Binance Square
Researcher| Analyst| Blogger| Critic| Investor| Blockchain Lover| Not Financial Advisor!
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BAB TOKEN KAS IR BAB TOKEN! BINANCE KONTA MĒRĶIS!!! Es turu vienu! VAI tu? KALTUVE IZMAKSAS TIKAI 1 USD! LASI TO ŠEIT! Binance Account Bound (BAB) marķieri ir to Binance lietotāju akreditācijas dati, kuri ir izturējuši KYC. Tā kā tas ir Soulbound Token (SBT) veids, tam ir trīs galvenās īpašības: Tas nav nododams, to nevar pārsūtīt no vienas adreses uz citu. Tas ir atsaucams. Izsniedzēji to var atsaukt. UID virknē vienlaikus var būt tikai viens BAB marķieris. Tālāk ir norādītas dažas darbības, ko varat darīt ar savu BAB pilnvaru.


Es turu vienu! VAI tu?


Binance Account Bound (BAB) marķieri ir to Binance lietotāju akreditācijas dati, kuri ir izturējuši KYC. Tā kā tas ir Soulbound Token (SBT) veids, tam ir trīs galvenās īpašības:

Tas nav nododams, to nevar pārsūtīt no vienas adreses uz citu.

Tas ir atsaucams. Izsniedzēji to var atsaukt.

UID virknē vienlaikus var būt tikai viens BAB marķieris.

Tālāk ir norādītas dažas darbības, ko varat darīt ar savu BAB pilnvaru.
Skatīt oriģinālu
AIRDROP BRĪDINĀJUMS✔ BINANCE WEB3 WALLET AIRDROP! Binance Web3 Wallet & StarryNift kopīgs pasākums! Izveidojiet MPC Binance Web3 maku (bez atslēgas maku) un izveidojiet savu pilsonības karti Izmantojiet manu ieteikuma kodu: "hKQ1mpbsYM", lai baudītu vairāk priekšrocību! IZMAKSAS: mazāk par 1 USD miljardu miljardu! Vienkārši izpildiet Twitter uzdevumu, iegūstiet pilsonības karti, balsojiet un iegūstiet ekskluzīvo binance web3 nozīmīti! Atlīdzība: SNIFT marķieri 1,15 miljonu vērtībā 2 nedēļas pēc pasākuma beigām! Nepalaidiet garām! ATSAUKSMES KODS:    hKQ1mpbsYM (Vienkārši kopējiet un ielīmējiet) #NFA#DYOR #BINANCEWEB3WALLET


Binance Web3 Wallet & StarryNift kopīgs pasākums! Izveidojiet MPC Binance Web3 maku (bez atslēgas maku) un izveidojiet savu pilsonības karti

Izmantojiet manu ieteikuma kodu: "hKQ1mpbsYM", lai baudītu vairāk priekšrocību!

IZMAKSAS: mazāk par 1 USD miljardu miljardu!

Vienkārši izpildiet Twitter uzdevumu, iegūstiet pilsonības karti, balsojiet un iegūstiet ekskluzīvo binance web3 nozīmīti!

Atlīdzība: SNIFT marķieri 1,15 miljonu vērtībā 2 nedēļas pēc pasākuma beigām!
Nepalaidiet garām!

(Vienkārši kopējiet un ielīmējiet)
Skatīt oriģinālu
Jauns Airdrop binance web3! Binance web3 maka un starrynift kopīgs pasākums! Izmaksas: mazāk nekā 1 usd miljardu miljardu vērtībā Veiciet Twitter uzdevumu, lai nopelnītu punktus un Izkalt savu pilsonības karti un binance web3 ekskluzīvo emblēmu! Atlīdzība pēc 2 nedēļām pēc pasākuma pabeigšanas!! Izmantojiet atsauces kodu, lai iegūtu papildu atlīdzību! Atsauces kods: hKQ1mpbsYM #NFA #DYOR #Binance web3
Jauns Airdrop binance web3!

Binance web3 maka un starrynift kopīgs pasākums!
Izmaksas: mazāk nekā 1 usd miljardu miljardu vērtībā

Veiciet Twitter uzdevumu, lai nopelnītu punktus un
Izkalt savu pilsonības karti un binance web3 ekskluzīvo emblēmu!
Atlīdzība pēc 2 nedēļām pēc pasākuma pabeigšanas!!
Izmantojiet atsauces kodu, lai iegūtu papildu atlīdzību!

