Binance Square
Viss saturs
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Musk X Empire: 6. oktobris Daily Combo, Riddle un Rebus X Empire, agrāk Musk Empire, ir augoša spēle, lai nopelnītu vietnē Telegram, kas ir savaldzinājusi mērķtiecīgu kopienu, apvienojot ikdienas izaicinājumus un simbolisku atlīdzību. Spēles pamatā ir izsmalcināta mehānika, piemēram, ikdienas uzdevumi, akciju likmes un saistošas ​​mīklas, piemēram, mīklas un pārdomas. @Square-Creator-252bce4ebdf5 @Binance_Academy @Square-Creator-6149f56923f7 #ellonmusk #WeAreAllSatoshi X Empire integrējas ar TON Blockchain, ļaujot spēlētājiem nopelnīt spēles žetonus, kurus var izpirkt, izmantojot NFT kuponus. Šie kuponi ir pieejami pirmspārdošanas tirdzniecībai Getgems tirgū, piedāvājot agrīnu piekļuvi spēles vietējam marķierim X ar kopējo piedāvājumu 690 miljardu apmērā. Spēlētāju balvas ir saistītas ar progresu, tostarp varoņu līmeņiem, sasniegumiem un draugu uzaicināšanu
Musk X Empire: 6. oktobris Daily Combo, Riddle un Rebus
X Empire, agrāk Musk Empire, ir augoša spēle, lai nopelnītu vietnē Telegram, kas ir savaldzinājusi mērķtiecīgu kopienu, apvienojot ikdienas izaicinājumus un simbolisku atlīdzību. Spēles pamatā ir izsmalcināta mehānika, piemēram, ikdienas uzdevumi, akciju likmes un saistošas ​​mīklas, piemēram, mīklas un pārdomas.
@EH_LA @Binance Academy @palistan 804 #ellonmusk #WeAreAllSatoshi
X Empire integrējas ar TON Blockchain, ļaujot spēlētājiem nopelnīt spēles žetonus, kurus var izpirkt, izmantojot NFT kuponus. Šie kuponi ir pieejami pirmspārdošanas tirdzniecībai Getgems tirgū, piedāvājot agrīnu piekļuvi spēles vietējam marķierim X ar kopējo piedāvājumu 690 miljardu apmērā. Spēlētāju balvas ir saistītas ar progresu, tostarp varoņu līmeņiem, sasniegumiem un draugu uzaicināšanu
Skatīt oriģinālu
: Binance noliedz palestīniešu līdzekļu arestu pēc Izraēlas pieprasījuma ziņu atjauninājuma #freepalistine 🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇼🇰🇼🇰 🇰🇼 Binance ir stingri noraidījusi apsūdzības, ka tā pēc Izraēlas varas iestāžu lūguma iesaldējusi palestīniešu klientu līdzekļus. Apsūdzības nāca no Noones izpilddirektora Reja Jusefa, kurš apgalvoja, ka vairāki palestīniešu konti tika iesaldēti Izraēlas direktīvas dēļ. Binance izpilddirektors Ričards Tengs atspēkoja šos apgalvojumus, norādot, ka tie ir nepamatoti, un uzsverot platformas apņemšanos aizsargāt visus lietotāju līdzekļus neatkarīgi no viņu atrašanās vietas. Tengs atkārtoti apstiprināja, ka Binance nav saņēmusi nekādus šādus pieprasījumus no Izraēlas, un uzsvēra, ka uzņēmums uztur ciešu sadarbību ar regulatoriem, lai nodrošinātu atbilstību, neapdraudot lietotāju uzticību. $BTC #WeAreAllSatoshi @Square-Creator-6149f56923f7 $BIFI {spot}(BTCUSDT) $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) Strīdi ir atkārtoti izraisījuši bažas par centralizētu platformu izmantošanu digitālo līdzekļu glabāšanai, īpaši politiski jutīgos reģionos. Lai gan Binance atzina savu lomu starptautisko sankciju ievērošanā un terorisma finansēšanas apkarošanā, tā skaidri norādīja, ka tā nerīkojas saskaņā ar direktīvām, kas varētu netaisnīgi vērsties pret noteiktām iedzīvotāju grupām, ja vien to nenosaka globālie tiesiskie regulējumi. Cointribune
