Binance Square
self experience based analysis helps to understand the new and easy strategies for successful trades.
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#Write2Earn Jauka iespēja nopelnīt nepietiek, bet dibināšanas maksa 🤭😁👍 Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem Es sākšu rakstīt diezgan noderīgus padomus un trikus, kā tikt galā ar tirdzniecības apguvi. seko un dalies. paldies visiem.
Jauka iespēja nopelnīt
nepietiek, bet dibināšanas maksa 🤭😁👍
Sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem Es sākšu rakstīt diezgan noderīgus padomus un trikus, kā tikt galā ar tirdzniecības apguvi.
seko un dalies.
paldies visiem.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Lielam līmenim ir nepieciešams stabils atkārtots tests. Visi tirgus pamatprincipi saimniecības izskatā ir kārtībā... Kam tehniski ir jākāpj uz augšu...👍 Paldies
Lielam līmenim ir nepieciešams stabils atkārtots tests.
Visi tirgus pamatprincipi saimniecības izskatā ir kārtībā... Kam tehniski ir jākāpj uz augšu...👍
Es dalīšos ar $200 ar saviem 10 sekotājiem 🤝

Lūk, kā jūs varat uzvarēt.

👉 Pārpublicējiet / citējiet ar šo ziņu 👈
Uzmanīgi izlasiet un apspriediet šīs tēmas, lai iegūtu tiesības uz $200👇🏻

1. Izskaidrojiet vispārējās tirgus tendences
2. Kāpēc mēs bijām liecinieki lielam tirgus kritumam
3. Pievienojiet savu prognozi
4. kādu stratēģiju kāds var izmantot, lai novērstu šos tirgus apstākļus.

Šeit ir mans ieskats tirgū, lai jūs varētu gūt priekšstatu, kas jums ir jāpublicē:

1. attēls: Bitcoin dienas un nedēļas diagrammā nepārprotami bija zemāks, kas tehniski ir vājuma pazīme.
Kad cenas sāka kristies, mēs redzējām strauju labklājību, ko acīmredzami izraisīja gan pats tirgus vājums, gan arī daži makro pamati, ka Irāna uzbrūk Izraēlai, globālā lejupslīde un Japānas tirgus krahās.

Tirgus tendences (2. attēls)
ja redzat kopējo iknedēļas tendenci, es domāju, ka $BTC nedēļas cenā nekas nav mainījies, pamatojoties uz nedēļas diagrammu, joprojām ir augšupejoša tendence, ja vien mēs neredzam nedēļas noslēgumu zem 50 000 USD līmeņa.

Kā jau teicu, kamēr augstā laika grafika diagramma ir kāpjoša, ir godīgi sagaidīt, ka bitcoin turpinās virzīties uz augšu pretī jauniem maksimumiem. Galvenais turēšanas līmenis ir 50 000 USD

Kā jūs varat izvairīties no šiem pilieniem?

Tā kā šī virzība uz leju bija pamatā virzīta
Ja situācija ir tik slikta, diagrammas vismazāk darbosies.
Mazākais, ko varat darīt, ir vai nu gaidīt, kad situācija nokārtosies, vai arī pirkt, kad redzat tirgus kapitulāciju. (Liels solis uz leju)
jūs redzat, cik liela bija šī svece, un tā nokritās līdz galvenajam laika perioda līmenim un nodrošināja labu virzību uz augšu.

Pievienojieties sarunai tūlīt un dalieties savās atziņās, lai iegūtu iespēju laimēt!

🎈Šo ierakstu kopīgi sponsorē Binance Square.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Tirdzniecības padoms Nr.: 3 Kad jāiebrauc..? Labākā atbilde ir, kad tirgus šovs izlaužas bet jums ir jāredz arī citas lietas, jo dažreiz šie izlaušanās ir viltoti... tāpēc pievērsiet uzmanību . RSI . VOLUME . CENU IZSOLE . IZTURĪBA UN ATBALSTS Un Beidzot 24h maksimumi un kritumi Atcerieties šīs lietas savā prātā, kad vēlaties lietot kādu nokavēšanos In sha Allah viss ir kārtībā Ja BTC parāda uzvedību 🤭🤭🤭 #Write2Earn #ALT
Tirdzniecības padoms Nr.: 3

Kad jāiebrauc..?

