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{spot}(ETHUSDT) #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions Laiks pārdot visus savus ETH? pēdējās pāris dienās jūs varējāt redzēt, ka eth nokrīt un liek jums uztraukties, jūs domājāt, ka ETH sāks raķeti pacelties, tiklīdz tas sāks darboties, bet notiek pretējais. Es ieteiktu vēl nezaudēt cerību, jo ir labākais laiks pirkt vairāk un uzkrāt, es arī pērku vairāk, jo šī varētu būt pēdējā iespēja pirms lielā rallija augšup Šī lejupslīdes tendence ir īslaicīga un, iespējams, turpināsies tikai augusta pirmajā nedēļā, pēc tam tirgus dinamika mainīsies. sekojiet man, lai iegūtu vairāk atjauninājumu. Komentējiet, ja jums ir kādi zaudējumi, tas palīdzēs jums stratēģiski atgūt zaudējumus.

Laiks pārdot visus savus ETH?

pēdējās pāris dienās jūs varējāt redzēt, ka eth nokrīt un liek jums uztraukties, jūs domājāt, ka ETH sāks raķeti pacelties, tiklīdz tas sāks darboties, bet notiek pretējais.

Es ieteiktu vēl nezaudēt cerību, jo ir labākais laiks pirkt vairāk un uzkrāt, es arī pērku vairāk, jo šī varētu būt pēdējā iespēja pirms lielā rallija augšup

Šī lejupslīdes tendence ir īslaicīga un, iespējams, turpināsies tikai augusta pirmajā nedēļā, pēc tam tirgus dinamika mainīsies.

sekojiet man, lai iegūtu vairāk atjauninājumu.
Komentējiet, ja jums ir kādi zaudējumi, tas palīdzēs jums stratēģiski atgūt zaudējumus.
Time to book $600 lose in a coin. In one of my previous post mentioned that i have earned $4700 from $FTT and will be reinvesting as well and did more than $2000 and i am here to let you know all that i am about to sell off all my FTT tokens at a lose of $600+ . Since FTX won't be rebooting therefore there is no point in taking a chance in a dead coin. Edit: I am posting this not because I am sad about the lose instead I want to let my subscribers know my position regarding my investment decisions
Time to book $600 lose in a coin.

In one of my previous post mentioned that i have earned $4700 from $FTT and will be reinvesting as well and did more than $2000 and i am here to let you know all that i am about to sell off all my FTT tokens at a lose of $600+ . Since FTX won't be rebooting therefore there is no point in taking a chance in a dead coin.

Edit: I am posting this not because I am sad about the lose instead I want to let my subscribers know my position regarding my investment decisions
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kāda ir nākamā monēta, ko es liku 2x–13x atgriešanai? Monēta, kuru es apspriedīšu ar jums, būs pretrunīga. Rakstot šo ziņu, es runāju par FTX FTT marķieri FTT marķiera cena ir USD 2,74, un tā var viegli pieskarties USD 6 atpakaļ, kā tas bija iepriekš pēc tam, kad SEC priekšsēdētājs Gerijs teica, ka viņi palīdzēs FTX atsāknēt, kas nozīmē, ka SEC ir vairāk sliecas ieviest FTX atpakaļ kā tirgus spēks. Šobrīd tirgus maksimālā vērtība, ja tā ir mazāka par 1 miljardu USD, bet tikai viena pozitīva ziņa var atgriezt cenu līdz USD 6 vai pat vairāk Esmu pārliecināts, ka tas ir tikai laika jautājums, vai šis marķieris, neskatoties uz tā slikto reputāciju, var pārsniegt USD 11. Pēdējo reizi, kad es nopirku FTT, maksāja 1,73 USD par 1500 USD, un tas pastāvēja tad, kad tas sasniedza USD 5,5, pārsniedzot 4700 USD. Daļu no šīs peļņas es atkal ieguldīšu atpakaļ, jo šī ir lieliska iespēja iegādāties preces ar atlaidēm. Tici vēršu skrējienam tu FOMO, jo kāpēc tu neriskēji agrāk vai ja kāds kaut ko teiktu, tad tu būtu rīkojies, ja joprojām domā, ka vari uzņemties lielu risku kā es, tad tu vari investēt ar zemu summu piemēram, 50 ASV dolāri, kurus var pārvērst par vairāk nekā 100 ASV dolāriem, kad cenas sasniedz 6 ASV dolārus. Mani nākamie peļņas punkti būs aptuveni 8,5 USD, 10,77 USD, 13 USD un 14,88 USD. tāpēc iedomājieties, ja jūs tagad ieguldījāt 50 ASV dolārus un tas sasniedz 14 ASV dolārus, tad jums būs vairāk nekā 250 ASV dolāru, kas ir 5 reizes viegla atdeve. Bet vienmēr DYOR #RiskSmartly
Kāda ir nākamā monēta, ko es liku 2x–13x atgriešanai?