Atsauces kods: hKQ1mpbsYM

#NFA #DYOR #Binance web3
Skatīt oriģinālu
RGT TOKEN AIRDROP ON BINANCE WEB3!! Pagarināts vēl uz 2 nedēļām! Atlikušas 16 dienas. Uzaicinājuma kods: R68MHK (kopēt un ielīmēt) Izmaksas: mazāk nekā 1 USDT opBNB vērta! Vienkārši nosūtiet minimālo nepieciešamo bnb daudzumu, izmantojot opbnb ķēdi no vietas maka uz web3 maku. Pabeidziet ikdienas reģistrēšanos, lai savāktu punktus! Izpildi arī uzdevumus revox objektīvā, lai iegūtu papildus punktus!!! Lai iegūtu papildu atlīdzības, vienkārši nokopējiet un ielīmējiet manu ielūguma kodu: R68MHK #NFA #DYOR #Binanceweb3 #Airdrop

Pagarināts vēl uz 2 nedēļām! Atlikušas 16 dienas.

Uzaicinājuma kods: R68MHK (kopēt un ielīmēt)

Izmaksas: mazāk nekā 1 USDT opBNB vērta!

Vienkārši nosūtiet minimālo nepieciešamo bnb daudzumu, izmantojot opbnb ķēdi no vietas maka uz web3 maku.

Pabeidziet ikdienas reģistrēšanos, lai savāktu punktus!

Izpildi arī uzdevumus revox objektīvā, lai iegūtu papildus punktus!!!

Lai iegūtu papildu atlīdzības, vienkārši nokopējiet un ielīmējiet manu ielūguma kodu: R68MHK

#NFA #DYOR #Binanceweb3 #Airdrop
Skatīt oriģinālu
Milzīgs žetons, kas atbloķē īpaši šīs 3 monētas!!! XAI..... 71,59% 09. JŪLIJS ALT..... 42,08% 25. JŪLIJS Un WLD monēta: 16.94M/DIENA uz 730 dienām!!! Tā ir pilnīga mūsu naudas iznīcināšana!! Viņi izsūknē cenu pirms atbloķēšanas, tāpēc es iziešu, ja varēšu gūt peļņu vai vismaz par manu vidējo pirkšanas cenu! #NFA #DYOR {spot}(XAIUSDT) {spot}(ALTUSDT) {spot}(WLDUSDT)
Milzīgs žetons, kas atbloķē īpaši šīs 3 monētas!!!
XAI..... 71,59% 09. JŪLIJS
ALT..... 42,08% 25. JŪLIJS

Un WLD monēta: 16.94M/DIENA uz 730 dienām!!!

Tā ir pilnīga mūsu naudas iznīcināšana!!
Viņi izsūknē cenu pirms atbloķēšanas, tāpēc es iziešu, ja varēšu gūt peļņu vai vismaz par manu vidējo pirkšanas cenu!
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ja jūs HODL, jūs nebūsit bagāts!!!! Vienkārši ņemiet peļņu un pārdodiet!! Ja u HODL, Ur monēta tiks vai nu pievienota uzraudzības atzīmei lielākajās biržās, iespējams, noņemta no lielākajām biržām vai projekta ērce pēc dažiem gadiem būs mirusi! Tāpēc labāk ir gūt peļņu un doties tālāk!! Ilgtermiņa turēšanas jēdziens vairs nav piemērojams!
Ja jūs HODL, jūs nebūsit bagāts!!!!

Vienkārši ņemiet peļņu un pārdodiet!!

Ja u HODL, Ur monēta tiks vai nu pievienota uzraudzības atzīmei lielākajās biržās, iespējams, noņemta no lielākajām biržām vai projekta ērce pēc dažiem gadiem būs mirusi!

Tāpēc labāk ir gūt peļņu un doties tālāk!!