Labākā atbilde ir, kad tirgus šovs izlaužas
bet jums ir jāredz arī citas lietas, jo dažreiz šie izlaušanās ir viltoti...

tāpēc pievērsiet uzmanību
Un Beidzot 24h maksimumi un kritumi

Atcerieties šīs lietas savā prātā, kad vēlaties lietot kādu nokavēšanos
In sha Allah viss ir kārtībā
Ja BTC parāda uzvedību 🤭🤭🤭

Skatīt oriģinālu
Jaunajiem Tirgotājiem Un tiem, kam ir mazs kapitāls tirdzniecībai.... Vispirms mācies, tad lec Sekojiet jaunumiem un kopīgojiet.. #Write2Earn #cryptomechanic
Jaunajiem Tirgotājiem Un tiem, kam ir mazs kapitāls tirdzniecībai....

Vispirms mācies, tad lec

Sekojiet jaunumiem un kopīgojiet..

Kā tirgoties ar 100–1000 USD tirdzniecības kontu
Es saprotu, ka tirdzniecība ar nelielu kapitālu var radīt savus izaicinājumus. Tomēr ar pareizo domāšanas veidu un stratēģijām jūs joprojām varat gūt panākumus tirdzniecības pasaulē. Šeit ir daži padomi, kā efektīvi tirgoties ar nelielu kapitālu1. Uzstādiet reālas cerībasIr ļoti svarīgi atzīt, ka jūsu peļņa var būt mazāka, salīdzinot ar tiem, kuriem ir lielāks kapitāls. Tāpēc uzstādiet reālus mērķus un izvairieties no pārāk ambicioza. Koncentrējieties uz stabilu, konsekventu izaugsmi, nevis gaidiet tūlītējus ieguvumus.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Visi turpina jautāt tirgotājiem bro, kad mums vajadzētu slēgt savu tirdzniecību, ja tas gūst peļņu vai tiek turēts ilgākā termiņā? Tik viegla atbilde Skatīties sveču stieņus...! kad atklājat, ka jaunā svece ir sarkana vai apgriezta tādā pašā līmenī kā iepriekšējā zaļā svece ( otrādi ) HTF (high time Frame), nekavējoties aizveriet tirdzniecību. Ja tas atkal kļuva zaļš, atveriet jaunu tarde jebkurā privātajā vietā, bet arī uzmanieties no cenas darbības. Labs līcis ☀️ #Write2Earn
Visi turpina jautāt tirgotājiem
bro, kad mums vajadzētu slēgt savu tirdzniecību, ja tas gūst peļņu vai tiek turēts ilgākā termiņā?

Tik viegla atbilde
Skatīties sveču stieņus...!

kad atklājat, ka jaunā svece ir sarkana vai apgriezta tādā pašā līmenī kā iepriekšējā zaļā svece ( otrādi ) HTF (high time Frame), nekavējoties aizveriet tirdzniecību.

Ja tas atkal kļuva zaļš, atveriet jaunu tarde jebkurā privātajā vietā, bet arī uzmanieties no cenas darbības.

Labs līcis ☀️
Skatīt oriģinālu
Visi turpina jautāt tirgotājiem bro, kad mums vajadzētu slēgt savu tirdzniecību, ja tas gūst peļņu vai tiek turēts ilgākā termiņā? Tik viegla atbilde Skatīties sveču stieņus...! kad atklājat, ka jaunā svece ir sarkana vai apgriezta tādā pašā līmenī kā iepriekšējā zaļā svece ( otrādi ) HTF (high time Frame), nekavējoties aizveriet tirdzniecību. Ja tas atkal kļuva zaļš, atveriet jaunu tarde jebkurā privātajā vietā, bet arī uzmanieties no cenas darbības. Labs līcis ☀️ #Write2Earn
Visi turpina jautāt tirgotājiem
bro, kad mums vajadzētu slēgt savu tirdzniecību, ja tas gūst peļņu vai tiek turēts ilgākā termiņā?

Tik viegla atbilde
Skatīties sveču stieņus...!

kad atklājat, ka jaunā svece ir sarkana vai apgriezta tādā pašā līmenī kā iepriekšējā zaļā svece ( otrādi ) HTF (high time Frame), nekavējoties aizveriet tirdzniecību.

Ja tas atkal kļuva zaļš, atveriet jaunu tarde jebkurā privātajā vietā, bet arī uzmanieties no cenas darbības.

Labs līcis ☀️
Aoa My first Trick to BIANANCE Trading is if you are new on any trading platform whatever its Binanace or any other use spot trading, stay away from futures or copy or margin . just use Spot as it don't let you liquidate. #Write2Earn
My first Trick to BIANANCE Trading is
if you are new on any trading platform
whatever its Binanace or any other use spot trading,
stay away from futures or copy or margin .
just use Spot as it don't let you liquidate.