Monēta, kuru es apspriedīšu ar jums, būs pretrunīga.

Rakstot šo ziņu, es runāju par FTX FTT marķieri FTT marķiera cena ir USD 2,74, un tā var viegli pieskarties USD 6 atpakaļ, kā tas bija iepriekš pēc tam, kad SEC priekšsēdētājs Gerijs teica, ka viņi palīdzēs FTX atsāknēt, kas nozīmē, ka SEC ir vairāk sliecas ieviest FTX atpakaļ kā tirgus spēks.

Šobrīd tirgus maksimālā vērtība, ja tā ir mazāka par 1 miljardu USD, bet tikai viena pozitīva ziņa var atgriezt cenu līdz USD 6 vai pat vairāk

Esmu pārliecināts, ka tas ir tikai laika jautājums, vai šis marķieris, neskatoties uz tā slikto reputāciju, var pārsniegt USD 11.

Pēdējo reizi, kad es nopirku FTT, maksāja 1,73 USD par 1500 USD, un tas pastāvēja tad, kad tas sasniedza USD 5,5, pārsniedzot 4700 USD.

Daļu no šīs peļņas es atkal ieguldīšu atpakaļ, jo šī ir lieliska iespēja iegādāties preces ar atlaidēm.

Tici vēršu skrējienam tu FOMO, jo kāpēc tu neriskēji agrāk vai ja kāds kaut ko teiktu, tad tu būtu rīkojies, ja joprojām domā, ka vari uzņemties lielu risku kā es, tad tu vari investēt ar zemu summu piemēram, 50 ASV dolāri, kurus var pārvērst par vairāk nekā 100 ASV dolāriem, kad cenas sasniedz 6 ASV dolārus.

Mani nākamie peļņas punkti būs aptuveni 8,5 USD, 10,77 USD, 13 USD un 14,88 USD.

tāpēc iedomājieties, ja jūs tagad ieguldījāt 50 ASV dolārus un tas sasniedz 14 ASV dolārus, tad jums būs vairāk nekā 250 ASV dolāru, kas ir 5 reizes viegla atdeve.

Bet vienmēr DYOR

Skatīt oriģinālu
Visvairāk vīlies par Binance rīcību. Binance apturēja mākslīgā intelekta marķiera izņemšanu, lai tas varētu būt par zemām cenām, savukārt citas biržas maksāja minimālo summu, kas reģistrēta kā augstākā cena. varat apskatīt vienlaikus uzņemto ekrānuzņēmumu #Launchpool #binance #binanceIsAFraud
Visvairāk vīlies par Binance rīcību.

Binance apturēja mākslīgā intelekta marķiera izņemšanu, lai tas varētu būt par zemām cenām, savukārt citas biržas maksāja minimālo summu, kas reģistrēta kā augstākā cena.

varat apskatīt vienlaikus uzņemto ekrānuzņēmumu

#Launchpool #binance #binanceIsAFraud
Skatīt oriģinālu
Apsveicam 🎉 ikvienu, kurš ir iekrājis $WING žetonus pēc tam, kad teicu paķert, jo šī monēta sāk celt augstumus Toreiz, kad es dalījos, lai to iegādātos, tas maksāja aptuveni 8–9 ASV dolārus, tagad tas sasniedza 13 ASV dolārus un turpinās to darīt. #WingToken #WING
Apsveicam 🎉 ikvienu, kurš ir iekrājis $WING žetonus pēc tam, kad teicu paķert, jo šī monēta sāk celt augstumus

Toreiz, kad es dalījos, lai to iegādātos, tas maksāja aptuveni 8–9 ASV dolārus, tagad tas sasniedza 13 ASV dolārus un turpinās to darīt.

