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X mucaN
⚠️Brīdinājums visiem Airdrop Hunteriem 2024. gadā

Mans draugs tikko zaudēja vairāk nekā 8000 USD saistībā ar An Airdrop Scam

Lūdzu, neļaujiet sevi apkrāpt, medījot Airdrop In 2024

Lūdzu, labāk ir rezervēt savus USD 10 vai USD 23, nevis mijiedarboties Airdrop projektā un nozagt savus līdzekļus.

Mēs zinām un saprotam spiedienu, ko rada Airdrop iespēju palaišana, slikto sajūtu un nožēlu, ka jums vajadzēja sazināties agrāk un piedalīties, kad jums bija iespēja.

Sajūta, kas rodas, kad esat tiešsaistē un redzat komentārus un ziņas, kas patīk

"Es tikko saņēmu $ 320 no X Mucan Airdrop"

"Es saņēmu $ 2300 no Obioma bitcoin Airdrop"

“Es pieprasīju vairāk nekā 500 USD no X obioma Solana Airdrop

Mēs arī saprotam, ka daudzi cilvēki (tu un es) meklē Airdrops, lai nopelnītu atlīdzību, lai mēs varētu ieguldīt savos iecienītākos kriptovalūtu projektos.

Ja medījat Airdrop, lūdzu, iegādājieties atsevišķu maku, kas būtu paredzēts tikai Airdrop medībām, mijiedarbībai ar dapps un savienojuma izveidei ar Airdrop vietnēm.

Esiet piesardzīgs ar saitēm, kuras pieskaraties pakalpojumā Twitter/X , jo daudzas no tām ir krāpniecība, kuras mērķis ir piekļūt jūsu kontam un personas informācijai.

Nepieļaujiet šo kļūdu 2024. gadā

Lūdzu, neļaujiet krāpniekiem nozagt jūsu līdzekļus 2024. gadā

Esiet drošs un aktīvs

Draugs izmantoja savu galveno maku, lai pieprasītu Airdrop no vietnes, un process ietvēra jūsu maka pievienošanu un piekļuves piešķiršanu vietnei jūsu makam, dažas stundas pēc airdrop marķiera saņemšanas, kas tagad ir bezvērtīgs, viņa kontā notika daudz naudas izņemšanas. maku.

Viņš pazaudēja savu Solana monētu ($SOL )

Viņš pazaudēja savu Ripple ($XRP ) somu

Viņš pazaudēja savu Dogecoīnu ($DOGE )

Viņš pazaudēja dažus no saviem Bitcoins ($ BTC)

Tāpēc ir ļoti labi, ka mēs apzināmies, ka jūs varat arī zaudēt to mazo, kas jums ir, medījot Airdrop atlīdzības 2024. gadā, ja neesat piesardzīgs.

Patīk, seko @X mucaN un izglāb draugu jau šodien, daloties ar šo ziņu

#Write2Earn #BTC #xmucan
Skatīt oriģinālu
Es redzu iespējamu izsekošanu līdz 24900, sākot no sākuma, tas palielinās no 15 000, cerot, ka kļūdos, ja turpināsim pirkt 🫶
Es redzu iespējamu izsekošanu līdz 24900, sākot no sākuma, tas palielinās no 15 000, cerot, ka kļūdos, ja turpināsim pirkt 🫶
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kur ir viss Bitcoin
Kopējais #BTC piedāvājums ir 21 miljons, kur pieejamais piedāvājums ir aptuveni 19,60 miljoni, bet atlikušais vēl nav mans,Kur ir viss #Bitcoin?Starp ETF, fondiem, privātiem un valsts uzņēmumiem, valdībām un pat DeFi tas sasniedz tikai 2 170 327 BTC jeb ~ 10,33% no kopējā piedāvājuma.tātad 10,33% pieder slavenām iestādēm vai valdībām, bet pārējais piedāvājums ir privātpersonu, ko sauc par vaļiem, vai mazumtirgotāju vai mazo investoru rokās, piemēram, mēs,Tāpēc ir grūti kontrolēt kriptovalūtu vai īpaši Bitcoin nepastāvību,
Skatīt oriģinālu
BitEagle News
This guy was paid 32 Bitcoin to hold up this sign on a busy street in 2011 ✨


When Bitcoin  was trading at $0.30, exactly 13 years ago.

Everyone who listened is up 14,000,000% since 💫

Crypto PM
Šķiet, ka Satoši Nakamoto, pseidonīma persona vai cilvēku grupa, kas izstrādāja Bitcoin, ir atgriezusies dažas dienas pēc tam, kad kriptogrāfijas kopiena svinēja 15. gadadienu, pieminot Satoshi Nakamoto, kas ieguvis Bitcoin ģenēzes bloku. Kāds tikko pārsūtīja 27 BTC uz Satoši Nakamoto maka adresi


Satoši Nakamoto kļūst aktīvs

Vēsturisks darījums tika veikts 6. janvārī, kad kāds iegādājās 27 BTC no kriptovalūtu biržas Binance un nosūtīja tos uz Satoši Nakamoto maka adresi.