Ilgtermiņa turēšanas jēdziens vairs nav piemērojams!
$MBL Binance is literally destroying every investor! FIRST by listing new coins at high prices almost every week! And now by moving coins to Monitoring tag!! 15 coins added to Monitoring tag in almost 1 month time!! THIS bull run is literally a disaster!! Don't think with current situation crypto is good for long term holding!! it ls becoming a bubble, getting bigger n bigger, ready to be burst at any time!!
$MBL Binance is literally destroying every investor!
FIRST by listing new coins at high prices almost every week! And now by moving coins to Monitoring tag!! 15 coins added to Monitoring tag in almost 1 month time!!
THIS bull run is literally a disaster!!
Don't think with current situation crypto is good for long term holding!! it ls becoming a bubble, getting bigger n bigger, ready to be burst at any time!!
$BNX when prices drop like this, coins dont recover for long time, they just keep going down n down! Better to take profit and buy back at a lower price! Rei, Cos ,Amp, High are just a few examples! #NFA #DYOR #BNX {spot}(BNXUSDT)
$BNX when prices drop like this, coins dont recover for long time, they just keep going down n down! Better to take profit and buy back at a lower price! Rei, Cos ,Amp, High are just a few examples!

$BNX is the new High. i just sold all my holdings. didnt sell at 1.5 when i could but i guess no use. still sold in 100% profit. if it pumps, no worry i still got my profit!! will buy again at 0.3 or when price stabilizes. will invest in a new coin for more profit!! #NFA #DYOR {spot}(BNXUSDT)
$BNX is the new High. i just sold all my holdings. didnt sell at 1.5 when i could but i guess no use. still sold in 100% profit. if it pumps, no worry i still got my profit!!
will buy again at 0.3 or when price stabilizes.
will invest in a new coin for more profit!!
RGT TOKEN airdrop on BINANCE WEB 3!! 7 Days remaining... Cost Less than 1 usdt worth of bnb on op bnb chain Just send bnb from spot wallet to web3 wallet using opbnb chain. Copy and paste invite code for additional points Invite Code: R68MHK Daily claim revox points! Also check revox lense for additional points and complete daily tasks their!!!! #RGT airdrop #Binance Web3 #NFA #DYOR
RGT TOKEN airdrop on BINANCE WEB 3!!
7 Days remaining...

Cost Less than 1 usdt worth of bnb on op bnb chain
Just send bnb from spot wallet to web3 wallet using opbnb chain.

Copy and paste invite code for additional points
Invite Code: R68MHK

Daily claim revox points!
Also check revox lense for additional points and complete daily tasks their!!!!

#RGT airdrop #Binance Web3 #NFA #DYOR
BTC Should pump now, otherwise if we drop below 60k, we ll enter in to a bear market lasting for months!! In My opinion, BTC ll Pump from this area!!! #NFA #DYOR {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT) {spot}(NEARUSDT)
BTC Should pump now, otherwise if we drop below 60k, we ll enter in to a bear market lasting for months!!
In My opinion, BTC ll Pump from this area!!!
Airdrop Oppertunity! On binance web3 wallet! Cost: Less than 1 USDT Worth of opBNB. Collect Revox points to Get RGT Token airdrop. How? 1. Open web3 wallet 2. Click on revox airdrop page 3. Use invite code: R68MHK 4. Complete social task 5. Daily Login to claim revox passes. Ends in 12 Days. #NFA #DYOR
Airdrop Oppertunity! On binance web3 wallet!

Cost: Less than 1 USDT Worth of opBNB.

Collect Revox points to Get RGT Token airdrop.

1. Open web3 wallet

2. Click on revox airdrop page

3. Use invite code: R68MHK

4. Complete social task

5. Daily Login to claim revox passes.

Ends in 12 Days.

Year 2024 for me So Far! 1. Every coin i am buying is making a new All time Low every day! 2. Every airdrop i am participating, i am losing more in gas fees than reward! 3. Every play to earn game, i am doing it the wrong way/ or i am late to join! 4. Every coin i skip, pumps!! #Bullrun #BTC #ALTS
Year 2024 for me So Far!

1. Every coin i am buying is making a new All time Low every day!

2. Every airdrop i am participating, i am losing more in gas fees than reward!

3. Every play to earn game, i am doing it the wrong way/ or i am late to join!

4. Every coin i skip, pumps!!

#Bullrun #BTC #ALTS
Copy Paste! Dont take it as a financial advise! Hash Ribbon, one of the most accurate indicator for bitcoin is about to print a buy signal soon!!! Indicator is in capitulation mode from past few weeks, and when capitulation ends, Buy signal follows, leading to a significant upside rally!! #NFA #DYOR #BTC
Copy Paste! Dont take it as a financial advise!