XAI will be farmed for only 4 days just like ACE did super bullish on this
XAI will be farmed for only 4 days just like ACE did super bullish on this
Skatīt oriģinālu
Iepazīstinām ar Xai (XAI) pakalpojumā Binance Launchpool! Farm XAI, ko piedāvā Staking BNB, FDUSD un TUSD 2024-01-03 14:36 Binansiešu kolēģi, Binance ar prieku paziņo par 43. projektu Binance Launchpool — Xai (XAI), spēļu blokķēdē, kas izveidota uz Arbitrum kā tā pirmā L3. Tiek lēsts, ka tīmekļa lapa būs pieejama 24 stundu laikā pirms Launchpool sākuma. Lietotāji varēs ievietot savus BNB, FDUSD un TUSD atsevišķos fondos, lai četru dienu laikā audzētu XAI marķierus, un lauksaimniecība sākas no 2024. 01.05. plkst. 00:00 (UTC). Sarakstā Pēc tam Binance uzskaitīs XAI 2024-01-09 10:00 (UTC) un atklās tirdzniecību ar XAI/BTC, XAI/USDT, XAI/BNB, XAI/FDUSD, XAI/TUSD un XAI/TRY tirdzniecības pāriem. Sēklu tags tiks lietots XAI. XAI Launchpool informācija: Tokena nosaukums: Xai (XAI) Maksimālais marķiera piedāvājums: 2 500 000 000 XAI Launchpool Token Rewards: 75 000 000 XAI (3% no kopējā marķiera piedāvājuma) Sākotnējais apgrozībā esošais krājums: 277 118 150 XAI (~11,08% no kopējā marķiera piedāvājuma) Informācija par viedo līgumu: XAI Token (XAI) Likšanas noteikumi: nepieciešams KYC Stundu ierobežojums vienam lietotājam: 62 500 XAI BNB baseinā 7 812,5 XAI FDUSD baseinā 7812,5 XAI TUSD baseinā Atbalstītie baseini: Likme BNB (tīmekļa lapa būs pieejama aptuveni 24 stundu laikā): 60 000 000 XAI balvā (80%) Stake FDUSD (tīmekļa lapa būs pieejama aptuveni 24 stundu laikā): 7 500 000 XAI atlīdzībā (10%) Likmes TUSD (tīmekļa lapa būs pieejama aptuveni 24 stundu laikā): 7 500 000 XAI atlīdzībā (10%) Lauksaimniecības periods: 2024-01-05 00:00 (UTC) līdz 2024-01-08 23:59 (UTC). XAI lauksaimniecības izplatīšana Datumi (katru dienu no 00:00:00 līdz 23:59:59 UTC) Kopējās ikdienas atlīdzības (XAI) BNB Pool ikdienas balvas (XAI) FDUSD Pool ikdienas atlīdzības (XAI) TUSD Pool ikdienas balvas (XAI) 2024-01-05 - 2024-01-08 18 750 000 15 000 000 1 875 000 1 875 000 Lasiet par Xai (XAI) mūsu pētījuma ziņojumā šeit, kas būs pieejams 30 minūšu laikā pēc šī paziņojuma publicēšanas. Projekta saites Vietne: Baltā grāmata: X: Discord:
Iepazīstinām ar Xai (XAI) pakalpojumā Binance Launchpool! Farm XAI, ko piedāvā Staking BNB, FDUSD un TUSD
2024-01-03 14:36
Binansiešu kolēģi,

Binance ar prieku paziņo par 43. projektu Binance Launchpool — Xai (XAI), spēļu blokķēdē, kas izveidota uz Arbitrum kā tā pirmā L3. Tiek lēsts, ka tīmekļa lapa būs pieejama 24 stundu laikā pirms Launchpool sākuma.

Lietotāji varēs ievietot savus BNB, FDUSD un TUSD atsevišķos fondos, lai četru dienu laikā audzētu XAI marķierus, un lauksaimniecība sākas no 2024. 01.05. plkst. 00:00 (UTC).


Pēc tam Binance uzskaitīs XAI 2024-01-09 10:00 (UTC) un atklās tirdzniecību ar XAI/BTC, XAI/USDT, XAI/BNB, XAI/FDUSD, XAI/TUSD un XAI/TRY tirdzniecības pāriem. Sēklu tags tiks lietots XAI.