: Binance noliedz palestīniešu līdzekļu arestu pēc Izraēlas pieprasījuma ziņu atjauninājuma #freepalistine
🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇼🇰🇼🇰 🇰🇼
Binance ir stingri noraidījusi apsūdzības, ka tā pēc Izraēlas varas iestāžu lūguma iesaldējusi palestīniešu klientu līdzekļus. Apsūdzības nāca no Noones izpilddirektora Reja Jusefa, kurš apgalvoja, ka vairāki palestīniešu konti tika iesaldēti Izraēlas direktīvas dēļ. Binance izpilddirektors Ričards Tengs atspēkoja šos apgalvojumus, norādot, ka tie ir nepamatoti, un uzsverot platformas apņemšanos aizsargāt visus lietotāju līdzekļus neatkarīgi no viņu atrašanās vietas. Tengs atkārtoti apstiprināja, ka Binance nav saņēmusi nekādus šādus pieprasījumus no Izraēlas, un uzsvēra, ka uzņēmums uztur ciešu sadarbību ar regulatoriem, lai nodrošinātu atbilstību, neapdraudot lietotāju uzticību.
$BTC #WeAreAllSatoshi @palistan 804 $BIFI

Strīdi ir atkārtoti izraisījuši bažas par centralizētu platformu izmantošanu digitālo līdzekļu glabāšanai, īpaši politiski jutīgos reģionos. Lai gan Binance atzina savu lomu starptautisko sankciju ievērošanā un terorisma finansēšanas apkarošanā, tā skaidri norādīja, ka tā nerīkojas saskaņā ar direktīvām, kas varētu netaisnīgi vērsties pret noteiktām iedzīvotāju grupām, ja vien to nenosaka globālie tiesiskie regulējumi.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Lerijs Finks, BlackRock izpilddirektors, ir uzrunāts ar Bitcoin. Viņa uzņēmums ir izveidojis iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT), kas ir kļuvis par visstraujāk augošo ETF vēsturē. BlackRock IBIT ETF pašlaik glabā aptuveni 17,1 miljardu dolāru vērtu Bitcoin. Lai gan pats Lerijs Finks nav atklājis nekādus personīgos Bitcoin turējumus, BlackRock pieaugošā iesaistīšanās Bitcoin atspoguļo uzņēmuma uzticību aktīvu klasei, jo īpaši ar viņu Bitcoin ETF, kas ir piesaistījis ievērojamu investoru interesi #laryfrank #WeAreAllSatoshi $BTC Pasaulē lielākā aktīvu pārvaldnieka izpilddirektors saka, ka Bitcoin neatšķiras no tā, ko zelts pārstāvēja tūkstošiem gadu. {spot}(BTCUSDT) #HBODocumentarySatoshiRevealed #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC
Lerijs Finks, BlackRock izpilddirektors, ir uzrunāts ar Bitcoin. Viņa uzņēmums ir izveidojis iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT), kas ir kļuvis par visstraujāk augošo ETF vēsturē. BlackRock IBIT ETF pašlaik glabā aptuveni 17,1 miljardu dolāru vērtu Bitcoin. Lai gan pats Lerijs Finks nav atklājis nekādus personīgos Bitcoin turējumus, BlackRock pieaugošā iesaistīšanās Bitcoin atspoguļo uzņēmuma uzticību aktīvu klasei, jo īpaši ar viņu Bitcoin ETF, kas ir piesaistījis ievērojamu investoru interesi #laryfrank #WeAreAllSatoshi
$BTC Pasaulē lielākā aktīvu pārvaldnieka izpilddirektors saka, ka Bitcoin neatšķiras no tā, ko zelts pārstāvēja tūkstošiem gadu.
