@CredibleCrypto) February 14, 2024

Others also maintain an air of caution over BTC price strength. For Michaël van de Poppe, founder and CEO of MN Trading, the market is already “slightly overheated.”

“I wouldn't be unhappy if we got a slight correction to return to reality,” he concluded on the day.

The inflow in the ETF is great for #Bitcoin. However, it's not the sole argument for the markets to move. If I look at this clean chart, it suggests that we're:- Super bullish.- Slightly overheated.I wouldn't be unhappy if we got a slight correction to return to reality.

— Michaël van de Poppe (@CryptoMichNL) February 15, 2024

This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.
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