بسم اللّٰہ الرحمٰن الرحیم As a Medical student I am eating all of my siblings right. I want to become successful as soon as possible so that i may support my career and to provides best returns to my family . so my #binancewish is i want to be a Responsible Son of my Father Whom he prouds @Square-Creator-d22450390 @Lionheart_Crypto
بسم اللّٰہ الرحمٰن الرحیم
As a Medical student I am eating all of my siblings right. I want to become successful as soon as possible so that i may support my career and to provides best returns to my family .
so my #binancewish is i want to be a Responsible Son of my Father Whom he prouds
@Crypto 007001004
Binance Square Official
Mēs dāvinām $ 150 000 USD BNB, lai īstenotu jūsu Ziemassvētku vēlmes 🎅

Seši no jums var laimēt katrs 25 000 $, un šādi:

🔸 Sekojiet mums @Binance_Square_Official vietnē Binance Square
🔸 Citējiet šo ziņu, dalieties savā vēlmē ar#BinanceWishun piemini savā ierakstā 2 draugus.

Mēs izvēlēsimies 6, lai laimētu visās mūsu platformās, un divi laimīgie tiks izvēlēti no Binance Square, tāpēc domājiet lielā mērā un esiet radošs!

Atrodiet T&C un sīkāku informāciju par to, kā pieteikties 👉🏻
BinanceWish Announcement
بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم As a Medical student ... i am eating all my siblings right...I hope i may become A good Trader Soon so i pray to Allah That HE makes me Successful in my career and I'm in crypto That i may return best To my Family and Parents .
بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم
As a Medical student ... i am eating all my siblings right...I hope i may become A good Trader Soon
so i pray to Allah That HE makes me Successful in my career and I'm in crypto
That i may return best To my Family and Parents .
Binance Square Official
Mēs dāvinām $ 150 000 USD BNB, lai īstenotu jūsu Ziemassvētku vēlmes 🎅

Seši no jums var laimēt katrs 25 000 $, un šādi:

🔸 Sekojiet mums @Binance_Square_Official vietnē Binance Square
🔸 Citējiet šo ziņu, dalieties savā vēlmē ar#BinanceWishun piemini savā ierakstā 2 draugus.

Mēs izvēlēsimies 6, lai laimētu visās mūsu platformās, un divi laimīgie tiks izvēlēti no Binance Square, tāpēc domājiet lielā mērā un esiet radošs!

Atrodiet T&C un sīkāku informāciju par to, kā pieteikties 👉🏻
BinanceWish Announcement
BELIEVE in you but not know what to wish but I am wishing New year brings good profit and More Learning Opportunities . Wish happy Christmas 🎁 Wish Happy Trading .
BELIEVE in you but not know what to wish
but I am wishing New year brings good profit and More Learning Opportunities .
Wish happy Christmas 🎁
Wish Happy Trading .
Do you want to win $25,000?

Here is how you can win it.

Binance is giving away $150,000 and 6 lucky winners will get $25,000 each

How to participate ?

It's very simple go to @Binance Square Official Page

- Read their post about the #BinanceWish

Quote it with a nice message

Tag your 2 friends ( You can tag me)

You're done now and i wish you a best of luck.

I hope one of my followers gets it.
KEEP EYE ON BOND And LOOM.. Cryptocurrency price predictions are inherently speculative and influenced by various factors, such as market demand, technological developments, regulatory changes, and investor sentiment. Loom Network (LOOM) and Bondly (BOND) are both cryptocurrencies that operate on the Ethereum blockchain. Loom Network aims to provide developers with tools to create scalable blockchain applications. Its price prediction depends on the adoption of its technology, developer interest, and the overall growth of the decentralized application (dApp) ecosystem. Similarly, Bondly focuses on creating decentralized and innovative financial products. Its price prediction is influenced by the success of its partnerships, the adoption of its platform, and the broader DeFi (Decentralized Finance) market trends. It's important to note that predicting the exact future price of any cryptocurrency is challenging and involves significant risk. Investors should conduct thorough research and consult with financial experts before making any investment decisions. Both these coins are in tope 10 of the Gainers but cant see the correct information about there price they may be dump any sec and may be pump from any candle . Correct information is not available ... just some experience traders are giving there beat to understand there trend... Loom coin have shown pump from the point where the perfect dump was expected and now its showing some if your are thinking to go with long tarde or short so wait ti breakout the resistance ... No one on the earth is 100% accurate and is 100% fals... BOND coin is at the top of list for last 3 days. and now it have crossed the 100% od its pump. why...? dont know... so just wait with the trend or go along with the trend do not fight with the trend if you are not professional or experienced trader. so at the last... stay safe ... make good profit ...have a look on your straight plan... don't be greedy ... Have Good-day 😇

Cryptocurrency price predictions are inherently speculative and influenced by various factors, such as market demand, technological developments, regulatory changes, and investor sentiment. Loom Network (LOOM) and Bondly (BOND) are both cryptocurrencies that operate on the Ethereum blockchain.