#HBODocumentarySatoshiRevealed #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
BRĪDINĀJUMS PAR IZŅEMŠANU 🚨 Jaunākās ziņas! Binance ir paredzēts noņemt četrus tūlītējās tirdzniecības pārus kā daļu no tā 🚨 BRĪDINĀJUMS PAR IZŅEMŠANU 🚨 👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨‍️👁️👁 ️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️ Jā, tā ir taisnība, ka Binance ir paredzēts noņemt četrus tūlītējās tirdzniecības pārus. Pāri, kas tiek izņemti no saraksta, ietver ACE/FDUSD, FIL/BNB, OP/BNB un TRB/FDUSD, kas stājas spēkā 2024. gada 4. oktobrī plkst. 06:00 UTC. Šis lēmums ir daļa no Binance ikdienas tirgus kvalitātes novērtējuma, kura galvenais mērķis ir uzturēt augstas kvalitātes tirdzniecības vidi, likvidējot pārus ar zemu likviditāti un tirdzniecības apjomu ( Monētu skaļrunis Crypto2CommunitySvarīgi, lai gan šie konkrētie tirdzniecības pāri vairs nebūs pieejami, pamatā esošos marķierus (ACE, FIL, OP un TRB) joprojām var tirgot, izmantojot citus platformas pārus. Binance ir ieteikusi lietotājiem, kuri šiem pāriem izmanto tirdzniecības botus, rīkoties, jo robotprogrammatūra tiks atspējota kopā ar CryptoNews Crypto2Community izņemšanu. Šis solis atspoguļo Binance apņemšanos nodrošināt lietotājiem drošu un efektīvu tirdzniecības vidi. Lai iegūtu sīkāku informāciju, varat pārbaudīt paziņojumus Binance oficiālajā vietnē vai citos kriptovalūtas ziņu avotos. #SpotTrading.
BRĪDINĀJUMS PAR IZŅEMŠANU 🚨 Jaunākās ziņas! Binance ir paredzēts noņemt četrus tūlītējās tirdzniecības pārus kā daļu no tā
👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨‍️👁️👁 ️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️
Jā, tā ir taisnība, ka Binance ir paredzēts noņemt četrus tūlītējās tirdzniecības pārus. Pāri, kas tiek izņemti no saraksta, ietver ACE/FDUSD, FIL/BNB, OP/BNB un TRB/FDUSD, kas stājas spēkā 2024. gada 4. oktobrī plkst. 06:00 UTC. Šis lēmums ir daļa no Binance ikdienas tirgus kvalitātes novērtējuma, kura galvenais mērķis ir uzturēt augstas kvalitātes tirdzniecības vidi, likvidējot pārus ar zemu likviditāti un tirdzniecības apjomu (
Monētu skaļrunis
Crypto2CommunitySvarīgi, lai gan šie konkrētie tirdzniecības pāri vairs nebūs pieejami, pamatā esošos marķierus (ACE, FIL, OP un TRB) joprojām var tirgot, izmantojot citus platformas pārus. Binance ir ieteikusi lietotājiem, kuri šiem pāriem izmanto tirdzniecības botus, rīkoties, jo robotprogrammatūra tiks atspējota kopā ar CryptoNews Crypto2Community izņemšanu. Šis solis atspoguļo Binance apņemšanos nodrošināt lietotājiem drošu un efektīvu tirdzniecības vidi. Lai iegūtu sīkāku informāciju, varat pārbaudīt paziņojumus Binance oficiālajā vietnē vai citos kriptovalūtas ziņu avotos. #SpotTrading.
$BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) Satoshi Nakamoto is the pseudonymous person or group of people who created Bitcoin, the first decentralized cryptocurrency. Nakamoto published the Bitcoin white paper titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" in 2008, which described a digital currency system that operates without a central authority. In 2009, Nakamoto released the first version of the Bitcoin software and mined the first block, known as the Genesis Block or Block 0, which marked the beginning of the Bitcoin network. Satoshi Nakamoto is credited with inventing blockchain technology as part of Bitcoin, as the underlying mechanism to secure and record transactions in a decentralized ledger. The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto remains unknown, as Nakamoto disappeared from public involvement in Bitcoin around 2010. Many theories exist about who or what group Nakamoto might be, but nothing has been definitively proven. The term "Satoshi" is also used as a unit of Bitcoin, representing one hundred millionth of a Bitcoin (0.00000001 BTC), named in honor of the creator.#WeAreAllSatoshi #BinanceSquareFamily #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR
Satoshi Nakamoto is the pseudonymous person or group of people who created Bitcoin, the first decentralized cryptocurrency. Nakamoto published the Bitcoin white paper titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" in 2008, which described a digital currency system that operates without a central authority. In 2009, Nakamoto released the first version of the Bitcoin software and mined the first block, known as the Genesis Block or Block 0, which marked the beginning of the Bitcoin network.

Satoshi Nakamoto is credited with inventing blockchain technology as part of Bitcoin, as the underlying mechanism to secure and record transactions in a decentralized ledger.
The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto remains unknown, as Nakamoto disappeared from public involvement in Bitcoin around 2010. Many theories exist about who or what group Nakamoto might be, but nothing has been definitively proven. The term "Satoshi" is also used as a unit of Bitcoin, representing one hundred millionth of a Bitcoin (0.00000001 BTC), named in honor of the creator.#WeAreAllSatoshi #BinanceSquareFamily #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR
Skatīt oriģinālu
Investēt. 100% peļņa zaudē 0% $BTC $ETH 36165978681#bitcoin☀️ 5454713685559615110684#BinanceSquareFamily 352029897800065762, bet nav izdevies 3 drīzāk mēģiniet kļūt par vērtīgu cilvēku UZVARĒTĀJS IR SAPŅOTĀJS, KAS NEKAD PADOJAS. Ja vēlaties dzīvē virzīties uz priekšu, ir nepieciešams spert dažus soļus atpakaļ
Investēt. 100% peļņa zaudē 0%
$BTC $ETH 36165978681#bitcoin☀️ 5454713685559615110684#BinanceSquareFamily 352029897800065762, bet nav izdevies 3 drīzāk mēģiniet kļūt par vērtīgu cilvēku
Ja vēlaties dzīvē virzīties uz priekšu, ir nepieciešams spert dažus soļus atpakaļ
Frapped USDT (FUSDT) is a stablecoin designed to maintain a value close to $1, and it currently operates on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Here are some key points on how to use FUSDT: $USDC {future}(USDCUSDT) Acquisition: You can purchase FUSDT on various decentralized exchanges (DEXs) like SushiSwap. You may need to trade other cryptocurrencies (like BNB or BUSD) for FUSDT( Fantom (FTM) Blockchain Explorer Storage: Since FUSDT is an ERC-20 token, you will need a compatible wallet that supports BSC and ERC-20 tokens, such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet, or similar wallets. Using FUSDT: Once you have FUSDT, you can use it for various purposes, including: $ETH Trading: Use it as a trading pair on exchanges. Liquidity Provision: Provide liquidity on DEXs where FUSDT is paired with other tokens. This could earn you transaction fees. Staking and Yield Farming: Participate in DeFi protocols that allow you to stake or farm FUSDT for rewards. Transaction Fees: Be aware of transaction fees associated with using FUSDT on the BSC network, which are typically lower than those on Ethereum. $FDUSD {spot}(FDUSDUSDT) Smart Contract Interactions: FUSDT operates on smart contracts, so any transfers or interactions will be recorded on the blockchain, ensuring transparency
Frapped USDT (FUSDT) is a stablecoin designed to maintain a value close to $1, and it currently operates on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Here are some key points on
how to use FUSDT:
Acquisition: You can purchase FUSDT on various decentralized exchanges (DEXs) like SushiSwap. You may need to trade other cryptocurrencies (like BNB or BUSD) for FUSDT(
Fantom (FTM) Blockchain Explorer
Storage: Since FUSDT is an ERC-20 token, you will need a compatible wallet that supports BSC and ERC-20 tokens, such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet, or similar wallets.