Ziņas izplatījās kā meža ugunsgrēks kriptogrāfijas kopienā, vairumam cilvēku gaidot Bitcoin tēva Satoši Nakamoto atgriešanos. Daži spekulē, vai tas patiesībā bija Satoshi, vai arī kāds tikko pārskaitīja 27 BTC vairāk nekā 1 miljona dolāru vērtībā, lai uzmanības centrā pievērstu Bitcoin ieviešanu un izaugsmi.

#BTC #ai #etf #XAI #tia
The greatest trap of 2024 🙄 but buy every dip is such a good thing #BTC
The greatest trap of 2024 🙄 but buy every dip is such a good thing #BTC
TOP SECRET: I’m in a lot of small caps, looking for the big 100X moves

But most of my portfolio is always in BTC/ETH/Stables

The profits I make go to these 3

If we get dips I deploy more stables

If my stables bag gets too big I buy Houses, Cars and Help People

Simple really 🥂
Nice bitcoin price is trending pretty cool today #BTC!💰
Nice bitcoin price is trending pretty cool today #BTC!💰
Ive learn from this trading is never fight against the wave but learn to anticipate when the wave is coming. #BTC!💰
Ive learn from this trading is never fight against the wave but learn to anticipate when the wave is coming. #BTC!💰
3 waves have been completed and we are close to two final showdown for the week. Until we meet the demand #bTC #not a perfect trader im just a typical trader.
3 waves have been completed and we are close to two final showdown for the week. Until we meet the demand #bTC

#not a perfect trader im just a typical trader.
Bitcoin is forming double top and will possibly meet 40600. What is ur thought?
Bitcoin is forming double top and will possibly meet 40600. What is ur thought?
Need a thoughts
Need a thoughts
Crypto Ahmet
🔥💥 What is BRC-20's crazy project Satoshi (SATS)?

What is the Difference Between Bitcoin and Satoshi (SATS)? Dec.
The main difference between Bitcoin and Satoshis is that BTC is the primary unit of account in the Bitcoin network, while Sats is the smallest unit of account in the Bitcoin network.Dec. One BTC is equal to 100,000,000 Satoshi (Sats). This means that one Satoshi is equivalent to 0.00000001 BTC.

How Does It Work?
To repeat, the 1000SATS coin is built on a blockchain specially designed to allow users to transfer small amounts of value. This blockchain has been optimized to support fast transactions and enable low-cost transfers. At the same time, mining and approval processes are also performed faster.

Another important feature of 1000SATS coin is that it is scalable. This means that the network will be able to handle more users and transactions. Thus, the risk of losing its performance as it gains popularity is minimized.

Potential Effects
Convenience in Micropayments: 1000SATS coin provides convenience to people in everyday life, as it is designed to be used for small purchases and payments. Users can pay micropayments more effectively thanks to low transaction fees and fast approval times.

Financial Inclusion: Being eligible for low-value payments also gives people in less financially developed regions the opportunity to take advantage of this technology. Thus, more people can be involved in financial systems.
Popularization of Blockchain Technology: Projects such as the 1000SATS coin can contribute to the reach of blockchain technology to a wider audience. Thanks to their user-friendly interface and low-cost transactions, people can use cryptocurrencies more easily and widely.
#SATS #BRC20 #cryptoahmet
Standby as long as u have your stoploss its ok
Standby as long as u have your stoploss its ok
Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu
$BTC facing panic Selling , Don't worry this will not affect more . All the markets also face some drops due to BTC Panic selling . BTC will reclaim 44k above and other markets also will reclaim . So don't worry and panic .

Thank you .
#BTC lets see what you can bring to the poor. Everything has its own risk. How do you take yours? The market is watching.
#BTC lets see what you can bring to the poor.

Everything has its own risk. How do you take yours? The market is watching.
🔥 Bitcoin History Repeats! Fractal Correctly Predicted Pump 🚨

Last week I made an analysis on BTC where I compared the current state of the market with two historical patterns. The pattern that I'm talking about is a bullish channel after a big pump that results in another big pump.

Seeing how the market historically behaved, I made the assumption that BTC would follow this fractal and break out of the channel in the near future.

One week later, and BTC has successfully broken out of the channel, as predicted by this fractal analysis.

As described in my analysis below, I'm currently looking at 48k as the next target. Seeing how these fractals historically behaved, 48k should be fairly easily reached?

Share your thoughts in the comments. Are we going straight up, or do you expect a correction?
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