XAI Launchpool informācija:

Tokena nosaukums: Xai (XAI)

Maksimālais marķiera piedāvājums: 2 500 000 000 XAI

Launchpool Token Rewards: 75 000 000 XAI (3% no kopējā marķiera piedāvājuma)

Sākotnējais apgrozībā esošais krājums: 277 118 150 XAI (~11,08% no kopējā marķiera piedāvājuma)

Informācija par viedo līgumu: XAI Token (XAI)

Likšanas noteikumi: nepieciešams KYC

Stundu ierobežojums vienam lietotājam:

62 500 XAI BNB baseinā

7 812,5 XAI FDUSD baseinā

7812,5 XAI TUSD baseinā

Atbalstītie baseini:

Likme BNB (tīmekļa lapa būs pieejama aptuveni 24 stundu laikā): 60 000 000 XAI balvā (80%)

Stake FDUSD (tīmekļa lapa būs pieejama aptuveni 24 stundu laikā): 7 500 000 XAI atlīdzībā (10%)

Likmes TUSD (tīmekļa lapa būs pieejama aptuveni 24 stundu laikā): 7 500 000 XAI atlīdzībā (10%)

Lauksaimniecības periods: 2024-01-05 00:00 (UTC) līdz 2024-01-08 23:59 (UTC).

XAI lauksaimniecības izplatīšana

Datumi (katru dienu no 00:00:00 līdz 23:59:59 UTC)

Kopējās ikdienas atlīdzības (XAI)

BNB Pool ikdienas balvas (XAI)

FDUSD Pool ikdienas atlīdzības (XAI)

TUSD Pool ikdienas balvas (XAI)

2024-01-05 - 2024-01-08

18 750 000

15 000 000

1 875 000

1 875 000

Lasiet par Xai (XAI) mūsu pētījuma ziņojumā šeit, kas būs pieejams 30 minūšu laikā pēc šī paziņojuma publicēšanas.

Projekta saites


Baltā grāmata:


Can we expect a new launchpool project? #Launchpool since $SOL took back the position from $BNB is there gonna be a new project may be launched by binance 😅 just to take back the spot. I am 70% this time that won't be the case why you may ask , it's because this $BTC is PUMPING and we can expect BNB to maintain $300 mark even after massive sell off when AI token launchpool ends tomorrow. share your thoughts on it and do follow me to support me.
Can we expect a new launchpool project? #Launchpool

since $SOL took back the position from $BNB is there gonna be a new project may be launched by binance 😅 just to take back the spot.

I am 70% this time that won't be the case why you may ask , it's because this $BTC is PUMPING and we can expect BNB to maintain $300 mark even after massive sell off when AI token launchpool ends tomorrow.

share your thoughts on it and do follow me to support me.
Well Wing is on the ride crab it, before your regret another train I have posted an Article where I mentioned that $WING is all set for making a new high like what $TRB did I did bagged alot and super bullish on it as it fits the new narrative.
Well Wing is on the ride crab it, before your regret another train

I have posted an Article where I mentioned that $WING is all set for making a new high like what $TRB did
I did bagged alot and super bullish on it as it fits the new narrative.
TRB Just Blew Up! Did You Miss the Train? Buckle Up,Next TRB ?Whoa, nelly, hold onto those crypto hats! TRB just went ballistic, soaring past $600 and leaving a trail of FOMO in its wake. Remember when it was just a humble $7-$8 coin? Those early adopters are probably booking private jets to exotic islands right now, living their best crypto lives.But don't despair, fellow cryptonauts! The party's just getting started. History tends to rhyme in this wild world, and there's a buzz around a project that could follow in TRB's moon-bound footsteps.Enter WING.Yeah, I said it. WING. It's got some serious parallels with TRB that might make your crypto senses tingle. Let's break it down:Scarcity is the name of the game: WING's total supply is capped at 5 million coins. That's like a VIP lounge compared to projects with billions of tokens floating around. Think of it as owning a limited edition NFT, but for crypto.Touched the sky before: WING ain't no stranger to altitude. It's already waltzed past $400 and $200 multiple times, proving it's got the moves to make seasoned crypto veterans swoon.DeFi dreams, meet your match: The team behind WING is crafting tech that's gonna revolutionize the DeFi space. We're talking next-level stuff that could make your decentralized dreams a reality.But before you go all-in on WING, remember the golden rule: DYOR (Do Your Own Research)! This ain't about chasing hype trains, it's about spotting potential before it explodes onto the main stage. Think of those TRB visionaries who saw the magic brewing when it was still under the radar. They did their homework, believed in the project, and now they're probably sipping cocktails on their private islands.So, keep your eyes peeled, crypto explorers! The bull run might be gearing up for another round, and WING could be ready to spread its wings and take flight. Don't be the one left waving from the ground – get ready to soar with the WING squad!$TRB

TRB Just Blew Up! Did You Miss the Train? Buckle Up,Next TRB ?