Using FUSDT: Once you have FUSDT, you can use it for various purposes, including:
Trading: Use it as a trading pair on exchanges.
Liquidity Provision: Provide liquidity on DEXs where FUSDT is paired with other tokens. This could earn you transaction fees.
Staking and Yield Farming: Participate in DeFi protocols that allow you to stake or farm FUSDT for rewards.
Transaction Fees: Be aware of transaction fees associated with using FUSDT on the BSC network, which are typically lower than those on Ethereum.
Smart Contract Interactions: FUSDT operates on smart contracts, so any transfers or interactions will be recorded on the blockchain, ensuring transparency
Trump usa president next $MEME $BTC $ETH
Trump usa president next $MEME $BTC $ETH
Andrew Tete Daddy coin 🪙🪙🪙 Daddy Tate (DADDY) is worth $0.07903 today, which is a 0.8% decline from an hour ago and a 5.1% increase since yesterday. The value of DADDY today is 9.9% higher compared to its value 7 days ago. In the last 24 hours, the total volume of Daddy Tate traded was $3,289,441#DADDYToken $USDC $BTC #CATIonBinance #BinanceSquareFamily
Andrew Tete Daddy coin 🪙🪙🪙
Daddy Tate (DADDY) is worth $0.07903 today, which is a 0.8% decline from an hour ago and a 5.1% increase since yesterday. The value of DADDY today is 9.9% higher compared to its value 7 days ago. In the last 24 hours, the total volume of Daddy Tate traded was $3,289,441#DADDYToken $USDC $BTC #CATIonBinance #BinanceSquareFamily
Michael Saylor to Mario Nawfal Four new reasons why Bitcoin price will continue to climb Saylor explains why Bitcoin is the #1 growth asset over the past five, ten years, with stronger growth than the S&P 500 in the last 48 months. MicroStrategy CEO and prominent bitcoin maximalist Michael Saylor has said that the current surge in bitcoin's momentum is fueled by educational efforts from leaders like BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, who positions bitcoin as a safeguard against monetary debasement and global instability. Saylor spoke with Mario Nawfal and Roundtable CEO James Heckman, in a exclusive, five-part interview for TheStreet. He said that "BlackRock has been driving the education effort there," by educating the market about bitcoin's long-term value and helping mainstream investors gain a foothold into the nascent asset class.Everybody wants to get on the next Big Tech trend, so first of all, that’s driving it higher,” Saylor told TheStreet. “It’s the idea of gold from thousands of years ago, but its coming back with a Big Tech twist.” “It’s gold on a Big Tech network, with all the things we love about technology, mobile phones, the internet, computers, AI – smarter, faster, stronger,” Saylor also noted the Federal Reserve's pivot from tightening to loosening monetary policy last week has bolstered bitcoin's potential. “That’s good for all assets, but traditionally that’s even better for global digital capital like crypto assets.” He also mentioned the potential for large banks, like BNY Mellon, to begin custodying bitcoin: “The entire industry has been waiting for too-big-to-fail banks to start to custody the asset. You can imagine, if your bank wouldn’t let you hold Apple stock, or you couldn’t hold a bond, then probably those assets would be less valued, and so, bank custody is a big deal," Saylor said. {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Michael Saylor to Mario Nawfal
Four new reasons why Bitcoin price will continue to climb
Saylor explains why Bitcoin is the #1 growth asset over the past five, ten years, with stronger growth than the S&P 500 in the last 48 months.
MicroStrategy CEO and prominent bitcoin maximalist Michael Saylor has said that the current surge in bitcoin's momentum is fueled by educational efforts from leaders like BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, who positions bitcoin as a safeguard against monetary debasement and global instability.