Loom Network aims to provide developers with tools to create scalable blockchain applications. Its price prediction depends on the adoption of its technology, developer interest, and the overall growth of the decentralized application (dApp) ecosystem. Similarly, Bondly focuses on creating decentralized and innovative financial products. Its price prediction is influenced by the success of its partnerships, the adoption of its platform, and the broader DeFi (Decentralized Finance) market trends.

It's important to note that predicting the exact future price of any cryptocurrency is challenging and involves significant risk. Investors should conduct thorough research and consult with financial experts before making any investment decisions.

Both these coins are in tope 10 of the Gainers but cant see the correct information about there price they may be dump any sec and may be pump from any candle . Correct information is not available ...
just some experience traders are giving there beat to understand there trend...

Loom coin have shown pump from the point where the perfect dump was expected and now its showing some if your are thinking to go with long tarde or short so wait ti breakout the resistance ...
No one on the earth is 100% accurate
and is 100% fals...

BOND coin is at the top of list for last 3 days.
and now it have crossed the 100% od its pump.
dont know... so just wait with the trend or go along with the trend
do not fight with the trend if you are not professional or experienced trader.

so at the last...
stay safe ... make good profit ...have a look on your straight plan... don't be greedy ...

Have Good-day 😇
GO AND KILL THE WHALES... Today i was about a 10% in loss about my whole capital ... but thanks to the crypto whales ... i recovered my whole loss just in 3 hours and its all because of whales ... Sometimes you have yiur luck in trading but mostly yiu face bad luck so dont worry . Trading is a blessing that depends upon you how you take it... as a blessing or as a disguise ... You have to be patient in trading.. as most of the time we are not ... as we see a green candle going up we jump onto it and on the another sec. it hit as at the face with a red candle with loss. so what you have to do is just be patient watch and then trade ... people like me who are in loss or not are making good profit began to trading signal 🚦 stay out of there range ... do your own analysis ... research the assist and then wait for your good entry . As a whole story ... just be patient... stay tuned and active ... don't get panic if you see loss or losses... dont be greedy... every green candle is not a profitable green candle ....
Today i was about a 10% in loss about my whole capital ...
but thanks to the crypto whales ...
i recovered my whole loss just in 3 hours and its all because of whales ...
Sometimes you have yiur luck in trading but mostly yiu face bad luck so dont worry .
Trading is a blessing that depends upon you how you take it...
as a blessing or as a disguise ...

You have to be patient in trading..
as most of the time we are not ...
as we see a green candle going up we jump onto it and on the another sec. it hit as at the face with a red candle with loss.
so what you have to do is
just be patient
watch and then trade ...
people like me who are in loss or not are making good profit began to trading signal 🚦
stay out of there range ...
do your own analysis ... research the assist and then wait for your good entry .

As a whole story ...
just be patient...
stay tuned and active ...
don't get panic if you see loss or losses...
dont be greedy...
every green candle is not a profitable green candle ....
Weekend Trading: Unlocking Opportunities and Flexibility. Weekend trading, once a niche practice, has become increasingly popular in financial markets. Traditionally, markets were confined to weekday hours, but the rise of online platforms and global exchanges has ushered in a new era of weekend trading, bringing with it a plethora of benefits for investors and traders alike. First and foremost, weekend trading offers unparalleled flexibility. In our fast-paced world, where time zones often dictate our schedules, the ability to trade during weekends bridges the gap for individuals with busy weekday commitments. This flexibility ensures that trading is accessible to a wider audience, empowering people from different corners of the globe to participate in the financial markets. Moreover, weekend trading allows investors to react swiftly to global events that might impact the market. Geopolitical developments, economic data releases, or corporate news don’t adhere to weekday schedules. By enabling trading during weekends, investors can make informed decisions . Additionally, weekend trading enhances market liquidity. With more participants engaging in trading activities, the market becomes more vibrant and responsive. Increased liquidity benefits traders by reducing spreads and transaction costs, making trading more cost-effective and efficient. Furthermore, weekend trading fosters continuous learning and skill development. As markets operate over the weekend, traders have more opportunities to refine their strategies, test new approaches, and gain valuable experience. This ongoing learning process is instrumental in honing trading skills and improving overall financial literacy. In conclusion, weekend trading brings adaptability, responsiveness, liquidity, and educational advantages to the world of finance. Embracing this trend opens the door to a more inclusive and dynamic trading environment, empowering individuals to explore and capitalize on diverse investment opportunities regardless of their weekday schedules.
Weekend Trading: Unlocking Opportunities and Flexibility.