Whoa, nelly, hold onto those crypto hats! TRB just went ballistic, soaring past $600 and leaving a trail of FOMO in its wake. Remember when it was just a humble $7-$8 coin? Those early adopters are probably booking private jets to exotic islands right now, living their best crypto lives.But don't despair, fellow cryptonauts! The party's just getting started. History tends to rhyme in this wild world, and there's a buzz around a project that could follow in TRB's moon-bound footsteps.Enter WING.Yeah, I said it. WING. It's got some serious parallels with TRB that might make your crypto senses tingle. Let's break it down:Scarcity is the name of the game: WING's total supply is capped at 5 million coins. That's like a VIP lounge compared to projects with billions of tokens floating around. Think of it as owning a limited edition NFT, but for crypto.Touched the sky before: WING ain't no stranger to altitude. It's already waltzed past $400 and $200 multiple times, proving it's got the moves to make seasoned crypto veterans swoon.DeFi dreams, meet your match: The team behind WING is crafting tech that's gonna revolutionize the DeFi space. We're talking next-level stuff that could make your decentralized dreams a reality.But before you go all-in on WING, remember the golden rule: DYOR (Do Your Own Research)! This ain't about chasing hype trains, it's about spotting potential before it explodes onto the main stage. Think of those TRB visionaries who saw the magic brewing when it was still under the radar. They did their homework, believed in the project, and now they're probably sipping cocktails on their private islands.So, keep your eyes peeled, crypto explorers! The bull run might be gearing up for another round, and WING could be ready to spread its wings and take flight. Don't be the one left waving from the ground – get ready to soar with the WING squad!$TRB
Expected initial for NFPrompt Token? From Private investors NFP gathered $6M at valuation of $60M so we can expect that initial coin price to start from $0.12 for the public and 1/4th of the total supply i.e.250M coins will be in circulation. So the max coin price I believe will not exceed $2 . But let see 🙈 what happens in the upcoming days. DYOR this is not a financial advice. $NFP #NFPrompt
Expected initial for NFPrompt Token?

From Private investors NFP gathered $6M at valuation of $60M so we can expect that initial coin price to start from $0.12 for the public and 1/4th of the total supply i.e.250M coins will be in circulation.

So the max coin price I believe will not exceed $2 .

But let see 🙈 what happens in the upcoming days.

DYOR this is not a financial advice.

$NFP #NFPrompt
Alpha 100x Gems
Keep Your Eyes Out For These 8 Upcoming Airdrops on Solana!
My followers and I made $10k+ from $JTO airdrop. Don't FOMO, cause next up are: → $MRGN → $DRIFT → $TENSOR + 5 other Solana Airdrops coming soon. It's not too late to join the party.
My top 8 picks + strategies:

In this article, I will introduce a few highly promising protocols that I'm currently farming, including some that I haven't mentioned before.

Kamino Finance → DeFi protocol that unifies lending, liquidity, and leverage into a single DeFi product suite. Today, Kamino teased the release of the points system. So, rest assured, you're not too late to start farming their token.

We don't have information on the what actions will yield the most points. My recommendation: Focus on lending and borrowing features until the official announcement is released.

MarginFi → decentralized lending protocol on Solana. MarginFi is the #2 priority for me.
Points system MarginFi accrues points for lending & borrowing. However, borrowers receive 4x the amount of points compared to lenders.

The strategy is simple → Supply $USDC or $SOL and borrow tokens. Plus, I'd recommend staking $SOL on MarginFi to receive their LST.

Drift Protocol → cross-margined perpetual futures protocol on Solana.
Strategy → deposit either $USDC or $SOL at → Generate as much volume as possible by trading perps. → Use other features: lending, swapping etc.

Tensor → NFT marketplace similar to Blur, but built on the Solana blockchain.
Points system Strategy → Set bids on high quality collections on Tensor Also a smart move is to buy and stake a Tensorian NFT.

Zeta Markets → DeFi futures and options platform, facilitating fast, liquid and permissionless trading.
Points system For every $1 in taker volume, your Z-Score increases by 1. Strategy → Trade and generate as much volume as possible.

Mayan Finance → cross-chain swap auction protocol using wormholecrypto tech, offering transfers from EVM chains to Solana. Strategy → Transfer tokens from any EVM chain to Solana. → Prioritize volume

MagicEden→ one of the largest NFT marketplaces, the biggest on Solana. It was originally launched exclusively on Solana. Strategy → Be active on the platform: trade, hold, and create NFTs. → Hold Magic Ticket → Complete daily quests

Phantom → the most widely used wallet on Solana. Strategy → Complete in-app quests → Make swaps within the app

That's all for now!
Why do you need to watch out for LTC now ? LTC is pretty much near it's next resistance of $76 mark if LTC manages to break it then we can expect it to rise to $83 to $88 marks. After LTC halving we didn't see the expected high as much as it was speculated. But looking at the charts it seems that LTC might surprise us soon. Most probably by the end of November or in the first week of December. $LTC
Why do you need to watch out for LTC now ?