Saylor spoke with Mario Nawfal and Roundtable CEO James Heckman, in a exclusive, five-part interview for TheStreet. He said that "BlackRock has been driving the education effort there," by educating the market about bitcoin's long-term value and helping mainstream investors gain a foothold into the nascent asset class.Everybody wants to get on the next Big Tech trend, so first of all, that’s driving it higher,” Saylor told TheStreet. “It’s the idea of gold from thousands of years ago, but its coming back with a Big Tech twist.”
“It’s gold on a Big Tech network, with all the things we love about technology, mobile phones, the internet, computers, AI – smarter, faster, stronger,” Saylor also noted the Federal Reserve's pivot from tightening to loosening monetary policy last week has bolstered bitcoin's potential. “That’s good for all assets, but traditionally that’s even better for global digital capital like crypto assets.” He also mentioned the potential for large banks, like BNY Mellon, to begin custodying bitcoin: “The entire industry has been waiting for too-big-to-fail banks to start to custody the asset. You can imagine, if your bank wouldn’t let you hold Apple stock, or you couldn’t hold a bond, then probably those assets would be less valued, and so, bank custody is a big deal," Saylor said.
3 Reasons to Buy BNB Coin Before Binance Founder CZ’s Release$BNB {future}(BNBUSDT) The BNB coin is experiencing a renewed recovery trend in future open interest. According to coinglass data, OI data has spiked from $460 Million to $589 Million— a 28% increase— within two weeks. @Binance_Academy Typically, the rising OI indicates growing market confidence as more traders participate in this asset, indicating more capital flowing into BNB futures contracts. BNB Futures Open Interest (USD) $BNB #NeiroOnBinance $BTC Binance Coin Price Hints Major Breakout from Reversal Pattern In the last three weeks, BNB coin showcased a sharp V-shaped recovery from $471 to $596, registering a 27% growth. A deeper analysis of the daily chart revealed this recovery assisted in the formation of a well-known reversal pattern called inverted head and shoulder
3 Reasons to Buy BNB Coin Before Binance Founder CZ’s Release$BNB
The BNB coin is experiencing a renewed recovery trend in future open interest. According to coinglass data, OI data has spiked from $460 Million to $589 Million— a 28% increase— within two weeks.
@Binance Academy
Typically, the rising OI indicates growing market confidence as more traders participate in this asset, indicating more capital flowing into BNB futures contracts.
BNB Futures Open Interest (USD)
$BNB #NeiroOnBinance $BTC
Binance Coin Price Hints Major Breakout from Reversal Pattern
In the last three weeks, BNB coin showcased a sharp V-shaped recovery from $471 to $596, registering a 27% growth. A deeper analysis of the daily chart revealed this recovery assisted in the formation of a well-known reversal pattern called inverted head and shoulder
Legendary trader John Bollinger has shared his insights on the current Bitcoin (BTC) price action, offering his analysis of the market's movements. Known for his creation of the Bollinger Bands, a widely used technical analysis tool, Bollinger's observations remain valued by the crypto community. Bollinger observes a W pattern forming on the weekly Bitcoin chart, marking a bullish setup. "Nice little W pattern on the weekly BTCUSD chart. I drew a regression channel to highlight the flag that is forming. Bullish setup, Awaiting confirmation," the Bollinger band creator wrote in a recent tweet. A "W" pattern marks a double bottom, often regarded as a bullish signal. A double bottom is formed following a single rounding bottom pattern which can also be the first sign of a potential reversal.$BTC #CATIonBinance #DODOEmpowersMemeIssuance #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC {future}(BTCUSDT)
Legendary trader John Bollinger has shared his insights on the current Bitcoin (BTC) price action, offering his analysis of the market's movements. Known for his creation of the Bollinger Bands, a widely used technical analysis tool, Bollinger's observations remain valued by the crypto community.