Weekend trading, once a niche practice, has become increasingly popular in financial markets. Traditionally, markets were confined to weekday hours, but the rise of online platforms and global exchanges has ushered in a new era of weekend trading, bringing with it a plethora of benefits for investors and traders alike.

First and foremost, weekend trading offers unparalleled flexibility. In our fast-paced world, where time zones often dictate our schedules, the ability to trade during weekends bridges the gap for individuals with busy weekday commitments. This flexibility ensures that trading is accessible to a wider audience, empowering people from different corners of the globe to participate in the financial markets.

Moreover, weekend trading allows investors to react swiftly to global events that might impact the market. Geopolitical developments, economic data releases, or corporate news don’t adhere to weekday schedules. By enabling trading during weekends, investors can make informed decisions .

Additionally, weekend trading enhances market liquidity. With more participants engaging in trading activities, the market becomes more vibrant and responsive. Increased liquidity benefits traders by reducing spreads and transaction costs, making trading more cost-effective and efficient.

Furthermore, weekend trading fosters continuous learning and skill development. As markets operate over the weekend, traders have more opportunities to refine their strategies, test new approaches, and gain valuable experience. This ongoing learning process is instrumental in honing trading skills and improving overall financial literacy.

In conclusion, weekend trading brings adaptability, responsiveness, liquidity, and educational advantages to the world of finance. Embracing this trend opens the door to a more inclusive and dynamic trading environment, empowering individuals to explore and capitalize on diverse investment opportunities regardless of their weekday schedules.
As i started trading i have lost quite a little bit of my money but i have recovered my losses . You can't become rich overnight it takes time. so you have to give that. learn from the market ... have an eye upon market influence conditions like war, any social conflict , Bankruptcy or somehow Major share holder's action that can easily better to use the word specially may cause the Market to crash or Bumm... to the moon. So give a Big hand to our Whales 🐋 thay caused losses and Gains.
As i started trading i have lost quite a little bit of my money but i have recovered my losses .
You can't become rich overnight
it takes time.
so you have to give that.
learn from the market ...
have an eye upon market influence conditions like war, any social conflict , Bankruptcy or somehow Major share holder's action that can easily
better to use the word specially may cause the Market to crash or Bumm... to the moon.
So give a Big hand to our Whales 🐋 thay caused losses and Gains.
Binance: Empowering the Future of Finance Binance, founded in 2017 by Changpeng Zhao, has swiftly emerged as one of the world's leading cryptocurrency exchanges. With its headquarters in Malta and a global presence, Binance has revolutionized the way people trade digital assets. At its core, Binance offers a user-friendly platform that allows individuals to buy, sell, and trade a wide variety of cryptocurrencies. Its intuitive interface caters to both beginners and experienced traders, making it accessible to a diverse audience. Binance provides a secure environment for transactions, implementing advanced security protocols to safeguard users' funds. One of Binance's standout features is its vast array of supported cryptocurrencies. From popular ones like Bitcoin and Ethereum to a multitude of altcoins, users can explore a diverse range of investment opportunities. Moreover, Binance regularly adds new tokens, keeping the platform dynamic and aligned with the ever-changing crypto landscape.
Binance: Empowering the Future of Finance

Binance, founded in 2017 by Changpeng Zhao, has swiftly emerged as one of the world's leading cryptocurrency exchanges. With its headquarters in Malta and a global presence, Binance has revolutionized the way people trade digital assets.

At its core, Binance offers a user-friendly platform that allows individuals to buy, sell, and trade a wide variety of cryptocurrencies. Its intuitive interface caters to both beginners and experienced traders, making it accessible to a diverse audience. Binance provides a secure environment for transactions, implementing advanced security protocols to safeguard users' funds.

One of Binance's standout features is its vast array of supported cryptocurrencies. From popular ones like Bitcoin and Ethereum to a multitude of altcoins, users can explore a diverse range of investment opportunities. Moreover, Binance regularly adds new tokens, keeping the platform dynamic and aligned with the ever-changing crypto landscape.
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