LTC is pretty much near it's next resistance of $76 mark if LTC manages to break it then we can expect it to rise to $83 to $88 marks.

After LTC halving we didn't see the expected high as much as it was speculated. But looking at the charts it seems that LTC might surprise us soon.

Most probably by the end of November or in the first week of December.

#Solana📈🚀🌐 is literally is on fire 🔥 if it manages to cross $45 to $46 then resistance can be at $48 and from here on please be careful as the market can reverse from here. $SOL
#Solana📈🚀🌐 is literally is on fire 🔥

if it manages to cross $45 to $46 then resistance can be at $48 and from here on please be careful
as the market can reverse from here.

#sol : Another Key Resistance Level Ahead, Potential Price Drop Expected ? Solana has reached a key resistance level of $38.79, the same level it faced last year in November. Looking at the order book, it appears that bears are about to enter the market, which could lead to a price drop. However, if Solana can break through this resistance level, $40 could be the next target. There are a number of factors that could contribute to a further price increase for Solana. First, the overall cryptocurrency market is in a bullish trend, and Solana is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies among investors. Second, Solana is continuing to develop and improve its platform, which is attracting new users and developers. However, there are also some risks that could lead to a price decline for Solana. One risk is that the overall cryptocurrency market could experience a correction, which would likely lead to a sell-off in Solana and other cryptocurrencies. Overall, Solana is a high-risk, high-reward cryptocurrency. Investors should carefully consider their own investment goals and risk tolerance before investing in Solana. **Disclaimer: This is not financial advice.**
#sol : Another Key Resistance Level Ahead, Potential Price Drop Expected ?

Solana has reached a key resistance level of $38.79, the same level it faced last year in November. Looking at the order book, it appears that bears are about to enter the market, which could lead to a price drop. However, if Solana can break through this resistance level, $40 could be the next target.

There are a number of factors that could contribute to a further price increase for Solana. First, the overall cryptocurrency market is in a bullish trend, and Solana is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies among investors. Second, Solana is continuing to develop and improve its platform, which is attracting new users and developers.

However, there are also some risks that could lead to a price decline for Solana. One risk is that the overall cryptocurrency market could experience a correction, which would likely lead to a sell-off in Solana and other cryptocurrencies.

Overall, Solana is a high-risk, high-reward cryptocurrency. Investors should carefully consider their own investment goals and risk tolerance before investing in Solana.

**Disclaimer: This is not financial advice.**
Recently Loom Network started pumping for no reason, but after some digging found out the actual reason behind it . or at least a possible reason, as one can see the last pump of similar levels were only seen in 2019 after it didn't show such massive pump as it has shown recently, Atlassian is acquiring Loom for $975 Millions whereas in crypto we have the token Loom. ( which is 2 different entities but with a same name, possibly retail investors are confused 🤔 or is a trap from the whales ) Loom Token is part of Loom Network ( ) not the Loom company ( ) which is mainly focusing on video messaging. So eventually once this news loses its hype then there can be a big downward trend awaits. So personally i would avoid it at this stage in spot.( Not a financial advice , please do your own due diligence ) So let me know what you think can be a reason other than this for Loom pumping?
Recently Loom Network started pumping for no reason, but after some digging found out the actual reason behind it .

or at least a possible reason, as one can see the last pump of similar levels were only seen in 2019 after it didn't show such massive pump as it has shown recently, Atlassian is acquiring Loom for $975 Millions whereas in crypto we have the token Loom. ( which is 2 different entities but with a same name, possibly retail investors are confused 🤔 or is a trap from the whales )

Loom Token is part of Loom Network ( ) not the Loom company ( ) which is mainly focusing on video messaging.

So eventually once this news loses its hype then there can be a big downward trend awaits.

So personally i would avoid it at this stage in spot.( Not a financial advice , please do your own due diligence )

So let me know what you think can be a reason other than this for Loom pumping?
#LOOM liquidating the shorts

Well all i could do is give you a warning and i did. So many traders were shorting it blindly .

I hope my post helped atleast some of you and you didn't short.

Stay safe and don't fight with the trend. 🤝
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