Bollinger observes a W pattern forming on the weekly Bitcoin chart, marking a bullish setup. "Nice little W pattern on the weekly BTCUSD chart. I drew a regression channel to highlight the flag that is forming. Bullish setup, Awaiting confirmation," the Bollinger band creator wrote in a recent tweet.
A "W" pattern marks a double bottom, often regarded as a bullish signal. A double bottom is formed following a single rounding bottom pattern which can also be the first sign of a potential reversal.$BTC #CATIonBinance #DODOEmpowersMemeIssuance #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC
Binance just launched the HMSTR (Hamster Kombat) Mega Campaign—your one stop shop for everything Hamster! 🐹🎮 #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR HMSTR Secret Airdrop : $30,000 in HMSTR Token Vouchers up for grabs! 🎁 #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR Here's how to get in on the action: 1. Log in to your Binance account. 2. Visit the HMSTR MEGA CAMPAIGN page. 3. Join the HMSTR Secret Airdrop promotion. Good Luck!#CATIonBinance
Binance just launched the HMSTR (Hamster Kombat) Mega Campaign—your one stop shop for everything Hamster! 🐹🎮
HMSTR Secret Airdrop : $30,000 in HMSTR Token Vouchers up for grabs! 🎁
Here's how to get in on the action:
1. Log in to your Binance account.
2. Visit the HMSTR MEGA CAMPAIGN page.
3. Join the HMSTR Secret Airdrop promotion.
Good Luck!#CATIonBinance
Satoshi-Era Bitcoin Wallet Activated After 14 Years According to data provided by Whale Alert, one of the most widely used crypto wallet tracking services, a Bitcoin address containing 50 BTC ($3.1 million at current prices) emerged from hibernation earlier today for the first time in more than 14 years. These coins date back all the way to the era of Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto (who was still active in the Bitcoin development community until late 2010). Nakamoto left their last message on the iconic Bitcointalk forum Dec. 13, 2010. The Bitcoin creator has a total of 534 messages on the Bitcointalk forum. July 2010 was his most active month with 146 posts. Even though such transactions are typically called "Satoshi-era" wallets, it is highly unlikely that these transfers are somehow related to the person behind the original cryptocurrency. The term simply implies that these coins date back to the distant period when Nakamoto was still active on the internet and Bitcoin was still in its nascency. $BTC $USDC {spot}(BTCUSDT) Of course, Satoshi-era Bitcoin transactions are quite rare given that Bitcoin was still obscure back in 2010. In fact, there was no dedicated mining hardware back then, and individuals could simply leverage their personal computers. However, it is worth noting that an abnormally high number of ancient Bitcoin wallets were activated this September. On Sept. 20, there were several extremely rare transfers from wallets that were created all the way back in 2009. Notably, the miner behind these transfers earned the miner reward less than a month following the creation of the genesis block. These transfers might actually be related to Satoshi or someone close to him.
Satoshi-Era Bitcoin Wallet Activated After 14 Years According to data provided by Whale Alert, one of the most widely used crypto wallet tracking services, a Bitcoin address containing 50 BTC ($3.1 million at current prices) emerged from hibernation earlier today for the first time in more than 14 years.

These coins date back all the way to the era of Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto (who was still active in the Bitcoin development community until late 2010). Nakamoto left their last message on the iconic Bitcointalk forum Dec. 13, 2010. The Bitcoin creator has a total of 534 messages on the Bitcointalk forum. July 2010 was his most active month with 146 posts.
Even though such transactions are typically called "Satoshi-era" wallets, it is highly unlikely that these transfers are somehow related to the person behind the original cryptocurrency. The term simply implies that these coins date back to the distant period when Nakamoto was still active on the internet and Bitcoin was still in its nascency.