Hash Ribbon, one of the most accurate indicator for bitcoin is about to print a buy signal soon!!!
Indicator is in capitulation mode from past few weeks, and when capitulation ends, Buy signal follows, leading to a significant upside rally!!

Is Pi A scam? Will Pi Rise? An imp information for all the community who think Pi is a scam! Biggest strenght of any project is its community! And most Imp is believe of the community in a project. I have seen soo many Pi Lovers. The most interesting point is 90% of them dont even know ABC Of crypto but they are mining and buying Pi with the believe that it will be the next big thing. I know a few individuals personally, who are earning only a few usd per month and dont know much about cryptocurrency and have low educational level but they bought pi with their hard earned money. The level of believe of these investors in Pi is unbelievable!!!! I tried To explain to them that it mite be a scam but they don't listen. On basis of these analysis, i ll classify crypto investors in two groups! If Pi is not a scam and mainnet is launched, community remains strong, and with the level of trust and believe in Pi, i think It can create history! #NFA #DYOR
Is Pi A scam? Will Pi Rise?

An imp information for all the community who think Pi is a scam!

Biggest strenght of any project is its community! And most Imp is believe of the community in a project. I have seen soo many Pi Lovers. The most interesting point is 90% of them dont even know ABC Of crypto but they are mining and buying Pi with the believe that it will be the next big thing.

I know a few individuals personally, who are earning only a few usd per month and dont know much about cryptocurrency and have low educational level but they bought pi with their hard earned money. The level of believe of these investors in Pi is unbelievable!!!!

I tried To explain to them that it mite be a scam but they don't listen.

On basis of these analysis, i ll classify crypto investors in two groups!

If Pi is not a scam and mainnet is launched, community remains strong, and with the level of trust and believe in Pi, i think It can create history!

Earn revox points in binance web3 wallet for RGT token airdrop!! Invite Code: R68MHK
Earn revox points in binance web3 wallet for RGT token airdrop!!

Invite Code: R68MHK
This Bull Cycle, No Respect For Early Investors!!! No respect for holders!!!! Late comers mite profit more than early investors!!
This Bull Cycle, No Respect For Early Investors!!!
No respect for holders!!!! Late comers mite profit more than early investors!!
$GFT a humble request to binance! kindly delist this shit as i dnt want to c it in my portfolio anymore!! enough fake pump an dumps. THIS is pure garbage so no need for gft to be on this platform!!
$GFT a humble request to binance! kindly delist this shit as i dnt want to c it in my portfolio anymore!! enough fake pump an dumps. THIS is pure garbage so no need for gft to be on this platform!!
Whats going on in Crypto? Right now the total Market cap is 2.36T and it fell from 2.72T. But My portfolio is down to the level when the Total Market cap was 1.2T!! So Who is manipulating the market? THIS is clear Manipulation!!
Whats going on in Crypto? Right now the total Market cap is 2.36T and it fell from 2.72T. But My portfolio is down to the level when the Total Market cap was 1.2T!! So Who is manipulating the market?
THIS is clear Manipulation!!
Lesson learned!! This is my personal opinion and not a financial advise! I will avoid any kind of new listed coin on binance or other cexs as i am here for profit and not for providing exit liquidty to others/whales! Say No To New Listed Coins esp those with only 5 to 10% of tokens unlocked!!! Owners of these projects can unlock remaining Coins any time amd price will drop by 50 to 90% Right now i will completely avoid ZK And IO Coin!!! In ZK i ll take entry at 0.05 or below otherwise a big no as their or plenty of other projects in which i can take a safe entry!! In IO i ll take entry at 0.5 or below. #NFA #DYOR
Lesson learned!! This is my personal opinion and not a financial advise! I will avoid any kind of new listed coin on binance or other cexs as i am here for profit and not for providing exit liquidty to others/whales!

Say No To New Listed Coins esp those with only 5 to 10% of tokens unlocked!!!
Owners of these projects can unlock remaining Coins any time amd price will drop by 50 to 90%
Right now i will completely avoid ZK And IO Coin!!!

In ZK i ll take entry at 0.05 or below otherwise a big no as their or plenty of other projects in which i can take a safe entry!!
In IO i ll take entry at 0.5 or below.

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