Of course, Satoshi-era Bitcoin transactions are quite rare given that Bitcoin was still obscure back in 2010. In fact, there was no dedicated mining hardware back then, and individuals could simply leverage their personal computers. However, it is worth noting that an abnormally high number of ancient Bitcoin wallets were activated this September. On Sept. 20, there were several extremely rare transfers from wallets that were created all the way back in 2009. Notably, the miner behind these transfers earned the miner reward less than a month following the creation of the genesis block. These transfers might actually be related to Satoshi or someone close to him.
1. Bitcoin's Role as Digital Gold:Institutional Adoption: Major financial institutions continue adopting Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty.Store of Value: Bitcoin is increasingly seen as a store of value, similar to gold, due to its capped supply.Layer-2 Solutions: The growth of the Lightning Network for faster and cheaper transactions could be an interesting topic.2. Ethereum and the Future of Smart Contracts:Ethereum 2.0 and Beyond: Ethereum’s shift to proof-of-stake (PoS) has reduced its energy consumption, making it more eco-friendly and scalable.DeFi (Decentralized Finance): Ethereum is the backbone of DeFi, and its role in revolutionizing financial systems is a huge trend to cover.Layer-2 Scaling Solutions: With rollups like Optimism and zk-Rollups, Ethereum’s scalability is improving, which is key for mainstream adoption.3. NFTs, Web3, and Metaverse:NFT Market on Ethereum: Ethereum hosts the majority of NFTs, and their role in digital art, gaming, and intellectual property is growing.Web3 Integration: Ethereum’s decentralized web infrastructure can be another focus for the future of the internet.Metaverse Expansion: Blockchain technology will be crucial in developing decentralized virtual worlds, with Ethereum often being the platform of choice.4. Cross-Chain Solutions and Interoperability:Bridging Ethereum and Bitcoin: Solutions like Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) on Ethereum allow cross-chain functionality, which could be the key to blockchain interoperability in the future.Multi-chain Ecosystem: With other chains like BNB, Solana, and Avalanche gaining ground, covering Ethereum’s integration into this larger ecosystem would add depth to your content.#bitcoin☀️ $BTC $ETH $BNB #BitcoinTherapist #BinanceSquareFamily @Binance_Academy @Square-Creator-2e368785ac60 @Daisy_adamZz @eth_classic @Square-Creator-2e368785ac60
1. Bitcoin's Role as Digital Gold:Institutional Adoption: Major financial institutions continue adopting Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty.Store of Value: Bitcoin is increasingly seen as a store of value, similar to gold, due to its capped supply.Layer-2 Solutions: The growth of the Lightning Network for faster and cheaper transactions could be an interesting topic.2. Ethereum and the Future of Smart Contracts:Ethereum 2.0 and Beyond: Ethereum’s shift to proof-of-stake (PoS) has reduced its energy consumption, making it more eco-friendly and scalable.DeFi (Decentralized Finance): Ethereum is the backbone of DeFi, and its role in revolutionizing financial systems is a huge trend to cover.Layer-2 Scaling Solutions: With rollups like Optimism and zk-Rollups, Ethereum’s scalability is improving, which is key for mainstream adoption.3. NFTs, Web3, and Metaverse:NFT Market on Ethereum: Ethereum hosts the majority of NFTs, and their role in digital art, gaming, and intellectual property is growing.Web3 Integration: Ethereum’s decentralized web infrastructure can be another focus for the future of the internet.Metaverse Expansion: Blockchain technology will be crucial in developing decentralized virtual worlds, with Ethereum often being the platform of choice.4. Cross-Chain Solutions and Interoperability:Bridging Ethereum and Bitcoin: Solutions like Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) on Ethereum allow cross-chain functionality, which could be the key to blockchain interoperability in the future.Multi-chain Ecosystem: With other chains like BNB, Solana, and Avalanche gaining ground, covering Ethereum’s integration into this larger ecosystem would add depth to your content.#bitcoin☀️ $BTC $ETH $BNB #BitcoinTherapist #BinanceSquareFamily @Binance Academy @Binance Blog @Daisy_adamZz @Ethereum Classic @Binance Blog
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